#also i'm not a hypocrite i can complain all i want it doesn't change canon - nor do i go lashing out at the creators i'm grumbling on a blog
beastsovrevelation · 4 months
A complete travesty in the Good Omens universe? Michael not being portrayed the leader of angels.
She's supposed to be the Supreme Commander, and she's supposed to be the boss. I sincerely suggest you don't fight me on this hill. For Hell's sake, the actress has the perfect vibe... A crime has been commited here.
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Therefore, I swear to fix it in my fanfictions. General, I'll do right by you. ❤
If you can't tell, in spite of being on the opposite side, I'm attached to this figure. I'm protective of this figure. I'll defend this figure with claws and teeth.
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shinidamachu · 3 months
inuyasha, kagome and jealousy: why their feelings were justified
disclaimer: I'm aware there's a debate about whether or not inukag was officially, canonically dating during the series and that the answers tend to change according to the source material embasing them (manga or anime), but despite using manga panels to write this, I did it purely out of practicality and have no intentions of opening this particular can of worms right now. The point I'll be trying to make for @inukag-week's bickering prompt is that their feelings were valid regardless.
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Inuyasha and Kagome get criticized a lot for the jealousy they feel of each other.
People seem to think that Kagome is not entitled to that sentiment because she chose to stay by his side knowing what it entailed and, more often than not, was the one telling him to go see Kikyo, so it's not fair of her to resent him when he actually does.
On the other hand, they claim that precisely because Inuyasha goes to see Kikyo, it's hypocritical of him to get mad at the fact that Koga is constantly showing just how much romantically invested he is on Kagome, as he has no ground to stand on.
Their feelings, however, are completely justified and no other scene proves that better than this manga interaction Sunrise mercilessly cut out:
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Inuyasha is once again jealous of Kagome and Koga's proximity and he lets his frustrations out in no uncertain terms, but then Kagome makes a good point: what righ has he to be upset about it when he is also close to Kikyo? It's exactly why he gets flak in the first place. And his answer to that question is very interesting:
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She may think Inuyasha is diverting, but he's really not. That's the briliance of this exchange: they are both right and they are both wrong on their assumptions.
Of course that, from Kagome's perspective, Koga putting his arms around her is not that big of a deal. They have no history whatsoever and she made it clear since day one that she wasn't interested. If he still wants to shoot his shot, it's all she can do to lay a friend and ally down gently.
Plus, it doesn't hurt that Koga's interest on her is such an ego boost...
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Or that it turns the tables on Inuyasha to make him feel insecure and worried for a change.
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Or that, in a twisted way, it actually reassures her of the feelings he tries so hard to be nonchalant about.
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It might be a little petty of her, but how any of that even compares to Inuyasha kissing Kikyo? To Inuyasha meeting her alone even though she did terrible things to the two of them? To everyone constantly talking about how he still has feelings for her?
Surely he must know, after everything they've been through, that it can't compare, that he is the one Kagome is in love with. And since he does know, how dare he ever doubt her?
And of course that, from Inuyasha's point of view, Koga putting his arms around her is a huge deal. She complains about how every time he sees Kikyo they "float off into their own little world" but the truth is that except for the kiss she laid on him and the goodbye one they shared when she passed away for good — none of which had romantic conotations —, his interactions with Kikyo were pretty sterile, especially if juxtaposed with Kagome's interactions with Koga.
Kikyo is dead and isn't romantically interested in Inuyasha, nor is he romantically interested in her, but Koga certainly is into Kagome. Just because it isn't reciprocal yet, doesn't mean it hasn't potential to be.
Koga is the one regularly inserting himself into her personal space and she lets him, even though he did terrible things to the two of them. And so how can he be sure she doesn't like it? And how exactly is that different from the dynamic they share? Was she, after all, just being nice with him too and nothing more?
Surely she must know, after everything they've been through, that he only leaves because he has a duty to fulfil, but that he will always come back to her, that she is the one whose shoulders he puts his arm around. And since she does know, how dare she ever doubt him?
It's a classic case of miscommunication, but one that actually makes total sense, because they're just two teenagers navigating through extremely complex feelings in the worst possible circumstances.
