#also it wasn't clear but i'm not for the statues' complete destruction
cursedvibes · 3 months
As a fan of Monster (by Naoki Urasawa), who do you think is a better antagonist in their own story, Johan or Sukuna? Why do you think that? At first I want to ask for comparison between Johan and Kenjaku. But then, I guess you'll answer Kenjaku, right?
Also, somehow, I don't think Kenjaku as an antagonist. Even Mahito is more of an antagonist for me. Sorry if I'm wrong, and if my ask is kinda random and silly.....
If Monster's characters somehow transported to JJK univese and they got cursed energies, who do you think will survive?
Thanks for the ask, it's really interesting!
First of all for the "Kenjaku as antagonist" part, I can see why you think this way because all major antagonists are there to oppose Yuuji and as things stand right now, Kenjaku doesn't do that. Kenjaku is absolutely an obstacle for Yuuji, pretty much since his birth, but he doesn't really deal with the (very personal and existential) challenge they pose to him. He just waits until the problem goes away by itself... That is why I also think Kenjaku is most accurately described as the "main antagonist" because Kenjaku is the antagonist of the story. Kenjaku is the one who actually brings conflict into the story. If it wasn't for Kenjaku, Sukuna would have died in the Heian era, Yuuji would probably be a pretty ordinary guy, there would be no reincarnated sorcerers and Mahito & Co would have been killed as soon as Gojo got his hands on them, since there is nobody with experience and resources protecting them. Kenjaku pushes the story forward, even after they died, and they are the one who shakes up the status quo and gives the protagonists the opportunity to grow and change both themselves and the world around them. At its base, that is what an antagonist is supposed to do and none of the challenges Sukuna and Mahito provide for Yuuji would be possible if Kenjaku didn't move the story forward in the background and push everyone protagonists and antagonists alike to evolve. Sukuna and Mahito cause chaos and destruction, but they aren't very focused and only very locally based. They only become really dangerous when paired with Kenjaku because Kenjaku can elevate their abilities to a larger scale that affects more than only the people in like a 5km radius.
As for Kenjaku's comparison to Johan, I think they are actually equal for me with maybe Johan slightly ahead because he's just better written. They are actually quite similar. Both are larger scale antagonist that operate internationally and mostly move behind-the-scenes, so getting hold of them is incredibly difficult. Both aren't all that strong on their own, they instead rely on allies and people indebted to them to protect them. Both are relatively unassuming at first glance and able to seamlessly integrate into society, making it hard to find them or pin down their current identity. And both have mommy issues.
Johan & Sukuna
This easily goes to Johan. In Sukuna's defence, we are also still missing a huge part of his story and character background that will probably soon be revealed to us, but at the moment we are missing most of what would give him more depth. It's there in hints, but if we only go with what we solidly know about him so far, he's not much more complex than your average big bad who destroys cities for fun and games with no real rhyme or reason to it and the only thing that really makes him dangerous is his immense strength. He is a very physical threat to overcome.
Johan on the other hand has the advantage of Monster already being completed. His story has been told, we got a deeper look at his motivations and what shaped him into becoming who he is, while not getting any clear-cut answers as to what really first caused him to spiral. Nature vs nurture and all that. I mean, there's still debate over who that titular "monster" is (personally I think it's not Johan), which I think hits just the right balance between remaining mystery that will make you want to reread the story and answer for why he acts the way he does.
Yuuji and Sukuna challenge each other's world views similar to Johan and Tenma, but I don't think it has quite the same weight. Again, I have to say, this is hard to judge because the real conflict between Sukuna & Yuuji hasn't started yet or is just in its early stages of falling into place. Although the key principle is very similar in both cases: how much is a human life worth?
Johan and Tenma are intentionally very binary. Tenma fundamentally believes in the worth of human life and that includes believing that someone like Johan deserves to live, despite the pain he caused. Johan believes no human has worth, including himself, and therefore killing others or yourself is of no consequence. Yuuji and Sukuna fundamentally believe in a similar concept, but with some exceptions. Yuuji believes everyone has a right to live...except himself because he is causing too much hurt for the people he cares about. Similarly, he also very quickly gave up on reasoning or even talking to Sukuna and accepted that Sukuna is such an evil person that he also has to die. Like, killing Sukuna doesn't rob him of any sleep or makes him question his morals, it's pretty clear that Sukuna deserves to die. Sukuna thinks humans are worthless, but he takes himself out of that equation. Like Johan he thinks of himself as a monster and non-human (to a degree), but unlike him, he places himself above others and thinks he and the ones who think like him or live by his standards are more worthy of living than others.
