#also just so we're clear this IS a vague post but the op of the post im vagueing was correct i just didnt wanna clown in their notes
little-klng · 2 years
hate that you cant just see a post that talks about how homeschooling is by-and-large a tool for evangelical alt right conspiracy freaks to isolate and abuse their kids out of fear that their kids might grow up to have different ideas and perspectives than them without looking in the notes and seeing 600 people like "well if the parents had some sort of teaching background it would be fine :) the real problem is that they're underqualified and dont really teach common core very well". and just completely missing the point.
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opossumanon · 3 months
Me :3
Hello!!! On most of my blogs I'd share my name cuz it's common but this is my secret blog so putting my name on here could help some people find it, which wouldn't be the end of the world ig but then it wouldn't be a secret blog anymore, so yall can just call me Opossum Anon, Opossum, Possum, etc. Literally whatever the fuck works go for it I don't care.
My pronouns are mainly He/They. I'm iffy on she cuz 90% of the time I hate when it's used on me but the other 10% of the time it actually feels kinda neat. Not sure what that's about.
I've been out (as trans) for nearly 5 years now, and I spent most of that time identifying as a binary trans man. It's only recently (at the time of this post) that I've realized that I'm actually a fagdyke: A faggot and a dyke, a gay man and a lesbian, a butch and a twink, all at the same time. I still feel attachment to the label of trans man, but not in a binary way like before. If you have some questions about this feel free to send me asks and I'll try to explain it because I like teaching people things. If you're personally upset by how I identify for some reason then I suggest using the block button now.
Other things about me:
I may be punk???? I like some punk music, mainly queercore. Some artists I like include X-Ray Spex, Tribe 8, and The Oozes. Please don't quiz me on these bands I haven't listened to all their songs yet and I don't get nosy about the lives of the artists I like. I also believe in stuff like community, abolishing the police, getting rid of billionaires, hating bigots because I love minorities over loving minorities because I hate bigots, capitalism is a system which rewards selfishness and directly opposes creativity, housing and food are rights that EVERYONE deserves, death penalty does more harm than good, etc.
I'm autistic and have adhd. I yap about it a lot.
I'm aroacepec!!! It's neat :> (I also yap about this)
"Contradictory" labels are fun and define queerness, yall rule enforcers are just weird and trying to replicate heteronormativity but with a rainbow slapped on top of it
Queer isn't a slur. I also say fag(got), dyke, and tranny sometimes cuz I believe that anyone in the queer community can use them because we're unique in that a faggot can be mistaken for a dyke, a dyke can be mistaken for a faggot, both can be mistaken as trannies, and a tranny can be mistaken for either one.
Minding your own business is such a healthy and happy mindset to have, it's definitely one of the reasons my depression is cured and my skin is clear, highly recommend it.
I live in the Southwestern United States and I like to drive through my home city while listening to my cd collection in my 10-year-old car.
No sending nsfw stuff to me please! Me liking a post about nsfw topics =/= Me flirting with you
Bigots go away
Just don't be a dick in general I guess?
My tagging system (Not that I remember to use it very much):
"insert thumbs up emoji" - I am not a part of this group and I don't have anything to say and/or the op doesn't want me to say anything so I'm giving a vague and quiet show of support with my reblog
"putting you on blast" - Has nothing to do with me whatsoever but I think it's neat (Usually used for pictures and drawings and stuff)
"my life is your problem now" - Personal stuff
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softquietsteadylove · 2 years
I've got some request for Doctors AU, I've watched this scene on Grey's Anatomy. Thena's doing a surgery and Gil reminding her that it's time to take her meds, he's also holding some food. Thena walks through him and grumble while being fed by him.
Some cute, soft, quiet moment for them pls plus the interns being confused if they're married or not.
Thank you!!!
"Okay, and one...two...three!"
Thena and Ikaris both bear down on the patient, Ikaris using his weight to reset the bone in question, Thena holding down the body to minimise the aftershock damage to the socket. It's a sickening sound, but they both laugh a little at the good sign.
One of the interns gags quietly.
"Please," Thena rolls her eyes at them, the last person interested in sparing their feelings. "You're training to be doctors and you're going to flinch at the sound of a hip joint?"
Ikaris looks at Thena as if the little pack of pups isn't even present, "you really do get the worst of the whelps down here."
Thena shrugs at him, "they come here to make cash, not learn."
A hand shoots up, "I wanna learn!"
"Lesson one, don't kiss ass," Ikaris barks at them. "Now, does one of you runts want to help me with the shoulder?"
They look between them, but Thena snaps her gloves off her hands, "you are here to learn. It's almost as if it's part of your jobs here--to learn to practise medicine?"
She tosses the gloves at them, and the one who catches them instead of letting them fall to the floor, she points to, "you."
The intern sighs, visibly tucking their tail between their legs as both Thena and Ikaris glare at them. They take Thena's position at the opposite side of the bed from Ikaris.
"Just hold 'im down. I'm doin' the hard part anyway."
