#also its important to have tags especially for the nasties or triggering content }
cartoonlonk-a · 6 years
I'm thinking about making a blog, I just wanna know if you have any pointers for a noob like myself?
Hey there! I’m flattered you’ve come to me in your interest in RPing! This might get to be a lot so feel free to save this somewhere! I’ll just talk about things that bother me when it comes to stuff like this
Have a rules / about page !! Now, you don’t need to be fancy with how your theme looks or anything ( at least for me I don’t care ) but you need to have some visible link to these two. They’re VERY important. People want to know what they’re dealing with and maybe learn more about your iteration of that character ( if it’s an OC this is SUPER SUPER IMPORTANT ). With the rules, people don’t want to get their ass blasted for a phantom rule you didn’t bother putting in. I suggest writing EVERYTHING you can in your rules. Who cares if it’s long? People need to know whats okay and whats not for you. Which I should also add…please make sure to read people’s rules.
Icons! I suggest them being 100x100 or as small as 80x80. It’s really hard to fully enjoy a thread if your icons take up half the reply. The main focus is not your icon, it only illustrates some sort of emotion of your muse. And don’t go making your icons incredibly tiny, how the heck are people to know what’s going on? Design wise? All up to you! Not a requirement, hell—icons are not even a requirement. Go iconless if you want ( I swing both ways but note, it’s better to be consistent when it comes to that. Don’t throw your partner in a limbo of switching from using icons to none…I personally get nervous when that happens since I never know if that sudden transition is to happen ).
Trim your posts! People hate scrolling through a long string of one thread ( in regards to multiple replies ). Xkit is your BFF, use it! If you don’t have it, here’s a way to fix that:
  -Respond to your partner as you usually would   - Select, copy + paste their reply above yours  - copy + paste their URL above their reply ( edit that however you want )   - hit the little red x to delete the two previous replies ( top right hand corner under the settings gear ) …it should now look like this
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 - hit the gear —> Text editor —> HTML  - Now from the start of their reply ( after their URL ), add
at the end of their reply. It should now look like this
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Tada! You did it!!
Tag your posts! Don’t matter what it is, tag it. Make sure you stick with one tag in regards to whatever that might be. People might like to scroll through and look at that specific tag. Most importantly though, if you’re replying/answering things from someone…TAG THEIR URL. Don’t make them hunt through your blog looking for something they sent.
Threads! Don’t continue threads off an ask…That ask might not even be relevant to the plot of that thread anymore so it’s always gonna be glued to the top of your thread. Make a new post, tag that person in it and link the source so they know what that is a continuation to.
Most importantly...have fun! Roleplaying isnt a chore or something to stress over. Find your people, enjoy what they have to offer. Do not try and be popular, being popular sounds cool but it comes with many issues. Dont compare yourself to other people...you do you, someone is bound to love what you have to offer!
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echo-three-one · 3 years
Whatever It Takes
Sequel to A Forgotten Memory
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
With more and more information revealed via Augustus' burner phone, The team now has to make an important decision, one that would change the course of their lives, forever.
Chapter 15 to another story made by Ray (echo-three-one) Comments and Reviews appreciated! I hope you enjoy! Love you all ❤️
Previous Chapter : Meet Me Halfway
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Unexpected Alliances
Gary "Roach" Sanderson
Task Force 141
Flying above Russian Airspace
Roach was speechless. Admittedly the dark and messy battle at the Gulag was something worth noting but the thing that kept his head preoccupied at the moment was Soap and France kissing in the middle of warfare.
Guess love knows no boundaries huh. He thought to himself as he looked at France kneeling beside Soap who passed out from exhaustion. Another person laying beside him was an old man named Jack. The 141 records had a match to Jack, he's apparently Alex's mentor who got missing when their safehouse got raided.
Guess the force will be having two reunions tonight. His eyes turned to Price, who sat by the huge window and gazed into the sea of clouds, he's always serious and in thought that Gary found him intimidating, even after that short mission in Germany. 
Then there was Ghost. He's surely heartbroken now that she saw what France did. And Gary was slightly to blame, well not necessarily his fault but if he pushed him enough to confess, maybe this won't hurt more than it did to him today.
