#also i would just bring up any excuse to talk about their specific autistic traits. i could go off even further
kasururigoth · 11 months
kasururi headcanons pt. 2
ruri is the official Jar Opener of the house. yes because she's strong af, but also because kasuka has weak hands. and even if she didnt have her powers, she'd still have to do it.
they have separate bedrooms and different sleeping schedules (ruri sleeps during the day and kasuka during the night). although they do try to sleep together most of the time, usually in kasuka's room since he's more used to sharing space with others.
at the very beginning of them starting to live together, since they're both so quiet, they would accidentally scare each other off constantly. (MOSTLY kasuka appearing out of nowhere and freaking the fuck out of ruri who is always very deep in thought.)
they both SUCK at cooking. but it is fine because they're rich and they dont need to do all of that.
on top of that, I also feel that they eat very differently. kasuka has a preference for plain simple meals, and ruri likes things with more spice and flavor.
non-verbal communication game is STRONG. some may think it's telepathy, others, autism.
cats (and felines in general) are kasuka's special interest. at first ruri's impression of this was "oh, he really likes cats. that's cute :)" and then after a few sessions of uninterrupted infodumping it was, "wow... he likes cats a lot"
monsters (and horror in general) are ruri's special interest. at first kasuka's impression of this was "wow, it is so interesting how knowledgeable she is on this subject." and then after a few sessions of uninterrupted infodumping it was, "alright... she likes horror movies a lot"
kasuka sneaks up movie quotes in real life conversations all the time, he thinks this is something normal to do and most people dont catch up on that. the issue is ruri has actually seen almost the same movies as him and she's always able to tell, and call him out.
kasuka didn't listen to ANY music before meeting ruri. and yes those first car rides were quiet and awkward as fuck. but since ruri started to be in charge of the aux, he finally developed a music tastes and yes, it is just all of ruri's favorite artists. (i can make a playlist of artists i think ruri would listen to if you ask very nicely)
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Okay I'm not back yet but holy FRICK check out the FRICKING Youtube video/podcast episode.
It's from a podcast "Gender: A Wider Lens" (a TERF podcast, of the "trying to be subtle and avoid looking TERFy but still being really really TERFy" variety -- I have a bit more on that specifically at the end but for now that's just a tone permeating the whole thing), episode 17: Autism and Gender Dysphoria.
So you can guess the sort of things it says (well, lightly hints at) about trans people, but CHECK OUT WHAT IT SAYS ABOUT AUTISM.
The hosts are a psychotherapist -- who her perspective on autism is an interesting casual-largely-uninterested-spent-a-weekend-and-found-some-Neurodiversity-content position, she recs Neurotribes at one point -- and an "adolescent therapist ... exclusively dedicated to gender-questioning teens and families impacted by gender dysphoria" (I said I wasn't going to talk about their opinions on trans stuff, but there sure are Some Things she's carefully avoiding saying there) -- who got her start as an ABA technician.
The episode is WILD, because they clearly are trying to agree on everything -- which results in, like, a rather large amount of the podcast being the ex-ABA defending ABA to her cohost (insert all the default (functioning levels, autism isn't this perfect harmless thing, precious specially children, etc.) bad arguments), and her cohost... just not buying it and trying to move past.
But most incredibly, actual claims made during this podcast:
the ex-ABA therapist describes forcing kids not to play with their toys, and then continues on to talk about how her ABA wasn't like the stuff that's criticized, in fact she is against "ABA... based on a neurotypical behavior"
autistic people are trans because the naive autistic literal mindset makes them take imagined bullies saying "you're boyish" to heart
gender dysphoria is actually just stress from masking
JUST ASKING QUESTIONS "was The Entire Gender Movement™ created by autistic people??"
Lot of gender labels and boxes... autistic people like labels and boxes... Makes You Think!
they freaking reinvent REFRIGERATOR PARENTING THEORY with "The rise in autism diagnoses (which they acknowledge is already explained by wider awareness!) is caused by tech usage! Texting makes autism!" Like DIRECT QUOTE "Autistic traits can emanate from overuse of tech."
That was the one who read Neurotribes. And she said it so CONFIDENTLY. I don't even know HOW.
and then proceed to a few minutes later to bring up sensory issues! It's not like they don't know!
