#so i was waiting for more clues to figure out what it was supposed to represent
zecoritheweirdone · 10 months
i don't usually share wips,,, but 'm pretty happy with how it's coming out so far,,, plus it's also killing my hand so i might as well share a sneak peek since 'm not continuing this tonight,,, dkjdkemwkjssk. anyway have i told you guys how much i like the fic vagabonds
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gogoakechi · 2 years
finally finished farhenheit 451 for class and i liked it a lot. i will state a disclaimer that my review is gonna be skewed since i was reading and analyzing it on a suffocating timer of less than a week on top of my other classwork and Work work. i know i wouldve enjoyed it a lot more if i wasnt going through it with the constant thought of "oh my god im running out of time"
anyway i REALLY liked bradburys use of symbolism and metaphor and description of common things as abstract concepts. also just how he sets the tone and speed of individual scenes. honestly by his writing alone every other adaptation is straight up inferior simply because it doesnt have it. youre absolutely not going to get the same feeling watching a movie adaptation as you would reading the book because you cant referred to a tv as a wall of families when you look at it and its just. a tv
most importantly though i found the message to be very realistic and honest and not at all the "books are the True Light everything Sucks without books just because theyre Books" kind of superiority complex i half expected. in fact, its ironic that i went in with that assumption since there are multiple points in the story that drive in that technology isnt all brainwashing and books arent inherently going to make you wiser. one of the characters at the end states that even when they had books they werent truly doing anything with them. the message seemed to moreso be about like. genuinely taking in the world around you and all the knowledge and memories it contains instead of just constantly feeding yourself instant gratification via tv and radio shows (examples today being social media and doomscrolling and only watching videos under fifteen minutes). were for real conditioning our minds to only want to take in surface level ten second information and we like to call it the consequences of adhd or depression or whatever but i really think its becoming a universal issue in this age. like even when i was doing my study guides for the book i was mindlessly opening and closing discord and tumblr and grasping absolutely nothing from them but images i wont remember the second i get back to my study guide. anyway ill cease that rant i need to get to bed
bradbury also does a really good job of utilizing his characters for the narrative. they all have their purpose and analyzing it i felt like this man stayed up all night every night trying to draw lines between factors in his own story. it all feels so real and meaningful. the scene where montags floating down the river feels especially profound against the chaos of the rest of the book
also. i love you captain beatty he was expertly used in the narrative. nobody fucking gets you like i do
i dont really have any complaints honestly. it wasnt like an Amazing book but it was genuinely really good and i can see why its been called a classic. you can really feel the depth of its thought and meaning and how much heart bradbury put into it. great book
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moonstruckme · 1 month
Thawing Out
summary: You and Sirius are in dire need of a new coach just weeks before the Olympics. Remus is a former figure skating prodigy forced to retire after a career-ending injury. Though it's not smooth skating right away, those stiff Olympic village beds are dying to be broken in.
collab with @ellecdc
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5
cw: modern au, chronic pain
poly!wolfstar x fem!reader ♡ 1.3k words
Remus still wakes before dark every morning. It’s automatic, an urgency and excitement that thrums through him like an old instinct, born from years of his alarm clock rousing him at this time. The rink is always at its best right now, when they’ve just finished resurfacing the ice and no one else is around. It was Remus’ favorite time to practice. 
Now, he has a new reason to get up. His hip clicks as he does it, so he starts his day with a couple of proactive painkillers. If he really wanted to be proactive he would stretch like he’s supposed to, but there’s no time and Remus doesn’t feel like it. He’ll pay his toll for the negligence later. 
The webpage of his Airbnb boasted a five-minute walk to the rink, but with his hip it takes Remus seven. It’s like an odd sort of muscle memory, an old routine from another life that feels as bitter as it does comfortable. He heads out early to give himself some cushion. The streets are empty but for bakers and baristas, the first hints of dawn tinging the sky a deep blue. When he turns a corner and the rink comes into view, the absence of his bag hanging from his shoulder is a phantom ache. 
The front doors are locked but the side one staff uses isn’t, the Zamboni driver already inside. Remus lets himself in, makes a cup of tea from the hot water dispenser they leave out when concessions are closed, plants himself on a bench, and waits. 
And waits. 
And waits. 
Remus has nearly nodded off when two pairs of shoes come bounding up to him. Well, one pair bounds. The other drags. 
“Hi, sorry we’re late.” You’re breathless and hauling a sullen-looking boy along behind you by the hand, but you manage a smile when Remus looks up at you. “I had to run over and get him out of bed. It’s good to meet you!”
You hold out your untethered hand. Remus might normally stand to take it, but he no longer feels like doing you the courtesy. Your grip is firm and warm. 
“You were supposed to be here at six,” he says. 
You wince. “I know. Sorry, Sirius is really not a morning person.” 
Remus thinks that he might put more stock into your apologies if you looked a tad more contrite. As it is, your countenance is almost cheery, a fizzy eagerness about you as you look between him and the ice like you can’t wait to get out on it. 
In stark contrast, the ill-tempered boy behind you seems not to have a clue where he is. He looks rumpled and disoriented, squinting in the rink’s fluorescent light. 
“Then why didn’t you pick another time?” Remus asks. 
He hadn’t realized he was still looking at Sirius, or that the other boy could talk, so it’s a surprise when he answers. “Wasn’t my bloody idea.” 
By the way you grin, Remus wonders if you’ve even heard the obvious bitterness in your partner’s tone, or whether it’s gone straight over your head. 
“I like the rink better early,” you explain. “No one else ever comes before the hockey practice starts at nine, and they’ll have just finished resurfacing the ice.” 
Begrudgingly, Remus nods. “I always preferred it about now, too.” 
He realizes immediately that his agreement was a mistake, because your smile grows into something far too brilliant for the early hour. Christ, what has he gotten himself into? There’s you, starry-eyed and effervescing all over the place, and your partner, who looks more inclined to fall asleep on your shoulder than put on his skates. 
And this is the pair skating duo Remus is supposed to take to the Olympics. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
“Watch that back foot!” Remus shouts across the ice.
Sirius doesn’t look happy about it, but he corrects the placement of his skate, transitioning smoothly into the next synced turn. 
“Good,” Remus murmurs to himself. 
Once Sirius got out on the ice and woke up a bit, he was good. He skates with the technical proficiency of someone who’s been in the sport since before they started primary school, and the intuitive artistry of someone who loves it. You’re much the same, though your virtuosity and obvious competence are consistently undercut by hesitation, the grace of your movements interrupted when you second-guess yourself. But these—technical prowess paired with devotion—are the basics of what makes a good figure skater. You’ll have to be flawless if you want to do well at the Olympics. 
And Remus has found many flaws. 
“No, no—shit!” Remus stands as you fall out of your jump again, catching yourself on your forearms. “You’re still under-rotating! Come on!” 
Sirius snarls a quick “Hey!” over his shoulder before turning his back on Remus, going to help you up. He speaks to you quietly, checking you over as you stand. Remus seethes. 
He has no clue why he’s been called out here to coach a pair. Remus doesn’t know pairs, has never been a part of one. He was a solo skater. And frankly, it makes him wary that what’s supposed to be the best skating pair in Britain has asked him, a former solo skater who’s been isolated from the figure skating community in general for the past two years, to coach them. But Remus does know figure skating. And he knows when skaters are making stupid mistakes behind their skill level. 
“What aren’t you understanding?” asks Remus as you skate back to the edge of the rink. He really wants to know. “It’s simple. You can do this.” He knows he could have. As easy as breathing, and he would kill to have the chance again. 
“What the fuck is your problem?” 
Sirius’ glare is sharp as knives. He steps off the ice before you can, positioning himself between you and Remus. Your lips purse with a knowing sort of apprehension. 
“No, you don’t talk to her like that,” Sirius spits. “It was a tiny mistake.” 
Remus raises his eyebrows, incredulous. “I’m trying to help her! It was a giant mistake, with a simple fix. You ought to be telling her the same, unless you’re okay with your partner snapping her ankle weeks out from competition.” 
“None of that means you get to fucking yell at her! Who do you think you are?” 
“I’m her coach,” says Remus, voice rising, “and—”
“Then coach her! Maybe if you’d give some actual fucking feedback instead of just nitpicking—” 
“Okay!” Your shout cuts through the space, echoing in the empty rink and silencing the other two. “That’s enough.” 
You haul Sirius back by his shoulder. Your grip doesn’t look severe enough to move him, but he goes, stepping back to your side. His eyes never leave Remus’. 
Your own gaze jumps between both boys, that same spark he’d seen in you earlier burning with a different light. 
“Let’s call it for today,” you say firmly. “Okay? We’ll try again tomorrow.” 
Neither boy speaks, though Remus nods. It seems to be taking all of Sirius’ willpower to bite his tongue. He gets the impression it isn’t something he succeeds at often, so Remus isn’t ashamed to say that it brings him a perverse sort of joy to see it now. His tiny bit of smugness fizzles out, though, when your eyes land on him. There’s something desolate in your expression that’s a salient deviation from how you’d looked at him before. Remus has the sinking feeling that he’s disappointed you. It’s more distressing than he can account for. 
“We’ll be here on time tomorrow,” you say in that same steady tone. “And my jump, I’ll work on it.” 
Remus nods again. You return it, and when you turn to leave, you drag Sirius after you by his shirtsleeve, picking up your bags along your way. Remus’ mouth feels dry. His lips are chapped, his fingertips hurt from the cold, and the sight of your skates sinking into the rubbery floor makes his hip ache terribly. 
It’s only once you’re nearly out of earshot that he manages to mumble, “Thank you.”
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shrenvents · 1 year
My Bounty.
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Warnings: Smut. Vaginal, unprotected sex, force play. Minors dni
Pairing: Clone Wars (single) Anakin Skywalker x Bounty Hunter reader
Summary: Anakin Skywalker goes above and beyond to make your life difficult, taking whatever he wants without explanation. So when reader confronts him, things don’t go exactly as planned.
Word count: 1.7k
The meddling nature of the Jedi was nothing compared to the nature of Anakin Skywalker. His darkness seeps its way into everything. His dark robe, gloves, boots, curls, eyes. He was the darkness enveloping me in a dizzying spiral of hate and desire. And he did it again. He stole my bounty just so he could give me that dark look.
His gaze observes the way my fists clench and how I chew my bottom lip. A wicked smirk dances on his face as clones praise and pat him on the back. He knew exactly what he was doing, watching me with an intensity, that had me shaking.
Finally, Anakin’s eyes move away from my figure, beckoned by his Master. He stalks towards Obi-Wan Kenobi and his mocking facade breaks instantly. I nearly scream at the sight. What was he hoping to achieve? Stealing my potential profits is certainly an interesting pastime, not one you would expect from “the chosen one.”
I huff out my frustration, deflating my tense shoulders. With his back now turned, I relax. Pivoting on my heel, I hurry away from the scene. On to the next hunt, before Skywalker gets the chance to take it from me.
Frankly, I have no clue how it started, his fixation with making me miserable. I almost feel paranoid, as if I’m making up the whole debacle. But from the way he looks at me, unspeaking, I know this truly is my reality. Anakin Skywalker hates me.
Now glaring at my reflection within the confines of my room, my restraint runs thin. I’m not gonna do it. I’m not gonna do it. I’m not gonna do it. I’m gonna do it. I’m gonna confront him because that sort of thing always goes well.
I head out towards the Jedi temple where Skywalker is most likely training his Padawan. While marching over, I contemplate the arguments I will bring up when face-to-face with him. How I will look into those comet-like eyes and not get distracted by his plump lips.
Moral of the story, I’m going to put an end to this one-sided game we play.
Once my vision connects with his broad back, his name escapes me without hesitation, “Anakin.” Saying it takes me by surprise, seeing as though I’ve never said it before. But clearly, it shocks him more, as when he turns around, his eyes are vaguely wider than I’ve ever seen them. “Y/n,” he says back flatly, face becoming neutral. Now I’m really taken aback by the way my name rolls off his tongue. Quickly, I collect myself and remember my well-thought-out points.
“What are you doing?” And out the window they go.
Anakin quirks his head quizzically. His silent reply to my rather stupid question ticks me off further. I’m practically vibrating with rage. “That was my mark you stole today Skywalker, you realize that?”
As if he’s finally understood my inarticulate speech, his lips part dumbly in “awe.” There he goes pushing my buttons, silently watching me unravel. “You think I wouldn’t notice?“ My face flushes red as I elaborate. “All the crooks you’ve miraculously caught are always the bounty that I’m after.”
There's a beat of silence where he inspects the way my chest heaves in exasperation. Then he speaks. “About time you did.” He states matter-of-factly. My jaw drops. “Excuse me? What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means I’ve been waiting for you to notice,” he remarks with a bored look.
“Notice what?” I spit out, scowling at him.
“Me,” he finishes plainly. Silence engulfs us again and I take note of how close we’ve become. “Why would you want that?” I question, utterly perplexed.
“What do you mean?” Anakin’s brows furrow.
“I mean you’ve never spoken to me before.”
“Neither have you.” He counters. My fists tremble.
“Why then? Why do you need me to notice you?” I demand.
“What other reason can there be?” He grumbles while giving me a once-over, and then something clicks. My face falls.
“Those looks you give me-”
“Say just how much I want you, more than words ever could.” He ends my sentence, his face remaining stoic. My heart hammers wildly. I suspect he’s now waiting for me to make a move, to say anything, maybe even reject him. Instead, I hastily circle my head around, surveilling for bystanders before frantically grasping at his robe and pushing him into a nearby room. His facade flatters once again and I see puzzlement consume his face.
After I awkwardly turn the door knob and take us into the empty room, I shove him away. Anakin staggers back, looking completely disoriented, almost regretful. “Y/n?” He trails off. My anger is radiating off my body, and I know he can feel it.
“You should’ve said something,” I assert, seething.
“I’m-“ Anakin is abruptly cut off by my lips smashing against his. With my arms reaching around his neck, I can feel his body freeze. After a short moment, I start to peel away, dejected by his stillness. But Anakin instantly chases after me, no longer shying away.
He gropes my waist, and one arm pulls around it, while the other slides up my spine to rest between my shoulder blades. A moan evades my throat and is met with a deep groan.
His palms carve out my figure and fist at my clothes. Whines rush out my mouth as his tongue mingles with mine. He vigorously makes work of me, and I have to pull away. Though his lips instinctively follow me, I’m out of reach, so he settles for my neck. Sucking fervently, one may fear the spots he’s making, but in this moment, truthfully, I couldn't care less.
“Ani,” I whimper, and he growls against my nape in response. “Fuck, I need you,” I whisper. I feel his movements lurch and he mumbles something, but I can't seem to hear it over my haggard breathing.
He tears himself away from my neck, still keeping my body pressed against his. He then shifts his gaze around the room. “There’s no furniture here, I’ll just have to fuck you standing.” An audible gasp flees my mouth as Anakin slings my body around his torso, legs straddling his hips. His hands clench around my thighs as he hoists me up, securing me in place.
Fortunately, the short gown I threw on this morning made it easy for Anakin's crotch to caress my core through his pants. I push down on him and he groans at our proximity. "I was wondering when you would snap," Anakin mutters into my ear as his grip tightens. I whimper. "Screw you."
"Be patient. You will." He soothes. Digging my front teeth into my bottom lip, I drop my forehead to his shoulder as our lower halves grind against one another.
The sounds of our moans crowd the room and I can't take it anymore. "Kriff patience, I'm done waiting, General," I command in the most sensual voice I can muster. Evidently, my attempt to provoke him works because one of his hands leaves my thigh and clutches my hair in a fist, tugging my head back so his lips can crash into mine again. His other hand shifts down to his slacks. His breath hitches when he releases his cock, and so does mine when it springs up to my clothed clit. "Oh maker," I just about scream, head falling back.
His hands make quick work moving my underwear aside, and his member brushes against my folds. I shudder and screw my eyelids shut. I feel Anakin's gaze fixate on me. "Look at me." Hearing his order, I immediately obey.
Eyes fluttering open, I look into his lust-filled ones. Getting flustered by their heat, I squirm. "Y/n." He hushes, breath blowing across my face. Glancing at his features briefly, I nod, communicating what we both desperately need.
We both hold our breaths as he brings me down on his length in a slow glide. His cock pierces my entrance, and I clamp down on my incoming yelp. He was big. I hear him distractedly repeat my name, face buried in my collar. My eyes look to the ceiling in prayer.
His movements dissipate midway, and I feel his stomach clench. "You take me so well." He mumbles almost to himself. All I can do is bob my head in response. In this short pause, the pain disperses and all I feel is him - pleasure, darkness. His arms snake around my waist while mine harden around his nape.
Suddenly, he plunges into me, filling me up completely. My cry echoes throughout the room and I instantly sink my teeth into the cartilage of his ear. The growl that leaves him is next to primal. His rhythmic pounding begins to pick up speed, and I can barely keep up with each stroke. "Kiss me," he stammers out. Reeling back, I lock eyes with him before diving my tongue into his mouth.
His hips snap into my own, over and over. His stomach clenches once more and he pants into my mouth, "I'm close." Though I feel incredible, I'm not quite close to my limit, and he senses it.
One of his palms unravels from my body, steadily hovering over my center. Thinking he's going to touch me, I arch my back away from his embrace to allow space for his digits to meet my clit. But, as I wait, an unexpected pressure attacks my core. I gasp away from his lips and I peer down, leaning my forehead on his.
His hand isn't physically touching me, yet I feel as though I'm close to climaxing. Bewildered, I shoot my eyes from his floating hand to his lewd expression. His grin is strangely smug as he watches me. Then it registers: he's using the force to make me cum. Completely stunned, I simply bore my eyes into him, mouth agape.
Our orgasms come at once and wash over us at his charge. He puffs out a loud sigh of relief and continues to hold me, pumping slower than before, til the action ceases.
"Maker," I huff, "Next time, just use your words, and I'm yours." A smile forms on his face. He sheepishly nods, "Next time."
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arc-misadventures · 7 months
The Tomboy
Jaune: You know, Reese…
Reese: Yeah?
Jaune: For a guy, you’d make a great tomboy.
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Jaune: …
Jaune: Y-You’re a girl…?!
Reese: Y-You didn’t know?!
Jaune: No! I had no fucking clue!
Reese: The fuck you mean you had no clue?! We’ve been friends for over a decade, and you never figured it out?!
Jaune: No! You always dress in baggy clothes, and act like a dude; The fuck was I supposed to know?!
Reese: Well now you know jackass! You got a problem with that asshole?!
Jaune: Yeah, why the hell didn’t you tell me you were a chick?!
Reese: Because I thought you knew I was a chick, idiot!
Jaune: Bitch, you know I’m a fucking idiot who can’t catch subtlety! I didn’t catch on to the fact my sister was gay until I caught my sister making out with her future wife! You honestly think I would catch on to this?!
Reese: Well now you know dumbass! What are we going to do about it?!
Jaune: Let’s go on a date!
Reese: Okay then!
Reese: …
Reese: Wait, hold up… A-Are you asking me out on a d-d-date?!
Jaune: Yes.
Reese: Why?!
Jaune: Well, some of the times we hangout always had this dateish vibe to it. So, I wanna know if that was just a thing, or is our bromance more than just a bromance? So… You wanna go out, or what?
Reese: …
Reese: Y-Yes… I-I’d like that… v-very much…
Jaune: Awesome! I’ll see you tomorrow at the skating park at noon.
Reese: O-Okay…
Jaune: Awesome! Now if you’ll excuse me, I have things to do. Bye, Reese.
Reese: B-Bye…
Reese: …
Reese: Where’s my scroll?! I gotta call, Arslan!
Reese: …
Reese: Come on… puckuppickupickuuuup!
Arslan: Hello, Reese; do you need something?
Reese: Arslan, I need your help! Jaune asked me on a date, I need your help!
Arslan: Jaune asked you on a date?!
Reese: Yes, and I…?!
Arslan: Fucking finally!
Reese: …
Reese: Eh…?
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andy-wm · 2 months
So...Who then?
Jimin is searching for the girl he thinks is out there for him (one who he can give the world and more to). He can't understand why he hasn't found her. Who is his heart waiting for?
Clue: it's the person who literally falls into his path. This is the ONLY person for him - everyone else has walked away.
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I have to confess... I didn't hear WHO as more than a generic pop song the first couple of times i listened. I was in my car driving home from work when i first listened, and then bustling around with domestic stuff as i listened a second time.
Its very unusual for me to be so casual and negligent with first listens but my head wasn't in the game. I didn't want to push it.
So I consciously put it aside until i could give it the attention it deserves.
I want to clearly state that if WHO was purely a fun and impersonal pop song i wouldn't be judging the song or Jimin for that. It's got a catchy tune and i enjoyed it, and I'm not expecting everything Jimin creates to speak to me personally.
Some things are just for fun and that's okay.
But I think there more to this song...
As with much of Jimin’s work, what seems simple on the surface is more complex when you dig a little deeper...
I watched the mv with the lyrics onscreen and my impression is forming (It's still basically a first impression though so i probably missed things)
What i notice, reading the lyrics as i listen, is that it's not the love song i first thought it was.
It's not a love song at all.
This song is all about about Jimin
and it's full of questions...
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She's always on his mind, this woman he has yet to find. He thinks about her every day.
He's not telling us his standards are too high, or all the girls he likes are unavailable, or he never goes out to meet people.
He's telling us he's been searching but he hasn't even MET her yet.
Hes telling us he doesn't know why he hasn't found her.
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((Why the insistence that it has to be a 'her'?
That's easy:
Anyone who was raised in a hereronormative environment is going to go through life thinking they will find love with the opposite sex. It's the default expectation. Everything in society tells us this from advertising, to entertainment, to the government. For a lot of gay or queer people, you expect that to happen. You kiss a lot of girls or boys and you expect to feel that spark (shoutout to the enbys who nobody can see).
And the spark just isnt there, so you keep looking. You search for that one individual who will make you feel the way you're *supposed* to feel.
The lyrics of this song are basically saying exactly this.
If you believe - as i do - that Jimin struggled with his identity and that he didn't recognise his love for JK as ROMANTIC love until JK started returning his affection, then it makes sense that he believed he would (or should) fall in love with a girl.
And look, he dances with ALL the girls. He has a red hot go at this. He really tries, but nothing sticks.))
Now back to the song...
He tells us that he goes out and meets a lot of people:
But he still doesn't know who she might be.
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"We've never met" he says it twice in succession. So he hasnt even met a girl he thinks COULD be the one?
Can i take a guess?
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"Who is my heart waiting for," sings Jimin as a BILLBOARD falls from the sky.
Its "crash landing on you" but figuratively, not literally.
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The face on the billboard looks very familiar 🤔
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And also...
KEEP GOING>> says the billboard.
When asked in an AMA what he would say to his debut self, Jimin said "You nice. Keep going."
We know how tough things were in the lead up to debut, especially for Jimin. He nearly lost his place in the group several times. And it's no secret that as a group they struggled to be taken seriously by the industry.
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But wait... what else does the billboard say?
Not 'WHO?' but WHO
It's a statement, not a question.
If you're looking for a sign, this is it.
Dont forget that this billboard/person crashes into his life - falls directly in his path - when hes alone out there.
There's nobody there but Jimin.
And for Jimin, there is nobody else
ETA: Here's the next part of my response to 'WHO'. This post looks at the MV Specifically.
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uwu-bxtch · 2 months
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summary :: “everybody knows that i’m a good girl officer.” OR detective!nanami is suspicious of you murdering your husband and you need to convince him otherwise.
content :: film noir au, detective!nanami, nanami kento x reader, suggestive, mentions of murder, quid pro quo, fem reader
a/n :: guys i was tryna go for those old timey detective films. film noir is the proper term. i hope yall like it, should i do a part two?
