#im taking my own spin on this- its fun to let loose
cryptidofthekeys · 2 years
Totaka Setsude (Animatronic Duelist)
Since I’ve been hella into fnaf and yugioh again recently I decided lets make a combo oc based off both my interests and thus Totaka Setsude was born!! Here he be! I do have a story planned out for him I just gotta figure out like the smaller details n shit
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Mentions of Gore but its not that detailed
| Name: Totaka Setsude
| Nickname: Taka (Tot is one but he… hates that one)
| Gender: He/Him
| Age: Uhh well when he was in his body he’d be about either 14, 15, or 16 probably
| Height: When alive he was 5’4” now he’s 14ft
| Species/Race: Was human, now his soul kinda just possesses an animatronic
| Occupation: Just a dueling bot now tbh, hes p much stationed at Kaiba Land since uh well the robot Taka possessed was one of his. He doesn’t duel the public anymore but sometimes Kaiba will test his strength against the bot, so yeye-
| Main Deck: He was kinda forced to use the deck Kaiba gave the bots so he runs a Dragon themed deck when performing a duel, but he does have his own secret deck- He had always loved Pyro and Beasts, he doesn’t have a particular favorite tbh (doesn’t play much now tho unless forced, he kinda grew a strong hatred for games)
| Eye Color: Right eye is red (it’s literally just a socket with a red light glowing from it) left eye is a light Blue Color (his eye color when he was human was forest green)
| Hair Color: (when he was alive and a human p much) his hair was black, long n spiky
| Appearance: MOST of his body is pretty much just white except for his hands and feet which are dark gray (they used to be white too but uh those parts that covered up all the metal and wiring n shit like that fell off a long time ago), there is some paint that’s worn off on his arms, legs, face, etc- The white on his body- it's basically like a protective overcoat- it covers all the robotic parts inside- his fingers are basically pointy claws now without the layered parts to cover it up, Imma just say right now- this robot was BASICALLY supposed to be based on the Blue Eyes but it was far too dangerous, too many pointy bits and people getting hurt so they practically just, covered it up with some protective stuff.
You can still see what it was originally meant to be in all honesty, it has a long tail that’s been stripped of the original material covering it in favor of the white padding stuff, razor sharp teeth, etc- The bot has a LOT of wear and tear and honest to god it's a wonder it's still functioning but somehow the bot STILL continues to go on… If it wouldn’t be too suspicious- Totaka would honestly shred every bit of protective padding they put on this damn thing and it would look a WHOLE lot messier lemme tell you, there’d be SO many exposed wires, razor sharp metal sticking out, just BASICALLY its the fucking ENDOSKELETON- that’s what im trying to get at here- the original material was stripped off to put the padding on.
The endoskeleton does have bits where the wings CLEARLY were at one point, but now its just sharp and jagged metal poles jutting out to the sides, honestly the bot just looks hellish.
Even WITH most of the padding being on it still looks hellish- Just all in all, the blue eyes dragon animatronic is in bad shape, in fact the endoskeleton moves very janky like, VERY rigid movements but don’t let that fool you, it might look like the animatronic can move slowly but if he wants, he CAN and WILL chase you, he can be v e r y fast.
| Personality: I was going to include the backstory but… I decided because I'm trying too hard to outline it and figure it out right then and there when Totaka is a complicated character… With a complicated er story so to speak, so I’ll keep this short and simple as can be. Taka when he was alive was sweet, kind, friendly as could be, albeit a bit shy and introverted, he loved hanging out with his… Friends, or at least who he THOUGHT were his friends anyway heh, he would have never hurt a fly when he was alive! He loved games very much, card games, tabletops, board games, etc- Probs why he befriended mm a certain crew, but I’ll go into that in the fics I’ll be writing for Totaka.
Now however? I would like you to keep one thing in mind at the very least, this was l o n g after his soul was trapped inside the animatronic (he did love robotics too, robots/animatronics, stuff like that he was BIG into that sort of thing …the animatronic was not his though i want to at least clarify that) After being stuck in the animatronic for so long his mind essentially snapped, he’s now just aggressive, hostile, angry, mean, cold, etc- I could make a list of how awful he is now but deep down? He’s just a terrified kid, he’s broken at this point- Ever since that awful night, when H E put him into this hell he’s just got vengeance on his mind, revenge against his killer. And ya know at this point his hatred for him has also spread out toward his old friends as much as he tried to convince himself at first that it surely wasn’t their fault.
He’s REALLY fucked up mentally …And technically physically wise, the most I will spoil bc I want to clarify things- 1: His body was NOT stuffed into the animatronic and 2: His body was sent to The Shadow Realm BUT somehow his soul had escaped, leaving his body behind which by this point has been consumed by the shadows (it’s been MANY years after this, I’m going to say it rn without giving any spoilers away- this takes place in like Season 0 in THAT timeline and then continues on) his soul would’ve faded along with his body had he not escaped TSR when he did, and another thing during that time, after possessing the animatronic even then he could literally FEEL his body being eaten, slowly, day by day, week by week, month by month, year by year until it was FINALLY consumed entirely by the shadows.
| Side Facts: There was an incident at Kaiba Land one day, where the robot ‘malfunctioned’ and I’m gonna warn you, there will be a slight mention of gore below so keep that in mind!!
…Basically what happened was, this was the beginning of Taka’s descent, this wasn’t the point where he fully snapped but well you could say he DID snap lmao, he literally bit someone’s head off, I won’t say why just yet bc that’s a bit of a spoiler but after that Kaiba Land definitely well ya know had some issues, Kaiba had to clear it up, take the bot back to fix it, etc- That’s where the protective padding came into play even tho Seto fucking HATED doing that…
He hated having to cover up the Blue Eyes like that which is partially why the animatronic stopped getting proper care, bc to Kaiba? That thing was nothing more than a shell of its former self …Lmao he has no idea how true that statement is but either way, Kaiba of course released a statement saying the malfunction had been solved, clearing up rumors, scandals, etc bc ya know he’s a rich bastard and has the money to do so… Company released statements, etc etc- That’s a boring part- They had tried the animatronics one last time… …And well… You can imagine how that ended as well.
However it was at this point Taka was threatened with being decommissioned but for whatever reason Seto didn’t, he instead just threw the animatronic into the robotics room and now he’s kept there, the only time Taka EVER gets to see anyone anymore is when Seto comes to duel, Taka doesn’t like Kaiba, thinks he’s annoying, bossy, pushy… But, Taka refrains from attacking him bc if he did then he would most likely be decommissioned and he literally will NOT rest until he’s gotten his revenge, and I won’t say if Taka could or could not possess ANOTHER robot, I mean even if I said he could, TAKA doesn’t know that… For all Totaka knows, if the animatronic gets decommissioned then he’ll fade away forever, he won’t allow that, he won’t allow himself to fade nor will he allow himself to truly rest, his soul literally CAN’T rest right now.
Totaka doesn’t have enough closure to finally rest, and even when he does, thing is? Because his body has been consumed, if he does finally get his closure, finally lets himself rest, then he will simply fade into the afterlife, there is no going back, there is no him coming back to life… He will simply finally be at rest, and honestly? I’m not gonna lie- I think that’s literally the BEST thing that can happen for him, is him finally being able to rest easy, no more pain, fear, anger, etc- Just peaceful rest.
Taka’s voice box was only made for mimicking B.E sounds, the sounds of growling, snarling, huffing, and or the loud roar (sometimes Kaiba could swear he heard the roaring sounds of the robot, it sounded almost like it was in some kind of pain but tch he figured he was simply hearing things, that was all) he can’t talk at all (his voice box could easily be replaced with a talking one tho if he’d allow it but uh lmao good luck, nobody can get too close to him) which the voice box at this point just makes garbled and distorted noises, again, his body is VERY deteriorated that it’s a wonder the robot even functions anymore.
…But with Taka’s soul, he refuses to let the animatronic body give out, he won’t give up and rest until he completes his mission… Even if it takes centuries, a millennia or some shit like that, he WILL get his revenge on the one that did this to him, he swears it… Nobody will stand in his way if he ever sees that bastard again, not even KAIBA himself can stand in Taka’s way.
The room Taka stays in has been trashed p much, he has wrecked that room but Kaiba doesn’t give a shit these bots were never gonna be used for anything else ANYWAYS so it didn’t matter one way or another, there’s scratches, chunks torn out of things, etc- the room is a mess-
Taka can’t do much until night time because that’s when everyone is usually asleep so he makes all his moves then usually (Kaiba doesn’t monitor this room or anything around it, he literally could not give LESS of a fuck about the bots, only to test his strength with dueling and that’s it ...That and even despite what happened, he still has a love for the night, the moon and the stars, he’ll sometimes go out and sit on a hill, reaching up to the moon, overall just lamenting about the tragedy that took place) I forgot to mention when Setsude WAS alive he had a love for the night, always loved to stroll a bit late into the night …Bet that’s one night he wishes he would’ve just went straight home.
Taka is usually sitting down in the daytime, p much just sitting there, arms limp, head tilted down, just looked like he powered down but make no mistake, he’s never been powered down even yet… The possessed animatronic is always watching and listening in btw- I just felt like I should say that, but also in a secret area that Taka usually goes too, he’s buried a chest with some of the pictures he’s managed to obtain over time (don’t ask me how fkdfjdsldfs i couldn’t tell you just roll with it) but the photos contain him and his parents, their LITERALLY the only ones he doesn’t ever want to forget, there were pics of his former friends but those have all been shredded into pieces.
God there’s something I want to fucking include so bad but it’ll be SUCH a goddamn spoiler if I say who did this to him …So I’m going to try keeping this vague, I’m basing this on The Silver Eyes as well- (spoilers down below in case ya havent read and want to read the book lmao)
There’s a scene in the book where the animatronics see a certain someone and start freaking the fuck out, yeah if Taka sees H I M again he WILL freak the fuck out, it’ll almost be like he’s trying to get a w a y from that certain someone …Taka might want revenge against him but goddamn if he isn’t fucking terrified of him as well, but even then if Setsude gets his chance then he will hold NOTHING back.
Oh yeah one more sad thing to note, uh Taka’s parents btw? Yeah they are STILL looking for their son, even though it’s been years and years now and the case went cold long ago, they STILL continue to look for their precious Setsude… They keep holding onto hope, never losing it in the slightest bc they actually do believe that he’s out there somewhere …Well I suppose they ARE correct in a sense aren’t they? It’s probably just not in the way they would think heh.
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timmymyluv · 2 years
coachella with timmy headcannon !!
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COACHELLA headcanons….
timothee chalamet x reader
sorry this took way longer than expected! hope you like them and i can creatively put my own spin on this and im not copying off other ppl's headcanons ^^
warning(s): mentioned drug use, alcohol
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We all know he loves his privacy, and this being your first Coachella together he first wanted to be very secretive about his relationship with you, but he doesn't care anymore (as long as you don't mind)
Let them see , he's having the time of his life with the love of his life; he knows it comes with the job, the price of fame - cameras, paparazzis, gossip
If you're a celebrity like him, the first time they spotted you with him they thought you were just a fling to be forgotten or some wannabe social climber
But you were with each other the entire weekend and were seen with him even after - so they knew you guys were serious
The it couple, the fashionable couple who were always up to date with trends but were not blind followers either. You guys were trendsetters, not caring about gender labels on clothing, exchanging/sharing clothes that fans recognized from the past and during the shows when you were pictured together
Mix and match of designer wear, ready-to-wear, handpainted/custom pieces, thrift stores/department store clothing or even your plain walmart/target pieces alongside vintage just matched so well together but really showing how artsy and cultured of a couple you two were
He was very handsy with you, very confident with his PDA because he was as lucky and happy with his love life as in his career and he had nothing to be ashamed about
You both wanted to enjoy the night without being disturbed/bombarded as you weren't technically working but polite fans asking for photos (separately or even together with you both haha) here and there are pretty fun and they're chill so it's not a big deal and you all have fun
First night you decided to stay sober while he could go off the rails (at least with supervision or you and his friends/bodyguards) so he could let loose in a controlled environment lol
(whether you take dr*g$/dr!nk its up to you babes)
You never got to really know tim's team and his friends for a longer period of time than a single dinner with them so getting close to them this weekend was really fun too
"Bro we'll hang out with her more than you now byeee" they really liked seeing him with you and like you best out of all his exes (that they remember) so they treat you as one of their kind
Tim gets super happy seeing you included and getting along with his friends so naturally and having so much fun
Introducing you to Billie Eilish and The Weeknd, friends of his who've snuck you both in VIP
Billie jumped to hug you right as you were introduced to her, telling how she has heard so much about you and how she's finally met the person behind the name ksjds
You guys are like siblings right away same sense of humour and talking about how you met Timy (or even how you make music too and your processes and talking about it with Finneas as well and maybe a possible collab)
You've seen Abel perform but never had the chance to really get to know him personally; he was very welcoming and loved having you on the set with him
Abel always teased Timmy when he was going to bring his "special someone" that he was so lovestruck about
Heck Abel maybe even would love to have a music video with you starring in it or with both you and timmy too because he knows his magnetic songs deserve a magnitude like you and tim
Between the heat you always eat the finest, he'll always spoil you with the best food, and remind each other to stay hydrated in the hot ass desert ksjds
you feel like you're high on something/drunk on just the entire festival, on him by your side, his skin on yours, peppering kissing against where your neck and shoulder blades meet
He walks around coachella with your lipstick smeared all over him after a makeout session not so hidden well behind some bush where the tents where placed,
giggling around like lovesick teenagers who can't keep their hands off each other
Like that post-concert drop of the euphoria, when the adrenaline of like watching stages back to back/ the energy of the crowds/ fireworks,
you're both exhausted after a jampacked weekend but you wouldn't have it any other way <3
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elysianslove · 4 years
the little things ; haikyuu boys
synopsis; the little things he does that show just how much he loves you
pairings; karasuno x reader, aoba johsai x reader, fukurodani x reader, nekoma x reader, shiratorizawa x reader
genre; fluff
warnings; will make u hate being single <3
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karasuno ━━
sugawara koshi; whenever your hair gets caught in anything, he’s so gentle yet quick at fixing it. if your hair is long, and you pull a bag or a shirt and your hair gets tucked in, he’ll wordlessly pull it out. if your hair is short and a bracelet or zipper gets caught he just continues whatever he was doing (talking to someone else for e.g.) while helping you out. also always makes sure your hair isn’t bothering you; if you’re leaning over writing something, he’ll always tuck it behind your ear so lovingly ahhh
daichi sawamura; massages. he’s descended from heaven for this purpose only. his hands are rough and like hard on your muscles, but it’s so perfect. he’ll approach you when you’re in school sitting anywhere, from behind, and just knead his hands into your muscles for a few seconds. euphoric. or if you live together, he always greets you with back/shoulder/neck massages in the bathtub hvjkwkd.
nishinoya yuu; always makes you try his food. always. whether it’s with a group of people or just you two, he just goes “hey babe open ur mouth” with this face 😏 bc he’s cheeky, and just shoves a mouthful of food. spoiler alert, it’s always way too hot. but it’s just tradition at this point. he takes a bite of his food, decides if it’s worthy enough for your mouth or not, then just. yeah.
kageyama tobio; buys you a snack whenever he gets his milk. if you’re special special, he’ll buy you your own carton of milk. he goes up to the vending machine and automatically thinks of you when he sees your fave snack, and it’s like mindless at this point he just routinely does it. it still surprises you to this day, even when he’s so nonchalant about it.
tsukishima kei; kisses your forehead. tsukki is not too big on pda, and even privately he’s not very touchy feely either tbh. but just a simple peck on your forehead grounds you, and it’s a small reminder of the fact that despite his outward coldness, he really does love you. he rarely does it in front of others, but sometimes, he’ll indulge both you and him, and settle a small kiss on your temple just randomly.
asahi azumane; anime jesus always has a hair tie/clip carried around for you on his wrist/in his pockets. i mean he’s always needing them, he just stocks up when he starts dating you. somehow he’s always there when you’re frustrated with your hair all over the place what a savior. later on it evolves to him carrying around your scrunchie and yes the boys make fun yes he blushes but no he does not take it off.
tanaka ryunosuke; carries you on his back, or your things, when you’re too tired to walk. whether that be if you’re too tired because of your heels or you’re just lazy, he just loves helping you out what a respectful gentleman. honestly it just becomes that every time he sees you he like barricades over to you so quick and flips you onto his shoulder or spins you around. anyways. walking with tanaka means walking empty handed bc he will never let you carry anything. ( shifts pile of bags on one arm just to hold your hand ).
hinata shoyo; learns hairstyles to try on you. whether it be short hair or long hair, expect his youtube search history to look a lot like “how to make a french braid” or “cute hairstyles for short hair for your cute girlfriend”. he’s always so entranced by you and watches so carefully whenever you do anything on your hair, and he gets do excited whenever you let him try and he gets it right. also !!! a lot of the times you’ll sit between his legs and he’ll just softly card his fingers through your hair or lightly braid it.
yamaguchi tadashi; buys you flowers a lot. he doesn’t overdo it, just so it doesn’t lose its value and worth. but for example, mondays suck ass and he knows how much you hate them, so he always makes sure to either leave a single rose on your desk/in your locker or give it to you himself if he can. it’s so endearing and motivating honestly, and the constant reminder every once in a while is so cute. continues to do it even like 3 years in, which is so fkn sweet honestly.
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nekoma ━━
kuroo tetsurō; plans the best dates. seriously. like not one moment spent with him is dull. i don’t think being with kuroo entails a high energy relationship, i just mean that even a walk in the park is fun with him. he also always knows when to plan a fancy dinner and when it’s just something casual. like he always puts in so much effort, gives 120%, for every date with you. is your favorite band/singer/artist in town? he’s got tickets. the weather is amazing? you’re going to the beach. you’re sleep deprived? nap dates. 10/10
kozume kenma; he teaches you how to play his games. the fact that he’s letting you touch the console in itself says enough, but whenever he buys a new one, and learns it thoroughly enough, he will always sit by you and teach you its ways. picture you sitting in his lap while he guides your hands <333 if you’re not a gamer, he’s actually v flattered by the fact you’re willing to sit through this w him. but if you are a gamer, expect daily competitions. oh and if you beat him? you’re dead to him :).
haiba lev; instead of reaching for things that you’re too short for to grab it himself, he just lifts you up lmfao. i mean w the way he teases yaku, i can imagine he’d be v teasing with you as well if you’re even an inch shorter than him. but fret not! it’s all in the name of love. he’s very loving though, and if he sees you struggling he’ll just wordlessly hoist you up from your waist or something. at first it’s terrifying, but later on it just makes you giggle cause he’s like so willing to do it and it’s effortless for him hehe.
yaku morisuke; always makes sure you’re taking care of yourself, but kinda aggressively? lmao anyways. like he’s always “babe have u eaten” and if u say no expect him to start yelling like “what do you mean no??? are you insane???” v dramatic but honestly <333 he’s always texting you after parting ways “did you get home safe” or on weekends where he cant meet you, he’s asking how it was, if you indulged yourself a bit, relaxed. it’s very sweet and he makes sure it’s not overbearing. he just wants his baby to be healthy and happy.
yamamoto taketora; walks on the side with the cars. it’s not a very noticeable thing, but you see it, and you recognize it. he makes sure he’s always walking where cars are speeding by, a hand on the small of your back guiding you away and to the other side of him. it’s the little notions of protectiveness like if he’s driving and stops suddenly, he’ll put a hand out to keep you from lurching forward, he pushes you gently out of the way before you bump into someone. things like that.
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aoba johsai ━━
oikawa tōru; he doodles in your notebooks, or on your skin. if you have class with him, and sit next to him, he’ll always be doodling on your notebook like little hearts or stupid, cute things like your initials + his in a heart. or if you’re at a study date together, and you’re focused on your laptop screen, he’ll leave little encouraging messages on your notes for you to notice when you’re revising. sometimes you’ll be sitting with him at lunch or even if you’re out w him and a bunch of other people, and he happens to have a pen. expect a little smiley face on your inner wrist, or a heart plus his initials ( o.t. )
iwaizumi hajime; he helps you take off your make up/takes it off for you. if you’re too sleepy, he’ll just take the products he’s used to seeing you use and start following it step by step after he props you up next to the sink. while he stands between your thighs he just so gently starts rubbing at your skin and washing away the make up. if you’re already asleep, he’ll have to like google the steps oh my god im gonna cry hes so cute. if you don’t necessarily wear make up, then he’ll just help you do your nightly routine, or even your shower routine, like using a body scrub or a face mask or, bruh, even shaving lmfao.
hanamaki takahiro; saves everything you buy/send/make him. i mean everything. has literally over two thousand photos of you, all the polaroids or postcards are saved in a little box he has under his bed. anything you make him (unless it’s edible) he has. if you make him a small embroidery thing he will literally attach it to his sports bag or something. any chain you make him is automatically added to his keychain. that flower crown you made with him on one of your first dates? he still has it. the flowers are dead but the memory loves babyyyy
matsukawa issei; carries extra clothes of his for you to borrow. hey have i mentioned that mattsun is big? 😃 because he is 😃. meaning regardless of your size or height or whatever, his clothes will drown you <3 i see him as preferring more oversized or just loose shirts rather than tight ones, so yk. on you???? if y’all are just hanging out and you even think about being slightly cold — here have five options of mattsun’s clothes to choose from. he always makes sure they smell like him too. it’s self indulgent really, because he loves the way they look on you, and he loves that it leaves a trace of his scent on you. territorial? i think yes.
