#also my brother (with his high tolerance for painfully bad things) did watch the first half
tlaquetzqui · 11 months
I would have to watch a shitty yuri-baiting desecration of Gundam to know the particulars, but Sunrise/Bandai-Namco backpedaling on the lesbian relationship in Witch of Mercury (some say to please China), and the Western yuri fans threatening fucking arson as a result, is instructive.
Namely, never deliberately appeal to shippers, especially not Western ones, with that kind of shit. Cultivating a following of people known for harassment and violence against creators who displease them is fucking stupid—ally with cannibals and you can easily end up on the menu. Shippers are unhinged at the best of times, and shippers who have spent their whole adult lives being told their lipstick-lesbian or slashfic fetish is actually a concern for social justice and intersectional feminism can excuse their insanity on political grounds.
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lightsupinthenorth · 4 years
Harringrove teachers AU part 2
Part 1
First of all, thank you very much to everyone who read, liked and/or reblogged the first part. Also, to the people who reacted or said nice things in the tags: you made my day with your sweet words <3
Tag list: @twoprettyboys, @inkedplume​, @marianaosborne​, @liglitterbug​, @hmg621 @spreckle @goldenweatherharringrove
If anyone wants to be added to or taken off the tag list for the future posts of this AU, let me know ;) 
Trying to avoid Steve Harrington soon proved to be impossible. He was pretty much everywhere. The fact he was close to Robin and Heather, who Billy himself had quickly befriended, didn’t help. Steve was always hanging with them in the teachers’ lounge before class and eating with them at the cafeteria at lunch. And, as if it weren’t awkward enough already, Steve and Billy almost never interacted directly. Apparently, Steve was tolerating Billy’s presence, but it didn’t go any further than that. Beside a half hearted “hello” when they saw each other, Steve barely ever said anything to him.
Billy tried to start conversations with him. Several times. But Steve always answered shortly, so Billy dropped it.
And he was angry about it.
Because, even though it pained it greatly to admit it, Billy would have loved for Steve and him to be friends.
Every single person in this school seemed to adore Steve, from the students to the staff.
At least a couple of Billy’s students arrived late to English whenever they had Math with Steve beforehand. They always served Billy the same excuse: they had a question of utmost important to ask “Mr. Harrington”, and it couldn’t have waited their next Math class. Billy didn’t buy the bullshit. Strangely, no one arrived late because they had something to discuss with the teacher when they had History with Murray or Science with Sam before English. Half the students had a crush on “Mr. Harrington”, and that was it.
The students regarding Steve like some kind of God was bad enough without the other teachers doing it too. Robin and Heather hugged him all the time, and Murray was constantly holding him hostage about some weird documentary he had watched or whatever theory he had last come up with, and the school counselor, Joyce, smiled extra warm every time she saw him. Even Hopper, the headmaster, would light up when he talked with Steve.
And Billy understood why. Because, while Steve didn’t lose any love on Billy, he was a ray of sunshine to everyone else. He gave his coworkers bright smiles, asked them how they were as if he genuinely cared (and he probably did) about what was going on in their lives, he gave his students encouragements when they came to the teachers’ lounge asking for him during recess (which happened far more often that it should have) because they had trouble with some mathematical concept that Billy didn’t give a damn about.
Steve was a saint with everlasting patience… Except when it came to Billy, apparently. And Billy was so envious he was nearly green with it.
He was also feeling self-conscious, wondering what Steve had seen in him to shun him even though his kindness knew no bound where anyone else was concerned. It couldn’t just be that Billy looked unprofessional, right? Some people that he’d seen Steve interact with enthusiastically had traits far more negative than that, at least in Billy’s book. It made no sense and frustrated him to no end.
He was starting to think that Steve’s dislike of him was just a visceral reaction and had no valid reason. Then, Steve had to go and do something confusing.
Billy was eating lunch in the cafeteria, waiting for Heather and Robin (and Steve, by extension) to join him, and Steve sat down in front of him. Billy immediately noticed the huge piece of chocolate cake on his tray.
“How come you got some cake? I saw someone take the last piece right in front of me.”
Billy was feeling absurdly sour over it. He could have really gone for something sweet.
“Oh… Maria saved it for me.” Steve admitted.
At least, he had the decency to look sheepish.
“Right…” Billy replied, pouting a little.
Of course, one of the lunch ladies had put a piece of cake aside just for the Lord and Savior of Hawkins High. Billy should have known.
“Do you want it?”
Billy blinked at Steve, answering a second too late to appear unsurprised by the question.
“Ugh… no, thank you.”
Had Steve really… offered to give him his dessert? Had he really been nice to Billy? Or had Billy just hallucinated the entire thing?
“You sure? I honestly wouldn’t mind…” Steve said, looking at his plate rather than at Billy.
He was just saying that to be polite, obviously. Billy wasn’t going to take his dessert away from him. It would only make Steve dislike him more.
“I’m sure.”
“Okay.” Steve looked up from his plate and offered a small forced smile, before focusing on his food once again.
Things were already back to normal (ie. Steve not talking to him), then.
Heather and Robin arrived barely a minute later, saving them from the awkward silence that had taken place after their thirty-second conversation (if it could even be called that).
As soon as he had finished eating, Steve announced:
“I’ve gotta scoot. I have to prepare some stuff before my next class.”
He had already got up from his chair when he reached the end of his sentence.  
“You still on for tomorrow?” Robin asked.
“Sure thing. See you then!”
Steve took his tray and walked toward the exit in quick strides.
“What’s tomorrow?” Billy asked.
“We’re going to Benny’s coffee shop to grade some papers. You can come if you want.”
Billy had just played himself, hadn’t he? He had asked out of curiosity. He hadn’t been expecting to be invited along to whatever Robin and Steve had planned.
“I wouldn’t want to intrude”, was Billy’s last ditched effort to avoid what was sure to be an extremely awkward afternoon.
He could have come up with some fake excuse, but he was uncomfortable with the idea of lying to Robin. Because she’d been nice to him so far, and also because he was almost certain she would see right through him. She was far too observant for Billy’s good.
“Nonsense, you wouldn’t be intruding.” Robin rolled her eyes.
“Uh… okay, then. Thanks.”
Billy was about to eat his vanilla pudding, aka his sad non-chocolate cake dessert, when Max came up to their table and awkwardly said “hello” to Heather and Robin.
“Something you want?” Billy questioned, because she was obviously there to ask him something but wouldn’t spit it out.
“I’m going to Art club this afternoon. It ends at six… Will you come get me?”
Billy arched an eyebrow.
“We have an Art club?”
Also, since when was Max into art?
“Yeah… well actually today’s the first session… whatever. Will you drive me back home or not?”
“Can’t you skate?”
Now Billy was just being an asshole. Max had been skating to and from school most days since, according to her, it was “uncool” to be seen hanging with a teacher… which was stupid because 1. Billy was her brother, and 2. There was nothing uncool about him.
“I… ugh… well. I broke my skateboard.”
Max bit her lower lip.
Billy sighed.
“Yeah… sorry.”
“Okay, fine, I’ll drive you home.” Billy conceded, making a quick mental note to go buy Max a new skateboard. For the third time this year.
“Thanks. Later.”
She was gone as quickly as she had come, leaving Billy to deal with Robin and Heather’s puzzled faces.