Tenma and Yuuji both live with the guilt of having helped someone survive who will continue to kill others and have to find an answer on how to deal with that dilemma. I would say as far as their respective antagonists are concerned, Yuuji's solution is much easier. Sukuna is cartoonishly evil, no redeeming qualities and unless you are a very principled person, nobody would cry over his death. Whereas Tenma was presented with a child that had been shot in the head and as a doctor he made the very logical decision to do his best to his best to help that child, not knowing he had just killed his adoptive parents. Even after he found out and the years he spend chasing Johan to maybe possibly kill him, he had a much harder choice on his hands because Johan is much more of a real human being. He got traumatized as a child and lives out that trauma on the people around him with violent consequences, but he also is a danger to himself due to his suicidality. It is pretty clear that he is severely mentally ill and at the end, it is always a possibility to put him in prison and give him therapy (it will be difficult to keep him in prison due to his connections, but with the right incentives not impossible). Putting Sukuna in prison and giving him therapy isn't possibly unless Yuuji eats him again.
So I think because the question of how to handle Johan is so much more complex for the protagonists, he ranks above Sukuna here as well. I think a detractor for Sukuna for me is also that Yuuji is much more of an existential challenge to Sukuna than Sukuna for Yuuji. Sukuna doesn't make Yuuji question his morals or his resolution, he is simply an obstacle he has to overcome to save the people he cares about. At this point Sukuna is much more affected by Yuuji than Yuuji by him. A lot of that has to do with Sukuna only really stepping up as an active antagonist after Mahito was gone and Mahito was the one who really challenged Yuuji. Sukuna killed all those people in Shibuya, but it was primarily Mahito who taught Yuuji what real cruelty looks like, he taught him to kill with his own hands, to question his convictions, his morals and how far he is willing to go, how much power he even has to go on. Sukuna only really comes into the picture after Yuuji has already grown from what Mahito put him through. This is less of a clear cut issue, but it's part of why I rank Mahito above Sukuna as far as jjk villains are concerned. It is also why I enjoy Mahito as a villain much more. And this lack of ideological challenge is also another reason for why I think Johan is a better antagonist than Sukuna and why I think the ranking will stay this way even when we get more insight into Sukuna's motivations and background. Sukuna is also just not very scary or threatening, especially not how he has been presented during the Shinjuku showdown. Despite Kenjaku being weaker, I was much more worried about everyone's lives and the future of the entire country than now that it's only Sukuna. He's just like a rampaging bull. There is no mystery or higher-level threat to him, he's just a bit difficult to handle. That makes it not even close between him and Johan.
Monster -> JJK
I think this is very difficult to answer because Monster and its characters are very deeply rooted in our real world and it not being supernatural is what actually makes it so interesting. But if we assumed they became sorcerers and all got transported to Japan (otherwise nothing would really change), I think Nina would survive. She is the only one of the cast who can competently fight while not being wildly suicidal. Roberto and Grimmer are strong with Grimmer's split personality "Steiner" supposedly further amplifying his cursed energy, but they are also fundamentally empty. They would be trained by Kinderheim 511 or Jujutsu Tech into super soldiers and then die young because they have no sense of self or strong will for survival which would get them killed very quickly in the world of jjk. Unlike with their actual stories, they would not be able to develop any coping mechanisms but instead be constantly exposed to their trauma, which will either get them killed Haibara-style or they kill themselves. So that only leaves Nina as the last survivor. Tenma can't fight and also can't kill people, so he's a goner. Johan...maybe he'd take up a similar place to Tengen? In that he organizes a group of influential sorcerers from the back, but he'd ultimately use it to try and kill himself. Maybe in a similar plot as Kenjaku's merger curse. He could create something that would wipe out Japan once and for all and realize his scenery of a doomsday. Nina can then cut his head off (he'd probably survive a bullet to the head again).
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blackjackkent · 8 months
LMAO. The group got absolutely toasted by some of the security systems at the front of the Selune outpost and I'm probably going to have to reload, but as soon as Gale expired, THIS happened.