They don't have the bigger picture the audience has and even if they did, their judgement would still be clouded by their jealousy, which keeps they stuck into their own perspectives.
And what makes even hard for them to get over these feelings is that they don't come from a place of ownership at all, but rather from a place of insecurity.
That's why Koga and Kikyo make up for such formidable rivals for Inuyasha and Kagome: it's not about the competition — the audience knows there isn't really one —, it's about the insecurities they bring out of the pairing, because they were carefully designed to do just that.
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From the very beginning Kagome was being compared to Kikyo for being her reincarnation. She starts the story already having to measure up to her in power and once Kikyo actually enters the scene, Kagome is also taken aback by her beauty and elegance, but more than that: she feels like she can't compete because Kikyo "died for Inuyasha." One day he might return the favor.
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For his part, Inuyasha has Koga to deal with. A good looking, uncomplicated man who has taken a like to Kagome and has absolutely nothing holding him back from pursuing her, while he has nothing to offer but a difficult past, an unstable present and an uncertain future. One day she could grow tired of it all and realize that Koga could give her everything he couldn't and leave for good.
In conclusion, all that jealousy is rooted in insecurities and in the fear of losing each other, which are completely understandable and absolutely valid .
The differece, I think, is that the narrative lets Inuyasha express his feelings of jealousy directly towards Koga, from insults to actual physical fights, without grand repercutions, while Kagome is never allowed allowed a similar outlet
But that's a topic for another day.
Special thanks to @kitramune for helping me with the panels.
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purrincess-chat · 1 year
I wonder, if for some reason Adrienette were to break up in the upcoming seasons (not necessarily due to a fight, but simply deciding to stop their relationship for a while), would you stop watching the show? Honestly, I think this might happen in the next seasons due to things related to their superhero lives (maybe even Lila influencing it to annoy Marinette and try to take Adrien for herself). Also, to achieve character development, they probably need to show that constantly keeping secrets can harm relationships, and the Love Square is structured in a way that one part of their lives affects the other. What happens on one side of the Love Square can impact the others. I don't think it would make them as a couple unworkable because: 1. It has also negatively affected their romantic relationships with other people; 2. Our hatrel to Gabriel Agreste will always be not enough. All the negative consequences could have been avoided if not for this guy who left kids with problems for several seasons ahead.
For me it would depend on the reason/how it was done. For instance, if the break up is something they're forced to do, but they're still very obviously madly in love with each other (i.e. Ben and Leslie from Parks and Rec), then maybe. 🤷‍♀️ What I don't want is some bullshit contrived reason if they are going to do it. Because after everything that went down in s5 and how hard they fought to stay together, it seems like kind of a waste, imo. If s5 had been different and their relationship a bit more shallow and rocky, then I could maybe see it, but they worked really hard at their relationship to make it work in s5. And I don't even know that secrets would be an issue because we've had an episode addressing that, and Adrien has shown that he doesn't fault Marinette for not telling him everything, he just doesn't want to hurt her. Because truthfully, it would make him a bit of a hypocrite bc he is also keeping a secret from her?? So, he really doesn't have a leg to stand on.
I think a lot of the push for them to break up comes from a couple of places, and they're both salty. 1. People will find any excuse to salt on Marinette and her knowing about Gabriel is just the latest excuse, so they feel she needs to be "punished" by losing her relationship, which ew. 2. People just really can't get over Adrinette being canon, and at this point, it's just kind of sad.
In my honest opinion, there is a lot that we don't yet know about future seasons, so it's not really possible to judge right now. I don't think we as a fandom realize how much shit just got flipped on its head when Gabriel made that wish. The world that we have been living in within the ML universe up to this point is GONE. Things are vastly different now. Yes, the characters may still be the characters we know and love, but we don't know how much control Gabriel exerted over this new world. We don't know everything that he changed and how it will affect the characters moving forward. Adrien might care that Marinette knows things he doesn't, or he might not. He may never even know she knows something he doesn't. It may never get brought up. Or it might. 🤷‍♀️ we don't know. The show may choose to explore a breakup, or it may not, and honestly, I'm just tired of people assuming it will happen or insisting that it has to happen. It's the Chloe redemption arc all over again, and if they don't go that route, people will bitch and complain about bad writing and a butchered story and how they should have done it another way and the writers are so stupid and bad. Then on the other hand if they do break up, people will be like see? Adrinette was bad, and I just...