Gary spent the rest of the trip observing, noting his comrade's actions, discussing with their thoughts, especially after the invasion. He was glad 141 extracted Soap before the deliberation, where none of them are allowed to perform missions. Gary felt scared, he just got here, got the hang of it, and was afraid to cut ties with the 141 on such short notice. But he hoped Shepherd would talk sense to the board, especially now that the burner phone filled with leads was within their possession.
"You're awfully quiet…" Ghost nudged to Gary while fidgeting with his gun.
"Well, I got nothing to talk about." Gary replied, turning to the masked man.
"Well I've got a lot, and it's pretty nasty. Can't say it here though." He replied, his tone was almost relieved, as if he just blurted out something that was bothering him for a long time.
"Is it about them?" Gary whispered, pointing his thumb to the couple back at the med bay.
"That's a different story, and I told you I was right, they already had a thing going on since day 1. Who am I to interfere…" Gary could feel him frown beneath the mask, he got defeated in the war of love.
"That's okay… You'll find someone better." Gary consoled and Ghost automatically shrugged it off. 
"Eh. I hope…" he said, turning to the window opposite to Gary's position.
Task Force 141 Base - Infirmary
"The audio from this room's camera is muted so it's best to discuss it here." Ghost sat on the chair as concerned 141 members circled around him, Jack, Alex and Soap occupied the beds as they recovered from injuries.
"What you got for us, lad?" Price crossed his arms as he leaned by the door, his hat tilted perfectly on his head.
"An anonymous number sent Augustus coordinates of the base prior to the attack." He held up the phone and everyone murmured.
"Looks like we have another mole in our hands." Alex grunted, turning to Jack for nostalgia.
"But this time, we have a solid lead to who it is…" Ghost added while everyone braced themselves for the slap of reality they're going to get.
From out of nowhere the infirmary doors opened, Maxine was panting and sobbing at the same time, her hands held her thigh desperately enduring some sort of pain.
"It's Samantha… haaah… Shepherd took her!..." she panted as Gary quickly assisted him while everyone who was capable of fighting dashed to the scene.
"Go, Gary. I'll take care of her." Soap quickly got up with Jack, they were already fine and just required to complete their nutrition so assisting her would be the best option.
Gary nodded and dashed outside, bracing himself for the unbearable news.
"Shit. What's going on! I thought we already agreed not to take Samantha elsewhere!" Gary caught up with Ghost and the rest of the available team.
"I have my wild guess, but you're not going to like it." He replied, adjusting his shades as they exited the building. From there, they saw the General's aircraft already far away from their reach. Behind them Alex, Soap, Jack and Maxine followed, their faces were drawn with extreme sadness. 
A few seconds of staring at the sky and Price's comms received an incoming message.
"Captain, I regret to inform you that the 141 is no more… I'm sending the High Value Individual to their care as the threat escalated and is being designated to a different force. I'm sorry. Please tell the rest of the group that in two weeks they will be returned to their prior assignments before 141 was established." his voice was nonchalant, emotionless and straightforward, like he's reading it from a diner table's tissue paper.
"No…" Price muttered. They were this close to Nero.  The rest of the team looked down, others started to disperse and did as ordered while the more concerned group stayed.
"Shepherd's working with Nero. He wants the EMP based weaponry to help his marines in Afghanistan." Ghost blurted, raising the heads of everyone around him.
"He's trading the economical side of the world to win a war?" Gary asked, as the information doesn't add up.
"It's a wild guess but the global economic pressure is already influencing the government to allocate more funds to anti terrorism. Cutting off 141 shouldn't be in play but he found a way to do so… He wants us to stop fighting back." 
"Then fighting back is what we're going to do." Price muttered, grabbing his phone.
"I'm going to make a few phone calls. Those who want to stay and save the world could stay. Those who are content to return to their past lives, you could leave." 
"What about me?" Maxine asked, raising her hand.
"Come with us, We'll take care of you while it's not safe out." Gary said, almost pleading her to say yes.
"I don't have anyone else but France and Samantha. I don't know where to go from here…"
"Then that settles it. Nikolai will take us somewhere safe. If the 141 is no more, we could still salvage weapons and ammo for ourselves. But after this, there's no turning back." Price added, his voice sparked inspiration to everyone. 