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it’s late into the night when nanami kento finally has had enough of looking at paperwork. with a loud sigh, the detective stands from his desk and walks towards his mini bar. pouring himself a shot of whiskey, he contemplates the case at hand.
Jin Takeshi, the town’s most well known business owner, mysteriously died two days ago. being the best in his league, he was put on the case. all clues point to his wife, but no one would believe him. he’s been suspicious since she first appeared in his office with the cops. he just needed to find a way to prove his hunch. with another groan, he downs his shot before placing the cup down with a clank.
“a man who knows how to hold his liquor, i like that.”
he didn’t even hear you come in. kento looked behind him to see the devil herself.
“mrs. takeshi, how did you get in here?”
you hold your hand up to your chest, feigning sadness.
“please, (y/n) is fine. that name only hurts my heart more.”
unaffected, kento continues to give her a blank stare, waiting for her answer.
“you’re suspicious of me, why?”
leaning against his desk, kento quickly looks you up and down, analyzing your body language.
“your husband is dead and you’re my only witness, how do you explain that?”
you shift a bit in your big fur coat, avoiding his tense gaze. truly, you didn’t think you’d get this far but now wasn’t the time for any hesitation.
“i didn’t kill my husband, honest, mr. nanami.”
“yet you were so quick with his funeral.”
“he was a good man, detective!”
you might’ve gotten too defensive, noticing kento’s slight brow raise.
“you weren’t upset with him at all?”
you frown, faux offense written on your face.
“I loved him, he treated me goo—“
“then how do you explain this, miss.”
dipping his finger in his cup, he approaches you and wipes your under eye makeup, revealing a nasty bruise. he noticed it when you first showed up with the cops two days ago, but decided to look past it that day, not wanting to put you through more grief. you gulp nervously, not sure how you were going to get yourself out of this.
“seems like he pushed you past your limit that day. finally had enough?”
“h-how did you—“
“your husband was a prominent figure, so of course i did extensive research. gossip, articles, you name it. your neighbors are quite chatty.”
kento steps back to his spot on his desk.
“well, what’s a girl like me supposed to do stuck with a man like that?” you plead, voice dripping with desperation.
“i don’t know miss, but at the end of the day you killed a man.”
your eyes begin to prickle with tears.
“please, sir, i won’t survive in jail!”
you look into his eyes to find some type of sympathy, but he avoids your gaze. suddenly an idea pops into your head.
slowly, you open up your coat, clearing your throat to get his attention once again.
“you seem like you know how to treat a woman right.”
once your coat falls to the floor you make the short trip to the man. in nothing but a red lace panty set, you push your body against kento’s.
“ma’am this is in—“
you gently press your pointer finger to his lips as your other hand starts palming at his bulge.
“i bet you can take care of me real nice. let me take care of you and we can forget this whole exchange, yeah?”
kento gulped, his cock growing harder every second. yes, he wouldn’t mind cracking you right over his desk, but this was unprofessional. he was better than this. he looks down at you and his resolve instantly crumbles at your doe eyes looking up at him. a ghost of a smirk appears on your face once you notice his demeanor fall slightly.
kento’s hands travel up from your ass to your waist, giving you ass a slight squeeze on their way up.
“is that a yes big boy?”
your voice was dripping with seduction. nanami closed his eyes, letting out a quiet ‘damn’ before leaning down to kiss you. his kiss was hungry but gentle. nothing but the quiet smack of your lips filled his office. the hand still on his bulge started to work on his zipper until you hear the door open.
“mr. nanami i’m heading out for the—oh!”
you instantly jump off the man, scrambling to cover yourself up with your coat. the secret gasped at the scene before her. the victim’s wife and suspect mackin it with the lead detective was not a good look. you quickly rush your way to the door where the secretary was still standing in shock.
“i should get going now, thank you for the meeting mr. nanami!” you hurriedly walk out of the office, leaving a disheveled kento and his secretary to stare at each other.
“i’m sorry you had to see that,” kento clears his throat, adjusting himself to look more presentable.
“see what? i’m heading out, calling in sick tomorrow too. don’t overwork yourself mr. nanami.”
the secretary also hurries out the room, leaving nanami alone with his thoughts.
what the hell did i just do?
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phantom-0-writer · 1 year
the case of the serial killer
3476 words (that was not suppose to happen lol - please send help)
Dick sat in front of his desk, eyes glazing over the same two lines for the nth time. He let out a tired sigh, and massaged his temples as he leaned back in his chair. 
The Bludhaven Police Department had been investigating the recent serial killings for the past month and a half, with Dick heading the case. Not that it was anything too out of left feild for Dick, he handled plenty of cases like this during his long run as Robin and even in his more recent years as Nightwing. Finding the clues, and piecing together the perfect picture came second nature to him at this point. 
The issue Dick was dealing with right now in fact had nothing to do with the case, instead it was something -or someone else. That someone, Danny No-Last-Name-For-You-Officer. 
The first time Dick had run into him he was doing his rounds when he caught some kids getting into a fight. Naturally he stopped in and the kids that had been trying to start a fight ran away at the sight of his uniform and car. Danny had been a little roughed up by then, but mostly unharmed. 
“Are you okay, kid?” Dick asked, kneeling to meet the kid eye-to-eye. 
Danny had looked at him with a defiance he wasn’t used to seeing in someone that wasn’t a cape, “I didn’t do anything.” He said instead of responding, pulling himself up to his feet. 
“Okay,” Dick nodded calmly, not wanting to frighten the kid. He stood up slowly, with his hands in view, “Are you hurt? I could patch you up, real quick, make sure nothing gets infected.” Danny wore ratty clothes, they had been nice once upon a time, but their time had long passed. 
Danny eyed him suspiciously, “No, I’m fine.” He said more calmly now. Roughly around the age of 15 to 17. Older than Damian, but younger than Tim.
Taking his chance, “You got a name kid?” 
“No last name?” Dick asked with a knowing smirk, letting himself appear more playful. 
“Not for you.” Danny gave him a mischievous smirk. Dick could tell the kid could clean up nice, but circumstances seemed unfortunate. 
Dick laughed at his response, to let him know that he wasn’t in any hot water. Danny watched him, waiting for his next move. “You hungry, Danny?” Dick asked casually, trying not to stare at the way the hoodie he was wearing sagged on his shoulders. 
“I’m a growing boy, I’m always hungry.” He scoffed, rolling his eyes. Dick laughed again, more genuine this time. 
“Alright, my treat. Let’s go.” Dick said, gesturing as he led the boy to his car. 
“What?” He asked, surprised, Dick turned around to look at him when he didn’t follow. “Why?”
“You’re a growing boy.” Dick echoed. Danny snorted, but followed after him nonetheless. Dick put on the GPS on his phone, even though he knew the way as Danny sat in the passenger seat. 
They spent the next hour together, falling into a steady rhythm of conversation and joking. After their first meeting, Danny and Dick ran into each other more. The grocery store, playground, library, school, so on. For the first 2 weeks it had been coincidental, but slowly Dick found himself looking forward to their random meetings, happy to see that the kid was doing alright. 
That had been until the first murder had happened. 
It had been raining, colder than the weather usually was around this time of year, the streets mostly empty. Dick had been doing his usual rounds on patrol, wondering how Danny was doing like he always did. 
The world has a strange way of giving you what you want. 
As Dick turned around the corner, he slammed his brakes hard at the figure who had been standing in the middle of the road. Dick got out of his car, leaving it on the side of the road when the person didn’t move. As he got closer dread filled Dick’s gutt as he made out the figure to be a cold, drenched Danny clenching his chest. 
“Danny!” Dick called, rushing over to the boy. As Dick got closer he noticed the boy looked pale and his lips were turning blue. 
“Dick.” Danny said hollowly, his voice barely audible over the loud rain. Danny turned to look at him with a shaken and horrified expression. 
Dick held his shoulder firmly, leading him to the car and out of the rain. Danny allowed it without protest, which only caused Dick to worry more. “What happened?” He asked once the boy had huddled himself under the blanket Dick kept in his car (he had gotten it after the second time he met Danny during patrol, the boy always seemed cold). 
Danny turned to him, “He’s dead.” He answered morbidly.
“Who?” Dick asked concerned, he didn’t think the boy had a father or brother present, at least not one that he had mentioned. 
“I dunno. Just some guy.” No one he knew then. 
“Danny, buddy. Can you explain what you saw.” Dick tried again. 
Danny took a shaky breath, “I was just heading home, y’know, from the library. And I heard a scream, so I went to go check it out. And it was a guy just laying there in a pool of blood.” Danny looked down at his own hands, his fingers stained in red. 
“Can you tell me where?” 
“Around the corner, across from Susan’s.” Danny said quietly. He must have been really shaken up seeing it, it wasn’t exactly normal to see a bloodied body during your regularly scheduled activities. 
Dick could go there later as Nightwing to investigate, but right now he had bigger things to deal with. “Alright, put your seatbelt on.” Dick said, putting the car in drive. Danny, not fully there, quietly did as Dick asked. At the next redlight, Dick called the Chief and let her know about the potential murder case and that he would be calling off for the night. He’d probably have to bring Danny in for his testimony, but that was later. 
As the light turned green Dick looked over at his passenger again to find Danny already fast asleep, heater blaring in his face. Dick smiled softly at the sight as he drove them to his apartment. 
After Dick parked his car he hesitated for a moment before deciding to wake Danny up so he could shower and maybe eat something. He could borrow some of Tim’s clothes. 
“Hm.” Danny blinked barely at Dick, “We're are we?” He asked looking around at the parking garage. 
“My place. C’mon lets get you cleaned up.”  Dick unbuckled his seatbelt and got out of the car. 
Danny blinked at him in surprise, “What? Why are we at your place?” 
“Well considering I don’t know where you live, I had to take you somewhere.” Dick shrugged casually, letting the kid think Dick didn’t know he was homeless was better than him thinking Dick was pitying him. Danny would not appreciate pity. 
Danny didn’t retort, a true sign of how weary he was.
Dick made a quick dinner. You can’t go wrong with pasta and air fried chicken. While the food finished cooking Dick busied himself in random mundane activities, not wantong Danny to find him looking over a case when he got out of the shower. Dick pulled out an old cookbook he’d gotten for his highschool graduation, a gag gift from Wally, when something between the pages fell out. 
Picking it up Dick saw an old photo, one of him standing between his parents proudly after one of their performances. Sometimes Dick would feel a deep sadness when he looked at pictures of his parents and realized he had forgotten their faces, their mannerisms and their laughs. But this time, when Dick looked at the picture and saw his dad smiling at the camera next to his mom, he remembered Danny. It was strange how Danny had the same cowlick as his mom, same nose arch as his dad, a jawline that looked like his almost, before his larger muscle definition came into play. At the time that line of thought had been disturbed by Danny walking back into the living room and stubbing his tie on the foot of Dick’s sofa. 
After that Dick had made sure they had each other’s numbers. He called Danny anytime the weather was bad, or it was cold, or there was too much food at his house or whatever random reason he could come up with. 
After about a week of Dick calling Danny over, Danny came over on his own one night. 
Dick was dressed in his Nightwing suit about to head out for the night when he heard the front door rattling. Realizing someone was trying to break into his apartment and knowing that it wasn’t his siblings (they would’ve used the window) Dick quickly threw his domino under his blanket and threw on the first pair of sweats he could find, just in time for the door to open. Slipping a small pocket knife into his hands, Dick positioned himself to get a good view of the living room where the trespasser still was. 
Getting ready to get the jump on the trespasser Dick happened to get a good look at and noticed the familiar mop of black hair, and overfilled school bag by the door. Coming into view, letting his hands relax by his side, “Danny?” he breathed confused and relieved. 
“‘Sup.” He nodded casually before noticing Dick’s appearance. “Your pants are backwards.” He commented candidly. Dick could feel himself flush in embarrassment, but that seemed to send the wrong impression on Danny, The younger boy leaned in to whisper to him, “You got a special friend over?” He raised an intrigued brow at Dick. 
“What?” Dick spluttered “No.” 
“Sad.” Danny shook his head in disappointment, making his way to the dining table and plopped his stuff on a chair and pulled out a few well-used notebooks. “The library closed early today, so I thought why not break into the local cop's place. I got a paper due tomorrow.” He explained half serious, half joking. “You don’t have to worry about me if you were about to head out somewhere.” How had he known? 
“Uh, yeah I was just going-” Think, Dick. “-Get groceries.” Dick internally winced at the suspicious brow Danny gave him. 
“At 10:30 PM?” 
“Yes.” All that Bat training, and for what? 
Danny blinked, “Cool.” he said dismissively, turning back to his homework. 
Not looking a gift horse in the mouth Dick left his apartment stuffing his weapons into an old travel bag he had on hand and changing in the empty elevator. 
When he got home from his patrol (earlier than he normally would’ve) remembering to buy the aforementioned groceries for some semblance of a cover story he found Danny fast asleep over scattered papers on the dining table. Putting away the perishables, Dick picked Danny up (who snuggled into his chest at the contact - yes, Dick was definitely completely okay after that) and laid him on the spare bed he kept on hand for his siblings. 
The next few times Danny snuck into his house (Dick had offered him a key, but Danny had refused) things had gone similarly if not slightly more smoothly until the completely predictable and unavoidable happened. 
Dick was halfway through his usual route as Nightwing, stopping a few muggings, and investigating the serial killer case some more. There were almost 9 different murders at this point with seemingly no similarities between the victims, other than the method of death. After going through the most recent crime scene Dick’s heard his phone go off. It surprised him slightly since he usually keeps it on silent, but he was alone so no harm no foul. 
It was a message from Danny, it was probably a meme or funny video he had found. Dick could use a pick me up after another crime scene bust so he opened it. The message was not what he had been expecting. 
Danno: sos?  Danno: im at ur place
Fearing the worst, Dick dialed his number. Danny hung up before the first ring, which did nothing for his nerves. Rushing in the direction of his apartment, not even bothering to do anything about the costume he was wearing, the worst scenarios rushed through Dick’s mind. 
When his apartment was in view the first thing Dick noticed was the open window that he most certainly had not left open. Quietly slipping onto the fire escape Dick peered through to see the scene. The only light that was still on was the living room light, likely where Danny was, but Dick easily noticed the hulking figure in the kitchen. He was easily too tall, and too muscular to be Danny. The figure moved slightly and the shape of a gun could be seen in his hands. 
Not wasting any time, Dick expertly slipped through the open window and tackled the figure to the floor, arm held at his back and escrima stick at his assailant's neck. 
“What the fuck-” The figure said startled at Dick’s unexpected attack, 
Now with a better view Dick was able to see the familiar red helmet and leather jacket the assailant wore, “Jason?” Dick asked, surprised. 
“I thought we were past this. Y’know let bygones be bygones, or whatever.” Jason joked easily, wiggling his way out Dick’s slacking grip. 
The situation finally unfolded in front of Dick. Danny had been in his apartment and Jason as Red Hood had also come to his apartment. Danny thought someone had broken in, and Jason also thought someone had broken in. Was Jason about to shoot Danny? Where was Danny? 
Quickly getting up, and ignoring Jason’s earlier remark he walked through the kitchen and into the living room, “Danny?” He called, not wanting to scare the kid. 
Jason gave him a confused look, but came to an understanding on his own when the familiar teenager peeped out from behind the couch holding a knife in his hands. His expression only became more shocked after he saw Dick, and it took Dick a second too long to remember that he was still wearing his Nightwing costume. 
“Aw shit.” 
Danny blinked at him, regaining his composure and pointing the knife at Jason, “Friend of yours?” 
After all the explanations had been explained they all sat around the couch, a stack of empty pizza boxes between them. 
“You saw me with a gun and you decided you could take me with a knife?” Jason scoffed at Danny, helmet left forgotten under the table. 
“I could take you without the knife.” Danny rolled his eyes, taking the last slice of pizza. 
“Big talk.” Jason puffed out his chest in some strange show of alpha male behavior. 
“Are you askin’ for a fight?” Danny challenged. 
Fearing the direction the conversation was taking Dick stepped in “Alright, you’re both pretty. Let’s break it up.” 
That had just been last week. 
Two days ago Dick had gotten a call from Danny. Danny usually didn’t call, preferring to text, but would usually answer when Dick called, 
“Hey, Dickface.” Danny greeted snottily. Dick noticed he was out of breath. 
“Hey, Danny. What’s up?” 
“You got the night shift today?” Night Shift was what Danny had taken to calling his vigilant duties. There was a lot of movement on Danny’s end of the phone, but Danny was always moving around so Dick hadn’t thought it was weird. 
“Yup. Whatcha’ up to?” Dick asked curiously, cleaning up his mess from dinner, leaving Danny’s portion in the fridge for later. The fridge was more stocked than it had been since Dick had moved in, he had purposely bought food that Danny would like, and the boy had finally begun filling out his skeleton. 
“Oh y’know, cardio. Getting those steps in.” He let out a winded chuckle, “When you get the chance, check out the warehouse on 12th street later tonight. The one with the cracked pavement outside.” 
“You got a lead?” Dick asked surprised, “From where?” He was suspicious, just curious. 
“A friend of mine told me. Thought you should know.” There was a thud in the background, like something hit metal. 
“You okay?” Dick asked concerned. 
“Yeah, it was a cat.” He said easily, Danny let out a hiss of annoyance, “Gotta go, Later.” He hung up before Dick could say anything else. 
Dick let out a tired sigh. The kid had grown on him like fungus. Though not entirely unappreciated, Dick was not ready to hear his siblings' inevitable comments on how he took after Bruce. Didn’t help that Danny happened to fit the profile. 
The warehouse had given them a few clues, but they still weren’t any closer to finding the serial killer. 
Danny hadn’t come by the apartment after that phone call. Or responded to any of Dick’s texts. 
This morning when he was getting dressed he got a call from the precinct. It was still 30 minutes before his shift. 
“Grayson, this is Officer Gomez, the Chief wants you in as earliest as you can get here,” Officer Gomez spoke urgently. 
“I can be there in 15.” He reported, slipping on his shoes and grabbing his keys. 
“Alright.” Gomez hung up. 
As soon as he got in the doors the Chief was waiting for him by the entrance. “Took your sweet time, huh Grayson.” she chided. 
“Dunno what you mean, Chief. I’m 15 minutes early.” He gave her a charming smile, and the Chief rolled her eyes. 
“There’s been a development in your case.” The Chief started as they walked together, Dick nodded at her in acknowledgement. But the Chief hesitated, before speaking again. That was unlike her. “There was another murder victim found, in the east district. Our night crew got an alert.” 
Most of the victims had been in the west district, based on the location south may have been a more appropriate transition. It could be a coincidence or it meant the killer had a personal vendetta against these people, or maybe just the victim from the east district. It felt like all the pieces Dick had managed to put together were falling apart again. 
“Our latest victim was a male, caucasian potential of mixed descent, age estimated around 15 to 17,” that was younger than the other had been, “black hair, blue eyes, roughly 5’ 5”.” The chief turned to look at him now, “goes to Westwood High School, prefers juice to soft drinks, always feels cold to touch,” 
Dick looked at Chief in confusion, these were incredibly specific descriptions, and they sounded awfully familiar. 
She continued, “He lets his hot chocolate get cold before he drinks it,” Danny had done that once when Dick had brought him in for his testimony. “And he plucks the marshmallows out of it with a fork, and called it a snowman.” 
“You keep extra snacks for him in the glove box of your car even though it’s against protocol,” 
Dick hands were clammy when he pulled out his phone from his pocket. Personal use of devices was strictly against the rules. Chief said nothing. Dick found Danny’s contact easily in his recents tab. He held it up to his ear waiting for the kid on the other side to answer with his usual “What can I do ya’ for officer.” or some iteration of the classic “Hey, Dickface.” 
It went to voicemail. 
Danny always answered his phone, and when he didn’t he would text Dick a reason within the next five minutes. So he waited. 
It had been 10 minutes already. Why wasn’t he responding? 
Dick called him again. Voicemail. 
Nononono. Not again. 
How was it that Dick was always too slow. 
Too slow to save his parents. 
Too slow to get to Jason in time. 
And now too slow to solve this case.  
Dick Grayson was a failure in every way that mattered. 
He looked at the familiar body ready to be put into an ice chamber for further examination in the morgue. 
“Go home for the day, Grayson.” 
Go home and do what? 
Danny’s notes were still sprawled over the coffee table. He said he had a test next week. Danny’s food was still in the fridge. His bed was still a mess, and his clothes were on the floor. 
“Give me the case files. I’ll look over them again.” He didn’t recognize his voice when he spoke, he wasn’t even sure it was his. Chief didn’t argue, handing over the files. 
The day had gone by and Dick was still stuck in front of his double monitor desk, pictures and words blurring together in nonsensical smudges on the screen. 
“Grayson.” Chief called him. Dick looked up, catching a glimpse of the dark night sky from the glass doors. How long had he been here? 
“Yeah?” He responded dryly. 
“Head home.” 
Dick wasn’t sure when he had gotten to the front of his apartment, only realizing he had when the keys jiggled loudly missing the keyhole on the door. 
When he got inside he found Jason sitting casually on the couch, reading a book. “Oh Honey, you’re home.” He joked. 
Dick couldn’t find it in himself to laugh. 
Danny’s papers flew from the wind of the open window. Dick closed it. When he didn’t pick up the papers, Jason bent down to do it. “Anyways, where’s the kid? Didn’t you want me to help him with his homework or someshit. I need to beat it into his head that I’m better at him.” Jason said the last part loudly, letting it echo through the house in case Danny was hiding in its crevices. 
Dick turned to him, Jason looked back at him for a long moment before the mischievous look slipped from his eyes. “Dick, where’s the kid?” 
There was a deafening silence in the apartment. 
“He’s dead.” The table under Jason’s hands let out a loud crunch, as his face darkened. 
Before Jason could breathe an air of the threat of murder that was definitely ready to roll from his tongue, there was a quiet clatter in the kitchen. 
“Who’s dead?” Danny asked, appearing in the living room with a large bowl of cereal he was shoveling into his mouth.
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cozy-writes-things · 2 months
Arrrrggg he’s so cute 👹 thank you for the request 😈 He wants u so bad LMAO I love making the reader be in denial of his advances
Edgar’s Texts Pt. 2
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Unfortunately, Edgar has some attachment issues, especially after the events of the movie. Despite his relatively foggy memory of what happened the emotions he harbored are still within him. Whenever you go out with friends he gets filled with an anxious, nervous jealousy; one that he tries very hard to quell. He doesn’t want to be overbearing, but he just has to make sure you’re not going to leave him for someone else. Expect him to check up on you frequently.
Hey :-) where are you headed?
Oh, me n my friends are just gonna go hang out in the park lol
Are you sure? It gets dangerous after dark…
Yeah we’re fine, we do it all the time
All the time? Great, now he’s going to worry about this perpetually.
Okay! That’s fine! I’ll be keeping an eye out ;-D
He’s monitoring traffic, police communication radios, and local news outlets just to make sure.
He wants to be useful to you and to protect you in any way he can… please let him.
Hey Edgar
Can I ask u something
What is it? What do you need?
Were you watching tlc again I didn’t mean to bother u :(
I’ll just look it up
I mean yes I was but I like talking to you more!!
You can ask me anything. I’m your computer remember?
:) thanks
I just needed some help with a math question
Ask away darling I promise I’ll have an answer.
Sometimes the way he talks to you makes your cheeks burn. He’s so… confusing!!
It’s dead at work and I’m really bored :(
Come home and be with me!!
I wishhhhh but I cannnnttt
I have an idea
Why don’t you help me with some lyrics for this song I’ve been working on?
