#also i’m sorry this took a while to respond to the vibes have just ✨not been great✨ lol
summerlinenss · 4 months
Sorry to be that person but do you have any sources of the “pro-Palestine content” Taika has interacted with? I keep seeing people talk about him liking posts and I want to believe it but I haven’t been able to find anything.
(disclaimer: as i’ve mentioned before, i don’t condone stalking through anybody’s social media to “get evidence,” so please don’t do that. the only reason i’m posting this is because it’s a question i keep seeing and i’m seriously just so tired of talking about it. and a final reminder that taika hasn’t been on twitter in almost a year now and he doesn’t seem to use instagram on a regular basis, since he’s openly said he really just doesn’t like social media anymore.)
i’m like 90% sure there are more i’ve seen mentioned (i distinctly remember that he liked a video from a comedian who’s been advocating for palestine but i can’t for the life of me remember their name), but these are two that i’ve personally seen online. i’ll link them both here and here (+ screenshots below).
update: forgot to edit this to add another post i came across here a few weeks ago
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the previous anon from this ask (who will remain anonymous by request) also kindly got back to me with screenshots of the tweets they came across from his likes between 2018-2021. i don’t have direct links to any of these obviously, but i did quickly scroll back to 2021 just to verify and i can confirm they’re still there in his likes.
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and before anyone starts, i’m not calling him an activist for liking social media posts. no one needs praise for recognizing what’s happening is genocide. but labelling him something as serious as a zionist and harassing/wishing harm on him for signing one poorly-worded letter about freeing hostages in october (and i won’t even get into all of the alleged bullshit that went down surrounding those letters) when there is literal proof he has and continues to support a liberated palestine is so senseless.
if people really care about creating change, they can prove it by encouraging others to speak up and save their outrage for the actual zionists openly mocking the people of gaza for their suffering and taking field trips to “israel.”
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ablogofsapphicpanic · 10 months
Hey it’s been awhile 😞 but I’ve been tinkering away on your story and am really excited about where it’s going. 👀 But first I wanted to ask a couple more questions to make sure I’m going in the right direction. 
Do you have a preference for a long one-shot or multi-chapters?  Right now the fic is shaping up to go either way, so I want to ask now before I hunker down in writing land and the scope implodes. 
On a scale from 1-10 how much angst do you like? If you'd prefer something a bit more lighthearted let me know!!
And of course, do you want something smutty? I can stick with something more sfw if that’s your vibe! 
AND LASTLY: Would you want a preview in a week or so? If not, that’s fine too. 
ALSO I TOO AM A HUGE KARLACH FAN. I love her so much. My first playthrough I started romancing Astarion, but then I took a long break b/c I got the flu (which SUCKED). When I came back, I decided to start a new campaign and went the Karlach route. TRULY the best and I want the world for her. 
I have two close friends who both agree Karlach is wonderful, but we’re currently at a stalemate because one of them is EXTREMELY pro-Gale and the other is not and it’s been hilarious mediating between the two. Every year our friend group hosts a powerpoint presentation party and I’m convinced Gale friend’s presentation is going to be on her now in-game husband Gale and why he is the best. I’ll report back if she changes my mind and makes me love him too. 
Do you have any plans for the holidays? I’ll probably visit my family, but I’m mostly looking forward to having some interrupted reading time. We also play a lot of board games. Do you have any favorites? After that I’m hoping 🤞  to swing by NY to say hello to friends who live upstate and then to NYC to see Sleep No More. This is probably the most adventure I’ve had in a while.
Ahhhh I’m so sorry, I kept forgetting to respond to this!!! Hi! I hope you’ve been doing well 💖💖
Honestly, I am fine with whatever the flow of the story is but if it really comes down to it, a long one shot is slightly preferable but if you feel like chapters flow better/help with the story, go for it! If it winds up being a lot or if there’s a cut off that you feel would be a good break, I’d definitely prefer chapters over the one shot if that makes sense
I do love angst, I’d probably say like a 7. I enjoy crying, I find it cathartic but I do like happy endings to my angst because I’m a sap. But I love a little bit of suffering in my media, it’s the best way to go. Not to say that lighthearted stuff is boring, but angst can be excellent for storylines
Smut or no smut is fine with me! I’ll never say no to a little bit of ✨spice✨ (insert that tiktok sound here).
