#also marek felix was good
crispy-chan · 2 years
“I’m hynek biased” bitch me too 😭😭😭
No but changbin’s and Jeongin’s really fit the most it’s scary 😭😭😭😭😭
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puterboy1 · 1 year
Comparing Chirin from Chirin no Suzu/Ringing Bell with other characters
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Many commentators have compared and contrasted Chirin from Takashi Yanase's storybook Chirin's Bell with Bambi from the Felix Salten novel of the same name (I won't say Walt Disney because Salten made the character first), but there is little to connect the two animals other than being cute quadrupeds who lose their mothers to a vicious villain. For one thing, their stories and ultimate fates are complete opposites and they do not end up becoming the very thing that took their parents away from them. Here are a list of characters that fit Chirin better than Bambi, just to clear up some misconceptions.
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Anakin Skywalker (later Darth Vader) is the first person I compared Chirin to; both turned to the dark side after losing their mothers and sought vengeance on their murderers. One key difference is that Anakin already kills the Tusken Raiders (like what Woe did to Chirin's family in the book) and this story is what if Anakin became a Tusken Raider to avenge Shmi. But since he is already a Jedi, that ship has sailed. It isn't until Episode III that he finally becomes Darth Vader and Chirin's wool is just as black as his armor. Another key difference is that Palpatine was manipulating Anakin into betraying the Jedi while Woe just simply gave him the harsh truth of the world and with this knowledge, Chirin became corrupted. Another similarity is that Chirin idolizes Woe the same way Anakin idolizes Palpatine because he thinks he's better than the other Jedi (or the other sheep), looking up to him enough to agree with everything he says and this seals their doom. Unlike Vader however, Chirin is not redeemed by his son (even if he had one), but like Vader, he realizes that his quest to save Padme (in Chirin’s case, a quest for revenge) was all for nothing and he is stuck as a robotic monstrosity. Another Star Wars character is Darth Revan, who started as a Jedi, then a Sith and finally became somewhere in between, just like Chirin. Chirin could also be compared with Galen Marek from the video game *The Force Unleashed*, growing up and training under his father's killer, then turning to the light. Unlike Chirin, however, he dies. Obi-Wan Kenobi could not have put it better: "You've allowed this dark lord to twist your mind until you've become the very thing you swore to destroy" and this applies to both Chirin and Anakin.
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Elphaba Thropp from the book and musical Wicked shares similar ambitions with Chirin in seeking power, becoming failure heroes and ending up becoming a horrible monster (Chirin became a wolf-like ram, Elphaba became the Wicked Witch of the West). Some of the songs from the musical version of *Wicked* seem to fit well with Chirin. "The Wizard and I" fits with Chirin's ambitions of being Woe's partner, while "Defying Gravity" resonates with his passion of becoming a greater force while "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished" represents Chirin's feelings at what he has done. The song also could provide an alternate interpretation to the ending where Chirin decides to live up to his reputation as a monster, just as Elphaba did to the denizens of Oz. Glinda, the book/show's deuteragonist could also be a representation of Chirin's mother's spirit trying in vain to bring him back to the light. Like Elphaba, they express heartbreak over losing their loved ones (Fyero and Wor) in the climax, but unlike Elphaba, the only ending Chirin gets is worthy of the real Wicked Witch of the West.
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Eren Yeager from Attack on Titan also has an all too familiar story. Chirin's mom was eaten by Woe, Eren's mom was eaten by a Titan. For this, they became determined to become stronger, but while Eren joins the Survey Corps, Chirin joins Wor and they both end up becoming the very things they swore to kill. There are two key differences, though: Chirin's transformation is motivated by revenge and a desire to prove himself as a predator (in the Sanrio adaptation, he is manipulated by Woe), while Eren's is motivated by a desire to protect his friends and his people from the Titans. Additionally, Eren's story takes place in a much larger and more complex world, with political intrigue and a wide range of characters with their own motivations and agendas. 
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Thorfinn Thorsson from The Vinland Saga was raised by the man who killed his father (Woe in this version is Askeladd) and is probably more accurate than Eren because I've other commentators make similarities between him and Chirin. However, as Thorfinn's story progresses, he undergoes a significant transformation. He starts to question his own motivations and realizes that his pursuit of revenge has consumed him and caused him to lose sight of what's truly important. This realization leads him to start seeking a different path, one that's focused on building a better future rather than avenging the past. While there are similarities between Thorfinn and Chirin in terms of their initial motivations and desire for revenge, Thorfinn's story is much more complex and nuanced, with a wider range of characters and themes. Additionally, while Chirin's transformation is largely physical, as he becomes a stronger predator, Thorfinn's transformation is more internal and psychological. Unlike Chirin however, Thorfinn is unsuccessful at killing Askeladd (Canute kills him for him) and when he does die, Thorfinn feels just like Chirin: empty.