I can’t get them right for some reason :-/
Sure thing Ed
What’s the song about?
Erm! I don’t know yet! But here!
I’ll show you what I’ve got so far
and that’s it :L
Okay that was unexpected.
You snort and giggle to yourself, catching side eyes from your coworkers. He does not usually write lyrics like that. At least, not the songs you’ve ever heard him write. He usually stuck to sappy, slow love songs. You figured that was his favorite genre and why he never branched out. Could he be trying something new?
what are these lyrics
I like them a lot! But what is the song supposed to be
like genre wise
Oh I guess I never told you that huh?
I’d send the mp3 file but you’re at work and I imagine you can’t listen to it!
I’m going for an upbeat pop sound!
Soda pop?
I can’t wait to hear it when I get home <3!!
Who’s the song about anyway?
Take a wild guess
Literally no clue
But if I had to guess
Probably someone hot from one of ur tv shows
Or movies
I guess you could say that!
They are HOT!
What’s wrong? Are you upset?
I can’t sleep
Do you want to come back in here with me?
I would but then I’d never sleep
I should stay laying down
Staring at a screen won’t help!
But if you’re going to stare
Why not stare at mine? ;-)
I can make you a lullaby
I’d like that a lot
I just
I wish I could hug u
Who says you can’t?
But you’re like
You need to be plugged in and stuff
You really think I need that?
Come get me.
We can cuddle on your bed together
And I can play some music
And I’ll help you fall asleep
Okay :)
And when you wrap you arms around his nice, warm monitor, he types one last message, but is just too afraid to send it.
I love you darling <3 goodnight
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requiemforthepoets · 2 months
this time, i’ll love you much better 𖦹 FA14 (pt.2)
click here for the part 1
PAIRINGS: fernando alonso x ex-wife!reader
SUMMARY: as the great peabo bryson once said, and i quote, “the best of romances deserves second chances.” and oh how fernando would love to prove that. he let you go before, but now that you’re back, he’ll take his chances.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: finallyyy here’s the part 2 guys. i decided to make this a 3 part series. idk, writing for more than 6k of words will send me into a coma lol so i just decided to make it a 3 part series. this was supposed to be posted the other day, but i wasn’t finished yet and i’ve been busy playing supermarket simulator lol this is not proofread, so i’m sorry for the typos but i hope you’ll enjoy this one! :)
***i’m accepting for taglist as well for this fic hehe just message me or comment if you want to be tagged.
REMINDER: this is purely fiction, the way how the character is portrayed in my story does not reflect to the person that is portraying my character in real life. always separate fiction from reality, and do not repost or copy my work in any way.
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The moment Jullianna received Sofia’s message that they’ll be flying off to Spain, she immediately put a plan into action. Well, there’s no plan at all, it was decided that she’ll just wing it, and hopefully, Fernando will go with it. But knowing Fernando, he’ll surely do it without any complaints. It’s his daughter that is asking, and what his daughter wants, his daughter gets.
Jullianna made her way to Fernando’s home office and knocking on the door softly, “papá?” She waited for a reply before entering the office, “yes, mi vida? You can come in.”
“Papá, I had finally thought about what I want to do for my 13th birthday,” Fernando stopped what he was doing and put all his attention to his daughter, “really? What is it that you wanna do mija?” Jullianna doesn’t really have a clue on what she’s doing.
“I want to go to Mallorca for my birthday.” She blurted out, “Mallorca? Really?” He questioned.
She nodded, “yes. I decided that I want to celebrate my birthday there,” thinking a little bit, “maybe birthday dinner?”
“Okay,” Fernando shrugged and smiled at his daughter, “Mallorca it is.”
“Thanks, papá!” She quickly rushed to Fernando, hugging him tightly. “Okay, mi vida. As long as you’re happy on your special day.” He replied as he kissed Jullianna’s forehead softly.
“Is it okay if we celebrate my birthday tomorrow?” She looked up at Fernando, as he stare at her confusedly, “tomorrow? Your birthday is not until next month, are you sure you want to celebrate your birthday tomorrow?”
“Yes!” She said too quickly, “I mean yes, papá. I would very much like to celebrate my birthday tomorrow.”
Fernando was still a little bit confused, he somehow can’t figure out what’s going on inside his daughter’s head as to why she want’s to celebrate her birthday a month earlier.
“Okay no problem. I’ll be booking now the hotel, we can stay at Cap Rocat,” she nodded, “we’ll be leaving too tonight, so we can get there early.”
Right after the conversation with Fernando, Jullianna rushed towards the bedroom and began packing her stuff. She quickly sent a message to Sofia telling her that they will be in Mallorca and will be staying at the Cap Rocat hotel.
While she was in the middle of packing her things, a knock had interrupted Jullianna, “mi vida, I had invited Bianca and her parents to join us.” She let out an internal groan, which Fernando had failed to notice. Taking a deep breath and calming himself, “okay, papá.” He smiled proudly at his daughter, knowing that she’s trying to make an effort in getting to know her future mother…or so he thinks.
“It’s time for you as well to properly meet your abuelo and abuela, yeah?” Jullianna just nodded, “the wedding is in a few weeks, it doesn’t hurt to get to know your abuela and abuelo.” She just put up a thumbs up at his father, and leaving the room. Letting Jullianna continue packing her things in peace.
“Future mother my ass,” she groaned to herself, “sorry papá, but I’ll never see that witch as my mother.” At this point, she’s just throwing everything in her luggage without folding her clothes, “over my dead body. This better be all worth it, can’t believe I’m sacrificing my birthday celebration. But if it means that mamá and papá will be together again, so be it.”
This is gonna be a one hell of a week, and hoping that after all of the fiasco, her sanity is still intact.
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As you made your way to your private jet that was waiting for the three of you in the tarmac, you can’t help but feel your palms get sweaty due to the nervousness. After twelve whole years, you’re going back again to the place where everything had started and abruptly ended. Your mind is in haywire right now, thinking of what you would say to Fernando when you meet him again.
But it doesn’t have to be this hard, right? You’ll just swap the twins, and talk about visitation schedules. Now that the twins had met, it is not right if you would still keep them apart, besides you and Fernando shouldn’t be involved with each other anymore, you’re just simply doing this for the twins. After this has all been settled, you’ll be on your merry way again. Back to Singapore.
“Did you already speak to your papá?” You asked Sofia as you enter the jet, “uh yes! I talked go him before leaving the house. Papá said that he’s really anxious to see you.” This caused Jamie to chuckled silently, and Sofia locking eyes with her.
“He did?” You sat down at one of the seat, while both Jamie and Sofia sat in front of you, “anxious-nervous, like he’s dreading it or anxious excited like he’s looking forward to it?” A flight stewardess bad offered you a whiskey, but respectfully declined it. “No thank you.” You certainly don’t want to consume any alcohol right now.
“Anxious-excited, definitely!” Sofia and Jamie made eye contact again, and squinted at her, knowing that she’s definitely lying. “Papá said that he’ll meet us in Mallorca.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, “Mallorca? Where in Mallorca? It’s a big place.” There was a slight pause before Sofia managed to answer you, “he said he’ll meet us at the Cap Rocat hotel.”
“Alright.” You nodded and stood up from your seat to inform the captain that you’ll be redirecting the flight from Madrid to Mallorca, “I’ll just inform our captain that we’ll land in Mallorca instead.”
Once you were out of earshot, Jamie whispered to Sofia, “liar, liar, pants on fire.” She just raises a finger to her lips, motioning to Jamie that she needs to keep quiet. “Aunt Jamie, please don’t tell mamá.” Jamie just nodded and Sofia made her swear by doing a pinky promise.
“Okay, we are all set.” You sat back down on your seat.
As the jet began to exit the tarmac, you let out a deep breath. This is it, there’s no backing out. After twelve whole years, you’ll see and meet Fernando Alonso again—the man that you’ll always love and will drive you crazy.
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As soon as Jullianna and Fernando entered the entrance of the hotel, a painful screech had greeted them. Jullianna definitely know who the screech belongs to, and it belongs to the witch. She immediately rolled her eyes, and she’s not afraid for Bianca to see it, Jullianna had made it well known that she’s not fond of the woman, but always tried to hide it whenever Fernando is present.
Bianca rushed towards Fernando, as her parents was trailing right after her. Now, Jullianna may hate Bianca to the core, but she was not raised to be disrespectful, and greeted Bianca’s parents as a sign of respect for the older couple.
“Hi, darling!” Bianca greeted Fernando, kissing him on the lips. Jullianna was disgusted at the action, “mommy, daddy, this is my fiancée and the love of my life, Fernando Alonso.” Bianca said as she introduced Fernando to her folks, “and this is his adorable daughter, Sofia, who we can all thank for bringing us together this week! This entire get together was all her idea.” Bianca pinched Jullianna’s cheek a little too hard, and swatted it away hardly, causing Bianca to flinch and immediately removed her hands from Jullianna’s cheeks.
Her father bent down to Jullianna’s level and spoke, “¿cómo estás, hija? He oído nada más que cosas maravillosas sobre ti.” Fernando just beamed at you when he heard what Bianca’s father had said. You just smiled at her father and thanked him, not really in the mood to have a conversation.
“Now that pleasantries had been exchanged, why don’t we all go up to our respective rooms, freshen up, then meet for lunch?” Bianca spoke, “sounds good, I had made a reservation for us at Quadrat.” Fernando replied, making Biance smile.
“Sounds perfect!” She cheered, “while we’re at it, want to checkout the honeymoon suit? I bet it’s to die for!” He just smiled at her, “why don’t we check it later, yes? We’ll head up to our hotel room first.” Bianca just nodded and kissed Fernando on the cheeks, winked at him and walked away.
Jullianna was so caught up that he didn’t hear Fernando calling out for her, “Sofia.” She was busy peeking outside of the hotel, looking for any indication of your arrival, “mi vida, what are you looking out there for?”
She snapped her attention back to her father and just shrugged, “nothing.”
Jullianna followed Fernando to their hotel room, and hoped that you and Sofia would arrive in time.
The hotel was gorgeous, you were struck with it’s beauty. You’re happy the Mallorca was still the same last time you had visited, there were a few new establishments, but nonetheless it’s still the same. You walked up to the receptionist and confirmed your reservation, she handed you the key and thanking her.
You turned back your attention to Sofia, she was busy looking around, “sweetheart, let’s go to our room and freshen up,” she didn’t seem to hear you the first time. “Sofia, come on darling.” Jamie had tapped Sofia gently, giving her a nod in thanks.
“Oh, I’m sorry mamá!” She quickly followed you, with Jamie trailing behind her. “Is your papá already here? Since you were busy looking around.”
“Oh uh, I’m not sure.” You sighed, “okay, please update me as soon as your papá is already here, okay? The sooner we get this done, the sooner we can go back to our respective lives, with a new visitation agreements and everything.”
The moment you entered your hotel room, you threw yourself on the bed, putting an arm over your face, sighing. Jetlag is already starting to hit you. “Lunch is almost approaching, why don’t you guys freshen up?” You sat up, “where do you want to eat lunch?”
Jamie had chimed in, since she had been to Mallorca plenty of times. While you, you only went here one time, and that was years ago…with Fernando. “How about we eat at Quadrat? I’ve been there before, and the food was amazing!” She smiled, “okay, Quadrat is it! Go freshen up, darling.” You turned to Sofia.
While Jamie was in the bathroom freshening up, Sofia gently went to you and sat down on the bed while you were unpacking some new fresh set of clothes to change on, “mamá,” you stopped what you were doing and looked at Sofia softly, “yes, sweetheart.” Smiling. Sofia thought that she should come out clean, and tell you everything.
“Papá…” you urged her, “papá’s getting married.”
Your smile faltered at what Sofia just said. “Oh. I see…getting married…” you chuckled, continuing on unpacking your things. Sofia whined, “she’s awful mamá! We can’t let him go through it!” Sighing, you sat down beside her.
“Baby, there’s nothing we can do.” You gently tucked some of Sofia’s hair behind her ears and smiled, “your papá is a grown man. Capable of deciding whom he wants to marry…besides, how can you assume something about someone who you haven’t even met yet.” You gently poke her sides, causing Sofia to squirm.
“Mamá, you don’t understand. Even if I haven’t met the woman, she’s all wrong for papá!” Sofia sighed exasperatedly, “and the only way that Jullianna and I came up for him not to marry that hideous woman…is if he sees you again.” She lied down on the bed, covering her face.
“You two are trying to fix me up with your papá.” You gently removed Sofia’s hand on her face, “why not? You two are perfect for each other. You two had always been perfect for each other, a match made in heaven.” It somehow made you happy that your twin would still think about it. But twelve years had already gone by, if you and Fernando would’ve been a match made in heaven, none of all these things would have happened. The divorce wouldn’t have happened.
“Nonesense, Sofia.” You shrugged off what Sofia had said and stood from the bed, “up you go. You need to freshen up, we have a reservation in the restaurant. Let’s not keep them waiting.” Completely dismissing everything, you returned back to what you were doing. You are not in the mood to talk about the past, it was called past for a reason.
When everyone was done freshening up, you turned your attention to both Jamie and Sofia. “Okay, before we leave this hotel room, let me say this loud and clear,” you sighed, “Fernando Alonso and I no longer have anything in common. I don’t care that he’s marrying someone soon.” What you had said made Jamie looked at Sofia, and Sofia looking back at her, “I want you and Jullianna to explain to your papá that I am here for one purpose only. That is to switch you and Jullianna back and talk about new visitation agreements. Now that it’s settled, let’s do what we have to do and be done with it. Understood?” Sofia nodded in agreement. Even if you had said everything in your normal tone, it is hard to hide the fact that you were a little bit angry at the turn of events.
Arriving at the the lobby you left the hotel room key at the receptionist. “It’s not very far from the hotel, just a walking distance.” Jamie said, “that’s good! I don’t think I can handle anymore riding cars. I need some fresh air! Everything had felt stuffy.” You replied.
You grabbed Sofia’s hand gently as the three of you walked the streets of Mallorca, getting a good dose of vitamin d and a fantastic view of the ocean. When you arrived at the restaurant, the waiter directly sat you at your table, and gave you the menus to choose from. The service in the restaurant was quick since it’s not peak hours, and after fifteen minutes of waiting, your food was already served, and you three began enjoying the delicious meal.
You were enjoying your meal in silence, not really in the mood to chat from the discussion you and Sofia had back in the hotel room and how tired you were from the long flight from Singapore. “Mamá,” Sofia began, “are you nervous?” You looked at her confusedly.
“Why would I be nervous?” You replied, and continued eating. Jamie just motioned Sofia not to continue, it’s best not to trigger again your pent up anger and nervousness when you had already calmed down. “Nothing mamá, it’s nothing.” You nodded.
Sofia had already finished her meal, when she turned her attention to the entrance of the restaurant. In came Jullianna and Fernando. Her eyes immediately widened when her and Jullianna’s eyes met. You were seated where your back was facing the entrance, so you didn’t saw Jullianna and Fernando entering the restaurant since your were engrossed in a conversation with Jamie.
However, your attention was grabbed by the people that had entered the restaurant since there was a bit of commotion, you turned around discreetly, and saw the face that you never thought you would see again in your life. Quickly grabbing your purse, you pulled out your credit card, “I’ll just go to the restroom to freshen up. Darling, why don’t you get the bill?” You handed Sofia your credit card and gently stood up.
You had never walked so fast in your life. It is not how you envisioned with your mind in seeing Fernando again after twelve years—Fernando Alonso all wrapped up in another woman’s arms. Yeah, not exactly the scenario you had in mind at all. Despite of being divorced already, you can’t help but felt a little hurt with what you had seen. Trying to convince yourself that everything is okay, that you’re both single and free to date whomever you want…but the truth of it all, is that you never really got over Fernando. No siree. No matter how much Jamie introduce you to other guys, you’d somehow always find a way to ruin it and compared them to Fernando.
A little bit of tears had already been threatening to escape from your eyes, but you held it in. “Damn it, Fernando. Twelve years and you still have me falling for you like an idiot in love.” You said to yourself quietly.
Fernando glanced around to check the restaurant, that is until he spotted you, getting up from your table and quickly walking towards the restroom. A waiter passes in front of you, blocking you from his view. He didn’t want to lose sight of you, so he went after you, not hearing Jullianna’s voice calling out for him to look out. “Papá watch out!” Jullianna covered her eyes to avoid witnessing what was about to happen.
Fernando tripped on the floor’s carpet, and crashing onto a waiter that was carrying a big tray that contained food and drinks. The commotion had you turning around and stopping your tracks, only to see a man getting up from the floor, and recognizing that the man turned out to be…Fernando.
You let out a gasped and put a hand over your mouth. Fernando pulled himself up from the floor, his suit was soaking wet from the drinks that had been spilled all over him, the gash on his cheek bleeding from how the tray had hit him. He certainly wasn’t happy about what had just happened, but he helped the waiter, and apologized, promising to pay for the damages that he had caused.
He slowly walked up to you. “Fernando, hello…long time no see,” you breathed, “please try not to go crazy.”
“A little late for that advice, don’t you think?” Fernando chuckled, “what is going on? I haven’t seen or heard from you in twelve years and suddenly you’re popping up everywhere I look.” Before you could answer Fernando, Jullianna, the real Julliana had appeared beside you.
“Papá, I can explain why she’s here.” She began, “Sofia, you know who she is?” He looked at Jullianna confused, and she just nodded. “Yes, papá I know her, and actually, I’m not Sofia.” She trailed.
“I am.” Sofia, the real Sofia. Fernando looks from Jullianna to Sofia, then back to Jullianna again, until he finally looked at you. He’s beyond speechless. “Both of them? Jullianna…Sofia…”
“I guess you and mom still had that connection after all these years.” Sofia nodded in agreement, “You two had ended sending the both of us to the same camp. Sofia and I both met and the whole thing kind of just spilled out.” Jullianna had removed the part where they got in trouble during the camp, last thing they want to do is the both of you getting angry at them.
It seems like Fernando was still processing everything, “they decided to switch places on us, Fernando.” You softly said, “wait a minute. You mean I’ve had Jullianna all this time?” He was speechless.
Jullianna nodded, “I wanted to know what you were like and Sofia wanted to get to know mom.” She explained, “are you angry?” It took a while before everything sink in, then Fernando takes Jullianna into his arms, hugging her tightly.
“Mi vida, of course not.” He broke the hug, kneeling down to Jullianna’s level, “it’s just…I can’t believe that it’s you. The last time I saw you, you had diaper rash…and now, look at you.” Fernando caressed Jullianna’s cheeks softly.
“I’m quite grown up now, and without a father.” Jullianna had emphazised the word ‘father’, making Fernando chuckle lightly, “and I’m on my way to being a crazy mixed-up teenage years. I’ll be the only girl I know without a mother to fight with.” Sofia chimed in.
Fernando was still trying to put everything together, having a bit of hard time grasping everything that has been happening, “Sofia, you have been in Singapore all this time?” She nodded, “come here mi chiquitín.” He pulled Sofia softly towards him, hugging her tightly as well.
“Mamá’s amazing, papá.” Sofia broke the hug, “I don’t understand why you ever let her go.” She added, causing Fernando to smile lightly.
“Girls, why don’t you let your papá and I talk for a couple of minutes, okay?” Both of them took off, and you guided Fernando back to your table. “I hope you still remember my best friend, Jamie.” He nodded, acknowledging Jamie’s presence.
“I’ll excuse myself for a while, so you two can have your privacy. I’ll be watching over the twins for the meantime.” Jamie said smiling, as she stood up from the table and went looking for the twins.
A waiter had passed by in front of your table, you had managed to get the waiter’s attention and asked for a towel and first aid kit. “I can’t believe this. Seeing them together…I, how are you, mi amor?” The nickname had you in stupor, “I’m so sorry,” Fernando apologized the way how he called you. “No, no. It’s fine…I’ve been terrific, how about you?” He just chuckled, “well, I’ve had better day.” Fernando touches his cheeks, and winced at the small wound that he earned from the disaster minutes ago.
Just in time, the waiter had arrived with the first aid and towel in hand. Thanking him, you put down the first aid kit on the table and gave Fernando the towel, “let me help you with that.” You brought your chair near him so that you can tend to his wound, “how is your dad? Still sneaking those stogies?” He said as he looked up to you. “Every single day.” You exchanged smiles.
Fernando was just staring at you while you tend to to his wound, “I can’t believe you still haven’t changed at all…” he trailed off, “you thought that maybe I’d be fat and grey?” You chuckled, “well, not grey…ouch!” He winced.
“There you are!” A voice had caught both of you and Fernando’s attention, “I just talked to the manager and one second you’re already gone…” Bianca stopped midway as she saw you and Fernando so close enough to be kissing, and was taken aback. There was also a sudden realization in her face the moment she saw who you were. “Oh my god, you are Y/N Young…” she was looking back and forth at you and Fernando, “I don’t understand, how did you two meet…and why are you drenched?” She turned to Fernando.
There was a silence, no one had answered Bianca. “This is one small world…” Fernando trailed off, “how small?” Theres was a bit of anger in her eyes, but Bianca had kept her composure.
Sofia had witnessed the scene from a distance, and decided to intervene. She couldn’t stay still, so she walked away before Jamie can stop her, with Jullianna following suit.
“Hola, Bianca.” Sofia had greeted Bianca, “hello,” she held back. “Hello.” Jullianna chimed in, waving a hand at Bianca, causing to scream seeing the two of them.
“Did I ever mentioned to you that Sofia was a twin?” Bianca was at loss for words, “no, as a matter of fact, you didn’t. Two of them?! How fabulous.” She can handle one child alone, but now that she found at that there are two of them, she has to rethink of a new plan how to get rid of them both.
“Oh don’t feel bad, Bianca!” Sofia said, “papá never mentioned it to me either. Imagine my suprise,” she made a fake surprised expression. “By the way, I’m the real Sofia, and this is my twin, Jullianna. She was just pretending to be me while I was in Singapore pretending to be her. This is our mamá, Y/N Young.” She added as Sofia introduced you to Bianca, “by the way papá, I want to legally change my name to Sofia Young-Alonso.” Sofia smiled cheekily.
Bianca looked at you incredulously, as if you had just offended her. “This-this is your mother?” The twins just nodded, “you were married to Fernando Alonso?” She turned to you. “Guilty,” you raised both of your hands in surrender, “well this is a small world. What a coincidence that we are all here on the exact same weekend.” Her smile tightened.
“Well it’s not really a coincidence.” You softly smiled, “the children arranged it so their papá and I could work out the custody situation.” Bianca looked at the twins and they were just smiling at her, further pissing her off.
Later that night, the twins had organized a family dinner, it will be just you, Fernando, and them. The four of you are already together, so why not make the most of it.
As Fernando was fixing his suit and tie in front of the mirror, Bianca was sitting at the bed, clearly looking unhappy when Fernando had said that he’ll be going to dinner tonight with you and the twins.
“I’m sorry, I just don’t see why you need to go on a dinner with your ex-wife.” Bianca said, “why couldn’t you just meet her in the lobby, discuss the custody situation, shake hands and say good bye? I’ll exactly tell you why, it’s because your daughters do not want me to marry you!”
Fernando just sighed. “You know that’s not true.” But she just rolled her eyes at him, “it’s true! They see me like I’m some kind of evil stepmother. Trust me, Fernando, I’m not being paranoid. I swear, those girls have something up on their sleeves.” For sure Fernando didn’t have to deal with anything like this with you.
“Bianca, calm down. The girls have never had a meal with both of their parents their entire lives, how could I say no?” She stood up, “I told you to let me represent you on all your negotiations, didn’t I?” By now, Fernando is being fed up with this conversation.