“What was that?” Heather asked.
“Maxine Mayfield…?” Billy said, hoping to avoid this particular conversation.
The universe didn’t want him to avoid things that day, though.
“I know that, dumbass. You know each other?”
“Yeah, she’s my sister.”
“What?! How come we didn’t know that?”
“We don’t have the same name, whatever. It’s not that big a deal.” Billy mumbled.
“Yeah… but still… you could have told us.”
“Here honey, have some cake, it’s delicious.” Robin said, extending her fork to Heather.
Billy was thankful for the distraction. But he mainly focused on the cake, that he had only now taken notice of.
“Did Maria save that for you?” He asked.
Robin frowned.
“Yeah, how did you know?”
“Never mind.” Billy said.
Billy chose to stay at school after his last class and to wait in the teachers’ lounge until Art club was over and Max was ready to go home. He would have used the time to grade some papers, but he was supposed to do that tomorrow afternoon with Robin… and Steve. So he spent the hour and a half reading, instead.
He went to the classroom, which Max had given him the number of by text, five minutes before the session was supposed to end. He waited at least fifteen minutes before the first student left the room, greeting Billy on the way out.
Max came out last, along with El, the headmaster’s adopted daughter. She was one of Billy’s students. She had some troubles in English because, from what he had been told, she had only started learning the language recently. She was pretty quiet, maybe because of that exact reason, but she seemed like a very sweet girl. It would be good for Max to hang out with her. Billy didn’t dare ask because he didn’t want to put Max on the spot or make her feel bad, but he feared she had yet to make friends at school.
Billy’s thoughts were interrupted when none other than Steve Harrington emerged from the classroom right after the girls. Well, that explained the ten minutes Billy had had to wait.
Steve had paints all over his hands, and some on his shirt. There was even a little blue spot on his cheek. He looked painfully cute. Billy didn’t like it one bit.
“Billy?” Steve asked, sounding as shocked as Billy felt. “What are you doing here?”
“I came to pick my sister up.” He said, gesturing to Max. “You run the Art club?”
Billy didn’t mean to sound this disbelieving, but he was having a hard time reconciling Math teacher and art enthusiast. Was that judgmental? Was Billy a hypocrite?
“We don’t have a real art teacher so… uh… for lack of a better option, I’m taking care of it for the time being.”
“You’re great at it, Steve.” El said with a beaming smile.
Did all his students call him Steve or was it only the headmaster’s daughter? Billy was intrigued.
“Oh thanks, El. You’re too nice.”  
Billy almost said: “that’s the pot calling the kettle black”, but he thankfully kept his mouth shut.
Steve locked the classroom door and then turned back to them.  
“Well, girls, Billy, have a good weekend. See you on Monday.”
“Actually, you’ll be seeing me tomorrow.”
What had happened to Billy’s mouth staying shut?
“Oh… you’re coming? That’s… that’s great.” Steve stammered.
He smiled, but it was too late: Billy had seen the disappointment in his eyes.
“Yeah… great. Have a good evening, Steve.” He sounded cold, as he said it.
“Y-you too.”
Yes… The coffee date was going to go swimmingly.
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aurora-the-kunoichi · 5 years
A Year Without - Part Ten
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Here is the final installment of my short story A Year Without. I hope you enjoyed this ansty smutty ride. Thank you for reading my sweets!
Warning: Blood and gore, and lots of angsty bullshit!
 The door insight, you raced for it gripping the door handle anxiously. A deep breath and a hard swallow, you prepared yourself for what was to come, the fight, the possibility of failure, you were one woman barely trained. If you were going down, you weren’t going down without a fight and trying your damnedest to free the four turtle brothers from Karai’s maniacal gluttonous fingers. If you failed it meant your death and her irrefutable control over them.
 Your stomach churned gripping the red hilt of Raphael’s sai, you had to do this, you had to put a stop to these people. At least you had to try, if not just for the guys freedom but for the city of New York. If Karai had the four highly training and extremely strong mutants all under her control there would be no mercy and no hope left for its’ people, the foot would take control without a doubt. No fucking pressure, right?
Your fingers clenched around the cool handle and turned hurtling your weight into the swinging door.
With practiced aim you launched the forked weapon, pointy ends racing towards the doctor which held the secrets to the serum. If he was gone, they couldn’t make more, there would be no more threat of control, that is if you could destroy what he had made already.
 The aim was true, and Dr. Langston looked up just in time to see the weapon hurdling towards his face. His eyes closed awaiting death but a green blur stopped everything leaving the Doctor alive but shaking from the near-death moment.
 Raphael’s hand was free up in the air and his thick green digits were wrapped around the hilt of his weapon stopping the sai millimeters from piercing the good doctor’s fine bone structure. What a pity.
 Your mouth hung open, breath refusing to return to your lungs. Midair, he had stopped the very sharp sai mid-fucking-air. Raphael saved him, saved Dr Langston.
 A sickening laughter erupted from Karai’s mouth taking your attention away from the doctor’s relieved to be alive reaction.
 “I don’t know how you got free you little cunt but you’re too fucking late.” Her wicked smile widened as you noticed the four mutants rise slowly coming quickly to their full heights. “Look at her my pets, turn to see your next mission.” Karai cooed sweetly to her new toys and they obeyed turning to face you.
 Their eyes were the first thing you noticed, dull and grey hues returned to Leonardo’s once blue iris’s, his three younger brothers matching their leader’s. Emotionless and void of feeling, maybe a hint of confusion as they stared at you with empty stares, no doubt awaiting orders.
 Fuck fuckty fuck, this was bad, very bad, so bad, how did you end up here? It was time to wake up, this horrible fucked up dream needed to end…NOW! The blood froze in your veins, you were too late, at their feet lay four empty syringes, the control serum now coursing through their veins, taking over, stealing them all away.  
 “Guys?” you mewled out helplessly to your ex-lover and friends hoping your fruitless plea would reach them.
 Just then your arms were gripped and mercilessly pinned to your sides, the remaining weapons you had confiscated were ripped from your person. Four foot ninja took hold taking away the last of your resolve, it was over. There was no way you could win now. Your only hope was to survive and try to make a break for it. You needed help.
 Karai’s smiled widened further, her long white fingers pointing eagerly to you, “Kill her for me my pets.” Her voice dripped with venom giving the order to end your life.
 It took them a moment to move, their arms and legs lethargic as they shifted forward mechanically, nothing like Leo was when you first saw him a few days ago. The serum must still be working its way through them, not fully absorbed into their cerebellums.
 Donatello lumbered forward first his long arms outstretched gripping his bo staff that was held out for him. Each of the foot ninja’s eyes that held you firm were concentrating on the four giant turtles advancing towards them, uneasy looks plastered on their faces. They were distracted, perfect.
 Leaning back into the hold, you lifted your legs and thrust them forward into Donnie’s plastron. The kick that followed sent all four of the ninjas holding you backwards landing on their back. Their shock allowed you freedom for their grasp and you scrambled to your feet taking off down the hallway towards uncertain freedom. You could hear Karai’s screaming in the distance for the turtles to go after you.
 “Failure will not be tolerated!” she retorted angrily out into the hallway, no doubt at the four mutants now hot on your trail.  