And that was it, from that moment. They've gone rogue, for a good cause. And they have to defeat Nero, Whatever it takes.
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The Next Step
John Price
Task Force 141 - Disbanded
Former Task Force 141 Base - Helipad
A small group of his comrades were willing enough to stop the war, even at the cost of losing a lot of privileges. Price was always one to work under strict jurisdiction, and this rogue act he's going to commit will be backed up soon, it's going to be dependent on how Laswell influences the board.
The idea was easy. Create another task force which had to be approved prior to the 141's disbandment so that the papers for their redeployment would never be processed. Of course a few strings needed to be pulled and an organization must be able to absorb them. Interpol was willing to help along with Jack's influence to the CIA and Price was lucky enough to have them two on their side.
And there they were, with Nikolai's majestic aircraft, they set course to a temporary camp thanks to Jack. Price noted that he'd get along with the CIA, given they're age similarities and stance toward warfare. 
He surveyed his trusty crew and took note of their abilities. There's Alex, former CIA and fought alongside him in Verdansk and Urzikstan. He's got a clear objective and will and it doesn't matter to Price whether its love or world peace. He's good at terrible hostile locations and can single-handedly turn the tide of war by local agreements and persuasion. A good weapon.
Then there's Simon Riley, or Ghost. Excellent Sniper, the team's tech guy. He's a keeper, his ability to reject emotions while in combat makes him focused and a keen observer. He also excels in weapon usage. You give him anything with a trigger and he'll be sure to hit enemies no matter what.
Another one is John MacTavish, or Soap, what kind of a name is Soap? Price thought. Price looked at the muppet proudly. He rose among his comrades during recruitment and stood at the top of his batch, showing exemplary combat skills and demolitions expertise. Excellent at handling air support machinery and his keen eye never misses a tango hiding from the field. He's got it tough recently, Price believed luck wasn't on his side that's why he got injured a lot.
There's Gary Sanderson or Roach. Price calls him the team's therapist. He sees the willingness to help from the guy. He's eager to train hard and be better and he was impressed on how he handled the German Infilnitration they did together. He has initiative and a clear goal. Something useful at these times.
There's Francine Winters, France a.k.a. Shepherd's prodigy, the last minute addition. He's still quite skeptic as to why she's placed here, but so far he knew that with her sister mentally disturbed by the enemies she's bound to use her emotions as ammunition. She's great at stealth and close combat especially great for breaking and entering missions. She could be trained of open area battles and she has the drive to do so, making her another good addition to the team.
As for the remaining ones, Jack and Maxine, he has no idea yet but them tagging along and using their resources to the fight would greatly increase their chances of killing Nero and destroying the era of EMP machinery.
"Looks like you got yourself a pretty nice team, pal." Jack patted the Former captain's shoulder.
"Yeah. Small enough to remain secret and powerful enough to defeat Nero." he muttered. Jack held his phone and showed it to Price.
"I got us a place. An old CIA Safehouse."
"Are you sure this is going to be okay?" 
"Positive. This one's not used for decades. Classified as dormant and unmaintained. It's situated near a city that once housed a lot of terror activity but after it got neutralized it became very peaceful." Jack convinced. Price no longer hesitated, the team needed the help they can get.
"As long as we're under the radar." He replied and gave Nikolai the coordinates. From there they would begin their revenge toward Nero's attack, plan Samantha's rescue, and discover what Shepherd is really up to...
One step at a time.
Doing everything they can.
To set things right.
Whatever it Takes.
Wild ride first half. I hope you stay for the second part right around the corner!
Notification Squad my beloved 💝
@smokeywhalee @samatedeansbroccoli @enderio @ricinbach @beemybee @whimsywispsblog
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bettsfic · 5 years
do you know anything about like, the development of the purity rhetoric that now seems to be ubiquitous in fandom and how it got there? i used to be on tumblr in like, 2014 and only recently came back to fandom and i remember everyone being generally kind of cool with things like incest ships and morally grey characters (speaking specifically re the frozen fandom and elsa/anna here lmao) whereas now it seems like the conversation about those things has drastically shifted and i am..puzzled by it
this is what i imagine that experience was like for you:
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according to fanlore, purity culture started in the homestuck fandom which. based on what i know of homestuck, that tracks. however i’ve never been in homestuck so i’m not sure what that transformation was like. all i know is my personal experience with the disk horse. afaik there’s no cohesive timeline of events across fandom, and i lack the time and resources to be able to make one myself. if anyone knows of one, or wants to make one, please let me know.
