#also kinda tried to make alice a little uncanny
little-aeronaut · 4 months
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finally posting some dbh fanart 6 years late, i love kara and alice so much i have to draw them again
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Sorry I’m kinda new to your story,I was wondering if you could tell me a little bit about your OCs like their personalities/what they’re like
You’re asking me about my character! I’ve been DYING for someone to ask about my characters! Hang on I have flow charts! ... Ok, I’m done with my Entrapta moment. 
In all seriousness welcome! I’m glad the story is interesting you enough that you want to know more about everyone! I’ll go ahead and keep these summaries like you’re still in the prologue and it will be good for other people who are new and unsure about if they want to invest in the literal BRICK I’ve written so far. (any character after the girls will be under a cut for mobile scroller’s sake. 
Valentina Corey: She’s usually pretty optimistic with a dash of realism thrown in as well. She’s willing to try anything at least once but has a very strong sense of morals when it comes to things she views as right or wrong and isn’t afraid to call someone out for being an ass. She’s very family oriented and wants nothing more then to get home to her mother, sisters, and brother. 
Kristina Kaiser: Everything is usually get out of her way or she’ll personally make you. She doesn’t care if she looks particularly unlady like as long as she’s getting what she wants in the end. Foul-mouthed and a dirty mind, she’s here for a good time not a long time. Some would even argue the only thing she takes seriously is Volleyball. 
Anne Marie Ryland: The dorm’s defacto Dorm leader and a bit newer to a roll of leadership. She does her best to rationalize and delegate but there are certain people who just manage to push her buttons all wrong resulting in her acting more with her emotions then with her head. Stubborn to a fault and has an uncanny way of getting even with those who screwed her over. 
Judith Wieck: She was an heiress and easily one of the richest people in their sleepy town of Brookfield Ohio, but here she’s just icy cold with a sharp tongue and devil-may-care look on other’s opinions. She’s distanced herself from the other’s in her dorm significantly despite being the Vice Dorm Leader, but she seems to have done that with most people in general except for a few oddballs around the school. 
Kimberlee Daniels: Sweet as can be, if not a little clumsy and awkward. She tries to always look on the bright side and see the best in everyone--even if she doesn’t necessarily see the best in herself. Usually one of the first to pled for the others to not start a fight and tries to see other’s side of the argument as well. 
Eva Frost: A Scene Girl surrounded by a bunch of Jocks. Eva has no interest in interacting with the others or even attempting to bond in anyway with them. They all come from completely different words and social classes, so it’s best she just stay away from them and they stay away from her. She’s also the only one to not grow up in Brookfield, originally moving from Chicago. 
Fiona Alagona: A ray of sunshine and genuinely a good person, if a bit of an airhead. She’s the one who breaks up most of the fighting within the dorm. She’s always smiling so really no one has any doubt she probably had a happy life and has no worries of her own besides how to get back home. 
Whitley Harrison: Based on the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland, Whitley is a hasty individual who has a habit of rushing things to the point of being messy. Usually means well, even if he sometimes speaks before thinking. A nervous individual but is slowly growing more and more sure of himself. 
Hunter Winchester: Based on Clayton from Tarzan, Hunter is the co-captain of the Night Raven College Volleyball team with his boyfriend. A bit of a himbo, Hunter is still able to throw down with the best of them and use his advantages to come out on top... even if it is hard to take him seriously sometimes. 
Chui Burroughs: Based on Sabor from Tarzan, Chui is the other co-captain of the Night Raven College Volleyball team. Usually quiet, but with a quick wit that is unmistakable. Chui isn’t afraid of getting his hands dirty if it means victory in the end, though usually he’s more then willing to let Hunter have his fun going wild as well. 
Gula Glitterncove: Based on Tamatoa from Moana, Gula was the previous dorm leader for Octavinelle before Azul challenged and won the position in his second semester of his first year. Gula is an opportunist who is always open to new ventures to give him a leg up in any way from social standing to economics. Still, Gula is a gambling man and a bit of a sadist always excited to watch his opponent squirm. Especially if they are someone he’s lost to in the past. 
Nasir Toma: Based on Iago from Aladdin, Nasir is a bright eyed first year who’s usually seen trailing after Jamil running small errands for the Vice Leader. He’s smart, but sometimes gets a little in over his head and gets too cocky before his plan has finally reached fruition. Or just generally putting his foot in his mouth. 
Rushil Dara: Based on Kaa from The Jungle Book, Rushil is a sly and cunning individual as many of the members of the Scarabia dorm are. He’s content to follow his adopted brother’s lead and see where things are going to go and how they are going to play out before making his move based on what fits his interest best. Though that isn’t to say he isn’t going to get a few jabs in and toy around just a little. It’s just boring otherwise after all. 
Banjeet Chakrabarti: Based on Shere Kahn from The Jungle Book, Banjeet is a quick judge of character and interested in the current political climate of Scarabia as a dorm. He laments the days before the Asim family renovated the dorm, but is unwilling to raise a finger to change things. Is usually an avid enjoyer of drama as long as it doesn’t involve him personally. 
Alin Blumenthal: Based on Mother Gothal from Tangled, Alin is an orphan who has a strong devotion to his friend and crush. But that isn’t to say Alin isn’t a driven individual without his own goals in mind. He’s got a dream and he’s going to do anything he can to make it happen by putting in all the effort he can. A jealous streak a mile long and an mean as a snake, he won’t let anyone get in his way if he can help it. 
Eduardo Campana Carmen: Based on Ernesto de la Cruz from Coco, he’s a level-headed and charismatic individual who is curious to see how things will go. A famous singer back in his home city, he’s popular and will play into being a flirt for his fans. Though there is really only one person who’s attention he wants. 
Niklas Southerland: Based on Hans from Frozen, Niklas is as arrogent as he is charming. A prince thirteenth in line for the throne, he’s willing to do what ever it takes to secure his future. Even if that means crossing lines that should otherwise never be crossed. 
Pyrrhus Thalia: Based on Pain from Hercules, Pyrrhus is one half of brothers who is well meaning if awkward. A complete simp but also a hard worker. He has a talent for finding some way to accidentally hurt himself at any given moment by either his own clumsiness or just bad luck. 
Gregor Thalia: Based on Panic from Hercules, Gregor is the other half of the well-meaning but awkward brothers. Another simp, but far more reserved then his half-brother. Tends to stutter and hang back, letting Pyrrhus do the talking. Still, he’s a coding genius, even if he isn’t holding a candle to Idia just yet. 
Toile Weaver: Based on the Spinning Wheel from Sleeping Beauty, Toile is a mute half-fae with the ability to portray sarcasm with just a look. Usually indifferent to everything around them except for a few individuals who catch their eye and loyalty. A bit of a mischief maker but no more then their friend and other members of their club. 
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