#also if they all lived then somehow kanao shinobu genya and ayame would be in-laws
The Akihiko stans are being so well fed!!(ty so much),what was Yohahiko's relationship with the Upper Moons and Muzan?I'm especially curious abt him and Douma(i just now realized he must have seen Kanae get killed,brb gonna cry)
thank u for stanning akihiko in the first place! the reason u guys are fed is bc i too am being fed. mutual feeding (not kinky)
Yohakihiko's relationships with the Upper Moons
Gyuutarou and Daki:
- yoha always found them disgusting. he doesn't understand why they would merge together like that. they've always been stronger than him together, even if he's pretty much on par with daki in terms of strength. still, wherever daki goes, gyuutarou is sure to follow, and yoha is no match for gyuutarou
- they share a sibling-like relationship on a very loose sense. they share a sire in that douma was the one to turn them into onis (even if yoha had forgotten how exactly that had happened)
- they're siblings who hate each other. yoha detests the idea of siblings; they make his skin crawl and he was never happier than when the combined upper six fell to those ridiculous demon slayers
- but it sure pissed yoha off to learn that gyuutarou and daki had been the first to make ayame bleed
- he's never forgiven them for that
- gyuutarou tolerates yoha bc douma does, but that's about it. he won't greet yoha when they pass each other, and they don't have much contact anyway
- except that time gyuutarou cut yoha for calling them disgusting
- daki adores yoha, but in a really annoying way. she enjoys the fact that she's technically his aneki, and she rubs it in his face any time she can. she stole his mask once and ever since she saw his pretty boy face, she was obsessed. she likes pretty things, after all
- yoha doesn't care much for gyokko, and upper five feels the same for yoha
- they tend to ignore each other
- yoha does bear a grudge against gyokko for gifting his precious douma-sama that ugly vase. he hates all things to do with art. where possible, he tears it apart with his bare hands
- yoha scares hantengu, oddly enough. there's something about the way yoha carries himself that makes hantengu's senses grow wary
- probably the fact that even though yoha forgot he was akihiko, he still carries himself like a demon slayer
- akaza cares very little for anyone who respects douma, so he's extremely apathetic about yoha
- this irks yoha to no end. especially since he sees akaza as his mortal nemesis. he doesn't like the way akaza commands douma's attention in the brief moments they meet. he especially hates the way douma-sama always tells him to play nice with akaza-dono
- yoha is still outwardly respectful of akaza, but he's plotted to overthrow akaza from the seat of upper three for the longest time
- it's thanks to akaza that yoha developed his obsession over ayame. it started with wanting to see the demon slayer that was so unremarkable but managed to gain the ire of akaza, but then he took one look at her and decided she was interesting beyond the rage she invoked in akaza
- obviously yoha's relationship with douma is screwed up
- he's yoha's sire after all
- yoha thinks douma is fond of him because he was the one who decided he was worthy of becoming an oni
- douma doesn't feel such emotions. he acts like he's fond of yoha, but he's just fascinated by the particular way yoha broke because of his torture. he pokes and prods to see how he can make yoha worse, all under the guise of being a loving sire
- their relationship is seriously messed up. i don't even know how to go into the details
- douma rarely lets yoha out of his sight. (he needs to break yoha every day to feel some form of enjoyment.) he does loan out yoha to do muzan's bidding every now and then
- after all, no one can torture as well as the king of demons
- yoha's reaction to kokushibou is utterly fascinating
- he detests upper one with every fibre of his being. it's a revulsion that is written into his very dna, clinging to his skin and carved into his bones
- of course, yoha isn't stupid. he knows he's no match for upper one - he can't even fend off gyuutarou. he does his best to never look at kokushibou should their paths cross
- kokushibou feels nothing for yoha. i'm not sure he ever registered his presence. yoha might as well have been a speck of dust to kokushibou
- after all, for a demon-slayer-turned-oni, he's very dull. he doesn't even remember being a demon slayer
- ah. this is... it's hard to tell.
- yoha is an interesting experiment to muzan. nothing more, nothing less. a demon slayer who successfully turned into an oni but is useless otherwise. his power is unremarkable, and his ambitions are far too big for his body. his mind is in tatters and yet he still marches on
- muzan's decision to bring yoha along with him to okutama was nothing more than a whim. he was curious about how he might react away from douma's influence, but he brought kamado tanjirou and that girl he drags along into his life
- an unsuitable replacement for akaza. that's all yoha ever is to muzan
- of course, if it wasn't for muzan, ayame and yoha wouldn't have met again. he really shouldn't have fed yoha's obsession of ayame. it only ever made things worse for himself
- hindsight is twenty-twenty, eh?
and as for kanae...
- yoha was there was kanae was killed
- or maybe it's better to say that yoha is the reason kanae was killed
- kanae could have survived the fight with upper two. after losing a friend, after seeing the way sanemi retreats into himself after akihiko's death she trains harder than ever
- "i don't want sanemi-san to lose another friend" is what she tells herself, but the truth is that she fears what sanemi will become without her. she kept sanemi afloat after akihiko died, even when she knew it was dangerous to grow too close
- she loved sanemi, the way she loved akihiko. she could never choose. she just never expected fate itself to choose for her
- but obviously when she hears news of upper two on a rampage once more, she cannot stand idly by
- akihiko gave his life to stop upper two once. if kanae can kill him, then maybe she can redeem herself. (she had been to slow to come to akihiko's rescue. the sight of sanemi clutching akihiko's bloodied haori will forever remain ingrained in her brain)
- so she trained hard and could fight upper two to a standstill. she would even survive
- and then akihiko shows up and kanae is thrown off-guard
- then she was stabbed, cold freezing her lungs and causing her body to shut down
"see what becomes of demon slayers?" upper two tittered as akihiko's monstrous gaze landed on her.
utterly blank.
"pathetic," says the oni wearing akihiko's face, and kanae finds herself mourning akihiko all over again
- as shinobu holds her close and tears fill her eyes, she's struck with the cold realisation that, even in the afterlife, she won't meet akihiko
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