i do know that purity culture is a movement started by very young teenagers, who were maybe 13-15 in 2014 and are now 18-20. they were 8-10 when ao3 was founded, and therefore seem to have a limited knowledge of fan history, censorship, and critical thinking. i’m hoping that since they’re now entering college, they’ll get some insight and broader social awareness, and this movement will finally die out in the next few years. 
on any other platform, at any other time, their toxic rhetoric would not have gained traction. but here and now, on tunglr dot com where anyone can gain a platform, where mob mentality thrives and inciting an anonymous dogpile is as easy as hitting Post, where the brokenness of this place makes it difficult to control the content you’re exposed to -- it’s the perfect storm. we live in an age of hopelessness. young people grow up with social media as an extension of their identities, tethered to devices that hold all the information in the world. i think it’s fair for them to be afraid of their futures, and i can understand the desire to control the online spaces where they have the most agency, where their voices are the loudest. 
that may explain why, but not how. as in, where did they pick up this mentality at all? @freedom-of-fanfic (whose work is a necessity in understanding the disk horse) connected anti-shipping to TERF rhetoric. i’ve linked the fanlore page because it has all of the links and some of the responses. i honestly do believe that the language surrounding purity culture has its ugly roots in TERFdom. at its core, purity culture -- the policing of female and queer sexuality -- is misogyny. 
when i started writing destiel circa 2014, fandom was as you described. wincest was a juggernaut on par with destiel. teen wolf was full of underage and noncon. a/b/o was on the rise. it seemed like fandom was a genre without restraint -- anything you wrote, if it found the right audience, would be celebrated unabashedly. people who have been following me for a long time know that i was addicted to adderall at the time and pounding out all sorts of manic nonsense. i remember living on the validation of comments (and at the time, there were lots of comments. not so much anymore, but that’s another story). i got critical comments only rarely, and they were the type that i admired -- readers without judgment thinking through the story, reacting to it earnestly. i made some of my best friends because they left long, critical comments on my work. sometimes they didn’t like it, sometimes they did, but ultimately, they were engaged, and that’s what counted.
i remember my first policing-type comment, i think at the start of all the purity nonsense. it was a destiel fic, and someone very angrily told me i should tag my bottom!cas because it was triggering. i’ve thought about that comment a lot over the years. top/bottom discourse is nothing new, but to say that bottom castiel is triggering? that was ridiculous. but then i realized -- there was a writer in fandom at the time i won’t name, who was known for being extremely sensitive (for bottom!cas especially, which they found triggering), and their very dedicated following offered fic that was safe for their fave to read. i have nothing against this person at all. they were not part of the purity discourse, they were up front about their sensitive nature, and as far as i knew (i believe i met them at a con once?) they were very kind. 
but that commenter had been clearly influenced by this person and believed that a specific fictional character receiving anal sex from another specific fictional character was actual, real triggering content, and it was my obligation as a writer to tag for it. which i did, because i felt bad, and i was baffled by that request. at the time, i wanted more than anything to be liked, and conformed wherever i could. if i got such a request now, i would ignore it because it was rudely written and honestly kind of bonkers. i’d happily add a tag for something i may have missed, or even something i’d never considered before, but there’s no reason a person can’t make that request politely. 
this situation isn’t about purity discourse proper (the commenter didn’t tell me not to write the fic, and it had nothing to do with morality), but it’s the earliest example i can think of where the process of policing had occurred: a person of influence on tumblr affected their follower’s thinking, and that follower felt entitled to command another writer to conform to that ideology.
i could be completely wrong about making these connections. maybe that commenter truly believed bottom!cas was a legitimate widespread trauma. they did not say the fic was triggering to them, but that it might be to some other people, in the same way purity police say “think of the CHILDREN” when in fact they don’t give a fuck about children at all. 