Thena turns as the door cracks open, revealing a certain paramedic, "Gil?"
"Sorry to interrupt," he whispers, slipping into the room. The interns make room for him by Thena's side. "How's it going?"
"Car crash, some of the other guys picked him up pretty far out of the city," Thena narrates as the intern tries not to cry as Ikaris barks at them to hold the patient steady. "He's lucky it's not worse, but bones got pretty messed up from-"
"Having his feet on the dash," both of them finish simultaneously, laughing a little as they do.
The interns look at them funny for laughing at the severity of the injuries, but their backs go straight as Thena looks at them sharply again.
"Any of you ever done that?"
They all shake their heads, and immediately she can tell at least two of them are lying. She narrows her eyes, "tell me what this guy's recovery is going to look like."
They look between themselves, although they're learning that the longer they take doing so the more they get yelled at. "Uh, six to eight weeks minimum in a full cast-"
"And that's after his post-ops are done," Ikaris interjects as he resets the shoulder with another loud and sickening crack of bone on bone. "You don't just reset a hip and then put 'em in a plaster diaper for two months."
"He's lucky the bone didn't break clear through his pelvis," Thena says, not sugarcoating it at all for the young minds in the room. They shudder, but she looks up at Gil, "you back from a run?"
"Yep," he grins at her, "and it's that time."
Thena frowns, turning over her wrist to look at her watch and then back up at him, "I can't just leave the whelps."
Gil shrugs, though, "we can do it here."
The interns begin to trade looks between themselves, a few of them seeming vaguely flustered.
"No, we can't," Thena huffs at Gil, tucked right into her personal bubble. She puts her hands on her hips, "we're in the middle of a case."
"Ikaris has it under control," Gil waves vaguely in the direction of their colleague with his hoodie pocket. "And you're not going to avoid me all day, so you might as well just let me get it over with."
A few of the interns blush.
"Gil," Thena sighs, almost seeming sheepish herself. She knows better than to try and fight him on this, "you don't have to do this, you know."
"Maybe," he neither admits nor denies, instead just sidestepping her protests, as weak as they are. "But I want to, and that's all that matters."
Even Ikaris is eyeing them occasionally while he checks over the rest of the patient's crumbled tinfoil ball of a body.
Thena sighs and rolls her eyes as loudly as possible. Gil lets her, reaching into his pockets and pulling out a pill bottle, a bundle of wax wrap, and a bottle of vitamin water.
The interns watch in shock - and maybe a little horror - as Gilgamesh first presses the pill between Thena's lips, then tips up the water for her to take a sip. Her hands remain planted on her hips, so she technically isn't handling any contamination for herself.
"And," Gil smiles as he unwraps the wax wrap, holding up a rice ball.
Thena eyes the onigiri. "Tuna?"
"Of course," he grins, holding it up for her to take a bite. She licks her lips, and he takes the liberty of grabbing a grain of rice she missed for himself.
Thena sighs, unable to keep herself from smiling, "how do you find the time to be such a good cook?"
"Just for you, dear," he chuckles, offering another bite. "How is it?"
He's not talking about the onigiri he has lovingly made and now fed to her. He's not talking about how her day is going or even how this specific patient is going for her.
Thena looks down at the leg of hers that had been impaled an increasing number of weeks ago. She's on the last week of her antibiotic and nerve suppressant medications for it, which Gil is hand feeding her for the sake of keeping her timing consistent.
Gil tucks some of her stray hair behind her ear as he offers another sip of lemonade flavoured water. The interns - and Ikaris - are still being forced to witness every sickening moment of it.
"It's okay," Thena tells Gil honestly as she's chewing. "It's still a little sore some mornings, but once I get going, it's fine."
"And you're still-"
"I'm still doing the stretches," she drones out like a teenager being asked something tedious. Gil has been more strict about her regiment than her physiotherapist, which she has told him multiple times. He only seems proud of that, though.
"Good," he grins as she finishes off the light snack. He swipes his thumb at the corners of her lips again before taking the rest of the water for himself. "Kingo and I are headed out. I'll see you tonight?"
Thena just nods, waving at him to wish him luck on his next run into the field.
Ikaris sighs roughly through his teeth, snapping off his gloves as well. "That's all we can do at the moment. From here, we get him prepped for surgery so we can look at his nerve damage and see just how hard rehabilitation is going to be."
The intern who helped him reset the bone is white as a ghost, paler than the Phantom of the ER herself.
"Go inform Ajak," Thena orders the pups, who walk out talking amongst themselves.
"I didn't know her husband could cook."
"Dude, I didn't even know he was her husband!"
"Really?--all you have to do is see them together once and you know."
Ikaris walks out behind them alongside Thena, who is rubbing sanitiser into her hands. She doesn't seem to be aware of the interns gossiping about her, or maybe she's just used to it. Ikaris has to admit that even he hadn't thought they were together. Although Sersi is always telling him he's a bit thick about this stuff.
