#also incredibly sorry i didn’t awnser earlier
localratwithcowboyhat · 6 months
Do you, as a Will Wood fan, also remember that clip of him where’s he’s talking about drugs and says like “I HAVENT FELT AN EMOTION IN WEEKS” or am I the only one
I do not.
It appears Will wood has used his psychic powers to plant a memory in your head my dear anno
he chose you
Do with that what you will
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bakudekugf · 5 years
Issue 2:Daydream
Izuku quakeingly walked into the kitchen,hands stuffed firmly into his pockets.How was he going to control his power?It hadn't activated all morning but how long was that going to last?
"Izuku,love,what's wrong?"Mom asked in rightful concern.How else would one react to seeing their son shaking all over,his head down?Guilt seeped it's way into him.
'Mom...i'm sorry for worrying you...'He was going to worry Kacchan too.And Mr.Aizawa.And Mr.Yamada and Mr.Yagi and Mrs.Yagi and Mr.Ishiyama and the rest of the school staff.'Everyone...i'm sorry...'All because of this stupid power.
"It's nothing,Mom.I just..."How was he supposed to tell her?What was he supposed to tell her?
"Are you sick?"Mom asked,running over to him and placing a hand on his forehead.He brushed it away.
"No,no...I'm just sad that i got sent home."Well,that wasn't a lie.
"Oh,honey."She hugged him and he let them himself fall.He felt safe in her arms.
"It's not your fault."She pulled back and placed a hand on his cheeck.
"I know.Thanks,i feel better now.*
"Good."She smiled and he smiled back,feeling relief wash over him.Mom would never turn her back on him,mutant or not.Neither would Kacchan.He couldn't believe he was being so silly earlier."Now get to school."She handed him a lunch box wrapped up in a pale pink cloth.
"Yes,Mom.I love you."
"I love you too,darling."
Izuku perked up when he cought sight of Kacchan's backpack through the dozen's of students.
"Kacchan!"He called out but he didn't hear him over the noise."Kacchan!"He ran after him,letting out 'Excuse me's as he pushed through different students.He could feel glares on his back but being focused on Kacchan made him almost oblivious to it.
Suddenly,he felt...something.His head snapped up as if on instinct,seeing a bucket of presumably water placed on the door to their classroom.
"Kacchan,watch out!"He tackled him out of the way,landing on the floor.
"Ow!Deku,what the fu-"He froze at seeing the now spilled bucket of water."Oh...thanks.Who the fuck put that there though?"
"I'll give you one guess."Izuku responded.Realization dawned on Kacchan and he gritted his teeth.
"Copycat..."Monoma had earned that nickname after being caught trying to cheat off Kacchan's test during a pop quiz.
"Why,Bakugou-kun!"A mock hurt voice came from behind them and they both turned to see Monoma."I'm shocked at this accusation.What reason could i possibly have-"Kendou popped up and pinched a nerve on his neck,rendering him limp and caught him by the back of his shirt before he could fall face-first on the floor.She placed her free hand on her head.
"Sorry about him guys.You know how foul he is."
"That's cold,Kendou."Said he in a strained voice.
"Don't worry,"Said Izuku,standing up with Kacchan's help,"It's not your fault."
Kendou smiled at them before her eyes zeroed in on their held hands,"I'll leave you two to do your thing."She walked away,literally dragging Monoma with her.
"Kacchan,you can let go of my hand now."
"Huh?"Kacchan blinked at him and let go,"Right!"
Just then,their classmates started filling in."Good morning,Midoriya!"Iida greeted him.Izuku smiled at him.
"Good morning,Iida."
"Good morning,Deku-kun!"
"Good morning,Uraraka!"
"Good morning,Aoyama-kun!"
"Good morning,Bakugou!"Kaminari greeted Kacchan,slinging an arm around him.Kacchan shrugged it off.
"Good morning,Kaminari."He muttered.Kaminari beamed.
"You didn't call me an idiot this time!We're making progress!"
"Good morning,Midoriya,Bakugou."Kirishima said,walking up to them.
"G'morming,Shitty hair."
"Good morning,Kirishima-kun."
"Why's there a bucket here?"Tsuyu asked.
"Monoma/Copycat."Izuku and Kacchan said simaultaneously.
"Ah."She nodded in understanding.Monoma had a habit of trying to,to put it lightly,start shit with Class 1-A.It had been going on since the sports festival and hadn't stopped since.Todoroki walked in next.
"Good morning,Todoroki-kun!"
"Good morning,Midoriya,Bakugou."He smiled at both of them and Kacchan nodded in awknoledgement.He had let go Todoroki letting himself lose during the sports festival.
"Hey,Deku,did you get the photos i sent you?"