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fukurodani ━━
bokuto kōtarō; always hugs you like it’s the last time he’ll see you. sometimes, even if he doesn’t know it, you need his hugs badly. y’all are gonna try and tell me bokuto doesn’t give the best fkn hugs??? yeah get outta here with that bs. he SO does. he either kneels down and wraps his arms around your waist, picks you up, and spins you around, like he hasn’t seen you in 3 years, or he’ll just wrap his arms around your neck and pull your head to his chest, cradling it, and just sighing like he won’t see you for the next 3 years. his hugs always make you feel so much better, even if you weren’t feeling down to begin with.  
akaashi keiji; plays with your hands and caresses them. it’s the delicate feel and gentleness of it all. akaashi’s generally an anxious person, leaving him very fidgety. but once you two get together, and he starts being comfortable with you, expect to find your hand always between the two of his, just fondling with him. he’ll trace random figurines on the back of your hand, or have his fingers ghost over your wrist and up to your fingertips. if his hands are especially shaky, expect him to just grab one of your yours and hold it tightly between the grasp of two of his. it conveys trust, and all you have to do is kiss his knuckles gently and he’s melting.
konoha akinori; he has your reminders app linked with his, and sneaks in small, motivating messages. every once in a while you’ll get a notification from the app that tells you to drink water or have a snack (or text konoha he’s bored and he misses you). also always sends you pictures to distract you from stress. like it could literally just be a picture of him smiling with a thumbs up and you’d just ,,, melt bc you love him so much.
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shiratorizawa ━━
ushijima wakatoshi; he has so many plants that are named after you, or your nicknames, and he’s like so gentle with them too. like strokes their petals and speaks to them so softly, the same way he does with you. you’re honestly so curious how he hasn’t run out of names, but he’s just a genius like that. whenever you go over to his place, and he’s bought a new one, he’ll take your hand and guide you to where it’s growing and just be like “look it’s baby y/n” and you just 🥺🥺🥺
semi eita; he has a playlist on his phone, that’s constantly being updated, for you and him to listen to. the first time he showed it to you, you were stargazing and he took out his phone and headphones and was like “i made a playlist for you wanna list” and every part of your body lit up in flames im not joking. now, a lot of the times, you’re coming back home on a train, and your head is on his shoulder and you’re sharing headphones listening to the playlist. when either one of you is driving you’re blasting it (a lot of the playlist is the hsm soundtrack)
satori tendō; tendo reads people so well, and being in a relationship with him means he will read you so well. so a lot of the times, in social situations, he’ll recognize the signs of you wanting to leave, for example, or if someone’s bothering you, he’ll know exactly how to approach it too. this also entails having a lotta inside jokes hehe, and also just like. talking with your eyes. yk that thing. yeah. all you have to do is look at him a certain way, and he just knows exactly what you just said.
goshiki tsutomu; he buys the both of you this small plushie, and whenever you’re missing each other you just. squish it. and he squishes his. he would rather die than let anyone know this, but you’re not too keen on letting anyone know yourself tbh. it’s just this little thing you have, and it means a lot more to you than just this. when he first bought it he was like “look we have matching plushies” and you passed away on the spot ❤️
shirabu kenjirō; loves trying out new recipes with you. he’s not too big on cooking or baking, but there’s just something about doing it with you that really — hits the spot yk. nowadays, whenever he comes across a new recipe on social media that he thinks you’ll like he just automatically sends it to you like with no words no texts just the post and you’re like “OMG CAN WE DO THIS” and he’s like “why else would i send it. yes we can :)” hvskwkeke
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end note;  thank you sm for the love on my last two posts!! i’m glad you guys enjoyed them sm. if you have any requests, they’re open and i’m happy to deliver, mwah!
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Month of Love Challenge Day 11
“You’re a monster!” requested by Anonymous
Pairing: Harley Quinn x Reader
Word count: 950
Warnings: Canon-typical violence
A sharp, stinging pain yanked you into consciousness. You groaned, disoriented, vision blurry and mouth feeling drier than a desert. Slowly, the figure in front of you came into focus.
Oh, you were so fucked.
“Ahh, sleeping beauty finally awake! I was afraid you were going to miss all the fun!” The Joker’s breath stank as he leaned in, face barely an inch from your own.
“What do you want?” You whispered, trying to keep the fear out of your voice even as the dread sank like a stone in your stomach.
“Only to teach Harley a little lesson. She’s mine, and no one else’s.”
“Harley doesn’t belong to anyone.”
“She belongs to me!”
“You’re a monster!”
A hand anchored in your hair, yanking it, and your head back painfully. Joker was even closer now, grin wide and toothy as he loomed over you. “What gave it away?”
You spat at him. Joker backhanded you, leaving your head spinning.
“If I were you, I’d be hoping Harley cares more about your survival than you do. Otherwise- BANG!” He laughed at your flinch and pulled back to gesture at the clock on the wall opposite you. “Tick tock goes the clock, she has until the top of the hour to come claim you.”
“I don’t need that long, Joker!” A voice with a familiar Brooklyn accent called, seconds before a figure jumped down from the rafters and landed in front of you. Harley walked forward, baseball bat raised, “Let them go! They ain’t got nothin’ to do with you!”
“Ah but they do, Harls! They thought they could come sauntering into your life and take you away from me!”
“You dumped me!”
“And now I want you back!” Joker pulled a gun from his pocket and pressed it flush against your temple. “And since I’m such a kind, generous beau, I’ll make you a deal. Come back to me, willingly, and I’ll leave your little plaything go on their merry way. Don’t, and, well-” He clicked off the safety.
“I’m through with you! I’m done with your lyin’ and manipulatin’! I ain’t yours no more!” Harley yelled, gesturing wildly with her bat. “Now let them go!”
“Geez, I knew you were stupid, but could I have made it any more clearer? The only way they’re getting out of here on their own two feet is if you come back into my warm loving embrace.”
Harley looked away from him and at you instead, “I’m sorry, doll. Ya know I can’t…”
“I know,” you whispered, fighting back the tears. You didn’t want Harley’s last memory to be of you crying. “Keep away from him, no matter what, ‘kay? You deserve the worl-AH”
“SHUT UP!” Joker bellowed, raising the butt of the gun ready to strike you again, “I’ve had enough! Time’s up.”
It was then that Harley took you both by surprise. She laughed. “Yeah, it is, Joker. For you. Get ‘im, girls!”
“Wh-” Joker barely had time to react before thick green vines wrapped themselves around his arms and legs, and a whip cracked to knock the gun free of his hand.
“You didn’t really think I’d come alone, did ya?” Harley giggled, pouncing forward the second Joker hit the floor and bringing the bat down hard. It was just out of your line of vision, but you heard the crunch of breaking bone and Joker’s grunt of pain that followed it.
“You hurt one of us, you hurt us all,” came Ivy’s sultry voice as she approached, too, twisting the vines tighter and tighter until Joker was entirely immobile.
“Now. Who’s. The. Dumb. One?” Harley punctuated each word with a swing of the bat. There was no smart reply. Harley straightened, panting. “Take that as a lesson, ‘kay? You come after me or anyone I love ever again and next time I’ll let Ivy turn ya into plant food or something!”
“Mmm, or something. My babies deserve better.”
“Either way,” Catwoman said, finally stepping out of the shadows. “We won’t leave a body behind for the Bats to find.”
Joker didn’t say anything, only groaned weakly.
Catwoman chuckled, “I think that means he understands.”
“I agree,” added Ivy.
Harley had nothing more to say about him and was dropping down to her knees in front of you. “Are you okay? Did he hurt ya?” She asked as she frantically worked the ropes around your wrists loose.
“Nothing a hell of a long nap won’t fix,” you chuckled weakly, flinging your arms around her the moment you could. “Thank you for coming.”
“Always. Anything for my number one boo,” Harley whispered back, pressing your foreheads together. Somewhere off to your side, you heard someone say something about having a rendezvous with the Bat and needing to get Joker up to him, but you didn’t really pay much attention. You only cared about Harley’s arms around you and the numerous soft kisses she was pressing all over your face. “‘M sorry I let him get to ya.”
“It’s fine. Always knew life with you would have its dangers, and always knew it’d be worth it ‘cause it’d mean getting to share a life with a kooky, fun, wild, passionate, beautiful girl.”
“Awww, you flatter me too much, doll.”
“That’s impossible.”
“Okay, now I’m going to throw up,” Catwoman moaned, “Let’s go, Iv, before the stench of cheese gets any stronger.”
You looked at Harley, both of you attempting to hold back your laughter for a moment. It didn’t last. You caved and collapsed into two giggling messes, curled up around each other on the concrete floor.
You couldn’t ask for more.
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erin-bo-berin · 4 years
Drunken Words
Seems like its been forever since I’ve posted a fluff! This wasn’t really a request, but after a convo with an anon who popped up in my ask, this little fic came to be. It’s a little shorter than most of my fics, but I think it suits the purpose. It’s short, sweet and to the point. Hope you all enjoy! Happy reading!
Spencer Reid/Reader
Rating: G (fluff)
Word Count: 1,524
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Cheers and laughter filled the night air, music accompanying the happy sounds.
You took another drink of your champagne, the carbonated bubbles tickling your nose. You were already on your third glass of it, but it was a celebration, so no big deal.
One of your best friends Jennifer Jareau had finally married the love of her life, Will LaMontagne Jr. You couldn’t be more happy for them. They’d been together for over five years, been parents to their amazing little boy named Henry for four years and now they were tying the knot. They were a great couple.
You took a large swallow of your alcohol, your head buzzing since the middle of your second glass.
“What are you waiting for, girly?” Penelope Garcia twirled by you, in the arms of Derek Morgan, “Come dance already!”
You laughed, shaking your head, grabbing another glass of champagne after you finished your previous one. 
“Don’t you think you’ve had enough?” a slightly slurring Spencer Reid, meandered up to you.
You giggled, your head now swimming more than before. Apparently, you were drunker than you thought.
“And how much have you had, mishter?” you slurred, yourself.
“Two glasses,” he grinned, proudly.
“I saw you stumble over your own feet just ten minutes ago.”
He waved a hand, loosely.
“No big deal. Come on, wanna dance?”
“With you as drunk as you are? Psh no way.”
“Too bad,” he giggled, pulling you out to the dance floor, causing you to deposit your glass on the nearest passing surface.
“I wasn’t done with that,” you pouted.
“You can get another one later, Y/N,” he said, moving to the fast paced song.
Your hips swayed to the song as he twirled you quite literally around the dance floor. It did nothing for your already spinning head, but you were laughing and smiling so hard, that you didn’t want to stop.
“You’re cute when you smile,” he chuckled.
His hand was on your back and you were pulling him by his hands to dance to the next song.
“You’re cute in a tux.”
“Maybe I should wear them to work more often,” he joked.
“I wouldn’t mind.”
The alcohol was making your tongue loose and your inhibitions around your friend and coworker disappear.
“You’re cute,” he grinned.
“You’re cuter,” you chuckled, booping his nose and giggling.
The DJ decided to take a break and of course, that was when you and Spencer decided to fetch you both more alcohol.
“Yo, PG! Can I get a shot for myself and my lady here?” Spencer hollered.
You had to stifle your laugh with your hand at Garcia’s startled look.
“How much has he had to drink?” you heard Morgan mumble, “I’ve never seen him like this.”
“Neither have I,” Garcia mumbled back.
She poured two shots and handed them to Spencer. He handed one to you and clinked his shot glass against yours.
Throwing it back with a wince, you moved to sit down in one of the chairs but squealed when you felt arms around your waist. Spencer pulled you into his lap with a big grin.
You didn’t miss the wide eyes of some of your other coworkers.
“What?” you asked, clearly confused.
“Nothing, nothing.” Morgan said.
“Have fun little love birds,” Garcia called over her shoulder.
Your brain was too hazy from the drinks to register what she’d said, so you turned back to Spencer.
“You smell good,” he grinned, nuzzling his face into your neck.
“It’s Sí by Giorgio Armani. I only wear it for you.”
“Do you now?” he grinned, flirtatiously.
You both turned to see Henry running over.
“Pway wiff me?” he asked.
You stood from his lap and he got up, scooping Henry in his arms.
“Little man is going on a flight!”
“Spencer Reid, don’t you dare drop my son!” JJ hollered across the lawn.
You giggled, grabbing a fresh glass of champagne, watching as Spencer put Henry down and Henry started chasing Spencer in circles.
“What is with you guys tonight?” Emily asked, walking over, studying you.
“What do you mean?”
“You two just seem...different.”
You shrugged, not knowing what to say.
“Everything is as normal as always.”
The DJ started the music up again and you grinned.
“Time to hit the dance floor again!”
You danced all the way back towards the floor, your champagne flute still in hand.
Spencer found you next to the gift table, where you were standing, taking a breather.
“Guess what?” he asked.
“I got you these gifts. I hope you like them.” 
He tried to motion to them, but fell against the table, pushing some of the gifts off the table.
You gasped, then burst into giggles, trying to straighten them before anyone noticed.
The music changed from the more fast paced and upbeat songs that had been playing, to a slower song.
“Dance with me,” Spencer said, suddenly serious.
You obliged him.
He took your hand, leading you out to the dance floor where he slowly danced with you in his arms.
His arms were around your waist and yours were on his chest as he spun you gently, landing you right back against his chest, breathless.
Maybe it was more than the alcohol, but in your fuzzy brain, it seemed to make sense to kiss him. 
So, you did.
You leaned your face upwards to his, meeting his lips as you kissed him.
The world spun and disappeared around you as all you could focus on was him kissing you back.
You never saw the shocked and wide eyed looks from the rest of the team as they stared at the two of you.
You didn’t miss the statement from David Rossi though.
“Maybe we need to get them drunk more often so they’ll finally admit they like each other.”
By the time the sun made its appearance again the next morning, you were waking up groggy and incredibly hungover.
Rossi didn’t let anyone leave last night due to the fact that everyone had been drinking. So his house—or mansion, as he preferred to call it—had become a crash pad for everyone until they were sober enough to drive home.
Rossi’s instructions were the only thing you remembered from the previous night. The only thing you remembered prior to that was the ceremony. You must’ve drank a lot.
You were sitting up from the couch, rubbing your head when you saw Spencer walking in from the kitchen.
“Morning,” he whispered, looking as hungover as you.
You groaned in response. 
“Here, I figured you’d want some relief as well,” Spencer said, handing over a bottle of water and an ibuprofen.
“Bless you.”
You took it, sipping the water gently. 
Luckily, you weren’t one to vomit much during a hangover, but you knew if you gulped the water like you’d been in the Sahara desert for months, you definitely would be sick.
“How much did I drink last night? What did I drink last night?” 
You rubbed your temples, trying to soothe the throbbing in your head with no luck.
“I don’t even remember what I drank,” Spencer chuckled, sitting next to you.
“Well good morning love birds!” came a loud holler.
You groaned, covering your ears at the loud volume.
“Morgan, I swear if you don’t shut up,” you grumbled.
“Aw, did someone wake up on the wrong side of a lonely couch this morning?” he teased, “I was sure you’d end up sleeping with your boyfriend.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” 
You winced, your words a bit too loud to your own ears.
“You and pretty boy over here were all over each other last night,” Morgan said, coming into the room, a bagel in hand.
Your eyes widened, your face burning.
“Stop joking around. What really happened?”
“He’s not lying,” Garcia said, walking in with JJ in tow, “You were arguing at one point with one another about who was the cutest.”
“Plus you were in his lap half the night,” JJ added.
You groaned, burying your face into the back of the couch.
“Well I figured you two decided to finally admit that you liked each other,” Morgan announced, beaming.
You took a peek at Spencer, who until this point had remained silent.
His lips were pressed together and pulled inward, like he was trying to suppress a smile. His glance darted to you and the dam broke, freeing the smile. You felt a flutter in your chest at it.
“Hey you finally kissed, so at least you finally have proof that you like each other,” Garcia pointed out.
You groaned again; you couldn’t feel any more embarrassed if you tried. 
You felt a touch against your arm. You looked up to see Spencer, watching you. His hand glided down your arm, to your hand, which he took in his with a small smile.
Maybe the alcohol hadn't been such a bad idea.
Derek’s exiting comment had you both trying to hold back your laughter.
“If we knew all it took was to get you guys drunk, we would’ve done it sooner!”
TAG LIST: @dreatine​ @reid-187​ @groovyreid​ @reidslibra​ @iamburdened​ @cindywayne​ @sundippedprincess​ @missprettyboy​ @hushlilbabydoll​ @sammy-jo1977​ @haileymorelikestupid​ @lemonypink​ @multifandommandy​ @teamkiall​ @redbullchick​ @ifeelloved​ @one-sweet-gubler​ @nanocoool​ @delightfullyspeedyearthquake​ @unsteadyimagines​ @ughitsbaby​ @inkwiet​ @pennythetechgoddess​ @capt-engr-ssa​ @sixx-sic-sixx​ @spencersdolore​ @reidsstudies​ @disney-dreams-world​ @chocolatecalzoneherringbonk @mggwhore​ @andiebeaword​ @cupcake525​ @be-the-bravest​ @gretaamyk​ @hopebaker​ @prisonreid​ @httpnxtt​ @daviddoughboy​ @pastathighs​ @marvels-gurl​ @blushingspencer​ @simp-for-dr-reid @victorzsaszmydaddy​ @inlovewithamess​ @im-inlovewith-mycar​ @xshakesqueerx​ @queenofmischief​ @mattgraygubler​ @graceluvsyouu​
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peculiarmindset · 3 years
Here’s my fic :)
" Your still at it? Work ended hours ago come sit with me.", he whined.
Draco barely looked up from his paper, giving a half hearted answer. " Give me a few more minutes...", he said tapping away at the edge of his desk.
" Come onnn. We work all day lets relax a bit.", Harry sat up a bit growing more passionate.
Draco rolled his eyes. " Well I do atleast, you think being an Auror is easy"
" No of course not I know that its just - " Harry was interrupted by a loud growl emanating from his stomach.
" Hungry?", Draco teased. " You just had a snack a few minutes ago didnt you?", he watched his partners facial expression change from uncomfortable to mischievous as he cocked his leg to the side and let out a bubbly, barely audible fart.
"Nope.", Harry said smuggly.
" Thats digusting Harry.", he complained burying his head in his stack of papers.
" Yep, bet you cant do better.", Harry challenged him. He had no doubt in his mind that Draco could do better, he just wanted to see him try. He knew for a fact that Draco held his farts in all day long and work. AND he also knew that Draco hated farting infront of him, so much so that his ass sounded like trumpeter all night.
"I CAN do better, I just have some dignity unlike -", he was cut off by the sound of another one of harrys farts. This one was louder and tempered of at the end, like it was running out of air.
" All im gathering is that you couldnt." Harry pushed.
Draco spinned around in his chair to face Harry. " You know what..." he said deciding that besting harry is more valuable than his dignity. He lifted his ass slightly from his soft leather chair, casually assaulting its seat with his foul wind.
Harry smirked, revelling at the fact that he got Draco out of his shell.
" Weak.", he retorted. Harrys stomach muscles visibly tensed as he let out a rumbly fart.
Draco wrapped his hands around his knee, pulling it into his torso. A long bubbly fart rolled its way out of him for what felt like 10 minutes.
" Ahhh. Whos weak now." Harry walked over to Draco and took a seat on his lap.
" Still you." Harry said as he ripped one right onto Dracos unsuspecting lap.
" Your a pest, you know.", Draco couldnt help but laugh as he kissed his boyfriends cheek.
" You love me though."