 Thankfully with their bodies still not fully adapted to the serum they were not able to utilize their full bodies motor skills and ninja stealth. Their usually silent foot falls were heavy and loud allowing you to gage just how far back they were. You didn’t dare to turn around but by the deafening smacks of their feet made it apparent they were catching up…quickly.
 You could see the stairs in front of you, sweet beacons of light that would bring up above ground to hopefully the main doors and your freedom. That was if you could escape the four mutants scrambling for your capture a few feet behind you.  You could make it, you could make it, just a little further!
 But your hope ran out as a large three fingered hand grabbed hold of your shoulder yanking your down. Your body tumbled and rolled and came to a crashing halt at the bottom of the stairs. Nearly upside down you watched the four turtle brothers hover over you, eyes bleak and cold. Mikey and Raph moved first hoisting you up and yanking her arms painfully behind your back. You yelped crying out at the searing pain as Raph couldn’t withhold his brute strength ripping your shoulder from its socket. It lay limp and burning with a horrid throbbing pain in his overzealous mitts.
 Leo and Donnie stood before you their weapons strapped to their backs. The blue hilts and flowing ribbon of Leonardo’s katana hung high on his shell, once a symbol of truth and honor were most likely going to be your undoing.
 One dead arm throbbed in Raphael’s grasp, unmoving but you rustled the one in Mikey’s hands, yanking and pulling, getting absolutely nowhere. “Guys its me! Y/N! Come on snap out of it!” you screamed feeling the hot rush of tears as they started to cascade down your dirty cheeks. This wasn’t happening, this couldn’t happen! You couldn’t be killed by the people you loved the most.
Soon Karai and a small army of foot ninja sauntered up behind Leo and Donnie, a wide victory smile plastered across her beautifully pale features. “Leo my love.” Her fingers running delicately over the dense muscles of his biceps. “I want you to do it and I want you to look her in the eyes while your katana slices through her innards like warm butter.” Her fingers reached for his chin pulling his face towards her and pressed a sloppy kiss to his unresponsive lips.
 His attention never faltered from you, grey eyes honed in unwavering, the subtle flash of blue under the grey did not go unnoticed by you.
 A surge of words started to spill from your mouth but Karai lifted her finger and Mikey’s massive hand clamped down silencing you.
 Leonardo’s shaky hand raised above his head grabbing the blue hilt of a katana unsheathing the deadly weapon slowly. The scrap of the scabbard and metal was ear piercing and as it slipped free from its confines the leader in blue swirled the long blade in his hand and positioned the glinting tip at your clothed abdomen. His other hand came to meet the other already covering the hilt to gain extra strength to push and you felt the tip piece through the first layer of skin.
 The pain was immediate, it felt hot and cold at the same time as the blade sunk agonizingly slow into your flesh. Each layer gave way to the metal slipping and gliding into the muscles with ease of your stomach’s core parting it wide open. The searing pain erupted into hot waves of agony when the end of his katana slipped passed the thick barricade of your soft outer shell entering into the space which housed your internal organs.
 You screamed into Mikey’s hand, thrashing, eyes wide, pupils dilated to black. Now you could feel the rush of blood escaping passed the cold katana rolling freely down your stomach coating your borrowed clothes. His eyes were still locked in on yours, equally as wide and the grey pupils were pulsating, and his breathing was growing more and more uneven. The ever forward motion of the blade stopped, and Leo’s mouth opened letting out soundless words as his lips moved on their own. Then you heard a croak beside him, and your eyes shot to Donnie, this hands were clenched at his sides and his mouth also open moving but producing no sound. Even their legs were trembling threatening to collapse under them.
 Karai nodded to Michelangelo and his hand lifted away allowing you to suck in cold air into your burning lungs. Your mouth opened gaped like a fish out of water unable to form words under the overwhelming surge of pain as Leo pushed forward yet again. The breath you had just took caught in your throat and you gasped. Everything went numb inside you, pain, fear, sorrow all seemed to pour from the open wound Leo have made and collided onto the floor splattering at yours and the four pair of green feet.
 As the darkness began to creep into your vision you started to feel Raphael and Mickey shake, it was subtle at first growing rapidly into violent tremors. Their hands were fluttering, opening and closing around your forearms and then like an ear rupturing bellow, Raphael screamed. Leo followed second, then Mikey and Donnie. With the remaining strength you saw their eye colors returned, they were free, somehow.
 Leo’s hands relinquished the blade embedded in your stomach and stepped back. His hands shook violently trying to decide if he should reach for you but Karai made up that choice for him. She was aware they were free of her control.
 She screamed and lunged for Leo and the pain and horror that had filled his handsome features soured into something demonic. His face darkened and his demeanor fluctuated between revulsion and fury and he over took the kunoichi. There was no stopping him now as his second katana was ripped free.
 All at once it happened and you were free falling, too weak to stop it, your legs gave out under you and the ceiling came into view as your body tumbled for the ground. Then just as quickly, it stopped, and Donatello’s horrified face came into view. His hands were on you but keeping a safe distance from the katana protruding from you. He was talking, asking unknown questions, but it didn’t matter you couldn’t hear him over the rush of blood flowing through your ears. You were dying but at least they were free. At least they have a chance now…….. together they could over power Karai and her ninja. They have Leo back, their leader.
 Cold and darkness rushed up to meet you as Donatello’s feature began to blur. The thundering of blood slowed allowing you to hear the battle rage on around you but it sounded so quite. Like it was far away.
 “Y/N, stay awake. I’ve got you. Everything will be ok…. Y/N? Y/N?!” Donnie was screaming now, why was he screaming? The docile brother never screamed. Quite down Donnie, you were tired. You just wanted to sleep, no needed to sleep and you were cold, you hated being cold. Slowly the fog faded to dark and you slipped free into the endless void of nothingness. It was lonely.
 Floating was nice, it was warm and soft, no pain, no screaming just a steady beep and Michelangelo’s sweet voice. He was reading. Who was he reading too?
 Suddenly a soft rolling ebb of pain rolled through your stomach and you moaned from her heat of it. “Mutherfucker.”
 “Y/N?” Mikey’s voice had risen in tone and stopped reading. You heard the book hit the ground with a heavy smack and his hands were on your face. “DONNIE! LEO! RAPH! SENSEI!” He was being so fucking loud. Fucking rude!
 Then a thundering could be heard and three voices.
 “Is she waking up?” Raphael’s booming voice echoed in the vast space of what could only be Donnie’s lab. DONNIE LAB! You were alive and back in the lair! Your eyes shot open and you tried to sit up and yowled at the hot stabbing pain at the sudden movement.
 “Careful Y/N, I don’t want you ripping out your stitches.” Donnie was above you again, then Raph, Mikey and the furry face of Master Splinter. Eyes wide with worry they all started talking all at once.
 A face was missing, a very familiar face that you wanted to see the most. Groaning you turned your head and saw Leonardo a few feet from where you lay, his posture timid and unsure. He was scared to be near you? When the throbbing pain ebbed again you remembered his katana sticking out of your gut.
 “K-karai?” you winced out between the stabs of pain.
 Donnie hurried to your IV drip and added something in a syringe into the bag, “This will help with the pain. And let’s just say the foot won’t be bothering up for quite a while.”
