#also kai's hands are fuckin huge and it surprises me each and every time
vialae · 5 months
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shorkbrian · 3 years
Omg hi so I read your babysitter fic and I was thinking what if bakuogus tired of reader being a brat with him so he brings Kiri over to help him out 🤤 srry im just being horny on anon rn
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“C’mon princess, move your ass before I move it for you.”
You huffed at the blonde, opening the car door, stepping outside and slamming it shut. Bakugou shot you a harsh glare, but you weren’t looking at him, instead crouching to tie your shoe.
He gave you a moment to do that, before the man got impatient, clicking his tongue, shoving his hands in his pockets. “Let’s go, it’s not like I have all fucking day.”
You knew for a fact that yes, he did have all day.
Your mom was away again, another business trip. She was working towards a promotion - a position that meant more hours, more work, more travel.
More time being spent with your stupid babysitter.
With your rapist.
He hadn’t touched you, not outright, since that day. Every time your mom suggested having him over for dinner, you conveniently found somewhere to be; out with friends, on a date, having a sleepover. Anything so that you didn’t have to look at Bakugou Katsuki’s stupid, smug little face.
But your mom had surprised you yesterday night, letting you know she’d be leaving in the morning, that Katsuki would be staying over again. There wasn’t any time for you to argue with her, to plead for her to stay, or to take you with her, or for you to stay at a friend’s house, anything but Katsuki.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were trying to avoid him!” She had laughed, before wagging a finger at you. “Don’t be rude. He’s a nice man, and I trust him to keep you safe. He did last time!”
Yeah, and he also assaulted you last time, so maybe he wasn’t as nice of a guy as she thought.
He was taking you to the mall, not even really giving you a choice, just telling you to get dressed, that the two of you were going out.
Now here you were, trudging silently behind the older man, glaring at the ground.
“Bakubro! Over here!”
A loud shout drew your attention, Bakugou grinning as he started veering towards the shouter, a red-haired man waving enthusiastically. You followed behind him obediently, taking stock of this new man.
He was fucking huge, thick thighs bulging against his jeans, biceps straining against the fabric of his navy hoodie. This new guy was handsome too, a wide, sharp smile, soft red eyes, a clean-shaven face.
“’Sup Idiot? You tryin’ to attract the whole mall? Always so damn loud.” Even though he was complaining, it was clear that these two were friends as Bakugou let the other man pull him into a hug. They pounded each other on the back, before the redhead drew back, pushing past the blonde to give you his full attention. 
“Who’s this? Did you get a girlfriend? She looks a little young bro.”
“I’m not his girlfriend.” You spat, and the redhead held up his hands in surrender as Bakugou shouldered him to the side.
“It’s the little fucker that I’m looking after as a favor. You know I work security for that office complex?” The redhead nodded. “Yeah, one of the milfs gave me free range of her house as long as I watch her.”
Both men looked at you, and the redhead smiled brightly.
“Ah, well, I’m Kirishima! Nice to meet you, sorry you have to put up with such a grumpy fucke-”
“Hey, shaddup.” Bakugou elbowed him, but Kirishima was already extending a hand for you to shake, and you did so gladly. At least you weren’t the only one who thought Bakugou was a grumpy, stuck up mess.
“’Kay, now can we go? I’m starving’, wanna eat before we do anything else.”
Kirishima winked at you as he threw an arm around your shoulders, his other arm around Bakugou. “Food court? I think they have a pretty good selection here...”
Kirishima was much more tolerable than Bakugou.
He was funny, cracking jokes and making you almost spit out the soda he had bought you, slipping you five dollars behind Bakugou’s back for you to get a drink.
The redhead sat next to you while the three of you ate, including you in the conversation whenever Bakugou seemed to forget about your existence.
As the three of you walked from store-to-store, Kirishima listened to you ramble on about the latest game you’d bought, what you thought of your favorite snack brand trying to collaborate with a fashion company, all your opinions on the music playing faintly through the mall speakers.
It was fun when he grabbed your hand, tugging you away from Bakugou and along with the redhead as he ducked into a random store. It was some street-wear fashion place, and Kirishima wanted your thoughts on if a shirt was his color, or if he could pull off one of the hats that adorned the mannequin in the store window.
The two of you were busy laughing at how the hat couldn’t even press past his spiky hairstyle when you noticed Bakugou, glowering at you both from the outside of the store, lips pulled into the deepest frown.
Kirishima started laughing at the man’s expression, and you quickly followed suit, before Bakugou stalked inside, cuffing his friend on the ear.
What a spoil sport.
You couldn’t deny that by the end of the few hours you’d spent with Kirishima, you found yourself attracted to him. Not only in looks, but also in his goofy personality. You wouldn’t mind being friends with him.
It was easy to exchange numbers with the man, easy to let him lift your spirits.
And then it was time to leave, all three of you grouped at the entrance, saying bye, Bakugou and Kirishima giving each other another bro-hug.
You gave Kirishima a hug, leaning into his warm touch, enjoying his spicy cologne as you pressed your face against his broad chest. He eagerly returned the hug, until Bakugou was scoffing, pulling you out of his embrace.
“We’re in fucking public, you two, chill. Keep your pants on, sluts.”
Kirishima laughed, giving you a cheery wave as Bakugou gripped your hand until it hurt, dragging you out of the mall quickly.
“Why are you being such a brat? You were fuckin’ fine earlier.” The blonde man grumbled, glancing over at you from where he was making dinner.
You rolled your eyes, taking a sip of your water. “It’s not my fault you have a stick up your ass. All I said is I don’t like when you make food, tastes bad.”
Bakugou huffed, turning off the stove. “Are you fucking serious? You’re just trying to mess with me, aren’t’cha princess?”
“Could you stop calling me that? I’m not your princess.”
“You’re whatever I want you to be, princess.” Bakugou sneered, stomping towards you.
You quickly backpedalled, setting your glass of water down on the counter, stepping back. “I’m going to go set the table!” Was your way out, and Bakugou backed off as you threw open a cupboard, rummaging for plates and cups as he chuckled to himself.
“Yeah, you do that.” 
It wasn’t long before the table was set, Bakugou bringing the food to set it down onto the hotplate in the middle.
Even just a whiff of the food had your eyes watering, the spice through the roof.
“Seriously dude? You know you’re cooking for two people, why the fuck did you make it inedible?!?” 
The blonde man glared at you as he sat down, jaw working, mouth twisting. “You gonna be a bitch-baby about it? Should be fuckin’ grateful that I even made you dinner.”
“Thanks for dinner.” You mumbled, staring tiredly at the food Bakugou was heaping onto his plate. You didn’t feel like eating anymore, his outburst ruining your mood, reminding you of the time when he got angry because you wouldn’t go to bed, wouldn’t listen to him-
“Eat the damn food.” Katsuki snapped, pulling you out of your thoughts and back to the present.
You did as he asked, even though it burned your mouth. Dinner was quickly gulped down, followed by desperate swigs of water as you tried to chase away the spice. Bakugou huffing the entire time at your inability to handle the level of spice he preferred.
Afterwards, you gathered up the plates and washed them, conscious of Katsuki hovering in the background of the kitchen, watching you work while he tapped away on his phone.
When the last dish was washed, dried, and put away, you began rummaging in the cupboards, looking for something sweet, something to soothe your tastebuds.
“What’re you doin’, didn’t I just feed you?”
Bakugou’s harsh voice made you flinch, but you kept your back to him. “Was hoping there’d be dessert.”
A long, irritated sigh, then a hand gripped your shoulder, pulling you away from the kitchen cupboards. “Ain’t got any of that shit in the house princess, you don’t need it.”
“But-” Your plead was interrupted by Bakugou rolling his eyes, snorting.
“Why are you being such a whiny baby? Is this cause Kiri was spoilin’ you earlier?”
Jutting your chin out, you glared up into red eyes as you turned around seething. “Maybe I like being treated like a person and not a problem. I don’t even understand why he’s friends with you - you’re mean and crass and stup-”
“So you’re just acting out cause you want some extra attention or some shit? What a brat.” The blonde sneered, leaning back against the counter as he tapped away at his phone again.