" That I do"
*Thank you so much for writing me something- I loved it! 🥰 Also, fun fact: I actually wrote me own Drarry fart contest- it’s pretty epic and it’s in one of the future chapters of Pureblood Plumbling. So look forward to it 😉 If anyone else wants to write me what I requested in my pinned post, then please feel free to! I’ll reciprocate back 😘
**Also, the reason why I was able to crank out this drabble quickly was because I’ve been slowly working on it for a while now (I had a feeling someone would ask for face-farting so I had to be prepared). I’m just saying this so in case someone wants to write me something as well, most likely it’ll take me a bit longer to give you a drabble back 😅
Draco moaned in Harry’s mouth, their tongues sliding against one another’s, sucking as if wanting to devour the other.
Harry’s lips slowly slid away as he nibbled across Draco’s cheek and moved down to suckle at a sweet spot that Draco had on his neck, making the blonde moan even louder.
“Turn around, love.” Harry urged. Draco readily did so and Harry looked with hungry eyes as the sight of the blonde on his knees and hands, wearing nothing but his underwear, bent over so his glorious arse was facing right in front of Harry was tantalizing.
Harry, who was completely nude himself, leaned forward to give a playful bite on one of his lover’s clothed bum cheeks.
Just as he went to give the other cheek another bite, he heard Draco’s stomach give a loud growl.
All he heard was Draco’s alarmed voice saying, “Harry, wait! I’m about to-“ and suddenly a loud burst of air erupted all over Harry’s face, the earthy smell of musk mixed with rotten eggs encasing him.
Harry coughed, blinking in surprise as Draco turned around, his face red in horror.
“I’m so sorry! I don’t- I didn’t mean- oh Merlin, I knew I shouldn’t have eaten all those baked beans!” Draco stuttered, looking back and forth between Harry’s face and the door, wanting to run away and cry.
Harry stared at him with wide eyes, his mind going in circles. There was only one thought he had.
“Do it again.”
Draco froze as he looked back at Harry. “What?”
“I liked it. Do it again.” Harry repeated, almost demanded this time.
As Draco continued to look at him with eyes wide like a doe, Harry gently turned his boyfriend around and brought him back to the same position as before.
“…Harry?” He heard Draco ask hesitantly.
Harry rubbed his face over his lover’s underwear-covered bum, straying right over where his arsehole was. He reach over and splayed his hand over the other’s belly, feeling the rumbles underneath his palm.
“Just let it go, Draco. Please.” When Draco did nothing, still confused about what was going on, Harry decided to take matters into his own hands (literally) and pushed his hand right into the other’s stomach.
He heard Draco gasp and another brassy fart was let loose into Harry’s face.
They both moaned, Draco from the relief and embarrassment while Harry due to the sheer euphoria and intensity of the smell that hit him directly.
Harry continued to press down and squeeze Draco’s belly, forcing out all the gas that was trapped inside his lover to come out.
Draco’s moans were heard over and over throughout their bedroom, loud emissions from his rear end repeatedly bursting forth.
Harry’s groans were also heard, sounding almost tortured as the bubbly, almost booming sounds and the primal stench of his lover’s gas made him shiver in a mixture of delight and disgust.
At one point, Harry even lowered the blonde’s briefs and his eyes had practically burned in hot desire as he watched Draco’s hole literally open and practically shake as a large fart exited from him, the blonde’s bum shaking slightly from the power behind his fart.
It was madness.
Harry couldn’t get enough.
Harry grabbed his lover’s arse in his strong hands and shoved his nose right up his lover’s hole.
He let out another groan as Draco’s next farts went directly into his own body, the smell entering into his nostrils as he could literally feel Draco’s warm and slightly moist air hit his face, trapping him so he couldn’t escape from the other’s farts even if he wanted to.
This continued on for quite some time, the room filled with loud moaning and choking sounds as Draco continued to gas out Harry.
Finally, it seemed like Draco had finally ran out of gas- his farts getting softer and airier as they came along. Harry was fine with this since he now had time to catch his breath.
Both boys eventually shifted their bodies until they were laying down, facing one another, looking at each other with molten eyes as they panted and tried to get their heavy breathing under control, their minds still swirling from an overload of sensations.
When things had calmed down once more, Harry lazily wrapped an arm over the other while Draco curled into him cozily.
When Harry leaned forward to give Draco a kiss, Draco grimaced and leaned his face away.
“Oh no, no way am I gonna kiss you right now. Not after knowing where your face has been.” Draco pointed out, raising an eyebrow at his lover.
Harry only grinned.
They cuddled together for a bit more, both of them feeling a little shy but more accepting in what had just transpired between them.
Then another growl came from Draco’s stomach.
They both looked at each other.
“Ready for round two?” Draco asked suggestively.
Harry’s eyes glinted as he nodded.
***Goodness, I forgot how hard it was to write (kinda?) smut 😅 And godddd…writing face-farting is hard. But I hope you enjoyed this story and if you or anyone else wants to write me a fic (see pinned post above) please feel free to do so- in exchange, I’ll write you a Drarry drabble or post one of my drabbles that I have saved up from other fandoms. (But no more face-farting for the time being please- I don’t think I can write another one so soon 😆)
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bangtanloverboys · 4 years
i’d be home with you // knj
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summary - death is inevitable, it’s something you cannot escape. it only hurts more when it you die too young.
pairing - ghost!namjoon x female! reader
genre - angst, hurt/comfort; ghost au
word count - 7.7k
warnings - peer pressure, drugs, alcohol consumption, anxiety attack, major character deaths (duh), police, accidental deaths, crying, vomiting, drinking as a coping mechanism, communicating with the dead, psychics, moving on, acceptance of death 
author’s note - this is for the final tile in my bingo ‘ghost au’. this really hurt me writing it and im sad, but i hope you guys like it
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Namjoon had a lot of regrets, despite living a fairly cautious lifestyle. But since he died all he had left was regretting stuff he didn’t get to do sooner. Dying at 23 via accidental overdose? Hell of a way to die when he was someone who struggled to even tell a waiter that they gave him the wrong order, but that’s how he met his end. 
There were so many things he didn’t get to experience: getting his Masters, graduating college, finding the love of his life, having children with said love of his life, growing old, retiring, spending time with grandkids if he had any. But all of that was cut short by just one single party and one single decision.
His brother, Seokjin, dragged him along to one of his dumb frat parties. All Namjoon wanted to do that evening was just study for his anthropology final that was coming up the following weekend but in his brother’s terms he needed to quote-unquote “Take a chill pill”. He dragged him over to some random townhouse a couple miles away from the university, handed him a cup of alcohol and abandoned him. 
Namjoon didn’t drink, just didn’t think it was all that appealing to him. He sat silently in the corner of the room, keeping himself flush to the wall. He pretended to sip the plastic cup that was in his hand, trying not to draw any attention to himself whatsoever. It wasn’t until he was approached by a young brown haired man that his fate was sealed. 
“‘Sup man, you look like you need a bit of fun.” The man said, a small smirk on his lips as he raised a small baggie of white pills. 
“I- uh, I’m good. Thanks.” Namjoon quickly panicked, turning him down and quickly started looking around for his brother. This wasn’t his scene. He just wanted to go home now.
“Nah, come on man! You look like you need a bit of destressing, just take a couple. On the house.” He watched in abject horror as the guy opened the maggie and poured some into his hand. He took Namjoon’s free hand and put the pills in his palm. “Go on! Feels great.” He winked at him as he leaned against a wall, waiting for him to take the drugs. 
Despite only the stranger’s gaze on him, he felt like everyone at the party was staring at him. Waiting for him to take the pills. His heart was pounding, he should give them back and just walk home. With or without Seokjin. Instead he found himself slowly lifting the pills to his mouth, throwing them in and taking a swig of the cup in his hand to wash it down. The alcohol was bitter on his tongue and they clumped together as they went down his esophagus. 
“Yeaah man!” With a heart shaped smile, the man slapped him on the shoulder, “Enjoy it man. See me if you need anymore later.” And with that, he disappeared into the crowd.
Namjoon just stood there, head pounding as the lights bleared his vision and he swear he could feel the floors vibrate beneath his feet with the base of the stereo. Despite him not even moving, he felt like he was spinning and hanging upside down. Was it getting hot in here? Why did his limbs feel cold? He pushed himself from the wall, pushing his way through the sea of people between him and the way out. 
“Heyyy!! Joonie! Get over here!” The voice of his brother called out to him, he turned to see the man himself walk over to him and pull him out of the crowd. “I see you were gettin’ jiggy, eh? Finally letting loose?”
“Jin, I-I don’t feel so good. I need-”
“Oh quit it Namjoon!” Seokjin scoffed at him. “Just take another drink and chillax!” He took the cup in his hand and brought it to Namjoon’s lips, forcing him to gulp down more of the burning liquid. 
With that, his brother walked away. He felt himself get sucked back into the crowd of dancers, pushing and pulling him in all directions. His heartbeat was in his head, the base of the music was in his stomach. His chest was tight and he felt like he couldn’t breathe. All he knew at this point was the people he was surrounded by. Dancing, screaming, singing. It was loud and hot and nauseating. Yet despite the heat of the bodies around him, he felt cold. All he knew was what was in that crowd of people: sweat, heat, and constant movement.
After that the world just seemed to turn black.
He woke up the next early morning to sirens; red and blue lights flashing outside the windows. That should’ve been his first clue. His second clue should’ve been the lack of a hangover he should be having. Namjoon walked down the hallway he was in and into the living room where a couple he didn’t know were talking to police, alongside a few other party goers were all sitting on the couch. 
“H-hey what’s going on?” He asked as he approached them, but he was ignored. “Um, hello?” He waved his hand, trying to catch their attention. He felt his chest tighten, what was going on? Why were they ignoring him? When he heard an officer call out for a Mr. Kim, he almost cried from relief, “That’s me!”
But the officer walked right past him and out onto the porch, where a young man sat with a blanket laid over his shoulders. “Mr. Kim, I’m sorry to bug you at this time but we need a statement.” The man said to him. The young man nodded and stood up to face the officer. To Namjoon’s horror it was Seokjin, his eyes red and puffy. He’d never seen his brother look so distraught. “Are you alright for me to ask you a few questions?”
“Yeah,” his voice croaked out. 
“Did Namjoon, or anyone else in your family, have a history of drug abuse?” The question threw him for a loop.
“No!” He yelled at the officer. “I have never-”
“No, he-” Jin cut him off with a sniffle. “He’s never used drugs before, I dragged him out to this party. And-and it’s my fault he’s dead.” 
Namjoon’s entire world seemed to collapse in on itself. “What?! I’m not dead! I’m right here! Seokjin! Seokjin, look at me!” He cried out as he tried to push past the threshold of the door but some invisible force kept him in. “Seokjinnie, please! Hyung!” He screamed as he watched the officer place a hand on his shoulder as his older brother sobbed. 
He looked ahead of them and saw a white van labeled ‘CORNOR’ just shut its doors, only giving him a split second to see the tell-tale black body bag inside before the other door shut.
At that moment, another officer walked out the front door. Walking right through him. He watched as the man visibly shuddered before talking to the officer about giving Seokjin more time before asking questions. The air left his lungs, not that he had any in there to begin with. He clutched his chest and ran. He ran through the walls of the town house towards the back door, only for the same thing to happen at the front door happen again. An invisible barrier holding him in. 
He needed to be in an enclosed space. Glancing around, he saw an open closet tucked beneath the small staircase to the master bedroom. Namjoon burst into another run and slammed the door of the closet shut and let out an ungodly scream; crying out for his mother, brother, someone, anyone to hear him and tell him it was going to be okay. The only person came was an officer to investigate the slam but no one else came. No one saw him. 
He died August 28th, 1994. He was 23 years old. Cause of death was drug induced heart attack. The pills the stranger gave him were part of a bad batch or laced with something else, at least that’s what the owner’s of the house mentioned when he listened in on their conversations. At first he felt bad about it, but he couldn’t leave the townhouse so what else could he do? Watch paint dry?
After a while the frat guys who lived in the house moved out, not feeling comfortable with knowing that a guy died in their hallway on their watch. Namjoon didn’t hold any ill will towards them. It wasn’t their fault. Hell, he was such a forgiving person, he wasn’t even that mad at the guy who gave him the drugs. So he didn’t know exactly why he was stuck here, in a small townhouse. But there he was. And he tried his best to deal with it. 
While it certainly did suck the first few months of just trying to deal with people walking through him and not being able to be heard; being dead wasn’t so bad when Namjoon thought about it. It did get a bit lonely sometimes, not being able to talk to anyone outside of his own half conversations with the tenants that moved into the townhouse.
Sometimes the tenants of the house figured out that the place was haunted; sometimes they’d bring in psychics, who were definitely fake as no matter how much he tried to tell them he was a nice ghost they always spouted some bullshit of a vengeful spirit. Sometimes they’d bring in their own ghost equipment and start talking, but soon as he got a word out they freaked and left. The place was constantly on and off the market until you. 
You were a plucky university student who finally found a place that had low enough rent and was close enough to your school that you didn’t need a roommate. Despite Jungkook’s and Taehyung’s begging, you wanted a place to yourself and finding a 2 bedroom townhouse with rent that cheap? It was a steal! With the help of your two friends plus your older brother Yoongi, you were able to get all your stuff moved in within the day!
You didn’t understand why the place never had steady tenants; sure there was a history of noises and cold spots, but it was an old house built in the 70s. Of course it’s gonna have some old stuff that needs fixing. 
Namjoon watched in silence as the four of you went in and out of the house. A few times you did walk near him and visibly shiver, your friends even mentioned the cold spots to you, but you waved it off as if it was nothing. “Just the heater, I’ll talk to the landlord. See if he can do anything about it.” Now he wasn’t an engineer or anything, but he’s seen the heater and there’s nothing wrong with it, it was definitely him you were feeling. But he just had hopes that whoever the landlord hired would say the same to you. 
He was quickly able to get a quick gage on your friends; the brown haired one being Jungkook, he could easily tell he was the youngest of the group by how the rest of you babied him. The blue haired one was Taehyung, but there was something about him that was familiar almost. He reminded him of his brother, how handsome he was. Lastly the dark haired man was Yoongi, at first he wasn’t sure about your relationship to him, seeing how he was the oldest out of all of you, but he quickly came to realize you were siblings by the way you teased each other. He found a lot of joy watching the four of you bicker and talk as you all set up certain aspects of your new place.
“Are you sure you don’t want a roommate?” Jungkook whined as he brought in the last of the boxes. “I swear, I’ll do all the laundry and chores just pleaaasee?”
“Sorry, Jungkookie.” You laughed at your friend. “But the lease is signed and I got everything I want planned out already. You can go room with Taehyung!”
“But he gets paint all over my shit though!” He groaned as he set the last box down on the counter. 
“Hey, if she says she’s okay for her own place I believe her.” Yoongi said as he left your room. “Your bed is all set up by the way.” He pressed a kiss to the crown of your head. 
“Thank you, Yoongle.” You smile at your older brother, happy he was able to get your bed together before it was too late in the day. “Now I just gotta find my sheets and I’ll be able to sleep in bed.” You chuckled.
“Which are right here,” You turn to see Taehyung holding a bag full of your blankets and pillows. “Want me to bring them over to your room?” He tossed his head in the direction of where you claimed your bedroom would be.
“Please and thank you!” You gave him a wide smile as he made his way down towards your room to drop them. 
“You sure you don’t want me to spend the night tonight?” Yoongi asked, “First nights are scary, believe me.”
“I’ll be fine! Don’t worry!”
And you were. You thought you’d have a bit of difficulty adjusting to being alone, but for some reason you didn’t really feel alone? If that made any sense. You’d think after living with your brother the past few years you’d instantly notice being alone. Physically you knew you were but at the same time, deep down you knew you weren’t. Whatever this feeling was, you didn’t mind it. Hell, the weird feeling comforted you. Helped you prove to your brother that you didn’t need any extra help. 
Namjoon was kinda baffled at how willfully ignorant you were. It’s been a few weeks since you’ve moved in and he notices you do tend to lose stuff and don’t really question it when he suddenly places it where you can easily find it again. He likes watching you get ready and organizing your place. (Of course, when he sees that you’re getting dressed or getting ready for bed he’ll give you your privacy.) Sometimes he’ll kinda give some ghosty help and straighten up some of the crooked frames you hung up. Being the friendly ghost roommate he is. 
You called the landlord not too long ago and he said that a lot of the past tenants had complained about it not working or it always being cold in the house so he told you he was just going to replace it. You were excited! Brand new heater! And with the nights starting to get colder, you’re really going to need it. 
It was on a Tuesday when the landlord came to change the heater, which was strange. Namjoon watched as you let the landlord in to work as you left for your early morning class, now the few times he’s seen the landlord and stuff being fixed is few. Normally he’ll have a professional come over and work on it, that’s what happened a few years ago when he accidentally shoved a spoon down the kitchen drain and the tenant called his services. 
He watched with curiosity as the landlord dragged in the brand new heater, box in all, as well as his tool box and got to work. Something in the back of Namjoon’s mind didn’t feel right, so he kept an eye on the man as he installed the heater himself. Again, he wasn’t an electrician and knew nothing of installing heaters, but he knew that he was doing it wrong. He was pushing and slamming against it, trying to get it to fit on the pipes. Namjoon anxiously ran his fingers through his hair, debating on trying to fuck with him and push the heater off. But before he could even do anything, you came home and the landlord dusted off his hands and closed the door to the heater. 
You were so happy that it was finished, thanking the landlord profusely for getting you a new one and installing it. While it was gonna take a bit off of your deposit, and you were internally cringing at that, you knew it was a well needed thing to be done. Soon as he left, you turned on the heat, as it was a cool November day and your professor didn’t bother turning on the heat in her class at all. With the heat on, you grabbed some blankets and snuggled up to watch Netflix the rest of the day, not bothering to work on your essay that was due in a few days. 
As the day slowly came to a close, you realized you were getting a small headache. You didn’t really think much of it, just popped an aleve and drank some water. Usual things that helped cure your headaches, but it didn’t seem to let up. You glanced at the time, it was about 7:30. “Might as well hit the hay early.” You yawned, stretching out and made your way to your room. You did stumble around a bit, damn did you not notice how tired you were? Not bothering to change out of your day clothes, you just crawled right into bed and fell asleep. 
“Not good, this is very not good.” Namjoon was rightfully freaking out. The heater was not properly installed at all and as he couldn’t breathe, he knew that whatever was happening to you was not good. He scoured all over the house, looking for some sort of alarm he could set off, wake you up, get you out of the house. As it turns out, the fire alarm was busted. The landlord was too cheap to fix it and not bother telling you. He constantly went back and forth checking on your to make sure your chest was still rising and falling as he frantically tried to do anything to wake you up. 
Nothing worked though. He hadn’t felt this frustrated since he first died and everyone was walking through him. He wanted to scream, but nothing worked. He couldn’t do much but watch you. Wait for you to wake up and realize something was wrong. Wait for you to die. Which ever happened first and he hoped it was the former. But no matter how much he hoped and prayed to whatever god there was out there, it was fruitless. 
It was 1:36 am when you stopped breathing.
Namjoon lets out a choked out sob, he can’t believe it. He should’ve done something. He should’ve pushed the heater over while the landlord was still here. He should’ve done something to turn it off before you started suffering from the carbon monoxide that was pouring through your vents. He buried his head in his hands and he just cried. Cried for you, for your family. You had so much life ahead. 
“Mmhmm, what’s going on?”
He stilled, he looked up and saw you on the floor, holding your head. He quickly glanced between you and your body and quickly jumped into action. 
“Hey, it’s okay.” He got on his knees to help you to your feet, thankfully in your confusion you let him help you up and quickly escorted you away from your room. He wasn’t sure how you were going to react to the fact you had died, much less seeing your own dead body right in front of you. “Just follow me, you’re going to be okay.” He said as he brought you over to the couch and sat you down. 
“Hmm, who are you? Where am I?” You were still very dazed, he wasn’t sure if that was just a side effect of the poisoning or just general confusion of death. Did different deaths affect ghosts differently? Or was it random to each person? 
“My name is Namjoon, we’re in your house.” He answered as he knelt in front of you.
Your eyes slowly started focusing on him and when your vision cleared to see the stranger in your house, you rightfully screamed. “Who the fuck are you!? What are you doing in my house?!” You shouted scrambling to get away from him. “Get out before I call the police!!”
“Hey hey hey, wait!” He called out after you as you got to your feet and ran back to your room. “Don’t go in there! Wait! Y/N!”
Soon as you crossed the threshold of the room you screamed again. Because there you were, in bed. Not moving. Not breathing. You fell to your knees and screamed again; in horror, confusion, fear. You felt a hand on your shoulder and you just leaned into it, collapsing into the arms of a complete stranger. 
Namjoon held you as you sobbed into him, fists tight around the shirt he died in. He tried his best to be a soothing presence for you, rubbing circles into your back and not letting you go until several hours had passed. A normal human being probably would’ve passed out from exhaustion by now, but you weren’t human anymore. You were a ghost. 