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Bruce Wayne/Batman from the DC Comics universe is also an accurate example. Like Chirin in the Lyrica and kamishibai adaptations, plus the very first version of the story found in Takasih Yanase's Twelve Pearls, he loses both of his parents. But while Chirin was consumed by vengeance and trained under Woe, Batman did his best to keep his emotions in check and was trained by a great deal of masters. Chirin's adult form is just as terrifying as Batman's costume in the eyes of his enemies. Like Batman, Chirin does confront Joe Chill, the man who murdered his parents, but the gangster ends up getting killed by his own men. Chirin also has some similarities with Batman sidekick Jason Todd, who started as Robin, then he and his mother were murdered by the Joker and he came back as the Red Hood to avenge her death.
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Inigo Montoya from The Princess Bride. Obvious reasons but with a more comical effect.
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Ken Amada from Persona 3 also lost his mom to a monster and sought revenge on her murderer. Both characters also undergo transformations as a result of their experiences. Chirin becomes a fierce predator, while Ken becomes a Persona user and gains the ability to fight against the Shadows. However, there are also some key differences between the two characters. Chirin's story is more about his personal journey and transformation, while Ken's story is more closely tied to the overarching plot of *Persona 3*. Additionally, Ken's transformation is not solely driven by revenge, but also by a desire to protect his friends and to make a positive difference in the world. Not to mention the fact that Ken understood that revenge will not bring his mother back while Chirin does not outright say this out-loud.
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Jack Marston from Red Dead Redemption is also another similarity. Lost their dads and sought revenge on the persons who murdered him. At least Jack is more sociable then Chirin though.
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Hope Estheim from Final Fantasy XIII. Same as Ken, but fails to exact his revenge and looks up to Snow as a father figure, just like Chirin and Woe, but on a sweeter level.
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Clay Lincoln from Mafia III. Like Chirin from the book and other literary adaptations, he loses his family to a criminal and spends the entirety of the game teaming up with other criminals to take over New Orleans. Like Chirin, he even questions his actions after killing the mob boss and the guy seems perfectly willing to let Clay kill him.
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Ichigo Kurosaki from Bleach is a more heroic version of Chirin that aligns more accurately with the Bambi comparison. After losing his mother, he too gains power in the form of seeing the supernatural, whereas with Chirin, it's becoming stronger and that is what Ichigo does. Had Chirin protected his flock in the aftermath of the story from afar, then he would be more in tune with Ichigo's desire as a Soul Reaper to protect the people from evil spirits.
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Miss Bellwether from Zootopia. Nothing much other than the evil sheep angle. 
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Superman in the Injustice video game revolves around the Man of Steel losing his wife to the Joker and then killing the clown. Like Chirin, Superman ends up becoming a feared and darker shadow of his former self. But at least he redeems.
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Arya Stark from A Song of Ice and Fire, although I think she's more like Thorfinn in the sense of losing their favorite parent and being raised by that parent's killer. 
Yona of the Dawn also begins with a protagonist being thrown from her carefree life into the harsh reality.
Any other comparisons?
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It's summer so you are probably bored... ALL OF THEM.
Challenge accepted.
Do you prefer writing with black or blue pen? 
Would you prefer to live in the country or the city?
If you could learn a new skill, what would it be?
Playing the violin or swordfighting
Do you drink your tea or coffee with sugar?
YASS BITCH GIMME ALL THAT SUGAR (my sugar habits actually became a running joke among my friends; i still think 2 tsp per cup are normal)
What was your favourite book as a child?
There were a lot of them... The ones I remember best is “Oto jest Kasia”, A Series Of Unfortunate Events and “Felix, Net i Nika” (I mention them a lot recently)
Do you prefer baths or showers?
If you could be a mythical creature, which would you choose?
A fairy, so I can fly away from all this bullshit
Do you prefer reading paper or electronic books?
What is your favourite item of clothing?
My growing collection of oversize sweatshirts
Do you like your name? Would you ever change it?
It’s kinda indifferent to me, but I wouldn’t change it
Who is a mentor to you?
What? Mentors? Taking good advice to make my life easier? Nah
Would you ever want to be famous? If so, what for?
I wanna be a famous filmmaker.
Are you a restless sleeper?
Do you consider yourself a romantic?