 Raphael grabbed your hand making you focus in on him, “Leo went fucking berserk, well actually all of us did besides Don. He had more important things to handle like keeping you from dyin’ on us. After everything calmed down there was a lot of blood and too many bodies to count but if I remember right Karai is down an arm. Leo made a clean swipe and it fell to the floor in a satisfying slap. It was fucking beautiful. Stupid fucking bitch will be out of commission for a while if she didn’t die from blood loss escaping out the back.”
 Your eyes moved back to Leo who was now watching you intently and your hand reached out urging him forward to take it. He looked back to the floor and took a few heavy breaths and willed his feet to move. When his warm hand slid into yours you felt your heart swell and warm.
 It was going to be a hard road to recovery, not only physically but probably more mentally. You could tell by Leo’s standoffish behavior it was going to take some time to get him to relax around you. There was much to make up for, none which was his fault but to the honor bound ninja he would be bound and determined to make amends. The tight grip of his hand was the first on many steps that would need to be taken.  
Whole story 
 @imthegreenfairy88​ @southernblossoms​ @naturigurl​ @waterstar2016​ @moonlightflower21​ @blossom-skies​ @midnightrebel669​
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Oppa Knows Best | Part 1
Word Count: 6k Genre: Smut, Angst Summary:  If there is anything a lot of people can agree on when it comes to college, it’s that college is about much more than just education; it’s a whole transformative experience.  The person you were before college is not the same person you will be after college, and no one knows the truth of that statement quite like you do. You just didn’t expect to change so much so fast. A/N: this is like my fifth friends to lovers story and there is no sign of me stopping any time soon lmao  Warnings: This story contains a very unbalanced power dynamic between the two main characters that is unhealthy and shouldn’t be tolerated irl. If someone treats you this way irl please run. This is a fictional story and the plot is basically just a vehicle for the smut. Contains slutshaming and controlling behavior. Also the dirty talk is painfully corny and pornolike so be warned lol. Oppa kink if it wasn’t obvious.
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Even though you and Jaehyun were only one year apart in age, he had always babied you, to the extent that the one year you were forced to be apart for the first time since you came onto this earth—on account of him beating you to college first—you spent it lost and adrift like a puppy trying to find its way back to its owner.  
Which was completely ridiculous and melodramatic since, during that year you spent apart, Jaehyun never let a day go by in which you didn’t talk to each other. He called or texted you every single day no matter how busy he got and basically kept in better contact with you than even your school friends whom you saw every day. But still, his physical presence was something else. When it came time for you to go to college, there was no question about which one you’d choose, and he didn’t even bother to ask before bringing you all the papers that you would need in order to apply to the same college he attended. He guided you every step of the way lest you make any mistake and get rejected, and before you knew it, you were under your guardian angel’s wings again. Everything was as it should be. Your world was back on track. All the pieces fell—wait, what did he say? He thinks you should get some space from him? What the fuck is he on? You had this whole thing planned ever since you were little kids, and he seemed to be fully on board with that plan up until now. Isn’t that the entire reason you were here?  
“I’ve been on your back ever since you were born, but this is college, angel. You’re supposed to let loose a little and experience new things, and you can’t do that if I’m always around you like a second shadow. You’re on the same campus as me so I can still get to keep an eye on you and keep you safe. I don’t need to be your roommate too and be all up in your business all the time. You need a little space to grow and discover yourself.” 
He had explained it all so eloquently, so maturely; it made you want to gag. Who the fuck said you wanted space? It sure as hell wasn’t you. The entire reason you chose this college was so you can re-suture your hip to his and never separate again. If you had wanted space, there were a million other places you could’ve gone to instead of here. His whole explanation sounded like bullcrap to you, and it was just so unlike him. Your Jaehyun, Mr. overprotective in the flesh, telling you that he should back off and let you get loose? Yeah, you’re calling bullshit on this.
It didn’t take you long to find out the real reason why he refused to room with you, and it was just so typical, you actually burst out laughing in spite of the pain when you had caught him red-handed. You see, Jaehyun has developed a curious little womanizing streak in your absence. It was both unexpected and entirely predictable. Jaehyun was a man after all, and he had spent his whole life being the exemplary good boy who every mother wished her son would be more like. The only girl he interacted with beyond some cordial, totally neutered socialization was you, and you can unfortunately testify that your relationship was nothing more than an older brother-little sister type of thing. So of course odds were that he would give in to his physical needs eventually, and they say that the more repressed you were, the more freaky the meltdown gets.   To his credit, he tried to shield innocent, little you from his promiscuous ways, but alas, he was doomed to fail from the start. You just can’t hide your rendezvous when you’ve gone through half the student body already. Yup, shit sure got freaky. You wouldn’t have been nearly as crushed about this new development if it weren’t for how stupidly in love with him you are. Yes, stupid, dumb, idiotic you had to be every fucking cliché in the book and go and fall in love with your handsome, charming best friend who, of course, saw you as nothing other than a little sister. It was easy to delude yourself back home where your entire world was only a few blocks wide and Jaehyun’s sole attention was on you, but now he has dozens of beautiful women willing to warm his bed every night, and he’s burning through them like he was hell-bent on making up for the years of celibacy he had endured back home. Still you had enough sense of humor and self-awareness to laugh your ass off at the look on his face when you busted him. For a hot second, he tried to claim that the woman he was in bed with, who he didn’t even know the last name of, was his girlfriend and not the night’s flavor. You had sat there and listened to him dig himself into a progressively bigger hole until his partner finally cracked from the awkwardness and exposed his ass.
