#also look at marz she's so cute
dawnslight-aegis · 5 months
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zaynah for bibo small, greatwood guardian, lunar tyrant
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skungie · 2 years
rambling for a moment about tokiponizing names for this translation because... this is one of those things i feel a lot of ways about and i need to yell into the void. im putting the meat of it under a readmore, mostly talking about approaching it from the angle of self-identification and such. i do not expect anyone to read this but i am including translators notes in case you do LOL
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i THINK. i THINK. im finally happy with the tokiponizations, but it's been kind of a painful road deciding on how i wanted to approach everything, especially because i've been doing a lot of learning as i go haha. but here are my thoughts.
i have been wrangling for so long with jan Tesa (Tesamija). ultimately... i just wanted to give him a different head noun. i don't think dys feels very much like a jan [person], and a lot more like a monsuta or perhaps even a nasa [strange/weird/xeno (in this context)]. at the same time, though, those are his deepest feelings- i think if anyone ever calls him something like that it's like... marz calling him nasa to bully him LOL. so.... to everyone else he's jan.
it does make me kind of wish there was a mem variable to change character names in the menus though, because the shift of jan Tesa to nasa Tesa when he runs away to become a gardener... (chef kiss)
jan Tangent..... i feel from the very start that tangent is the kind of person that would prefer her name to be left as-is. simultaneously, i think she has the same issue as dys where she wants to be ilo [tool/robot] rather than jan, but there are social issues that would make that Not happen. even still.... shes ilo deep down.... the same way Congruence is ilo....
soweli Le (soweli Pesolesija) is like. realistically, i think i would be happier making him soweli Lesi or something? i'm still unsure. i think the similarity to jan Wesi makes for some fun thematic nonsense, but i just don't know!! there just a lot of -i names happening here, i need to break it up with some other sounds man. all i know is hes just soweli [animal] who else is gonna be soweli but rex
soweli Nomi (soweli Nomi-Nomi will probably look like ass in the menu lmfao) is only soweli because i think kijetesantakalu Nominasin would break a few things LMFAO. ultimately i just think the idea of being soweli because you're a furry having a good time is something that fits delightfully well with nomi's character- and also because matching head nouns with rex is super cute
nasa Sen (Senpijose???) is nasa because dys chose it, i think. i think sym would probably have used jan or maybe some other weird head noun (ilo? soko? kili?) if he chose it for himself but. well. you know how it goes sometimes a 9 year old describes u as nasa when hes talking to himself and youre like yeah for sure im nasa
honorable mention is that tammy's name was ass because i knew i wanted her to be jan Temi but her full name was weird to translate. eventually i decided to go FUCK IT she can be Apatemi!!
thats about it. i just needed to write this somewhere. i am cringe but i am free. die and explode about it idc
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grapevineatl · 2 years
We heard it through the grapevine 003 Pt 2.
Trigger Warning: Mentions of potential domestic violence situations, armed robbery, Also, to have your character's name removed from the grapevine page for good, write in and we'll work right on that.
Well well well.. it's the holiday of love and you know we LOVE giving yall some good ol' tea. We gave yall a chance to inform us, but like many of your situationships yall failed, but that's okay! We got the lowdown about what's going down, and we're in the spirit of sharing right now. Well, where do we start? So many shenanigans has taken place since the last time we've filled yall cups we're running wild chile. We can start with Joaquin, or as LAPD called him, weekend convict #217. He just can't seem to catch a break. If he ain't hearing "CLANK CLANK" in LA, he's getting boxed up by his ex girlfriend outside of his car. Now we don't know what the lil smack down was about, but Ms. Zaniah took it out on his car, and his face chile. Left poor lil Keno looking like a stray puppy outside. He didn't look down for long because Sahari took it upon herself to buy the nigga a car, we're curious to know how considering 305Demon, you know, the very vocal, very bright manchild on twitter robbed her after going over for a bootycall. Stop inviting people over for the cheeks you don't know chile! They might just want to snatch your jewels! She bounced back though, right on Dakari. They've been spending a lot of time together and to be honest we're here for the mini couple. They was at Darius brunch being cute as hell chile. Get it girl. Speaking of Darius after spending so much time with Shiloh we for sure thought their valentines day was locked in but now every time we see him he's with Shay. Welcome back girly! Yall she really not a lesbian. Us here at the grapevine had a bet going, sad to say a few of us have to pay up. We see you girl! Maybe now you can soften up some.
