#also like im not stupid this information is from the leading ass researcher of adhd whose been studying this ish for DECADES
rockoblanco · 2 years
lol talking to a family friend & told him im trying to get diagnosed for adhd bcs the more i learn about it and treatment options the more hope I have that I can have some semblance of a better life for myself and instead of being like “good for you” he’s playing at the “oh but narcotics are stimulants and you’ll get a dependency and you can’t trust big pharma and it’s not worth it.” Like you’re not entirely wrong but you’re incredibly narrow minded & don’t know what you’re talking about if you think that the only medication for adhd are stimulants (there are other drugs that aren’t stimulants that can help to clinically “normalize” an adhd brain), and also like how dare you try and tell me that trying to build a better future for myself where i don’t feel like dying everyday isn’t worth the risk lmaoooooooooo
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benene-the-banana · 3 years
Pinned Post/Intro
Welcome to my account! I’m Benene! And if you’d like you may also refer to me as Banana or Bean I use any and all pronouns so misgendering me is quite impossible And to help you get to know me some here are some fun facts about me including some stuff you may not have guessed! - I’m Neurodivergent (ADHD and possibly Autism. I say possibly Autism because looking into that more recently I do fall into a lot of the criteria for what would make someone Autistic but nothing has been confirmed by a professional yet so thats why I say possibly. I have done plenty of researching and talking with others about it tho and I wont say it’s for sure until I get my official diagnosis like I have for my ADHD) - I’m apart of the LGBTQ+ Community. And by that I mean I’m Bisexual. I’m also Cisgender but I am a Trans/Gender Non-Conforming Ally. It would be pretty dumb of me to not support someone who is apart of the same community as me anyways, But yeah just saying that so if you happen to fall under that just know my account will always be a safe space for you. Including if youre in the LGBTQ+ side of the community that includes stuff like Neopronouns, Xenopronouns, Omnisexual, Polysexual, Neptunic, Uranic etc. I understand for y’all it can be hard to find a safe space so just know if you need one my acc will be here as that. You may even find some of that rep here with my ocs. I know I got off track here w/ that but since we were on that topic I thought I should go ahead and say that but now back to the fun facts! - I’m 16 yrs old or as some ppl would joke I’m on LVL 16. - I have Aniridia. Which if you don’t know hat that means is that it’s a rare eye disorder that causes the lacking or complete absent of an iris.  - And I’m such an accident prone and clumsy dumbass that half the time I manage to get cut by WATER. I know that sounds pretty impossible but I can assure you with my stupid ass it is not. I have proven a lot of things wrong with my clumsiness. I think that’ll do it for the quick fun fact bit! But as we are on the topic of getting to know me and mentioning stuff about safe spaces there is something I would like to mention and stuff before continuing on to the next bit of my intro/pinned post I would really appreciate if before you followed me that you checked out my carrd. I say this because my carrd gas some very important information such as do not interact with my acc if you are or support certain things because my acc is NOT a safe space for those (it even includes info for what my acc is a safe space for too), you can use it to see if my acc is one you would like to follow, if you wanted to do something with my ocs and your’s and what my limits are for it, etc. You could even use its a quick way to get to know me more too if you wanted to. But yeah here’s the link so you can check it out if and/or when needed https://benenebananaer.carrd.co/ Now that has been said lets get back to explaining my acc! Content wise you can expect a lot of art. And those artworks will include my ocs, fandoms I’m in, fanart, aus, etc. I also like to make other posts as well. Such as incorrect quotes, dumb shit reposts from my instagram, my ask blog, etc. Which speaking of my ask blog If you would like to submit a ask or see what its about you can check out the carrd I made for it w/ all the info you may need about it https://benenesraskblogstuff.carrd.co/ But basically it has all the info you may need for it such as what it’s for, who you may ask (including a list of ocs for examples of who you may ask things), rules for what kind of questions are and aren’t allowed, freq asked questions, etc I’m also using a carrd for it because I can easily link it here on my pinned post with everything else I would like to have pinned and ebcause carrd is a good format for keeping it all organized and more visual appealing and less cluttered and stuff Plus its much better than a Tumblr Post Format for it anyways And going on with the final bit of this post My Commissions Info! Thats right I have commissions and if youre interested check out the carrd I made as a commissions sheet! https://benenecommissions.carrd.co/ It also has all the information you may need such as art examples, prices, rules, slots, status if they are open or not, etc ALSO I SHOULD HAVE SAID THIS BEFORE BUT BEFORE MY POST ENDS IN ANY OF MY ART THE GETS REPOSTED HERE FROM INSTA ( IDK WHY IM STILL TYPING IN CAPS BUT ILL STP ON THE NEXT LINE ) You guys may see a @ that leads to someone named Kai/Scout Yea thats my bro and they have a Tumblr too They are known as @curlysue-kai here Im putting their tag here because it’s a way to credit them for their collaborations me and them have and because you should totally go follow them and give them some love too But other than that last quick note I think this is all I have to say and pin here. So I’ll go ahead and end it here!  ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)
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