As much as you wanted to hate him for lying to you and, most importantly, for being with anyone who wasn’t you, you really couldn’t. He remained the same Jaehyun you’ve always known, always around and always there for you. He never let you down. It’s just that you now knew he wasn’t some kind of pure angel, but a grown man with needs and a very healthy sexual appetite. You could no longer continue to live in a fantasy world of your making where he was going to proclaim his love for you any minute now so you can go on and live the happily ever after you’ve been promised by every movie ever. You couldn’t even go the easy route and hate the women he slept with, call them sluts and whores and claim you’re so much better than them. Truth is, if you were in their place, you would’ve slept with him too. Who wouldn’t? He’s handsome and sweet and smart and the sun shines out of his ass. Any girl would be lucky to have him even if just for a night. You could only wish you were so lucky.     But despite how so uncharacteristically rational you were about this whole thing—and you gotta admit, you were damn proud of yourself for it—it was all still so surreal, and that feeling, that weird emptiness that came to reside in your chest in place of the fanciful love that once bloomed there, couldn’t be shaken off by any number of rational arguments or self-reflection. And you didn’t know what you had to do to fill that void so it wouldn’t swallow you whole.   It messed with your head sometimes, the emptiness; it told you that this was all his fault. It said that he had tricked you into wasting your life on him, that he purposefully fed into your delusion by the inordinate amount of attention and love he lavished on you. It spoke to you of how differently your life could’ve been if you had known how he felt from the start. For one, you wouldn’t have planned your whole life around him. And now you were stuck, forced to keep living in the ghost town you had built for him. So, desperate enough to take another page out of the book of clichés you so loved, you decided that since your years worth of love for him couldn’t possibly be replaced by the tepid, superficial affections that came with crushes and brand new relationships, you were just gonna have to go old school and fuck the bad feelings away. And surprisingly, it worked. For a couple of months, you attended every party on campus you could get into and refused to head home until you had someone in toe. It was awkward at first, for someone with zero experience like yourself, but you had lost the love of your life and were determined to find even a little bit of pleasure in this hell you suddenly found yourself thrown into. That determination paid off, and soon, you were floating high off your sexual awakening and all the new kinds of pleasure that came with it. Before coming to college, you never really thought about sex all that much, just the occasional guilty session where you’d rub one out to the thought of Jaehyun’s hands on you and him telling you what to do like he always did in real life. But those were few and far between and you always felt bad about it afterwards. Now it was entirely different. You reveled in your encounters. It felt good to allow yourself to feel pleasure and share it with someone who genuinely desired you. You got off on it—the effect you had on your partners. Contrary to how your dynamic was and is with Jaehyun, you were shocked to discover how much you enjoyed being the one in control every once in a while. It was much more than just sex to you, it was like discovering a whole other aspect of yourself that you never knew existed and would’ve never known about had Jaehyun not broken your heart. You were enjoying yourself and experiencing new things, just like he told you to, so it was just so fucking hilarious to see him right now, angry and pissed off at you for following the very same advice he gave you. You had noticed the building tantrum a week before it got bad enough for him to confront you about it. He always happened to be at the same parties you attended, and whenever you looked his way, he was always watching you, an ugly grimace on his face and an ominous look in his eyes that told you he was seconds away from ripping apart the person who was daring to touch you limb by limb. He was furious and visibly not in control of his emotions. Perhaps that was the reason why you could decipher another emotion in his eyes that you never saw directed at you before, desire. You didn’t know if it really was the first time he looked at you that way or if he always has but knew better to hide it, but that shit was like a drug to you, and you did everything in your power in order to fan that flame. You wore progressively more revealing clothes and acted progressively more wanton. You made sure he always had a good view of you as you put yourself in all kinds of compromising positions.   All your hard efforts culminated to this—him dragging you behind him to his dorm room after he snatched you away from the arms of your dance partner, whom you were practically dry humping on the dance floor.     Jaehyun flings you through the door and slams it behind him, his demeanor chilling. You’ve never seen him this angry before. You genuinely didn’t think that your guardian angel was capable of looking this menacing but somehow you managed to get him to this stage. It didn’t help that his bangs, which were normally styled down to give him a soft and fluffy look, were now sleeked back, making his features look severe and accentuating the fury in his eyes. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing, huh? What happened to you?”  “Enjoying my college life?” You hold your head high, refusing to feel belittled by him. “Weren’t you the one who told me to?” “I meant make friends and join clubs, not be the first contender for the title of campus whore!“ He shouts. You knew Jaehyun was drunk, catastrophically so, otherwise he wouldn’t dream of using that tone with you, let alone call you a whore, but it still pissed you off. You also happened to be equally as drunk as he is and fully prepared to retaliate. “Kinda hard to win that contest when you’re the reigning king. Or is it ok and cool when you fuck a different person every night but it’s dirty when I do it? I never took you to be so sexist, oppa.”  “Don’t play dumb, ___. It doesn’t matter what I think of it. You could pretend we live in an ideal world all you want and that a woman and a man can be treated equally, but this is the real world, sweetheart, and it’s ugly and unfair, and it doesn’t care about those naïve ideals you have cooked up in your pretty little head.” Jaehyun gets up in your face and taps on your skull with his fingers, mocking you. “The fact is that a man can sleep around and not catch any flack for it. Hell, he might even be idolized. But a woman like you does it and the size of her tits and how tight or loose her pussy is are the talk of every guy on campus. You may be enjoying yourself now but it won’t be so fun for you when you realize that you’ve made it so all the guys here think you’re only good for being a warm wet hole for them to stick their dicks into.”  You were hurt. Jaehyun has never talked to you like that before. Even during his worst moments, he always took care to choose his words carefully so he wouldn’t hurt you, but now it seemed like he wanted to hurt you. He was being vindictive and petty and nothing at all like the Jaehyun you knew, and it hurt you so bad but it also made you angry beyond belief. You weren’t stupid. You were perfectly aware of how fucked up this world is, but he’s your best friend and he’s supposed to be your slice of utopia in this world. That’s what he had always been. Even if the world was unfair, he always supported you and offered you reprise from it, not parroted the bigotry back at you and made you feel like you have to accept it. If all the guys on campus really thought that way about you then they could go fuck themselves. Anyone who adheres to that ridiculous double standard isn’t worth you wasting a single thought on them. The problem lied in the person that already meant the world to you and yet chose to treat you the same way all those fuckers did. “Do you see me as a hole to stick your dick into as well, oppa? Is that why you’re so fired up about this?” He gapes at you, scandalized. “Are you insane? Don’t talk like that.” “Why? It’s the truth. I’ve seen the way you’ve been looking at me lately. Your dick wants to fuck this easy pussy, but your head is all conflicted about it because I’m your innocent, little girl and you’re not supposed to be thinking that way about me.” “You must be out of your fucking mind.” He hisses, and it really amazes you how he seemed to be getting angrier by the minute. You didn’t think it was humanely possible, but here he is reaching new heights with it. It should scare you off and that is clearly his intention, but the defensive undertone to his words rung clear in your ears and piqued a dangerous blend of curiosity and self-righteousness within you that urged you to expose him for all his lies.   He was standing so close to you that you only had to raise your hand in order to place it on his chest, “It’s ok, oppa. You’re a man too.” You slowly trail your hand up and down his firm torso, your ears attuned to the way his breathing got less steady with each pass of your hand over his lower stomach. “You’ve spent your whole life trying to distance yourself from the perverted and less civilized of your gender but this whole thing is forcing you to realize that you’re just like them, and all it took were showing a little bit of skin and being a little provocative for you to get off your high horse and deal with the fact that you want to wreck your little angel.” Your hand slides up to latch onto the nape of his neck, nails scratching lightly at the small hairs they find there. “You talk about other men, but it’s really you who is thinking those dirty things about me, right, oppa?”   