#also if u want to ask me any: my guys r pen agni and echo!
floorbed · 3 years
another dnd oc ask game
ah shit here we go again . jpg
i'm sorry if these questions have already been on other ask games!! i wasn't checking what's already been done i was just making my little questions yfm!
1. what is their big three (sun moon rising)?
2. what is their relationship with their sexual orientation?
3. what is their relationship with their gender identity?
4. what was their favorite object/thing to play with as a child? and/or what is their favorite childhood memory?
5. what was their first kiss like?
6. have they ever thought they were in love? were they really?
7. what is one thing they inherited from their parents, physical or emotional?
8. design a homebrew magical item for them. it can be a wondrous item or a weapon or anything you want :)
9. what would they wear to prom?
10. pick one song to describe their external self/how they present, and then one song to describe their internal self/how they feel :)
11. what would their major be if they went to college?
12. if your character went through a corruption arc, would their class/subclass change? if it would, what would it now be? (if your character is fucked up, answer this but for a redemption arc instead!)
13. what is their primary love language? (acts of service physical touch etc)
14. if this pc could meet your first pc, how would that go? (if this Is your first pc, how would meeting your latest pc go?)
15. pick a god from any kind of real world mythology that you think your character would be favored by :-)
16. if they were a protagonist of a novel/movie, what would the genre be? (horror, romance etc etc)
17. what would the perfect character foil for your character act/be like?
18. pick a number from 1-36 using a random number generator. then answer the question that number corresponds to in the 36 questions to fall in love list for your character!
19. what type of fabric do you associate with your character? any other textures u associate?
20. if they were involved in a high school theater production, what would they be doing? (what would their typecast be? are they dance captain? are they in tech, if so what do they do in tech? wld they not be caught dead associated w any of it?)
21. if you were stuck in an elevator with your character, how wld that go?
22. how many pages is this character's lore doc?
23. if your character knew they were dying and could have one last conversation with any three alive people beforehand, who wld those three ppl be?
24. how do they cry? what does it look like?
25. what role wld they fill if they were part of the crew of a starship?
26. imagine your character is in a room with the person they hate the most (dead or alive) and aware that neither of them can be put in any physical danger. what would they say to them?
27. who was the first person your character ever trusted (outside of family)?
28. what animal do you associate with your character?
29. who was their first crush?
30. what video game would your character have the most hours on?
31. who was the first person your pc killed? how do they feel abt it? (if they havent killed anyone, what is their moral stance on taking a life? under what circumstances wld they if any?)
32. what would your character want their gravestone to look like? (if they wouldnt want to be buried with a marker, how would they want their body to be honored? what kind of memorial ceremony would they choose?)
33. what is their special interest / favorite thing to talk about?
34. what kinds of stories does your character like to read/hear?
35. describe their bedroom, if theyve had one at any point in time (if not, where do they feel safest to sleep?)
36. how did you name your character? why did you choose the name you did?
37. if you could give your character one piece of advice, what would you tell them?
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