Did yall catch Storm's little tweet about his valentines day proposal. We have to say it was cute, we'd be bragging about it too. But we don't know if we'd be bragging about Jeremiah. Cuz he damn sure had a night of passion with Ozzy and hoe ass Tashari aka Twilight, as future would say "At the same damn time". It was giving very much 50 shades of Gay Gray. Enjoy your holiday though boo boo, Storm! Congrats he's claiming you we think. Speaking of cute couples. We seen Ira being a family man this weekend. We love it! Him and Brooklyn has so much chemistry together. We think way more than he has with Marz, who he has been creeping off doing God knows what with. Mm mm mm, Ira better hide his head, the Charlie's Angels are coming for his ass after this. We'll keep yall updated about that too because we know it's about to go down. Sidebar: Pierre, blink twice if you need help. (We'll leave that there for now) By the way Brooklyn, you think you can pull your head out of the clouds to see what your little brother is doing? Who had Boogie breaking out of midtown high school like it's prison break chile? Do you and Ira know anything about what your kids are doing? Brea do you know anything about what your man is doing? Whoops. Moving along!
Speaking of hot. ass. mess. Our resident twitter barbie Jaelynn finally got fed up with GG. How dare she tweet on her twitter? Or mess with her man. We feel you girl. But it ended up in a fight. Say what you want about Jaelynn but when its time to throw down she's ready. They were rolling around in her living room like two ratchets and got hauled off ta JAIL! Baron only picked one up from jail though, care to guess who? Yet another bet, that some of us here at the grapevine have to pay up for. Yall aren't making this easy on us over here! Hopefully she learned her lesson. She laid up with some fine ass man watching football after being left fa dead! Oh and to her other old friend, Bella. We commend you for getting off the Keno train girl. We knew you had potential. We didn't know you was going flip teams all the way though girl, her and Rori been spending so much time together we actually kind of expect it at this point! We're here for it though, love that for you.
I think that's pretty much all we have. Minus some few honorable mentions like Sade needing to move pronto to prevent crazy exes popping up at her crib. Paris needing Rehab and Aja needing something sort of a miracle that's very very similar to rehab. Vashtie hunching on Syrus and not getting robbed afterwards! (Congrats mama). Nico still hoeing, and hoeing hard. Chance is also quickly becoming a town's favorite. And again, Pierre blink twice if you need us. Oh, and there's some cute lil couples that's actually cute and going strong. Like Melanie and Zaylor. Pierre and Naila*, London and Charmaine. GG and Baron, and of course Sahari and Dakari. We was gonna spill on valentines day but unlike a lot of you, we actually have valentines here at the Grape vine! Until next time.
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sortavibing · 3 years
hey hey hey bb, i’m popping by to request a male haikyuu matchup!
i go by marz, she/her, istp-a, 5w4, aquarius sun, virgo moon, taurus rising, cap mercury, alignment: chaotic neutral, tri type: 584 
personality: so when u first meet me, i come off as kinda cold and standoffish. (i promise i’m nice, i’m just not a talker, i like to observe) when i do warm up to u though, i’m still pretty chill but i’m the definition of a natural disaster
i have really bad intuition and my emotional intelligence is subpar at best
other traits: independent, sarcastic, adventurous, blunt
hobbies: i love academics and i keep pretty high grades, i’m in art school so lots of art, lots of reading its kinda bad at this point, also not a hobby but i’m vegan! (AND I KNIT TOO) also video games (LOTS of botw)
in a partner i want: someone who’s blunt, laid-back, willing to try new things, loyal, probably more but idk
i like: cats, the cold, tea, music, nature
i dislike: roaches, crowds, ignorant people, and people who assume before they know
kins: osamu, spike spiegel, matsukawa, iwaizumi, jotaro
and for appearance i’m just gonna send u a pic privately cause i’m lazy
(asks were being mean to me so i just submitted)
THANK U!!! <3333
ack hello marz! thanks for requesting! you are so pretty i’m in awe- also i was vegan for a couple of years and i’m not sure if i had a good or bad time with it but whatever :), anyways, here’s your matchup!
generating matchup…
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matchup: complete
i match you up with mattsukawa!
(ok so yes i know you simp for him, but like i didn’t just match you up with him because of that :))
you guys first met when he asked you for help with school, since he saw how well you were doing, he thought you would be a good choice to help him (he also thought you were really pretty, so he wanted to get to know you better). you guys started getting pretty close, and mattsun started seeing your more chill side, and he really enjoyed just vibing with you.
since you are vegan, he wanted to try it as well, but since his favorite food is literally the opposite of something vegan (cheese-filled hamburger steaks), he quickly stopped trying, and decided to find another interest to share with you. the entire month he tried to be vegan was really funny, because you literally had to pull him away from the meat products.
whenever it’s cold outside, he will give you his jacket, and he loves to see you in his clothes, so he really likes the cold too, but if you ever ask the reason, he will pretend it’s because he doesn’t like getting sunburnt, because he does not want you to know how whipped his is for you. also, if you borrow one of his jackets and “forget” to give it back, he’ll be fine with it, though he will complain once or twice.