“You want Kiri so bad, fine. I’ll have him get you some shitty grocery-store dessert. Then maybe you’ll stop acting like a bitch. Stuff some candy in that mouth, will that keep you quiet, huh?”
It was infuriating, being treated like a child. Ignored, talked down to, unable to assert yourself or make decisions. 
“Whatever.” You huffed, shaking your head as you walked out of the kitchen. “Anything’s better than having to sit here with you.”
The front door opening and the faint rustle of grocery bags caught your ear as you fumed on the couch, angrily questioning “why me?” as to your situation. But the noise meant your new friend was here, and he was much nicer than Bakugou.
Nice enough to have you smiling a bit as you rose to your feet, padding into the dining room as you beelined to the soft murmur of two manly voices.
“Heyyy! Long time no see!” The redhead was dressed in a loose tank top and basketball shorts, shoes discarded somewhere in the hall. 
You’d known he was muscular, but actually seeing his muscles without clothes in the way? You were stunned.
A bright blush encompassed your face when Bakugou snapped his fingers, narrowing his eyes at you. “Ay’, stupid! Focus! He got you a bunch of sweet shit. Rot your teeth out.” While gesturing to the two grocery bags resting on the dinner table.
“Hi Kirishima, thanks for the desserts-”
“Aw, it’s nothing. Bakubro wouldn’t tell me what kinda flavors you like so I kinda got a variety...”
Cupcakes and candy and various other sweet treats were nestled in the bags, and you grinned. “Dude, it’s all good. Wanna sit down and have some too?”
Bakugou snorted while Kiri smiled at you, nodding his head.  The dining chair creaked as his weight settled in it, the redhead pushing the grocery bags towards where you sat, encouraging you to pick anything you wanted.
The two men began to talk about this and that, mundane things about work, odd jobs, what their plans for the weekend were, boring stuff you easily tuned out as you indulged in sweet desserts.
Their attention turned to you when a whine slipped from your lips as frosting fell rom the cupcake you were eating and onto your shirt. Before you reached for a napkin, Kiri was leaning over, invading your space.
“You’re kinda messy, aren't you?” He breathed, a single finger swiping through the frosting on your shirt before the redhead sucked it into his mouth, looking at you through his eyelashes.
“Oh-u-uhm...” Was your elegant reply, tummy filled with butterflies at the fact that his finger had pressed against your skin through your shirt, right underneath your breast. 
He was so hot.
“Yeah, and a fuckin’ brat too. Little bitch can’t stop complaining about every little thing. Shut up the second I mentioned you were coming over.” Bakugou cackled, breaking the mood completely.
But Kirishima’s eyes were still on you as his now-clean finger slipped from his mouth. It was mesmerizing, watching the muscles in his arms shift and move as he leaned closer, slipping his hands underneath your shirt and raising the fabric so he could lick at the frosting still stuck on it.
Your breath stuttered, heat flaring suddenly in your tummy at the action.
And then Bakugou had to ruin it again. 
“You can fuck her if you want, I don’t mind. I told the old bird I would watch her kid for her. Didn’t say nothin’ about not getting her drunk on some cock.”
Eyes squeezing shut, you opened your mouth for some snappy reply, but Kirishima beat you to speaking.
“Yeah? Alright. You good with that baby?”
Wait, good with-?
Kirishima was looking up at you expectantly, fingers still clutched in your shirt, refusing to touch your skin. He was hot. This was hot. It’d be perfect if Bakugou wasn’t here.
“C’mon, just fuck her man, she’s been gaggin’ for your dick since she met you. Stop being a loser and man up.”
The redhead in front of you smiled, sharp teeth on display and gleaming. 
Then your shirt was being pulled over your head, hands gripping at your chest, thumbing over your nipples through your bra.
“W-wai-Kiri! Uhm, can’t we- uhm-”
Your voice was ignored, the redhead’s eyes glued to your chest as he pulled down your bra a bit, until he could palm each breast without anything in-between his warm hands and your soft skin.
“You’re so pretty...”
“She’s a whore.” Bakugou snarked.
Hands migrated to your waist, and you were easily lifted onto the table, Kirishima rising from his seat so he could push at your shoulders until they met the solid wood. Bakugou stayed seated, casually notching his hands behind his head and leaning back as he watched the show unfold before him.
Things were happening so fast, you didn’t know what to say, couldn’t move your hands to push away the broad redhead. This was so confusing. Yes, you wanted him, but you didn’t want Bakugou watching. You didn’t want to do this on the dining room table, didn’t like the quick turn the night had taken.
Your pants were being pulled down before you could organize your thoughts, before you could do much else aside from whimper and press your legs together.
“Hah, cute panties. You always wear stuff like this?” Kirishima asked, sliding a thumb underneath the elastic waistband only so he could snap it against your skin. You gasped at the little sting, unsure what to say, what to do.
“Most of her stuff is stupid girly shit like that, so yes.” 
You tried to throw a glare Bakugou’s way, but with the blonde somewhere behind you sitting at the table, you couldn’t turn your head far enough.
Especially not when you were distracted by Kirishima pushing down the waistband of his shorts. 
“I’m so glad I didn’t wear jeans.” He chuckled, holding his cock at the base as he sat back down again, scooting his chair up to edge of the table where your legs were splayed wide.
“Okay pretty, try and stay still for me. Make as much noise as you wanna, Bakugou and I don’t mind.” And then a warm mouth was pressed up against your cunt, licking at you over your panties, dragging the rough cotton against your most sensitive parts.
“Oh! o-oh, oh-oh-” Was all you could make your mouth manage as the redhead gripped your thighs in his giant hands, pushing them apart and allowing his massive shoulders to fit between them as he bent to lick at your pussy.
It felt... It felt so good, building up pressure in your stomach as your hole clenched around nothing.
Then Kiri did something awful, pulling your panties to the side and nosing into your folds with a pleased grunt. His skin was so warm, and you were so wet, and his nose started bumping against your clit as the man sloppily mouthed at you, and you couldn’t-couldn’t
“Stop-stop! ‘m gonna cum!” You wailed, legs twitching.
Immediately Kirishima drew back, soothing circles getting rubbed into your calves by thick fingers. “You don’t wanna cum in my mouth? Wanna cum on my cock instead? That’s cute.”
He stood up, and you barely got a glimpse of his dick bobbing against his stomach before he was leaning forward and catching your lips in a kiss. It almost scared you, sharp teeth poking menacingly against your lips, dragging across your skin as Kirishima moved his mouth against yours, but the redhead knew how to work with his teeth.
“Man, she really is a slut for you.” Bakugou piped up from behind you. He was a bit breathless, voice scratcher, but you couldn’t focus on that, not when Kirishima was pulling away with a groan, one of his hands fisting his cock.
The redhead gathered the spit in his mouth, leaned down, and let it drip onto your cunt, panties still pushed to the side. It was burning hot, adding to the fire in your tummy, blazing higher and higher.
Heavy breathing and labored panting filled the room as Kirishima edged closer to you, laying his cock flat against your entrance, playing with your panties as he did so until they pressed against his cock as it nestled between the lips of your cunt.
And then he started grinding.
Slow, delicious, absolutely heavenly.
You almost didn’t care about the disgusting little groans coming from Bakugou, the slick sounds of him fucking his fist, the creak of his chair behind you.
Your attention was more focused on the pleasurable little zings going up your spine as Kiri rubbed his cock through your folds, all slick and wet. You kept your legs spread wide for him, barely able to breathe at the heat that seemed to fill the space, fill your lungs and steal your voice.
Kiri leaned down to kiss you again, and your hands fisted into his tank top, the material sweaty as it clung to his chest. If you could focus, you’d be trying to pull it off him, see the beautiful skin underneath, the man’s gorgeous body.
But what he was doing with his hips felt so good, you couldn’t even think.
“Kiri-Kiri, gonna-ohmygod-gonna-!”
And you came, shuddering as his cock kept fucking back and forth through your folds, twitching against your clit, veins in his dick pulsing and dragging against your skin.
He wasn’t stopping.