Jaehyun remains frozen and unresponsive, but you could practically feel the barely suppressed anger unfurling under his skin. “So are you going to grow a pair and do something about it or are you going to continue hiding behind your fake concerns?” A tick in his jaw is all the warning you get before he’s grabbing a hold of you and bending you over the arm of the couch. Your shout of indignation cuts off into a sharp cry when you feel his large hand smack your ass. He might as well have slapped you right on the face for the flush that instantly colors it red. But it won’t be alone for long as Jaehyun seems intent on turning your ass even redder than your face is, delivering harsh, incessant smacks to both cheeks. “You just don’t know how to shut up, do you? You think you’re too grown to listen to your oppa anymore, huh? You think this is all fun and games?” He growls. “Oppa! What are you doing?” You shriek out. You were beside yourself with humiliation. Yes, you were goading him just a second ago but you never imagined he would actually do something like this! He chuckles mirthlessly, not stopping his assault. If anything he spanks you harder. “Where did the confident, sexually forward woman go? You’re gonna act all innocent now that you’re faced with the consequences of your actions? Well that’s too bad, angel, it’s a little late for that. If you wanna go around wearing big girl panties and acting like a slut, then you’ll be treated like one.” Fuck, this was so wrong, not just because of the degrading position and the way he was speaking down to you, but because of how much it was actually turning you on. The rumble in his voice and the rough, open-handed strikes he pelts your ass with do nothing but make you squirm with arousal. As you’re stuck trying to juggle between coming to terms with the embarrassing effect he has on you and simultaneously trying to hide it from him, you get struck with a sudden epiphany. You realize now why you had always allowed him to control your life; simply, you enjoyed it. You were just blissfully unaware of how much you’d enjoy him forcing you to submit to him. “Look at this, your skirt isn’t even covering your ass properly. Such a fucking slut.” He tuts, his hand taking a reprise from spanking you to rub over your red, exposed skin. “I can fucking see your pussy from here.” To prove his point, he insinuates his hand between your thighs, his fingers easily coming into contact with said panties. “Fuck, you’re so wet.” He purred, thrilled by your body’s honesty. “You like this, don’t you? You know you deserve to be punished.”  Impatient, he rips the panties down your legs and hurries to put his fingers on you again, moaning in appreciation when they touch the bare, velvety skin. “See? You’re a good girl. You just needed oppa to remind you.” Hearing him praise you like that, you couldn’t help yourself; you feel your pussy clenching around nothing, causing a small dribble of arousal to come out of your hole and coat Jaehyun’s fingers. “Damn, you really are needy. Now I see why you’re sleeping around so much. You can’t help yourself. You need someone to fill you up and take care of the ache in your pussy. Do you want me to do that for you, baby girl? Do you need oppa to stuff you with his cock and make the pain go away?” You feel yourself on the verge of tears, humiliated like you’ve never been before. Jaehyun is making you sound like some kind of a sex-crazed nymphomaniac which you weren’t at all, but it was hard to argue his point when just the light touch of his fingers on your pussy and the faint whiff of his cologne that permeated the air were making you hyperventilate. Feeling embarrassed but desperate, you push your ass back onto his finger and whine, hoping he would take some pity on you and spare you the degradation of having to say it outloud. He responds to that by removing his fingers entirely to deliver two cruel smacks to your already red and sore ass, his wet fingers leaving sticky stains on your cheeks. “That’s not how we ask for something, brat.” “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” You wail, “It just hurts so bad!” “Where does it hurt, baby?” He coos, pretending to be concerned. He trails two fingers up and down your slit a few times before they settle against your hole, dipping inside shallowly. “Here?” “Yes! Please, oppa.” You cry out in frustration, putting all your effort into stopping yourself from pushing your ass back again to take his fingers deeper into you.   He hums, pleased with your answer, and rewards you by pushing his fingers all the way inside you, the width of them stinging a bit, but it still felt better than anything you’ve ever experienced before. Guess it’s true that sex with someone you love feels intensifies everything. You were getting so close already, and you try to pull your legs together to rub them against each other, but Jaehyun places himself between them and forces them back apart, smacking your ass with his free hand then massaging where he hit when he hears you whimpering in pain. “You’ve done so well already, don’t misbehave now.” He pumps his fingers in and out of you, and your legs shake with the effort to hold yourself up and keep them spread. Jaehyun notices your distress right away,“Oh, are you close, angel?” He taunts, “Are you that needy? Or do you just want oppa so bad?” “Please, can I cum?” You deflect the question, not feeling up to the effort it would take to lie to him but also not prepared to reveal your lifelong crush on him while you were bent over the couch getting fingered by him. That’s not what your nine year old self imagined it going at all. He sighs, but lets you get away with it. “Yes, sweetheart, you can cum.”   “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” You repeat like a mantra, feeling a sense of unrivaled euphoria ravage your body at how good his fingers feel inside you and how long you’ve been waiting for it. You’re boneless by the time your orgasm dies down, leaving you exhausted and vulnerable to the effects of the alcohol that was finally taking a toll on you. So when you hear the sounds of a zipper going down and a foil package getting ripped opened, you whine insolently, worried that your poor tired body might not be able to survive getting fucked by him if he continues being this rough with you. “Hush, brat.” He slaps you, this time over your sensitive pussy making you spasm in shock before falling boneless again. He gathers you in his arms and lays you on your back on the couch, pulling your thighs tight against your chest. Keeping your legs spread and heels in the air, he pushes himself inside you, grunting, “Take my cock like a good girl. This is what you wanted after all.” When he’s all the way inside you, his breath leaves him in a shaky sigh, and he takes a moment before he starts moving. But when he does, he doesn’t hold back, snapping his hips into you as hard as he had smacked your ass earlier, as if intending to make this into a punishment as well.  It was certainly just as humiliating, for he pushes your top and bra up to your chin so he could leer at your breasts as they bounce up and down with every thrust while his hands keep your legs spread wide with your heels up in the air. You felt every bit the slut he was accusing you of being, and yet you couldn’t stop yourself from drenching his cock in your juices, overwhelmed by a crude sense of pleasure at being manhandled and used by him, at having the man you’ve loved all your life claiming you in such a primal way. “Fuck, you’re tightening up.” He drawls, the words heavy on his tongue as he snaps his hips into you harder to overcome the resistance.   Are you gonna cum again? You like my cock that much. baby?” You turn your head to the side, trying to bury your face in the cushions to hide from him, but Jaehyun doesn’t allow it. He stops his movement and tugs on your hair sharply, forcing you to face him again. He bends down so his upper body is draped over you, his face mere inches from yours. The new position has his other hand pressing your thigh harder against your chest, making it cramp, and you whimper in pain. “Oppa, it hurts.”   “Say it, angel.” He lets go of your thigh and moves his hand to your lower abdomen, his thumb hovering just above your clit. “Tell oppa how much you like his cock and I’ll let you cum again.”
His gaze pierces yours, ordering more than asking you to obey him, and it’s a crime how sexy he looks even as his skin glistens and his bangs stick to his forehead with sweat. His figure looms over yours and he exudes a dominance you were no match for. You never were. So, meekly, submissively, you give him what he wants. “I like it so much.” “Like what?” His gaze doesn’t free yours as his hips pick up the pace again. It smolders, lighting your every nerve ending on a fire that is fanned by the grunts and moans that escape through his clenched teeth as he feels your walls clenching down on him.   “Your cock, oppa. I like your cock so much.” You really did. His cock fills you up just right, just a little bit too big so it give you that delicious burn as it forces its way between your walls, but not too big to actually hurt you. All that sleeping around must’ve did wonders for his skills because he knew just how to move his hips, which angle to hit to make your mind go blank and submit to him. “Please let me cum on your cock.” You whine, fearing that the overwhelming pleasure might short-circuit your heart if it didn’t find a release soon. “Plea—AH, fuck, Jae, Jae!” It only takes a couple of flicks of his thumb to have you spasm around him. He fucks you through it, grunting with effort as your walls get even tighter, making it harder for him to keep fucking you, but he doesn’t stop. Your orgasm feels never ending as he drags it out in order to reach his own, stretching your nerves thin with the over stimulation. Finally, finally, his hips stutter and he give you one last brutal thrust before he groans and collapses over you. His sweaty body, his hot breaths in the crook of your neck, and his cock throbbing inside of you as he cums almost suffocate you. The heat of him around you, inside of you, is overwhelming, and you feel like you’re trapped inside a furnace. Just before you start gasping for breath, he gets off of you, taking care to not let the condom slip inside of you as he pulls it off and ties it then gets up to dispose of it. Without his body warmth, and his warm presence, your entire body erupts into goosebumps, and you quickly yearn for his suffocating heat once again. Luckily, Jaehyun’s absence doesn’t last for long. Ever the gentleman, he comes back with a wet, warm towel that he uses to clean up the mess you’ve made between your legs. When he’s done, he tosses it to the side and scoops you up in his arms, taking you to his room. He sets you down on the bed gently, taking care to avoid putting pressure on your bruised bottom. You’re like a rag doll in his hands as he strips you down and dresses you up in one of his big shirts. He then grabs some cream, and coaxing you to lie on your stomach, he massages it on your reddened bottom, kissing the top of your head softly every time you wince in pain. When he’s done with everything, he engulfs you in his arms and whispers a soft good night in your ear.      