Accusations of transphobia are because trans is a special interest that they're trying to bring up
the fact that queer theory sees everything as related to gender is in contrast to (direct quote) "a more neurotypical approach to life [that] would think there's no one aspect of us that shows the complexity of the human condition"
(This one especially -- like, I honestly cannot figure out a way to parse this that isn't "autism (bad and wrong) causes transness, if they were neurotypical they would understand correctly how to be cis". This was again the one who'd read autistic activists and could recognize the issues with ABA when mentioned. WUT.)
Bottom dysphoria in males comes from autism causing compulsive masturbation, enough to harm the genitals, which (along with autism black-and-white thinking) causes transness
"Autistic meltdown" is a degrading term, they're "really big emotions" (this was the ex-ABA)
I'm just gonna directly transcribe this bit -- "when families are already embroiled in the [their child said they were trans] issue, and then they go 'oh, we need to literally get you tested for every thing, every single thing that could be wrong', it really feels to the teen as though 'you're just trying to find any excuse to tell me I'm not really trans'". ... like, uh, yeah your hypothetical teen there is pretty perceptive.
On just the trans stuff, they also have the typical Very Interesting Choices about around which topics they choose to think about AFAB people, and around which topics they choose to think about AMAB people, as well how much focus goes on detransitioners. Which is always interesting if you're a connoisseur of that.
The other WELL THEN thing -- connecting to the "trying to be subtle and avoid looking TERFy but still being really really TERFy" -- the podcast is sponsored by the American organization RIME (Rethink Identity Medicine Ethics), which is smokescreening the "medical responsibility!" bad faith and apparently actively pumping money into it. Both podcast hosts are ALSO founding board members of both the "Society for Evidence-based Gender Medicine" and the "International Association of Therapists for Desisters and Detransitioners", because apparently the "but medical responsibilty!" astro-TERF field is the same 3 people in 7 different trenchcoats doing accents.
(They're not on the board for RIME -- RIME's board is a Concerned Parent, a Jungian, and a lawyer.)
Anyways, it was COMICALLY wild.
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2offayyo-kzt · 2 years
Okay new Lazlo/Nandor theory. I think Laszlo is a hypersensitive person. He said it himself that it took centuries with Nadja to build up his trust in other people again due to his parental truama. Now I won't go into specifics but I'm familiar with how truama affects others [not like the dramatized abelist TV villain guy stereotype] People with PTSD are highly sensitive to emotional changes in others. Laszlo in episode 7 he tells Nandor he feels uncomfortable with the flowery emotions he gives or something like that. I'm paraphrasing. Point is, Nandor is emotionally unpredictable as of late and it could cause Laszlo discomfort. I theorize that he might have started to distance himself from Nandor for that reason. Also, to bring up Colin Robinson, Nandor disregarded his roommates grief when he believed Colin was faking his death again. Its understandable for Nandor to feel skeptic but it doesn't excuse how insensitive he was. Yes, Nandor does seem to show autistic traits, as someone on the spectrum I understand how it feels to be unable to read the room and come across as uncaring or insensitive. Still, Nandor should be accountable for how he spoke to his roommates. To get back on topic, because Nandor has become emotionally unpredictable, Lazlo will avoid him and latch onto more predictable people. People with PTSD actually can hyperfocus and fixate on things because its a safe media. They feel comfortable in songs, shows and situations that they know won't trigger them. I'm pointing this out because I believe Laszlo tends to latch onto people he knows are safe. He knows Nadja and she knows him, he knows she wouldn't do anything to trigger him and she usually understands her intentions and motivations. Sean and Colin are simple, uncomplicated men, generally speaking. The only crime Colin committed, Laszlo says, is that he's dull. He's a calm person he feels comfortable with. Sean is pretty easy going and makes Lazlo feel happy. Remember that Laszlo did not like Sean at first. Initially he felt upset being around Sean because there was alot or drama around his wife and was generally insecure. This made Laz uncomfortable. Fans note that Laszlo only began to show interest and affection towards Sean AFTER he makes amends with his wife and becomes more emotionally predictable.
Laszlo might be avoiding Nandor because he's unpredictable and wishes that wasn't the case because he misses simpler times when he didn't cause so much melodrama and stress. Nandor does not understand why Laszlo doesn't spend time with him anymore and can't understand Laszlo's feelings unless Laszlo tells him. Some more honesty and conversation would be great for them but Laszlo is sensitive and on emotional defense alot and both he Nandor are arrogant and stubborn. They need to swallow their pride and keep talking about it. Verbalize feelings is crucial to any type of relationship and if they can't learn to do this their relationship definitely won't improve.