By the time you had stopped crying the sun was starting to rise, you let Namjoon help you to your feet and back to the living room. You both sat down on the couch in silence, besides a couple of sniffles from you. 
“Are. . are you the Grim Reaper?” You asked, your voice groggy from crying. 
“Hm? Oh no, I uh, I’m a ghost. Like you actually.” He replied with a nervous chuckle. “I died here.”
“I figured,” you wiped your nose on the back of your hand. “Landlord said someone died back in ’94, I just thought it was some. . .some old guy. Old age. Didn’t think he’d be-you’d be close to my age.”
“How old are you?” He asked, trying to make light conversation and distract you. 
“Uh, I turned 21 last month.” You gave him a tight smile. Then the two of you fell into silence.
“I’m 23, by the way.” God, it’s been so long since he’s had an actual conversation with someone that he completely forgot how to talk to people. 
“But wouldn’t you be-”
“Nah I don’t really count the years afterward much. I don’t age and can’t leave the house, what’s the point in counting the years.” He scratched the back of his neck. 
“Can’t leave? What do you mean?” You looked at him, confused. 
“Uh. . . you saw Beetlejuice right?” You nodded. “Kinda like that? Only instead of being teleported to some other sand dimension, you just get. . .blocked.”
“I guess there’s also no ‘Handbook for the Recently Deceased’ either.” You let out a soft chuckle.
“Yeah, that would’ve been very helpful.” He gave you a small, dimpled smile. Then the silence fell over you again, the only noise was the shudder of the heater as it shut off, then there was complete silence.
“How long?” You keep your gaze focused on your lap, pulling on your fingers. 
“How long. . .are we going to be here?” Your body was still in the other room, how long until someone notices you were missing school? How long would it take your brother to know that you weren’t contacting him? You could go days without talking with him. . .
“Here? I don’t know. . . as for someone to notice. . .that all depends on the people around you. I died when there was just a frat party, so it was noticed immediately. . .”
You furrowed your brows at that, it sounded familiar. . .why did that sound familiar? You knew for a fact you didn’t research the one death in this house, but at the same time you feel like you’ve been told a story like that before. . . 
It was Jungkook who found you a day and a half later. 
“Y/N? Hello?” He was banging on the door, looking in between the windows. Namjoon held you close as you started to cry, you didn’t want Jungkook to see this. He shouldn’t have to see this. He must’ve found the hide-a-key because moments later he was in, you clung tighter onto Namjoon as your best friend of 10 years looked past you. 
“Y/N?” He called out as he walked in, you turned your head into Namjoon’s chest as your friend made his way towards your room. You squeezed your eyes shut as you heard him talk. “Hey you okay? Haven’t seen you at school. . . Y/N? Y/N? Hey wake up-” He must’ve realized because next thing you know he’s running out of the house, right through you and Namjoon, he stumbles outside and onto the small patch of grass that is your lawn. 
You pull yourself away from Namjoon’s grip, throwing yourself to the open door where you see Jungkook throwing up whatever's in his stomach and crying. You wanted to burst out of the house and just hold him, tell him you were okay, tell him you loved him one last time. But you couldn’t, all you could do was stand there and watch as he pulled out his phone and dialed the emergency number.
Soon enough there was a fire track, an ambulance, and several police cars lining the street. Namjoon tried to pull you away so you didn’t have to see what was going on, but you refused. You needed to see, you had to know what was going on. What was going to happen. BUt all those thoughts were thrown out the door when you saw your brother frantically pull up and run towards the house, pushing past officers trying to keep him away from the scene.
“Y/N?!” he screamed as the officers continued to hold him back. “Where’s my sister!? Is she okay?! Y/N!!��� 
“Yoongi! Yoongi I’m right here!” You screamed, banging against the force that confined you to the townhouse. Not caring if first responders walked right through you, you didn’t care. You just wanted your brother. 
“Yoongi,” You saw Jungkook walk over to him, tears still falling from his face. You watched as the realization fell on his face. You were gone. 
“No. No no no no no NO!” He clawed hysterically at the officers, begging and screaming at them to let him go. They only did as he fell to his knees, Jungkook right next to him and pulled him in close. Both of them crying their hearts out for you as people watched from beyond the police tape. 
With the way your heater was improperly placed, it was an easy open and shut case. Carbon monoxide poisoning. Manslaughter. Your landlord was arrested and charged, plead guilty. He’ll get 3 years in prison. But that does little to resolve you or your family's grief. 
It takes a while before your family has access to your house again, all the carbon monoxide cleared out from the space. The new landlady gives Yoongi a month to clear out your stuff. You watch there as your mom, dad, Yoongi, Jungkook, and Taehyung all stop by and help try and organize boxes. No tears are spared through the entire time, from them and your family. 
Namjoon feels a bit awkward, staying off in the corner as you sit next to your mom as she folds all your clothes and puts them into boxes. He listens to your family as they tell stories about you, reminiscing on memories. He keeps a close eye on your though, despite him dying before, he never saw his family mourn. He’s unsure how you might deal with seeing them cry and divide up your stuff. 
You only start to lose it when Yoongi finds the pink stuffed elephant he’d given you many years ago, hiding away amongst your pillows. When he pulls out the stuffed animal that was hidden away, you watched as he ran his thumb over the furry creature. He brought it close to his chest and let out a choked out sob. Unsure how much more you were able to take, you let out a scream.
Namjoon quickly ran over to the bedroom where you were on the floor, screaming and crying as Yoongi stood there crying, completely unaware of what was going on before him. “Hey hey, it’s okay. It’s okay.” He tried to calm you, but you weren’t having it.
“No! It’s not okay, Namjoon! I’m dead! Maybe you’d have time to accept things the way they were but I can’t!” You shouted, pushing him away from you. You let out another twisted scream that turned into a sob, shaking Namjoon to his very core. The amount of power and energy you put into that wail shook the bookcase behind you, a few of the books falling from their shelves. The man just sat there across from you as you curled into a ball and just cried, and cried, and cried. Not sure what else to say. What do you say to a girl who was wrongfully killed in her sleep? There’s nothing. 
So caught up in your emotions and trying to keep you calm, neither of you see Yoongi notice stare at the bookcase and the fallen books. 
The next few times your family and friends come to pack things up, Namjoon stays with you in the closet. Saying something about giving them space and you need space as well. At first you protest against it, not wanting to be confined to an even smaller space. But after watching your father tear up as he packed away your photos, you agreed. You couldn’t take much longer. 
Several days had passed and all that was left in your townhouse was just the furniture. Your parents and brother arguing over who could keep what. There’s still a few boxes of your things scattered around the house, you wish you could steal a book or something to keep yourself occupied at least but you’d know they’d notice and find it right away. 
Lightning cracks against the sky as rain pours down. To pass the time, Namjoon was telling you stories about the other tenants that had lived here; the frat boys, the families, the stoners, etc. You were in the middle of telling him a story about how you and Jungkook met Taehyung, how he at 17 years old stuck a bug up his nose on a dare when the front door slammed open. Lightning flashed behind the figure, giving you a quick outline of your brother with a bottle in his hand.
“Oh on, no no no.” You stood up to walk over to Yoongi but he just walked right through you. Soaked from the rain, he probably didn’t even feel the cold spot that was you. 
“What is it? What’s wrong?” Namjoon asked as your brother dropped his bag on the floor, taking another swig of the whiskey in his hand. 
“Yoongi, he-he doesn’t like drinking. . .he only does when. . .” Your voice trailed off. Hurt is evident in your eyes as he places the alcohol on the ground and shuffles around in his backpack. Pulling out a black box and frantically tore it open, pulling out a small speaker and wires. 
“Come on, turn on you. . stupid fuckin’ thing.” He slurred as he pushed several buttons on the speaker until it blarred to life, a loud buzzing noise filling the living room. “Y/N? Are you there?”
Your eyes felt like they were going to bulge out of your head. Never in your life did you think your brother would go to such lengths as to buy a spirit box?! You looked to Namjoon, unsure of what to do. He’s told you a couple times people figured out the place was haunted and they’d try to communicate with him, but this was different. He was looking for you. He only gestured for you to speak. 
“Yoongi?” Soon as the words left your mouth, a robotic voice left the speakers and you swear he jumped ten feet in the air. 
“Is-is it really you?” He clung to the speaker, bringing it closer to his face. 
“It’s me,” you said. “I’m here.” The robotic voice followed after your’s. Yoongi let out a small cry, relieved you were here. You tried to say more but all that came out was garbled and mixed up. “Namjoon! What do I do?!”
“Calm down, small phrases.” Namjoon said, the spirit box picked up on his voice, repeating him as well. 
“Y/N, are we alone?” Your brother stilled, looking around the room. 
“No, someone else.” You said, sticking to the advice of small words and phrases. 
“Namjoon, friend.” The man introduced himself. “Died here too.”
“This is. . .this is great? I think? Y/N, I- I don’t know what to say. I’m sorry.” His eyes welded up with tears as he spoke.
“It’s. . okay.” You slowly made your way over to your brother, you placed your hand right over his cheek. “I love you.”
You weren’t sure if he felt your presence or not but needless to say he shut off the machine and burst into tears, you cried as he cried. He sat down on the couch, taking a few more swigs of his bottle of whiskey. His cries eventually evolved into snores as he passed out. You could feel Namjoon’s eyes on you as you attempted to brush the hair from his eyes. 
“I’m glad he didn’t do anything too stupid,” you sighed as you stood. “Or dangerous.”
“I’m sorry this happened, Y/N.” Namjoon said, as you made your way back over to him. Both of you just stand there, staring at your sleeping brother. 
“Not your fault,” you responded. “Just, god, I hope someone takes care of him. . .”
“You have a very loving and caring family, Y/N. He’ll be okay,” he wrapped an arm over your shoulder and pulled you into him. As time passed, you’ve gotten somewhat closer. You can’t help but be friendly with him as he’s the only other person you have, being stuck in a 2 bedroom, 1 and a half bath townhouse for the rest of eternity.
When Yoongi woke up the next morning he was grumpy, per usual of him drinking. He didn’t touch the spirit box though. Didn’t even look at it. He just shoved it in his backpack and left, leaving the whiskey behind. You’re glad he left it behind, but at the same time neither of you don’t know what to do with it. 
Namjoon tried to teach you to harness some of your energy to move stuff, him having several years under his belt. He’s able to move things around with little to no struggle, seeing how he was able to move your stuff around before. You however, struggle to move it even a centimeter. But he tells you not to worry, saying it did take him several years to master. 
About a week after your brother came by there’s a small crowd of people outside the door. Before you can even warn Namjoon, the door opens up and reveals him, Jungkook, Taehyung, a short blond man you don’t recognize, and-
“Seokin?!” Namjoon almost instantaneously recognized his brother, only he looked. . .older.
“You know him?” You almost had eyes as wide as he does, staring at him as he moves with the group of people into the kitchen. 
“Yeah, he’s-he’s my brother.” He feels tears start to well up, stinging as he blinks them back. 
“Your. . that would make you-”
“Taehyung, what am I doing here? You haven’t told me anything.” The eldest man complained as he settled into a chair.
“Dad, I told you just. . .just listen. Please.” Your blue haired friend sighed, giving his dad’s hand a quick squeeze. 
You can only stare at Namjoon who in turn only stares at Taehyung and his father. That’s why his story sounded familiar. You vaguely remember hearing your friend’s dad say something about having a brother that died young. An accident. At a house. Your house. 
The group of people settled around the table, only one left standing was the blond stranger who kept his eyes closed as he took a few deep breaths. His face was scrunched up every so slightly, like he was feeling for something.
“Oh no,” Namjoon groaned. “They brought a psychic.”
“I feel. . .” He started.
“Watch he’s going to say vengeful or something like that,” your ghostly friend crossed his arms with a huff.
“Oh I feel a lot of different things,” he giggled as he opened his eyes, pressing a hand to his cheek. “Mainly confusion but. . .there’s some relief and happiness mainly surrounding you sir.” The psychic pointed to Seokjin, who looked even more confused. 
“Are they here?” Yoongi asked him as he settled down in his seat.
“Yes, your sister and your brother are in the room.” he said with a smile. 
“I’m sorry, what?” Seokjin raised a brow in disbelief. “No, Taehyung. I’m not going to deal with some phony who is going to just make shit up about my brother” He started to get up from his seat. 
“Dad, wait!” Taehyung called after him.
“Pink! He likes the color pink!”
“Does the color pink mean anything to you?” The psychic said, stilling Seokjin. 
“Pink was his favorite color, but to anyone who asked him what his favorite color was it was orange.” Namjoon just spouted off the fact about his brother. The psychic didn’t repeat the statement verbatim, but got the point across nonetheless. 
“Mr. Kim, please just listen to what Jimin has to say. True me.” Your brother pleaded with him. Seokjin walked back to the table and took his seat once again. You could see his eyes were watering, like his brother he was blinking back tears. 
“Continue.” He gave a small nod to the blond man, now known as Jimin, who smiled back in return. 
“Now, we’re here to talk to Y/N and Namjoon, correct. That’s their names.” The table all nodded in response. “Okay, they’re here. They’re a bit confused so I’ll repeat my briefing. Hello, my name is Park Jimin. I’m a psychic medium. I can’t exactly see or hear you, but I can feel your energy and emotions. So please be gentle.” He gave a small laugh as he settled himself in your kitchen chair and closed his eyes. “Your family has questions, I’m here to help translate your answers for you. Family, if you please.”
“If Y/N is really here. . . what’s something only she and I would know?” Jungkook said, you had a feeling he was suspicious of this as well, just more quiet about it, possibly not wanting to insult Yoongi or Jimin. 
You felt your cheeks burn as a memory popped in your head, immediately knowing exactly what proof he needed. “He uh, stole my first kiss when I was 13 underneath the monkey bars.” You let out a small chuckle at the memory.
Almost instantaneously, Jimin burst out in a giggle. “Oh my gosh, I’m getting monkey bars?” He kept his eyes closed as he brought his hands to his cheeks. You were keeping your eyes focused on the psychic, but out of the corner of your eyes you saw Jungkook stiffen. “Oh my face is red. You stole her first kiss.” He opened his eyes, a huge smile on his face. 
“I’m sorry what?” Yoongi immediately turned to the younger boy, eyeing him suspiciously. 
“Shush, it’s her.” He dismissed your brother as he leaned forward on the table, soaking in every word that Jimin said. 
“Dad, do you want to say something?” Taehyung looked to his father who kept his arms crossed and his face stern. Glancing between him and Namjoon as he stood right next to him, you finally were able to see somewhat of a resemblance between them. The same messy dark hair, same stern eyebrows, you could only imagine what Mr. Kim looked like when he was Namjoon’s age. 
“. . . Who was it. . .” His voice cracked as he spoke. 
Namjoon paused, he hadn’t thought of the stranger in many years. . .did they never find him? All he recalls of him was a heart shaped smile and brown hair. He can’t recall much else about him, looking very much normal. Like the rest of the party. 
“Hmm,” He watched as Jimin’s face scrunched up a bit. “He doesn’t know, all he remembers is the smile and his hair color.” He brought his hand to his mouth, gesturing to it. “It was a very specific shape too, I see it in my mind perfectly. I wanna say. . . heart shaped?”
Soon as the words left his mouth, Seokjin broke out into a sob. Namjoon watched as his son, his nephew, rumbed comforting circles on his back. 
“Hoseok, fucking Jung Hoseok.” He choked out, hiding his face from the rest of the table. 
Namjoon reached out to his brother, placing a hand on his shoulder. Trying to let him know that it’s okay, he’s not mad. It’s okay. 
“Seokjin,” Jimin started. “Your brother doesn’t harbor any ill will towards him. He forgave him a long time ago.” He finished with a smile. 
“But it’s my fault he’s dead.” He managed to get out. “I brought him to the party, I gave him alcohol. I was the one complaining to Hoseok about him needing to chill out. I caused my brother’s death!”
Namjoon froze at this information. He looked to you, who seemed equally stunned. The whole table seemed to be stunned into silence. 
“I thought it was him for a while, but no one saw him give Namjoon the drugs. I had no evidence. Hoseok’s dad was chief of police so even if I did it would’ve been swept under the rug.” Seokjin finished as he wiped his tears away. The entire table stayed quiet, waiting. 
Namjoon closed his eyes and took a deep breath, despite the action doing nothing, it calmed him down. “It’s alright, Jinnie. I forgive you.” He focused all his energy onto his hand that was placed on his brother’s shoulder, giving it a squeeze. “You need to forgive yourself.” He must’ve felt it because he started staring at his shoulder.
“He forgives you, Mr. Kim.” Jimin repeated softly. “But he thinks you need to forgive yourself. You can’t change the past. He learned that a long time ago. It’s time to let go.”
Eyes not leaving his shoulder, he nodded. “Okay. Okay Joonie.” He let out in a soft voice. 
Jimin conducts the meeting for a little while longer, your respective families letting you know that you are always in their thoughts and how much they love you. You and Namjoon stayed near each other the whole time, giving each other the support you needed as you all reminisced on memories. 
As the meeting  started to come to a close, the blond psychic said something. “Now, this is not usually conventional for me but I feel like it’s necessary.” 
“What do you mean?” Yoongi asked, looking at the man with concern. 
“Both Namjoon and Y/N need to move on. It’s clear to me they have no unfinished business, so the reason they’re still here isn’t that.” He explained. “Sometimes when people die young they just get stuck behind, it’s not common but it happens.”
“So this will be our last goodbye?” Jungkook’s big doe eyes started to well with tears again.
“Yes, it will be.” He nodded. “Please say your final words.”
“Y/N,” Yoongi started, you watched as your brother’s lip trembled, trying to find the right words to say to you. “There’s so much I want to say but I can’t get it out. . I-I love you. You’ll always be my baby sister.”
Next up was Jungkook, who was keeping his eyes squeezed shut. “I wish. . .I wish I could’ve done more for you. I miss you and- and I’ll never forget you.”
“Namjoonie. . .” Seokjin began. “It seems like I just got you back and now I’m losing you again.” He let out a weak laugh. “I love you. You’re always in my thoughts.”
Finally was Taehyung, who just sat there with his lips pursed in thought. “Uncle Namjoon. . . I’m glad I at least got to meet you. . .kinda.” He smiled lightly. “Thank you for being there for Y/N. Please watch over her, she’s kind of a mess sometimes.” He laughed, causing the table to erupt in chuckles. 
“Hey, I’m not that much of a mess!” You countered.
“Yes, you are.” Namjoon asserted as Taehyung finished his thought.
“Y/N, I’m. . . I’m gonna miss you. I’ll always be your bug.” He concluded. The table turned their attention back towards Jimin, who was wiping away tears. 
“They’re not saying anything but it’s clear that they love you,” he said with a smile as he dabbed his under eyes with a handkerchief. “Now, Namjoon and Y/N. Please stand behind me and put your hands on my shoulders.” You followed his instructions, placing your hands on his shoulders, causing him to shiver. “Ooh cold. Now, join hands everyone.” He held out his hands for Yoongi and Taehyung to take. They did and the rest followed suit. 
They all sat there in silence, eyes closed. You and Namjoon looked to each other, neither of you knew what was going to happen next. He’s tried for years to move on physically saying he’s moving on or had no more unfinished business, meditating. Nothing worked. Maybe he was stuck and needed a real and proper psychic’s help?
Suddenly warmth covered you and Namjoon. It’s been years since he’d felt warmth like this. He let out a sigh as the feeling enveloped him. He looked over to you and you had a relaxed smile on your face, content with everything. The sadness he was so used to seeing on your face was now replaced with a look of peace. If he was to look in the mirror, he was sure he’d look the same. 
There was no light that neither of you could recall going into. You both just watched your world melt away into the next.
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saturnwritings · 4 years
freeze your brain
—after a disheartening start to the evening leads you to hide under a table at a party, a chance encounter with kenma leads you to have one of the best nights of your life. | based on a pov by a cosplayer on tiktok (@/sea.kaninchen)
pairing(s): kenma x reader, past/brief daishou x reader 
word count: 3993
warnings: cheating, hints to sexual themes (only briefly)
a/n: i think i should mention that I DONT HATE DAISHOU!!! i think hes a complex and interesting character and ppl shit on him a lot but i did need a villain for this so im sorry for being basic he doesnt deserve this 😪also i was honestly really excited to do this?? like tiktok cosplayers’ povs are not bad i love cosplayers its just straight tiktok’s povs im sorry 😔 
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You let out a sigh as you glance at your phone for what seemed like the thousandth time that night, the numbers moving slow, in almost a mocking way. The blinding, multi-colored lights dancing around the room kind of made your eyes spin, and the air around you made you wonder if it was possible to describe air as ‘sticky’ and what… questionable ways it could get to that state. There were bodies moving all around the room, most likely all around the house, doing a multitude of things: dancing, talking, loitering.
