#also jgy and xue yang are there turning people into living zombies
layzeal · 8 months
mdzs extras are so funny because you have most of them dedicated to wangxian's cute post-marriage dates, fun night-hunting adventures or weird wholesome kink exploration, and then squeezed between those chapters you have jin guangyao and xue yang commiting crimes against humanity
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winepresswrath · 4 years
Tangentially related to your recent discussions about JC and JL, I've always wondered what JC's reaction would be if he found out the extent of what NHS did as it relates to JL. JL was put in danger multiple times as part of NHS' schemes! NHS took down JGY in a way that harmed the Jin's standing and now JL is responsible for dealing with that mess! I don't think JC would blame NHS for wanting revenge, but I think he would be furious that JL almost died for that revenge
Huaisang luring Jin Ling into Xue Yang's backyard would I think be the sticking point. Huaisang might have done a little instigating, but Jiggy kidnapped the juniors and left them in the burial mounds before siccing a zombie horde on them basically under his own power. Jin Ling crashing the temple is really on Jin Ling and in a sense on Jiang Cheng and Jiggy's indigo parenting, but Huaisang did kill a bunch of cats to make a spooky trail to the city of living corpses (complete with poison dust). What self respecting intrepid teen ghost hunter is going to turn that down? And there's an active intent to endanger Jin Ling that isn't really present in any other instances of nephew imperiling. If anything had actually had happened to Jin Ling during Huaisang's vengeance extravaganza I don't think only being tangentially involved would save Huaisang from Jiang Cheng's permanent shitlist, but I think he's pretty mad at at Jiggy in his own right and willing to accept the Jin's reduced status and relative instability as a fair trade for Jiggy dying horribly.
I also think Jiang Cheng is kind of emotionally exhausted and preoccupied with stabilizing Lanling and Jin Ling and his assorted brother feelings. If he and Huaisang started to get closer post- canon, it would probably come up, but there's no reason to believe Jin Ling is in any further danger from him and on the list of people who have upset Jiang Cheng by persistently lying to him while endangering people he loves Huaisang is lingering at a distant third.
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Mdzs Modern Supernatural AU
A warning tho: this is very shitty
So like, it’s really not that much. Supernatural people exist, and while their existence is known to society they usually live in mainly supernatural-only communities, since humans aren’t very pleased with them.
Most of the Wens are humans and the Wen family is know for being against supernatural people. Everyone else is just some kind of supernatural creature
Wwx is half wizard. His mom was a star from Baoshan Sanren’s constellation who came to earth and fell in love with his dad, a wizard (that’s why he’s more powerful than normal wizards, and why sometimes he just seems to... glow). His mom had to return to the sky when he was 6 so ever since then he’s been living with just his dad.
The Jiangs are werewolves and pretty much wwx’s second family. He tries to keep away from them when they are in their wolves form tho as to not get scared.
The Nie brothers are minotaurs. The Jins are fairies (and very prideful of that).
The Lans are vampires, and most of the time they are hibernating to avoid consuming blood.
(Some types of supernaturals will age much slower, or will stop/ slow down aging after reaching a certain age. Vampires will age very slowly while in hibernation, but their aging will speed back up while out of it, and will stop aging after the age of 30. Wizards will start aging more slowly after 30, but continue aging. Werewolves and minotaurs age normally and fairies stop aging between 20 and 30)
Lwj and wwx meet in highschool during their junior year after lwj leaves hibernation. Wwx just sees this sparkly teenager in fancy victorian clothing sitting in the first raw right in the middle with the oldest journal he’s ever see and ink quill, and he just has to bully him ok?
Lwj acts displeased but is actually smitten.
Also? Light usually bothers him? But there seem to be this light radiating off of wwx and not only does it not bother him? But also makes him feel content and happy? Disgusting.
Wwx gets detention and lwj has to supervise him. Also lwj discovered computers in the library, and while he is away to try and find some manuals on how to use one, wwx opens a porn video on the computer for when lwj returns.
Lwj nearly yeets him from the third floor window.
After highschool they part ways for college and lose contact.
They meet again years later when lwj is followed by some greesy wen guy and his lackeys who are trying to stake him.
Wwx finds him and hides him in his apartment, but lwj is hurt and lost too much blood to regenerate, so wwx being wwx and having nursed feelings for lwj ever since hs sees his chance and offers lwj to drink from him. (That’s also how he finds out that wwx is half star)
From there they just reunite and is shameless wangxian flirting and getting together.
The wens end up in a tragic accident and almost all of them die.
Wen Qing (with a little bit of help from wwx) revives her brother into a frankenstein-like zomby?
Little A-Yuan who unfortunately got caught in the fire too became a ghost, and is adopted by wangxian. (Ghosts can take any appearence they want age-wise, but ghosts who died as kids whill usually keep a kid appearence until they mature enough for an older one. They can’t die again but their souls can be liberated so they can move on)
Jyl marries jzx and has jl who is half fairy and half werewolf. (Thank ypu @evilgay and @animeluver1798 ) (Tho, since the jins are so prideful I imagine that his werewolf side would be the one kept secret? Another secret is also the fact that he also doesn’t have wings like other fairies? So his fairy form is more like a more sparkly and magical thumbelina? And he can turn into a wolf in a state of great distres or during full moons but it’s very tyring?)
Lxc has been out of hibernation for much longer than lwj and has been dating jgy and nmj.
Xxc is a gorgon and is married to sl who is a human, and they adopted A-Qing who is also a ghost, and Xue Yang, a changeling.
Mian mian is a nymph and is dating Wen Qing.
Ouyang Zizhen is a satyr.
Lan Jingyi is a vampire who should be in hibernation but can’t hibernate for more than half a day.
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