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"Well met! I am a magical projection of Gale of Waterdeep, and if you see this manifestation, that means I have prematurely perished. However, for reasons that cannot be disclosed, it is of vital importance that my death be remedied at your earliest convenience. You may rest assured that I do not speak out of self preservation alone - many lives depend on my return to the living within the span of two days. I trust I have made myself clear?"
...Gale, you are so extra lmao.
Karlach had the lead in this conversation because I had clicked on her in a desperate attempt to get out of the environmental turn that was nuking everyone, and she looked utterly bemused by this whole conversation.
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"How am I supposed to bring you back to life?"
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"I have upon my deceased person a magical item that can accomplish my return, but such is the value and rarity that it is protected by a multi-level security protocol. I will now explain the protocol. Step one is to retrieve from my person a pouch I wear over my heart. Next you must unthread the purple seam that seals it in a counterclockwise fashion. Do not touch any other colored strand. Inside the pouch, you will find a folded letter and a tiny flute. Unfold the letter, and note the markings in the top and bottom corners. These are the notes you will need to play. Starting from the bottom right, play the notes in correct order - clockwise this time. Upon completion of the tune, a magma mephit will appear, which will pose the following question: I'ss k'cha t'chiss n'aga? This is Ignan for "What is my name?" The answer is "K'ha'ssji'trach'ash'. Pronounce the name correctly and the mephit will breathe on the letter. Stay clear, because the little scamp can melt metal. Words will now appear on the letter's surface, effectively turning the letter into a Scroll of True Resurrection. Use it to bring me back to life."
Oh my god.
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"This is all ridiculously elaborate."
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"I think ingenious is the word you're looking for. Now repeat my instructions back to me, please."
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"I got it. Seams, notes, names - the lot."
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"In that case, this will be an easy exercise. Step one?"
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"Forget it. I'm going to resurrect you now if that's all right with you."
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"Have it your way. I can only hope your memory stretches further than your patience. Best of luck with the protocol! May my cold dead hands soon be refilled with the warmth of life so they can shake yours in gratitude."
By the time I managed to get the game back into turn-based mode (it dropped out of it when Hector went down, I think, and then everyone just stood there getting repeatedly blasted by the Lasers of Selune), Hector and Gale were both dead, Karlach was downed, and Shadowheart was barely able to help her up and get them both back under cover. So the current state of play is Karlach (1 HP), Shadowheart (12 HP), two dead humans, a dead minotaur we were fighting when this all went down, and two really vigorous lasers.
I'd prefer not to have to reload especially after that whole spiel from Gale. XD so gonna quickly have K&S look around and see if they can find an off switch.
Gale and Hector just have their dead bodies smoking in the party inventory screen.
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???????? That seems bad.
The lasers seem connected to a statue of Selune at the center of the area. I wasn't able to find an interaction point before but now that the stakes are higher maybe there's something to see.
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The gem at the top is destructable which seems like a good place to start.
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Shooting it from the top of the stairs seems to have turned off the lasers - and also gave Shadowheart inspiration for destroying a Selunite relic. XD
The next exciting challenge is dealing with the necrotic aura Gale is exuding, which makes it more than a little challenging to get at his security system in the first place. But we got there in the end (after a short rest so Karlach didn't keep passing out every time she got near him).
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Here we go. Amusingly, we did indeed have to go through all those steps to get this whole business sorted. Luckily I already copied it all out as part of writing this post. XD The notes we had to play in the second step spell out D-E-A-D, because Gale is, as previously mentioned, incredibly extra. :P
Hector, despite currently being literally dead, got inspired by us correctly following all the instructions and getting the true resurrection scroll. Shadowheart was also inspired by us resurrecting someone. We were also able to use a Revivify scroll to get Hector up too!
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Success! (I accidentally stole Gale's clothes when I took all his stuff whoops.)
OK definitely time for a long rest. XD
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denimsnake · 7 years
um so most likely countless people more eloquent than I have already said something to this effect, but I’d like to vent about it so whatever. here goes.