you guys play video games with each other a lot, and you have a running tally of how many times you or mattsun has won. so far you are winning, and you take every chance you get to offhandedly mention it. you guys have even bet money or favors a couple of times, and for those games, he destroyed you, because he really wanted to see your face as he casually took what you bet.
you and mattsukawa love to lowkey bully oikawa, because you both know he will be super overdramatic about it, and it’s funny as hell. you have gotten some of his reactions on video a couple of times, and now you and mattsun use them as blackmail to get him to do you guys favors. mattsukawa thinks you are a genius to record oikawa, and he calls you an “evil mastermind”.
he really likes to see your art, and sit and talk with you while you work on a piece, but he will never attempt to draw or paint something, because he knows it will look terrible in comparison to yours. he has secretly drawn you a couple of times, and they turned out pretty well, but he will never let you see them, and he keeps them hidden in his room.
mattsun wasn’t really into reading, but when he met you, he started getting into it, and now he will ask for recommendations from time to time. when he finishes a book that you told him to read, you guys will (lowkey fangirl) over it, and sometimes even get into arguments about the plot, characters, and sometimes just a minor detail. the arguments are never serious, and usually end up with you guys jokingly making fun of each other while laughing really hard.
if you ever knit him something, he will literally stop functioning for a solid 2 minutes, because he is amazed that you handmade something for him, and he will be kind of clingy for the rest of the day, because he just wants to show you how grateful and happy he is that you made something special for him.
whenever it gets warm, you guys will go on hikes in a nearby forest, and just be really chaotic together, because you and mattsun basically have a whole forest to yourselves. he has so many pictures and videos of you having fun, whether it is jumping off a high rock into the forest’s lake, or making flower crowns for the both of you. you guys always make the most memories on these dates, and he loves how it’s pretty chill, but super cute at the same time.
overall, you guys are never afraid to be yourselves around each other, and both of you guys become 100% more chaotic when you are around each other. mattsukawa loves to spend time with you, because it feels like an adventure every time, and he just wants to be able to be with you forever.
i hope you enjoyed!
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scribbleboxfox · 4 years
Either for TCC and/or the Reds and Blues: what do you think their love languages are?
Oh god did I reblog a meme I didn’t know about? XD I’m gonna put this under a read-more so I don’t clog up ppl’s dashes!!
Fox: Quality time. She’s the sort of person who can just vibe with someone without talking for a while (though she’ll definitely chat your ear off if she’s in the mood.) Her favorite thing to do is share a space with someone while she works.
Grizzly: ALSO quality time. He’s the sort of person who’s always hanging out with someone, be it the Crew, his friends, or his sister.
Jersey: Words of affirmation. Yes, he’s an extrovert and enjoys spending time with people too, but he mostly wants to know that you like having him around.
Rocket: Also words of affirmation (but also leans a bit towards acts of service.) He wants to make sure he’s doing the right thing and doing it well, and he appreciates it when people go out of their way to help him.
Siris: A weird mix of acts of service and physical touch. He loves snuggling up with Meg on the couch after they put their daughter to bed, but he also really likes knowing that people have his back too and are willing to help him out (be it when they’re out on missions, or if he needs help picking up his kid from school bc he’s busy.)
Marco: Acts of service. I’ll admit this was a hard one to wring out of him lol. He’s pretty closed off. But I get the idea that he likes knowing whoever he’s with will back him up 100% no matter the circumstances.
Locus: Physical touch (though he’ll never, ever admit it. Ever.) Buddy’s so touch-starved that he’s about to keel over dead. That one time Fox hugged him probably added like 10 years to his life. Someone please help him.
Cobalt: Gifts!!! She LOVES getting things from people! It could be literally anything; a pack of scrunchies, or a cute dress that you saw that you thought she’d like. She keeps every thoughtful card anyone’s ever sent her in a drawer in her bedroom to read whenever she’s got the blues.
Sanchez: Quality time. Part of the reason why he gets along with Fox so well tbh. That, and the fact that they’ve known each other since she was a kid. His favorite thing to do is sit on his porch and talk with people while enjoying a cup of tea.
Sachs: Gifts. His favorite thing is when people take photos when he’s hanging out with them. One of his fishing buddies figured this out a while ago and started getting them printed, and mails them to him every few weeks. He has a wall in his office covered with photos!
Niner: Acts of service. She wants you with her, not stepping on her toes. She’ll be ride or die with anyone who proves that she can trust them and will have her back.
Milo: Gifts (treats.)
Marz: Words of affirmation. Tell her she’s doing a good job. I mean, she knows she’s doing a good job, but she still wants to hear it!
Sarge: Words of affirmation. Tell him he’s a good leader. Tell him his plans are amazing and will totally work. Tell him you’re gonna go beat up those dirty Blues for him. Okay, technically that’s acts of service, but he still likes to hear you say it lol.