“Unhh, I came, please, wait Kirishima-”
“Didn’t you say you wanted to cum on my cock baby? I’m barely getting warmed up.” A feral smile gleamed bright from his lips. “I don’t play like Bakugou, I like messy girls. Gonna get you so fucked out you can’t even speak, can’t even walk. Won’t give him any trouble then, right? You’ll be good? For us?”
The look in his eye told you that you weren’t going to get a choice.
“Fuck Kiri, turn her over when you fuck her cunt so I can use her mouth.” Bakugou’s voice cut in, and your mood soured even more.
But Kirishima was already agreeing, cock still thrusting against your cunt. 
You didn’t get to make decisions anymore.
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ofmythsandmadness · 5 years
a favour asked like none ever before.
Fake dating. An ancient trope from the very beginning of time - or like, whenever the rom-com gods started working their movie magic. It’s tried and true, a move that always has a satisfying happy ending. 
Well, at least in the movies. In the real world, it’s a suggestion that’s much more messy and complicated for any sort of good end. It’s bitter and heart-wrenching and convoluted, leading to tears and shouts and vases being thrown - or, something like that. Could this trope even ever truly work?
OR, Diego Hargreeves needs a favour unlike anything he’s ever asked for before.
WORD COUNT: 2700+. WARNINGS: A couple swear words. A super worn out trope. Possibly bad, definitely unedited writing. You know the drill. A/N: I wrote this while I was supposed to be doing my job, while scrolling through a selection of one of my favourite cliche tropes. This is just a dumb little thing I made from it. If you want a part two of this, let me know (and as well, if you want to be added to the series’ taglist, let me know, too). xx
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Of all the things she had heard leave Diego Hargreeves lips, perhaps that was the strangest one, to date.
It was the delivery that really sold it - though the words were crazy on their own, the way he said it did not help to make it more sane a request. Him, rushing in through her window as though his ass was on fire, clutching a bag and sporting a wild look in his eyes that never meant good. And before she could even mutter a single thing about him scaring her by doing that, or even finish the yelp of surprise she never could get over, he said those very words.
“I need you to date me.”
Y/N let her shouts of indigence die in her throat, replaced instead by confusion. She watched him dump the bag on her counter and act as he normally would; grab a beer, slip his boots by the door, as though it was his place and not hers. As though he had not just said the most outrageous sentence to ever be uttered in the history of their long and convoluted friendship.
“I - n - what!?”
Diego paused in his movements, sparing her a quick glance before turning away, as though his words were not a complete oddity - enough to inspire like, a late seventies David Bowie album. “What?”
“Uh - did you just hop through my window, say ‘hey we should date’ and then proceed to ‘what’ me as if this is all normal as shit!?”
Diego frowned only then, wagging his beer bottle at her as he swallowed his gulp. “Hey, no, I did not say ‘we should date’.”
“That’s basically what you just screamed into my previously peaceful apartment.”
“There’s a huge fuckin’ difference ‘tween what I said and ‘we should date’!”
“God, I really see why you’re single now. You have no twig of romance in your body, Hargreeves, and you also make absolutely no sense at all!”
“C’mon, Y/N I really don’t want to date you.”
And all she could say to that, after a brief moment of merely blinking, was, “well, shit, thanks?”
“Ah, c’mon - I didn’t mean it like that.”
“No, nah, I mean I can’t say I’m terribly eager to hop on that relationship train with you, but you don’t have to be so harsh about it. I’ll have you know, I am somewhat of a catch.”
Diego sighed and leant his weight against the wall, cradling his beer in one hand and rubbing his face with the other. “It’s just a weird thing to talk about.”
“Hey, you’re the one who brought this up, not me.”
“You got somethin’ to eat?”
“Diego, focus please.”
He threw his hands up in defense, a half-smirk just barely dusting his features. “Sorry, it’s just - look, I’ll be straight.”
“Great, please do that so I don’t combust from all this confusion,” she shot back, sticking her tongue out at his rolled eyes.
“I need a favour from you. A big one, but you owe me, so…”
“Oh, I owe you now?”
“Yeah, don’t you remember last month?”
Her hands fell to her hips, mouth agape in frustrated surprise. “Last month, when I paid you back legit the next day? Stitching your ass up at four in the morning means nothing to you now?”
“Okay, fine, yeah - I know, I ask a lot, but this...I need this. An’ it’s not like I’ve got anyone else.”
“‘That makes me feel so much better.”
He fell off the wall and moved nearer, a pout on his full lips now. His hands moved to hers, bringing them up to his own chest. “C’mon. I’ll make it up to you however you want.”
Immediately, Y/N felt a smirk grow on her face. “Oh, anything?”
“Okay, I-”
“-suddenly, I’m so much more interested,” she giggled, tugging her hands away just so she could pinch his cheeks. Diego shuddered away with a glare, only leaving her laughing harder. “Alright, alright, dummy. What do you need me for this time? Lay it on me.”
“I need you to play my girlfriend.”
Her smile remained, but it was suddenly more strained, weaker and more fake. “Uh-huh. Okay. Um....so. Just...what does that mean, exactly?”
“I need to get my siblings off my ass. They don’t shut up about it, how lonely I apparently am-”
“-I mean, I am your only friend, sweetie-”
“-an’ they keep setting me up, actin’ like they’re gonna find me my future wife. It was fine at first,” he sighed, pausing to gulp down more of his beer. “I didn’t give a shit, but now I’m losing my mind. I’ve had enough of wasting nights pretending I give a damn about people’s jobs and hobbies - you know how many people in this city who think they can sing? Cause there’s way too many a’them out there.”
Y/N chewed her lip. “I see your point, really I do, but c’mon. This is a lot. Having me as your girlfriend? That’s a lot more than just like, nightly first aid sessions.”
“I know it’s a lot, but it’s not like it’s for real.”
“We’re gonna have to pretend it’s real.”
Diego rolled his eyes and sank into her couch. “It’s not as bad as you think. I’ve got a whole plan. I tell ‘em that I’m taken, that’ll entertain them a week until I bring up the fact that it’s you. After that, we go out a couple times, do one or two dinners, and then break up maybe two months later. Simple.”
“Okay, but I don’t wanna break up with you and have things weird,” she argued, crossing her arms against her chest. Maybe it was a protective move she did not even consciously make, an attempt to hide the fact her heart was pounding harder than she thought possible. For no understandable reason, this whole concept was making her nervous - and not just because of his plan. “I don’t wanna be kicked out of your and their lives because we ‘broke up’.”
“You won’t.”
“We’ll say we tried and it didn’t work out, that we were better as friends.” Diego shrugged, as though he was merely suggesting they order a pizza. 
“Okay, sure. But do you really think we can seriously pull this off in front of them? I don’t know how we’re gonna look like n’act like a serious couple.”
The truth was, though, that they already were seen as one to the rest of the Hargreeves. And they both knew it. Every time they were remotely interacting, one of them made a sly comment, or brought up the fact that they would look ‘so cute together’. Klaus even questioned their defenses for a long while, asking if they were just together in secret and not saying anything about it. They were not, of course, but that did not stop the dysfunctional set of siblings from telling them they should get together.
In the eyes of the Hargreeves, Diego and Y/N were perfect for each other. They probably just had to look at one another to sell the idea - but neither one wanted to bring that up.
“We’ll practice. Work out a system. It’s not like we have to get married, we just gotta attend a couple dinners and parties and hold hands and shit.”
Y/N felt her lip sting, and absent-mindedly she touched at the area she had been picking at. Her finger came back spotted with red. “I don’t know, man. This is a lot. Even just a couple months - what if one of us finds somebody for real?”
“Well, then, we’ll call it quits early.”
“You sure?”
He nodded in fake seriousness, but the smirk on his lips told a different story. “Sure, if you find the love of your life in the two months we gotta do this, I’ll find you a way out.”
“Shut up,” she shot back, though she too grinned a little - it was no secret the pair had less than desirable love lives. “Don’t tease your girlfriend like that, maybe I’m sensitive.”
Just before he could give his own retort, his eyes widened in slight realisation. “Wait, for real”
“I mean...what do I have to lose?”
Diego immediately lifted off the couch and moved to her, pulling her in a tight hug not characteristic for him. She stiffened in the embrace, unsure what to do or where to put her hands. Luckily for her, the moment was over within seconds, with him pulling away and headed back into her tiny kitchen to toss his beer. She was able to breath and push away the panic that had set in with the unexpected touch, prepare herself for acting normal in the face of unknown territory.