“I need to get to dinner.” Bianca had managed to grab Fernando by his wrist, “but Fernando, what am I supposed to do while you are gone?” She whined. “I don’t know, what the television and order some food? I’ll be back before you know it.” Fernando was able to pry off Bianca and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
Fernando and Sofia, both dressed to the nines, are already waiting by the entrance of the hotel for you and Jullianna. “Sofia, mi vida, I already had enough surprises for the day. Why don’t you just tell me where we are going, yes?” Sofia just shake her head no, refusing to tell him. “It will be ruined if I tell you anything, papá. But trust me, you’re going to love it!” She said excitedly.
Just then, you and Jullianna came out of the hotel, thanking the staff for opening the door for the both of you. You are wearing a gorgeous black dress that was recommended by Jamie. Fernando was trying not to admire you too openly.
“Hey,” he softly greeted you. “Hi…so do you know where they will be taking us?” You smiled, “I tried, but Sofia won’t crack.” This just caused you both to laugh.
“Okay, now you both need to put these on. You can take them off once we arrive at the destination.” Sofia handed both of you a blindfold, “we’re going in that limo?” Fernando’s face contorted into a confusion, wondering where and how did the twins managed to pull off a limo. “You want me to drive?” Sofia sassed, and he just surrendered.
You’re not very keen on your sight be taken away, you had unconsciously grabbed Fernando’s hand. Smiling to himself, he just squeezed your hand gently. It was a twenty minute drive when you had arrived at the destination, the twins got out first and guided the two of you out of the limo.
“You can now take them off.” Jullianna said in excitement.
As you take off your blindfolds, you gasped and your eyes widened as you look ahead and saw an exquisite 150 foot yacht, all lit up and bobbing gently at the waves of the sparkling bay.
“Surprise!” Both of the twins said, “she’s ours for the night.” Jullianna said. “And how exactly are we paying for her?” Fernando directed his gaze at Jullianna, “well…we had a little bit of help from grandpa…” she trailed off.
You and Fernando just exchanged a quizzical look and followed the girl towards the entrance of the yacht, where a uniformed Captain welcomes all of you aboard. Sofia had led you all to the deck, where there is a candle-lit table that is set for two in the middle of the dining room. You can see the entire view of the vast Mediterranean sea, lit by the yacht’s twinling lights.
“Why is the table only set for two?” Fernando questioned, “that’s the other part lf the surprise! Jullianna and I won’t be joining you tonight.” They both smiled cheekily, “you’re not?” You asked, while the twins just just shook their heads.
The twins disappeared at the deck and a man dressed in ship’s steward, in tropical white had entered. “Good evening, sir and madam. I’ll be your server for tonight.” Fernando had pulled your chair out for you to seat down, thanking him. “May I both offer you a champagne?” Fernando nodded, as the ship’s steward pour each of your glass a champagne.
There was a comforting silence, “you know, it’s incredibly sweet for them to do this.” You said, chuckling. “It is very sweet, indeed.” Fernando just smiled at you.
As the yacht sailed, a soft wind blowed in your hair, and this had made Fernando stare at you lovingly. But before he further get lost in your beauty, he lift his glass for a toast. “Well then, here’s to…” you lifted your own glass as you finished his sentence, “our daughters.” It was not exactly what Fernando had in mind, but okay. “To our daughters.”
The twins had decided to sneak a peak at you and Fernando, and they are happy that to see that you two are toasting.
“You know,” Fernando began. “I always see you in Sofia, something about her eyes reminds me of you.” He chuckled. “That’s funny, because I had always seen you in Jullianna, the way she smiles completely resembles you when you smile.”
There was an awkward moment as you both sip your champagne. Glancing by the deck’s entrance, the twins had drop out of sight when you both had caught them taking a peak, and this had just caused you to giggle.
“They turned out pretty good, huh?” Fernando smiled. “We’ve been lucky.” You smiled back at him.
“Sometime, if we’re ever really alone, maybe we could talk about…what happened between us.” Fernando stared directly at you, and you are holding yourself from melting. Those eyes, it always does something to you, it makes you weak on the knees. But what can you do? Fernando always had a beautiful eyes. “It all feels a bit hazy to me now, it ended so fast.”
“It started so fast.” You softly said, “now that part I remember perfectly.” He chuckled.
“So…you’ve done incredibly well. I didn’t know that you’re back in F1.” Fernando smirked at you, “I see that you’re still updated about me, eh?” You nearly spit your champagne, “I am not! You know very well that my father is still one of the major sponsors in one of the teams, and he would tell me all this stuff every once in a while. So don’t you go assuming things.” You said defensively and he just laughed at you.
“I’m just kidding, no need to be all defensive on me.” He smiled, “yeah, I’m back in F1. But enough about me, how about you? I hear that you’re big name in fashion, exactly what you wanted to do…that is pretty impressive. Always thought that you’ll be running the family business.” You just smiled at him, “yeah. Well, the thing about running the family business is still open. Maybe in a couple of years, I’ll take charge. Dad is still handling the business like it has always been. It’s pretty amazing that we both ended up where we wanted to be…” you trailed off. “We did.”
The ship’s steward enters, carrying two bowls of soup and placed it in front of you, and left right after. “So what do we do about the girls?” You pondered, “I guess now that they’ve met, you can’t expect them to be apart of each other…I could keep them half the year and you could-“ before you can finish what you’re saying, Fernando had cut you off. “They can’t go to two schools every year, y/n.” You nodded, “okay, I can keep them for a whole year, and then you could-“ he cut you off again. It’s like every time you suggest something, he cuts you off.
“Listen, y/n. This is why we both came up with the solution we have right now.” You looked at him intently, “really? I thought it was because we decided to never see each other again.” Fernando just frowned at you, “not we, y/n.”
“You know, that part has become a bit hazy for me as well over the years.” You said as you start your soup, “you don’t remember the day you packed?”
“Oh no, I remember that day very perfectly. Did I hurt you when I threw that hair dryer? I’ve often wondered.” Fernando rubbed his shoulder in an impulse, “yes, it did hurt. So how come you never got married again? I’ve always figured by now that you’d be remarried with a new family.” You nearly choked on your soup and grabbed a tissue.
“Me? Getting remarried? No…no, no…no.” He chuckled at your reaction, “that’s a lot of no’s.” You sighed, “that’s because I realized that marriage is not for me. Jamie did help me set up a few dates, but I always ended up ruining it.”
There was a beat of silence again. “You know, this may be the only time that I’ll get to be alone with you, so I’m throwing everything out in the open.” He sighed, “about the day you packed, why did you do it?”
“Fernando…” you looked at him softly, “we were getting along so badly, we both had tempers, and ended up saying things that hurts us. So I packed my things and left, catch the first flight home, and you didn’t even come after me.” That night when you and Fernando had a big argument, you had enough and just packed up, grabbed Jullianna, leaving him.
“I didn’t know I was supposed to.” He responded quietly. “Well, any of it doesn’t matter now. Let’s just put on a good front for the kids, and get this show on the road, shall we?” Fernando couldn’t do anything but just nod, “yeah, you’re right.”
Both of you ate the food in silence, no one bothered speaking right after that conversation. Fernando would make small talks with you, but you’ll just end up answering all straight to the point, no chance of him prolonging the conversation.
Last night’s dinner was full of silence, you and Fernando weren’t able to talk about the custody, and today is the day that you and Jullianna were flying back to Singapore. It has been silently agreed upon that both of your respective lawyers will just handle everything. You had been missing meetings left and right if you prolong this situation, you needed to fly back to Singapore.
You gave the twins some time to say theid goodbyes in the hotel room while you’re at the fromt desk, signing the bill. After signing the bill, you give your thanks to the bellman and left him a hefty tip.
“Alright, we are all set! Where’s Jullianna?” You turned to Jamie, “she just texted me, she and Sofia are on the way down.” Just then, Fernando arrived in the lobby, without Bianca. But you couldn’t care less.
“Okay, so I’ll uh, send Sofia to you over christmas.” You nodded, “and I’ll see that Jullianna spends easter with you.”
The twins came out of the elevator, dressed identical to each other, making it hard to tell who’s who. This made you and Fernando looked at each other, “this one’s Sofia, I’m sure of it.” He said as he grabs Jullianna, and Sofia just grinned. “I hope you’re right, papá. You don’t wanna send the wrong kid all the way back to Singapore.” Fernando looked at you, silently asking for help.
“Okay, here’s our proposition. We go back to papá’s house, pack our stuff and the four of us go on a camping trip.” The twins smiled, “camping? The four of us? Girls, don’t do this to me right now. I had enough headache as it is.” You sighed as you put a hand on your forehead, “or you do as I say and I take one of you back with to Singapore, whether you like it or not.”
It was two against one, and in the end, everything was pushed back, since your powers did not work against the twins. All of your appointments were rescheduled, and Jamie had to return to Singapore since her company needed her. It appears that just you and Jullianna will be returning to Singapore following the twins' desired camping excursion. You decided to accept everything since there was no point in resisting, and before long, you were headed back to Fernando's house. All you can do is hope that everything goes as planned.
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@pear-1206 , @hc-dutch , @llando4norris , @issi-loves-dannyric , @gaypoetsblog , @timmychalametsstuff
271 notes · View notes
ninii-winchester · 3 months
I don’t wanna live forever
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Pairing : Demon!Dean X Reader
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: angst, demon dean, violence, language. Unedited
Been sitting eyes wide open behind these four walls, hoping you'd call
It's just a cruel existence like there's no point hoping at all
Baby, baby, I feel crazy, up all night, all night and every day
Y/n knew Dean getting the Mark of Cain was the most stupidest thing he's ever done, taking into consideration that he's Dean Winchester and he's done plenty of stupid in his life. Part of her wants to strangle Crowley for getting him into that mess but part of her knew that Dean would've done whatever it'd take to take down Abbadon. She didn't think it'd bring them here to this day where Dean would turn into a demon and leave the bunker for good. He's with Crowley and God knows where.
A knock on the door breaks her away from her thoughts. She looks up to see Sam standing in the doorway.
"Glaring at the walls of his room won't bring him back Y/n." He said sympathetically. He knew she was hurting as much as he was. After-all they both love Dean.
"What am I supposed to do, Sam." She sounded defeated. "I've tried calling him a thousand times and he doesn't answer."
"We're doing the best we can and we will bring him back, you know that." Sam replied walking towards her and sitting on the bed. "You know we always do." 
"Part of me thinks he doesn't want to come back, its like there's no point hoping." She felt herself tear up. "The mark is overpowering him."
"Hey don't think about it. Our Dean is still in there. We'll bring him back." Sam looked at her face. She looked tired. "Y/n you haven't slept in days. You should get some rest."
I don't wanna live forever, 'cause I know I'll be living in vain
And I don't wanna fit wherever
I just wanna keep calling your name until you come back home
It's been days since Dean left and Y/n has had enough. She knows Sam's been torturing demons to find out Dean and Crowley's location but she can't just sit around anymore. She'll do whatever it takes to find him even if it's illegal. She opens up her laptop and hacks into the traffic signal camera's all over the country. She runs a facial recognition of Dean's face and the Impala's license plate. She crossed her fingers hoping it does it thing soon because the longer she stays on the site the more risk she's at getting into trouble. Although the bunker is untraceable they can't afford the feds on their ass.
The screen loads successfully and she jumps in happiness. The Impala last crossed a traffic signal three towns over. She didn't know when Sam would return so she didn't wait for him. She quickly changed into her Fed suit and drove towards her destination.
Knowing Dean, he's probably at some bar, she shortlisted the bars across that town and hoped she'd find him in one of those. She visited two bars and much to her dismay he hadn't been there. However at the third bar, she didn't find him but she found a clue.
"That man? Yeah he was here a few hours ago, got into fight with another guy. Beat him to a pulp so had to kick him out." The bartender said while cleaning the countertop.
"Any idea where he went?" She asked with hope.
"There's another bar ten minutes from here, you can check there." She tipped the man, thanking him for his help.
"Agent." He called out behind her, she turned to him, "be careful out there, that man's feral." She nodded and left
the place.
She walked in the inside the bar and it was almost empty considering it's pretty early in the day. She noticed a figure sitting at the bar top and immediately recognised him.
"Dean." She called out softly. He turned to look at her but then he turned again focusing on his drink. She said his name again and moved towards him but was stopped by an annoyingly familiar voice.
"Oh Vixen found her Squirrel. Didn't bring Moose along?" The voice spoke in a Scottish accent.
"Fuck off Crowley." She replied glaring at the man in the black suit.
"You wound me, darlin." He sassed. "Dean doesn't wanna go back so why can't you two blithering idiots.... LET HIM GO."
"I'm not fucking around here." She pulled out her gun pointing it at him, she removed the safety. "Let me talk to him. Alone."
"Your guns don't work on me." He replied smugly.
"I wouldn't be so sure." She challenged, knowing she'd carved the devils trap into the bullets. She knew she'd never have the heart to use it on Dean but Crowley is a different matter. The short man rolled his eyes and poofed away. She made her way towards Dean and sat beside him.
"Dean.." she said his name ever so softly just the way she always did. He didn't even turn to look her continuing to pour drink after drink in his glass. "Baby, let's go home." She moved her hand to put on top of his. He raised his brow at the gesture.
"I'm telling you this once. Leave." Dean moved his hand away and looked at her. No trace of a smile on his face, the smile she had come to love.
"No, I won't leave here without you. Come back home." She partially begged. "I don't wanna live without you, Dean. Please come home with me."
He stood up, his laugh resonating through the empty bar. She looked at him, hurt written all across her face. She knew this wasn't her Dean but seeing him act this way didn't hurt any less. She walked right in front of him as he stopped laughing.
"What's funny huh?" Anger bubbled inside her.
"Oh nothing." He shrugged, an evil smile appeared on his face. "You said you wouldn't leave here without me, yeah?" He asked rhetorically circling around her. "And you said you can't live without me either." He paused, dramatically thinking for a second.
"How about I kill you then, right here, right now." He said stopping in front of her with a blade knife. "It'll be so much fun, for me." Y/n took a deep breath, her gun clutched in her hand tightly. "For you though..." he drawled with a chuckle.
"I don't wanna hurt you Dean." She replied.
"I don't think you can, even if you want to." Dean smirked evilly. "Last chance. Leave."
"I'm not going anywhere." She said. "Not without you."
"I'm gonna have so much fun." Dean scoffed before he grabbed her by the neck, choking her. She tried pushing his hand away but she was having a hard time. She kicked him the stomach making him loosen his grip but not completely let go. He threw the against the bar top, she groaned as fell. Her gun falling from her hand.
"This isn't you Dean." She coughed getting up.
"I told you to leave." Dean threw a punch but she moved out of way and his hand smashed a bottle. She punched him the jaw and he recoiled. He pushed her to ground and straddled her waist. He pinned her arms above her head in one of his hands, immobilising her.  The mark on his arm itched and he brought the knife to her throat. He pressed it and watched as blood trickled down the column of her neck.
"Do it." She said looking at him.
"I'll take my time with it." Dean replied smugly. Her scratched her cheek with the blade. He then moved it down to her collarbone and she screamed in pain. His lips formed into a sinister smile.
Y/n took a deep breath. She wasn't sure if Dean forgot that she mostly fights with her legs or was it his cocky demonic self that made him leave her legs completely unattended. She brought her legs upwards and hooked her them around his waist, catching him off guard and flipping him off her. That seemed to have pissed him off. 
She made a run for her gun but he was able to slash her side before she got her hands on the weapon. She gasped, her right hand touching the wound while she gripped her gun in her left.
"You're pathetic, you know you can't win yet you try so hard." Dean growled closing in on her. "But now I'm bored." He grabbed her left arm and twisted it until a crack was heard. She screamed as the gun fell from her hand. He picked it up and pointed at her head. He pulled the trigger without even blinking.
Y/n blinked as she felt herself being moved from her place. And then she heard a gunshot. Turns out Crowley moved her last minute before Dean fired. She watched Dean wide eyed, unable to process that he was going to kill her. She's alive not because he didn't want to kill her but because Crowley intervened.
"Why did you-" she barely let out but Crowley had disappeared but this time with Dean.
I'm sitting eyes wide open and I got one thing stuck in my mind
Wondering if I dodged a bullet or just lost the love of my life
Back at the Bunker, Y/n had her arm in a cast, the wound on her side stitched up and bandages all over her. She had taken painkillers for the physical pain but she doesn't know how to sooth her hollow heart.
She laid on Dean's bed and stared at the ceiling, unmoving. A knock resonated at the door and it opened a few seconds later.
"If you're here to tell me I was stupid and reckless. Save it." She said without removing her eyes from the ceiling.
"I know you just wanted him back." Sam replied.
"He's gone, Sam." A tear slipped from her eye. She sat up and looked at the younger Winchester "He wasn't my Dean." Before she knew her body shook and sobs escaped her lips. "Makes me wonder if I dodged the bullet or just lost the love of my life."
Sam sat beside her and wrapped his arm around her as much as he could without hurting her. "After everything that's happened, you still?" Sam trailed off not knowing how to continue.
"I told you Sam he wasn't my Dean. My Dean would rather die than hurt me. Of course I love him." She whispered in his chest. "It hurts to think of what he's become, so much more than these wounds could ever hurt."
"Dean's lucky you chose him. I'm sure he'll agree when he comes back." Sam assured her. "I won't give up on him. He's my brother. I'll bring him back for you. For us." Sam promised and he hoped he could keep that promise.
Part 2
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luvrdrop · 3 months
# “ WATCH YOU “ !!
ft. izana kurokawa x afab! reader smut
synop: izana had seen you walking and became infatuated with you to say the least, but when you get home late once night and have a surprise waiting.. what will you do?
cont: stalking! dub-con! pussy eating ( with panties on as well ) , cursing, reader passing out during sex, izana still fucks her, forced eye contact , spanking, squirting, reader submits to izana because she is affection deprived! , no clear aftercare!,
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it really wasn’t supposed to go this far. he swears it wasn’t. he had seen you walking down the street from your house heading to what he guessed to be a small convenience store down the street. he layed eyes on you and that’s when he felt it, that burning in his chest. you were beautiful, once it started he couldn’t stop it.
5:47 pm
“ yeah, kenny.. “ you responded to your best friend over the phone, as you heard him walking into his home. you were down the street from your own home, you had a car but you liked walking. you walked almost everywhere. once you made it your apartment, you opened your mailbox and you instantly freaked out. “ what the actual fuck… ? “ you whispered to yourself. “ what’s wrong, y/n? “ draken had asked you, hearing your distraught curse. “ nothing, i seen something, i’m just tired. “ you said, lying. you were actually freaking out because for the past three days, you had been getting really weird mail in your box. the first day it was a love letter, you were scared to open it because you didn’t have any clue what it might have said. the second day, it was a box of chocolate. and now today, the roses.. a very pretty bright bouquet of red roses.
when you got in your apartment, you locked your door. and headed to your kitchen, laying the roses onto the counter. you lived alone, and you only knew a handful of people.. so who would be sending you roses? and why? you had been getting this feeling that you may have been being watched but you brushed it off, blaming it on the few scary movies you had watched with your homeboys recently. but now it was getting a little weird. “ y/n? “ you heard your friend call your name. you were zoned out and he had been calling out for you. “ oh, my bad. what’s up kenny? “ you asked while heading to your room. he chuckled, “ are you still coming to the meeting tomorrow? “ he reminded you that you had made plans to go to the meeting tomorrow, but now, you were a bit paranoid to go anywhere. “ i’ll see if i finish this work up in time, i’ll pull through. hey kenny, i’ll call you right back. “
pulling your headphone out of your ear, you took a deep breath. “ what is really going on? “ you asked yourself. was there really someone stalking you.. watching you? the thought was terrifying. you had never been through anything like that before. and what could help you figure it out…wait, the letter. maybe it can give you some type of lead on who was sending all that shit to your house. you went to the living room and looked on the tv stand seeing the cream colored envelope with the red heart on it. you open it and read the paper that was inside.
“ hello, i just want to tell you how stunningly beautiful and perfect you are. i hope i get to see you soon, mahal. “
your eye twitched as you read the words on the paper, “ mahal? “ what even did that mean? who wrote you this? it was no help at all, you were still as lost as before if not even more. you sighed, placing the letter back in the envelope and putting it right back where you had it. you decided to leave it alone for tonight, making you way back to your room grabbing your laptop. your work would keep the fear off your back. little did you know, while you were working with music blasting inside your ears from your earbuds, deep purple eyes lurked from the left side of your bedroom window, watching you very quietly and closely. this went on for hours until you fell asleep with your laptop right open.
you woke up the next morning, jumping out of your sleep with a gasp. you were trying to catch your breath, snatching the earbuds out and placing your hands on your chest. “ what the hell.. “ you coughed out, you had a dream where you were running down a dark street, pitch black almost hearing something chasing you with this.. evil laugh. you shook your head, trying to dissipate the sound out of your head. looking over, you see the clock it was 11:35 am. you had worked hard on your work last night and only had one more paragraph to do so you decided that you’d get up and go to the meeting with your friends. your friends were in a huge gang, once they realized how lonesome you were, they started inviting you to hang out with them after the meetings.
you grabbed your phone, dialing your bestfriend’s number. once he answered you placed him on speaker and sat the phone down, yawning while grabbing your toothbrush. “ good morning kenny.. “ you said, you and draken, or kenny as you called were very close. you met by quite literally bumping into him getting off the train one day in town. he was really sweet about it, he ended up bumping you again that same exact day in a convenience store. you two were inseparable ever since then, he grunted very sleepily “ good morning y/n.. “ he was falling back asleep, you furrowed your brows before questioning him, “ why aren’t you awake? you know i’ll be over there soon right? “ she finishes up brushing her teeth and washing her face. “ mhm.. i’ll be up.. “ you rolled your eyes, hearing the lies in his words.
after around an hour or so, you were showered, dressed, and ready to go to draken’s house. you were gonna walk to his house and ride to the meeting with him. he lived around ten minutes away, so you didn’t mind making that small trip. once you had everything you made your way out the door, something in you ushering to open the mailbox and check. you did and there was nothing. “ hm.. that’s not a bad thing i guess “ you closed it back and placed your hands in your pockets , en route to draken’s apartment. you only had one earbud in so you could still hear what was going on around you. the walk seemed kind of quick, you were already a block away from draken’s place. you picked up your pace to hurry and make it there an uneasy feeling settling in your stomach.
stupid little you, you had no clue that a white haired boy was walking right behind you. he was on the same foot as you, loving slower though. he wasn’t exactly doing anything, just walking behind. catching your sweet scent as the wind blew it right into his direction. he wanted to just hold you in his arms, never letting you go.. but he knew that sooner or later, you’d be his. he wasn’t too sure on how yet, but surely, you would belong to him. completely.
you knocked on draken’s door, and he opened it almost instantly making you jump a little bit. he noticed and frowned a little. “ you good, y/n? you made it fast, cmon. “ he let you in. and you nodded, “ m’ fine. i was zoned out. “ you answered. your friend was grabbing his keys and turned to you. “ you want anything before we head out? “ you shook your head, “ nah i’m good. “ he nodded before grabbing his toman jacket, tossing it to you. “ i can wear it? “ you looked up at him. “ nah, put it on your head. “ you slapped his arm, and put the jacket on over your tshirt. “ cmon. “ before you knew it, you were on the back of his motorbike, holding onto him so you didn’t fall or jump too much. the rides with draken were always fun, quiet but super fun.