Did I mention psychology is one of my special interest? 😅
I just woke up & this is the first thing I read
And you drop me a masterclass 🤩
Frankly your analysis is impressive, I never thought of them that way, especially Laszlo being hypersensitive it makes a lot of sense
I'm really happy to have you as a mutual because it makes me appreciate the show even more <3
It's true that in the first few seasons, Nandor seemed like a simpleton, and that the more time goes by, the more complicated he is to predict 😔
Wow I need more Laszlo/Nandor interactions asap
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rasp-passion-two · 4 years
Hello, sorry if this is annoying but can you explain how Himiko is neurodivirgent, I don't mean to come off as rude or anything, I just don't know much about the topic and am curious? Sorry to cause any trouble.
It’s absolutely not any trouble!! I love talking about how Himiko shows signs of being neurodivergent. It hits close to home specifically since not only is she one of my favorite characters, but I relate to her a lot. Okay, this might be a bit long, so sorry about that lol:
So in case you don’t know exactly what it is, neurodiversity is when mentally your brain is wired differently than normal, or “neurotypical”, peoples brains. Especially with considerably easy functions like socialising, thinking, learning, developing or ageing, and many others. Many disorders can fall under the neurodiversity spectrum. ADHD, BPD, autism spectrum disorder, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, dyslexia, and many others.
Personally, I think Himiko would fall into the category of being autistic, which has a lot going into it, but can be summed up as a developmental disorder that involves delays in communication, thinking, social situations, and basic human understanding.
Though there is a thread on Twitter that does a good job covering certain criterias that I won’t end up covering (her lack of understanding of social cues, development delays, the reason why she’s depressed, etc.) and it’s really good!!
Below, I’ll list the traits that, in my opinion, Himiko possesses that are common in ND people. Not all of them will be listed, just the bigger ones:
Talking in a slow, almost “emotionless” way
Himiko talks a certain way throughout the whole of the game, rarely ever changing even when she’s expressing very strong emotions. From the very first line she speaks, Himiko talks about something exciting to her, but still sounds very flat and unenthused. Most ND people will always speak in the same tone of voice no matter what. Sometimes, it's very flat and monotone, like Himikos. Sometimes they'll speak slowly either to gather together what they want to say next, or that's just how they were wired to speak. (Almost exactly like Jataro from DR:AE who speaks in a similar way. Who also has a few neurodivergent traits. But that's just a theory c:)
Childish behavior
This usually ranges, but Himiko has a few traits that neurodivergent people have that others consider “too childish”. She’s extremely naive in how she perceives the world, people around her, and their intentions with interacting with her. Like when Kaito asked her to bring her a crossbow of all things and it takes little for her to be convinced to assist him. Or when Kokichi makes fun of her, and she doesn't always gets it. She's sometimes able to understand, but mostly she doesn't understand that he's just taking advantage of her innocence to treat her how he does with others. She takes things everyone says at face value and believes them easily. Her peers consider her to be a bit slow in many areas, almost in a childlike way. She almost has a child-level understanding of vocabulary (i.e. pronounces words the way children do like how the way she says magic almost sounds like “myagic”, her vocabulary is pretty limited, and she usually starts using certain words that she hears others use). When having her Master brought up with the possibility that he left her selfishly and that she was better than him, she always denies it, keeping an innocent mentality so she won’t feel too bad. After being motivated to move forward, she’s seen a lot to want to be helpful to the group and do something useful, and in return they, in my opinion, view that behavior how older people view a child wanting to be helpful to them. The thread above goes more into detail (her bathroom issues, having a unique way of remembering and referring to objects), but these are only some of the examples for Himiko's maturity.
Being a “gifted child” when she was young
This is entirely my speculation since this is never addressed in canon, but Himiko strikes me as a former “gifted child” which most NDs go through. Her “gift” was discovered at a young age and she was really skilled at it. She was known for it by huge masses of people and praised for it. She even had to save the person who saw the talent in her and taught her everything she knows about it when he made a mistake. She gets invited to all types of events because of it. Lot’s of ND kids who were thought of as “gifted'' may have gone through the same thing. It would also explain why she’s so depressed and unmotivated through most of the game, as a result of what’s called “gifted child syndrome”. Having so much praise and expectations set on her so young. Getting older and not having the same energy for it as you had before. Technically all the DR kids are former gifted children, since they're the product of a company exploiting their "gifts", which is a factor in how the world ended in the way it was. But Himiko has more, you could say "traditional" symptoms and after-effects of growing up as a gifted child (depressed, lack of motivation, lack of motivation in her subject, etc.).