Y/N followed him into the kitchen, pulling a beer out for herself and tossing a second one to him. “We have to make some rules, if we’re gonna do this right, though.”
“Yeah. Like guidelines and shit. I know you have your so-called plan, but I’m only going to go through with this if we have a concrete system set in place.” She paused, frowning at his smile. “What?”
Diego shook his head, still grinning. “Nothing. You’re just such a teacher.”
Y/N just stuck her tongue out and turned away. “You’ll thank me for this later, if and when we get stuck in a double date with like, Allison or something.”
“Sure, sure.”
She set herself down on the couch and reached for her laptop. Diego made his way over and sank in beside her, watching as she pulled up a new word document. In big letters, Y/N typed out the title: ‘DIEGO AND Y/N’S FAKE RELATIONSHIP GUIDELINES’.
“Okay. First rule?” Her hands flew across the keyboard. “If at any point, I want out, I’m out.”
Diego nodded. “Sure. An’ vice versa.”
“Uh-huh. Alright. What else?”
“Uh...okay, we have to do a minimum of two family dinners.” The Hargreeves monthly get-togethers were already essential in both lives, a point where all siblings could reconnect under one roof again and pretend like they were a normal family. Y/N often showed up on request, but not for every one. Though that would change. “Fully committed to the relationship.”
She chewed her bottom lip as she typed, ignoring the faint metallic taste filling her mouth. It was far from the first thought in her mind, just then. “Great, fine. Should we consider behaviour? Like, what I have to do to pretend to be hopelessly in love with you?”
Diego chuckled beside her, a low rasp that made her heart twinge in a way she did not understand. “I guess the standard couple shit. Holding hands, hugs, uh-”
She heard him swallow beside her, clearly a nervous point, yet he managed to keep his voice steady. “Probably necessary.”
“Okay,” she drew out, “but like - to what extent?”
“Well, I’m not saying we have to have sex in front of them, if that’s what you mean.”
“Not at all what I’m saying, dumbass,” she retorted, slapping his leg lightly. “I just mean, what are we saying? Cheek, pecks?”
“Nothing too big. Probably the cheek is fine, headshots.”
“Headshots? What, are you’re gonna kill me with a smooch on the temple, man?”
He let out a soft ‘ha’. “I have been known to be deadly with my-”
“-you really don’t need to even bother with finishing that sentence,” she said with a smirk. Her fingers pounded the keyboard, carefully writing out her addition to the rule. “Um, I guess we don’t have to worry about our story, considering everyone already knows we’re close. What’s the situation we should say progressed us from friends to dating, though?”
Diego shrugged. “Somethin’ simple. I came over one day and you realised you just couldn’t resist my charm anymore, and had to confess your attraction to my-”
“-or,” she shot back, turning to look up at him, “you stopped by soaking wet-”
“-why would I soaking wet?”
“From the rain, don’t be gross. It was raining of course, and super late and you came by to profess your adoration for me and everything I do, begging me to take you even though I was far from in your league, that I was the prettiest girl in the world and you could never begin to tell me how much I mean to you.”
He laughed at that, but just slightly, his face reddened - though that could have been the light, Y/N mused. “Guess we’ll meet in the middle. We wanted to give it a try, and then we realised we were actually good together.”
“Sure. Just clean n’simple. Great.”
Still looking down at her through half-lidded eyes, Diego nodded. He wore a strange expression, one she could not quite read. “Works,” he mumbled back, softer than before.
Y/N tore her gaze from his and began to type again. She coughed to clear her throat, feeling a bit odd out of the blue. “Um, so, we’re probably gonna have to fake it for my sister, too. If she hears I’m with someone, even you, she’s gonna pull a whole interrogation scheme out.”
“Sure. Guess that’s fair.”
“You know she’s ruthless.”
“I can handle her.”
Y/N smiled softly. “You say that now, but...alright. Okay, so, dates, dinners, PDA, um...what are you gonna call me?”
“What d’you mean?”
She shifted on the couch so she could see him again - that time, less so right in his face. “You know, couple nicknames and what not.”
“Oh. Do we need that?”
“Well we don’t need it, but it’s probably better if we have some set up to sell the story a bit better. We don’t sound believable if I call my boyfriend ‘man’ n’shit.”
Diego stifled a yawn and swirled his bottle, watching the liquid splash within the bottle. “Okay. What do you want?”
“Nothing cheesy - if you call me honey, or something cheesy, I will punch you. Like princess n’ all that is a no go.”
He grinned. “How about precious? Angel?”
“Don’t you dare-”
“-I’m kiddin. I think I’d barf,” he said, still chuckling. “Let’s just leave that alone, I don’t think we need to worry about it.”
Y/N shrugged, glancing down to delete the rule. “Fine. But if you dare call me something garbage, I will leave you right then and there.”
“You have no faith in me,” he teased, nudging her with the bottle. She shivered, the cold sending chills down her spine. “C’mon, I think this is fine. We know each other, we’re adults, we know how to lie. I mean, I fooled you for six months into believin’ I was just wounded from boxing fights.”
She giggled at that. “Please. I knew a week into you showing up who you were. I’ve lived long enough in this city to know what was up. You’re not as good of a liar as you think - I don’t think you can keep a thing from me, honestly.”
Diego grinned and mumbled something at that, something she could not quite catch, but she let it go. “Fine. Whatever. The rules are fine.”
“Exactly.” She cleared her throat and adjusted the screen, ready to read them aloud. “Okay, here is the extensive list of guidelines for Diego and Y/N’s fake relationship, always subject to change or additions.
At any point, either person in the relationship can ask to leave and break off the arrangement, REGARDLESS of time and place. There must be a good reason.
PDA wise, hand holding, embraces, kisses to the cheek or head, respectable touches and actions are all fine.
Kissing is fine if the situation requires it, but only the necessary amounts.
Stick with the story - we decided to try being a couple, went on a date and decided to go forward and now we’re together (subject to revision).
A required two Hargreeves family dinners need to be completed in order to fulfill the relationship - not including any separate, smaller occasions that may arise. As well, there must be a meeting of Y/L/N’s sister in order to fulfill the agreement.
A minimum of two months is required for the relationship (unless there is reason to withdraw, see first rule).
No stupid cheesy couple pet names.
No actually falling for the other person.
At the last one, Diego frowned. “What is number six about?”
“Oh, come on, it’s not serious,” she grinned. “But you know how this shit goes. In rom-coms, they always fall for each other and things get messy.”
“This isn’t a movie.”
“No shit, Sherlock. But it’s funny and it’s just a stupid rule.” She paused to poke at him teasingly. “What, you looking to marry me after all this?”
He rolled his eyes. “I just mean it’s unnecessary, but fine.”
“Great. I’ll give you a copy of this, just to consult if you ever forget.”
“Thanks so much,” he shot back, voice dripping with sarcasm. “Is that it, then?”
Y/N slammed her laptop down and in response, lifted her beer bottle to meet his. “I believe that makes it official...boyfriend.”
He laughed as the glass clinked. “Fantastic...girlfriend.”
“Jeez,” she grumbled, downing a swig before finishing the softly spoken thought. “That’s gonna take some getting used to.”
“Tell me about it.”
The two then fell into a funny silence, staring away from one another and sipping at their beers, both at a loss for words. It seemed as though just then, the situation had sunk in for the pair and they had no idea what to say to their now (albeit fake) partner. All they could do was stare at the ground and wall respectively and silently wonder, just what the hell they had gotten themselves into.
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The Emo Phase Part 2
This is so fluffy its killing me!
Prompt: While still being grounded because of you got suspended, you surprise your brothers on Fathers Day
Dean: 26
Sam: 22
Y/N: 15
Word Count: 1,986
  Sam grounded you for two weeks because you got suspended, reasonably grounding, but still, you don't like being grounded. I mean they're your brothers, not your parents. Nonetheless, they raised you since you were 4, that's when your mother took Adam, your twin brother, and abandoned you, so you had to live with Sam, Dean, and your dad, John. John died when you were 7, and since Dean was 18 at the time, he decided to legally 'adopt' you, adoption papers and all.