And sure it felt great to be treated so tenderly by him, that was one of the reasons you were so ready to submit to him in the first place; Jaehyun always knew how to make it worth your while. He knew how to pamper you so you’d strive to please him in order to get more of it.
On the surface of it, this looked like everything you’ve ever wanted, if only it wasn’t ruined by your knowledge that it was decidedly not. This isn’t a boyfriend caring for his lover after sharing a heated moment of intimacy. This was… well, you didn’t even know what the hell it was, and the huge question mark that hung in the air kept you from deriving any sense of enjoyment out of the situation.
You need to talk about what just happened. You needed to know what this means. Did Jaehyun like you too or was this just a sexual thing? Does he even find you sexually attractive or was he just drunk and pissed off? Is this something that could possibly happen again? Can there be something more?
You had so many questions to ask, but your eyelids were heavy and your mind was heavier, and before you knew it, it shut down on you mid-thought and plunged you into the blissful land of slumber.
“Let’s go get your stuff.”
“What?” You croak, barely having woken up yet, not to mention that some motherfucker was pounding on the inside of your skull like he was trying to break out.
Jaehyun stares at you, his eyes unnerving and entirely too sober. “You’re moving in with me. I need to keep a closer eye on you from now on. I won’t let you continue living this kind of lifestyle.”
Just like that, all sleep flew from your mind.
“What the actual fuck, Jaehyun?” You explode, “At least make a girl some breakfast before you go full chauvinist on her.”
“That’s not funny.” He deadpans, “I’m worried about you.”
“Well, you don’t need to. I’m a big girl. I don’t need you to check for monsters under my bed anymore.” You retort, incredibly annoyed that this was the direction the conversation was taking. This isn’t what you thought you’d be talking about. Dumb, little girl.
“Here we go again.” He rolls his eyes, and your cheeks flame at how condescending the gesture was. “You’re just a child who is playing at being an adult. You don’t realize the mess you’re getting yourself into. I can’t stand by and let you ruin yourself like this. I’ve taken care of you your whole life and I’m not about to stop now, even if you’re going to hate me for it.”
“I’m not your fucking doll, Jaehyun. Don’t I get to have a say in my own life? God, are you even listening to yourself?” You massage your forehead, unable to contend with both the headache and the unreasonable man. It was different when you were drunk and horny and trying to get into his pants, but now his words sounded just as ridiculous to you as they were. “If I had known you’d turn into this sexist, controlling asswipe the moment I did something you didn’t like, I would never have come here.”
He flinches at your words, looking wounded, but you can’t find it in you to feel sorry for him. He brought this on himself.
“I only want what’s best for you, angel.” He takes your hand between his own but you yank it away.
“You think slutshaming and controlling me is what’s best for me? It’s what’s best for you. You can’t handle that I’m not the virginal little girl you used to know and that I’m now a woman with an actual sex drive. You don’t like the ugly truth it’s making you confront about yourself so you want to force me to wear my old skin again so you can go on pretending you’re still the nice guy you always thought you were. You’re such a fucking hypocrite, Jaehyun.”  
“You’re right. I am a hypocrite. I criticized you for the same thing I gave myself a pass for, and that’s not fair.”
“Thank you.” You mumble, finding it strange how he gave in so easily, but feeling relieved nonetheless.
“So I should stop too. I won’t fuck around anymore. I’ll clean up my act and go back to being the older brother you deserve.”
“What?” You sputter, dumbfounded. “That’s not what I’m saying. You can fuck whoever you want. I don’t care.”
Your protest was weak and you knew it. You did care, a whole fucking lot. You were accusing him of being a hypocrite, yet here you are, ready to denounce your sexual awakening in exchange for keeping him celibate as well. It just hurt so bad to see him with all those women, and it never, ever got better. So if the price of you never having to see that sight again is sacrificing your own sexual freedom then would that really be so bad? You’ve lived through that before. You’re used to it.
“I know you don’t.” He gives you a strange smile, one you’ve never seen on his face before, and yet it feels so profoundly familiar. When he takes your hand in his again, you let him. “But I care. I care about being someone you respect and look up to, and I won’t achieve that by sleeping around.”
“I would still respect you even if you slept around, oppa. It’s your choice. I don’t want to snuff out your love life.” Your words said one thing, but your body language said another. You were looking at him with big, wet eyes and a woeful face that you knew he could never resist. You were playing the role of the martyr who is willing to sacrifice her own happiness in order to make him happy, because you knew that Jaehyun would never allow that to happen.
“You’re not snuffing out my love life. I can still date.” You couldn’t keep your face from visibly falling at that, and he hurries to clarify, thinking that your problem lied in his double standards again rather than your jealousy over him being with another woman. “And you can too! I’m not against you finding a nice guy and building a long lasting and loving relationship with him. On the contrary, that would make me so happy.”
He gives you a bright smile that you mirror with your own soulless one, but he doesn’t notice your lack of enthusiasm, and continues on. “I know that sleeping around isn’t necessarily a bad thing nor does it make you a bad person, but I just want to make sure that no one is taking advantage of you and that you’re safe and with someone who deserves you. Of course, he’d have to come through me first.” He chuckles, but this time you don’t even bother giving him a reaction.
“Is that alright with you, angel?” His knuckles caress your cheek softly, and you close your eyes, leaning into his touch and resigning yourself to a life of being wrapped around his finger. “Yes, oppa.”
A/N: I’m on hiatus so I don’t have time to pour over this story as I normally would have so excuse the cheese and the cliches. Anyway feedback keeps me alive so I’d love to hear from you guys.
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I have things to say about the Winchesters being slightly terrifying.  Y’all ready for an entire essay? Strap in kiddies, I’m procrastinating a thesis and slightly tipsy. 
Firstly. Even in height, the Winchesters exceed normality. I want you to consider how high the average interior doorway is. Seriously, go look at your nearest doorway. Pretty high, right? Google tells me it’s 6″6. Dean stands at 6″1, while Sam is 6″3. So, Sam is less than an iPhone away from hitting his head on the top of your average doorway. And unlike NBL, AFL, whatever you national sport acronym is, players, they aren’t just tall. No. Both men are made of muscle. 
For reference, a normal man, no, a skinny teenager, could incapacitate me; female, 5″2, 120 pounds. My 5″11, 21 y-o brother can nullify my most persistent attack in about point two of a second, and continue a discussion at the same time. Imagine what a Winchester could do.
Having said that, one of the Australian Jiu jitsu champions is a dude who spent most of his life shorter than me; I should know, I went to both primary and high school with him. Watching him incapacitate opponents several times his size is a work of art. (Do not tell him I said that). Now imagine that same training in a man double his size. In fact, in two men, trained from a very young age.