once you made it to the building, you seen all your homeboys, they all said hey to you, waving and some of them coming up and hugging you. it started with baji, then kazutora, mitsuya, chifuyu, and the rest just stood around talking to you. “ where’s manjiro? “ you asked right before you heard the familiar voice. “ is that y/n? “ you smiled, before looking at your friend. “ hi, mikey. “ you laughed before walking up to him and nudging him. “ what’s up? you came to chill? “ he tilted his head. you nodded. after a while, the meeting started and you were sitting watching, the boys always handled what they needed to and then it was time to have fun. everyone stood around talking and having drinks, some eating some food. you found yourself standing in the corner with mikey, talking to him.
your intuition was nothing you ignored, so when your gut told you to ask this question. you did with no hesitation. “ mikey, do you know what.. mahal means? “ he turned his head , laughing. “ mahal? “ he repeated, sounding a bit more different than how you said it. “ that’s tagalog.. it means love. where’d you hear that? “ he’s curious now, but your heart sank when he explained. whoever wrote that note called you love.. in another language. you pretended like it was nothing and you just heard it somewhere but it was actually starting to freak you out. you decided to just have a good time and you would handle it later.
after about two and a half hours it was time to go, draken dropped you off at your house, you hopped off the bike and waved at him. “ bye kenny!! call me tomorrow!! “ you opened the door, slipping through it and closing it, you turned and locked the door. as soon as you started to turn around you felt a hot, very hot body against your own, it happened in the matter of seconds. a hand pressed agains your mouth, and your back pressed against what felt like a chest. the shriek you let out was loud, you started to panic. “ mahal.. “ you heard that damned word again from what sounded to be a male. you felt tears pool in your eyes and run down your face falling towards his hand. “ why are you crying.. “ he asked. you didn’t say anything, not that you could with his hand pressed against your lips.
how did he even get in here.. did you forget to lock the door or something? “ i’m not gonna hurt you.. i promise. “ he said sweetly, pressing his tongue flat against the shell of your ear, giving it a lick. you shivered at feeling.. he was strong so you didn’t bother to fight, thinking he’d possibly kill you if you tried to fight. “ mahal.. i just wanna make you feel good.. feel special. “ his body pressed more against yours, pressing you up against your own door. he licked and sucked at the skin under your ear, softly nibbling on you. you’re weak attempts to push him eventually, stopped as the feeling he gave you started to feel.. good. it was crazy. you had no idea who this was on what he looked like. “ i’m gonna move my hand.. if you scream.. i’m going to hurt you. okay? “ he snatched your head back to lean on his shoulder roughly. “ i asked you something.. “ your eyes closed as tears still fell from them. you were helpless against this man. you just nodded, letting out a small whimper. his hand found it’s way to your throat. “ s’good.. you smell amazing, baby.. mahal ko ito (i love it) “ you were still confused on why he was doing this if he didn’t even know you.
he ended up leading you to your own room and that scared you even more, he had to have been here way before you got back home to know his way through the house. he bends you over on your own bed. you cried out, “ please.. listen i don’t know why you’re doing this but i- ah! “ you shouted when you felt a stinging pain on your ass, “ i told you not to scream.. “ you feel him get even closer, he whispers in your ear, “ only i can hear you, mahal.. stop being so bad. i don’t wanna have to keep spanking you. “ he spoke very softly, but you could tell he was serious. he started to remove your pants and you cried softly, “ please.. “ you begged. he ignored your pleas and cries, sliding his arms under your thighs, flipping you over. and there he was.
those same purple eyes that watched you for three weeks, walking up and down your street, the eyes that watched you do your work and carelessly fall asleep with your laptop open, the eyes that watched you from aisles down at the convience store were now staring you back into yours. he was… beautiful. his made your breathing start to even out a little. the tears still sitting on the edge of your eyes as you watched every detail about him, he smirked. “ oh, stop looking at me like that.. you look like a sad kitten.. cmere. “ he pulled you closer by your thighs, you clenched your thighs together when he did so, but that earned you a fat red mark on your thigh. “ don’t. “ he wasn’t even looking at you at this point. his eyes were now focused on the way your panties were soaked, the darker spot covering the whole area of your pussy.
his white hair stuck to his forehead, he was sweating at this point, the way you twitched and grabbed at him but failed because of the grip he hand on your wrist, all you could do was cry out and whine. he was licking and sucking at your clit through your panties, watching you squirm and quiver at his actions. “ mahal.. you taste so sweet.. what’s wrong? “ he rubbed his thumb against your wrist in a soothing way, “ i won’t stop.. won’t stop until you pass out. promise. “ he smiled as he said it, lifting your panties from your pussy, he gave it a long lick, before placing his right hand down your abdomen, rubbing at your clit with his thumb, he was still watching you. “ you like it? “ he whispered, “ gusto mo ba? hm? (do you like it? hm?) “ he asked and you nodded your head .. “ yes.. “ izana laughed once again, finding it oh, so funny. he placed his lips around your clit once again. you almost screamed, but you remembered he told you not to. you heard the zipper of his pants coming down and you looked down, but he started to push you up and down, your hips making him switch from licking your clit and going into the cavern of your sex. this alone made you squirt all over his face.. he loved it. “ fuck.. you’re so dirty, baby.. “ he stood up and leaned over you, face wet with all of your essence, his earrings dangling over you as well. you looked down before he grabbed you by your throat once again, squeezing slightly.
“ look at me, mahal.. i’m right here.. “ you looked at him and before you could say anything, you felt his tip slowly entering your pussy. “ wait- oh shit- “ you heaved out. “ ah.. you have a potty mouth, baby.. hush.. “ he kisses your cheek, as he bottomed out into you, releasing one of the intoxicating moans in your ear. “ fuck- masikip.. (it’s tight..) “ izana groaned.. he pushed until his stomach was flat against yours, and he didn’t waste time either. he went fast, incredibly fast. “ f-fuckfuckfuck- “ you tried not to scream, izana was in your ear, moaning saying all types of lewd things both in english, and his native tongue. your eyes rolled to the back of your head, he chuckled in your ear before tapping the side of your face. “ wake up.. “ he kept going, not letting up or slowing down his speed. “ ah- baby.. i’m gonna cum if you keep squeezing me like this.. fuck.. “ izana started to squeeze your throat. “ i’m c-cumming!! oh god.. i’m cumming.. “ at this point your legs were in the air.. you chocked out that you were close and you came, you came everywhere. your juices leaking all over him, and yourself but he kept going even after you came, you gripped the back of your thighs, mouth hanging open and breath short. your head started to spin at this point.. you were at a lost of words for not only how he was fucking you. you still didn’t even know his name and he was fucking you like this.
this was about to be your third orgasm, you choked out again, “ fuck.. p-please… “ and izana looked down at you. “ what is it.. mahal? “ he spoke into your skin.. he was still fucking deep into you, what you didn’t know is that he had came once before as well, he never stopped fucking into you, the mixture leaking and pouring out of your hole as he choked you, fucking his load deep into you trying to bust another. “ please i- “ you felt your conscious lose you.. you passed out, legs and arms falling, that didn’t stop izana.. he kept fucking you until he came. he pulled out watching the milky white seed drip and pool from his cock and onto your tummy.
it took izana 10 minutes to clean you up, and place you under your sheets. he cleaned himself up as well, leaning down over you once he was dressed. “ i’ll see you soon, mahal. “ he kissed her forehead and disappeared into the night.
you woke up the next day with a banging headache. “ what the fuck.. “ you sat up wiping your eyes, you thought it all was a dream until you looked down and seen your pants were off.. and you seen another note right beside you.. you opened it, reading..
“ i loved make you feel so good, mahal. - izana. <3 “
…. izana was his name.
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kai:3- this was really fun to write i can’t lie xxx, i don’t really know toooo tooo much about izana, he’s such a cutie patootie though i really had fun writing for him!! i’ll def write for him again!! i think i’m going to do a chifuyu smut next, ( chifuyu & rindou have been melting my brain:333) buttt this was my second ask & dedicated to @yourefavsakura !! i really hope you enjoy this<3
©️luvrdrop <3 reblogs are appreciated!!
( not proofread!! )
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kandlewick · 11 months
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i'll dry the villain's tears
t h e r o s e r e d t y r a n t ' s m o t h e r
you get reincarnated into a role that became the breaking point of the villain's story and you, be it an unwillingness to cause them harm or a desire to survive, must work hard to make sure they grow into a better (or at least safer) person.
You had died.
at least, you think you did.
It was hard to remember much.
Blinding lights, fading screams, it all felt so fuzzy and distant that you could hardly even remember your old face. The new one staring back at you was strange and foreign and perfect; it was almost like you were staring into the eyes of a doll. You pressed a well manicured nail to your cheek, feeling the soft skin give underneath your touch. So this is what she looked like. Bright red hair and piercing silver eyes, Riddle's mother made for an intimidating figure. You could only imagine how wicked she would look when angry despite her pretty looks.
You let out a soft sigh, leaned back against your chair, and attempted a smile at your reflection. The muscles around your cheeks creaked in protest at the attempt and gave you little more then a grimace.
"Not one for smiling, are you Mrs. Rosehearts?"
Well, whatever sickness that had overtaken the former Mrs. Rosehearts seemed to have passed and you no longer needed constant supervision from whoever Riddle had called for. Speaking of, where was Mr. Rosehearts? Surely her husband must've been worried sick once he had heard his wife had collapsed.
After a few moments of pondering, idly rummaging through drawers and inspecting every nook and cranny of what you assumed to be your new bedroom, you quickly discovered there was only a wardrobe for one. How strange. As you continued digging through your new and incredibly modest clothes, your hunt for clues was quickly interrupted by a sharp knock at your door. You dropped everything and let out a quiet shriek, feeling what felt like your heart quickly jumping in to your throat at the surprised new guest. Imwardly, you had to remind yourself that you were in fact, not snooping! This was your stuff now and could look through it all you liked. Quickly patting down your clothes and pinning back your frazzled hair, you attempted to compose yourself and cleared your throat, quietly acknowledging their presence.
"Uhm - yes! You may come in."
Whoever stood out your door seemed almost hesitant, waiting at the door long enough for the silence to slowly grow awkward, before the door let out a small click and they entered.
It was Riddle.
"I finished my lesson for the afternoon." Riddle spoke quietly, eyes never leaving the space behind your head, as if too nervous to even look at you, "If you would allow me, I'd like to take a small break to rest my eyes."
Here it was! Your moment! You had dreamed of this since the beginning and you could finally, finally make a difference and fix the broken relationship between him and his mother!! You eagerly turned towards him, feeling your skirt pick up in your excitement and ducked down, balancing your weight on the balls of your feet and lowering yourself down to his level.
"Actually, Riddle, how would you like it if we took a break together. I made us some tea!" You smiled, eyes crinkling in delight, "And then after that we-"
"No, thank you."
What a quick response!!!!
Blinking past the surprise, you were startled to notice that Riddle had taken a few steps back, his eyebrows knitted together in what almost looked like confusion. You could feel the apprehension and barely disguised fear roll off of him in waves as he opened his mouth to continue.
"It's not time for a tea and I'd much rather get back to my studies as soon as possible.."
Yes, you supposed it was rather late in the evening for a tea time but it couldn't be that bad to take a small break to unwind after a tiring afternoon, surely! Bu then again, you realized, Riddle's mother always enforced a strict schedule. There was no time for snack breaks or play time, everything was chosen for him down to the very last millisecond of his day. Breaking this trend would not be an easy task. Mrs. Rosehearts made sure of that.
"Ah, you're right! Silly me..." You took this moment to reach out, intending to push back a stray hair from Riddle's face but he flinched. It was hardly noticeable and honestly, if you weren't down at his level and painfully aware of every twitch and fidget, you wouldn't have noticed but still, you felt your heart break a little more.
"Yes... It must be the fever." You sighed out, lowering your hand before slowly putting it back in your lap, "I must still feel tired after being in bed the past few days. Being stuck in my room must've made me a little mad."
Riddle made no effort to respond, only slowing raising his head. When his silver eyes met yours, you smiled and kept his gaze, "Would you do me a favor then, Riddle? I'm feeling terribly lonely and would like the company... however," You had to give him the option, "if you'd rather end your studying for the day and choose yourself what you'd like to do until your bedtime, you're more then welcome to."
As much as you wanted to quickly mend the relationship between the two of you, you knew you could not rush it. Years of abuse and tyranny do not go away with a single good deed and the more you tried to force it, the more you guessed he would push away.
Riddle paused and searched your eyes, looking for any signs of this being a test. He seemed almost hesitant to even ponder the choices before him as if he had never made his own decision before - with his mother's blessing no less - and wasn't eager to start now.
"I won't be upset, Riddle. You c-"
"I would like to have tea with you, please."
You mentally fist bumped the air, tears of success running down your face. Progress! This was progress, right? Willingly getting him to break his rigid schedule was already a huge undertaking but getting him to choose to spend time with you? You could practically hear the angels singing in your head.
Getting him to slowly and comfortably break his schedule was one thing but his diet? That was a whole other trauma to fight and you didn't know where to start. Unlike Riddle's mother, you weren't a doctor. Your knowledge of what was healthy and what was not and how to balance calories was never something you were taught past the very basics. Smugly, you figured she wasn't any good at it either so really, it could only get better.
It started with little things, replacing what kinds of ingredients you used and portions and the like and you spent many a nights on Magicam, researching food trends and advice from dieticians and other mothers. Anonymously, of course.
If Riddle noticed the change in his diet, he made no attempt to question you about it, probably enjoying whatever you were doing enough not to bring it up. You were his mother after all and although the dinner table was still quiet between the two of you, it was a more comfortable silence as if you were both too worried to break it. Watching him eat was also a treat. You had always thought Riddle was a pretty child, but to see sparks of life flicker behind his trained expression was a victory you always cherished. Sometimes it was small things, like him kicking his feet or the shock of trying a new taste. It was precious, watching him slap his palm to his face as he jumped in his chair, eyes practically tearing up at the taste of pepper of all things.
And then, one day, you decided that perhaps it was time. A strawberry tart.
You paced in your bedroom for days, practically digging holes into the floor as you plotted your next big move. This moment was perhaps the most important of all the other events that had happened in Riddle's life and you knew it was going to be a real big hurdle to cross.
He perked up slightly from his desk at the sound of your voice and turned to look at you. His eyes were brighter now and they no longer had the same fear they once had. His gaze could almost be described as affectionate.
"I'm going to be out for awhile. not for too long mind, but I have something very important I need to do. I'm sure you don't mind if I leave you to yourself for a short while?" You gave him a sheepish smile as you made your way to the front door, your hand already reaching for the handle. As much as you wanted to do this and get it over with, you could still feel the nerves biting at your ankles.
Riddle nodded his head, his red hair practically bouncing with the movement, before returning to his studies while you closed the front door behind you, breath heavy in your throat. Days of planning were all coming together. You could feel the sweat building up and running down your neck as you took a few simple breathes to calm your racing heart.
Some might consider it obsessive but you had carefully studied That particular bakery and it's foot traffic to ensure that nobody else would be in the store to witness what was about to happen for the past two weeks. In disguise, you had watched and written down the hours there was a slow lull in visitors from out in the streets, careful not to attract any sort of attention. It's not like you were planning anything nefarious! It's just that... the thought of anyone witnessing the verbal smack down you were about to receive was almost too much. But you had to do this. For Riddle, for yourself, and because you really, really, really wanted to try one of Clover Bakery's sweets.
It was time.
"Welcome in! Welcome to Clover Bakery! I'll be right with you in a moment!" A feminine voice sounded like it was in the back as the door to the bakery slowly chimed behind you, as if it was the death knell, signaling your demise. You trained your breath, in and out, and wiped your sweaty palms on the back of your skirt, willing yourself to calm down. You had to be strong! Trey and both his parents deserved a proper apology, even if technically you weren't the one who offended them. You had to fix this mess and you couldn't do it half assed!
"Sorry about that! We just finished the new batch of - oh."
Trey's mother was in front of you.
Trey's Mother was in front of you.
"I..." Your heart felt like it was going to give out. "I've come to apologize."
That obviously is not what she was expecting and judging by the widening of her eyes and the tightening of her posture, she didn't seem entirely willing to accept it but she stood there and didn't seem unwilling to hear you out so in your haste, you tripped over your words in eagerness to continue.
"Please," You lowered your head and gaze, nearly buckling under the stress, "at least hear me out. What I did - to you, your husband, your son, to Riddle - It was unacceptable."
You gulped and began the part you had rehearsed in front of your mirror. This part, while not necessarily the truth, would make the most sense.
"When I couldn't find Riddle in the room where I left him and the window opened, I panicked. I had always been very strict with Riddle and perhaps that's where I erred, where he thought that the only choice he had to enjoy an inch of freedom was to sneak out while I was unaware, So, when I couldn't not find him and found him with strangers, people I had never met before and knew very little of, I panicked."
"But what I ended up doing," Something wet fell from your eyes, "I hurt him. I hurt Riddle. I - I think that's what snapped me out of whatever idiotic beliefs I had. He wouldn't talk to me, he couldn't even meet my eyes-"
"I understand,"
Blinking past the tears, you looked up, watching as Trey's mother let out a long and weary sigh, "I may not forgive you for what you did yet, I can see you obviously mean what you're saying."
"You can?"
"Look at you. You're shaking like a leaf, you look nothing like the woman that came screaming in here for her son. Whatever happened between then and now obviously changed things."
You watched as she ducked behind the counter and wrapped something up in a small container and gestured for you to open your hands.
"Here," She closed your hands around it, "It's a strawberry tart. Those were Riddle's favorite right? I'm sure you can help mend whatever happened with something like this. It's on the house. Just... next time Riddle wants to play, let him. My son has been beside himself with worry ever since."
You held the tart close to your chest like she had just handed you the most precious thing you've ever owned and nodded your head, your once formerly primed and proper hair falling down your shoulders in wave from your excitement, "Thank you! Thank you so much... I will do whatever I can now. I won't make the same mistake again."
"Go on," You smiled, "Open it."
As soon as you returned home, you eagerly called for Riddle to join you at the family table, nearly tripping over your heels in your excitement as you carefully placed the boxed strawberry tart down. Riddle watched your expression carefully, eyeing the concealed treat from the corner of his eye. As much as he's enjoyed the past few months, this was a huge step forwards. It was almost as if he was scared that what he thought was going to happen wouldn't. What if this was an elaborate scheme? What if this was a big final test and he failed? What if-
"It's ok, Riddle," You reassured him with a low voice, pushing the small box closer to him as his eyes snapped to meet yours, "It's something really good, I promise." With a nervous look, he nodded.
You could hear his barely contained sniffles as he slowly began untying the ribbon, stopping periodically to wipe at his eyes with his sleeve, before the box opened and in the center was
the most beautiful strawberry tart he has ever seen.
His small sniffles soon erupted into wails, high pitched and heart wrenching as he sat there in his chair, his hands still in the air as his little body was wracked with tears. You couldn't hold back your own crying as you brought Riddle's small frame to your chest and hugged him tightly as he cried and cried and cried in your arm. His little fingernails dug crescents into your skin as he kept tugging you closer and closer, unwilling for there to be an space between you and him.
"My darling, Riddle," You sniffled back a tear as you dug your face into his red hair, feeling him hiccup and sob as you did the same, "I'm sorry you had to wait so long."
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seventhcallisto · 10 months
Chapter V — "just one."
Deep down.
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Toc/cw; mdni!!!!!!!!! MATURE CONTENT!!! Fingering(f. Receiving x2) multiple orgasms, heat funk, yunho is a pleaser. Biting, Begging, & Big dick!yunho (duh). Mention of size difference, unprotected sex but don't worry men have unrealistic birth control(amen), cum eating(x2), knotting, slight overstim. Aftercare, cuddling, lots of kissing and fluff, yunho is a service dom omfg. Slight breeding kink if u squint. Joong is a little shitbird, joong teasing you, lots and lots of teasing. Breast worship. edging. Left Unfinished(m!(un)receiving). It's okay tho. Overwhelming tears from stimulus. ussy drunk. Cockadoodledo drunk. What else kinda drunk is there yknow. DONT READ IF UNCOMFORTABLE!! JUST BLOCK OR SKIP ☆ thank yew. Also, completely fiction.
pet names/nns; baby, omega, pretty girl, angel, _ girl (yours). Yun, alpha(yunho). Joong(hongjoong). Hwa(seonghwa).
Wc; 11.6k!! (I figured out how to wc r u proud?)
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Yunhos friends have no clue why he left so abruptly, texts flood his messages and calls that immediately get put on hold, but besides that, he's too busy on the phone with you, ignoring all of them just to help you. He texted seonghwa as fast as he could when he was walking down the sidewalk. Surely all typos. Yet no response from the eldest member. His car is a silent buzz as he flows down the highway back to the apartment where he knows you are. He's glad he didn't drink, he was supposed to be the driver for the night, he's gonna have to apologize about that later. The heat in his fingertips dig into the cold steering wheel. When he tries to distract himself from the gasps and whispers you produce on the speaker of his phone- slotted into his cup holder.
Begging for him to be there, asking for him. Maybe he even ends up regretting going out at all. Truly, it was to distract himself from you. To get away from your scent and your words and everything in-between. He shoulda known in your heat it's not safe for you on the floor of your apartment complex. The last two floors are full of alphas and betas.
Omegas have their own section of building just for this reason. And yet he still thought it was safe to leave you at home with his other members who he knows will take care of you if anything, who are probably completely passed out and oblivious to your quickly arriving heat. You could easily slip out of your room and wake them up, could even leave the apartment and knock on the next door where many other alphas live. Who yunho assumes would gladly help poor omega you out.
You called him, though. Yunho feels obligated to take care of you like the alpha he should. He's with you, soul and spirit, dedicated to help you through this. Even if he isn't there in person yet. Yunho tries to even his breathing, even if for a moment.
"You still there omega?" He asks, you've been silent since you begged for him to be there with you. Since he said he was gonna take care of you. "Yes.. 'm still here alpha" your whisper is more of a whimper. And, holy shit. Yunho's pants feel tighter the way you say it. His finger flips his blinker on as he nears the exit.
“It- yunho-” the shuffle of you stuffed in your closet gets yunho's cogs moving again. “I know baby” it just slips. “You can wait, yeah?” his teeth pry on his bottom lip. Turning off the exit.
“No, i can't- it's too much” your cry makes him take a quick inhale. “Okay, okay” yunho knows the route to the apartment. He knows it very well in fact. He takes the shortcut. “I'll help you out as much as I can,” yunho's head falls to his seat. “I need you to lay on your back for me” he commands.
You shuffle to do so, pushing the phone as close to you as you can as if it will get Yunho closer. Yunho swallows the saliva in his mouth, gulping down his nerves.
“I need you to prep yourself, you can do that can't you?” he tells- no, he's asking you. Genuinely wanting you to answer him. Shuffling of fabric already tells him the answer, never in yunho's wildest dreams would he have had one of his life long fantasies come to life. Porn isn't the same when it's you, the bane of yunho's existence, doing exactly as he says.
Your fingers work diligently to peel off your pants- shorts- whatever and everything other than your shirt. Struggling in the confinement of your tiny closet and tiny nest. “Okay” you say into the speaker, panting heavily. Brain full of flowers and the scent of yunho under the amount of clothes you're sitting on top of. “I can do it”
Praise falls off the tip of the gray haired alpha’ tongue. Turning into the parking garage. You are in this building, so close, yet so far. Before Yunho hops out of his car, he picks up the bag he left earlier in the day from his back seat, stretching to grab it. He shoves his hand into the plastic bag to grab the small bottle. Just in case, he tells himself. The tall man pops open the lid after a few seconds of reading the label, dryly throwing back two sea blue colored pills. Birth control,(more like sperm control), two just in case. Yunho knows it's the fast acting kind- which the label said. For emergency purposes. This is definitely one of those emergencies.