  Its already been a week since you were grounded and honestly, everything's going better then you thought it would.
I mean, Sam and Dean have been nice to you, you're back talking was kept to a minimum, the teenage angst was cut short since you didn't want to be grounded longer than need be, and Father's Day was tomorrow, so you planned on tomorrow being a good day. You planned everything out. You're their not your dad's, but hey they've been like your dad's since you were 4, so the least you can do is show them you still love and care for them, right?
  You wake up early, 4:30, which is an hour and 30 minutes before Sam goes out to run. You called Jody to bring the good beer that Dean used to drink and to get Sams's favorite coffee beans. You waited outside for Jody when you see her cop car park in the gravel outside the Bunker. "
They'll catch on Y/N, you know that" "Not unless I am subtle about it Jody, you know me, master of getting what I want." Jody laughs a bit, you two hug and she leaves.
You got about 40 minutes before Sam wakes up, perfect. You clean up the bunker, the living room, the kitchen, your room, and the library. you got 10 minutes left, so you start making the coffee and the 'green juice' for Sam, (health freak eugh).
You start making breakfast for the boys when you hear Sams door open, you jump a little, nervous about what he's gonna say.
  "Mornin' Sunshine," you say to Sam with a genuine grin on your face. Usually, Sam says that to you so confused he says "What are you doing up so early?" "Nothin' just woke up early, breakfast before you go?" Sam sits down when you hand him his crappy green juice and a plate of eggs, toast, and sausage. "Thank you?" He says confusingly.
"Oh Dean, I made breakfast, want some?" "Sure?"
You hand him his plate of food and a bottle of the good beer. "How did you get this?"
"Hmm? Oh, I asked Jody to get it, why?" "How did you call her, we took your phone away" "You know we have something called a home phone, right?" you say as you giggle afterward. 10 minutes later Sam goes out for his run and Dean goes to the library to do research.
"What the-" Dean says as he sees the exact books he was going to pull out on the table. "Y/N, get in here!" Dean yells for Y/N in a worrying tone. "Yeah?"
"Did you do this?" You look at the books, smile and say "Oh yeah, I heard you and Sam talking about the case last night, so I decided to help you out." At this point Deans getting concerned, "Why?" "You love asking questions, do you?" You walk away and you hear the bunker door open, Sam's home!
  "Sammy, just in time, look!" You pull something from under the counter, its Kopi luwak, Sams' favorite coffee, it's pretty expensive, but you snatched it at the right time. "Woah Y/N, how did you get that?" "Well I had enough money, Jody just picked it up for me" you nervously says while scratching the back of your neck. "Are you okay Y/N?" "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" "You aren't yourself today. What? are you trying to get out of being grounded huh?" "Sam that's not why"
you way while laughing, "I just wanted to do something nice for you guys, that's all." Walking away you hear Sam sigh, but in actuality, he is...worried?
Isn't he supposed to be happy? Of all days you would think that. Its 3:45 PM and you had a bright idea, do the laundry, Sam and Dean went out to get lunch so its a perfect plan! You first go into Sams' room, and then to Dean's room to snag up their clothes. The wash and drying machine is in the garage so you head over there.
Once you're done you bring their clean clothes back up to their rooms and you hear the Bunker door open. What a coincidence! you thought.
  "Babe were home" Sam yells for you. You love it when he calls you babe, and when Dean calls you baby girl, you get all happy inside. "Coming!" you run downstairs and into the kitchen. "we got food from Silver Skillet, hope that's okay," says Dean whos putting the food on the counter, "Fine by me." You, Sam and Dean, sit at the kitchen table and just talked about research and the upcoming case that you three will be on in a few days, grounded as it may, Sam or Dean isn't just gonna let you not go hunting, that'll set you off more than anything.
"So, when are we leaving?" You ask and Dean answers with a "Tomorrow morning, it'll be a 10-hour drive so don't get all pissy if we don't stop at a motel." "Dean!" Sam retaliates, "Were getting a motel, it's not like we're just gonna sleep in the Impala" Sam says to both you and Dean.
"It's all cool really if its as easy as we think it is, we can just go there and come right back, 2 days tops, right?" You get up and throw away yours and the boys trash, "Will you guys be here for dinner?" "Yeah, of course, wouldn't miss it," Dean says and you smile, walking away. "Good now that's she's gone, what the hell is she doing Sam?" "I don't know Dean, I mean making breakfast, getting you beer" "Getting you that shitty green shit, getting you that coffee I can't pronounce" "Kopi luwak?" "however the hell you say it, yes" "I mean she also cleaned up the bunker, getting you those books, doing our laundry?"
"Should we be worried, Sammy?"
"Ever since we-" "you" "WE grounded her, there has been less talkback and sass" "Well of fuckin course, you yelling and getting all mad scares her man. but even if, shes been overly nice today." "Is she trying to get ungrounded? ha cause it ain't workin'" "she says she isn't, but I don't know Dean"
"Well, let's see how this rolls out tomorrow and well talk to her okay? don't get a panic attack over something that most likely nothing Sammy"
"Yeah okay," Sam says looking around the cleaned kitchen.
Dean knocks on your door, and you open it with a smile, "Yeah, what?" "Me and Sammy are gonna help out Charlie with whatever, she called us for whatever reason, you need anything while we're gone?" "No I'm good, you two are gonna be back for dinner right?" "wouldn't miss it babygirl" Dean kisses your forehead and Sam comes up and hugs you too "Well be back soon Babe don't worry okay?' "Okay Sam, love you two"
its 6:00 PM and their still and Charlie's. Your getting worried when you decide to text Sam
Babes: you two still at Charlie's?
Sammy Pu: Yeah we are, we'll try to be back for dinner
Babes: Sam?
Sammy Pu: Yes Y/N?
Babes: Be safe okay?
Sam loves it when you worry for them, its cute really. you're growing out of your 'emo phase' so this means everything to him
Sammy Pu: We will, we miss you
Babes: I miss you two too <3
"Were you talking to Y/N, Sam?" Charlie asks, "How is she, she still grounded?" "Yeah I was, she's doing better as Winchesters can get, and yeah she's still grounded, she's got a week left and honestly, she's behaving better than I thought."
"That sucks. sorry for asking you guys here today of all days, you should be spending time with Y/N instead of me. Sam and Dean look at each other confusingly, "Why is that" Dean asks, "Well its fathers day, and me being an idiot took you two from her."
That's why you were being annoyingly nice today. Sam quickly turns to Dean a worrying face. "Son of a bitch" Dean commented. "I'm sorry we got to get back to the bunker," Sam says to Charlie while Dean goes to the impala and starts it up. "No it's okay really, no offense taken."
"Dean you're driving a little too fast we-"
"Sam it doesn't fucking matter right now, we promised well be home for dinner and were going to do just that!"
You just finished dinner when you hear the bunker door slam open, worried you grab your gun and when you heard a "Y/N?" that sounded like Sam, you put your gun away. "Sam? Dean? are you two o-" you didn't finish your sentence when Sam runs towards you and gives you the biggest hug you've gotten from him, Dean goes behind you and hugs you too' "-kay? What's going on?"
"Were so sorry we left for so long" Sam says, "At least we made it right?" Dean commented. "Yeah of course, in fact, you two aren't late, you're right on time." Dean scoffs and adds, "No you just made dinner too late, were the late ones" "No arguing, let's just eat," Sam says while walking to the kitchen.
  You, Sam and Dean, sit at the kitchen table and eat in a bit of silence before Sam questions you. "So, when were you gonna tell us?" "Hmm? What, that its fathers day? Never I guess, not a big deal, right?"
"Y/N its a huge deal, I mean come on, you're Y/N, having parents isn't your style" Dean lightly laughs.
"Well," you start to look down at your hands, then back up at your brothers. "Don't think I'm weird."
"Trust me we think that all the time." "Dean! What is it, babe?"
You look down at your hands again, too embarrassed but you start talking.