Being viewed as lazy
Even though she takes what she's passionate about seriously, less than when she was younger or not, Himiko doesn't always take action with magic, and even everyday tasks. ND people usually lack any sort of drive, sometimes having an “I’ll come back to it later” mentality, excited about it or not. Himiko lacks any drive and motivation throughout the game, even at the idea of being killed, or put in the line of suspicion for someone's killer. She’ll always make excuses on why she can’t act on things, the most common being “she doesn’t have enough MP”. Which goes back to her talent as a magician, which she is especially sluggish in.
Bottling in her emotions and not wanting them to show. But when she does, it results in an on-going meltdown
We all saw it in its prime during the end of the third trial after all, right? Himiko was sort of always closed in, but it wasn't extreme since she hadn't hit her lowest yet. When she did though, (being the prime suspect of Ryoma dying, her closest friends Tenko and Angie dying, being one of the suspects of one of their murders, etc.) She still attempted to hold it all in, which ND people do for a variety of reasons (not knowing how to process extreme emotions, not wanting too much attention by expressing them, or choosing unhealthy ways to process your feelings, amongst others). But once Kokichi called her out for the second time? Not only was everything practically gushing out of her face, but she literally passed out from crying for so long. I don't know whether to laugh or cry at that myself, ha. 
The same thing happened in the last trial kind of. Once the truth of the killing game and their identities is revealed, she seems to have a meltdown. It could be from the overwhelmingness of the situation. It could be the amount of "change" of the situation, which she doesn't even remember. It could also be overstimulating tones with the change in environment, the info dumping, and how everyone jumped from topic to topic etc. Meltdowns are normal for ND people, especially since they usually hold in their feelings. Himiko got better at expressing herself, but meltdowns will still happen once something overwhelming occurs (it's a great way to let out steam!!)
Stimming is when someone, ND or not, self-stimulates themselves by repeatedly moving in some way either by speaking, moving either themselves or something else, or watching someone else do it. Most of the time, you can see Himiko fidgeting with her fingers or with her hat. Doing something with her hands, which is a form of stimming
Despite that, Himiko most noticeably stims by speaking, as she sometimes repeats stuff others say, sometimes repeats a word in order to comfort herself and her beliefs (saying “it’s magic” over and over, either in retaliation or in general), and has a go-to word that she’ll always use almost every sentence when she doesn’t know what to say, is caught off guard/by surprise, or just when she starts and ends her sentences (y’know like, “nyeh”?).
“Odd” facial features/expressions
This one presents itself a lot in the game and through her design as well. Her lip stays tucked out all the time, her eyes don’t always stay open, and her face often keeps the same expression (tired and kind of bored). Just like when she speaks, even when she's expressing intense emotions, she'll keep a mellow expression. She lifts her hat into the air and not much changes expression-wise. She'll be accusatory to someone and not much changes expression-wise. To certain people she interacts with, they think her face is "weird" since it'll pull in ways it usually doesn't for NT people. It could be because she's trying to force the look on herself so it's more easier for people to read (which is shown to be the case for most people), but it's also possible that it's just how she looks. Since she's older, she has more freedom to make more strategies to have more natural expressions, but it's still off-putting to some of her peers.
The infamous saying, “she comes off as annoying”
Many people know this one well, and Himiko is no different, especially in the earlier chapters. Almost everything stated above is a factor that plays in people's disdain for Himiko, in the game and the fandom. Characters like Shuichi, Kaede, Tenko, and even Angie are one of the only few people who try to understand and adjust to Himiko's behavior in their own method, while everyone else either ignores her, doesn’t take her seriously, or even end up bullying her because of it, not willing to adjust themselves for her specific brand of behavior. Being an obvious target, coming off as weird, being too blunt and coming off as rude (which even caused her having strained relationships with K1-B0, Miu, etc.), sometimes hyperfixating too hard on magic (her “special interest”), all seem to be a reason for people thinking she’s too high maintenance.
,,,this ask sure is a month old isn’t it? retrdfyugihhuyt I am EXTREMELY sorry I answered this so late, but I haven’t been online lately because of moving, but at least I managed to finish this in less than a day lol. It’s long, but I love Himiko, and love all the quirks that make her who she is, and am happy to explain it to others!! I hope this answered your questions either way (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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