You had been coerced by your friends, as well as your boyfriend, Daishou, to come to this party, with promises of letting loose and free food. As reluctant as you were, your boyfriend had assured you that he would personally make sure you had a good time; said boyfriend was nowhere to be seen.
As you leaned against the wall, you raised your phone screen to your face as you mindlessly scrolled through various social media feeds and such, trying to pass the time. Ultimately, there’s only so much you can do constantly refreshing pages. On top of that, it might have just been your imagination but people seemed to stop and sneak looks at you, probably wondering why you were staying by yourself in a corner for so long.
Putting your phone away, you decided to approach some of Daishou’s friends - after all, the least he could do was to hang out with you at the party he kind of forced you to go to. Taking a quick look around the room, your eyes landed on a group of boys hanging out on the couches, you recognized them as your boyfriend’s friends. You greeted them as best as you could over the loud music, almost pounding your eardrums.
“I was just wondering, have you seen Daishou anywhere?” As soon as you mentioned his name, that atmosphere within the group grew tense. They all seemed to avoid eye-contact and some even started fidgeting. Suddenly, one of the boys spoke up.
“I- uhm, I think I saw him go upstairs?” He was met with pointed looks from the rest. Confused, you thanked them nonetheless and located the stairs.
Maneuvering your way through the many bodies on the stairs, you start searching through the many rooms of the house as you think to yourself: Who’s house is this? Why are there so many rooms? You must’ve looked through the first 4 rooms of the hallway (bathroom, storage closet, bedroom, bedroom) before reaching another door.
When you opened the door, thankful it wasn’t locked, you immediately saw two figures in a bed in the middle of the room. Upon closer inspection, you saw that they were very much not having a nap together but instead moving in tandem. You were about to exit before they could see you when one of the figures, a girl, locked eyes with you. She immediately fumbled and pushed the other figure, a boy, off of her and drew the sheets to cover herself. Feeling awkward and frozen in place, you started to spew out apologies. 
“Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry, I, uhm,” you hands out in a defensive motion “I didn’t mean to walk in! I was just…” You trailed off when the boy turned around and you got a good look of his face. It was then when you had realized it was your boyfriend in a bed with his ex-girlfriend, Mika. 
“Suguru…” Your face morphed into a disheartened expression, “You’re…” you couldn’t finish your sentence though, your eyes frantically shifting between Daishou and Mika, who you had just realized the identity of, in confusion as you opened your mouth to say something, but the words lay stuck in your throat. Fat tears welled up in your eyes, eventually falling down your cheeks, but you had yet to move. 
“y/n! It’s not what you think!” Your boyfriend started as he moved off of the bed and towards you, fumbling for an explanation, but his lack of clothes told you everything. No matter what excuse he came up with, the intentions were clear. 
You choked up and you pushed him away. “Save it! We’re through!” Your voice wavered as you turned and ran out the door, covering your mouth with your hands in an attempt to stifle your crying. Unfortunately, you moved to hide in the bathroom to gather your thoughts, gripping the door handle and pushing when you realized it was locked. 
You looked around for something, you weren’t really quite sure what, but you knew you needed to be away from your boyfriend (ex-boyfriend, you reminded yourself) no matter what. In the heat of the moment, you stumbled your way downstairs and into the dining room. It was completely empty, which came as a surprise, but you realized it was probably because the living room was big enough for everyone to do what they wanted and the food was spread out in the kitchen and living room. 
You managed to take a second to catch a break. You were about to take your phone out to call an Uber when you heard Daishou calling your name. In a moment of panic, your eyes landed on the dining table in the middle of the room. Swiftly, and with less gravitas than you’d like to admit, you crawled under the table, thanking the lords above that it was covered in a table cloth that reached the floor. An interesting style choice? Sure, but you were thankful nonetheless.
Holding your breath, you heard your name being called before you heard footsteps leave the room. So there you were, crying under a table at a party. You could still hear the loud techno and pop music from the other room, albeit muffled, and let it drown out your sorrows. 
You thought of calling an Uber now, but you figured it would be smart to take the time to let your thoughts regroup so you at least stopped crying hysterically. 
“Please, Kenma?!” Kuroo pouted as he clasped his hands together, “C’mon, it’s not gonna be that bad, it’ll be really fun!” Kenma sighed. He looked down at his paused game of MonHun and took note of the time.
It was nearing 4pm and Kenma still had yet to clear this level. “I already told you, I don’t wanna go,” Kenma started, “I don’t like parties.” That had Kuroo bouncing and flailing around.
“But Terushima always throws the best parties, they’re fun for everyone!” Kenma grunted in response, he had started playing his game again, Kuroo narrowed his eyes and pouted even harder. “Pleeease?! Everyone’s gonna be there, it’s gonna be great! But it won’t be fun without you,” Kuroo pleaded. Kenma scoffed at that, he considered agreeing just so shut Kuroo up, but he wanted to know what he was getting into first.
“Who’s gonna be there?” Kenma asked, not looking up from his PSP.
“Everyone!” Kenma thought it was almost comical how Kuroo immediately perked up. Kenma shot him an incredulous look. “Uhm, okay, so I know Bo’s gonna be there, which means Akaashi’s gonna be there… You can hang out with him!” Kenma hummed, only partially listening, “No, you’re right, you’re right! What was I thinking? Obviously Akaashi’s gonna hang out with Bokuto, which means I’m gonna have to third wheel!” He tuned Kuroo out as he went on.
Just as Kenma had lost another round, Kuroo seemed to have finished his rant about being a third-wheel and the dynamics between Bokuto and Akaashi.
“Um, well, I mean pretty much all of the Volleyball teams are gonna be there, Terushima really wants this to be epic! Uhm, other than that… Oh! Isn’t there that girl? I forgot her name but she’s dating… Daishou…” Kuroo shudders, Kenma hummed in response. “She’s in your class isn’t she? What’s her name, you can hang out with her!” 
“y/n.” Kenma offered, still not looking up from his game. 
“Yeah, that’s it! Ugh, she’s kinda strange… like, Daishou? Really? Last time I saw him, he was wearing that ugly sweater…” Kenma tuned him out once again. 
While Kenma continued his game, he subconsciously pondered on your relationship. You guys had never really been close, save for the occasional group and partner projects you guys did together, as was expected, you were in the same class after all. If Kenma was being honest, the only time he paid you any mind was when Kuroo brought up how Daishou was most definitely blackmailing you into dating him or something or the sort.
Fed up with Kuroo’s whining, Kenma spoke up after another round lost. “Kuro, I’ll go to the party,” Kuroo’s eyes widened as he gasped, sporting a surprised smile, Kenma continued, “But if I get bored or stressed, I’m leaving.” 
Kuroo nodded.
Needless to say, Kenma wasn’t having a good time. While he did enjoy seeing his friend, Hinata, again, the loud and, quite frankly, annoying music was starting to hurt his ears and the food provided was decent at best, meaning fast food pizza and about a million different bags of chips.
“Kenma! C’mon, get over here! We’re playing beer pong, I need a partner!” Kenma sighed as he heard Kuroo call out to him. From where he was leaning against a wall, he could see Kuroo, Bokuto and Miya Atsumu setting up red solo cups on a table. 
This had been happening all night, Kenma minding his own business, occasionally engaging in conversation with Hinata or Akaashi if they crossed paths, with Kuroo swooping in to try to get him to play some sort of party game with him. The first was Just Dance, which Kenma avoided by saying he was hungry, next came truth or dare, Kenma used the bathroom excuse on that one, and so on and so forth. The cycle continued, Kuroo hunting down Kenma and Kenma finding any way he could escape. 
That led Kenma to this moment: leaning against a wall in the kitchen playing on his PSP, with Kuroo struggling to maneuver around everyone to get to him. Kenma checks the digital clock on his PSP. 
That seemed like a good time to leave, Kenma thought. As he was pocketing his PSP to get ready to make a dash for it, Kenma panicked for a moment, realizing that to get to the front door, he would have to pass by Kuroo and the beer pong table. Contemplating for a moment, he concluded that he would much rather wait it out and leave a bit later than have to explain why he was leaving. 
When Kenma came to his senses, he realized Kuroo was even closer to him than he thought. Scanning for options, he ran the only direction he could, through the arch connecting the kitchen with the dining room. 
In a moment of desperation, he ducked under the table cloth.
You checked yourself again in your phone camera. Thankfully, you had calmed down and stopped crying hysterically, and were only left with the occasional sniffle. Unfortunately, the redness was still very much present, as were the tears when you thought too hard about Daishou. Despite all the nasty things other people, especially in your school, would say about him, he was a kind person, passionate about many things and was very caring towards you: always cheering you up and lending an ear when you needed to vent. 
I guess he just… really liked Mika, then, huh, you thought to yourself as you hugged your knees close to your chest.
Deep in your thoughts, you hadn’t noticed the frantic footsteps making their way towards you. You only realized something was off when the table cloth rustled and was lifted open, only for someone to slip in and under the table with you.
The boy seemed to be catching his breath when you made a startled noise of surprise. Hearing it, the boy snapped his head up to meet your stare. You were both just staring at each other with wide eyes, after a moment you both started fumbling out uhms and i’s, glancing around to avoid eye contact. 
After accidentally looking up at each other at the same time, you realized who the boy was.
“Wait… Kenma?” He blinked.
“y/n?” He responded with a tilt of his head, “Uhm, I’m sorry, I was just… trying to get away from someone…” You shifted in your spot, casting your eyes away in embarrassment hoping he wouldn’t see your red face and stray tears. “What about you?”
“Hm?” Your eyes widened in confusion.
“Why are you, uh,” he paused awkwardly and gestured around vaguely, “What’re you doing under a table?” You didn’t really know how to respond to that.
“Uhm… well,” you felt tears welling up in your eyes again, “I-” a sob wracked through your body. Completely overwhelmed with emotions, you burst into tears. Kenma’s eyes shifted frantically before he regained his composure, he had never really been good and expressing emotions or helping others with theirs.
Kenma thought to himself: What would Kuro do in this situation? Sure, Kenma had gotten upset lots of times, and Kuroo always knew how to help. He realized that one thing that Kuroo did was ask him if he wanted to talk about what was going on - of course, Kenma never did, but for some strange, unknown reason, it made him feel just the tiniest bit better. In the back of his mind, Kenma thought that it made him feel better because it told him there was someone who cared about him.
“Do you, uh, wanna talk about it? Maybe?” He winced at his awkward delivery, his hands fidgeting.
“Is that,” you sniffled, “is that okay?” Kenma tried his best to give a reassuring smile, he was sure it came off as strained.
“Yeah, sure.”
You told Kenma about your relationship with Daishou; how it started, all the ups and downs, and finally how it ended. How you kept having chance encounters: at school when you were out shopping and even late one night at a public library - that was the night he asked you out for the first time, and you couldn’t have been more smitten. 
During your relationship, he was so kind and considerate to you, and he never failed to make you laugh. You told Kenma how he even said that despite going to different schools, there was no one else he'd rather be that: that apparently didn’t stop him from hooking up with another girl.
After you went silent, Kenma found that you were finished. Despite only thinking of you as ‘that other girl in his class that was dating a volleyball player Kuroo hated’ until recently, seeing you cry and pour your heart out gave him a strange, internal attachment to you.
“Do you wanna get out of here?” Kenma asked suddenly, turning to you and planting a hand on the floor, learning towards you ever so slightly. You blinked.
“What?” Surprised by his own outburst, Kenma decided to roll with it.
“There’s an arcade a few blocks down… sometimes when I get upset, I go there and it always cheers me up?” To be perfectly honest, Kenma wasn’t really expecting you to say yes. He expected you to brush him off, say you were feeling better and ready to go home. 
Kenma himself didn’t know why he asked, he usually didn’t really like spended excess time with people he didn’t know that well, but subconsciously, there was a part of him that wanted to help.
“Oh, uhm, yeah! Sure, why not?” You metally cursed yourself for your stuttering, it was bad enough you were info-dumping and completely oversharing, you didn’t want Kenma to think you were that weak. You sniffled again, realization dawning on you.
“We gotta find a way out of here first, thought.” You said. Kenma cringed. 
Long story short, you and Kenma managed to escape the table without anyone seeing you. You were extremely thankful, as it would have been very awkward if someone saw the two of you crawling out from under a table. 
Getting outside was another thing, thought. Kuroo and the beer pong table were still very much blocking the way out, and there was always the risk of bumping into Daishou again. After a bit of asking around, you found out that there was a backdoor in the kitchen, so you and Kenma were able to make your escape. 
Now you were playing away to your hearts’ content to some random racing game at an arcade. You both were playing side-by-side, versing each other. To no one’s surprise, Kenma was beating you. Deep down, though, Kenma was a little impressed you were able to keep up with him so well, being a religious player of Mario Kart himself and all. 
You both fleeted from game to game, playing almost every game available from shooting games to claw machines to even a Space Invaders-esque game. You had managed to earn a good amount of tickets, all thanks to Kenma’s membership card and the loose tokens he found in his wallet.
Eventually, you had played until the arcade was empty and one of the employees came up to you to tell you they were closed. They did mention that you could still buy some prizes if you wanted to, to which Kenma turned to you.
“Do you want to?” 
Over the time you had spent playing games together, you had gotten to know Kenma better than just ‘the quiet boy in your class’ in between passing conversations and empty, teasing threats, some of your favorites had been: I will steal your kneecaps and If you play with that character you don’t deserve rights.
“Yeah, sure!” You replied, a genuine smile crossed your face. 
In the end, you had gotten a keychain with a mini funko character on it and Kenma settled on a cute sticker that, with much encouragement from you, he stuck on the case of his PSP.
After exiting the arcade, Kenma took a moment to glance over at you. The empty street illuminated by semi-faulty lampposts, and he found it showed your face more clearly than all the neon lights of the arcade. Your tears dried up, although there were still hints of red in splotches on your face. 
As he watched you talk excitedly about your new keychain, he couldn’t help but feel a strange way, an unfamiliar feeling he had never felt before. It was warm in a way, something akin to stepping home for the first time after being away for so long. It was weird, in all the years he had known you, or been partnered up with you for whatever, he had never thought of you as anything other than a random classmate. However, after everything you had both gone through together that night, something new was forming.
Little did Kenma know, you were thinking the same. You noticed the little things about him; you thought back to how his nose would scrunch when he would mess up in a game or you would surpass him in something, or how his eyes lit up and almost sparkled ever so slightly when he was picking out stickers. Now that you were outside, you could see how his dyed hair swayed gently in the crisp November wind, or how his eyes would somewhat crinkle as he laughed when you made a joke.
After a few moments of silence, you spoke up. 
“Hey, so, I didn’t really get to eat at the party… Do you maybe wanna get something to eat nearby?” You asked, turning your head to Kenma. Realizing how that sounded like you were asking him on a date, you quickly stuttered out “Of course, you don’t have to! We can just get a small snack or, or maybe we don’t have to get anything!” You laughed awkwardly as Kenma showed no obvious emotions, however his eyes were slightly widened and his cheeks growing more red, but you chalked that up to the colder weather and surprise. 
Kenma suddenly remembered how he didn’t get a chance to eat as well, but in all the games you guys were playing, he didn’t get a chance to feel hungry. Realizing he had not responded, he quickly thought of a place to get food, his mind immediately wandering to 7/11.
“Oh yeah, sure. There’s a 7/11 down the street, if you want?” He said, and you were off.
Sitting in the 7/11 with Kenma under the fluorescent lights was oddly comforting. You were happily eating your warm soba noodles (topped with tempura) as Kenma ate his apple pastry (having already eaten half of an egg salad sandwich and wrapping the rest for later) as you engaged in mindless conversation, Kenma periodically pulling out his PSP to either play or check on things. 
During some random conversation about a new game Kenma was playing, you noticed him occasionally glancing behind you. Eventually, you looked behind you to see what looked like a newly installed slushie machine, touchscreen and all. Realizing Kenma wouldn’t speak up about it, you decided to take charge.
“Do you wanna get slushies?” You said with a grin. Kenma looked surprised for a second before lightly laughing.
Over the machine, you tapped the screen to get a strawberry lemonade slushie, while Kenma opted for cherry one.
Slushies didn’t exactly pair well with warm soba, but tonight was apparently a night full of surprise, what with finding out about your boyfriend (ex, you reminded yourself), not to mention these spontaneous adventures with a random boy who was, you thought, not so random anymore.
“Wanna have a competition?” Kenma’s voice interrupted your train of thought, “Let’s see who can drink theirs the fastest.” You grinned.
“You’re on!”
After Kenma counted down, you both tried to down your slushie. Halfway through, though, you had to stop.
“Ah! Brainfreeze!” You exclaimed, clutching your head with one hand. Kenma also stopped drinking and laughed, “My head feels so numb, argh!” You hummed. “At least now I won’t think of Daishou anymore… My brain feels like it’s pounding like, like it’s having a rave or something!” It was getting late, meaning you were dangerously close to your stage of drowsiness that caused you to infodump like crazy. Kenma’s smile dropped every so slightly. 
“Hey, uhm,” he looked as though he was looking for the right words to say, “I’m really sorry about what happened, uh,” he scratched the back of his head nervously, “Sorry, I’m not great at… feelings… but, if you ever need someone to talk to, I’m here.” 
You blinked for a second before smiling. 
“Thanks, Kenma.”
As you were finishing up the rest of your slushie, you turned to Kenma.
“Hey, uhm, I know this is pretty random but do you want to be my partner for the project we’re doing in science?” Kenma looked up from his PSP and stared at you, as if trying to remember what you were talking about, “The one about incomplete dominance and sex-linked traits? The teacher said you had to find a partner of the opposite gender so you could create a ‘hypothetical baby’, which, honestly, I find kinda dumb… Like, if the baby’s just hypothetical, then you could partner up with anyone, right? It’s not just me that feels that way?” 
Kenma remembered what project you were talking about, but he really enjoyed when you would continue on these rants. Being one to not talk that much, he liked how you were able to fill in the silence, although the times when you would be eating and he would be playing in silence were not as awkward as he thought, they weren’t awkward at all. 
“So… Do you want to pair up?” Kenma flushed, realizing he was mindlessly listening to you talk.
“Oh, uhm, yeah, sure.” You beamed.
bonus: you did your project on incomplete dominance and sex-linked traits and learned about the wonders of co-dominance in blood types. also kuroo was very worried about kenma leaving and thought he got kidnapped by a van that said ‘free games’ but it was all cool when he learnt kenma left with a girl ;)
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powerbottomeminem · 4 years
33 (kiss in a dream) with Dave Strider?
33. Kiss in a dream (Eminem x Dave Strider from Homestuck)
TG: armageddon's gettin waged on us TG: but im-a gettin armed and dangerous TG: sending men in space for savin us TG: see which playa's more couragerous TG: ben or bruce? dudes reach a truce TG: put their blowchutes to use and up-suck it TG: afflecks saclifice, i mean -crifice, would have to sufflice. aw fluck it TG: bro be a stained-glass saint, up on a cross gettin hella christ-plagiarous TG: bruce's like offa that cruciflix, nuff a this fuckin savior-fuss TG: restrained his ass per mclane-redux while buscemi remained derangerous TG: when a plan gone astray pays off a wasted craterous TG: ash tray caterin to layers of matt maconnaheys vague remainder-dust TG: wait TG: uh TG: macconahey wasnt even in any of those meteor movies was he
A blonde boy is standing in front of him, big shades sitting on his nose and in the background a thumping beat spins out of a pair of turntables. A name spins with the beat: Dave Strider.
Slim Shady scrunches his nose, that is a terrible end to a freestyle. Don't ever admit you fucked up a reference. Better yet, don't fuck up a reference. "Yo bitch, what half-baked, half-assed shit is this?"
"And you're the police on half-baked, half-assed shit?", Dave asks back.
"I'm the police on shitty freestyles", Shady sneers. "Let me show you how it's done." Out of thin air he grabs a microphone, the beat changes to a slow synth and the cracking of a police scanner.
MM: there's a joker on the loose from the psychiatric ward MM: his face is up on the bulletin board with a reward MM: he'll stab you with a sword, don't be fooled by his charm MM: he's probably armed with intent to do bodily harm MM: ring the alarm, look for a man with green hair MM: check at your girl's house, he was last seen there MM: he has a mean stare but usually cracks jokes MM: good luck on your mission and guard your backs, folks
On the last word he winks at Dave triumphantly. Good flow, good rhymes and most important of all no mess up. Shady was rather pleased with his performance if he say so himself.
But Dave only shrugs weakly. "That's all you got?"
