#also i technically get how the shadow realm supposedly works but listen
cryptidofthekeys · 2 years
Totaka Setsude (Animatronic Duelist)
Since I’ve been hella into fnaf and yugioh again recently I decided lets make a combo oc based off both my interests and thus Totaka Setsude was born!! Here he be! I do have a story planned out for him I just gotta figure out like the smaller details n shit
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Mentions of Gore but its not that detailed
| Name: Totaka Setsude
| Nickname: Taka (Tot is one but he… hates that one)
| Gender: He/Him
| Age: Uhh well when he was in his body he’d be about either 14, 15, or 16 probably
| Height: When alive he was 5’4” now he’s 14ft
| Species/Race: Was human, now his soul kinda just possesses an animatronic
| Occupation: Just a dueling bot now tbh, hes p much stationed at Kaiba Land since uh well the robot Taka possessed was one of his. He doesn’t duel the public anymore but sometimes Kaiba will test his strength against the bot, so yeye-
| Main Deck: He was kinda forced to use the deck Kaiba gave the bots so he runs a Dragon themed deck when performing a duel, but he does have his own secret deck- He had always loved Pyro and Beasts, he doesn’t have a particular favorite tbh (doesn’t play much now tho unless forced, he kinda grew a strong hatred for games)
| Eye Color: Right eye is red (it’s literally just a socket with a red light glowing from it) left eye is a light Blue Color (his eye color when he was human was forest green)
| Hair Color: (when he was alive and a human p much) his hair was black, long n spiky
| Appearance: MOST of his body is pretty much just white except for his hands and feet which are dark gray (they used to be white too but uh those parts that covered up all the metal and wiring n shit like that fell off a long time ago), there is some paint that’s worn off on his arms, legs, face, etc- The white on his body- it's basically like a protective overcoat- it covers all the robotic parts inside- his fingers are basically pointy claws now without the layered parts to cover it up, Imma just say right now- this robot was BASICALLY supposed to be based on the Blue Eyes but it was far too dangerous, too many pointy bits and people getting hurt so they practically just, covered it up with some protective stuff.
You can still see what it was originally meant to be in all honesty, it has a long tail that’s been stripped of the original material covering it in favor of the white padding stuff, razor sharp teeth, etc- The bot has a LOT of wear and tear and honest to god it's a wonder it's still functioning but somehow the bot STILL continues to go on… If it wouldn’t be too suspicious- Totaka would honestly shred every bit of protective padding they put on this damn thing and it would look a WHOLE lot messier lemme tell you, there’d be SO many exposed wires, razor sharp metal sticking out, just BASICALLY its the fucking ENDOSKELETON- that’s what im trying to get at here- the original material was stripped off to put the padding on.
The endoskeleton does have bits where the wings CLEARLY were at one point, but now its just sharp and jagged metal poles jutting out to the sides, honestly the bot just looks hellish.
Even WITH most of the padding being on it still looks hellish- Just all in all, the blue eyes dragon animatronic is in bad shape, in fact the endoskeleton moves very janky like, VERY rigid movements but don’t let that fool you, it might look like the animatronic can move slowly but if he wants, he CAN and WILL chase you, he can be v e r y fast.
| Personality: I was going to include the backstory but… I decided because I'm trying too hard to outline it and figure it out right then and there when Totaka is a complicated character… With a complicated er story so to speak, so I’ll keep this short and simple as can be. Taka when he was alive was sweet, kind, friendly as could be, albeit a bit shy and introverted, he loved hanging out with his… Friends, or at least who he THOUGHT were his friends anyway heh, he would have never hurt a fly when he was alive! He loved games very much, card games, tabletops, board games, etc- Probs why he befriended mm a certain crew, but I’ll go into that in the fics I’ll be writing for Totaka.
Now however? I would like you to keep one thing in mind at the very least, this was l o n g after his soul was trapped inside the animatronic (he did love robotics too, robots/animatronics, stuff like that he was BIG into that sort of thing …the animatronic was not his though i want to at least clarify that) After being stuck in the animatronic for so long his mind essentially snapped, he’s now just aggressive, hostile, angry, mean, cold, etc- I could make a list of how awful he is now but deep down? He’s just a terrified kid, he’s broken at this point- Ever since that awful night, when H E put him into this hell he’s just got vengeance on his mind, revenge against his killer. And ya know at this point his hatred for him has also spread out toward his old friends as much as he tried to convince himself at first that it surely wasn’t their fault.