A lot of people compare the Confederate statues and monuments found across the Southern U.S. to Nazi statues in Germany (mostly to point out that we have statues of Confederate leaders, while they replaced the statues of Nazi leaders with memorials to their victims), and while it’s not an unfair comparison, it is a little flawed. See, the Nazi statues in Germany were constructed during the Nazi occupation. But the Confederate statues you see today were built decades after the end of the Civil War -- you know, the war that they lost. The Durham statue that was just torn down, for example, was dedicated in 1924. That’s almost 60 years after the end of the war.
Some of you, especially those outside the U.S., are probably wondering why a defeated enemy had monuments built in their honor decades after they were defeated, when the war was just barely within living memory. The cause is one of the largest and, honestly, most successful propaganda campaigns I know of, one which began in 1865 and continues its revisionist quest to this day. Of course, most of its adherents don’t know they’re promoting a lie; I’ve never had a history teacher say, “This is what really happened, but this is what people believe.” Most, if not all, of the history classes I’ve taken that cover the Civil War and Reconstruction actually perpetuate the myths.
The propagandists say this: The war was about states’ rights, not slavery. The Southern states were simply defending their honor, having had their way of life attacked by Northern abolitionists. The common soldiers in the Confederate Army were regular boys, spurred into joining up by a love for their state and a hatred of tyranny, who owned no slaves. Robert E. Lee was a genius, a brilliant tactician, who loved his soldiers but above all loved Virginia. Ulysses S. Grant was a drunkard, a bumbler, who only defeated Lee’s army through the use of brute force.
Like any good lie, it has its truths: If I were given to diagnosing historical figures with mental disorders, I’d say Grant suffered from PTSD, and he used a steady mixture of alcohol and combat to cope. Lee certainly did love Virginia, since he abandoned his nation in favor of his state. Most of the Confederate Army was made up of lower-class men and boys, and the Southern lower-class owned few slaves or none at all -- most of the slave population was located on plantations owned by the wealthiest Southerners. Certainly the concept of “honor” and the defense of it stuck around longer in the South than it did in many other parts of the country, and almost certainly many rebels did believe they were defending their honor. And certainly the war was over states’ rights, if only the states’ right to practice slavery.
The most insidious part of the propaganda, the part that draws people to it, is a careful application of romanticism to the facts. People love to romanticize history, especially the history of their family or area. Adding romance to one of the bleakest periods in American history allows people to feel better about it, and by extension feel better about themselves. Great-great-grandfather was an officer in the Confederate Army? Let’s rebrand that. How about: My great-great-grandfather led his men in the defense against foreign invaders who sought to bring about the destruction of their way of life. That sounds so much better, right? And over time, as people did this, even just in their heads, the Confederacy became synonymous with a struggle against a more powerful foe in order to preserve a way of life.
These bent truths certainly didn’t happen by accident; no, these ideas were planted in the heads of the masses by ex-Confederate officials or Confederate sympathizers after the war. The lax oversight that defined the early part of Reconstruction allowed them to spread their ideas, and then, after the sudden shift toward Radical Reconstruction in 1867, when white Southerners felt like their rights were being imposed upon, then the people really, earnestly, wanted to believe in these ideas, that they were right all along; that if owning slaves was morally wrong, then wasn’t the campaign of total destruction of all things military and civilian that was Sherman’s March to the Sea morally wrong too? Ought people not be angry about the lives lost, the property destroyed, the governments being forcibly removed and replaced with Northern conquerors? To the angry, disgraced people in the South, the “War of Northern Aggression” wasn’t over; they truly believed the South would rise again. And, in a way, it did. After the South was allowed to govern themselves, they immediately starting trying -- and succeeding -- to find ways to disenfranchise blacks.
The statues and monuments are historical artifacts, though not in the way most people might think; they’re not relics of the Civil War period, but rather evidence of a deeper, longer-lasting war against historical fact -- a war which is still being fought. The destruction of these objects is no more the destruction of historical objects than the 1864 sinking of the CSS Alabama by the USS Kearsarge was.
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gamergirluprising · 4 years
Hello, everyone, I’d like to share somethings that have urked me and outright surprise me when getting deeper and deeper into this whole shebang cause honestly, this is too much to NOT notice. If you're wondering what I am talking about I am referring to all the stuff I found out about Viv and the fact that she never truly seemed sorry for what she's done to said people based on what I have found out and what she's said in recent years.