Donut: Gifts and quality time. Namely, he wants you to give him something you can share together. A meal, a bottle of wine, a card game. Get him something cute and sparkly but let it be a fun experience for both him and you!
Lopez: not being Grif Quality time. I really think he just wants to hang out. He’s got a prickly and abrasive exterior sure, but I think he really does just want someone he can chill with without running the risk of losing his head again.
Grif: Physical touch. He’ll let Sarge run him over with a Warthog before he admits it, but he really does like being close to someone. Sleeping back-to-back with Simmons was the best he’s slept since the fic started probs.
Simmons: Acts of service. Make breakfast for him. Automatically pick up his coffee mug when it’s empty and wash it out for him. I guarantee you you’re gonna look up when you’re done and see him ugly-crying.
Doc: Words of affirmation. He wants to know that you want him there and that you appreciate having him around.
Tucker: I think it’s a mix of physical touch and words of affirmation. He’s absolutely a cheesy over-the-top mushy-gushy romantic if you give him the chance to be. He absolutely eats up little things like holding someone’s hand and squeezing it three times to say “I love you.” But he also wants to hear you say it out loud. I can guarantee he’ll start crying the first time you do lol.
Wash: Quality time. He prefers side-by-side quality time, but he won’t turn his nose up at sitting and talking to someone one-on-one for a while. He likes having a space where he knows he can relax, and sharing it with a single person he can trust is a great way to make that happen.
Carolina: Physical touch. She’ll also never ever admit it. For her it’s almost a way to recharge. In a fight, the blows that land seem to refuel her. With someone she cares about, a hand on her shoulder or her thigh seems to wake her up and give her more energy. In a crowded room where it’s shoulder-to-shoulder and hip-to-hip she can be the life of the party.
Caboose: Words of affirmation. He’ll absolutely pick you up off your feet and nearly break your spine with a hug, but he also has a lot of thoughts in his head and really just wants someone to listen to him. You can always tell when he’s with someone he likes, because he’ll chatter nonstop.
Freckles: Caboose.
These were really fun!! Thanks so much for the ask!! ;-; <3
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damnedrainbows · 5 years
Goodbye 2018, Welcome 2019
This year, as they’ve all been for years, started out as hell. Newly diagnosed with fibromyalgia I lost the ability to draw for quite some time as the nerves in my hands hurt too much to allow me. I was constantly bedridden from both fibromyalgia and my endometriosis. It was hell, I didn’t want to live and often still don’t.
Then I finally started a treatment which actually helped with pain. I got back into drawing and through one of my closest friends @partcfyouruniverse I found purpose through all the freelancing work I did for her. I started commissions and soon had so much I felt like a full time professional artist. It was amazing.
August 29 I went through my second huge hurtle when I had my total hysterectomy. With pain I’m still recovering from I was left with very little to do. Then, I made this blog.
Through all my role play blogs, I’ve never felt so happy and comfortable as I do here. I’ve made so many friends, but beyond that I have such a genuine following. Even with my Steven Universe blog clocking in at almost 1500 followers I’ve never been so interactive with my followers than I am here. I have anons and blogs that not only want to interact with my character, but myself. People that want to know more about me and how I’ve been. People that care and love my portrayals.
I’ve gotten fanart, a fucking animatic based on a thread, I’ve gotten VIV herself like my art like 3 times, and even my OC! I never imagined so many people would adore Allette but it’s just been. Amazing.
It’s just been so warmly welcoming and I can’t wait to see what 2019 brings for this show!
I love all of you and I have so many words for all of you, but I don’t want to go crazy so I’ll just say a few words (a few. lmao like Jordan can say ‘a few’)
@dcadlyson @partcfyouruniverse - You give me reason to keep going, Ally. With your commissions you buy from me you remind me that I am a good artist and somehow I can succeed even if it’s in a different way than I thought. You’re one of the sweetest and most selfless people that I know and I love you so much.
@hellboundgentlemen - Mari you’re just incredible. So fun to talk to and theorize with. You really, really breathe life into the characters you write, fleshing them out more than Iv’e ever seen. It’s truly admirable and I look forward to seeing what you cook up next!
@caenis-doceri and @thediamondofblue - you two are two of my closest friends. I never imagined when I met you Eric I would meet a kindred spirit that knew what I was going through. And you Ash, I never imagined I would meet someone so. Kind. So loving of others, so generous with your time, compassion, and even funds. I can’t wait to see you both this spring, and meet, and hug finally. I can’t wait!
@elkfeast / @charmange - What can be said that I haven’t already said? You’re one of my closest friends, crossed over from so many fandoms at this point. Your writing is amazing, talking to you is just as fun and you just add such a unique and amazing spin to your muses! Your Al was the first I interacted with and boy does he creep me out. I loved reading threads with him and now I love reading threads with Charlie.Whether I’m in them or watching them, seeing your writing is just great. Your characterization is goals and don’t let anyone get you down. Keep your chin up, scoff at anons, and remember you’re incredible <3
@rxdioxdemxn - Echo you are my bae, one of my main Alastors and you’re so fun to chill with ooc, and especially our rabbit streams! Charlie couldn’t ask for a better husband and Allette a better Father!