Maybe a little bit, I’m an idealist, emotional and sentimental, I guess that counts.
Which element best represents you?
I thought of air because I somehow link it to the indepedence
Who do you want to be closer to?
My friends, all 2 of them.
Do you miss someone at the moment?
Not really
Tell us about an early childhood memory.
I burned myself with boiling water when I was 3
What is the strangest thing you have eaten?
I ate a shopping list when I was a kid
What can you see outside your bedroom window?
Blocks, more blocks, lots of trees and a tennis court
What are you most thankful for?
Probably for my health, I have some problems but none of them is influencing my life in a major way
Do you like spicy food?
I tolerate it.
Have you ever met someone famous?
I met Marek Niedźwiedzki once
Do you keep a diary or journal
No, I’ve been doing it for over a year but I got bored.
Do you prefer to use pen or pencil?
In writing - pen, in drawing - pencil
What is your star sign?
Do you like your cereal crunchy or soggy?
What would you want your legacy to be?
Some good art and general idea of fighting for your dreams
Do you like reading? What was the last thing you read?
I like reading but I cannot get myself to finally read a book , the last thing I read (apart from tumblr posts) was an article in Harper’s Bazaar
How do you show someone you love them?
I mostly offer them help or drop a small compliment
Do you like ice in your drinks?
What are you afraid of?
Rejection and high speed
What is your favourite scent?
Strawberries, passion fruit, basically fruits
Do you address older people by their first or last name?
Mostly last
If money was not a factor, how would you live your life?
I’d have a nice house, nice car and stuff, but first of all I’d travel a lot, also adopt 10 dogs
Do you prefer swimming in pools or in the ocean?
Ocean, but only if the water is clear and there are no jellyfishes or seaweed
What would you do if you found $50 on the ground?
Probably leave it on the ground, which would not help bc someone’s gonna keep it anyway
Have you ever seen a shooting star? Did you make a wish?
I’ve seen some and maybe even I made a wish once or twice, but without expectations
What is one thing you would want to teach your children?
Not to make rude jokes of anything around people who like this thing
If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it?
A small stick figure on my wrist
What can you hear right now?
Where do you feel the safest?
At home probably
What is one thing you want to overcome/conquer?
I can’t sing but I’d love to be able to do it for fun again.
If you could travel back to any era, which would you choose?
80s or 15th century
What is your most used emoji?
Is xD and emoji? I abuse it
What is your favourite season? Why?
Summer, because of holidays and travels
How would you spend your ideal day?
Workout in the morning, huge and tasty breakfast, going out with my friends, then peaceful evening with listening to music while sketching something
Describe yourself using one word.
What (that’s it, that’s the word)
What do you regret the most?
Being rude to some people I cared about
Invent your own word. What does it mean?
Deriadria - it’s a name of a fictional world I once invented
Thanks for giving me something to do
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puterboy1 · 1 year
There are many commentors who compare Chirin with Bambi from the Felix Salten novel or even Simba from The Lion King or Littlefoot from The Land Before Time. But other than being cutesy animals who lost their mother to a predator, there is actually little to compare between these four animals. For one thing, their stories did not end in tragedy nor did they seek revenge. Here are but a few of the many characters that suit Chirin better.
Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars. Anakin Skywalker (later Darth Vader) is the first person I compared Chirin to; both turned to the dark side after losing their mothers and sought vengeance on their murderers. One key difference is that Anakin already kills the Tusken Raiders (like what Wor did to Chirin's family in the book) and this story is what if Anakin became a Tusken Raider to avenge Shmi. But since he is already a Jedi, that ship has sailed. It isn't until Episode III that he finally becomes Darth Vader and Chirin's wool is just as black as his cape. Another key difference is that Palpatine was manipulating Anakin into betraying the Jedi while Wor just simply gave him the harsh truth of the world. Unlike Vader however, Chirin is not redeemed by his son (even if he had one), but like Vader, he realizes that his quest to save Padme was all for nothing and he is stuck as a robotic monstrosity. Another Star Wars character is Darth Revan, who started as a Jedi, then a Sith and finally became somewhere in between, just like Chirin. Chirin could also be compared with Galen Marek from the video game The Force Unleashed, growing up and training under his father's killer, then turning to the light. Unlike Chirin, however, he dies. Obi-Wan Kenobi could not have put it better: "You've allowed this dark lord to twist your mind until you've become the very thing you swore to destroy" and this applies to both Chirin and Anakin.