  "Ever since I was 7 you two have been there for me, It's not every day you hear of a family that only consists of two older brothers and a younger sister and that it, but that's normal for me. Knowing my mom is still alive but not here is normal for me. Dad being....gone is actually normal for me now. You two are the only ones who actually want me around. You two were there for me since I was 4 years old. Dean, you got me interested in drawing and the drums, Sam you got me into the violin and dancing. I was a total bitch to raise, I know and just randomly being the nicest kid on earth was probably stressful. I don't know, I mean.." You look up at them. "You're my brothers I get that, but you guys have been better parents, better fathers than Dad ever was to me I guess, I'm sorry.."
  You looked away when you said 'I'm sorry'. silence took over and you felt like you were going to have a nervous breakdown. You start to get up and walk to your room when "Y/N.." You heard Sam's voice crack, oh god no.
You turn around, your voice cracking too. "Sam, Dean, I-"
Right when you turn around you see Sams puppy dog eyes glisten with tears, hell Deans too. Fuck.
Tears start to prick the sides of your eyes when you walk back towards them. "-I love you guys" You way while embarrassingly, but happily crying.
  "We love you too Y/N" they both said in unison
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hiddentuliplodge · 5 years
I offer to hug everyone in the lodge! Even the ones I don't know because I'm not an a-hole! And I give the ones who accept it a kiss on the cheek. What do they do? If any of them don't want to be hugged, it's ok, I respect their choice ^^
( This kind of goes above my usual character limit.... buuuuut I’m a huge sucker for hugs so let’s do it!!! it wouldn’t let me tag everything so heads up for that and before we start- a small trigger warning!! For those of you sensitive to cursing there is a little language ahead! Be careful lovelies. )
-The Muns-
Mun Morgana- ” A tall order you’ve set up for yourself hun, but I think we’re up for the challenge~! ” she’s quick to hug you back, even spinning you a little. She blushes a little at the kiss on the cheek, laughing softly as she shoo’s you off. ” Good luck hun! ”
Mun!Fell- “ Oh what the hell, cm’ere. “ she grabs your arm and yanks you into a hug, letting you go quickly so she doesn’t break anything. When you kiss their cheek, she flinches, almost reflexively balling her fists. She quickly apologizes and sends you along.
Mun!Swap- She regards you for a moment, before opening her arms to you theatrically. “ Of course you can have a hug darling! “ she lightly wraps her arms around you, but politely turns down the kiss on the cheek.
Mun!Swapfell- She hugs you immediately, and tightly, as if she were about to fall. She fidgets slightly, a habit she hasn’t broken yet, and only pulls away when you do. When you kiss her cheek, she hides in her hair, murmuring a quiet, “ Thank you... “.
Undertale!Sans- He accepts the hug, but instead of hugging you back, he kind of falls into your arms lazily. You have to remind him to use his spine so he doesn’t fall when you pull away. The kiss on the cheek surprises him, and he carefully places his hand over the spot, smiling dazedly.
Undertale!Papyrus- He barely gives you time to offer the hug before he scoops you up into his arms, giving you a hug that genuinely sweeps you off of your feet. When you peck his cheek his eyelights sparkle, ‘ mweh-heh-heh ‘-ing happily as he sets you back down.
Underfell!Sans- He tenses at the hug, lightly patting your back as he seems to look around for guidance. He sighs softly and relaxes when you pull away, pulling his coat tighter around him as he hides his reddened face. He declines the cheek kiss.
Underfell!Paps- He has to kneel to be at your height, rambling off some grandiose speech about his generosity in letting you hug him and blah blah blah. It gets to the point where you have to use the hug and cheek kiss simultaneously just so he’ll stop talking and you can move on.
Underswap!Sans- Accepts the hug happily, hugging you back and chatting the entire time. He falls into you a bit like his original counterpart, but unlike him, he pulls away without an issue. Blushes the brightest out of all of them at the cheek kiss.
Underswap!Papyrus- Basically the same reaction as Undertale!Sans, but due to his height he almost completely steamrolls over you. Smiles lazily at the cheek kiss, and is the first to offer one in return!
Swapfell!Sans- Declines, but with a high amount of class, stating that one has to be brave and daring enough to gain his companionship before making such bold requests.
Swapfell!Papyrus- Accepts the hug almost immediately, this touch starved bean hugging onto you tightly and for a beat or two longer after you let go. He winks and makes a sly comment when you offer to kiss his cheek, but he accepts it just as eagerly.
Mafia!Sans- He gives you a lazy smirk, rattling off some cheesy joke as he hugs you back. He also accepts the cheek kiss, complete with a little extra teasing. “ ay, you needin’ a favor or somethin’? “
Mafia!Papyrus- He’s a little more careful, knowing how fragile humans are, but who is he to turn down a hug? This beanpole has to stoop down to accept the cheek kiss, but makes up for it by letting you wear his hat.
Outertale!Sans- He actually can’t accept the hug. He’s somehow floating near the rafters and can’t hear you past his own snores. Maybe try again later.
Outertale!Papyrus- His magic isn’t as strong so he just hovers, making his height over you that much more pronounced. He picks you up, making you feel taller than you have before as he hugs you instead. He still accepts the cheek kiss.
Horrortale!Sans- Refuses.
Horrortale!Papyrus- Is more surprised you would even offer than anything. He hunkers down, being the tallest of the skelebro’s, letting you hug him but not hugging back out of fear he might somehow hurt you. He accepts the kiss, but quietly asks for you to kiss his forehead, since he cheekbones are pretty sharp.
-Off! By Mortis Ghost-
The Batter- Responds with a stiff no. He’s got a mission to fulfill, and hugging you won’t help to advance him towards that goal.
The Judge- “ How delightful! You wish to extend an offer of a friendly embrace to me. I happily accept, but as my genetics hasn’t of yet graced me with a pair of arms fit to return your gesture, allow me to offer my sincerest purrs of gratitude. “ You probably wouldn’t offer to kiss this little kitten’s cheek, they’re kind of fluffy.
-Beetlejuice the Musical-
Beetlejuice- He grins manically at your offer, nodding excitedly. His arms extend as he hugs you, wrapping around you about three times each. His eyes glint mischievously as he gets an idea, and retracts them just as fast, making you spin like a top. He catches you before you can fall though, and accepts the kiss on the cheek to make up for it.
-Hazbin Hotel-
Angel Dust- “ Ah, usually I charge for this kind of thing but, what the hell~? Just don’t go tellin’ everyone, ‘kay shnuckums? “ he hugs you back, ruffling your hair as the other four arms wrap around you snugly. Even he can’t help but smile at the cheek kiss, however.
Husk- “ Eh, Sorry kid, I’m not much of a ‘ hug ‘ person. “
-Mark and Ego’s-
Markiplier- He returns the hug with a snug one of his own, lightly chatting with you as chica nuzzles against your leg. He turns down the cheek kiss out of respect for Amy, but offers to sign something for you instead.
Dark- He hums, considering the offer from all angles. After a few moments, he nods, smirking slightly as he hugs you as well, thinking about the different angels this might help him with. He considers the cheek kiss with the same cautiousness, and accepts it with some silver-tongued reply.
-Jack and Ego’s-
Jacksepticeye- He hugs you like he fuckin’ means it, because the Gaelic gladiator doesn’t believe in half-assing anything. He chats with you a bit, politely declining the cheek kiss but letting you hold his cat, Big Boss.
Antisepticeye- Laughs like a maniac, surprised you’d want to hug someone as unhinged as he is. But, who is he to deny you your entertainment? He lets you hug him, which is kind of hard because bits and pieces of him keep glitching out of the way. He accepts the cheek kiss as well, although it comes with the same difficulty.
-Black Butler-
Sebastian- He smirks slightly at your offer, his eyes crinkling in amusement, but he accepts the hug like a true gentleman. He accepts the cheek kiss as well, and charmingly offers one in return, as well as a dance.
Mey-Rin -Blushes incredibly darkly the entire time, stammering over every word as her hands shake the slightest bit. She accepts the hug, but nervously avoids the kiss on the cheek, saying that her poor heart couldn’t handle it.