after destiel i moved to stucky, which was, at the time, a juggernaut ship where anyone could write anything. this was also the time when the term “cinnamon roll” became incredibly popular, circa 2015. it was a fun and seemingly innocuous meme, but it positioned the ideas of “purity” and “wholesomeness” in sharp relief, and cemented these ideas by beginning to give it a distinct vocabulary. “trash” was pitched as its opposite. stucky is where i first came into contact with “antis.” in destiel, there had been ship wars, sure, but it was of a different flavor than antis. destiel vs wincest wasn’t about morality in 2014. it was about everything but.
in stucky in 2015, however, the disk horse was running rampant. the MCU had a sub-section of fandom called HTP (hydra trash party) in which steve and/or bucky have dubious or nonconsensual relations with various or many members of hydra. this is the first time i remember being aware of morality becoming a cornerstone of shipping. HTP was loathed by purity police. by the time i wrote a stucky bdsm au, i’d accumulated multiple nasty anons, rude comments from entitled readers, and other nonsense that all said the same thing: your filth is not welcome here in our space of purity. go away.
but the release of the force awakens is what really turned the tide. TFA offered three major ships: stormpilot (as it was called at the time, now finnpoe), reylo, and kylux. the fandom that developed around the sequels was firmly divided. franzeska wrote an amazing meta about this phenomenon which gives some insight into the seeds of purity policing. in short, stormpilot should have been the primary pairing of the sequels, but instead many of the badwrong writers from other fandoms (and HTP specifically, which was how i entered the fandom) flocked to the blank slate of kylux. 
it took a long time for the ship to gain traction. a friend told me that kylux had started with angry star wars racists who hated that there was diversity in the sequel trilogy. and i told them no, i was there, there were twelve of us and a cornchip, and all we cared about was the dirty/darkly comedic potential of these two ridiculous villain characters in one of the biggest franchises of all time. it wasn’t that complicated. i don’t mean to dismiss the discussion of race in fandom; i think it’s important to acknowledge that racism, as franzeska describes far better than i can, plays a huge part in fandom, particularly in star wars, and it’s an important and ongoing discussion to be having, especially given what kelly marie tran has gone through, and how it affected (presumably) rose tico’s extremely limited presence in TROS.
the early fics of kylux weren’t particularly taboo. they were post-TFA hurt/comfort mostly, then slowly the bdsm and power dynamics crept in. those of us who wanted to get away from purity discourse had finally found a new home. for a while. 2016 was the golden era of kylux. we were all very happy.
i remember talking to a friend about how there were certain things i couldn’t write in certain ships. being from ye olden days of fandom, she was appalled by this idea, and told me i could write anything for any ship i wanted, wasn’t that was the whole point of transformative works? and i agreed! but i tried to explain, if you post badwrong for a fandom of purity police, you’re going to, at best, get dogpiled in your comments/inbox. at worse they will find you, call your employer, and try to ruin your life. people will tell you to kill yourself. they’ll report your tumblr and try to get your blog shut down. there are real-life, harrowing consequences to writing taboo fic, and many who write fic as a hobby don’t have the emotional energy to field these risks.
around this time, discord became popular, which offered a private space for badwrong writers to congregate. i had started grad school and didn’t have much time to write fic. metoo was happening. tromp got elected. kylux was slowly turning mainstream so a lot of us turned our attention to gradence in fantastic beasts. some went on to hannibal and other fandoms that hadn’t yet caught the attention of purity police (but it was, as it is now, just a matter of time). kylux, i feel, was specifically decimated by a single fan creator, who was like a police chief. they would get wind of someone writing underage or noncon and write a call-out post about them, and that writer/artist would get pitchforked. a few times, my comments or posts got screencapped, and posts were written urging people to stop reading my works because of how heinously immoral i was. this happened to several of my friends too. 
the great tumblr tittyban of 2017 happened, which only added fuel to the fire and further legitimized the purity movement. i shifted hesitantly to the 100 fandom, which seemed small in comparison to supernatural, marvel, and star wars. i thought it was a chill place. i was wrong; it was just as toxic as other fandoms. but i also didn’t care anymore, and i appreciated that i was mostly left alone. more importantly, i found a lot of support from other people who were as tired of the purity as i was, and @the100kinkmeme was reborn. 