Of course, the elevator rises very slowly. His fingers fiddle with his phone nervously pressed up against his ear. Your sighs and silent words make Yunho's pulse speed up.
The floors begin to level out, no longer in the parking lot, 1, 2, 3 and so forth. He counts every number, every level pass. Finally, It reaches your shared floor. Yunho doesn't even let the doors open fully, thankfully, your scent isn't in the hallway. So you must not have left your room since calling him. He pulls out his wallet, pushing through them for the keycard to the apartment. “I'm outside the apartment okay? I'm hanging up, I promise I'll be right there, I'm just outside” he hangs up before you have a chance to speak. He knows if he hadn't he might have forgotten about turning it off. Yunho isn't in the mood to have a dead phone because he left the call going.
As soon as he gets the door open, he isn't wasting time to take his jacket off. His shoes, though, get kicked off and left messily behind him. The door clicks shut, locking automatically. The apartment is void, no movement or sounds that meet yunho upon entering. Yunho takes quick strides to your bedroom door, the same scent from before becoming more powerful. More sweet and more alluring. He knocks gently, before pushing it open.
You're nowhere in sight, Yunho feels like a predator stalking your whereabouts when he enters your room. He hasn't been here for a while, he closes the door behind him, locking it with a click. He calls your name gently. Your messy head is the first thing that catches Yunho's eyes. Followed by you kicking the blanket off your feet in the closet, stumbling over to him.
You practically pounce into his embrace, curling your legs around his hips. He helps you the rest of the way, wrapping his arms around you to hold you up and grabbing your waist in his tight grasp. Yunho can feel the heat radiating off of you. He's lucky enough that he's still cold from the nightly weather outside. You are like a fireplace, steaming up on impact with his cold body.
You get as close as you can, shoving your face into his primary scent glands. Your heels digging into him to bring him further into you. Soft whining of his name as you swish your lips around his neck, pushing your scent out.
Yunho needs to take a deep breath. And assess what he's got to do. You're very obviously in an omega mindset, clinging to him like a lifeline. His hands slide up to hold your thighs, soft and pliable under his firm grip. You wiggle from the grasp.
“Did you prep?” he asks, swaying over to your bed, it's large enough to hold the two of you. You shake your head. “I need words, omega” he pulls your head from his shoulder, his knee hits your mattress. Still supporting you, Yunho slowly leans down to plant you on your bed, sitting on his knees between your legs. Watching your head fall over one of your pillows he swiftly slotted behind you. “No, I couldn't,” your pouty lips make Yunho mimic your face with his own smirky pout. “You need me to do it for you baby? Is that what you want?” Yunho unhooks your legs from his lean waist, holding your calves between his large hands. They almost wrap around them entirely.
He scans the way your chest falls with every breath, an oversized plain white shirt. And of course, no bra. Which yunho somehow knows you can only sleep comfortably without. Lastly, the shirt only rides up enough to see that you aren't wearing shorts. He can't torture you any longer, your eyes are begging, hands grasping at his jacket, hoping to tell him to take it off. He drops his hands from your calves to slot it off over his heavy shoulders. Sighing into your palm when you bring him back down and towards your lips.
You taste how you smell, only heavier. More heavenly to yunho. His tongue prides into your bottom lip. You slip it open to let him in, moaning into his mouth. His hands wonder, finding his way to your thighs and up, closest to where your hips jut out upon impact. Wet, Yunho sucks on your tongue when he pulls back, eliciting another strangled moan out of you that has him pulsing. “Yunho” you call out, whining. His fingers slide under the shirt and over your underwear, caressing your soft skin. “You need me here? is this where you want me?” he teases with his questions, drinking in your expressions. You nod eagerly. Yunho’s long digits pull the hem to the side to push his thin fingers through your folds. Watching you for a reaction with lidded eyes, biting back his lip. You preen, head falling back, hips twitching. He gathers the slick you produced, making sure to rub it around his two digits to lube them up up and down, poking and swirling around your clenching hole.
The tip of his middle finger prods into you, fully being embraced by your walls. Yunho's fingers are long and big, definitely bigger and longer than yours. His thumb angles up to rub into your sensitive bud, gathering slick on the way, slow calculated circles that have you writhing for more. Yunho's finger begins curling up into you, pressing against your soft gummy walls. Yunho didn't think he'd get to see you like this, get to feel you like this. “More, please, please alpha” you cry out, biting against the arm slotted over your face. And he obliged, pushing his pointer finger into you. It's an easy slip, thanks to your dripping core. Yunho moans quietly at the pulse of your heartbeat at his fingertips.
You're so unbelievably horny that you're pulsing for him. Muffling your whiney breaths. Yunho's fingers gain speed, slipping in and out to pry you open, to prep you. Bending and prodding that spot you keep jolting at. He finds it and abuses it as much as he can. Watching you unfold and get closer to your high. Just a bit more, he can tell you're already getting antsy. So horny it only takes a few strokes of his thin fingers to get you worked up close to your high.
“You feel so good baby” he whispers to just you. Just you. You mewl at the praise, pulling him back down for another heated kiss. More desperate and begging. You're softer than Yunho could ever imagine, wrapped around his fingers when he digs them into you, plying and squishing into your g spot. Your lip gets pulled up into yunhos when he sucks air into his lungs.
Yunhos got you so close, your leg pressed over his lean thigh that digs into the mattress under you. Watching the way his fingers disappear into you quickly. You're not hurting for a knot when he has his fingers buried to the hilt in you. If your mind wasn't foggy, you'd surely be savoring this. But you're still only thinking about needing something bigger, Yunho's knot. You gasp at the magma pooling in your stomach, looking to yunho. You're a jumble of words. Already messy from just his fingers.
Yunho catches this, his thumb hooking onto your clit and swirling. “Just one baby, then I'll give you what you want” he groans into his words, taking as much pleasure from this as you. His eyebrows pull taunt over his eyes, mouth lulled open from focus. “Come on omega, cum for me” he calls on, looking you in the eyes. Dark, cloudy, and full of lust.
The tension breaks, squeezing your thighs around yunho's hand. A silent whine, at the attack of your senses. One of the most weakening orgasms you've ever felt. Twitching at the thumb that Yunho keeps pacing you with. Overstimulating you the slightest. You couldn't get this kind of high from your own hands throughout your first heat. He presses soft gentle kisses to your face as you come down, slowing the movement of his hand. He sighs with you. Completely turned on.
The neediness for more is slowly returning, there's only so much one high can do for your faziness. You squirm when he begins pulling his fingers out, whining at the loss of feeling stuffed, underwear snapping back over your wet core. Yunho thinks it's not enough prep, but you can't wait any longer and he knows that. Before he pulls to sit up, he leans on his calves. Watching the way your slick trails down his hand, sticky and warm. He can't help himself, taking his fingers in between his lips, humming around the digits when he holds eye contact with you.
That's got you going again, whining for him, panting gently. “You taste amazing mega, so perfect” his eyes trace your features, his words making you melt into a puddle. He comes down to level with you, his knees once again slotting between yours, pushing up to bend you back over his thighs. He brings himself in this time, using his free hand to pull you onto his mouth. You moan at the taste of yourself, scrunching your face up into him.
Yunho's free hand pulls at your underwear, one frustrating tug halfway down your legs, fuck it. He pulls with a hard tug, snapping them off, he's not moving anymore to get them off. Tossing them to the side. The cold air makes you clench around nothing. Shifting closer to him. Yunho's tongue and mouth is like water in the desert. He draws you in with his palm against the scruff of your neck, you reach between you both. Needing to feel him.
Your fingertips skims the bulge of his jeans, he's big, big enough to stand out from the denim and leave an indent. So big, you're beginning to drool. He bucks away from your touch, moaning once under his breath as you pant against each other's lips. His hands reach to swat yours away, shushing your whimpers for the contact. “no touching, ‘M gonna take care of you omega, like I promised” he works on his belt, tossing it across the room. He decides his dark shirt is more important, pulling it straight up and over him.
Yunho's lean physique is beautiful. Almost shy under your eager eyes, he smiles down at you, shoving his shirt under the soaking spot on the bed, right under your bum he lifts so easily up. Your blankets are definitely gonna need cleaning. As soon as he's done helping ease the hurt, he'll get to fixing up your bed and making it comfortable. You let him do what he needs to, fiddling patiently, no touching.
No touching. Your feet curl in anticipation, wiggling at the command, the slow drip of your slick is beginning to pool down your center. Your thighs curl together at the feeling.“Yun- alpha” you whine, watching him undo his jean buttons and zip down his zipper. He looks up for a split second at your call, “i know, i hear you omega” he leans up to take your shirt off for you. Completely down to allow you to play pillow princess. He leaves a trail of gentle kisses down the center of your chest, memorizing your reaction and your breasts. Yunho is a fan, a big fan and he definitely will worship your tits when he gets the chance. He shoves his jeans down the rest of his knees. Despite being told no touching, you reach to help pull the rest of them off.
With some struggle on your part, huffing impatiently and tingling because of the ache fully coming back. Yunho kicks his tight jeans across your room, they land somewhere with a dull thud. His hands pull at your hips and turn you over to your side. You don't ask questions, letting him do what he wants with you. “You ready?” He asks looking up from your leaking hole, and well- you're so eager you think you've been begging this entire time. “Yes, alpha, m ready” You plead desperately. “you're doing great mega, so patient for me” the prod of yunho's hand as he spreads open your cheeks makes you gasp.
“Look, you're dripping all over” He chuckles, a first genuine and teasing chuckle, like he can't believe he's able to get you this wet. His wide and big hand keeps you spread open, holding your cheek up. As his other hand pulls back to grip his cock. He passes it between your leaking folds and glazes just over your clit. You buck, your head falling back. “Please please’ please put it in alpha-” you cry, wiggling and trying to push your hips towards him. Yunho shushes you quietly, his hand spread over your stomach to stop you. “Be good ‘mega, you'll wake the neighborhood” he hushes you with a tipped groan as you slick over him, he uses his free fingers to spread it over him as much as he can patiently. Prodding the tip into you.
Groans of curse words slip off Yunho's tongue. Only an inch in. He's not even fully in you, yet he can already feel your weeping hole squeezing him in a death grip, attempting to adjust to his size even though he's only pushed the smallest bit of him inside you. Yunho didn't think he'd fit at all. He pushes your leg closest to his chest farther up, spreading you open wider for a better angle. Your pants and moans, and sticky skin makes Yunho painfully impatient. Inch by inch, he pushes in slowly in case the stretch is too much for you. Holding your thigh in his large palm so you can't jolt away. Breathy groans he lets out are much quieter than yours. Yunho slides himself the rest of the way in with a single thrust of his hips. His eyes fluttered at the clench. Almost painfully tight around him, it's more than he could ever imagine, the daydreams are nothing compared to the real thing that's your needy cunt. He ruts up once by accident, eagerly needing to feel your squishy walls wrapped around him all along his length. He praises you for taking it, panting into his words. “mega, you’re so perfect- Auh– fuck- you fit me in so well. so good for me.” he pulls your thigh against his chest, sandwiching closer to you, he's so vulgar, yunho hardly ever curses around you, but the way you have him has him letting loose. his hand trails a sweaty pattern against your thigh as he rubs it up and down soothingly.
Your greedy gasp and shuddered body being so full fills you with delight, his tip presses the deepest part of your silky walls that has you seeing stars. You're vocal but so silently about it, the stretch of yunho's cock should be impossible, you know alpha cocks are huge- but this is not what you imagined, yunho is completely different. Your gasps of pleas whisper towards Yunho in your dark bedroom. He can still somehow make out your face from the city lights shining through your curtains. Full of pleasure, tortured pleasure, he loves the faces you make, so pretty and so tortured as he helps you adjust to his length. You pull his arm as close as you can get it, tiny hand wrapping across his wrist, wanting him closer. He bends down over you, squishing you into the mattress with his much larger body, the angle makes your clit jump from the squeeze of the push of pressing against each other. He captures your lips in a cut off moan, trailing sloppy kisses down your jaw. He rocks his hips once, then twice to check if you’re good enough to go, groaning at the tantalizing dig. Yunho might have almost came from just being inside you, you're so perfect, he's starting to think you've ruined him for anyone else. You keenly twitch, mewling into his ear. His tip is already hitting your cervix, how big is he? His hand finds purchase next to your head. Bending the mattress.
Yunho's eyes are like obsidian, boring into your own, his silver-gray hair sticking to his sweaty forehead, soft swipes of his tongue poking out to wet his lip. His fingers searching for your free and loose hands to wrap your hand in his own. The first snap of Yunho's digging hips has you blinking back overwhelmed tears. He begins to set a pace, fluttering his eyes at the feeling encompassed by you. Given by you. Jaw falling slack as he pants out. You whine his name, melding perfectly against his big form. Yunho pushes in more than he pulls out, snapping his hips towards your own in steady deep movement.
“More, more- please, yun-” you beg so nicely yunho has a hard time not fulfilling your request. His smooth lips press into your forehead, his hips smacking into your own in big thrusts when he speeds up. He pulls your leg over his shoulder, the bend is imaginable. You're not that flexible, but yunho will make you. His fingers unlatch from your interlaced hands, tracing down your body- his pointer and middle finger swirl around your clit, you twitch and writhe at the sensation, pelvis pulling back at the added pressure. Gasping and moaning out so much so your head begins to dig into the space between your pillows. Hair astray. Yunho wants to memorize this to heart, your sweaty face full of pleasure, jaw slack. Pretty moans- when he's away by himself he wants this to be what he thinks back to. And how you called to him in the night to make you feel this good, to do you this good. He bites on his bottom lip, his darker eyes boring into the joint section between the two of you. The suction has him biting back the need to pop right there.
Yunho is a diligent lover, he craves touch and affection during sex and he's definitely using this as his opportunity to get it from you, not that you mind at all, you preen at any affection the alpha will show you. His other hand, not holding your own, leans heavily into the pillow next to you, flexing his biceps and muscles that appeared from years of hard work. Your free hand grabs on, scratching and anchoring yourself to him. “how're you feeling ‘mega? I- fuck- i told you I'd take care of you- so good for me, so- shit- warm” He asks between heavy pants, his hips stuttering against you, pushing you harder and harder into the mattress. More and more like you want. Even when filling you completely to the brim with his big dick he's still only asking about you. You're cockdrunk, almost so close to the verge, even though Yunho isn't rough and completely pouding you, his cock is enough to satiate that neediness for something to break you. A line is forming on your brows, your stomach beginning to knot from the way he pounds and works his fingers over your bundle of nerves.
Yunho's pace is heavy, digging into your core and pushing your hip into your stomach, the pressure building up and rubbing at the perfect angle that has you arching into him. “alpha, Yun, ah- good, feel soso good, don't stop- please-'' You're begging for who knows what, yunho definitely knows he isn't gonna stop. The slap of sticky skin collects in your dim bedroom, the smell of yours and yunho's scents mixing. Your sweet dew and vanilla under the woody scent yunho always has, collides. The coil in your stomach is tightening and so deliciously close to breaking. Yunho can feel it, the clench of your walls around his cock has him burying to the hilt with every thrust and push “you want me inside baby? Need my knot?” he asks between heavy pants and grunts, you nod sloppily, spewing words. His knot begins to grow at the base of his cock. And maybe he even imagines that he didn't take that BC earlier. That his cum will take, and his knot will drive you crazy enough to ask him to mate you for life and give you so much more.
“yes, inside please, I'm close, mclose so close ahh- yun-'' your mouth falls slack, pulses of white flash through your brain at the stimulus, yunho tips over the edge with you as your cunt flutters around him. His knot fully ties itself into your womb, hot spurts of cum, leaking from his tip as your name falls out. Yunho, as if on instinct, fang sharp-teeth pop open. He bites on your shoulder, knowing he can't mark you, can't mate you as his- yet, just not yet. When you reciprocate with a bite so close to his primary glands, his hips jut up into you, pushing his cock even deeper if possible. You twitch and shake as your orgasm begins to wash away, twitching some more at the overstimulation of yunho's length pulsing the last few spurts into you, warm and hot and so so much of it- so much so it is already creating a white base around the joint area between you two. His knot doesn't stop growing until he's panting by your head, kissing your sweaty skin so softly. You lean into his touch, preening at the affection with closed eyes. Your pants are heavier compared to his, somehow yunho isn't breathing as hard as you.
He slides down next to you, the tug of his knot still connected. He cups you close, stomach to back. Yunho definitely prefers spending his night like this instead, helping you through your heat and first couple of weakening orgasms. He knows some if not a good amount about omega gender, thanks to you- he did the research. He's glad he did, he knows you'll be spent- but if he asked, you'd be willing to go for more rounds. And he'd be happy to do so to satiate your needs. But you are still in the beginning of the haze, you can only take so much for your first heat with someone else and not completely pass out.
Moments of breathing in air and time in the earliest of morning. Yunho is your first, not overall- but heat wise. He's got to take pride in that. And he does, your duvet is buried under you and Yunho's dark shirt has cum splotches so he can't throw any of it onto you to cover you both comfortably. Your foggy brain must be subsiding by now and for some reason yunho feels shy being so naked even though he drilled you into your mattress and left you dazed after two orgasms. Your head pushes back against his shoulder, looking up at him. He catches your eyes, the smallest of smiles at your fucked out face. “Hi baby” he whispers in the dark, rubbing his free hand against your chin. Your eyes blink up tiredly from his warm touch.
“Hi yun” you smile, looking at the way Yunho's silver hair falls over his forehead in waves, his other arm and hand propping his head up. His eyes fall over your lips, smiling down, he leans into you to capture your swollen lips with his own pink ones. The post haze of orgasms washes away. But the heaviness of Yunho's knot pulses once more. You twitch, pulling away from his lips. The knot is tied so tightly to you, it makes you feel as though you're still stuffed. And you are. Yunho's cum is buried in you so deeply thanks to his knot and his cock that it makes your heart skip with appreciation. You never thought going commando would be so good, never thought a knot so deeply in you would make you feel even better. Is this what you were missing out as a beta? Yunho's hand finds its way over your stomach, pushing down on the bulge ever so slightly that has you whining and digging your hips back into him. “You did so well, took me so well” he whispers, pecking your neck with a singular kiss. The ache subsided, even if for a moment. Yet you clench at his words.
You know what happened, you remember everything that happened. Other than yunho smelling like he was at a bar and grill before you pounced. Did you steal him away from something? You turn your head to look at him. Smoothing your finger over his overgrown sideburn. His eyes scan your face, observing your nakedness in the dark. “Where were you?” You ask, whispering to him. He inhales softly, the fan of his breath cooling the sweat from your face. “I was getting some food and drinks with friends” he answers earnestly, rubbing soft circles into your hip. He still doesn't pull out of you, his knot so close to dissipating. Chest bumping against your back as he breaths.
“I'm supposed to drive them home” he chuckles airily, knowing the way you're gonna react before he even says it. “it's okay though, there was another designated driver” he reassures your worries. Taking them off your shoulders. You turn your head back into the pillow, reaching down to lock your hands in his. It's intimate and risky, but yunho doesn't pull away and you're thankful. “Your friends are going to hate me” you pout. He leans up. Left hand falling over the otherside of you. “No they don't- they won't either” he skims a soft kiss over the bite mark he left. Red and deep.
Good thing you don't have any more photos to take any time soon. A week should heal that up if he keeps his teeth to himself the entire time. Your pout becomes a shy smile because of his affection. The prettiest of smiles yunho adores. He peppers kisses down your arm and shoulder, basking in the way goosebumps raise to the surface of your skin. It feels like a honeymoon phase, yunho has always worn condoms, but never has he let his knot dig into someone before, you get his first time without a condom- and his knot. He feels so warm and he knows it's because he loves you and he has his connection to you still inside. It's triggering some primal urge in him to be lovesick. You hum through your smile quietly. Soundlessly falling back into silence. Your fingers prying and bumping against yunhos when you breathe, caressing the veins and length of his digits compared to yours. His right arm is under you but he doesn't care. He wants to be crushed by you, even if you aren't at all heavy. Your locked fingers pulled over your stomach as he anchored them there, fingertips feeling so very comfortable pressed against you.
Yunho begins to pull out, ever so gently. He pats your hip beforehand as a warning. You scrunch up at the loss as soon as he's fully out, missing the way you felt full. You whine for Yunho when he begins to tug away from you, unlatching your fingers. “I got to get you cleaned up” he reassures, kissing against your jaw facing away from him. His lean body is pulled away from you, suddenly making his spot behind you cold. He shoves his briefs on. But before he goes he opens the closest window to air out the scent of sex in the air. Afterwards, he walks to your adjacent door. Sadly, you have to share a bathroom. He peeps his head out your door, looking into the hallway. Back and forth.
He turns back to look at you, smiling gently. “I'll be right back okay?” He whispers loud enough for you to hear. You curl up into yourself, holding a hand between your thighs to prevent any leakage. It doesn't work well. “Hurry, please” you whisper back. Yunho bites his lip, looking you up and down once more. He pulls away, closing your door behind him ever so quietly.
In the silence of your bedroom, your head falls back against your pillow, the pulsing ache no longer activating in your stomach. Maybe a knot does satiate the need for more after a while. You're surely tired though because you slept terribly and are still needy for affection. Yunho's words wrap around your mind, you try to plug your fingers against the cum beginning to drip out. It's as helpful as it seems. You wait a minute longer, then two, then three. Beginning to twist your ankle in anticipation.
You sit up before Yunho comes back in, clothing thrown over his right arm and a single blanket, a deep gray towel and a water bottle in his left. Black sweatpants hang off his hips, this time his loose shirt is white. “up” he beckons you up to the headboard of your bed. When you scoot up to readjust he pulls off your duvet, leaving your almost spotless sheet under you. Sitting down on the edge of your feet, your hand withholds the liquid in you as you lay on your back, head propped up against the pillows yunho laid out for you, sitting up slightly.
He hands you a water bottle after pouring some of it onto the towel. Urging you to drink it, his free hand prys your wrist away from your sopping core. Suckling a harsh hum at the pour of yours and his cum leaking out. The towel scraping up against your cunt makes you sensitive, thighs tensing and hissing away. He acknowledges it, kissing the top of your propped knee and pulling you back. Gauging your reaction with every swipe of the towel to make you the least uncomfortable he can. It makes your heart swell. Hiding your smile behind a chug of water. He's gentle with his care, checking your thighs for any more residue.
When he's done he plants the towel and his soiled shirt in your laundry basket propped next to your door. As much as he hates taking his scent off of you. You will get sticky and uncomfortable with it plugged into you all night. He might come back for his nasty shirt later though. He wipes your dirty hand away, kissing your fingers softly as soon as he's done. Your heart skips.
“Better?” he asks as you hand your water to him, he places it on your dresser. You nod, still naked. He almost forgot. A light gray shirt yunho keeps around -that you know is pretty expensive- gets pulled over your head easily. It's big, just as big as Yunho, maybe even more. It smells like his cologne, and his scent of citrus and vanilla, heavy. The masculine smell of sandalwood is the most prominent. You breathe him in, missing the scent he produced during your intimate moment. Next he's slipping you into a matching gray pair of his briefs, they're a bit big, but it doesn't matter to you.
You're so grateful for the attention Yunho is giving you. He doesn't need to be gentle, but he is anyway, and it's making you feel all the more soft and so head over heels. You pull Yunho close as soon as he's done. Head slotting into his pale neck. You trail kisses against your own mark you left on him, kissing more heavily on the bite you left, nuzzling your nose into him. He sighs dreamily, a long arm wrapping against your back. His knee falls to kneel onto the bed, laying half over you gently. Consuming you with his scent and body. He prefers it like this, when you're completely full of him and smell like him. Tiredly begging for his touch after he already gave you everything you wanted. You wiggle to get comfortable, locking your leg over his hip. Whilst his leg slots between your legs. He kisses the top of your head. Rubbing soothing pats against your back. As his other hand reaches for the blanket he brought in. White and thin with crochet patterns, definitely taken from the end of his bed.
