#also ive concluded that the mechanical hound is just some fucked up dystopian version of a dalmation
gogoakechi · 2 years
finally finished farhenheit 451 for class and i liked it a lot. i will state a disclaimer that my review is gonna be skewed since i was reading and analyzing it on a suffocating timer of less than a week on top of my other classwork and Work work. i know i wouldve enjoyed it a lot more if i wasnt going through it with the constant thought of "oh my god im running out of time"
anyway i REALLY liked bradburys use of symbolism and metaphor and description of common things as abstract concepts. also just how he sets the tone and speed of individual scenes. honestly by his writing alone every other adaptation is straight up inferior simply because it doesnt have it. youre absolutely not going to get the same feeling watching a movie adaptation as you would reading the book because you cant referred to a tv as a wall of families when you look at it and its just. a tv
most importantly though i found the message to be very realistic and honest and not at all the "books are the True Light everything Sucks without books just because theyre Books" kind of superiority complex i half expected. in fact, its ironic that i went in with that assumption since there are multiple points in the story that drive in that technology isnt all brainwashing and books arent inherently going to make you wiser. one of the characters at the end states that even when they had books they werent truly doing anything with them. the message seemed to moreso be about like. genuinely taking in the world around you and all the knowledge and memories it contains instead of just constantly feeding yourself instant gratification via tv and radio shows (examples today being social media and doomscrolling and only watching videos under fifteen minutes). were for real conditioning our minds to only want to take in surface level ten second information and we like to call it the consequences of adhd or depression or whatever but i really think its becoming a universal issue in this age. like even when i was doing my study guides for the book i was mindlessly opening and closing discord and tumblr and grasping absolutely nothing from them but images i wont remember the second i get back to my study guide. anyway ill cease that rant i need to get to bed
bradbury also does a really good job of utilizing his characters for the narrative. they all have their purpose and analyzing it i felt like this man stayed up all night every night trying to draw lines between factors in his own story. it all feels so real and meaningful. the scene where montags floating down the river feels especially profound against the chaos of the rest of the book
also. i love you captain beatty he was expertly used in the narrative. nobody fucking gets you like i do
i dont really have any complaints honestly. it wasnt like an Amazing book but it was genuinely really good and i can see why its been called a classic. you can really feel the depth of its thought and meaning and how much heart bradbury put into it. great book
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