the state of things is pretty abysmal. there are some really amazing writers out there writing under multiple sock accounts, keeping their fandom identities shattered so as not to call attention to themselves. as much as i understand why writers do that, and i respect that decision, i also think it’s sad. it deprives readers the chance to read that author’s other works. it limits the sense of community and our ability to make friends. it fractures the future of the genre.
what’s most important to acknowledge is that none of this is happening solely in fandom. i went to a writers’ conference where 2 of 3 panels were about the history of moral policing and censorship in art. it is worth noting that of the 40-ish visiting writers on faculty, only one (1) was a woman of color (jaimaica kincaid). naturally, older rich white people who have spent their life in the arts are all about death of the author, separation of art and artist. they’re on the total opposite side of purity police, and they won’t acknowledge at all that racism and sexism are a problem in the creative world. they don’t have any nuance on the discussion, or modern perspectives in light of metoo or popular culture. 
this went on longer than i anticipated. i neglected to mention YFIP (your fave is problematic) an old blog that started the idea of call-out culture by pulling receipts on celebrities, and how call-out culture led to cancel culture, which also aided in the purity disk horse. i think a lot can be said about how some of this stuff is genuinely good (metoo and holding men accountable for their bullshit) while also being profoundly toxic (punishing criminals via mob mentality, ruining their careers and livelihoods through social media, rather than giving them their due process in court. i understand it -- the judicial system is built by the hands of the very predators we seek to condemn, but still. the jury of the internet is never a fair trial). 
if you want to read more, my tag is tsatp (the sacred and the profane). i’m sure i’ve left out a lot, but i can only speak to my experience. i think it would be good if people would share their experience dealing with purity policing, too, so we might get a cohesive timeline in place. feel free to reblog and add your story.
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jisungsplatforms · 3 years
hi!! so sorry to bother you hjxkska but i’m abt to write & publish my first story on here!!! do you have any tips or anything? i’d rlly appreciate it jhjakzk
hello hello! wow i’ve never thought i’d get an ask about writing advice here aksnsn i’m actually kinda honored LOL. i haven’t been in the “industry” for that long but i’ll help as much as my 3 month of experience can give you.
well first off: the main point is to have fun with it! your ideas/scenarios all depend on you! you can make someone do this, another do that. it’s your world and you’re the creator (like a god/goddess LOL) HOWEVER, if you do find yourself inspired by someone else’s fics, PLEASE don’t just steal the idea and claim it as your own! *REALLY IMPORTANT BTW. if you do want to write about that person’s scenario, ask for permission and credit them! they should be used as an inspiration! not a way to copy from someone else to give you “easy views” (in other words, no plagiarizing! this is a really serious issue here so PLEASE avoid this!)
*always remember there is a HUGE line between inspiration and plagiarism!
secondly, this somewhat ties in with the first point but: don’t ever be discouraged about your writing! everyone was their own style of writing and everyone has their own preferences. that means some of your fics may fluctuate in likes/reblogs so don’t stress too much about it! there are people out there who will like, even LOVE, your writing and there will be people who may not prefer your writing (so be sure to focus on the former!
*the more you write, the more your skills will improve! trust me, every writer has experienced it!
third: i’d say this is more of a recommended thing but add warnings! there are some topics out there that some people are sensitive of, and may get triggered from! (i.e detailed descriptions of food chewing, picking on your skin, body image, b*llying, d**th) so this is important! your viewers should always have an idea of what to expect from your fics
fourth: no mistagging! especially if you’re aiming to be a smut writer, do NOT tag your smuts under fluff or even angst, even if your stories contain those elements! (if it’s mainly fluff, leave it under the fluff tag. if it’s mainly angst, leave it under it. BUT if your story gives a description of any type of smut—not to be confused with suggestive content—its best to tag it under smut instead!) those tags were made for a reason! and i’m only saying this because tho this is a site aimed for early adults/or adults in general, there are some people under that age (18+) limit, and you do not want them to be exposed to that kind of stuff (ESPECIALLY if they’re under the age of 16). plus! there are more general tags that you can use to spread your work (ex: #stray kids imagines/skz imagines, stray kids scenarios, etc)
*another crucial piece of advice is that you should add a “read more” option! that way, it cuts off before the steamy parts. but this is also a good way to section off your fics if they’re gonna be long! (like, over 6-8k words) you know, as courtesy.