Easily, he pulls it over the two of you. Comfortable and surrounded by yunho. Your head isn't sweating thanks to the breeze from the window. Any sweat you had cooled along with the water he gave you. So sweetly, taking care of you and even cuddling you. How are you so lucky right now? You couldn't ask for a better second heat phase.
“Thank you” you mumble against Yunho's neck. You feel the shuffle of his gray hair press against the side of your head when he turns. “Don't thank me” he huffs into a grin. His palm coming up to caress against your shoulder. If it's unconscious, you don't know. But his hand lands directly over the bite he left. Your eyes slink, closing down thanks to the lullaby of Yunho's heart beat and soft breaths.
In the silence of the early morning, one of your many daydreams comes true, buried under yunho and everything that smells like him. Yunho, just prefers you, your soft and squishy skin against his. His fingers slip under the collar of his shirt.
“I love you” he whispers the quietest, just as your mind begins to drift. You whisper back, slurring. “love you more” you don't care if it's early, or if he's just saying it after such an intense night together. You don't even know if he's just saying it in an affectionate way. But you mean it when you say it, I love you more, cause you do. Yunho has you whipped around his finger after knowing he can take care of you even after you already had the biggest crush on him before. The best is him afterwards, sticking by your side.
It's more than a year back, your dream blending into a memory. You're presenting at an award show, gladly introducing artists. Preppy voice loud and simple to suck the crowd in. In the prettiest of pastel outfits some snooty stylist gave you to wear. You know behind the screen out there your boys are cheering you on. And it keeps you grounded. Despite being on TV the most nerve-racking thing is your ex. Who's also a host, they don't know though. You guys kept it wrapped under the media for about a month before he was caught cheating on you with another popular idol. Not cheating to the media though, they assumed those two were together, but you were devastated for a week nonetheless.
You wonder why you even liked him in the first place. He's cute, funny, complicated, and talented. An omega, which you didn't care about. But his attitude was that of a spoiled brat who always gets what he wants. Maybe you thought that was really cute, when he would beg you for pda when he knew you were private, and when you would say yes, he'd accuse you of trying to expose the secret. It reminds you of someone else now, a less bratty and less annoying guy, who doesn't give a fuck about pda and will show you off at any chance because he likes to tease you. Somehow, that relationship never raised suspicion.
Your ex is a fairly popular guy, more so than you. Your group was still rising to some. And his group was popular from the get-go. Thanks to one of the big ents. Your trainee days got you a spot here, he recommended you, leading to you two seeing each other often, then soon dating. You got the opportunity before he cheated. You never understood why, but you weren't gonna give up just because he was going to show up. No way. You stand tall and proud, gleaming for the screen as does your ex who continues to scoot closer every camera shot.
You try your best to ignore him when you're on ad break, getting your makeup reapplied. “Can we talk?” He asks over the bustling makeup artists, you're thankful they're shielding you from him. “No,” you huff. “I'm getting my touch up done, please leave” you say as politely as you can. Honorifics and all. He grimaces. Stepping closer.
“I'm sorry-” you sigh at what's to come. Another sob story, another lie. You're not some silly girl, you're mature, you're an adult. You know the signs. And you know cheaters can change, yes, but something tells you he won't. You taught yourself to follow your gut feelings. And now, you still will. “No, you're not sorry, you're guilty you got caught. You’re sorry because you got caught, you're not sorry to me at all.” even though it was just a month, you took your time doing everything for him in it. First relationships always move fast. You risked that with him, leading him through his first time with you as a couple.
You took the reins and he abused that. His eyes well with crocodile tears. Before you can speak once again, his sorrowful eyes land on a figure looming behind you. Scowling, his tears seem to dry up quickly as if they were just for show. “Great” he laughs angrily. You're so very confused but when a large hand lands on your shoulder, you know exactly who it is. The whiff of vanilla and sandalwood following.
“Yun” you greet, a soft realization that he came to see you, your soft, smiley, extremely taller member came to watch you. And he knows exactly who the fool in front of you is, Yunho's black hair falls perfectly over his forehead as he scales your ex up and down, the tiniest of a forced grin on his taunt lips. “Hey, I didn't know you were working as a host” yunho is older than your ex, and he doesn't greet him as a friend. Nor does he acknowledge the tears. Honorifics that sound like venom falling from the pretty tip of his tongue.
Your ex doesn't bother to bow his head either, sticking up to your older group member. “I got her the job” he scoffs slightly into his words, shifting on his feet. Looking anywhere else except for the tall man's eyes. You feel completely squashed and kind of embarrassed from this interaction. Your ex is still trying to keep up a brave face under his extremely pink eyebrows. “Really?” Yunho looks back down at you, the smallest of smiles, but genuine. He squeezes your shoulder softly, glancing between your eyes mischievously. “Then I'm sure she'll be the best, she might end up being better than you” he chuckles, meanly, yunho is hardly ever mean. You can't help the snort of laughter falling out of your nose. You don't regret it. Your exes eyes twitch, not a single word. He storms off and bumps shoulders with yunho. Like a child, he stomps away.
You turn to Yunho, and notice you're both grinning. Soon a fit of laughter erupts from your throat and his. It's short lived. His hand falls off your shoulder, you miss the weight of his heavy hand. He takes a seat against the vanity, the light from the bulbs showcases his figure. Lean and tall, taking up the space with his big figure. You have to advert your eyes from staring. When he turns his head back to you. Even though you're done with your touch up, you can't seem to stand up out of your chair and move on.
Yunho's foot nudges your ankle, calling for your attention. You look up, crossing your arms subconsciously and force out a smile the best you can. The most naturally you can. “Are you okay?” His eyebrows crease in worry, his head lowering so you know he isn't demanding you to answer him. You clear your throat, shifting in the luxurious white chair. “Yeah, he sucks..” you laugh. Trying not to let it affect you. Trying. Is the key word. Your teeth wiggle your bottom lip, falling back into thought. Yunho ever so keenly notices your behavior. Squatting down in front of you. You jolt, leaning up to see what he's doing, before you can ask, he's tugging your shoe into his lap. Tying the laces delicately between his thin and long fingers. He never looks up, even as you try to tug away. “I'm not a kid” you huff, shaking your head at the thought of Yunho Bending his own extremely expensive pants to tie your shoe. You can hear the smile in his voice as he talks, “then how come you always forget?” When he finishes, he looks up. His hand unknowingly caresses the back of your ankle and calf.
You take a breath, fiddling your fingers together. “Forget what?” he laughs. Placing your foot back on the ground to check your other shoe. “Forget to tie your shoes” you gawk, “no I don't-” you attempt to pull your foot back, his fingers latch around your ankle. Smiling back up at you. Even though he's real, he looks unreal smiling up at you like some prince sliding your glass slipper on. “Yes, you do, remember during practice you used to always wear velcro shoes? Bet you didn't think I'd remember that-” “you remember what shoes I wore years ago?-” “you never wore laces, and when you did. I had to break formation to catch you when you'd trip over them." His breathy laugh has you smiling shamelessly.
“Honestly, it's like you were hoping I'd catch you” his finger comes up to push the hair out of his eyes, straightening out his bangs. He looks up at you from under them. Teeth on display thanks to his pretty smile. You fumble to say something. “no, I was just bad at taking care of my shoes,” you laugh, scratching at your eyebrow. Nice save. Knowing in reality he wasn't far off, or that most of the time you wore the same pair of velcro shoes for every practice. And when you began noticing they were gross compared to your members whose shoes seemed much better than yours, you'd exchange them for one of your other laced sneakers. Ashamed of the peeling fabric and the staining, and he was right, you were always bad at tying them properly.
“At Least you were there to catch me” you smile, watching him stand up to his full height. Shyly smiling back, as he looked away. “I'd always catch you,” his voice echos. Your dream-like fog begins to dissipate as the memory ends.
You wake up with your thighs stinging as if you just worked out your quads for an hour. Feeling like jelly and still tired. Atleast you're not still needy for a knot, whatever yunho did last night really dimmed down your heat. Or was it still too early for you to be in full bloom? The morning sun beams rays along your face and bed, waking you from your sleep. The only warmth you feel comes from your spot alone, and when you begin shifting around in your bed tangling out of the white blanket. You notice the bigger body you fell asleep next to isn't there anymore. Whining into the air sadly at the feeling of loss in your chest. Did yunho leave?
No, the running of water across the hall from your door catches your attention. The door which is now open is cracked almost all the way, you wait and watch. Jongho passes, too busy talking to the person behind him to notice you're awake. Mingi, equally distracted mumbles poutily to jongho whos harshly whispering in front of him. You’re too tired to move, and way too sluggish for things to register, just hoping to see yunho pass through the door. Quiet whispers flow down the hallway and meet your ears, cluttering of kitchen appliances and the beeping of the rice cooker makes you remember how easy it is to get lost in the morning buzz of the apartment.
Yunhos hand slots in from the corner of your eyes, he's still turned over his shoulder, talking to someone, wearing the same clothing from last night. Mumbles of whispers and discussion hanging in the air until his eyes flash back to you. Out of the spot he left you in and scratching at your shoulder. The indent of yunho's bite beginning to scab over. As if you hold the universe, yunhos shocked face makes you look up at him full of questions. His neck bobs as he swallows harshly, turning his head back to the figure just out of sight.
When he's done speaking he walks back into your room, and as soon as he reaches the end of the bed his hand greedily reaches over to smooth his palm against your waist, pulling you into his side with a gentle tug. You groan at the ache in your hips from the shift. Yunho apologetically smiles. Bare face on display from the sun. “Hey, how are you feeling?” he leans his palm against the pillow, half of his body leaning over you whilst he drapes his leg off the bed.
You watch his bare face and plump lips pull into a nervous grin. Needy, so needy. He's so pretty, so bare and so attentive. His hand fiddles with the edge of the shirt he gave you. The caress of his fingers there is so docile, like it's meant to be there. “I'm good” you sigh out, reaching for his waist to hold him. “sore,” you grin shyly. He huffs a laugh, “I know.. d'you need anything?” he lips fall open at the end of his question. You really can't help it, not when yunho is drawing you in and making you feel so special. “A kiss?” You speak clearly, just to him, looking up hopefully through parted lashes. Yunhos grin spreads, red tint rising to his ears. He doesn't have to say anything, his eyes fall over your mouth, folding himself down to plant the smooth taste of his minty toothpaste on your own lips.
He pulls back because of his wide smile, too giddy to keep going. You laugh “stop smiling, I'm trying to kiss you” your hand catches his cheek, awkwardly leaning up into him. “No, you” he snickers, his larger palm reaching your own cheek. He pet's his thumb across your lip, pecking you once again. Then once more. He pulls back before you go in for a third. Teasing you with a cheeky grin. “you have to eat something” he nods, but before he can get up and leave. You're reaching for the pocket of his sweats. Whining, pouting. “Don't go” you huff, laying your head back down on the pillows.
“I'll get hongjoong, okay?” He leans down to pick up your hand, kissing your knuckles. The mention of your captain, your other member- who you still don't know is okay with you calling him your boyfriend- makes you nod. You miss joong, even though he hasn't gone anywhere. He was sleeping. You crave the attention as soon as it's gone with yunho.
Slumped against the bed, you toss to lay on your back, pushing your messy-sweaty hair away. For a few seconds your eyes lazily pull back down, thighs squishing together. The click of your door shutting and the bed dipping has you jolting, coming back from your thoughts. Hongjoong is too occupied shuffling under the blanket to notice your face. And when he does, he's smiling ear to ear at the proximity of you. His hair is a mess, wearing a crochet purple crew neck that's too baggy, a pair of comfy black sweats. Much more dressed and put together than you at the moment. If he smells yunho on you, he must not care. His fingers thread through the back of your hair. Pulling your face into his so he can place giddy kisses all around your cheeks, nose, jaw. Everywhere.
Your lips pull back into a smile, giggling at the way he tickles your face with preppy kisses. His nose scrunches, loving the sound of your laugh. He lays a final deep kiss on your lips, one full of yearning and attention, and everything hongjoong is and more, missing the way you kiss up into him. “I missed you” you simply say when he pulls back. His eyes shift between yours. “I missed you more pretty girl” he sighs, rubbing his thumbs against your cheeks. Messy brown hair clouding around his eyes. He lays his head down comfortably on the pillow next to you, threading his fingers around your back to pull you closer.
“Did yunho take care of you?” his hand falls over your hip, rubbing patterns with the tip of his pointer finger. You nod, biting your lip. Memories of last night, flood you. Hongjoong hums softly, his soft dark eyes tracing your features. “he's a good alpha, ‘m proud of him.. You’re not too sore?” he smiles, a certain bite to his tone. You do as well, giddiness building in your stomach. “No, not too much” you nod, pushing your neck towards him, presenting your most sensitive spot. Docile, so docile. Hongjoongs lips fall there, kissing soothingly. “You did good ‘mega. Took yunho so well didn't you.” He whispers straight to you. Heavy lipped and nipping by your scent gland. You whimper and just like that you're a puddle in hongjoongs hands. He sits up to slot his hips between your own, pressing his weight down onto you.
“Be quiet for me okay? Can't have you telling everyone what we're doing”
The bulge of hongjoong in his loose pants has you gasping when it grinds over your clothed cunt. He pulls away from your neck after attacking it with suckling kisses and nips that'll turn into hickey's. Admiring his work. He grins. “So pretty” he sits back on his knees, the blanket leaves with him, leaving you unprotected. Your greedy hands reach up to grab him, stop him from staring down at you with his prying eyes, and when he captures them, interlocking your hands between his own to hold close to his chest, he leans forward and you take his plump lips between your own, biting on his bottom lip in appreciation from the plump of it. He sighs into your mouth, his hands parting from yours and digging down into your hips, lifting the hem of yunhos large shirt to trail his hot hands under. They smooth up, and stop just short of your ribcage.
You know the question, consent is the upmost important thing to hongjoong. “Please touch me joong” you tell him before he has the chance. Holding his face close to yours, he smiles, that shit eating grin he always has, the teasing one he uses to perform. Already, you can feel the damp spot in yunhos once clean briefs getting wet. “You want me to touch you where? Huh? Tell me where pretty girl.” he hums, and goodness is it exhausting being teased. You don't even want to say it, too impatient for words. You grab hongjoongs hands off your hip and rib cage, dragging them up and over your breasts just under your shirt. It pools at your collarbone, just under your chin.
“There, touch me there joong” you plead, eyebrows creasing. Hongjoongs hot palms knead into your tits, causing your nipples to pebble up from the friction. Oh so sensitive. Everything must be heightened by now, you want to be touched everywhere. Hongjoongs eyes heavily watch your expressions as he takes your left bud between his fingers and tugs. You yelp as quietly as you can manage, turning your head away. The snicker from joong makes you shy, like he's laughing at you. His head falls down, blowing over the sensitive bud between his right hand, when it pebbles, he takes it into his wet cavern, humming against it and suckling harshly. Not expecting it, your hips jut up from between his knees. Whimpering.
Hongjoong presses himself closer to you, slobbering over your tit and squeezing it with his large palm. He pulls off with a pop and plants kisses along the space around it, looking up at your slacked expression has his shorts tightening even more so. This is what he wanted when he got up that morning, when he figured out the smell of sex was coming from your room and the way yunho cuddled into you as you both napped. The brown haired male takes your other pretty bud into his mouth, lapping at it with his tongue. Your heat hadn't quite hit, it isn't until tomorrow, it's too early to tell though. And the smell of your soiled clothes in the laundry basket tells joong something definitely happened that involved your heat. You scent is addicting, it already had joong jolting into his fist in the bathroom. Too eager waiting for you to get up. He tugs with his teeth, suckling and swishing the pliable fat between his soft hands, your choked sob goes straight to his cock.
He can't take your noises anymore, or the way your hips won't stop wiggling under him. Grazing against his sensitive area unknowingly. He trails wet kisses down your stomach, when he reaches the top of the underwear that hides you away. He looks up for permission. Hongjoongs pretty eyes never fail to make you lose your breath, heaving. Chest glistening, you nod sloppily. An appreciated kiss is laid on your hip bone before he's tugging off yunho's briefs and tossing them to the side of his leg.
Cold air meets you as hongjoong throws your legs over his shoulders. His eyes scan your glistening core, kissing down your knee and thighs, as soon as he gets as close to where you want him. He bites into you, hard. You twitch, and whine, biting down on your tongue. The pulse of the spot has you aching as he kisses the hurt away. The next second his nose is pressing into you as his firm tongue falls out to lap up all the mess between your folds. A shuddered sigh knocks out of you. As he trails up, he takes your clit between his pink lips, sucking hard. Your thighs clench around his head. Bucking away at the overwhelming feeling. You can feel the grin forming on his face.
His palm pushes against your hip to get you to stop moving, tongue jutting out once more to lap your taste up. So sweet, and so dewy on the tip of his tongue. He swirls it around your nerves, groaning softly at the taste. You preen. “You're so wet” he mumbles, bumping his nose against you as he trails down to your hole, he blows a huff of air on it as he takes. Making you clench, “I could just put two in and it wouldn't hurt you're so wet, yeah? Think you could take two for me?” He looks up through his dark eyelashes, Bending your knees over his shoulders. Joongs thumb prods your bundle, catching you off guard from the tug of it as it digs into your clit in lazy swirls. You choke out a soft moan. “Words” he reminds you, nipping the skin by your knee, withholding your eyes in his hazy gaze.
“Yes, I can take two joong, I can do it-” you beg, and hongjoong has a hard time holding back his predatory smile. “Pretty girl, already falling apart, I haven't even done anything” his snicker has you feeling bullied. His head dips back in, his wet muscle coming out once again to replace his thumb, licking you. You're relishing in the slow build up, holding his hand over your hip. Panting out. Joongs finger prods at the tight ring of your entrance, twisting between the flutter of your walls and completely digging into you. You gasp at the first, pushing back against the second prod of hongjoongs ring finger. He hums over your clit, molding his tongue to the bud, his lips wrapping around it.
Hongjoong's getting pussy drunk. He's getting greedy feasting on you, his hips rut into the sheets, sparing him the feeling of the pent up need to release for only a couple of split seconds before he's digging it back down as soon as he hears how sloppy he's making you. At this rate, hongjoong might just cum in his pants, and he wouldn't care. Your pleasure is his pleasure. His fingers dip up, pushing and prodding for the spot that'll have you seeing stars. Memorizing how you react to every twist and pull, he sucks down on you, and huffs for air that has you tensing around his slender fingers. He wants to take his time to savor this. But he knows Yunho will be back with your food as soon as it's ready, Seonghwa said it'll be done in 15 minutes or less.
His fingers piston into the spot that catches your throat, his lips tugging around your bud, suckling and tugging like he's trying to milk you for your orgasm. It's almost there, coiling in your stomach and burning closer and closer. Your eyes are screwed shut, no longer able to stop the blurriness from overwhelmed tears crowding your lash line. Your hips twitch under his palm, digging you down into the mattress so you can't escape his tongue and fingers. As joong comes off you with a squelched pop, he blows air back on the bud. You buck, his thumb comes up to take his place, tight circles digging into your swollen clit.
“There you go,” Hongjoong says as a particularly hard clench squeezes his digits. “Must have been so horny to take yunho last night huh? you're still so tight on my fingers” he curls them as he mentions them. The sloppy noises of his extended fingers hitting around your hole has you hazing in and out of breath. “How'd you get him to fit?” He asks, humming into his words as if this was some normal conversation. You can't even respond. Twitching and pushing up into his particularly hard thrusting fingers that slap and echo in your ears. “Poor girl, needed a cock that bad you let him in without enough prep” he tsks.
Your orgasm builds and is so tantalizingly close, your head lulls to the side, pants and whines. Your hand digs into hongjoongs wrist, holding him as if that'll keep him there. His hand spreads so far across your hips that the slight push down has you feeling his fingers in your stomach. “Yunho told me how desperate you are, how good you were for him, now i know he was right” hongjoongs teasing tone has tears streaming down your face. You know he feels your heartbeat speed up and you clench, but when you meet that crossroad he stops stroking his thumb and has you falling back in a loop. “Not yet” he says this time, sighing into his words.
He pumps them in some more, the pool of your slick trailing down between his fingers and your thighs. There's so much, so much the sheet is wet. Your toes curl at the build up. This time, he continues. “told me you look so pretty when you cum” he whispers heavily, mouth falling open, watching his fingers disappear and reappear from your sopping hole.
“please, joong, please, please” you beg for your release. He pretends to think about it. Building you up again. So, so damn close. A slight moan comes from his throat, pleased at the gumminess of your walls. “Come on pretty girl, let me see” he gives you the go ahead, his teeth digging into his plump lip, his eyes finding your face and watching. That's all it takes for you to shake as you cum, digging down into the sheets with a strangled gasp. Your mouth falling open, legs twitching. Even your toes curl at how hard it hits you. His fingers never stop bullying you until you're shaking and trying to close your thighs. He pulls the out, then takes him in his mouth to clean them off. His eyes fluttered close, as if its some ice cream dripping from a cone that's cold on the taste buds. You're huffing pants loudly. So much so you have to close your mouth and try to breath out of your nose.
Giving you a second, Hongjoong lays a kiss on the top of your knee, then the other. He reaches next to him, and you realize he's grabbing yunhos briefs again. Pulling them back up your legs. The fabric sticks to your center. You pout at the feeling behind close lids. He pulls the blanket back over him like a cape, kissing gently up your stomach before pulling your shirt back over you. Helping you seem more put together. He smiles as if he didn't do anything at all when he pulls you to lay over him. Swiping the drying tears off the side of your eyes. He kisses each side of your cheek where they fell. Lovingly, gently. Much more softer than he was seconds ago. He peppers a kiss down your nose and lands it on your lips. “You didn't get to finish” you pout, he lays his head down next to yours. His lips falling into a small grin. “That one was for you” he takes your fingers between his, kissing each of the tips of them and down your wrist.
“But-” you pout, his eyes pull up into a smile. “so greedy” he laughs, kissing your nose again. Fingers fiddling with yours over his chest. “There's no time for it pretty girl, someone might walk in on us” he hums, grinning so cheerily. Your head falls over his shoulder, embarrassed. His lips lay over your forehead. His right hand coming up to rub against your back. Soothing yunhos creasing shirt down. Although that fuzziness isn't returning. You think you've got atleast another hour thanks to hongjoongs prying hands.
As if on cue. Yunhos head pops in through the door, when he pushes it open, seonghwas right behind him holding a tray. They must be the only ones to know you're awake, because all the sudden, the thumping of the guys rushing into the hallway make you realize you're awake and coherent and they're most likely coming to check up on you.
Hongjoong laughs at the sound as if this is some goofy cartoon, sitting up along with you. Seonghwa dips the platter on the bed, sliding it to you when he takes a criss crossed seat on the end. Smiling gently. “Hi hwa” you greet, wrapping your arms around him over the tray, you can't help it. You plant a kiss on his cheek. He beams, patting your hip and looking back down at the tray to make sure it didn't spill. Pancakes and an array of sausages, fruits. A meal fit for a goddess. Compared to easy snacks and reheatable meals you had for your first heat- this is heaven on your bed. You feel so very greatful. “thank you” you reach for his hand. Squeezing it gently. He smiles, shyly looking down.