He’s REALLY fucked up mentally …And technically physically wise, the most I will spoil bc I want to clarify things- 1: His body was NOT stuffed into the animatronic and 2: His body was sent to The Shadow Realm BUT somehow his soul had escaped, leaving his body behind which by this point has been consumed by the shadows (it’s been MANY years after this, I’m going to say it rn without giving any spoilers away- this takes place in like Season 0 in THAT timeline and then continues on) his soul would’ve faded along with his body had he not escaped TSR when he did, and another thing during that time, after possessing the animatronic even then he could literally FEEL his body being eaten, slowly, day by day, week by week, month by month, year by year until it was FINALLY consumed entirely by the shadows.
| Side Facts: There was an incident at Kaiba Land one day, where the robot ‘malfunctioned’ and I’m gonna warn you, there will be a slight mention of gore below so keep that in mind!!
…Basically what happened was, this was the beginning of Taka’s descent, this wasn’t the point where he fully snapped but well you could say he DID snap lmao, he literally bit someone’s head off, I won’t say why just yet bc that’s a bit of a spoiler but after that Kaiba Land definitely well ya know had some issues, Kaiba had to clear it up, take the bot back to fix it, etc- That’s where the protective padding came into play even tho Seto fucking HATED doing that…
He hated having to cover up the Blue Eyes like that which is partially why the animatronic stopped getting proper care, bc to Kaiba? That thing was nothing more than a shell of its former self …Lmao he has no idea how true that statement is but either way, Kaiba of course released a statement saying the malfunction had been solved, clearing up rumors, scandals, etc bc ya know he’s a rich bastard and has the money to do so… Company released statements, etc etc- That’s a boring part- They had tried the animatronics one last time… …And well… You can imagine how that ended as well.
However it was at this point Taka was threatened with being decommissioned but for whatever reason Seto didn’t, he instead just threw the animatronic into the robotics room and now he’s kept there, the only time Taka EVER gets to see anyone anymore is when Seto comes to duel, Taka doesn’t like Kaiba, thinks he’s annoying, bossy, pushy… But, Taka refrains from attacking him bc if he did then he would most likely be decommissioned and he literally will NOT rest until he’s gotten his revenge, and I won’t say if Taka could or could not possess ANOTHER robot, I mean even if I said he could, TAKA doesn’t know that… For all Totaka knows, if the animatronic gets decommissioned then he’ll fade away forever, he won’t allow that, he won’t allow himself to fade nor will he allow himself to truly rest, his soul literally CAN’T rest right now.
Totaka doesn’t have enough closure to finally rest, and even when he does, thing is? Because his body has been consumed, if he does finally get his closure, finally lets himself rest, then he will simply fade into the afterlife, there is no going back, there is no him coming back to life… He will simply finally be at rest, and honestly? I’m not gonna lie- I think that’s literally the BEST thing that can happen for him, is him finally being able to rest easy, no more pain, fear, anger, etc- Just peaceful rest.
Taka’s voice box was only made for mimicking B.E sounds, the sounds of growling, snarling, huffing, and or the loud roar (sometimes Kaiba could swear he heard the roaring sounds of the robot, it sounded almost like it was in some kind of pain but tch he figured he was simply hearing things, that was all) he can’t talk at all (his voice box could easily be replaced with a talking one tho if he’d allow it but uh lmao good luck, nobody can get too close to him) which the voice box at this point just makes garbled and distorted noises, again, his body is VERY deteriorated that it’s a wonder the robot even functions anymore.
…But with Taka’s soul, he refuses to let the animatronic body give out, he won’t give up and rest until he completes his mission… Even if it takes centuries, a millennia or some shit like that, he WILL get his revenge on the one that did this to him, he swears it… Nobody will stand in his way if he ever sees that bastard again, not even KAIBA himself can stand in Taka’s way.
The room Taka stays in has been trashed p much, he has wrecked that room but Kaiba doesn’t give a shit these bots were never gonna be used for anything else ANYWAYS so it didn’t matter one way or another, there’s scratches, chunks torn out of things, etc- the room is a mess-
Taka can’t do much until night time because that’s when everyone is usually asleep so he makes all his moves then usually (Kaiba doesn’t monitor this room or anything around it, he literally could not give LESS of a fuck about the bots, only to test his strength with dueling and that’s it ...That and even despite what happened, he still has a love for the night, the moon and the stars, he’ll sometimes go out and sit on a hill, reaching up to the moon, overall just lamenting about the tragedy that took place) I forgot to mention when Setsude WAS alive he had a love for the night, always loved to stroll a bit late into the night …Bet that’s one night he wishes he would’ve just went straight home.