He didn't think they were public about it, at least. But it doesn't get much more public than letting your husband hand feed you a home cooked lunch in front of the interns.
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skaldish · 1 year
I'm not the original anon, but the infographic does seem quite unreliable. For instance, if in an explanation of how Dutch conversation works you're using "Dutch" as a descriptor of their debate, you've already lost much credibility in my eyes (since that adds no information and clarifies nothing without relying on stereotypes existing in the mind of the reader). Moreover, there is no clear indication of how the diagrams work, they are not consistent (why do some have string or circle parts while others on have rectangles?) and the shapes can lead to assumptions in the reader that don't seem to have an actual basis (perhaps there is a guide to them that I missed, or it is present in the original book, but if there is I haven't found it and the diagrams are quite unintuitive nonetheless). Also the way not all countries seem to be held to a consistent standard/have the same or similar conversation benchmarks accounted for and compared on their different levels just rubs me the wrong way.
Idk, I obviously don't have any sort of definitive proof that the information on the infographic is wrong or anything, I just think it's vague and misleading.
So here's the piece that's probably throwing you: The diagrams are different from graphs. Graphs need standardization because it's how you maintain the integrity of the quantitative data you're trying to express.
But this is qualitative data, because we're dealing with linguistics and language-interpretation. So instead of looking at the diagrams like you would a graph, look at them like you would look at abstract art.
The diagrams are using shapes to express the somatic experience of a conversation-style the same way a dancer uses movement to express the somatic experience of specific emotions. To put it another way, the diagrams are meant simulate what these conversation-styles feel like when you have them.
The point of doing this was to draw attention to the fact there are differences. This lends credibility to the argument the original article was making: That it's important to know there's a difference in how different cultures engage in business, because not only would this help prevent misunderstanding in an emerging global society, it also helps you avoid misinterpreting someone's attitude towards you or the business you're trying to conduct.
(For further clarity, the titles refer to the people associated with the culture/language/country in question, so "Dutch" refers to the Dutch people living in the Netherlands who speak Dutch, "Spanish" refers to the Spanish people living in Spain who speak Spanish, etc.)
I think what the OP was mad about was the tongue-in-cheek stereotyping used to characterize the conversations. They interpreted it as the author being bigoted and insulting.
But just because something can be interpreted that way doesn't mean it's correct. And they would have recognized that had they looked at the international reaction to the post in the notes.
Like...I go through my notifications, y'all, no matter how insane they get. If people from those countries/cultures were tagging the diagrams as insulting, I would have noticed and would have removed it.
However, I left it because the reactions have been positive. The international response is basically "LOL that's accurate," which had been my own reaction to the diagrams when comparing them to my own family's cultural backgrounds and conversation-styles.
I don't know much about the linguist who made these diagrams, but given the nature of his work, I think he probably knew what kind of humor would land with his global audience, at least at the time it was written.
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randomrings · 10 months
Streaming hiatus and struggling financially
Genuinely terrible update: The place that I was hired by texted me a few hours ago and said they just found out they can't afford to hire any new employees. This is because they are in the process of relocating. To add to it, their new building has a separate operations manager overseeing what goes on there. The manager that was going to hire me said he will send my application to the ops manager there. I have not confirmed an actual date on when the new location will be opened but I suspect January.
What does this have to do with you? I'm taking a hiatus from streaming until I figure out my finances. We are not doing okay here and finding out the day before I start that I actually don't have the job I was promised is a really big blow. At risk of sounding beggy: https://ko-fi.com/randomrings If you have a little money to spare, feel free to donate here. The situation is too fresh for me to know how much money I actually immediately need, especially because I'm also in debt for just trying to survive. Only give if you are safe to do so but we could really use it. Not for Randomrings Channel. Not for Lexi Karma. For survival.
Thanks, everyone for your recent support. I'll come back when I can do this thing without looming dread over my head.
EDIT [12:45pm est] - Just realized that posting this with the tags I did might be vague to people who don't follow me or know me personally. Hi! I'm Ayden. I use they/them and she/her pronouns. I moved in with my partner this year, quitting my transphobic job. See, I'm trans and was discriminated against and didn't feel safe there. Unfortunately, at the time of the move, they didn't have a transfer to another building available for me. That move was this past June. I have been unemployed since. The rest of the story is above. I'm on EBT so we can get by on food and I have some money left over to scrape by on bills for the month.
Rent and water combined is roughly $800 USD a month. My split of that I have documented as $400.81 for this past month. I may have a job lined up in January. I might find something in the new few weeks. But we're struggling now. So hope that clears up the situation. Thank you!
EDIT [11:38PM EST] I took off the mutual aid request tag. We ran into a few refund checks from my old insurance policy. Though only rough $86, still not nothing. I think *yes* we are still struggling. We're frustrated, scared, and upset but I think I posted this out of a bit of panic. We'll make it through December. If not, I'll make a post like this with a little more forethought. I should do commissions. But I'm still going to be on a streaming hiatus until I can get my life a little more together.
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