#also i wasn't exaggerating when i said. i've been released from containment
nguyenfinity · 1 year
Imagine Rinne and Hiiro preparing gifts for their mom in Mother's day, maybe doing a live of only the two Amagis then inviting her to the stage to be the family together(excluding the undeserving Papagi)
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I don't think they'd put her on the spot like that but they would make sure she knows she's very loved!!
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sincerelyasomebody · 4 years
What Could Be || Jose "Sad Eyes" Guzman
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(GIF Credit: @merakiaes)
A/N: Unsure about Sad Eyes' familial status (siblings, aunts, uncles etc) so I've included some family members in this piece. There are purposely misspelled words for childspeak and there are grammatical errors. Apologies for the latter. Don't hesitate to correct any errors with the Spanish translations. Thanks!
Pairing(s): Sad Eyes x Reader 
Summary: A glimpse of a potential future. 
Warnings: children having no filter, fluff, language, making out scene (light/medium), mentions of food allergies, physical altercation between children, talks of future family; marriage
Word Count: 1172
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"Uno." Elena exclaimed, waiting for her turn again before putting down her final card. She quickly got up and did a little dance, laughing as she pointed at her tio. "You owe me twenty bucks, mister!" 
"Nah, I wanna rematch," replied Jose, he grabbed all of the cards, stacked them up and shuffled, "we're playing again, niña." 
She shook her head, "nope," and held out her hand, "twenty bucks." 
He scoffed, "I ain't giving you shit," he started dealing the cards, "let's go again." 
While he argued with the five year old, (Y/N) tended to Ethan who had scraped his knee. He sniffed and backed away from her, but with a promise of it being quick he allowed her to fix him up. Once he was all done, he quickly joined his cousins Javier and Luca back on the playground. (Y/N) scanned the area and found Yasmin playing hopscotch with some girls, while her brother Miguel stood to the side and watched. 
"Ap'le joose," Stella cooed, chubby hands reaching out for her sippy cup. 
(Y/N) chuckled, "please." 
She clapped her hands, "peas." 
"That's right, cutie!" 
A typical Saturday for Jose and (Y/N) would consist of the former overseeing runs for the gang and the latter working in her flower shop. However, both decided to fulfil the wishes of the gremlins (an ever growing group of nieces and nephews on Jose's side) to hang out. So, Sad Eyes let Spooky know he was with family but to let him know if he needed assistance. Whereas (Y/N) simply closed up her shop for the day. 
It was a sunny day in Freeridge, so the couple decided to spend the day at the local park. With a promise of ice cream, at the end of their outing, (Y/N) hoped it would steer the little ones away from any misbehaviour. 
The plan was working.
"Tia! Tia! Tia!" Ethan cried out, running back towards her, "Javier and Luca are fighting!" 
But of course with children, you can never really plan. 
Before she could get up, her boyfriend had jumped to his feet and looked her way, "I got it," and was led into the playground where a small crowd had formed. Elena laughed, "he only left 'cause he was losing." She gathered his cards, her own and put them with the rest of the deck before packing it away, "he needs to get his Uno skills up." 
(Y/N) picked up Stella and placed her on her hip, while calling out to Yasmin and Miguel. The siblings said goodbye to their newfound friends and hurried over.
"Is it ice cream time?" asked Miguel, jumping up and down.
Yasmin cheered, "ice cream!"
"Crem!" Stella echoed. 
(Y/N) chuckled and watched Jose walk over with the trio of boys. Two out of the three's clothes definitely looked like they had been in a scuffle. 
"Some kid pushed Luca in the tunnel 'cause he wasn't going fast enough," Jose explained, "Javier was waiting on the other side and told the kid he needed to apologise." 
Luca spoke up, "the boy pushed Javi and then Javi pushed him back," he fiddled with his hands, "Another boy came and started pulling Javi's hair so I jumped in and whacked him in the face." 
Looking at her boyfriend, she smiled and looked back at the kids, "who's ready for ice-cream?" 
She was met with a loud round of cheers.
The couple double checked that Ethan's didn't contain any nuts and were extremely thankful when they found a dairy-free option for Yasmin. Stella even got her own little cup of vanilla. While they all enjoyed their treat, Jose and (Y/N) expressed how proud they were of Luca and Javier for standing up for themselves and for each other. Especially with Javi for talking to the kid first. (Y/N) made a mental note to let their parents know. 
When they got back to their apartment, they noticed all of the kids had fallen asleep. (Y/N) stayed in the car, while Jose took trips carrying each one into their apartment. She carried Stella while he made his last trip with Ethan. But, went back to grab their bags. 
Once she gently placed Stella in her make-shift crib, she walked out of the room. Leaving the door ajar as she joined Jose on the couch in the living room. She snuggled into his side, he kissed the top of her head and rubbed her arm. 
"Today was interesting," she exclaimed. 
He chuckled, "yeah, but you wanna know what it just solidified?" When (Y/N) sat up, he continued, "that the only kids I can picture having are with you." She remained silent, so he kept going, "the way you're with my nieces and nephews is how I see you being with our kids." 
(Y/N) bit her lip, they'd touched on the subject of building a family but it was brief, so hearing him talk so openly is something that made her heart jump for joy. Jose reached out and carressed her face, bringing her lips in for a quick peck, "tienes mi corazón, (Y/N). You know I love calling you wifey, but one day I'm gonna make sure that title rings true. 
"Wifey?" She held up her hand. 
Laughing, he grabbed her hand, "I've always known it," kissing each finger, paying attention to the bare ring finger. 
She chuckled, "I guess looking after the gremlins is good practice, huh?" 
"How about our kids?" 
He arched an eyebrow, "what about them?" 
"How do you picture them?" 
"With my good looks and your brains," he tapped her head, "they're gonna take over the world!" 
(Y/N) playfully scoffed, "so I'm ugly?" 
"You always tryin' to start shit." 
She squealed when he nipped her neck and pressed exaggerated kisses wherever he could reach. He was only stopped by (Y/N) taking a hold of his face. She traced her thumb on his bottom lip, before pressing her own against his. What was meant to be a sweet peck, ended up with (Y/N) being lifted into his lap and the kiss deepened. 
Jose moved his hands to her hips, she moved her hands to grip the collar of his flannel. They were so caught up with each other that they didn't hear shuffling of several footsteps. (Y/N) let out a moan when he released her bottom lip with a pop. She caught his lips before they drifted too far.
The couple pulled back from each other, startled from the intrusion. They both glanced towards the hallway to find Yasmin, Javier, Luca and Elena standing and staring at them. (Y/N) tried to shuffle out of her boyfriend's lap, but he stopped her.
"Volver a la cama!" 
The kids scrambled back down the hallway.
(Y/N) groaned, already thinking about ways to appropriately explain the situation… not only to them but also to their parents. While Jose cracked up laughing, finding being caught by the kids hilarious.
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Spanish Translation(s): 
Tio / Tia - uncle / aunt
Niña - little girl 
Tienes mi corazón - you have my heart
Volver a la cama - go back to bed
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