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I'm tired of seeing people root against the love square and be pissed about every little thing. And personally, I don't think the love square NEEDS to break up in order to be interesting or move forward. Those things aren't necessary in a relationship. It's not as realistic or interesting as people think it is, and I'm tired of people pretending it is. I vastly prefer seeing couples that overcome trials together and stay together. Those are the couples that can survive anything. If they break up over every little thing, that is not a healthy relationship model, and I don't want to root for it. Rip to everyone else, but I'm different. It may come as a shock to some people, but they can address secret keeping without breaking them up. It can definitely be a blow to their relationship, but they could work through it and come out the other end stronger without needing to totally end things. I just find it hard to believe that all of the cheerleaders for Adrinette's downfall are doing it innocently or because they think it's narratively necessary. I don't buy it.
I dunno. I've already said that whether or not I stick with ML will depend on how s6 goes up to mid-season. Thomas stepped down as head writer, so the writing of the episodes may feel different. The new world may be trash (it is Gabriel we are talking about). The new heroes might get too crowded and annoying. (I already wasn't a fan in s4, I didn't care for Penalteam at all). There are a lot of factors that could sway me in either direction, but honestly, I could forgive some of those if the love square interactions are still good. (I honestly think Adrinette hard carried s5, personally) But if you pair several of those with an Adrinette break up, then yeah, I don't see me having a reason to still watch. If I don't enjoy the show anymore, I'll stop watching. (A novel fucking concept for some, I know)
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Tbh! I am... cautiously excited for the barbie movie. I must agree that "Dance the Night" is a banger, and overall the movie does look... possibly promising! I really adore the set and character designs, and it looks like Margot and Ryan will be a great Barbie and Ken. We'll see how it pans out when it gets released in theaters, but until then, I'll keep my fingers crossed that it meets my expectations.
I want to be cautiously optimistic - I know Margot Robbie has stated the trailers are hiding a lot - but I just don't understand some of the decisions.
Ken being misogynistic to the doctor in that one scene rubs me such the wrong way. I'm not quite sold on Ryan Gosling's Ken in general either but maybe he'll surprise me.
Canonizing that godforsaken Aqua song makes my head spin. I am aware it's only being sampled but that doesn't matter. It's still being used. And why?? Why would you want to use the song that says Barbie and Ken are just dumb and horny??
I guess the sets in Barbieland do look kind of fun. I appreciate the generous amounts of pink; but it's not like that's the only color Barbie uses in excess. It's her signature color, but she's also been in plenty of blue, yellow, orange, and purple outfits. Hoping to see some other colors like those used too.
Also I am annoyed at the lack of references to the already existing Barbie movies that have been going on since 2001 BUT I understand this is Barbie the doll/icon and it doesn't have to reference them if they don't want to. I don't wanna whine too much about that anyway, especially since I criticized how others were complaining about how they aren't basing things off the LitD version of Barbie. It's hypocritical of me.
Overall I just don't understand who this is actually intended for. It doesn't feel enough like a Barbie movie made BY Barbie fans. It's giving me too many "SNL/making FUN of Barbie" feelings and how "THIS will change Barbie into a REAL feminist icon". Like, Barbie isn't perfect, but she does have a more feminist history than most people realize. We should continue to be critical of Mattel and its decisions of course, but she's more than just a blonde bimbo stereotype. And she is meant to be projected upon, meaning ANY kind of girl, or anyone of any gender really, can imagine who they can become. This INCLUDES super pink and girly people that just want to have fun and look fabulous and throw parties all that jazz. I'm afraid of this falling into the Hollywood idea of demonizing femineity, but I'm hoping to be wrong and eat my words.
I will say I totally agree with you on "Dance the Night". I've been listening to it a lot lately. It's very fun and makes me want to get up and dance (even though I'm not a good dancer lol).