Now you all may say "G, she said she's sorry and that's that. Don't bring up things that happened years ago or have been resolved." and look, man, I'd leave it alone if it was CLEAR that she was truly a person of her word, wasn't a hypocrite, and didn't cause 3 people to be suicidal and cause/know of witchhunts that she KNOWS happened and/or wanted to happen. You guys can like her all you want and defend her, but be sure they are good defenses, understand WHERE I am coming from, and be mindful of what I am saying. Don't just ignore everything she did just cause you THINK she's super nice or because she's your idol.
I will also emphasize that I wish for NO ONE to send any unnecessary hate or anything of the like to Viv. You don't stoop to someone else's level just cause they did some bad crap. I just wanted to say any of this, loud and clear, cause its straight facts that shouldn't be buried just cause she wants to hold onto her image the best she can. That isn't at all fair to those victims who have been wronged and had their names tainted over her destructive and mean-spirited hypocritical behavior. AGAIN DO NOT ATTACK VIV AND DON'T THINK ME CALLING HER OUT IS A REASON TO HATE HER. We can be better than her in terms of handling things. Do not also think me calling her out shouldn't have been done JUST CAUSE you don't wanna hear it or not. If you don't wanna see it, you don't have to read it.
with that being said, LET'S DISSECT.
 S T A R V A D E R
First I have to start off relaying to you guys what Starvader had stated at the beginning of the document so you'll get a jist of why she even spoke up in the first place. 
 "I type this document with no malicious intent only my personal thoughts on how I feel recently about the situation since its been on my mind well every day now since 2013. At least five years I’ve had thoughts below as to my personal experience of meeting an ex idol and why sometimes meeting your idol isn’t the best approach. For me, that ex idol is Vivienne Medrano creator of Zoophobia and Hazbin Hotel. I’m not aiming to defame this creator nor do I think people should stop liking their work or stop supporting them. If you like their work there is nothing wrong with that but I will refuse to silence myself any longer due to how much this rarely leaves my mind and tends to come up. This has been a situation swept under the rug and most would probably state ‘ well why are you bringing all this up now it was so and so years ago you guys squashed this etc etc “ that being the case, sorry doesn’t fix emotional trauma that comes up frequently during depressive episodes and comments do tend to stick to people in a certain way. Apology or not, words have a heavy weight to them."
I put this here even though I will be putting a link to her doc because people will most likely not read or press the link and just act as if Starvader wanted blood. No, she stated her mind and was clear when saying she wanted no harm done to Viv.
In this link It tells anyone who comes across it what she and some others mentioned here had to go through when being compared by Viv, wanting to do what's right and still being "called out" and bullied while getting hate sent to them, and having been told how her dreams would never ever be achieved and that she should practically give up, how she put friends against one another, etc. It showcases screenshots of these examples. 
It all began with the accusation of art theft. The very thing she played the victim in with someone else. I'm sure some of you old-time fans of Viv know who this person was and are aware of the beef they had with one another. After reading Starvader's Doc, I want you to look at the post Vivziepop made to defame someone known as 
  D O L L C R E E P
This may be a throwback to you and you all may have thought this person was abusive. I won't say that they did absolutely nothing wrong since they themselves have said they did some wrong in the situation, but I will say that one was more of a problem starter than the other. 
Notice in this post that the very things she did to Starvader she said DollCreep did to her and how she tries and paint DollCreep as this SEVERELY abusive person. Hell even in Starvader's document you'll see that DollCreep told SV that he talked with Viv about the whole thing regarding SV and Viv and she apparently listened at the time. Not to mention that the screenshots Viv put in that post were either take(very possibly) taken out of context or not even bad to begin with (though his reply about the face thing was odd and shouldn't have been addressed b but due to circumstances, I think that's why he was so cautious). I don't know DC like that, but this kinda makes me feel as though he wasn't a bad person Viv makes him out to be and more her trying to destroy his image ENTIRELY for her benefit, cause till this very day she still calls him an abuser and someone she doesn't want to meet again. 
if you continue on into the post she made, you'll see that she has made characters, EERILY SIMILAR to DC's, some WAY MORE than others. SV was willing to change some of the designs and even wanted to stop, Viv, however, seemed to take great offense over such an accusation and took to social media to make her frustrations known. SV kept this hidden from 2013 to 2018.
Oh btw, if you read the doc you'll see that SV wanted to commit suicide. DC actually attempted it. The cyberbullying ran that deep and it ANGERS me.