@ask-theradiodemon - Jordan, you’re just one of the kindest people. You and Jade are the first to message if something is wrong, first to greet me on Discord. You and Jade are just the cutest together and I hope I’ll see your relationship continue to prosper
@jadeblassare - Jade you’re just...so cute? So sweet? When Jordan said his girlfriend wanted to get to know me I jumped at the the chance and I’m so glad I did! I love our rps and I’m glad I’ve dragged you down into ship hell. ;p You pick up every character you play so easily and you’ve made me smile so much ooc with how genuinely caring you are. What can I say, Jordan picked well ;p
@lilithmagne and @hellsaurelius - Honestly?? You two are just a package deal now. Can’t have one without the other. AC and Marz, you’re just amazing? Reading your interactions is like watching a movie unfold. It’s so poetic and beautiful, even the saddest scenes. Your writing baffles me it’s so good and I will accept nothing but your portrayals as canon. Also AC, your art is just. Goals man.
@xkuraixkokorox - I just love our Charlie and Pen interactions so much. He’s such a good snake grandpa and I love the way you play every villain on your blog. You’re also very kind and I can’t wait to see what we write next!
@smiilingdccr - We just met like a week or so ago--officially anyway. Your main followed me for a while lmao. YOU’RE JUST SO FUN AND EASY TO TALK TO? And your Al, goals man. I love our Charlastor threads, and the weirdness of some of them. I love your ART man. You just rock Peri.
@staytun3dfolks - Mouthy you’re another friend from another fandom! I loved your Black Hat but damn I gotta say I love your Al even more. He’s terrifying but charming and the way you write him is so gloriously sinister. I love our dark Charlastor and I love reading your writing.
@vortship - I know you doubt yourself a lot but you’re incredible, Meg. As a person and a writer. Hal is so amazingly fleshed out she doesn’t feel like an oc so much, but a breathing person. We’ve been friends for a while and you deserve way more love than you get for both yourself and your amazing OC.
@kinkybccts - GLITTER OUR GROSS GAY BOIS ARE FANTASTIC. I love writing with you and shitposting. We’ve unknowingly been friends for a while from su and as with Garnet you breathe so much life into Angel! I love his and Al’s interactions and big brother spider for Charlie. It’s just amazing!
@japariguide - YOU’RE JUST STRAIGHT UP PROOF THAT YOU CAN MAKE FRIENDS BY SENDING CHICKENS! You’re so sweet and Kaban is just da rling.
@blackstardiopside - Neem, you and I have been friends for like 100 years as well. And like with vortship’s Hal, Blackstar is just an incredible OC. She doesn’t feel like an oc so much as just part of the show. I almost watch episodes now expecting to see her in canon because she just feels so canon. You yourself are sweet and adorable and so fun to have in my life.
@happilyhellish - Fara you straight up know the Smash Brother’s pain are so fun to interact with ooc and ic. I love your Charlie and her and Al’s romantic tension and I love the friendship we’re developing with Pen. You have such a great take on your muse and you’re just so nice!
@zimvasion - ANOTHER LONG TIME FRIEND, our IZ interactions are just incredible and the ones here are amazing too. You’ve been there rom the very beginning and you’re just such an amazing writer and friend.
@mochimuses - MYKKIE YOU ARE STILL...just a fucking meme, man. ideK with you half the time, but you’re just. amazing and hilarious. Our gays are the best gays and you’re just....so strange and wonderful. My meme friend.
@happy-hotel - RONNIE you have so many blogs. You have a problem. Ronnie I just love you. I still can’t believe how easily we got along, to the point where it felt like we were already long time friends, chatting it up on video chat in like the first day as friends. Every muse you play you NAIL, and you play Chalastor so amazingly. I’m boggled by your writing and convinced there’s not a single muse you can’t nail.
@princesscfredemption @flimsytunesandjazz @killerbroadcast @demonicradiohost @hell-of-a-princess @blackhxt @smellslikejustice @deerlisteners @huskofachance @gamblxrhxsk @gvmelost @madmonarch @magncroyal @devilswinging @deerlisteners @thegreatesstinventor @coldlycrimson @coronabane @cheeryhell @cherri-bxmb @chxrrxbombed @slitheringtrxhxrd @sluttyspiider @triangularus @omnituent @heinoushangar @itsyourbestnightmare @dapperishly @suoitnep
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smartshopperteam · 7 years
What We Wore To The Women's March On Washington
SAVE ON WEDDING & PROM DRESSES at http://ift.tt/23SccX9 Where Smart Shoppers Shop!