"Of course not!", Shady huffs, "I got tons more, you'll see!" What was this guys problem, eh? Shady grinds his teeth, he hears them scrape against each other in his jaw. "Fucking punk."
MM: I'm on a solo mission to find him personally MM: to settle the score and to beat him unmercifully MM: for what he first did to me, it's sure to be the last MM: followin' footprints with a magnifyin' glass MM: to drag his lyin' ass back to his padded cell MM: I'm mad as hell, on the trail of this tattle tail MM: I heard a yell, the voice sounded familiar MM: "give me your girlfriend or I'm gonna kill ya!"
"C'mon, you don't have a girlfriend", Dave blurts out disbelieving, a smug smirk on his face for a brief moment. Behind the sunglasses it was obvious he eyes Shady up and down with all the judgement in the world.
"I do", Shady scoffs, arms crossed in front of his chest. "She's pretty hot, too."
A click of the tongue. "You would say that, wouldn't you."
"It's true, bitch!" At least on the outside Kim was pretty and hot.
"If you need a girlfriend so bad, you can be mine", Dave offers casually. "A guy like me helps the people in need, you know."
Shady frowns. "I ain't in need, I have a girlfriend."
"Sure", still not believing.
"What's in it for me?", Shady asks. He'll always have Kim, but it won't hurt to look around a little.
Another smug smile on Dave's face. "Where you think coolness comes from?", he asks provokingly. The fly of his jeans opens on its own and a massive cock boings out.
Explains a lot, Shady thinks but bites his lips to not say it out loud. "You got some balls, man", he says instead.
"It's a blessing and a curse really", Dave says in the most casual tone, a flick of the wrist to emphasize the casualness of it all.
Shady can't keep his eyes from the massive cock sticking out from Dave's jeans. That's one hell of an argument. "Aight, fine, I'm in."
"That's gonna be my line", Dave smirks.
Shady rolls his eyes.
"C'mere", Dave winks him over, "We gotta seal it with a kiss or it don't count."
It's only a few steps he needs to take, a nervous swirl in his stomach. Shady hasn't had a cock that massive yet but he's delighted to try soon.
When he's close - closer than he needs to be - Shady leans into the kiss, Dave let's it happen and kisses just enough back to show he knows what he's doing. A hand grabs Shady's ass.
"This is gonna be fun."
A white ceiling looked down on him, Marshall blinked confused. What in the … Next to him he heard soft snoring, his boyfriend. "Oh man", he sighed and dragged his hands over his face with sleepy exhaustion. He should stop looking at Nicolas's reading history before bed. Never nothing good came out of that.
He rammed his elbow into Nicolas's side as a sort of punishment and nestled against the warm back again. Hopefully his next dream wouldn’t be as weird.
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lupy22 · 4 years
Primitive Instincts
Summary: Another long walk home after a long night of bartending seemed normal for the Reader. Until she has her identity mistaken for someone who has a target on their back. Once the hitman realizes he has the wrong woman he keeps her locked away in his home and she soon realizes that Ubbe is not just a hitman. He's a savage that runs on his primitive instincts. Series Warnings: Kidnapping, violence, sexual tension, smut, nsfw, drinking and drug use, dark!fic, Savage!Ubbe, 
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Something seemed wrong to you. Although you were walking by yourself in the dark, it never bothered you before. But for some reason you felt more alert than usual. You always walked home after a late shift at the bar, and you never felt paranoid. So, you stopped and glanced around. Home wasn't far. You just had a few minutes left and you would be home. But as you continued forward, you noticed a car stopped on the side of the road right next to the liquor store that was obviously closed. There was a man leaning up against it. It didn't scare you, he was just another person who was proabably lost. "Excuse me, Miss. Do you know where the closest hotel is?" The man asked. You couldn't see his face that good. But you could tell he was tall. Before you could even think of a reply a strong force rammed you right into the car. You fell on the concrete and groaned as the world around you began to spin. "Get the rope." You heard a man's voice. Shit. Shit. Shit! Of course you would get kidnapped. The town you lived in was like a fucking ghost town. Everything was spaced out. Closest neighbor was probably 2 miles away. And everyone else from the bar was already too far gone to hear you, even if you could scream. You could feel a pair of hands grab you but you couldn't fight back. Your vision was slowly fading and you knew right then and there, you were fucked. 
*** Everything came back to you when you heard a car door slam shut. Darkness engulfed you and when you shuffled around you felt the rug material rub against you. That bastard locked you in the trunk. Suddenly the trunk popped open and a bright light was beaming down in your face. “Now, don’t make this harder than it has to be.” The stranger from the liquor store spoke in his gravelly voice. “Fuck you.” You spat. “Would, if I could. Trust me.” He shot back. You felt his hands run to your backside and you turned to grip his wrists. “Easy, Princess, just need to see your wallet first. You see, I work for this big secret agency that hires people like me to kill people, no questions asked, just the good old -” He clicked his tongue, “and making them disappear. But the problem is they don’t pay unless I prove to them that you were the right person.” The moment you processed his words you felt tears begin to grow in your eyes. He was going to kill you? No, this had to be a mistake. “There’s a mistake somewhere. I never do anything wrong!” You cried out. You saw him move the flashlight down to your ID. He brought the light back to your face. “Oh, fuck!” He cursed. “What’s wrong, Ubbe?” The other man asked. “It’s not her! We got the wrong woman!” The man you assumed was Ubbe growled and threw your wallet at his chest. “Well, jig is up, let’s just kill her!” The other man pulled out a gun. You crunched up and covered your head with your arm. “No! As tempting as that is, I don’t feel like killing unless there’s money involved.” Ubbe replied. “Well then, Brother, what do you want to do?” Ubbe didn’t answer. Or at least you didn’t get to hear it because he slammed the tip of his flashlight right into your forehead and your vision became nothing but a pit of darkness. *** The next time you woke up you weren’t in the trunk of a car. You woke up on a tiled floor next to a… Toilet? You tried to move but you were handcuffed to the toilet. “What the fuck?” You whispered. Then you heard a loud slam. And another coming from… Somewhere but you were obviously alone in the bathroom and the door was shut. “Oh! Oh!” The sound of another girl crying made you look around. “Oh Ubbe! Yess! Right there!” She moaned. “Yeah, baby girl, just like that.” Ubbe groaned. “Oh, you have got to be shitting me.” You started tugging on the handcuffs. “Ubbe! I-I-I” The girl let out a loud wail and you cringed at the sound. Did she even know that you were handcuffed in the bathroom, being held against your will? Would she still have been moaning and wanting him if she really knew? “Hey! Somebody! Let me out!” You screamed. The door opened behind you and peaked over your shoulder to see Ubbe pulling down a white shirt. He was in a pair of loose grey sweatpants that hung low on his hips. You quickly averted your eyes. “I said Im coming! Fucking take a chill pill.” Ubbe stepped over you and sat on the edge of the tub. “Can you let me out of these cuffs now?” You asked. Ubbe pulled out a cigarette and slid it between his lips. “Not until we have a talk about your attitude and how it needs to change.” You waved your hands so the metal chains would clank against the pipes. “Im chained up in the most uncomfortable position so forgive me for not feeling like a ray of sunshine!” Ubbe lit his cigarette and looked down at you through the cloud of smoke. His eyes were an intense blue and his hair was a dirty blonde. Almost red. And he was… Gorgeous. “So I saved your life do you know what that means?” Ubbe asked as he ashed his cigarette. “That your an idiot for kidnapping the wrong girl?” You replied. Ubbe chuckled. “I’m a lot smarter than you because if I was in your position I would be showing more respect to the man that I owed my life to.” You swallowed the lump that was starting to grow in your throat. “You were the one that fucked up. How is any of that my problem? Besides if you let me go I won’t say a damn thing. I have better things to do than try to have you arrested.” You tried to reason with him. “Im sure you do, but me keeping you here is not because I can. . Well it sort of is but more because you owe me your life.” You scowled. Ubbe took a drag of his cigarette before he flicked it in the sink and crouched down beside you. He suddenly seemed more intimidating up close in your personal space. “I won’t take any of your disrespect. Like it or not, I fucking own you now. And in my home you will behave how I want or there will be consequences.” He threatened. You forced yourself to look at the toilet instead of at those intense blue eyes. His words were making your heart race. But Ubbe wasn’t having it. He reached out and grabbed your chin to make you look back at him. You glared at the handsome criminal. “Im curious, just what kind of consequences would it be? Please say its whips and chains because that just excites me.” You sneered. Ubbe smiled and brushed the pad of his thumb against your bottom lip. “Something you should know, Y/N. I have an older brother who likes to go in some very dark places. He’s taught me quite a few things. For instance, have you ever heard of a spider gag?” You felt whatever sarcastic smirk you had fade quickly. You didn’t know what a spider gag was but from the feral look in is eyes you could tell it wouldn’t be fun for you. Ubbe kept his smile as he focused his eyes on your mouth. “Its a gag that you tie around a woman’s face and instead of having some ball or cloth it has a metal circle that forces the woman’s mouth open. Imagine what could happen to a woman like that? She’d be stuck on her knees for hours.” Your heart pounded with each word that was spoken. Any smart remark you kept at the back of your head was suddenly gone. He wouldn’t… Would he? Ubbe patted your cheek in a condescending kind of way. “Now that’s the look to give off.” "So, what? I'm supposed to just lay here like this?" You questioned. He moved to stand up and even stepped over you. You thought he was going to sit on you or. . . Or something! But what you didn't expect was to watch him lift the toilet seat up. "Oh, you gotta be fucking kidding me!" You growled as you tried to move back and closed your eyes. "What? You scared of my dick or something?" He questioned. You cringed at the sound of him pissing in the toilet. "You better not fucking piss on me!" He chuckled. "Well, if that was your thing. . . " You could feel your face burn. He was one hell of an egotistical pyscho. He flushed the toilet and started washing his hands. "It's a shame, you missed my party. Don't worry there will be others. But until then. . . I'm gonna need you to keep those." He pointed at the handcuffs. "Or you can take these and shove one cuff up your ass while using the other to squish your balls, you fucking pyscho!" You snapped. It got quiet. Deadly quiet. "Okay, your sass is as cute as your ass, but I'm getting tired of it." He reached behind him and pulled out a gun. "You got 3 options here. One, You stop the attitude and keep the handcuffs on like a good girl. Two, you don't and I shoot you and end up having to hide the body (which I really don't want to do). Or Three, I can bend you over and fuck that attitude out of you!" Well then. . . You quickly turned your head and bit your tongue. He chuckled and pulled out a small key. "Now, don't try anything stupid." He warned. The moment you felt one of the handcuffs loosen, you pulled your hand out and quickly rolled over. You barely made it to your feet and you felt his hand pull your wrist back. He didn't tug you back towards him. Oh, no. That would have been too nice! Instead he twisted your arm behind your back and forced you face first into the closest wall. You turned your head to the side as he grabbed your other hand and held them both behind your back. If he wasn't right behind you, you would have kicked yourself away from the wall. But his chest was literally pressing into your back. And from the feeling on your backside, his chest wasn't the only thing pressed against you. "So, are you saying you choose option 3? You want me to bend you over and fuck that attitude out of you?" He grinded his erection into your backside. Your whole body burned and hot tingles flooded between your thighs. Normally you would shot out some witty comeback, most likely one about his size. But from what you felt. . . His cock was nothing to joke about. And he was in sweatpants you practically felt every inch of him between your thighs and. . . And. . . Ohhhh. He positioned himself even closer and you could feel the tips of his erection rub between your legs. Your heart was ready to leap out of your chest. It felt so good. And with every thrust, he made you forget where you were. Your eyes were too busy rolling to the back of your head as the tip of his cock brushed against your clit. "But, now that I think if it. . . If I fuck you, that would be giving you what you want." He pulled away and cuffed your hands behind your arms. You nearly choked on your spit as you felt the cool breeze rush between your thighs. That fucking asshole!!! "Come on, since you wanna try playing Miss Sneaky." He grabbed you by the arm and finally let you out of the bathroom. You forced your eyes around the place. It could be a life saver to know every inch of your surroundings. First thing you noticed was a big wooden door about 10 feet away. There was a railing beside you and thats when you realized that you weren't on the first floor. You walked down 12 steps and came to a landing. If you walked straight you would be in a hallway with 3 more doors. But Ubbe didn't take you straight, he turned and went down 10 more steps. "So, Ubbe. . . You do this often?" You quipped. Ubbe rolled his eyes and walked you into a den area. Red solo cups were everywhere. Everything was trashed. There were all sorts of marijuana paraphernalia all over the tables. Bongs, bowls, and joints in the ashtrays. Fuck, it was like he was a college student or something. "Clean this place up. And don't try to run." He uncuffed your hands and shoved the barrel of his gun in your face. "Do I look like some kind of maid to you? You can't do this!" You argued. Ubbe began pushing miscellaneous objects off the table. The sound of glass shattering made you freeze. He slapped his hand down on the wooden table and looked at you. You didn't move, completely confused as to what he wanted. He lifted his hand up and waved his fingers in a come-here motion. Again. You didn't move. He waved his gun a you pointed at the table. "Come on, Princess. I'm not gonna hurt you." He tapped his hand on the table. You sighed and walked over to the table. He grabbed you by the hips and placed you on the table with little effort. He yanked your legs open and pushed his fingers against your jeans and began rubbing them. You gasped and opened your mouth to spit out some hurtful words but your voice died and the only thing that came out was a moan. Ubbe smiled and dug his teeth in his bottom lip. "I see what the problem is now, you just need a little attitude adjustment." Your hips rolled at his touch. It was as if your body had a mind of its own. Why you were letting him touch you was a something beyond your comprehension. All you could understand was that it felt good. His eyes locked onto yours and he started moving his fingers in fast circles. Please. Don't. Stop. You bucked your hips up and moaned. He leaned down and you thought he was going to kiss you. But his face steered off to the side by your ear. "You look like you're enjoying this. I knew I made you wet the moment I rubbed my dick against you." You didn't pay much attention to his words as you were too busy focusing on the feeling of his fingers rub against you. Your clit was throbbing and with every stroke of his fingers, you could feel your orgasm building up. But this wasn't like you at all. The last guy that tried to touch you without your permission ended up with a broken nose from the cue ball you had used to smash in his face. The only reason you were gonna let this slide was because. . . Because. . . All the muscles in your body began to tighten as he moved his fingers in fast little circles. Your legs trembled and the bottom of your stomach filled with a warm tingling sensation. As you continued rubbing against Ubbe's fingers, the warm tingles traveled down to your trembling thighs and your body clenched tight. You could feel the wet heat flood your panties as your orgasm rippled waves of pleasure. Ubbe moved his fingers away from your sensitive core. "See? I bet you feel much better now." He commented. You scowled and sent him your meanest glare. "Now, you see this mess? Clean it up." He ordered as he stepped away from you. @rekdreams247 @synnersaint @ivars-heathen @kamcrazy123​ @sw-eat-ing @cracraforfandoms​ @rrwilson66 @danicalifornia25​ @bugalouie​ @sconniebelle​ @oddsnendsfanfics​ @romanchronicles @awesome-as-i-wanna-be​ @titty-teetee​ @sodanova​ @manuugxlvis @thelittlefoxxh @girlwhoisfearless​ @demonhunter1616 @laketaj24 @kenzieam @kirah34 @alyhavoc @unicorn-glitter-princess @come-with-me-and-imagine​ @happys-crazy-queen22​ @radi0active-thoughts​ @fuckyou-and-fuckthis @pandainfinitely​ @tomarisela @sebatrash @readsalot73​ @lol-haha-joke​ @wolfyparty​ @2loveeverything2 @missbrightlyred @redheadedtrollop​ @imagine-this-motherfucker​ @thatonepuremoment @readallday24-7 @tonguepopper @pebblesz892​ @allyn-alice @igetcarriedawaywithyou​ @hells-helvig @wish-i-was-a-mermaid​ @dangerous-like-a-loaded-pistol​ @claryfray1698 @lunarbear93​ @heksesang @tothetardissterek​ @diehardspnfan​ @67chevycamaro​ @lovelynerdytraveler @lisinfleur​ @sydneyforester @amour-quinn @turner-cris​ @keya168 @bookswillfindyouaway​ @funmadonahoghbadassvikings @ivarthefuckboy @breathlesssouls @vikingsmania​ @nyxveracity​ @ivarsrideordie​ @singingunderthestars @sugasosh @awesomerextyphoon​ @earthsmightiestasses @hoeghfabulous @shadowpriestess6​ @lynn-nolastname @taylor-douglas97 @ginger-rae1991 @bappo-no-yeet @in-spades-031 @cutiebubbleboo​ @attorneyl​ @tgrrose​ @dehydrated-and-depressed​ @squirrelacornglitterfarts @captstefanbrant @tephi101​ @observing-unicorns​ @ahhhhkeya​ @djisfantastic​ @morganeiter @neeadinghugs​ @maudjhexx​ @naaladareia @daughterofthenight117​ @mythi-quill @fairies-tell-tales​ @gold-dragon-slayer​ @therealcalicali​ @queenbbarnes​ @two-unbeatable-beaters​ @tootie-fruity​ @mamabearlovr​ @vicmackeybullshxt​ @zoetrope1997​ @plentyoffandoms​ @omarsiglia​ @lisinfleur
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doctorgerth · 4 years
Hello! Im here for matchup event part 2! ;w; My name is Veronica and naturally I choose SANJI!😤👌
I don’t think about Sanji all that much until I write for him...gah, I love writing him! Thanks for this request. Hope you enjoy this, my friend. 💓
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“Thanks for keeping me company. I know it’s late.”
Sanji called out to you, watching as you continued doodling in your sketchbook. You offered him a warm smile that had him practically melting to a puddle. But he contained himself. “Happy to be here.” 
He smiled back, continuing to mince garlic as he listened to the sound of your pencil scribbling on the paper. It was a long night ahead of him as he had to prepare for the massive feast the Straw Hats would have tomorrow. Lots of food and beverages needed to be prepped the night before in order to give Sanji some time to enjoy the celebration himself instead of laboring in the kitchen all day. It was a sacrifice of his sleep schedule, but having you around made it enjoyable.
He reached over to turn up the radio by two clicks, the vintage box spilling out a jazzy song that had Sanji humming and mindlessly swaying his hips. You watched in adoration, a quick spark of inspiration lighting up your brain. So you quickly flipped to the next blank page and began sketching away, grinning like a fool as you grasped onto the random inspiration for dear life. You’d felt a recent lull in your artwork as nothing seemed to pique your interest lately. So any ‘aha’ moment was a blessing that you refused to let go of.
Sanji noticed your intense concentration after a while, the way your brows were stiff and knitted while your hand never ceased in its marking of the page. He knew an idea had struck you and he was intrigued to see just what you were creating. However, you hissed when he snuck over to take a peek, instantly covering the paper with your chest, “Not yet!” 
He raised his hands up in quick defense with an amused chuckle, “I retreat.”
You two continued like this for another hour or so; Sanji humming, whistling, and swaying as the music played and he continued prepping, while you drew and drew until your hand was cramping. Startling you, Sanji placed a glass of your favorite drink before you, a small snack paired with it, “Take a breather?” 
You were scared to at first, worried that your sudden burst of inspiration would dwindle to nothing the moment you put the pencil down. But between your cramping hand and Sanji’s pleading eyes, you obliged. The drink tasted like liquid heaven and you thanked Sanji, humming in gratification at your boyfriend’s culinary talents as you took a bite of the treat he prepared for you. The song changed from an upbeat jazzy tune to a more bluesy, soulful song. You eyed Sanji as he made his way over to you, extending his hand out as an invitation.
“Sanjiiii.” You whined, now well aware that the drink and treat were nothing but a trick to steal your attention.
“Just one dance. Your hand will thank you.” He smiled as he continued to hold his hand out. How could you say no to that sweet smile? You accepted his gesture and he rose you to your feet with ease, tugging you into his chest in a whirlwind of movements. He held your drawing hand out while placing his free hand gently along your waist. He moved you with him, helping you to get a feel of the music until you were both swaying together with ease. 
He brought your hand up for a gentle kiss, “You need to remember to take a break every now and then. Can’t have my darling getting carpal tunnel.” 
You laid your head against his chest, “I know, I know. I just gotta go for it when the inspiration strikes, ya know? You know I’ve been struggling lately.” 
Sanji kissed the top of your head and laid his cheek flat against it, continuing to sway with you, “I know it doesn’t help that we’ve been out on sea for a week now. But your creativity will return, I know it. You’re the best artist I know.” 
You smiled against his chest as you enjoyed the intimate moment between the two of you. When the song ended and an upbeat jazzy song began to play, Sanji spun you around, catching you off guard once more, “Let’s see if this will inspire you.” Sanji rocked his hips and legs much more energetically than before, looking rather silly before you. You couldn’t help but laugh even as he pulled you in, “Come on, do this with me.”