Izuku blinked in surprise."Uh,i haven't checked my phone yet."
Kacchan's eyebrows raised in surprise,"All day?What were you doing?"
"I was,uh,sick.Cough,cough."
Kacchan stood up,"Do you want me to take you to Ms.Shuzenji?"
"No,no,i'm fine now!"
"You just coughed."Todoroki pointed out and Izuku resisted the urge to throw his notebook at him.
"Yes,i know,but i'm fine."
Kacchan reluctantly sat back down,"If you say so.What were sick with?"
"Uh,a bad cough.I still have it a little bit."
"Are you sure you're okay?"Kirishima asked,giving him a concerned look and placing a hand on his shoulder.
"Yeah,i'm okay.Really.",He laughed nervously as his friends crowded around him."Seriously,guys,it's just a cough."
Thankfully,Mr.Aizawa walked in."Alright everyone,sit down please."They listened to him,"Midoriya,are you feeling alright?"
"Yes."He said exhaustedly.
"Great,now onto class-"
Izuku snuck behind the tree at the the back of the school(No phones inside school)and took out his phone,checking his mailbox.There,he found various pictures of what appeared to be museum exhibits.
'Kacchan...'Kacchan broke the rules for him.It made his heart swell.He smiled and leaned back against the tree,closing his eyes and pressing his phone against his heart.
His smile turned into a full-blown grin as he stuffed his phone back in his backpack.Time for lunch!
"Young Midoriya!"He jumped and whirled around at Mr.Yagi's voice."I was just hoping to talk to you!"
"Oh,what about,Mr.Yagi?."He hitched up his backpack,smiling at him.
"After yesterday's incident,i was worried about you!Don't want you getting poisened or anything!"
'Not poisened.Just mutated'This self-reminder made him hyper aware of his power-powers?What happened earlier wasn't normal.You didn't suddenly just sense things.
"Young Midoriya,are you alright?"Mr.Yagi noticed his sudden stiffness.
"Uh,yeah!"He began to sweat,"I,uh,gotta go.My friends are waiting for me!"He ran off.
"Have a good day,Young Midoriya!"Mr.Yagi called out to him.
"You too,Mr.Yagi!"
"Hey,Midoriya!"Sero waved him over.
"Hi,Sero!"Izuku sat down between him and Kacchan.
"What was Mr.Yagi talking to you about?"Kacchan asked him.Izuku almost flinched.They'd seen that?!Had they also seen him looking at his phone?!He blushed up to his ears at the thought.
"H-he was asking me about my spider bite."
"What if it was a radioactive spider?"Kirishima asked jokingly and Izuku froze.
'Yes...Yes!...that makes a lot of sense!'Radiation was the perfect explanation.It happened all the time in comic books!And this was certainly a comic book-like situation.
"And now you have superpowers that you have to use for good!"Kaminari said dramatically,standing and posing.
"That would be incredible."Said Aoyama.
"Deku could be a superhero."Kacchan agreed.Izuku blushed even more,if that was possible.
'...Me?A superhero?'He looked down at his hands.The spider bite had healed up but he could still see the place where he'd been bitten.He opened and closed them.That would be a good way to use his powers.
'But...'What would the city think?They'd probably try to capture him and experiment on him yo find out how to duplicate his powers.Or at least the police would.Izuku didn't trust them.
He shook his head,'Right now,just think about lunch.'The octopus dogs compelled him.Even they couldn't calm him dowm
"Mom?Has Dad called back yet?"Izuku asked.Mom stiffend,like she always did when Dad was mentioned.To be honest,he felt inadequet calling him that.He didn't really have a presence in Izuku's life.He barely remembered him.
"No but he will."She said firmly as if she knew.
"When?"Izuku couldn't help but ask,his voice cracking."Like he called back all the other times?"
"Izuku,please,he's your father!"Mom almost pleaded."He's a very busy man.With great power,comes great responsibility."
Izuku froze.Mom calmed down.
"I'm sorry.It's just...he hasn't responded to any of my calls and..."She began to cry and he ran to her side,hugging her."A-and he hasn't awnsered any of my texts.I just miss him,you know?"
Izuku did not know.He had no attachment to his father."Yeah,i know,just let it allll out."
Mom did so.After a few minutes,he let her go.She wiped her eyes,"Thank you,dear.I'm sorry for yelling at you."
"You're welcome.I'm sorry for prying."
"No,it's alright.You have a right to want to know about your father."
Izuku really did not want to know so he just nodded.
Mom gave him a closed eyed smile,"I'll tell him you said hi when he calls back,okay?"
"Okay.Thanks Mom."
That night,Izuku stared at his bedroom ceiling as he layed in his bed.
With great power,comes great responsibility.
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