writersinthefamily · 2 years
I am running different free book promotions for the next two weeks or so. A different book at a time will be available for free during this period. Please check out my author page at the above link and find the free book to order. Enjoy!
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writersinthefamily · 3 years
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Check out my profile on Wattpad, I'm Mahmoud Dualeh https://www.wattpad.com/mahmouddualeh10s?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_profile My name is Mahmoud Dualeh. I am an aspiring writer. I also enjoy business and learning about medicine. I feel that my interests lie in these fields. Having written three short stories, I am now moving towards writing my books; I hope you read my works and enjoy them!
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writersinthefamily · 3 years
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Family Day (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/159153684-family-day?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=mahmouddualeh10s&wp_originator=G6XfofNsPpLumOsXTF8WZ%2F6TlQrnAHaflZgBHFKBi8IQe6wQjG7RsVFwSkmiHpsWomnI6YUOSYvoK43jywIbIgoJjPh9Soly9JTSzVcpfufijmdMg4B2bkssLjjOmIcH Family Day is a short story dealing with a contemporary issue, that of family separation. The Noor Family, the central family in this work of fiction, are separated by a violent storm on their cruise trip. They spent many years apart, until one day, when they each decide to search for the other. This is the story about their search.
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writersinthefamily · 3 years
Write About Your Life
I once got praise for a class assignment I wrote about my sister's difficult birth. I then started writing and became really far-fetched with my themes, story topics and what not. It goes without saying that I did not get the same praise. Now, I'm trying to go back to my old writing style and hopefully that will pay off. What I've learnt from publishing seven stories and three short story collection is that your life is an invaluable resource for all your writing. Don't underestimate it! Here's to writing about what you know!
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writersinthefamily · 3 years
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Hahahah, I'm new to writing so I do not know if I'll feel this way about my works soon. I'm starting to already, actually. Lol
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writersinthefamily · 3 years
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So true, lol.
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writersinthefamily · 3 years
Free Audiobook Review Copy!!!
You can get free copies of my two audiobooks, Three and Four Very Different Short Stories. The copies are review ones, so please leave your ratings and thoughts on Audible. Just comment that you are interested and I will send you the promo code and link where you can get your own copy. There are 46-50 available for each collection.
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writersinthefamily · 3 years
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Three Very Different Short Stories, available for free on Amazon now!
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writersinthefamily · 3 years
Three Very Different Short Stories are #shortstories of mine. Enjoy a #free copy for the next five days or so! The link is above. It's #free on #Amazon now!
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writersinthefamily · 3 years
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Have you ever written an essay and done this before, lool. In all seriousness, I haven’t been in university in like ten years. This brings back memories, open contraction!
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writersinthefamily · 3 years
Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.
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writersinthefamily · 3 years
To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them. To die: to sleep...
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writersinthefamily · 3 years
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I wish I was this driven, lol.
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writersinthefamily · 3 years
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This meme sums up my life as a writer. I don’t write enough, and that disqualifies me from calling myself a writer possibly. It would if it were true. Anyways, I hope you like it. 
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writersinthefamily · 3 years
If you want to check out my stories and collections, please do not hesitate to jump to Amazon and buy as many copies as you like. Just joking, one copy of each book suffices. In all seriousness, I trust you can buy the works and would like, love and care for you to tell me what you think about it. You do not need to leave a review, although honest reviews help other readers by directing them to good works. It also helps the author by increasing their credibility, stature and audience size. You can alternatively send me a message with your thoughts, critiques/comments and suggestions.
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writersinthefamily · 5 years
Check out my new blog
Please check out my new blog, mahmoudsuleimabdidualeh. I have posts on my writing career there.
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writersinthefamily · 5 years
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Cover of Mersa's Surge of Energy
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