“You said just one dance!” You chortled in disbelief, feeling utterly ridiculous as you tried to match Sanji’s movements. 
“Maybe you just need some movement! Let loose a little!” 
The two of you looked like fools dancing wildly in the kitchen, but it was truly fun to let loose together; you both needed it. Sanji pulled you in and rolled you out, spinning you around over and over as you two shared amused laughter. In the grand finale, Sanji pulled you in and dipped you so low, you were mere inches from the floor. And that’s when inspiration struck you tenfold. You squealed happily as you fought to escape his embrace, rushing over to the table to scribble away once more.
Another hour passed with you two working diligently. Not too long after Sanji had finished prepping, you finally finished your own work, “Ready for the big reveal?” You couldn’t fight the wide smile that was making your cheeks burst. Sanji always adored that look on you. He hurried to your side, studying the art work you presented him. 
“It’s us!” He cheered, “And we’re dancing.” He looked at you with an equally bursting smile. 
“Do you like it?”
“Veronica, I love it.” He planted a big kiss on your cheek, “And I love you. You’re so talented.” He littered your face with sweet kisses, praising you and your work over and over, “Is that me shaking my ass?” He pointed at a few lone sketches you doodled when you were watching Sanji dance earlier.
“You’re the best muse.” You beamed cheesily as you snuck in quick kiss and admired your work together.
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all-hail-stevinel · 5 years
lol here’s a sneak peek for Now that just won’t fly chapter..five-ish lol? im writing a bit out of order but i know some of you guys missed the bois from chapter one so i though id post a lil preview! chapter three IS COMING lmfao i just started my final semester so im a lil busy rn but hopefully i will be done with it by next week!
Her gem vibrates slightly and she sighs, reaching up a hand to pull out a buzzing phone from her facets. Steven had bought her the thing months ago, as a way for her to talk to him and other friends she made on Earth who didn’t own a diamond communicator whenever she wanted. 
She liked it well enough, especially the games it could play that communicators couldn’t and the photos she could take, but right now it only served as an annoying reminder of the diamond ass she called a partner. Checking the screen, she’s surprised to see that its not actually Steven calling her, though its clear from her notifications that he certainly had. Quite a few times actually. 27 times. 
She ignores it and checks the rest of the notifications, swiping past the seventeen progressively more assertive texts the diamond boy also sent her to the most recent one that caused the buzzing, from Sammy.
Spinel’s eyes blink hard as she does a double-take, feeling curious as to why the other human boy was contacting her so late. Gems didn’t often need rest, but even she knew the hour was quite late to be up, yet another reason she was so frustrated with Steven. Stupid diamond couldn’t even rest properly. If he was going to ignore her, the least he could do was bother to take care of himself.
Hey Spins! Don’t kno if ur up but me and the guys are headin to a party by the warehouses if u wanna come? 🎉🎉- 1:03 AM - Sammy
She takes a minute to consider the offer and finds herself wanting to be as far away from Steven as she can possibly get when yet another of his concerned texts pops up in front of her face before she can swipe it away. 
Spinel! Talk to me! Cmon please I need to know where you went. - 1:03 AM - My Steven❤💎
Scoffing at the message she rolls her eyes and swipes away the notification, clicking on Sammy’s instead to reopen the chat. Oh so now her diamond cares about where she is and what she’s doing? He didn’t seem to feel that way much for the past twelve weeks, so she’s sure he could handle it for a few more hours.
Yeah, that sounds like fun. Where is it? -1:04 
Eyyyy!!! The guys are hype, I’ll send you a pin and we’ll meet u there!  -1:05 AM - Sammy
Sent.Attatchment5492.pindelmar -1:05 AM - Sammy
U can bring ur boyfriend too if u want! 💏 -1:06 AM - Sammy
Usually, Spinel would appreciate the thought but now she can’t help but wince at the offer, shaking her head even though she knows Sammy can’t see her through the device while quickly typing back a response.
...No thanks, id rather just hang out with you guys tonight -1:08 AM
WOOT WOOT!!! its a SPINEL N’ BOYS nite out!!!! -1:12 AM - Sammy
Also, kno if u want to talk we’ll listen to ya Spins -1:12 AM - Sammy
💗💞💯 -1:12 AM - Sammy
The sweetness behind the message warms her gem and she smiles, cuddling the piece of plastic and metal closer to her chest with a content grin. Steven may be pissing her off but he wasn’t the only person she could spend time with! She had her own friends, her own life outside the other half gem and she was determined to remind herself of that fact!
Suddenly, her phone pings again and when she reads the message she can’t help the mischievous grin that curls up her lip.
Or if u just wanna get fuckin wasted we can do that too lol -1:13 AM - Sammy 
Normally, Spinel would try to hold back. She would feel bad about letting Steven worry, about leaving him behind to hang with humans she knew he was still a little jealous of to parts unknown. She’d feel guilty about wanting to break all his rules and go crazy, do all the human things he warned her to be careful of like partying and drinking and hanging out with strangers without him to watch her because she’d know it would make him anxious and protective.
But right now, even as Steven sent her yet another demanding text, this one part desperate plea, two parts “I’m not sorry I was working I’m sorry you caught me”, Spinel decides she’s done holding back on Steven’s account. There’s a moving mirror for the lighthouse to reflect onto the sea and she uses it to take in her form as she shapeshifts into a newer, more revealing outfit. 
She’s going to a party after all.
Her shift sparkles extra light in the air that flares up the lighthouse and sparkles out to the sea, making her grin as she watches her crop top glint away for a smaller and tighter fit that leads down to a diamond cut on her cleavage. Feeling daring, she exchanges her loose frilled skort for a pair of high waisted black shorts that have frayed ends, looking just as good as the human model she saw wear it once in a magazine.
Contemplating her boots for a second, she shapeshifts into wine red, over the knee heels that hug her calf, giving her form even more of an hourglass figure despite how waifish and delicate her arms and shoulder make her look when exposed. 
Tilting her head back and forth as she examines her reflection, she gives it another sharp grin before letting her hair out of her pigtails to gently fall down around her shoulders, completing her sexily disheveled look before picking up her phone again.
….i wanna break all the rules -1:14 AM
Not waiting for a response, she leaves Steven’s five new texts unread and stretches her way down the lighthouse, downloading the location pin into her phone’s GPS and elongating her legs to walk toward the party that much faster. Eager to meet up with her human friends and finally, finally have some fun! 👌👌Lol then lets be stupidly irresponsible Spins! C u there 🍻🍺🍺  -1:14 AM - Sammy
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anninhiliation · 5 years
Dance For You
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A/N: Thank you so much for the support anon! I love it when you guys like, comment, reblog or message me telling me that you like my nasty. Now I think a lap dance and a sexy dance are very similar so I hope I delivered what you were looking for! I took inspiration from Beyonce’s song Dance For You, hence the title, Janet Jacksons Would You Mind and Buttons by the Pussycat Dolls. This is fictional and I do not own anything. 
Wordcount: 1.2k+
Warnings: 18+ Nothing too kinky but I am your nasty girl and you might need to drown in holy water later.
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It was Richard's twenty-third birthday, and you spent the whole day spoiling him. You surprised him with plenty of gifts throughout the day but the big surprise was at night. You convinced the boys to take him out to dinner without you so you could prepare his dessert at home. As Richard was eating with his friends, you took out a red lacy lingerie set that you have been hiding from him for days. On top of the lingerie, you put on a white button-up only buttoning a few of the buttons and tied the rest up pushing your breasts up more. You added a small red schoolgirl skirt that barely covered your ass and thigh-high pantyhose. You kept your hair in loose curls just the way he likes it on you, and light make up. You strutted down the stairs and into the home office. You moved the seat that was placed behind the antique wooden desk, in front of it. You grabbed candles from a closet in the hallway and lit the office creating a warm yellow glow. Just as you placed your final candle above the fireplace mantle, the front door opened. You strode towards the foyer purring
“Oh, Richard”
“Baby?” He called out
As you came into his peripheral vision, you slowed down, lustfully inching towards him. 
“How was dinner Papi?”You asked pecking his lips
“Great but this looks better.” Richard flirted as he eyes you up and down.
“Well, the nights not over.” You teased as you ran your hand from his shoulder down his bicep, feathering his forearm and interlacing your fingers with his. 
You lead Richard to the home office, swaying your hips feeling his eyes glued to your ass. 
“Sit” You ordered once you reached the warm yellow room. 
Richard slowly sat down on the chair licking his lips and eyeing your every move. You grabbed your phone from the fireplace mantle and hit play. Would You Mind by Janet Jackson played on the speakers of the home as you slowly swayed your hips to the beat. With your back facing him, you sunk to the ground with your toes only connected to the floor. 
Baby would you mind undressing me Janet sung
You undid the knot from your button-up shirt, taking your sweet time teasing Richard. Your knees joined the hardwood floor, as your lower half slithered to the ground. The small plaid fabric rode up your body fully exposing the lace hidden underneath. You swayed your hips and arched your back. Steadily, you crawled closer to Richard never breaking eye contact as you fully unbuttoned your shirt, slipping the fabric off your body and tossing it to the side. Getting up you ran your hand up your calf and thigh. Seductively you spun around, spinning your hips to the music. Your hands played with the hem of the skirt until your back was fully towards Richard. Tantalizing, you bent down taking your skirt off exposing the red lace set in its full glory. Finally, you placed the ball of your foot between his legs. Richard instinctively ran his hand up your leg, trying to take control. You gently pulled his hand away. 
“No touching Papi. Haven't you ever gotten a lap dance?” You smirked as you moved your foot and hovered over his lap. 
“Fuck…” Richard groaned as your lips hovered over his. 
Your arms wrapped around behind his neck as you sat down on him. You grinded against his hardened bulge making Richard moan out and grabbing your hips. Ultimately you bridged the gap between your lips. The two of you battled for dominance as Richard squeezed your butt making you gasp out. He took the opportunity by the hand and slipped his tongue in your mouth. His hand snaked up your back and locked in with your hair tugging it softly. Quickly, you realized he was taking control but you wanted to be the leader tonight, so you pulled away from the hungry kiss, and marked his neck. Slowly, you got off of him and on your knees. Your small hands grabbed the waistband of his pants and unbuttoned them. You pulled his pants down along with his boxers just enough to have his fully hardened dick spring out. Your mouth drenched in saliva as you placed one hand on his thigh and the other on his member. You locked eyes with Richard, as you placed your mouth on his tip. You swirled your tongue around him and bobbed your head down deeper. You massaged the other half of him with your hand. Lifting your head up your mouth made a pop noise fully drooling spit around him you massaged his shaft. 
"Fuck Y/N thats so hot" He groaned
You hummed in response, as you replaced your hand with your mouth relaxing your jaw. Your hands rested on his thighs. Tears rolled down your cheeks as his head hit the back of your throat. You lifted your head up, and sunk back down allowing the head of his penis to reconnect with the back of your throat. Richard's head flew back and he shut his eyes, as he twitched inside your mouth holding back from dispersing his load down your throat.
"Fuck…" was the only coherent word Richard grunted
 You lifted your head fully popping out his member from your warm mouth and stood up. He let out a soft whimper as he already missed your mouth. 
"I think it will be more fun if you cum inside me." You confessed 
"Such a dirty girl" Richard responded as he helped you onto his lap.
You sat on Richard moving the red lace that covered your dripping wet core to the side. Taking his shaft in your hand you aligned yourself with him. You sunk down slowly, taking in the feeling of having your walls stretch around him. 
"You're so tight...fuck" Richard groaned
Gripping onto his muscular shoulders you set a slow pace. Richard's dominant nature was quick to kick in, as he gripped your waste and helped you go faster. kissing your jaw and neck Richard lifted you up and down with his arms setting a faster pace. 
"Fuck papi" was the only coherent phrase you could muster between the moans. 
His thrusts were already forming a sloppy pace as he was so close when he was buried deep in your mouth. One hand let go of your waist as the hand already on your waist wrapped around your lower back. The now free hand undid your bra and he ravenously ripped the bra off carelessly flinging it to the side of the room. Even though he was close, he needed to make you orgasm first. A light layer of sweat formed around his skin as his mouth tightened around your breast. You arched your back as he swirled his tongue around your hardened bud. As he went to the other hardened bud, a knot began to form in your stomach. 
"Rich...im…close" you mustered out between the moans. "You've been holding it for too long cmon baby cum inside me" you encouraged feeling yourself getting closer
His penis spazzed in your tightening walls filling it up with his load. You released after he came down from his high, rolling your eyes to the back of your head and screaming his name. Slowly you lifted your weakened legs pulling his member out of you. 
"Happy Birthday baby." You whispered pecking his lips.
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glasyasbutch · 4 years
Stella: 13 Roona: 22 Gent: 30
prose boys part one! prose boys part one! under a readmore bc its almost 2k words! thanks for sending them in rebekah i did full scenes for each prompt bc im a whore. bolded are the actual “things they said”.
Stella: Things you said that were important to you (set about six months after her clan’s home in the wood is razed to the ground, and she’s just found herself fully indoctrinated to the nearby city’s criminal ring as an assassin)
Her hands are small, even relative to the rest of her, which as a gnome, is much tinier than most people walking these streets. It's usually an advantage. Makes it all the more simple to just slide her hand into someone's pocket while they were preoccupied at the food cart. Snag a coin while they ordered, snag a hunk of bread while they paid.
She isn't proud of it. She doesn't like having to penny pinch other people's pennies to get by between jobs. But she likes starving to death less, so she swallows her damn pride and got down to it.
The problem is that the figure she’s trying to rob is also a gnome, which means her hands are not nearly as relatively small as she’s used to them being, and she manages to get her thumb caught on the edge of his pocket as she pulls away. His hand is around her wrist before she has a chance to react, grip terrifyingly tight.
"Pardon me, but I don't believe anything in my pockets belongs to - Ester?"
The fake tears she's been trying to push out begin to well up for real, turning her into a breathless, glassy-eyed mess, and she looks into a face she thought she'd never be seeing again. "Gray?"
Gray drops his grip on her wrist, only to clasp her hand between his protectively. "Ester, what are you doing out here doing this?"
She finds her knees start to buckle, and she pushes her weight into Gray's hands a bit to stay standing. "The fire, Gray, I barely made it out, I just ran in the first direction I saw. I ended up here, and when I looked back it was nothing but smoke. I only had my bow with me and I - I thought I was the only one who made it out. I didn't know what to do. I'm just trying to survive in a world I wasn't raised to live in."
Gray's eyebrows furrow, his expression sinks. He reaches his other hand out to grip the side of her face. "There's at least three of us who made it out. I left with Reddy, but he took off from this town a few weeks ago. I was starting to get lonely, but ... then I find you." He smiles, in the crooked sort of way that happens when loss starts to slip through the cracks of joy. "You can do better than this, Es. We're still clan. My house is still your house. Come back with me, at the very least 'til you get on your feet."
"Gray, no, really, I couldn't," she starts, but gets cut off as he begins to tut and takes his hand from her cheek to grip her other hand.
He pushes back her sleeve with his fingers, unintentionally, ever so slightly. He isn't even looking, but it's still enough to make her gasp and stiffen. That, he does notice, and gods damn it, he glances down.
Their clan is from the woods. They don't know a lot of city culture, but the symbol tattooed on her wrist, still slightly red from its freshness, is one of the things they have to recognize. Its something they know damn well to avoid, because these men who take shelter in the woods some nights, with these symbols emblazoned on their wrists and sword scabbards and coin pouches, setting off their hunting traps for fun and leaving their empty booze bottles behind when they go and not putting their fires out properly, are the kind of men who know no rule or law or code, and show no mercy when they feel they've been crossed.
"Ester," he says, voice darkening. "You can do better than this."
She tears her wrist away, tugging her sleeve back down. "My business is my own, Gray."
"As is my home, if you've chosen to turn your back on everything we lived for so quickly."
"I was hungry. I was going to die out here. I don't have many marketable skills, but they saw something worth a paycheck in me."
Gray says nothing, but drops her hands from his with a sharpness that can only indicate disgust.
"You can do better than this," he repeats. Then, for a brief moment, his gaze softens. "I hope you do."
She makes no move to stop him as he turns to go, walking with as big a stride as his gnomish legs can let him, vanishing into the crowded streets. She rubs at her wrist, letting the sting of pressing on the fresh tattoo distract her from the sinking feeling in her gut as one of the last survivors of her clan willingly turns his back on her. She had always figured she had no one left, but now she’s looking right at him and she knows it.
"I'm gonna," she whispers at the space where he has been standing, making up her mind to get back what scraps of her family she still has left. "I'm gonna get out of there, eventually. Swear on the trees."
Roona: Things you said after making a bad decision.
"Vinny Vinny Vinny Vinny Vinny!" Roona pants, running so fast she nearly trips over her feet, "Pouch pouch pouch pouch please please please!"
They tug at the loose piece of leather fixed around their traveling companion's waist, barely waiting for acknowledgement of their presence before scrambling up the leg into the pouch and pulling the flaps closed, trying to look as much like a lute as possible.
Now, most lutes arent quite so lumpy, because they don't have knees to tuck in, and they don't swell and sink because they don't have lungs that are heaving from the mad dash they've just undertaken. But, however much like a lute she doesn't look, Roona supposes the ruse has worked, because no one sticks a sword straight into the flaps and the shrill complaining voice eventually huffs its way out of earshot.
"Is the purple dress lady gone?" she whispers, pulling one very small peep hole open in the mouth of the pouch.
"Yeah," Vinny sighs, still debating whether or not she wants to know what happened this time.
"Okay, good." Roona's head fully emerges from the pouch now, braids more mussed than usual and face still flushed reddish from exertion. They flash a forced smile up at Vinny. "So, don't get mad but. Um."
It seems, whether or not Vinny wants to know, Roona's gonna be telling her anyway.
"You know that really fancy dress shop down the road? I was over there window shopping, you know, like you do. And, well, I went inside, cause they had this really nice yellow thing and this other dress with lilac trim, and I wanted to know how they'd look together? Um?"
Vinny's lips press together, knowing exactly where this story's going.
"So I, uh, I grabbed a pair of shears, and I took a little bit of the trim off the back of the skirt? I mean, it's the back right, no one's gonna see, and it's not like they ever sell the mannequin models anyways, but. For SOME reason, the dress lady didn't like that."
"Roona. C'mon."
She sighs, brushing a few loose hairs out of her face. "No, no. I know. I ... I know. Like, actually. Sometimes people are just stuck up dickheads about their stuff, but like, this one I get. I'll go apologize in the morning, probably. Once she's had the chance to forget where she's left the fabric shears again."
They begin to pull themself out of the pouch, but stop with one leg dangling out over the lip. "On a totally unrelated note. Can I pitch you on a mix and match dress shop?"
Gent: Things you said when you should've been quiet
"Gods," he huffs, flipping over what he's pretty sure is the third page of sigils for what he's significantly less sure is the fifth time. "You really think an archmage with a lifespan like his and absolutely no friends to hang out with would be able to find the time to write a damn key for his notes. Wenceforth! C'mere. Do you know what the fuck these double lines are supposed to be mean?"
The goblin starts at the mention of his name, trotting over on creaky joints from the post he'd be standing by the door. He slips on a pair of glasses, and peers over the piece of paper being held out for him. He spends a good minute tracing a finger across the ink, grumbling and mumbling to himself before turning to face Gent and announcing, very definitely, "No!"
Gent groans and slumps even further in the chair than he has been.
"You've known him forever, Wenceforth, has he always been this illiterate? I mean, god, for all the griping he does at me about penmanship making the difference between a Dancing Light and a Flaming Sphere, you'd think he'd care literally at all about how his own fucking notes look."
"Well, Master Errenis is quite a learned mage, you know, he's really quite skilled, but uh. Between you and me. He's always been a bit more meticulous with his notes since. Well."
Gent immediately shoots up, leaning over the arm of his chair to stare down Wenceforth. "Since what, Wence? You can't just leave me hanging here, man."
"Oh, you know, I don't really want to embarrass him or anything," he mumbles, anxious grin twitching onto his face.
"Oh come on! Please? I'll pay you the rest of my weeks stipend, Wence, I need to know what could've possibly embarrassed Yussah bad enough to change his wizardly ways."
"Oh, all right," he chuckles, leaning in, "but you didn't hear it from me. One time, good few years back, Master Yussah was studyin' this little ball thing, and got himself stuck inside. Had to call in a bunch of his wizard friends to get him back out. And they, ah, barely made it too, I heard, 'cause his map notes were just ... unintelligible."
"You're kidding, Wence? He got stuck. In a ball."