**second note: smut gives like really detailed descriptions of steamy scenes while suggestive only alludes to it (and yes, steamy make out scenes counts as suggestive) but i’m sure you know about this differentiation lol
finally, most importantly: IGNORE ANY KIND OF HATE MESSAGE. this one can be a little difficult but there are a lot of nasty people who like to terrorize writers for their own amusement so do not pay any attention to them as best as you can. the only kind of criticism you should allow is the constructive kind, and this goes both ways!
i’m not sure what else to include but this is all just from the top of my head! hope this helps! ALSO, i would love to be tagged in your very first fic! (if that’s okay!) i like to think that publishing your very first fic would be a big milestone, and i would like to be around to see it! think of it like a mentor sending off their student to their quest! lol
wow this was pretty lengthy, now that i’ve reread it LOL
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ko2vo · 4 years
Do you have any queer horror media you recommend?
Sorry to take a couple days to answer! At first, I didn’t think I knew very many but the more I thought about stuff I’ve found over the years, the longer the list got. I’ll put some stars beside personal faves.
Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde - It’s pretty typical for a list like this but I’d still like to include it because it is a great read.
★★The Wishing Game by Patrick Redmond - Two boys at a boarding school in the 1950s become very close, intimate friends and mess around with a Ouija board. The main cast isn’t overtly stated as queer (I like to interpret them as such though, they hug and kiss behind locked doors), but there is a very depressing but influential queer subplot. Heavy warnings for homophobia, f-slur, suicide, mental health, psychological horror. As well as an extremely dynamic relationship that has all the elements to be healthy but goes sour. But honestly I love this book and really want more people to read it and talk to me about it haah.
The Wasp Factory by Iain Banks - Messed-up kid grows up on an isolated island and has some unusual ideas about the world. There are gender themes that make me interpret the MC as a trans man (and both me and the other transguy that rec’d this to me just pretend the last five pages dont exist PFFF). 
The Little Girl who was Too Fond of Matches by Gaétan Soucy - Very similar to the Wasp Factory but more fucked up. The death of their father causes two siblings to realize they have very strange misconceptions about the world. Another one that does gender themes but very different, I’d recommend checking out the wikipedia page before the book cuz very fucked up.
★ Dangerous Saviour by tenuous - NB author with an original m/m work. It’s got a very stereotypical slasher movie feel and it really is a lot of fun. Mind the tags and Explicit sexual content. But tenuous is great at introspective terror.
Claustrophlia by Ezra Blake - Another title available for free, homoerotic horror. Scroll down on the page for the EXTENSIVE trigger warning list, definitely not for everyone. If you like Saw movies, this could be for you.
★★Nasty Red Dogs by kosmicdream - Surreal horror. Dogs roam the night. Absolutely love the moral grey in all the characters this artist creates and the entire cast is some shade of queer. They also write Feast For a King, which has 6000+ pages at this point and equally terrifying moments and queer cast, so if you like NRD, definitely check FFaK out too.
★ Ninety-Nine Righteous Men by K. M. Claude - A complete and finished webcomic! Religious horror themes with discussions about forgiveness, rape, and power imbalance. If you can handle the themes, its a really beautifully crafted story. This artist is also part of a duo that runs a zine called Two Dead Queers and I haven’t had the chance to explore the site yet but eyes emoji
Boyfriend to Death - An 18+ horrorporn vn, it’s pretty popular around this site and I really enjoy Lawrence in the second game LMAO. A dating sim with a torturey twist. MC is gender neutral so I’m throwing it in as queer horror jlhkfjhk
Hello Charlotte - Not explicitly queer but another game series that I love and is open to interpretation, especially in EP3. Surreal horror in a surreal world.
Rope (1948) - A really interesting movie? About two men that kill someone and host a dinner party while the body is in the room. Homoerotic subtext.
★ SPINES (podcast) - Love this podcast. Wren wakes up in a pool of blood with no memories and attempts to find the people she remembers being there. Grotesque, body horror, weird superpowers with repulsive consequences. And Wren has a voice that I absolutely love. In the second season, there is a NB androgynous character who becomes a very important character and I love them a lot.
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