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red-steampunk · 3 years
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I'm going to vent out my frustrations on how some of the characters were done dirty or became to over the top for the wrong reason. I'll also list how to improve them.
Spoilers Below
Teruteru Hanamura:
Teruteru's sexual behavior was way too over the top. I don't think there's a single time where interacting with him doesn't earn somebody his perverted way of flirting. I would change him up by making him more of a romantic type of flirt for his character development. I'd at least make him get along(smitten) with Akane,Imposter,Hajime,Nekomaru. Since Akane and Imposter clearly enjoys his foodl. Nekomaru would help him try to break out of his horrible habit bothering his peers after they confront him about. Hajime can also explain the fact that he might not ever get his own restaurant because he sexually harasses other people, and Teruteru comes to realization that Hajime is right. Also Teruteru doesn't drug Hajime during his Free Time Event, there was absolutely no point of that at all. Have characters distrust Teruteru saying they fear that he'll drug their food despite his protests say he has standards and doesn't want to waste food like that. Only for Hajime,Akane and Byakuya defend him and Nekomaru volunteers to monitor him while cooking, if it makes everyone else more comfortable to have a Team Manager to watch. And once he's voted off, he'd apologize to harassing the other students and thank Nekomaru,Chiaki,Hajime ans Akane for being nice to him, before he's excuted.
Hifumi Yamada and Celestia Ludenberg
I'd make Hifumi become the Ultimate Manga Author. Ultimate Fanfic Creator is pretty lame title. His backstory involves him making a 2,000 chapter manga within the span of a month(but his original School peers are still disappointed in him for selling it at his school's events), which became a huge hit with the world. I'd have Hifumi's undying loyalty to Celestia from being the result of her bearing a striking resemblance to his favorite manga character(Princess Piggles in a gothic lolita outfit). Celeste is already secretly into manga in canon so this would pair well with her asking for his manga collection in private and keeping it a secret for her because of his loyalty. Celestia is somewhat nicer to Hifumi when no one else is around since Hifumi would mention this to Makoto. But she still becomes aggressive when it involves her tea. She'll even say to Makoto in private that she'd rank Hifumi from an F to a C.
Miu Iruma
I'd have Miu be a lot less of an asshole towards Shuichi,Gonta and Kiibo. When not talking to her during trials she notices the three of them clearly see her as a friend since she has trust issues. I'd also not have her going around and speaking ill of the dead after she saw how upset Shuichi, like she knows where to draw the line. So she doesn't make incredibly rude remarks about Rantaro,Ryoma and Tenko. She however still remains the same when interacting with Kokichi.
Mahiru Koizumi and Hiyoko Saionji
Mahiru is one of the most obnoxious hypocrites ever. She can still remain the same but only for somebody to call her out on her being bias and hypocrite. I understand she's like this because of her father but that still doesn't excuse her. Mahiru telling the boys they need to take charge and protect the girls. Twogami decides to become the leader and protect everyone, only for Mahiru to complain about him being to forceful (she's just as forceful as him). And then there's Hiyoko, she thrashes Teruteru after his death and saying how she wanted to spit on his body and she constantly takes advantage of Kazuichi and Mikan being easy targets for her bullying. Mahiru doesn't say anything or tell her to stop or to behave herself. But within a minute of her insulting the recently deceased Teruteru, she starts smelling really bad and her classmates complain about that. Mahiru complains about the others bullying her. At this moment Akane and Nekomaru immediately call Mahiru out, after clearly getting irritated earlier by Hiyoko's disrespectful comments. Mahiru tries to defend Hiyoko's bullying only for a annoyed Chiaki to tell her that there's no justifiable reason for her to bully others. Mahiru realizes and has her and Hiyoko apologize for their behavior. Mahiru tells Hiyoko to promise her to stop, which Hiyoko has a hard time doing because of her background of her needing to defend herself by being cruel.
Ryoma Hoshi
Ryoma should've been a survivor if anything. If Ryoma would've learned the truth and came to learn that he wouldn't be sent prison after the Killing Game. This would've sparked him motivation to live and to completely end the killing game and the Mastermind altogether. Ryoma made the most sense to be a survivor. I don't know who should've take him place as the victim however.
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