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Today’s Women’s March on Washington was one of the largest demonstrations in American history (and we’re not even counting all the people who attended the sister marches in other cities all over the world). The sheer size of the march makes sense when you consider that its main mission — to promote and defend women’s rights — speaks to America’s single largest “minority” group. Women make up 51% of the American population, and a large part of the fight means showing those in power that this constituency and its needs will be impossible to ignore. It makes sense, then, that we dressed to be seen.
We wore pantsuits and Pussyhats and clear backpacks and puffer coats. We wore saris and hijabs and wigs and weaves. Some of us wore what we wear every day, and some of us wore our nicest things out, but all of us came with the intention to be recognized for our womanhood. The people who attended represent the wide cross-section of the myriad backgrounds, cultures, and ideologies, and the things we picked to wear showcase that variety.
Ahead, we’re showing the women who joined us (and you! and her!) at the march today, and the outfits they chose for it.
Raquel Willis
“I wanted to wear something that was unabashedly feminine, but also powerful. Something that shows that I’m okay being cute, but I will still kick your ass.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Lindsay Arakawa
“I just feel powerful in these clothes in general. This tee is an Alpha Female tee from @SparkleDiva69, and some big pants. My hat is from Korea.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
“My jean jacket is from a thrift store in San Francisco with some pins I got at Refinery29.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Jeni Tanner Jordan
“A friend of mine who is the head escort at one of the independent abortion clinics in Montgomery, Alabama made these earrings. She couldn’t be here, and she wanted me to wear them for her. And my pussy hat; no march is complete without it. My friend made it for me, too — she couldn’t make the trip, either, so that was her way to contribute and be a part of it. I’m a secular feminist who’s disabled in the South. I feel like if people see me, and they see I’m outspoken, they might think they don’t have to be ashamed or afraid.
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
“I’m the legislative liaison for The Greater Birmingham National Organization for Women; I served as president the two previous years. Trump got elected, and our first meeting after was full of people who wanted to make a difference, who were ready to take action now, and I think that’s what’s important. This is the first time since Trump won the electoral college that I have felt hope. Coming here and seeing all these pink pussy hats — I know we’re all going to go back and take action and things are going to start changing, because we see right now just how terrible it is.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Annie Rose
“Oh, this old thing? This was painted on me lovingly by my friend. It says, My fierce, powerful body. My choice.’ I just feel really passionate about not struggling for simply hanging out. We’re fighting for more than just equality. We’re fighting for liberation for all people. I feel beautiful, magical, and strong.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Aurora James
“I’ve had this sweater for a long time, and it says ‘Panther Power’ on it. What I’m wearing actually was my last thought! I’m here because I think it’s so important that we all get out and stand up for what we believe in. We’ve been a little bit of a passive society, and I think we need to actually motivate ourselves to go and support what needs supporting.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
“I designed my purse — it’s Brother Vellies. I think it’s important to carry and wear things I felt my most comfortable in.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Aurora Linnea and Crystal Dyer
“We’re in mourning clothing.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Aurora Linnea
“I really want to be in solidarity with women in this moment. I feel like there are so many threats to all people with this administration, but the threats to women in particular are very real and very harrowing. And I just want to be women right now and feel good about it.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Crystal Dyer
“I’m really inspired by older feminists. I wanted my veil to reference nuns and sisters — my hat is Masonic. On so many levels I’m upset by Trump’s presidency. Like, racially, even economically — I’m pretty much against him in every way.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Betsy Fiory-McCoy
“I’m wearing pink because we think Trump needs to understand that a ‘pussy’ is only intended to be a small cat or a term of love between people who like each other. It’s not something to be grabbed on women he’s never met before.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Paloma Elsesser
“I wanted to look like I’m a SWAT, because I’m here to fight. I’m ready and braced for that.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Marion Zaniello
“I have a business named Marz Denim, and I make painted jeans. This is a Martin Luther King, Jr. quote on front: ‘Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.’ The back has a Rupi Kaur quote, who’s a more contemporary female poet. It says, ‘We all move forward when we recognize how resilient and striking the women around us are.’”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
“These are the robes of the Buddha that we wear in our particular tradition. They help us uphold our vows, keep us strong in terms of our being committed to social justice. Our practice is for the benefit of all beings. That includes women, doesn’t it?”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Adama Sow
“I’m from Dakar, Senegal, and I’m American. I got these overalls from a vintage store in Amsterdam, and everything else was my mom’s.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
“I’m here because I couldn’t not be here. Everything else just didn’t feel like it was worth my energy. This is where I want to be, and this is where I need to be.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Amy Hood
“We wanted to represent red, white, blue, and pink — so this femme-patriotic. This is how we dress every day. Everyone thinks we’re wearing a costume, but this is what we wear.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Pussyhat Project caps in action.