Taka is usually sitting down in the daytime, p much just sitting there, arms limp, head tilted down, just looked like he powered down but make no mistake, he’s never been powered down even yet… The possessed animatronic is always watching and listening in btw- I just felt like I should say that, but also in a secret area that Taka usually goes too, he’s buried a chest with some of the pictures he’s managed to obtain over time (don’t ask me how fkdfjdsldfs i couldn’t tell you just roll with it) but the photos contain him and his parents, their LITERALLY the only ones he doesn’t ever want to forget, there were pics of his former friends but those have all been shredded into pieces.
God there’s something I want to fucking include so bad but it’ll be SUCH a goddamn spoiler if I say who did this to him …So I’m going to try keeping this vague, I’m basing this on The Silver Eyes as well- (spoilers down below in case ya havent read and want to read the book lmao)
There’s a scene in the book where the animatronics see a certain someone and start freaking the fuck out, yeah if Taka sees H I M again he WILL freak the fuck out, it’ll almost be like he’s trying to get a w a y from that certain someone …Taka might want revenge against him but goddamn if he isn’t fucking terrified of him as well, but even then if Setsude gets his chance then he will hold NOTHING back.
Oh yeah one more sad thing to note, uh Taka’s parents btw? Yeah they are STILL looking for their son, even though it’s been years and years now and the case went cold long ago, they STILL continue to look for their precious Setsude… They keep holding onto hope, never losing it in the slightest bc they actually do believe that he’s out there somewhere …Well I suppose they ARE correct in a sense aren’t they? It’s probably just not in the way they would think heh.
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orsuliya · 4 years
Let it be known that I have fallen to the forces of Chaos. Which mean that after many, many years of relative sanity I decided to catch up with the recent developments in the Warhammer 40.000 universe.
Now, I loved that bloody, golden, full-of-skulls, grimdark thing once upon a time, but it did go a bit stale, what with the Corpse Emperor God Emperor of Mankind rotting on his golden throne, the Inquisition doing... inquisitiony things and the hero-planet of Cadia still standing against any odds. So I bailed. Okay, to be honest, I bailed but for one guilty pleasure, namely watching the glorious If The Emperor Had A Text-To-Speech Device series. Which so does not count!
And then I heard the Ultramarines chant once again and remembered all the glories of soup. (If you listen to it long enough and know Russian, you too shall be enlightened. For all non-Russian speakers, it really does sound as if the lyrics talk about cooking some amazing soup and then eating it. It’s... a thing.) Wait, I said to myself, they released a Roboute Guilliman figure, right? I saw that, not like you can miss it with it’s... very subtle aesthetics. And I sure saw an amazing figure of Magnus the Red (who, let it be known, didn’t betray anyone, oh, and Leman Russ is a bitch). So are the Primarchs back or something, I asked the Corpse Emperor God Emperor. There was no answer. So I went to do some research.
And once I did, I actually picked up a WH40K novel (or two). Again. And let me tell you, those are usually a dredge to get through. A very grimdark, testosterone-dripping, wordy, ridiculously epic dredge. *shudders* Some are readable. Some... are not.
Anyway, the ones I did pick up were the Dark Imperium series first two entries, because my beautiful Smurf Boy Roboute Guilliman is back and was there ever any other choice? Rhetoric question of course. If you are still reading and have no idea whom am I talking about, a quick recap:
Once upon a time there was a universe that was so ridiculously grimdark that it wasn’t even funny. Although sometimes it was grimdark in very funny ways. Humanity spread throughout the Galaxy, then got hit hard with Bad Things, mostly courtesy of themselves. Then an egotistical gold-loving Immortal Man With A Plan decided to unfuck the Galaxy. In order to do that he made - after some rather disastrous demo versions - an army of GMO-supersoldiers, using genetic material harvested from twenty vat-grown fetuses of super-superhumans. Those fetuses? His so-called sons, the Primarchs. Who got baby-napped by the powers of Chaos and thrown into space. Where they grew up into killing-machines, each one on a grimdark planet of his own, until Daddy Emperor picked them up and sent them a-crusading, that is a-conquering the Galaxy for Humankind. Never paid any child-support, the bastard. Anyway, they did... reasonably well with this whole Galaxy-conquering thing. And then things happened, which ended in half of the Primarchs going full Daemon, the other half fucking off in a non-constructive manner and into unknown direction, one of them becoming a sainted martyr and the Emperor becoming a skeleton and sitting on his Golden Throne for the next 10.000 years. Ah, no, sorry, one Primarch tried to put things into order, but the only thing he got as his reward was his Daemonic Bro’s sword to the neck... and spending the next 10.000 years as a bloody tourist attraction. And that was Roboute Guilliman, The Supposedly Boring And Weak One. Meanwhile, the Galaxy went to hell by the way of religious fanatics, xeno incursions and Chaos shenanigans.
