#also im so sorry omochao killed me so i stole like 90% of his lines from the game
sonic-bros · 5 years
Can I ask for a sequel to that Sonadow Free Riders prompt? Where it's like Shadow's turn to give the "reward kiss" to Sonic, after he beats Metal Sonic and Omochao commenting on it?
[Read it on AO3!]
(Link to part one)
Part of Shadow was grateful that Metal didn’t challenge him to a race. It had seemed difficult—not that he couldn’t handle it, but after the ‘prize’ Sonic gave him, he had a lot on his mind. Most of the time, he hated to be touched. Even Rouge placing a hand on his shoulder or nudging his side with her elbow was a bit much for him. He could think of more than a few incidents where he’d gotten into fights with those who had invaded his personal space.
He couldn’t understand why he had let Sonic kiss him, or why he kissed him back. It made him feel… weird. Like those silent moments between them—their occasional sparring sessions or Gear races, when it was them and just them—but he had always chosen not to think about it. Now, he didn’t get the option, since Sonic had kissed him in front of everyone. That same tension was still lingering in the air around the two heroes.
“So, is it safe to assume that you never had any money or treasure to give out?” Tails sighed to Eggman.
“Ya’know, my job would be easier if you shot down your own plots like this more often,” Sonic snickered to the Doctor.
Shadow wasn’t really listening when Team Babylon complained about their lack of reward.
“I can’t believe I was right about Eggman giving us a prize,” Rouge said with a mopey tone, her ears drooping slightly in a dramatic display of dissatisfaction. “What a waste of time.”
Shadow disagreed.
He was the Ultimate Lifeform—perfected, including his instincts, which had never let him down. He wasn’t sure what exactly caused him to step forward and walk over to Sonic with his board under his arm, but he could only assume that it was that fine-tuned instinct of his.
“Uh… yeah,” Sonic replied awkwardly to one of Amy’s usual remarks—that Shadow hadn’t bothered to pay attention to—grinning again a moment later. “Anyway, it sounds like we all managed to have fun,” he said, looking over at Shadow as he walked up, giving him a little smirk. “Don’t you think so, Shad—” he started, but he was cut off. His eyes went wide when Shadow leaned in and kissed him, his cheeks instantly lighting up.
This time, the kiss lasted longer than before. Sonic’s eyes slipped closed, and after a few seconds, his hand slid up to grab Shadow’s shoulder.
“What in the world?!” Eggman gasped, just vocalizing what everyone else was thinking.
Shadow pulled away slightly to peer over at the Doctor with a deep-set frown, but Sonic dropped his hand to grab his, so he looked back over.
“What was that about?” he asked with a little smile, his muzzle rosy with blush.
“You gave me a prize when I beat Eggman. Now I’m giving you one for beating Metal,” he said, eyeing him. He let him hold his hand—he didn’t really care what everyone else thought. He never had and he wouldn’t start now.
Sonic’s smile changed to another wide smirk. “So you wanted to return the favor, huh?” he said playfully, though he only tugged him closer, so he could press their lips together again. Shadow leaned into it and let his eyes fall shut.
“Would you look at that folks! It looks like some of the racers ended up making their own prizes!” Omochao announced with an excited giggle.
Shadow broke the kiss, glancing over at Omochao scornfully.
Sonic let go of Shadow’s hand. “How about me and you race?” he suggested, grabbing his Extreme Gear from where it leaned against the nearby the wall and hopping on. “Just me and you.”
Shadow gave him a smug smile. “You still have no chance of winning,” he said as he set his board down and got on as well, his competitiveness coming out immediately when the word ‘race’ was spoken.
“We’ll see about that,” Sonic taunted, just as both of them took off in a random, open direction.
“It seems like they’ll both be winners, no matter who finishes first!” Omochao reported, without realizing what he said. Eggman startled at the comment, looking mortified, but Knuckles busted out laughing. Rouge even hid a chuckle behind her hand.
“I’m sure the next World Grand Prix will be much more interesting after this new chain of events!” Omochao continued to the audience. “We’ll see you there, I’m sure! Until then, Omochao here, signing off! Buh-bye!”
(Link to part three)
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