"Sure did, sure did! Had to call that pretty Taldorei lady myself to fix it all up."
"You had to get Arcanist Vysoren to get Yussah out of a ball?" Gent reaches for the goblins shoulders and gives them a good hard squeeze. "Thank you so much for telling me, Wence. You are truly the only man I have ever cared about in my life."
"Come now, surely he's not the only one." someone drawls from the doorway behind Gent.
Gent spins around in the chair, placating grin half way through stretching across his face. "Master Errenis, hello, how are you doing, did you need a hand with something, hope I haven't kept you waiting?"
Yussah gives a wry laugh. "I've been waiting in this doorway long enough, Ms. Avoris. Gossiping about my handwriting won't get those wards copied any faster."
Gent presses his lips together, turning (relatively) apologetically back to his work. Yussah motions for Wenceforth to follow him out of the room, starting to describe some spell components he needed dug out of storage. He stops in the doorway, just to be sure Gent is still in earshot.
"I have got to get that kid to see some other wizards. Let him study with someone really old and crazy, like Waccoh. Then see how he feels about my damn notes."
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just-my-fandom · 6 years
The Hidden World (Eret x Haddock! Reader)
So I heard you saw the third How to Train Your Dragon, and I was wondering if I could get an Eret x Haddock! Reader where the reader is the first child and by the third movie, is married to Eret and is pregnant. She isn't allowed to battle the man searching for her brothers Dragon, Grimmel and is put in danger during the last fight
Characters; Hiccup, Astrid, Tuffnut, Ruffnut, Fishlegs, Snotlout, Valka, Eret, mentions ofk Stoick, Grimmel, The Light Fury, and Toothless
Dt: @theperksofbeingafangirl2
This story is a long one. Have fun reading!
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"Where could it be?"
You watch with a frown as Hiccup runs a hand through his dirty brown hair, his fingers trailing over the map on the ground,
"Dad has searched high and low for the Hidden World. Are we sure its still there?" You ask your younger brother, who looks up at you, watching you poor a cup of tea and place your free hand on your large bump,
"I promised him I would find it. I just need to do something to make him proud," Hiccup sighs, and blinks as you sit down next to him, hand at his shoulder,
"Hiccup, there is nothing you can do that could make Dad more proud than he already was of you. You're chief for heavens sake," You explain,
"So are you," Hiccup raises an eyebrow, and you laugh warmly, a laugh you've inherited from Valka,
"Yes, but only because Im first born. Im not as great of a chief as you are," You wink, looking up at a creak from the flooring above you,
Smile dropping, you set down your cup, Hiccup rising to his feet and pulling out his flame thrower,
"Who is it? Its the middle of the night," You speak quietly, Hiccup raising a hand, then spins around, weapon drawn,
"Awe, how cute," A figure steps out from the shadows, eyes training on you as Hiccup helped you stand, arm out in front of his older sibling, "Like brother like sister,"
"Grimmel," You breathe, Hiccup glancing over, "Who?"
"Eret told me of him. The one who kills night furys," You run your hand down your stomach, Grimmels eyebrows raising with realisation,
"You're the famous wife who married a past dragon hunter? So stupid I must say. You're the first child of Stoick the Vast, you must set an example to your people!"
You clench your jaw, Grimmel holding up a dart. Hiccup quickly stands in front of you, blocking you, but the dart is instead impaled into Toothless' sleeping form across the room
"Toothless!" Hiccup shouts, teeth baring as he looked back at Grimmel,
"What do you want with us?"
Grimmel laughs, loudly, "I want your dragon. I want them all!! Ever since I was little, Ive killed dragons bigger and smaller than me. Youve got no chance against me boy,"
"Really?" Hiccup presses his fingers to his lips, sharply whistling, five forms jumping out with weapons, Fishlegs sitting up with a fake dragon mask and slurring his words, seeming he was hit by the dart instead,
"We got you," And he falls forward, out,
Grimmels laugh lowers into a dark chuckle, snapping his fingers to alert his own poisoned controlled dragons, "No," His eyes lock with yours, "I got you,"
Two dragons bust through the wood of your home, spitting out green venom that spread through the walls and erupted in flames,
"Everyone retreat! Get out of here!!" Hiccup stumbles back, swiping at a dragon, and you turn around, pushing past a table to rush across the room,
Flames envelope into a blockade in front of you, the red reflecting off your orbs, stomach tightening in fear,
"This way!" Valka takes your arm, leading her daughter to the left, outside of the burning building,
You look up, gasping, scanning the town of Berk to see every home sizzling to the ground,
.         .    Meanwhile at Town Hall       .        .
"Can everyone please be quiet!?"
Your scream brings silent to the town hall, every viking and dragon stopping to stare at the first child of Stoick,
"Yes, we are all scared, terrified even, because Grimmel now knows the amount and types of dragons we hold in our possession. But we cant fight out of fear. We fight out of the thought of loosing everything we battled for in the past, our dragons. Our home,"
You lower your head, inhaling, "When Hiccup and I are gone later in the past, we all know my son will be the one stepping up. Dont do this just for us, but for the sake of Berk and my father,"
Vikings murmur in agreement, Valka smiling softly, where you nod once, and sink down into your seat, "We'll be moving momentarily to a hidden island my brother and I found on the coast not too far from here. It'll keep the dragons, and all of you safe,"
You run a hand through your hair, sighing heavily, Hiccup putting a hand on your shoulder and squeezing,
"Let me take care of the rest. You need a break, the stress isnt good for the baby,"
You look up at your sibling, putting your hand on his and squeezing back, smiling gently,
.               .          Hours later           .           .
"Okay okay!" Hiccup laughs as the group under him lunge him into the air, catching him easily and pushing him up again, "I feel more sick than joyful,"
He is put down, dizzily grabbing onto Gobbers arm and covering his mouth,
"Heh heh," Gobber snorts, "At least your not your sister, getting sick for the past seven months straight,"
Hiccup rolls his eye's, just as your form moves past him, calling for your mother as she landed Cloudjumper, jumping off and anxiously looking around,
Hiccup watches at the two women meet up, Valka pressing her hands to the bump that held her unborn grandchild, looking up at her daughter,
"Are you harmed? Your brother?"
"What?" You breathe, "Mom, we're okay. What did you see?"
"We're being followed," Valka alerts, "Grimmel is still out for us,"
"Well what are we doing here? We need to go stop him and get it through his head thats hes not having our dragons," You snarl, Valka waving a finger and shaking her head,
"No ma'am. You are staying here. You're going to be a mother soon, you need to rest, and care for the baby whether he's arrived yet or not. Your husband can agree with me,"
You frown, turning to Eret for help, but he crosses his muscular arms and moves his eyes to you,
"Your mothers right, Y/N. I'll have Skullcrusher here with you, and take one of the other dragons. But you cant go with us, its not safe,"
"But its safe for you to go," You rub your temple, nodding and clicking your tongue, "Got it. My child could lose his father but what does that matter,"
You move away, walking towards the hut made, tapping Skullcrushers nose and directing him to follow you,
"Y/N," Eret calls in a sigh, Valka waving him off, "Its the side effects of pregnancy, dear. You should know this by now,"
Its mere four hour later before talking is heard outside, your form leant against Skullcrusher as you sung to your stomach, your own dragons head laid in your lap,
The huts curtain pulls open, Eret stepping inside, removing his armor and wincing at the burns and cuts on his arms and chest,
"You look terrible," You attempt to heave yourself up, Skullcrusher leaning his head against your back to brush you to your feet, "What happened?"
"He expected us there," Eret removes his shirt, revealing a wound across his lower stomach, "We were attacked and almost trapped,"
Your eyes scan his toned chest, hand brushing the bruises littering his chest and shoulder, before gliding your hand to his face,
"But you survived, thats all that matters. Come sit down and let me clean you up," You usher, Eret placing his large hand over yours and wrapping his fingers to envelope your small hand,
"I'll be fine. Why arent you resting?" He whispers lowly, "You need sleep,"
"Stop thinking about me for once, I wont die," You huff, thumb brushing his jaw, "Let me take care of you,"
"I know a couple of ways," Eret presses his lips hot to yours, that curled upwards as you laugh warmly and press your hand to his chest,
"Nice try Romeo. Go sit down while I get the aid supplies,"
Your husband narrows his eyes, chuckling as he slides away and sinks down to sit next to Skullcrusher,
"Were you at least able to find what he wanted with the dragons?" You sit down on Erets lap, bump pressed to his stomach, and you dab a wet cloth to his busted lip,
"Hes not too fond of Toothless and the Light Fury Hiccup talks about," Eret runs his large hands over your stomach, under your shirt to get as close to his child as he could, "The other dragons are just of use for a certain venom that can control them,"
"That sounds dangerous, and something my brother would want to get into and stop," You sigh, running the cloth down his neck to his shoulder,
Eret hisses at a pierced cut, that burned as you dabbed it. "Easy," You soothe, and put your hand over his that rested over your bump, "Easy,"
"You're going to be a great mother," Eret speaks up, and you smile after placing a bandage at his wound, looking up to meet his eye's,
"And youre going to be a great father," Leaning forward, you slowly link your lips to his, his hand sliding in your hair as you both smile, before he pulls you against him and (Dragon/Name) is pulling a blanket over you with their tail,
. . The Battles Over . .
"You've had to deal with us long enough Bud," Hiccup slides a hand over Toothless' head, the dragon closing his eyes and purring, "Now its your time to go, and be with her,"
Toothless opens his eye's, confusion flickering, then looks over at a child wail,
Walking past the crowd was the first born Haddock and Eret, a bundle of blue held in your arms,
Your eyes were blood shot red, most likely from the labor, but a smile would not leave your lips as your dragon slowly leaned in, sniffing your son,
Your dragon presses their snout to (Sons/Name)s foot, then purrs as they lick your cheek lightly,
Skullcrusher scans your child, noticing how he had somehow inherited the slight gene of Stoicks hair, but had Erets eyes and your nose and face,
"We're living our life," Hiccup whispers to Toothless, "Its time to live yours,"
Toothless had pulled away from his rider, inching towards the sister of the chief and (Sons/Name)s cries had stopped at the sight of the Dragon, a squeal causing Toothless, your dragon, and Skullcrusher to jump,
You laugh softly, free hand rubbing Toothless' snout, and you lean against the dragon,
"Its time for you to start your own family Buddy. Where they'll take after you and continue your job," You look down at your son, a tear slipping down your cheek,
"The same goes for the rest of you,"
Eret slides his arms under your child to take him into his grasp, so you could unclip the saddle from your dragon and slide it off their back,
You caress her head, nose to hers, and you sniffle, "I'm going to miss you,"
(Dragon/Name) whimpers, and you pinch your eye's shut, hearing the clicks of every Viking undoing their dragons saddles,
"Go," You slide your hands away, (Dragon/Name) blinking before glancing at Skullcrusher, and they both jump up, flying to follow the rows of dragons,
Toothless looks back, watching you slide your hand your mouth, Eret wrapping an arm at your shoulder and placing his hand at your head, lips to your temple,
You walk up to Hiccup, arms throwing themselves around his neck, his own wrapping at your torso as he silently releases a sob, fingers clutching at your back side,
Toothless frowns, but lunges off, disappearing in the clouds above,
"We're going to be okay," You open your eye's, orbs glistening as your dragons roar is heard in the distance, "We always are,"
The End
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leelee10898 · 5 years
Fast cars & Freedom: ShadowBoxer (4/?)
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Summary: Ellie gets blast from the past. Logan amd Ellie have thsor dinner, but will it go well?
Pairing: Logan-x-Ellie, Colt x Ellie
Rating: Mature
Song inspiration:
Ellie paid the driver and got out, her eyes taking in the familiar sights.  It had been a long time but she would always remember this street. She turned around slowly noticing her destination, a sign that read TC Automotive where Kaneko Auto Body used to be. New owners  she thought to herself as she took a deep breath.
Ellie sat in the in the booth of the diner somewhere in Eastern California, the events of the past few weeks playing over and over in her head. She had ditched her prom dress grabbing a change of  clothes at Riyas. Colt stopping and buying something quickly. “Were gonna get through this Ellie, don't worry.” He placed a reassuring kiss on her forehead, she rest her head on his shoulder. “How can you know that colt?  These people are unhinged, we could be dead tomorrow. I want to live Colt. I'm not ready to die” she sniffled.
Colt knew this was eating her up, he needed to find some kind of a distraction, anything to make her happy, to take away all the fear and pain. He needed her to be happy, it was as if he survived on it.  He looked around the small diner, a guy sitting at the counter, his shirt reading viva las Vegas. “Have you ever been to Vegas?” she lifted her head “What? With everything going on you're seriously asking me if i've been to Vegas?”
She walked into the shop, not seeing anybody around, nobody manning the desk, nobody anywhere. “Hello?” she yelled as she walked around. She looked at the desk some papers strewn about, some car parts. The place reminded her of Kaneko's garage,  the new owners obviously rebuilt it a bit more modern but appreciated the older feel of a garage. Her eyes landed on a postcard from Vegas. Her mind taking her back to a night that she would remember the rest of her life.
“Ah yeah, I am. So have you?” he smirked, he loved seeing her get railed up, it was cute the way she scrunched her nose up. “NO!”
“ok, it's settled. Were going.” he jumped up reaching for her hand. She grabbed it as they climbed on his bike. “Where are we going colt?” She asked as she put on her helmet.  “Vegas.” he smirked as he shut his helmet kicking his bike to life.
“sorry miss. How can i help you.” she turned towards the voice. “Oh just picking up my car.”
A huge smile formed on her face. “Toby?”
“Oh my god. Ellie belly is that you? You're all grown up.” he ran lifting her up into a spinning hug. “oh my  god hold on x is gonna get a kick out of this.” he ran towards the hall “Hey X. X, come here. You're never gonna believe whos here.” ximena came out a huge smile plastered on her face. “oh my god sweetheart, how the hell are ya?” she pulled her into a crushing hug. “Eck. X. Crushing. Me.” she grunted as ximena let her down. “I'm not sorry, it's been too long honey.”
They stood there talking about Ellie moving back. Toby and ximena travelling together, coming back this way once they heard someone opened a shop in the same place, and ended up working there again. Toby went to look for her keys and couldnt find them. “Hold on, I bet the boss has them.” “Hey boss, can you bring the keys to that Honda?” she heard someone shuffling around in a room off the back before emerging. Toby and ximena said they would catch up with her later.
“ C- Colt!” Ellies heart dropped in her stomach as she came face to face with him. After 6 years the sight of him still lit a fire in her. “Here are your keys miss. You should be good to go. Also, you should probably get a new car seat those may not be safe after an accident.” He kept his face fixed on the paper in front of him. Ellie felt the tears start to well up in her eyes. He couldn't even look at her and acted like he didn't know her.  “Th. Thank you.” her voice trembled, immediately irritating her. Why should she be upset, he's the one who left without saying goodbye.
She snatched the keys out of his hand and storming off to the lot to get her dad's car. How dare him, after 6 years he still had the power to make her swoon to pissed in a matter of seconds. She marched out to the lot getting in her dad's car. She let out a long irritated scream,  all of her frustrations boiling over. She turned the key, the car roaring to life. Something in her snapped as she peeled wheels out of the lot. She caught a glance at colt propped against an open bay door.
She couldn't understand how someone she hadn't seen in 6 years could piss her off so bad. She took the long way home, hoping to calm down before getting there. She arrived home, Luca barreling towards the door. “mommmmmy.” All of Ellie's frustrations and fears instantly melting away upon seeing that sweet smiling face. “Hi baby. Oooh I missed my sweet girl. Did you have fun with grampy today?” she lifted her up, wrapping her in a hug.
“Yup. We went to the park. Grampy made a friend. Her name is sally.” ellie eyed her dad. “He did?”
“uh huh, they are going to have dinner on Saturday night.”
“Ooooh kay. That's enough of that little miss loose lips. How about you go watch some tv while grampy helps mommy with dinner.”
Luca jumped up and down with excitement before running into the living room.
“How was your day?” He asked Changing the topic. “Nope. Na ah. Were starting with you. You taking my daughter to pick up chicks?” she eyed her father.
“what? No. I would never, ellie.” she chuckled “Dad im just playing with you. I think it's great you have a date.” she hugged him. She knew he hadn't really dated much since her mom died, and the fact he felt comfortable going on a date now made her so happy.
“Speaking of dated. I have one tomorrow night.” her father looked at her confused.  “With who?”
She spent the entire work day thinking about her dinner with Logan. Was it a date? Was it business? Whatever it was she felt the butterflies in her stomach, no matter what happened she knew one thing for certain she was telling him tonight.
She raced home getting ready in a hurry, Riya picked Luca up since her father had card night with some of his old police buddies. She wore a white and champagne colored v neck midi dress. She tacked her hair up in a braided updo, she looked in the mirror her nerves getting the best of her when she heard a knock at the door.
Logan stood on the other side, Ellie stood there a minute admiring the man before her. He had sure grown up, still with that toned body but he was bigger than before. He wore a pair of khakis and a button down shirt. “You look beautiful Ellie.” He finally broke the silence. “Ah. Beautiful you too look.” he cocked his brow amused by how flustered he made her. “I mean, you look nice too Logan.”
“These are for you.” He held out a bouquet of wild flowers as She let him inside. “Thank you. These are beautiful. Let me go get a vase.” she came back quickly and they headed out for dinner.
They sat at the table sharing stories of the past, and laughing.  She missed how easy it was with Logan. They were headed somewhere she had thought and then she found out he used her to get information about her father's investigation.  She had already had feelings for Colt, but she would be lying if she said that didn't play a factor in them becoming even stronger.
A silence settled over the table and Ellie took her chance to try and back out of becoming his accountant. “Logan. We need to talk about me being your accountant. I dont think its a good idea.”
“Ellie, we have been over this time and time again. I trust you, besides it's a done deal.” Logan casually sipped his beer.
“You might not feel that way after you hear what I have to tell you.” He arched his brow.
“ok El, what is going on?”
She shook her head “not here, can we go?” He grabbed the check, paid and the valet brought his car around.
They drove to a parking lot, Ellies nerves a wreck. “Ok, whats up Ellie. You know whatever it is,  you can just tell me.”
She took a deep breath, it was now or never. “Logan I am a mom. I. I have a daughter.”
“Oh.” His eyes widened at her confession. “So you have a kid. I don't see what's so bad about that Ellie.” he chuckled.
“That's not the bad part.” she started to fidget in her seat. “Her. Her name is Luca. shes. She's 5.”  Logan sat there Quiet. She could see him doing the calculations in his head. “Logan?” she spoke softly, she couldn't take all the silence.
“Five? You were in college then. Did you meet someone there?” She shook her head no. He swallowed hard, his throat becoming dry. “What.  What are you saying, is. Is she mine?”
The tears started to spill, silently. “Im, not sure if she's yours or Colts.” She hung her head ashamed. “I'm so. So sorry Logan. “ she said through sobs. After 6 years of being alone, raising her daughter alone she finally was one step closer to finding Lucas dad.
“Hey. Hey. Don't cry Ellie.” He wrapped his arms around her tightly.  
“How can you be so calm? I just told you there is a possibility you have a child.”
“I know. I'm not going to lie Ellie, I am kind of freaking out. But what good is it going to do if I flip out?”  he took a deep breath “You did it on your own?”
Ellie told him about finding out in school and trying to get in touch with both him and colt, both numbers disconnected. She had her dad look for them, but turned nothing up. Eventually she just resolved herself to raising Luca alone. Logan apologised, he left town for a little while, he came back once the brotherhood was dismantled completely. It was then he enrolled in night school and took a job with a racing company.  They drove back to her house in silence. Logan leaned over giving her a hug. “It's gonna be ok El, we will figure it out. Can I.” He cut himself off, hesitant to finish.
“Can you what Logan?”
“Do you think I could meet her?” Ellie stared at him shocked “Ah. Well. I think that is ok. But, and don't take this the wrong way but.  I don't want to tell her you may be her dad. Not until we know for sure.” Logan nodded “I'll follow your lead. It's gonna be ok Ellie, no matter what,  i'm here for you.” he wrapped her in a tight hug, placing a soft kiss in her cheek.
She got out of the car, waving as he drove off. She turned to head to her house when she caught sight of someone standing across the street. “Really Ellie, him? Of all people why him?”
“Not that I have to explain anything to you but, it was a business dinner.” She snapped. “what do you want colt?”
“What do I want? It's been 6 years and you show up in town like nothings wrong.” He followed her up the walkway.  
“Oh, so you do know me? Because yesterday you couldn't even look at me.” She seethed, turning to face him.
“Oh I know you alright.” he snorted.  “ how could I ever forget you Mrs. Kneko?”
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