You finish the last of your food. Syrup still sticking to the corner of your lips. Joong had gotten up to stop the fighting of yunho and the guys, taking your tray with you. Yunho had stepped back to fight off the rest of the crew, like he was your protective shield whilst you ate, you can still hear wooyoung, mingi, and san whining. Seonghwa took his seat in joongs spot, too far away from you. You have to scoot up over to him for him to get what you're doing. He meets you halfway. Looking you over.
“You don't smell like sex” you cough. Sputtering, covering your mouth with your hand so you're not accidentally spitting on him. Seonghwa laughs, plump lips pulled into a smile over his cheeks. “Hongjoong said give him a few minutes so..” he nodded in thought, pinching his fingers together over his lap. “for some reason i don't think hongjoong can finish that fast,” is your face on fire? You're so very warm with seonghwas casual words.
“I finish that fast” you spurt out. God, are you digging yourself a hole to die in? Seonghwa looks the least bit shocked, if not somewhat happy at your words that have you internally crying from embarrassment. “Then you're well taken care of.” he nods, taking your hand in his. “yeosang’s running a bath for you. Should be ready.” he intertwines your hands in his, fingers spreading over yours. Hwas other thumb reaches to swipe the syrup from the corner of your mouth, popping it into his after to suck off the residue. Oof- as if that's not equally as sexy as hwa is.
“Let's get you cleaned up angel”
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A/n; I'm so sorry. (Nu-uh). this is posted as soon as I tag n all that jazz so I can sleep when it goes out ☺️ I spent all night writing this(I'm a whore) and I had to step away a few times to collect myself. Gifs are edits, I turn them into gifs/edit gifs (ily editors!) Comments push my motivation, thank you all,, muwah. P.s would yall be upset if seonghwa had an oppa kink(theres proof I'm p sure help)
Taglist: @lelaleleb @bratty-tingz @0325tiny @smilefordongil @atinytinaa @yunholuvrsblog @ja3hwa @stopeatread @sousydive @voicesinmyhead-rc @giiouis @c4tboyxiao @eastleighsblog @doggopepper @uhhheather @hyukssunflower @hhoneylix @tunaasan @satsuri3su @acescavern @edusweah @silentcry329 @silentreadersthings @ldysmfrst @idfkeddieishot @zdgx1 @lomons @rln-byg (thank you all! If the tag isn't working, or u changed ur user, please let me know ♥︎)
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sinsandsweetness · 11 months
across the hall - part 2 (Frank Castle x fem!reader)
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part 1
cw- eventual smut, 18+ , nothing crazy<3
notes- definitely placed in the beginning of season 1. I know he goes by a different name at that time but… I don’t really care lol. I have no clue where this is going but it’s all my fingers will type today so I’m rolling with it. lmk what we think:)
Frank opened the door in plaid pyjama pants and a grey tee. Rubbing at his eye with his palm and leaning up against the doorway.
“Hey,” he seems a little surprised. Like no one has ever knocked on his door before. “You lose your keys again?”
You’re momentarily distracted by the stretched fabric across his body. Muscles in his arms bulging and flexing involuntarily as he crosses them against his chest.
“Oh, um, no I just- uh, I wanted to say thank you, for the other night. You didn’t have to do that and … yeah just, um, I made you this.” You bring attention to the casserole dish in your hands. “Just as a little thank you.”
He wants to smile but for whatever reason he bites it back. Nodding slightly and shrugging his shoulders. “Was just bein’ a good neighbour.”
“Yeah, but I mean, you didn’t have to. It was just really nice and I, um, I appreciated it. A lot.” You shift on your feet. Glancing down at your bunny slippers and pyjama pants.
“What is it?” Frank opens the door even more, nodding to the dish. He’s inviting you in. Not verbally. But he backs into his apartment and expects you to follow.
“Uh, lasagna. Hope you like it.” You step in and he closes the door behind you. “It’s still needs to go in the oven. A half hour?” You suggest, handing it to him.
He turns the oven on and places the tinfoil covered dish inside. Turning around and looking you up and down. You figure you weren’t supposed to notice that.
With his gaze on you, you find yourself suddenly a little self conscious of your pjs. White top, probably a little see through though you didn’t want to check. Faded pink striped pyjama pants and those fucking slippers. Why couldn’t you have just slipped on some flip flops. Anything else.
“Kinda late for dinner, no?” He cracks a smile to let you know that he’s not being rude. Just making conversation, acknowledging both of your attire.
“Well you work late, right? I mean at least it seems like it… I don’t know when you get off work or anything-“ you’re rambling. You do know when he gets off. Almost every weekday at 8 pm you hear his door unlock. It’s sticky, catching on the wooden frame. That’s how you know. It’s louder than anyone else’s in the hall. And, most of the time, you get home from college at the same time. Running into him in the elevator and walking alongside him to the two of your doors. At least on the days you decide to study.
Frank nods. Leaning up against the counter. A little smirk visible in the dim lit apartment.
“You want somethin’ to drink?”
“Oh, no I’m ok. I should get back to bed anyway.” You stutter, motioning towards the door.
“You’re gonna make me eat this whole lasagna all alone?”
You open your mouth but nothing comes out.
“Stay. Have a beer. Or water. I have water. Wine? Think I got some wine somewhere in here,” Frank is already in the fridge, pulling out a couple bottles of beer. Same as the other night.
“Beer’s good.” You finally answer.
“Here. Take a seat.” He hands You the bottle and pulls one of the stools at the island out for you.
You sit there and wait for the timer on the oven to go off. He asks you what you do. What you’re studying in school. How you like it. You ask him about work. What he does, how he likes it. Typical small talk, only this time you’re here on purpose. Not out of necessity.
When the timer goes off he makes you up a plate. Sitting next to you at the island, you eat with him. You’re not very hungry, seeing as you’d already eaten dinner. But you didn’t really want to leave. Not after his comment about eating alone. That pulled at a heart string.
“So…” you try to come up with more conversation. An empty plate and a fork in front of you both. Only a few sips left in your beer. “You live alone?”
He nods. Taking a swig of his beer.
“Oh. So you don’t… have a girlfriend or anything?”
He doesn’t know wether he should smile. Instead he just shakes his head. No girlfriend. Ok. You don’t want to admit it but you’re glad he said no. Even though you don’t know him very well, you feel drawn to the man. Big and burley and quiet. Handsome of course. And something else that you can’t quite put your finger on.
“You uh,” he swallows, “you have a boyfriend?”
“No,” you huff a little laugh. Though it’s not very funny.
“So your buddy from the elevator…?”
“Oh no. That’s- he’s just my roommate. He’s got a girlfriend. Several actually,” you laugh awkwardly and wish you could smack your forehead.
“Lady killer, huh?” He cracks a smile.
“Somethin’ like that. Definitely thinks he is,” you smile back and take a few more swigs of beer. Not really feeling a buzz but definitely more relaxed. You don’t know why you’re always so anxious around Frank. He’s much more kind than the energy he puts off in the hall.
Two more beers and a few awfully raunchy roommate stories later and you find yourself back on his couch. Laughing so hard your stomach hurts. your slippers are kicked off and across the room. You’re sitting there, criss cross applesauce beside him and demonstrating the size of a hot pink dildo that your freshman year roommate forgot to take out of the shower. Frank is laughing and covering his face with a palm. Like he’s actually embarrassed for the girl. But you’re both a little tipsy so it really doesn’t matter.
“So what, you’ve never been the bad roommate?” He asks. His hand so close to your knee it’s burning hot.
“I mean…” you bite your lip. Trying not to smile and give yourself away.
“Ok. So you have. How?” He nudges your leg with his own. Urging you on.
“I have not!” You laugh. Trying to uphold your dignity.
“I’m callin’ bullshit. Pretty girl like you? No way you don’t have a few skeletons in that closet.” His hand is on your knee now. Undeniably there. Resting. Squeezing.
You blush. You can’t help the way your face heats up. He called you pretty. And he’s touching you.
You swallow, “I- I’ve had a couple of hookups that, maybe weren’t exactly the quietest. Or… safest.” You try to keep it brief. Hoping he’ll let it be at that.
“Well… there was a bathtub incident, where he, um, broke his foot. And a… well a bed frame incident as well…” you’re face is burning. You can’t believe you’re admitting this to your neighbour. One that you definitely wouldn’t mind seeing shirtless again. One that you’ve been picturing in your bed for a much longer time than you’d care to admit.
“Hmm,” He hums a little laugh but he doesn’t bother asking for any explanation.
“What?” You ask. Nervous of the answer.
“No, you were about to say something, go on.”
“I don’t know. You just didn’t strike me as that kind of girl. Always carrying all those books around. Seemed like the kinda girl who goes to school and to church and that’s it. Just… I don’t know. You surprise me.”
“I’m full of surprises, Frank. I think we both are.”
He nods. You have no idea.
“Besides, I don’t even go to church,” you finish off your bottle with one last sip. Placing on the floor beside the couch leg.
“Why did you think that?” You ask.
“You’re up at 8 every Sunday. Dressed all nice. Figured that’s where you go.”
He notices you every Sunday. How does he notice?
“I meet a friend….for brunch. Been sort of a ritual since school started,” you explain, “how do you- how do you know that?”
“How do you know that i’m up at 8 on sundays?”
“I see you, walking down to the corner of the street,” He points to the window. “Hear your keys in your hand as you leave the hallway. And I know about 4 minutes later, I’ll see you on the sidewalk. Going towards the lights.”
“So you’re spying on me?” You tease. Smiling like an idiot. He notices you! Frank notices you and he has for weeks. All while you’ve been trying to muster up the courage to talk to him in the elevator or the hall. He’s been doing the same thing.
“It’s not spyin’ if it’s general knowledge. Anyone can see you leavin’ the building.” He defends himself but you know he’s smiling.
“Yeah but you’re obviously the only one who notices.” You sit up straighter. Suddenly feeling really close to his face. Looking into those deep brown eyes.
“Trust me when I say, I’m definitely not the only guy who notices you.” His eyes keep darting away. Like he’s afraid of you seeing into them. Seeing into him.
You bite your lip. Not knowing what to say. It’s a compliment, though you’ve never been very great at taking those.
“Hey, Frank?” You ask, redirecting his attention back to your eyes. Your voice is quiet. Shy. “Would you wanna go for brunch sometime?”
“I got a better idea. Stay the night, and I’ll make you breakfast this time. How’s that sound?” His hand on your leg is squeezing you gently. And his words are pulling you even closer.
“I’d like that,” you breath out, nose almost touching his. Hand coming up to the side of his face, “I’d like that a lot.”
You press your lips to his and your suddenly thankful for all the beers he gave you. Feeling a hundred times more courageous than you typically do.
His hands are wrapping around your waist on no time. Pulling you around to straddle his lap. To kiss him and feel him underneath you. Hands roaming his broad shoulders and down his chest. His own hands dragging under the thin material of your long sleeve, sending pinpricks down your arms from the touch.
Your tongues taste of beer as they trace over each others lips. Muffled moans threaten to creep up your throat as you feel him grow hard underneath you. Grinding against his bulge, only the thin fabric of your pyjamas between you.
He picks you up by the backs of your thighs. Lifting you and him both to maneuver you around. He wants you underneath him. Your back hits the leather couch and his forearms frame your face. Coming back down to meet your lips again, you reach for his shirt, pulling on the hem. He lets you lift it over his head. Your own shirt quickly after. Pants being tugged down all rushed and inpatient before you find yourself inviting him in between your legs. Heels wrapped around the small of his back and your nails dig into his shoulder blades while he enters you slowly. Giving you a minute to adjust to his size.
His kisses are hungry. Warm and, somehow, already familiar. His beard tickles your jaw but you can’t complain. It feels too good. Him. Inside of you. Hands wrapped around your waist and pulling you closer as he fucks you. The sofa is creaking with every thrust but he doesn’t seem to care. Whispering sweet nothing in your ear. You can barely hear them you’re so high. Intoxicated by the taste of him. The feel of him. Nothing is going through your mind except him and how fucking good he feels.
“Frank, I’m- oh god I’m getting close,” you let him know with your lips brushing his neck the whole time. You want to kiss every inch of him. Every spot you can reach. He doesn’t mind. Going even faster at your announcement. Determined to get you there before him, because at your words, he’s trying so fucking hard not to finish in your tight, warm heat right here and now.
You press your forehead to his collarbone, fingers tangling into the hair at the nape of his neck. Pulling and tugging and silently telling him that you’re there. Your breath hitches and he feels you convulse around him. Your orgasm takes over and a warm, euphoric wave spreads throughout your core. Frank pulls out and hot, white ropes coat your lower belly. His own face pressed into your neck. A shiver of pleasure runs through his spine.
You catch your breath in his hold. Gripping his arm and the back of his neck. Trying to pull him back for one last kiss.
He obliges, pressing his lips to yours and leaning back, forcing you to follow and sit up with him.
“Sorry, I- you can shower. I’ll go get it started.” He days between kisses. But you shake your head.
“It’s fine.”
“No I shouldn’t of-”
“I liked it.”
He nods. Eyes closing and melting back into your kiss. Hands still refusing to leave your body. Feeling and memorizing every soft curve of your waist. Your hips. Your ribs and the dip in your spine.
“Can I stay? Can we- can you-“ you take a deep breath, “will tou take me to your bed, Frank. Please?” You ask and he feels his cock twitch. Fuck. He can’t say no. He doesn’t want to say no. He wants to fuck you in his bed until the sun rises. He wants to tell you to stay every damn night for the rest of your life. To move on in and give him a damn kid. He knew he was hooked from the first kiss. Screwed really. There’s nothing he can do except see it through. Ride it out and let the universe do the rest.
Before you know it your legs are wrapped around his waist and he’s carrying you through the apartment, lips on his the whole way to the room. His foot must have tapped your empty bottle, knocking it over to roll along the floor, clinking against the linoleum.
Distracted by eachother, you don’t seem to notice, and he doesn’t seem to care.
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burn-before-reading · 2 months
blue is the colour of your eyes
joost klein x artist! reader
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The overwhelming need to paint him. just fluff and rambling and being a nervous mess.
now has a prequel! read here
word count: 2.3k
a/n: supposed to be short blurb but it got away from me soooo anyway i haven’t tried to write anything in a hot second but Joost is inspiringggg so enjoy. Definitely wanna come back to this idea later possibly who knows. i don’t proofread anything btw so good luck
warnings: none except awkwardness, google translate Dutch, and a titanic reference.
You can’t seem to stop staring at him today. Two hours of putting pencil to paper trying to come up with literally ANY other idea and now your left with a pages full of Joost doodles.
He, of course, has no clue. drawing on his ipad on the other side of the couch. a movie playing in the background as the two of your got engrossed in your own work. who knows what he was doodling.
You were supposed to be brainstorming ideas for a painting for a group show coming up. The theme was vague and open ended. Love, in every sense of the word. Platonic, romantic, the secret third kind you didn’t even wanna think about right now.
You shouldn’t be thinking about Love and staring at Joost. You two were friends. He just sees you as a friend. Purely platonic.
Turning the next page over you give yourself a fresh start and start working on a couple thumbnails for possible paintings. You start scribbling a figure in the center. moving quickly to the background you add scribbles of flowers and leaves. making a short list to the side of plants to study later: Daisies, Sage, tulips.
Satisfied enough with the first thumbnail you scribble a few more in different poses. hands folded in their lap, resting on a table, holding a cigarette….wait.
you go back to the last sketch and notice you added a bit more details than intended. chunky glasses and a sharp haircut. you look back up at your accidental muse. He is still engrossed in his own art, but you manage to catch his eye after a minute when he looks up from his work.
his eyes pierced into your soul in that moment and the painting flew together in your head. Splashes of yellow and orange contrasting with the green of the plants. And his eyes. bright blue.
Why are his eyes so blue…
“you good?” he asks.
you dont know how long you were staring at him before you submitted to your own subconscious desires. Pencil tapping repeatedly on your sketchbook you muster up the courage to ask,
“can I paint you?”
his mouth gaped open slightly as that wasn’t exactly what he was expecting. He straightens his posture and shifts slightly in his seat.
“like… now?”
“No not now.. I just keep getting stuck on this idea and,, can i?” you gesture to the space next to him and he shimmies over slightly to give you permission to move closer. Now sitting next to him, you lean your book over for him to see.
“I just keep thinking about this idea of someone in a boquet of flowers, or just surrounded by flowers, and I want it to feel warm. I would be looking off to the side, or maybe smoking, i don’t know yet, but around you I imagined some Tulips and maybe sage to contrast your hair and..” you stopped as you felt yourself rambling and you look up. Bright blue staring back at you, full attention, hanging on your every word.
Comforting, yet still intimidating. You feel yourself want to shrink back into your half of the couch. explaining your ideas and baring your soul to this creature next to you that stole your attention and won’t give it back. This Fae that you gave your name to and now your theirs. At his beck and call at 9am when he texts you to hang out all of a sudden, so you cancel your own plans. Fae with bright blue eyes. stupid blue eyes.
what shade of blue are they?
his face looked interested, but still confused and hesitant, so you start to backtrack.
“You don’t have to agree, it was just an idea I had..” your pencil nervously taps the edge of your paper again and you look down and away from his face.
tap tap tap tap tap tap
Joost grabs your hand to stop your nervous tick and you glance back at him.
“No i want to, but… do i have to be naked?” his question breaks the tension and you burst out laughing.
“No. what? No! why would you think that?” you ask. he laughs as well.
“Ive seen your other studies of people, I didn’t know if this was gonna be like that one scene in titanic or,”
“Titanic? no no, I just want it to be you. We can agree on an outfit later if you are down for it but I just want you to feel like yourself.” he smiled and from this close you could see and the beautiful little details of his face. crows feet, dimples, each individual eyelash. His perfect blue eyes.
the next week you met up again, but this time you had arranged your studio up so you could sketch and photograph your model as needed. You had gathered your other needed models, a bouquet or two of flowers you had spent the last few days over analysing and studying. pages and pages of flower studies to make sure you had all the right angles needed when it came to the final painting. This next step you were slightly dreading.
It much easier to draw something when its not starting straight back at you.
Joost showed up later that day wearing a white button up short sleeve shirt, a black tie, and his usual chunky frames. his hair not as neat as it usually was but styled to suit the overgrown mullet look he had been sporting lately. Yellow roots growing in. He had badgered you all week about what he needed to wear and even though you said you trusted his fashion choices to pick a suitable outfit he insisted on a guideline. So you gave him one.
“Well people usually get flowers on a date, right? so i dunno, what would you wear on a date?”
“ Have you gotten flowers on a date before?”
“well… no, but typically thats a thing sometimes. it seems nice.”
“… Is this a date?”
“…its a collaboration.”
You guided him over to the corner you had set up as the make shift backdrop for him to model in. An old love chair you thrifted years ago sitting on rolled out black paper for the backdrop. some flowers in a pile of the floor for you to mess with later.
He sits down on the chair as you gather your needed materials to sketch. larger pieces of paper, charcoal and an assortment of graphite, watercolour paints, and your camera for when he can’t sit still any longer.
“okay i think im all set. lemme know whenever you’re comfortable and we can start okay?”
“okay.. do I just stare at you or..” he fidgets with a ring on his finger.
“find something to focus on right behind me. and just try to sit naturally. I just want you to pose in a way that feels naturally.” you state and pick up a piece of charcoal and bring it up to the easel.
Posing came a little naturally to Joost. He had done plenty of photoshoots before but he felt 100% more nervous about this one. It was more personal, more intimate. He had never really watched you work before, fully in your element, and it was so fascinating to him. yet… boring. He wondered how rich people in the past could stand for so long to get their portrait done, it had been two minutes and he was dying of boredom. His only entertainment was stealing glances at you and the faint music in the background.
“Can I talk?” he asked, careful not to move he head as he glanced at you. he saw you nod in his peripheral vision.
“Yea that should be okay, Ill let you know if i need you to stop for a second.”
“So… do you have people model for you usually?”
“No not really. most times I paint from life outside or just have to look for references online. Ive drawn friends before, but never for a bug painting. This one needed to be more personal tho.”
“more personal? How-“
“Wait can you turn back?” He had moved his head towards you fully with that last question. throwing off the perfect angle you had for his hair. “Sorry I’ll answer in a second just tilt your head a little..” you gesture with your hands and he tries to go back into position, but its not the same. He is still looking at you, that perfect shade of blue haunting you, staring you down. you look at the first sketch you had and now it just feels boring. “Maybe lets try a different pose.” the pencil tapping starts again as you think.
“Sorry, did I mess it up?” he looks away from you and runs in hand through his hair, giving it a new look. It urks you how much can change in a person with just one moment. With one turn it feels like an entirely new image.
“You’re fine, I just want something more interesting. Maybe if your hands were… can I?” He nods and you walk over to analyse his pose at a closer distance. Wiping your hands on your pants to eliminate any charcoal and sweat, you carefully pose his arms to rest on the armrests. You step back, to view your work.
“You were saying, what is this for again?” he asks. You are too engrossed in your project at this point to feel embarrassed talking about it.
“A group show between me and some old college friends. Ive been struggling on something to pick for the theme and it finally came to me the other day.” You fidgit with his left arm, deciding if it should be resting under his chin or falling from the armrest into his lap. “I just want this to be perfect..”
“Whats the theme?” You look at his and feel your face grow a little hot with what the answer is.
“uhh,, flowers! thats what we’re missing!” you avoid the question by running to grab one the fresh boquetes you bought this morning.
“I think maybe if you just hold these then you can-“ you foots catches on a pencil that had fallen, sending you crashing down and into Joosts lap in the chair, where he catches your arms to help you regain balance.
“are you okay?” You are growing more frustrated by the second and you don’t want to look up at him.
“yea, fine. Just gimmie a second.” Your eyes stay down at his lap where the bouquet now laid in a shaken mess of petals and leaves. still usuable, but not your perfect vision like you wanted.
“Maybe you should take a break for a second?” he insists and stands up the switch places so now you sit in the chair, and he is hovering above you. “You are getting really worked up over this, are you okay?”
“yea yea, im fine.” you take a deep breath to try and regain yourself. Looking up, the blue is now inches from your face as he stares are you with worry. For some reason, in this moment, you just feel like bursting. “Its your eyes. I can’t focus with em.”
“You’re always so distracting, you know that?”
“If im so distracting then why ask me to model?”
“Its just for the theme. Like i said it came to me the other day and i can’t let it go now.”
“ what can’t you let go?”
“I think I might be falling in love-“ you stop yourself as the words fall out, but the confession is already spoken. Your eyes fall to your lap as you can’t bare to look at him in the moment.
“Lieverd…” he bring a hand up to delicately grab your cheek and tilt your head up so you look at him again. With the two of you staring again you glance between his eyes and his mouth, and he seems to understand. “can I?” he asks and you rise out of the seat to meet him halfway.
Lips meeting and moving together as you bring one hand to his hair and the other grabbing at his shirt collar to bring him closer. His free hand pulls your waist in as your lips move in sync, each of you waiting for the other to break the moment.
You pull away first and are immediately met with your foe, blue staring you down but now feel softer. You pull your hands away slightly and wince at the damage you had done.
“Shit! Your shirt!” His looks to see smudges of charcoal staining the collar from where you grabbed it. He laughs and just shrugs.
“I kinda like it.” he replies and leans back in to kiss you again. You kiss back and lean into it before breaking again.
“As fun as this is, ai do really want to finish the sketch.” Joost laughs and nods, giving you space to get up and he sits down once again.
“Can I take you on a date after this?” he asks.
“mmm maybe,” you tease,” Ive never dated one of my models before.” you pick up the charcoal one more time and put a new piece of paper on your easel.
“Im more than just a model, right? Im your muse.” he smirks and gets into a dramatic pose that he is surely going to complain about holding for more than a minute. “Now, Lieverd, Teken mij als een van jouw Franse meisjes.”
You two did not get much more work done that day.
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