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Rachael Wang
“I’m wearing a lot of vintage today, but I had to wear a beret just to throw it back and pay homage to all the movements that have come before us. I’ve got a really good Marilyn Minter button on my beret. It says, ‘Don’t fuck with us, don’t fuck without us.’”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Siobhan Buckley and Jadyn Kist
“We went to the mall yesterday and we wanted to get anything pink there was. It’s a feminist color. We had talked to Code Pink before, and then I was working for The Feminist Majority Foundation, and both use pink.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Nora Mahmoud
“I’m wearing purple for the suffragettes, because that’s the color that they used to wear. And I’m wearing a leather jacket because they’re badass. My purple hijab says freedom and power to me — freedom to determine how others see me, and how I move through the world. We’re here to march and to support everyone who is oppressed and who don’t feel safe, because everyone deserves to feel safe in this country.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Halle Bryant
“I’m wearing this shirt, which I got from my grandma. I’m Native, and it says, ‘Homeland Security, Fighting Against Terrorism since 1492.’ And it has a picture of a bunch of renowned chiefs.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
“I wanted something with red, white, and blue. And then, my Black Flag shirt for reasons that are obvious. This hat is a Beyoncé lyric. I wanted to be protected — to be warm, safe from pepper spray, and ready to fight. Yeah — fuck this. There are so many reasons to be here.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
“Donald Trump tries to fight Muslims, and Mexicans, people of all colors and religions. I’m here to support each person that comes here for this rally. The sign says ‘No racism, no hate. Yes for love and peace’ to show that that’s our religion and Islam is peace.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Harriet Sokmensuer
“All my clothes are secondhand, so it’s just kind of roll with the punches. I usually stick with black, because it’s easy — and that’s pretty empowering. This is my most comfortable, badass outfit — it’s vintage Levi’s, my oldest Vans, a comfortable leather jacket, and this little clutch.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
“My back patch is made from a pillowcase.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Danielle Jackson
“This is very warm — I can layer it up.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
“The coat has deep pockets, and I have a fanny pack. You want to be hands-free out here! You want to be able to shout and cheer.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Collette Williams
“My hair shrinks in this kind of weather, so I decided to just tie it. Also, too, I grabbed it should it get risky, and they start firing off the smoky stuff. It’s good to have something to cover your face. It’s [my daughter’s] generation, and her children, if they come after. We hope that this is something they won’t have to do. But if they have to, their mother’s prepared.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
“I don’t own pants, and I thought it’d be cold!
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Val Norman
“We gotta make it known that the Blackness and your natural heritage is a beautiful thing, instead of just only white things being beautiful.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Alicia Smith
“I think I feel like my most true self. My hair wrap is activism. I’m trying to brush off stereotypes and what people expect me to be.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Julia Arnsten
“Doctors tend to be listened to, and we have a lot of things to say. We want to take care of everybody — health care is a human right. We believe in the Affordable Care Act.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Dawn Goldworm
“These jackets came partly embellished, and then we added it onto it. We wanted to do a sort of revolutionary military thing, but soften it with love and happiness.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Dawn Goldworm and Katrina Blandino
“We’re matching on purpose! We’re best friends. I think, in a way, all the women here match. They’re trying to divide us, and we have to come together, because we’re all the same.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Nadya Rockefeller
“We wanted to honor all the famous suffrage acts.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Karin Tanabe
“We both attended Vassar College, and Vassar has a history of supporting women’s rights. We wanted to honor that.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Cora Cofield
“I’ve been wearing this shirt at work a lot, because I feel like I’m surrounded by a lot of men. It makes a statement all day long. In my opinion, this is assertiveness — I take a stand.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
“I’m an electrician, so I wear pants all the time. So on Saturdays, I wear a dress.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Zarah Soria, Brittany Carmon, Alicia Castro, and Hazel Diaz
“We weren’t originally dressed like this, and then we saw a vendor with Black Lives Matter hoodies that had the names of all the victims. We were like ‘That is dope, and we need to wear that.’”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Hazel Diaz
“We wanted to make sure women of color were represented here in the march today. Our sign says ‘Not Whores, Not Saints, Just Women,’ in Spanish. My 11- and 9-year-old made this for us. We want to make sure that people understand that women aren’t here to battle each other and compete with each other to the top. Empowering each other is like essential. Like, we do that in our friendships and our relationships with each other, and we show that to our children and our family members, and in our community. We definitely wanted to make sure that there was something that represented the work that we all do together.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
“My clothes don’t symbolize anything. I just wanted to be comfortable. I’m protesting Trump. He’s a menace. When George Bush was elected, we didn’t like it, but we didn’t take to the streets like this. This is trouble. People don’t realize it. He’s duped a lot of people.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Solange Franklin Reed
“Turtlenecks reference Black Panthers. I’m here for intersectional feminism, environmental justice, to be an ally for non-heteronormative and non-racist, and non-homophobic values.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Rachel Manning
“They were giving out Bing Bang pins, so I put them on my hat. I also got a bunch of pins from my grandmother and my mother that I wanted to wear.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
“I also wore all pink, because obviously.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Irisa, Patty Patton, Marie Antoinette, Samy, Kareema, Lorenzo
“Pink represents women, and is synonymous with women. We just wanted something that spoke to power, unity, and something that would represent a collective whole — so we wore berets. The black leather jackets are just a necessity, because it’s cold! We match because that’s strength. We’re all family and we wanted to unite for this cause.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
“I trained my kids to be activists since they were knee-high. My first protest was in New York. I was a transit advocate. I was called ‘The Mad Lady of the A Train.’”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
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from What We Wore To The Women's March On Washington
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dawnslight-aegis · 11 months
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glamour progression! some canonical Looks that Kaede has had over the years, lore and reasonings and whatnot under the cut~
early ARR: just some basic, comfortable traveling clothes. she didn't have a ton of money here, and her fighting style was offensively-focused, rather than defensive. she didn't even use a shield yet.