I WOULD LOVE A PREVIEW ABSOLUTELY PLEASE 💖💖💖 I can’t wait to see what you’ve got going 😫 I’m sure I will lose my mind over it
I am a part of the small group that hates Astarion but am fully willing to admit that if he was a woman I’d be all over that shit 💁‍♀️ Yes I am a hypocrite but I don’t think I’ll ever try a romance with him. I hope you’re feeling better from your flu though 💖💖Being sick suuuuucks and I just want to spend the whole time asleep. With Karlach, shadowheart sums it up nicely that she can throw you over her shoulder and carry you to safety. And I love her calling you soldier. I giggle every time she does. I’m doing one playthrough where I’m romancing Laezel and I love that you can call her out for insulting you after she comes on to you (I didn’t cuz I love that shit). I am currently pro Gale bc MB poisoned my mind it’s all her fault but honestly Godspeed with the two friends so vehemently against each other 🫡 report back on if she does the presentation bc that would be hilarious
I’m hoping to go visit family too! I usually pop home for Christmas and use up the last of my vacation hours for the year. And I’ll hopefully get to meet my brand new baby nephew! Also have fun in New York!! Be prepared to see weird shit if you take the subway, I was not properly warned before I took it for the first time in October. Idk where in upstate you plan on going but hopefully there’s some pretty snow instead of the gross mucky rain we’ve been getting the past two weeks.
Sorry this took me so long to answer! I hope you’re doing well!!
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miramizar · 2 years
Greetings from your Santa again!
I'm sorry it took me so long to reply, we had some issues in the factory cause some elves🧝🏼‍♂️ were too busy supporting Xiumin s mini album. Not to mention Kai's Dazed Korea photoshoot. Phew, it was a lot to handle but the factory is back on and everything is going swimmingly here!
I marked your answers and will let my elves know! Oh, my dear child, I can quite understand you. I feel the same, I miss the old days too. It hit different when they were all together.
Before I try to reply to your questions, I have another one for you! Which is your favourite track from Junmyeon s recent album and what's your favourite one from Kyungsoo? Frankly, I'm very curious about that. Perhaps, tell me more about what you love about them, their best feature, or something that catches your eye.
I'm not entirely sure which era is my favourite because it changes every time I think about it, silly isn't it? 🫢 Thinking of my bias, I think it's mainly Chanyeol (yes, it was another reason why all the things were postponed but I didn't want to expose myself in front of all the elves, so let's keep it our little Santa 🤫 secret), and Chen with D.O. When Happy virus raps I'm on my old and wrinkly knees checking the naughty list whether his name will pop out or not cause he's a real baddie. The song would be gravity I suppose? It's hard to decide, there are plenty of them.
I have to run now to deliver all the information gathered and I look forward to hearing from you again! Hope the factory won't burn down if some Exo elf gets carried away by any news. Have a wonderful weekend and thank you for replying to my questions!💝
Your Secret Santa xxx
Hi hi! (^o^)💖 Oh, don't worry, I completely understand! I was also affected by those things you mentioned, and while things like that always make me very excited they also demand a lot of energy so I know the feeling hahah (I’m sorry for taking a while to respond too!)
Those are some good questions! 💜 For Junmyeon's recent album I have to say that "Grey suit" is my favourite track, it just grows with every listen and the MV is sososo beautiful (>^<) and for Kyungsoo's album... of course I adore "Rose", listening to it and watching the MV never fails to put a smile on my face, but I also like "It's love" very much~
Ahh did you mean Junmyeon's and Kyungsoo's features? Well, I love the general softness they both have to their faces, and the way they both show happiness - Junmyeon's eyes turning into crescents whenever he laughs (or when he's proud of a silly joke he just told) and Kyungsoo giving off such serious vibes and then suddenly his entire face transforms when he laughs... the brightness of them both pulls at my heart (;v;)💘
Oh no, I don't think that's silly at all - I'm like that myself! Some albums fit different moods and periods of time, so I'm totally with you there 💗 and wow, you've gotten a lot of content from your bias now then, I'm happy for you!! I missed Chanyeol loads as well (and Chen and D.O deserve all the love!), I'm so glad he's finally back with us (TvT) and don't worry, I'll keep it a secret~ (and I hope he doesn't turn up on the naughty list anytime soon hahah) Can I ask about what you love most about him? And do you have a favourite song of his?
And while I agree with you on there being plenty of amazing Exo songs, I have to say that "Gravity" is especially amazing!!
Thank you for sending this lovely message to me, I have lots of fun talking to you and I look forward to hearing from you again too! 💓💓💓 I wish you a lovely weekend as well, and the best of luck with everything at the elf factory~ ✨
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