Elphaba Thropp from the book and musical Wicked. Elphaba shares similar ambitions with Chirin in seeking power, becoming failure heroes and ending up becoming a horrible monster (Chirin became a wolf-like ram, Elphaba became the Wicked Witch of the West). Some of the songs from the musical version of Wicked seem to fit well with Chirin. "The Wizard and I" fits with Chirin's ambitions of being Woe's partner, while "Defying Gravity" resonates with his passion of becoming a greater force while "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished" represents Chirin's feelings at what he has done. The song also could provide an alternate interpretation to the ending where Chirin decides to live up to his reputation as a monster, just as Elphaba did to the denizens of Oz. Glinda, the book/show's deuteragonist could also be a representation of Chirin's mother's spirit trying in vain to bring him back to the light. Like Elphaba, they express heartbreak over losing their loved ones (Fyero and Wor) in the climax, but unlike Elphaba, the only ending Chirin gets is worthy of the real Wicked Witch of the West.
Eren Yeager from Attack on Titan. Chirin's mom was eaten by Woe, Eren's mom was eaten by a Titan. For this, they became determined to become stronger, but while Eren joins the Survey Corps, Chirin joins Wor and they both end up becoming the very things they swore to kill. There are two key differences, though: Chirin's transformation is motivated by revenge and a desire to prove himself as a predator, while Eren's is motivated by a desire to protect his friends and his people from the Titans. Additionally, Eren's story takes place in a much larger and more complex world, with political intrigue and a wide range of characters with their own motivations and agendas.
Thorfinn from The Vinland Saga. He is raised by the man who killed his father (Wor in this version is Askeladd) and is probably more accurate than Eren. However, as Thorfinn's story progresses, he undergoes a significant transformation. He starts to question his own motivations and realizes that his pursuit of revenge has consumed him and caused him to lose sight of what's truly important. This realization leads him to start seeking a different path, one that's focused on building a better future rather than avenging the past. While there are similarities between Thorfinn and Chirin in terms of their initial motivations and desire for revenge, Thorfinn's story is much more complex and nuanced, with a wider range of characters and themes. Additionally, while Chirin's transformation is largely physical, as he becomes a stronger predator, Thorfinn's transformation is more internal and psychological.
Bruce Wayne/Batman from the DC Comics universe is also an accurate example. Like Chirin in the Lyrica and kamishibai adaptations, he loses both of his parents. But while Chirin was consumed by vengeance and trained under Woe, Batman did his best to keep his emotions in check and was trained by a great deal of masters. Chirin's adult form is just as terrifying as Batman's costume in the eyes of his enemies. Like Batman, Chirin does confront Joe Chill, the man who murdered his parents, but the gangster ends up getting killed by his own men. Chirin also has some similarities with Batman sidekick Jason Todd, who started as Robin, then he and his mother were murdered by the Joker and he came back as the Red Hood to avenge her death.
Inigo Montoya from The Princess Bride. Obvious reasons but with a more comical effect.
Ken Amada from Persona 3 also lost his mom to a monster and sought revenge on her murderer. Both characters also undergo transformations as a result of their experiences. Chirin becomes a fierce predator, while Ken becomes a Persona user and gains the ability to fight against the Shadows. However, there are also some key differences between the two characters. Chirin's story is more about his personal journey and transformation, while Ken's story is more closely tied to the overarching plot of Persona 3. Additionally, Ken's transformation is not solely driven by revenge, but also by a desire to protect his friends and to make a positive difference in the world. Not to mention the fact that Ken understood that revenge will not bring his mother back while Chirin does not outright say this out-loud.
Jack Morgan from Red Dead Redemption is also another similarity. Lost their dads and sought revenge on the persons who murdered him. At least Jack is more sociable then Chirin though.
Hope Estheim from Final Fantasy XIII. Same as Ken, but fails to exact his revenge and looks up to Snow as a father figure, just like Chirin and Wor.
Clay Lincoln from Mafia III. Like Chirin from the book and other literary adaptations, he loses his family to a criminal and spends the entirety of the game teaming up with other criminals to take over New Orleans. Like Chirin, he even questions his actions after killing the mob boss and the guy seems perfectly willing to let Clay kill him.
Ichigo Kurosaki from Bleach is a more heroic version of Chirin that aligns more accurately with the Bambi comparison. After losing his mother, he too gains power in the form of seeing the supernatural, whereas with Chirin, it's becoming stronger and that is what Ichigo does. Had Chirin protected his flock in the aftermath of the story from afar, then he would be more in tune with Ichigo's desire as a Soul Reaper to protect the people from evil spirits.
Any other comparisons?
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