mid ARR: finally scrounged up some basic armor, but she still prefers the flexibility and mobility afforded by leather over chain or plate.
end of ARR: for the Praetorium assault, she joins as an officer of the Immortal Flames, and wears their uniform. even though it's heavy and bulky and uncomfortable.
post ARR: newly dubbed the Warrior of Light, she still favors Immortal Flame colors, but make it stylish. also helps Gerolt reforge Curtana and the Holy Shield.
early HW: after the Bloody Banquet, but before being admitted to Ishgard, she comes across the corpse of a dark knight dumped outside the city gates and takes up his sword. it's no longer safe to wear anything that associates her with the Flames, so she reverts back to her more gladiator-like style, but with light plate
mid HW: can't very well be walking around Ishgard as a heretic, so it's back to paladin for a while. she finds a full set of really nice (and warm) armor and weapons in The Aery and uses them for a bit, but swaps the sword/shield for a greatsword again in the aftermath of the Vault
end of HW: Sid gave her some armor. please imagine Zephirin's face under where her sword is planted in the ground.
post HW: had a new set of armor made to match the style of the set she found in the Aery, carries the Fortemps shield in Haurchefant's honor
early SB: when Tataru Taru makes you an outfit, you damn well wear it. also this is her RDM training arc, Marz is the main character doing WAR stuff here, Kaede is just here to vibe and help out
mid SB: Kaede doesn't care for Doman fashion in Eorzea, she has a hard enough time convincing people she's not foreign. but when in Othard, do as the Othardians do. oh this is also where she got her horn and tail decor! turns out when you go somewhere with lots of au ra, you can find cute auri accessories. who knew.
end of SB: we liberating Ala Mhigo in full red mage regalia my friends
post SB: it's just a cute witchy look, Kaede didn't do the Mhach raids so idk how she even got this one. I just like it. she spent most of the SB patches in Ishgard so maybe she bought it from Leofard or something. for REALLY late post-SB (aka Ghimlyt Dark) please see "early ShB"
early ShB: puts her rapier away when her friends start dropping and she has to go to actual legit war. opts for some heavier actual plate mail, but you can't fight evil if you ain't cute. also she got that top from the bowels of Orbonne Monastery, and it's reminiscent of her childhood hero, Agrias Oaks, so it's important to her
mid ShB: Kaede has Feelings about Voeburt and how it's basically Ishgard but with au ra, ask her about them some time. anyway she tries to PLD for a while on the First but it starts exacerbating her light poisoning, so it's back to dark knight time
end of ShB: yikes, girl. yikes. anyway Voeburtite+Crystarium gear is a nice cross-section of the places in the First that really spoke to her
post ShB: neo-Ishgardian top, Halonic gauntlets, I think it's safe to say she is homesick, someone let her go home and see her man already
early EW: Sharlayan is...not Kaede's favorite place. she went there straight from Ishgard so she's just wearing some of her normal civilian clothes tbh. if you see her out and about in Ishgard this is probably the kind of thing she's wearing
mid EW: Garlemald is fucking cold and depressing, even when you have a nice heavy coat. while she's here she gets her arm broken and her shoulder dislocated, so she has to do red mage stuff until it heals. I didn't include it here but it's the heirloom casting top+ravel keeper gloves+virtu duelist boots.
end of EW: a return to the iconic look after getting her shield arm fixed by Haurchefant in the Aitiascope. also all her friends died. it's a bad time. Tataru made her some boots though.
post EW: holy shit baby girl finally learned how to heal, it only took almost dying to make her stubborn tank main ass learn. she changed her hair because she's On Vacation rn. also she's engaged! idk where the yorha top came from, I don't consider the nier raids canon lmao. her staff has a chunk of the mothercrystal on it though
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