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here’s what someone who saw the sitch had to say.
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can find everything here regarding what DC said about the sitch. You guys DO NOT ATTEMPT TO HURT THIS PERSON. It actually pisses me off that people even attacked DC and blindly believed Viv. It’s Johnny Depp’s situation all freaking over again
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Here’s the picture of Viv saying that he was abusive, completely ignoring her behavior, and knowing hate would be sent to DC. Again won’t say that DC was completely innocent but damn man, was this necessary? DC even said that they talked it out and everything 
Don’t even get me started on the whole character credit fiasco that Viv refused to properly fix.
Look at this as well.
it mentions SV again, but it also brings into light a parody character meant to mock DC during all of this drama. 
DollCreep does the same thing back and is treated like the enemy. Hypocrisy at its finest.
now, most of you guys will be saying that this all happened in the past. It’s over, some will say, She’s changed (some of you may even say that these people deserve it. Yes people actually have said stuff like this to me or others) but here’s the problem, She still pulls crap like this to ruin people or to make others feel stupid. Just last year she was laughing with JaneGumball (who APPARENTLY made up with the victim) saying that she deserves it for being rude when the girl just said her opinion and was still a fan of Viv at the time, meaning she didn’t even mean to hurt Viv’s feelings and, hear me out, even if she did WHY FIND HER CYBERBULLYING FUNNY AND JUSTIFIED OVER AN OPINION? What sort of logic is that? That’s GREATLY immature and unnecessary, especially for someone her age (She’s 27 or 28 guys while the victim was 15, come on man!)
 and I’m sure some of you know what happened with the person who made a meme regarding HH and other animated cartoons.
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She’s VERY MUCH AWARE THAT THEY WERE ATTACKED....and this is how she responds....wow O K A Y.
So no, she didn’t actually change because she most likely didn’t think she had to. People kept supporting her thus making her believe that what she did was correct. Oh and Faust is practically Viv as well. (As seen by the SV doc and this tweet thread)
Hell Viv seemed to ignore this too, as well as a lot of shipping drama if it involves a specific ship, but I won’t delve too deep into that subject since I am not very aware of the things that go down in that side of the fandom. 
and there’s this 
and this
I’d advise you guys to hear these things out. 
Oh and Viv is the type to be a Hypocrite regularly,
I could send you all the screenshots of her tweets but that should be another post on its own cause THERE IS A LOT. Like her Cancel Culture tweet, that tweet where she said, and I quote, “The hypocrisy is strong” back in 2014, November 29th. That time she had a thread of tweets saying, and I quote “never let someone dictate your value as an artist! Never seek the approval of someone else and conform to what they say you should do!” Despite doing this to StarVader.
If you guys want screenshots I can either personally DM or make a post showing her hypocrisy. Cause honestly this is rather, dare I say it, TOXIC. She’s manipulated people and has used them when they don’t abide by her rules or make a mistake that could have been resolved privately, she attacks and it’s saddening. I am TIRED of people getting hurt by her and I am tired of her abusing her power. If she wants to change I am COMPLETELY DOWN for that, but change starts when you want it. You can’t say sorry and expect people not to see past the lies or see that you obviously didn’t change. Sorry should mean what it means, feeling regret or penitence, but if you don’t at all exhibit these things then how are we supposed to believe that you are at all sorry for anything you’ve done currently AND in the past? I mean damn dude did you guys even know what happened to the cosplayer that Viv was mad about?
Now look, if you like Viv’s content, that’s your choice. I for one very much do like some fan content that i’ve stumbled onto and find some very creative and my cup of tea and while I’m not a huge fan of HH I still very much find the premise very creative. What I do if a creator of something is majorly sketch or strange I simply seperateb the content from the creator. I simply wanted to point out things many peeps don’t know about and any person who is a fan of Viv, I hope you’d at least understand WHY I am at all saying anything I am saying. I want there to be justice but I want things to be fair. I don’t want Viv to get hurt, but I want her to actually learn from her mistakes. I am not here to discourage you from anything, it’s your choice if you choose to stay and I will not judge you for it. I am a girl who SIMPLY wants people to be more aware of who exactly Vivienne Medrano is. She’s mistreated both fans of HH and ZP and it boggles me.
If you guys want more info, like her tweets that I mentioned, just message me.
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