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An unpopular opinion
I don't want to be that girl but, I will be that girl. Found a little something on twitter about why the Gazette is different from other bands and I have a few words. It’s not bad seeing sth in a band you see in no other, but, in my opinion (aka you are free to disagree) it’s bad disregarding every other band in their genre just because they don’t fit your taste. And before some sixth gun jumps on me to scratch my eyes out, I’d like to clarify that I am a sixth gun myself who’s shed many many tears during happy or sad moments of the band, like the rest of you. They matter to me, their music matters to me, etc. I’d also like to mention I am well aware of the fact the Gazette is the biggest visual kei name of their generation but hear me out... Below are some of my answers to what I found on twitter and, while I bring examples of bands I happen to listen to (because I don’t know many things for every single band out there (seriously, they are more than 800+ including the disbanded ones) to bring them as an example and I like having something to back my opinions up instead of generalized views), my answers cover bands that I don’t listen to, too, because I am sure they are in the scene for more than a decade for a good reason.
Ruki’s voice. Ruki has one of the most beautiful voices in the scene and one of the strongest. And we also were lucky enough to see its evolution through the years and see it at times it wasn’t at its best and times it was impeccable. The thing is, Ruki is not the only visual kei artist whose voice can resound in a stadium even without mic so it really surprises me when I see fans saying that they know no other person with such a strong voice in the visual kei world. A few examples of such voices (I’ll keep it to guys who are not over 1,68 cm since it was brought up too, compared to ruki’s voice, not that this has anything to do with vocal ability for me) are Ikuma (REIGN), Mahiro (Kiryu), Yo-ka (DIAURA), Haru (DOG inThePWO) and many more.
Uruha’s & Aoi’s chemistry on stage and guitar-wise. If you are a musician maybe you know more than me to correct me but whether two people complement each other or not is reaaaally a matter of taste for most of us. Personally I see Uruha’s & Aoi’s chemistry on stage, but becoming one, musically, not much. Mostly because Uruha, as lead guitar, has his guitar louder? It’s easier to hear Uruha than Aoi, especially the last few years and I don’t know if it’s the dvd or they really have Aoi’s guitar set that low. In the past, both guitars could be heard quite loudly but I don’t hear it much now. If you’ve been to their lives it will probably look, sound and feel different, but with a critical eye on a dvd, I can no longer see that much. But guitar duos who often play as one are a thing in the visual kei world, a few examples again: Mitsuki & Takemasa (Kiryu), Hiroto & Tora (Alice Nine), Kili & Peco (ex. AND eccentric agent).
Changing style but staying true to yourself is also a big thing in the visual kei world but the problem is some fans didn’t stay enough to see it. An example could be Alice Nine, who, after leaving PSC I believe, did lose a few fans due to expirementing with new stuff, but they recently brought back their old name, explaining their roots’ significance to them and that nothing has changed, which was evident even during their expirementation. Not all their fans stayed around enough to see that these guys are still the same. They changed looks, tried different music but they are still the same people. But then again Gazette lost some fans during their TOXIC era too (which album I personally like a lot), but were lucky to have enough fans to bring those gone, back when new stuff came out. I think they had several complaints with Malformed Box too. Anyway, another band who has not changed is DIAURA. Have you seen them live? Yes Yo-ka might be standing out a bit more than the rest, whereas, as some might argue, in the Gazette’s case every single one is standing out, but that doesn’t make other musicians less unique. Staying true to yourself is a thing several of them visual kei artists have been doing and still do, but it goes unnoticed, because it usually doesn’t happen alongside the rest of the band. Other bands that have managed to draw attention on every single member are Kiryu and Screw, the latter of which unfortunately didn’t go on.
And the last thing that really got me is those people who say the Gazette don’t just have fun on stage, they live it, they feel it, it is their home etc. Not because it’s not true, let’s be real, the passion is on and contagious and they love being on stage, it’s part of them, but stating that this makes the Gazette different from other bands makes me furious. Because most band members who’ve been on those stages for over 10 years sure could have given up and have a normal job, unlike other countries, Japan gives chances to people to work even with just their Lycium paper, but they didn’t. I’ve seen so many musicians have huge ass emotional breakdowns the past 7 years and disregarding those people because you never even cared to listen to them, or you did but didn’t click for you makes me furious. So many people considered suicide because they wanted nothing but that fucking stage (and mind you, they are talented) and the ability to express themselves, make music not just for them but for others too, people who want to save people, people who lost so much or have nth else to give them joy but that very stage...you cannot tell me those people don’t LIVE up there. Ikuma’s spine is not doing well and he still goes on that stage until his body gives in. Remember that video that Kai collapses backstage with his hands in a bucket of ice. That. Almost every day. Ikuma sometimes can barely walk after lives, his body grows numb but he keeps pushing himself because he loves it so much he doesn’t care what will happen to him. Do I think that’s cool? No, there are times his fans beg for him to take it easy but he won’t. When shit came up in his fanbase he handled it himself. He refuses to give his rights to a company because of how companies screwed his previous band. You want another example? Yo-ka. Yo-ka is also a person whose entire body goes on frenzy on stage, who collapses often because of it and who laughs at its fuckin face due to how much he loves the stage. I am sure you have heard many bands say “Let’s die on stage“. Some mean it. Some won’t drop it until they can’t stand. Because they live for that moment. For the excstasy of that moment. Another example, of someone who doesn’t drive himself numb on stage but just can’t give up is Kamijo. Kamijo becomes one with the stage and his emotions while performing. Versailles members have mentioned before that Kamijo gets lost in his emotions on stage often, which was what lead to the many falls he’s had live. Dude must literally feel like flying on there. Another one...Chiaki of DEZERT. Actually it was that very passion of this guy on stage that made me check them out. When I look for favorite bands I look for soul and the bands I have chosen so far, even after disbanding, most of them are still around. No I am not flexing, I am just stating how hard it is for some people in the scene to give up all this, even though it’s hard on their daily life and sometimes even health. When I saw Chiaki on Yoshiki’s Visual Japan Summit, I was enchanted right away and I wondered why they don’t upload more of their live videos. I had never even wished to give a listen to their music before that. They don’t have extravagant looks to stand out in this sea of countless bands, but they sure have powerful performance and amazing music. And another thing I’d like to mention about passion and life on stage is the tears. I don’t know who’s fake or not but when I see someone cry on stage I know it means sth to them. Ryoga of Razor when he announced Born’s disbandment, K of BORN, Kazuki of Screw, Rui of Articlear, Ikuma of REIGN, Peco (ex. AND) and the list goes on. You want to argue some are more sensitive than others? Fine. Tora of Alice Nine went on stage on a wheelchair because he refused to lose a live because he was hurt. Tomo of Vistlip rushed to get back on stage after his lung operation so the band decided to go on hiatus all together to support him and show him they will wait until he is ready so that he didn’t feel he was holding them back. I can bring up so many things so...before you say which band lives for that stage, give a wider look around you.
Each band and each band member is unique. Saying that this is not true because you can’t see it and your heart found shelter in one band is a choice. The Gazette too have gone through some real shit. From broken bones, to arguments with each other, with their company, having stuff stolen from them, defamation, struggling to put their name out there etc. But the Gazette made it. Hard work was one, yes, but luck was big part of it too, and signing with the right company at the right time. I think even one of them once said it, sth like “we just happened to be lucky back then”, I think it was Ruki who said it. One moment can change a person’s life dramatically and from then on, other factors that need work every single day. You can say they combine all of those things I mentioned above and that is what makes them unique, but we’d still agree to disagree. And as for chemistry, it is hard to find such thing among so many ideals. The Gazette still have their rough moments because of that. Did you read the interviews around the time the Ninth was released? Even after so long, Ruki said he feels like he doesn’t have friends and that the time after their 15th anniversary show was tough on him. The other members of course believed in him so they didn’t sound worried in their interviews on the matter but they knew how he felt. Aoi also mentioned that none of his songs made the cut for Ninth. All this, of course turned around again, as we all saw in later interviews but I can still remember how worried I was after reading this stuff and realized how fragile can chemistry among people be, even after years and years together.