After years of marinating it its own sauce the WH40K universe finally started to move. And move fast! The hero-planet of Cadia got smashed to pieces, Warp-rifts basically tore the galaxy... also to pieces and things got so bad that even the space elves decided to help. Which they actually did (!) by getting that tourist attraction of a Primarch off his non-golden throne by the way of technological fuckery and death magic. Accidentally they chose to revive the one Primarch who was actually good at state-building and logistics, and unlike most of his brothers was actually sane to start with. 
Well, now he’s still sane. And, which is rather new, deliciously bitchy. See, he returned to life, stood up from his bier-chair, massacred an entire army of Khornites by himself, went to talk to his Dead Emperor Dad, got hit in the face by Daddy Issues, massacred another army, got into a screaming match with his Evil Brother, forced useless supergolden supersoldiers to actually do something after 10k years on sitting on their asses, pulled some well-marinated super-supersoldiers from the basement of some creepy tech-person and went a-crusading. Only his version of a-crusading was suspiciously similar to taking a stroll with his closest buddies and stabilizing the realm. Only it took longer that six months in this case. 112 years long, to be precise. At the end of which he went back to his own his own province... in order to defend it from a Chaos incursion courtesy of the local Plague God and another Evil Brother.
That’s tough, buddy, one might say and they would be completely right. What gets me about this plotline is not the novelty of somebody actually doing some good on a galaxy-wide scale and being a decent person about it (which by local standards means not killing one’s own and choosing to actually heal the sick instead of bombing their planets from the orbit). I knew that would happen the moment I saw which Primarch got revived. What gets me is how internally bitchy the guy gets about it, although in a rather stoic way. And I don’t blame him. If I was a part of a group project, did about half of the work by myself, saw that project implode by no fault of my own, then managed to salvage some of it, then chose to sacrifice myself to save that small salvaged scrap, hoping that everything would turn out okay once the new team took over... and then woke up to find that project utterly fucked in ways thay I could have never imagined with myself being the only competent project manager around, I would be bitchy too.
Not to mention that poor guy has to deal with 24/7 physical pain as well as the realization that Big Emperor Daddy never loved any of his sons, only seeing them as tools and only allowing them to believe in this whole family bullshit for his own gain. Big Daddy told him so mind-to-mind. Yay.
Also, people are now insisting that Big Daddy is God Daddy and he himself is the Son of God. Something he would very much like to keep denying, but he can’t, because the whole bloody Empire he’s so desperately trying to save is now powered by a fanatical horror of a religion, one dangerously prone to mass-murder and causing planetary exctinction events. And they are thiiiiis close to calling him a heretic, despite technically being the Son of God.
Oh, and apparently technology went backwards. Backwards and sideways! So bloody sideways that it’s a matter of course to have flying loudspeakers shaped like golden cherubs... made using baby corpses. As in corpses of actual babies. Tasteless and not even well-crafted, ugh. The architecture is pretty unrecognizable too with all the unnecessary things piled on top of other unnecessary things.
You’d think that that was enough, right? Yeah, no. The guy also hasn’t properly slept in 112 years! Which, okay, GMO-demigod, but still.
Kill me now, but I enjoyed Dark Imperium. A lot. More than I remember ever enjoying a WH40K novel, which is curious, since this one is still a wordy awkward dredge, even if a rather lovely one, and my taste should have drastically improved since the times of old. I guess the next one for me is going to be The Regent’s Shadow. You see, I would really like to see the batshit insane oligarchs of Terra try to pull one on a guy who got into non-bloody empire-building at fourteen. Boring he may be, stupid he is not.
Wrapping this rather random rant up - I do think that the 8th and 9th editions of Warhammer 40.000 (2017 and 2020) were a breath of fresh air, at least lore-wise. Will have to do some research as to how the actual rules might have changed, but it really doesn’t matter since I was always more of a lore-gal anyway. It’s also, I think, a great moment to actually get into this thing, since there is a dynamic, galaxy-scale, linear plotline to follow. Which, let me tell you, is not something that happens all that often. But please, please, please don’t get into this thing!
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