Some musicians have found a team they could work with and others still try. Please don't cancel out musicians who just haven't found their team yet or worse, lost it during a heated moment. I am sorry if anyone felt insulted but....i am tired of this. Some of you think that other bands have it easy or only care about spotlight and girls but honestly...there is still more than that behind the scenes. I am not saying there aren’t shallow ones out there, but some still give their soul for all this. The vkei scene is dark and difficult and things keep going on with everyone. No one has it easy. Some lose themselves, become shadows of their former selves. I fear that for my favorite bands every day. I have found shelter in 64 vkei musicians, each one for a different reason, and I am proud of them. Whether they went big or not, whether they chose to start their life over or not (cause that’s another struggle on its own, starting over)...these people keep me alive or did keep me alive for as long as they chose to share their dream with us and I owe them big time. And I am sure there are fans out there who found their shelter in smaller bands and they are proud of them too. So...in case you feel shouting to their world you are proud of your favorite bands, do it without cancelling out others. Scream why that band is precious to you, not why it’s precious compared to other bands. Cause the latter is largely a matter of taste. I mean yeah, you do you, I can’t tell you what to do but you know...basic kindness? call it what you may.
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a-splash-of-stucky · 6 years
Priorities (6) - Epilogue
Pairings: Bucky x Reader
Summary: Bucky has a surprise for you.
Warnings: Floooooof. So much floof my heart is filled with it.
WC: 1.3k
Notes: The finale is here! Thank you so much to everyone who’s followed along with this series, your comments have made me giggle and laugh and snort — I love y’all so much. Enjoy this last part, fam.
Written for @buckyofthemyscira’s 5k Disney Writing Challenge.
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It’s been a good day.
You’ve put up a new blogpost, you’ve brainstormed some designs for your spring sticker collection, and to top it all off, you’ve just had a productive meeting with Peter, your web-designer extraordinaire. He’s come up with some amazing ideas to revamp the Sunshine’s Creations site, and you’re excited to implement all the changes that he’s suggested.
Thus, it’s no wonder that you have a huge smile on your face as you toe off your shoes and hang up your coat. The apartment is filled with the warm, comforting smell of a roast dinner, and there’s some mellow, chilled-out music playing over the speakers.
You head into the kitchen to find Bucky cheerfully humming to the music as he pulls a roasting dish out of the oven. He’s wearing a white undershirt and a pair of grey sweatpants that are riding dangerously low on his hips. There’s a strip of exposed skin between his undershirt and pants, and it’s an incredibly distracting sight.  
“Hey honey!” Bucky calls over his shoulder, “Be with you in a sec.”
You lean against counter and watch as he sets sets the dish onto a heat-proof mat to cool down. Bucky pulls off his oven mitts, tosses them onto the countertop, then saunters over to you.
“Hey,” he says softly, lips quirking into a smile as he bends down and gives you a welcome-home peck on the lips.
“Hey yourself,” you murmur, snaking your arms around his waist to tug him closer, pulling him in for a proper kiss. He laughs, but doesn’t resist as you card your fingers through the short hairs at the nape of his neck and press your lips together.
“Smells great,” you tell him, when you finally break apart. “Need any help?”
Bucky shakes his head no. “Nah, I’m almost done — just gotta finish off the gravy. Why don’t you go and get changed?”
“‘Kay — I’ll be back in a bit.”
Eager to get back to Bucky as soon as possible, you dash into the bedroom to change out of your day clothes into something comfier; a pair of black leggings and one of  Bucky’s old t-shirts. You also wipe off your makeup and clip your hair out of your face.
Once you’ve finished getting un-ready, you take your phone out of your purse, turn if off, then put it and your laptop away in your home office.
There’ll be no devices to distract you, tonight.
This is a new thing that you and Bucky have been trying to do every week; putting away all your devices and disconnecting completely from the outside world for a few hours. You’ve missed the little pleasures that come with simply enjoying each other’s company, so this is a great way to strengthen your bond as a couple. Blackout Nights, as Bucky’s taken to calling them, are just one of the many things that both of you are doing to patch up your relationship.
When you shuffle back into the kitchen, you find that Bucky has plated up two enormous servings of food, and drenched everything in a glossy, dark-brown gravy. Your stomach rumbles in anticipation.
“It looks amazing,” you tell him, as you come up to him from behind and wrap your arms around his waist. You drop a kiss between his shoulder blades, then turn to press your cheek to his back. Bucky laughs softly, one hand coming to rest on top of your folded ones.
“Thanks, doll — you hungry?” he asks.
“Fuckin’ starving.”
He barks out a laugh. “Okay, then — grab a plate and head to the couch. I’ve already put your drink on the coffee table.”
You hum appreciatively, giving Bucky one more squeeze before letting him go. “You’re the best.”
After grabbing some cutlery, your carry your plate over to the living room and curl up in your favourite spot on the couch. Bucky joins you soon after, squeezing himself into the gap between your body and the arm rest; he’s close enough that your thighs are pressed firmly together.
“Not a bad way to spend a Friday evening, huh?” he asks.
“Not at all,” you agree, as you pierce a carrot with your fork.
What’s not to love? You’re about to have a quiet evening at home, with Bucky’s complete and undivided attention on you — it’s everything you’d wanted during those turbulent times in your relationship and more.
“Hey,” Bucky says suddenly, knocking elbows with you.
“Nothing. Just wanted to say I love you.”
“Sap,” you mutter, even as you lean over to kiss him silly.
The dirty plates have been dumped into a sink and a fluffy blanket has been draped over your entangled legs. Your head is pillowed on Bucky’s chest and your ass is precariously close to his groin — perhaps in a few minutes time, that situation could lead to something steamier.
For now, Bucky takes comfort in your weight on top of him, and breathes in the sweet fragrance of your shampoo. His fingers are intertwined with yours, resting on your belly; life could not be more perfect.
“We should go on a holiday,” you murmur drowsily, pulling Bucky out of his thoughts. “We haven’t gone somewhere nice for a while.”
Bucky hums in agreement. “Funny you should say that now — I’ve just put in a request to take ten days of leave at the end of November.”
“Really?” you ask, intrigued.
“Yeah, just waiting for HR to process it. Let’s go to Puerto Rico — or anywhere with a beach, really. Somewhere warm, with shitty cell reception.”
You bark out a laugh as you turn around to face him, planting one hand in the centre of his chest to steady yourself. You’ve got a glimmer of excitement in your eyes and a wide grin on your face.
“Shitty cell reception so that no one can call you about work?” you guess.
Bucky grins as he leans forward to gently bump his nose against yours. “Exactly.”
Your face crinkles into a smile, one that reaches all the way to your eyes. “M’kay. I’d like that.”
He bites his lip as he smoothes your hair away from your face, buying some time before he tells you the news that he’s been dying to say ever since you stepped through the front door.
“What is it?” you ask, brows furrowing in concern, “You look like you’re about to confess a murder, or something.”
He huffs a laugh and shakes his head, marvelling at how you can read him so easily.
“I...had a chat with Tony, today,” he say slowly, “About that promotion I’ve been going on about.”
Your eyebrows twitch with interest, but besides that, you give no other reaction.
“Basically, he gave me his final offer — and the pay would’ve been great, don’t get me wrong, but I turned it down.”
Your eyes widen in surprise. Before you can open your mouth to speak, Bucky rushes to continue.
“I turned down the extra money, but I bargained for something else — and I think you’ll like this.”
“What did you ask for?” you ask, your eyes narrowing in suspicion.
“Extra leave — paid leave,” Bucky replies. “We had a bit of back and forth, but eventually, Stark agreed to 15 days of paid leave, in addition to what I already have.”
“You’re serious?” you ask excitedly.
Bucky nods, as a wide grin bursts across his face. “Completely serious, honey. Same pay, same workload—”
“Same team! God, you’ll still have to put up with Sam—”
“Eh, he’s not actually that bad,” Bucky says. “Same everything, except I’m now contractually obligated to take more days off to spend with you.”
Your smile broadens as you sling your arms around his neck, bringing your faces just a hair’s breadth apart. “Best. News. Ever,” you declare, before planting a firm kiss to his lips.
A small laugh rumbles out of Bucky’s chest as he tightens his arms around you, holding you close.
He let you go once before, and it was the biggest heartbreak he’d ever been forced to experience.
He’s not planning on letting you go again anytime soon. You’re his priority now.
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