Secondly, Sam and Dean fight for a living, where the living is literally ‘living or dying’. If they lose, they die. Violently and painfully. I don’t know about you, but I’d have to be pretty fucking confident that I was going to win a fight if I was going to put my life on the line. So to Hunt, per se, as a living, you are a) very physically strong and b) confident as fuck. 
Confidence is often touted as an attractive quality. Which it is, and Dean and Sam are both incredibly attractive (what nothing). But imagine that confidence being lethal. I don’t know about you, but I generally find lethal intent a little terrifying. Just saying. SO you have these two, very tall men, who work in a unit, who are very well trained, walk a diner, with the soul purpose of finding someone, and killing them. So you have these men who will use everything from charm to straight up, Geneva Convention banned torture, to get their information. Seriously, they break all of the agreements of the United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment  (UNCAT). 
Thirdly. Vampires, ghosts, shapeshifters, werewolves and demons. Things of myth and legend. The questions that the Winchesters have to ask to determine whether their case is supernatural or just humans-murdering-each-other are mad.  I don’t know about you, but if a dude ask me if I felt ‘cold patches’ in a room, I would straight up tell them ‘yeah around you’ and leave. Who is interested in answering those questions, FBI or not? Guys c’mon. I know it varies from person to person, but how difficult is it to convince someone of a mystical force? And how many people would thoroughly believe that said force might be benevolent? How many would make it God and how many would make it science? And, how many would make it a mental institution? So here we have two grown, confident. trained and intimidating men spouting mystical crap while running around in a Chevvy full of guns? Idk about you, but in this situation, I’d probably favour Chuck’s response.
Fourthly, we are currently in our 14th season. Now, some say we’re beating a dead horse. I say, that’s at least 14 YEARS of Sam and Dean being well renowned, death defying, universe saving, legendary hunters. They show up, other hunters are surprised, they have things to say. In their field, they are essentially Bill Gates (okay no but you get the point). Now to be that hunter, to be that good, you have to spend a good portion of time training. Their Dad raised them in this life, albeit abusively. But do you remember Samuel’s little test for Dean in season 5? ‘Do you kill a Vamp with a wooden or silver stake?’ HA. When was the last time Vamps were the real problem in a SPN episode? I’d imagine that the Winchesters are the cautionary tale that monsters tell their kids. To plagiarise John Wick - he’s not boogey man. He’s the one you send to kill the boogey man. They’re the shadows behind the curtain, the monsters in the closet. Their body count is higher than they are. If the Winchesters arrive, you know it’s universe threatening. 
Fifthly, not only are they renowned and feared hunters who have travelled through time, space, heaven, hell, probably Tartarus and Jahannam, they are also privvy to information that was not widely known to most hunters. Remember that Mary, in 1978, didn’t really know what Angels were? She was 23 and had been raised by a feared hunter. These two have fought against Lucifer, God, God’s weird sister, etc etc. They’re approaching 40 and really very little fazes either of them. You could stab a Winchester and they’d be like ‘good shot can you call Rowenna’. Most of their big bad’s? They befriended later. ‘Oh yeah Crowley we kept you prisoner for a bit but no welcome bring your mom, we’ll help you’. So now we have upbringing, physical strength, training, confidence (and a damn good track record of, y’know, not dying/coming back to life). 
SO FINALLY lets talk genetics. On one side, we have hunters, and the other, the Men of Letters. So overall, two fairly ferocious families. But Mary kills me every time, mostly because of the excellent casting of young Mary. She is so, so Dean. The first time she meets Dean, she confronts him. She’s maybe 19, while Dean at the time would have been approximately 30. I’m 23, and I run from 16 year olds. But she confronts him, and matches him blow for blow. THEN LATER in 78 (so she’s my age, and I’m still fleeing from high school boys) fights an ANGEL and mostly, bests her. 
So we’ve got Mary, the born and bred hunter. But then we have John, Pretty, naive John, who is thoroughly offended that he’s treated as useless, which frankly tells us a lot about him. Where Sam and Dean try to protect their naive father of the horrors of the life that befell them (by his hands), John is forceful in proving his worth. He won’t shy from protecting Mary, and you can see how that might ferment into revenge. That sheer determination; it’s so Sam. You can argue with me, but as a law student, I can tell you that nothing but sheer, cold, logic, like the kind we see in John in 5x13 gets you into Stanford Law. Maybe that’s why he and John clashed so much, and why Sam was so compassionate to Henry; maybe that’s why Dean tolerated his dad more than Sam did. Sam did have a mom, and it was Dean. Because Mary is so upset, so affected by her family, and would’ve protected them at any cost. Like Dean does. (Also I like to imagine Dean being like Samuel, if and when he has a child.). Nature, per se, has given them all the tools to become thoroughly terrifying human beings.
So we have training, confidence, knowledge, experience and genetics. Ladies and gentlemen, I presently to you my thesis on why Sam and Dean Winchester are not people you ever want to encounter.
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korumburra · 4 years
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Tim Tran  Story Excerpt Images by Anne - @mozzzartrella
In this world, the timeline is set somewhere in the Middle Ages, where humans are forced to co-exist with other species such as Dragons, Wizards, Ogre, Giants, and other monstrous beings like Demons which comes in various figure, Vampires, etc. Because of the war always happen, whether it's between humans or wizard and the giants. But without doubt, humans are down looked by many as the inferior being, they are born with no possession of magical ability, cannot cast any spell, are not blessed with a physical ​physique like the ogre or giant and​ cannot heal or regenerate as fast as a demon or vampire. Humans survive thanks to the discovery of more technology and smart mind to devise a strategy to bit against those powerful beings. That is until a monk came and create a power that lies within the human body through breathing meditation, this power is called Qi (pronounce “Chi"), which is a half spiritual half physical energy that came from inside the person, it's also a form of life energy. With Qi, it will amplify your senses, giving you better reflects, hearing, seeing, and strengthen your body. After that, the monk began to teach people the way of using Qi, and they also find out that Qi can melt and vaporize demon and vampires if in close contact since it's life energy and those are undead being, it also helps defeating ogres, sorcerer more easier. From then on the Martial Artists was born, they can fight with their own unique style infused with Qi, many legends are born people such as Zhang SanFeng, Huang Yaoshi, Miyamoto Musashi,... Many martial art sect are created with each own master and multiple followers. Thus, many human kingdoms need help from their own arsenal. And of course, something like that means the numbers of war increase but humans will have a better chance to survive more.
Dragons without a doubt are the most powerful being, they can use magic, high with destructive power, and intelligent.
Human have affiliation with Sorcerers and wizard
Black Wood Island: Shadow Sect headquarter (all women in there are beautiful) 
Mount Hua: Famous Martial arts gathering
Main Character introduction
Shadow Sect:
Jing Chen: head of the shadow Sect, father of Zing Chen, and his other three adoptive Daughter. One of the four most powerful martial artists in the world feared and admired by many
Scarent Gray: Jing Chen’s Wife, former knight, famously known as “Red Lady Tyrant". Kill more people then she could remember. One of the four most powerful martial artists in the world.
Zing Chen: son of Jing and Scarent, the youngest in the four children, the fourth disciple of the shadow sect.
Mei Ling: Jing and Scarent’s first adoptive daughters, the oldest of the four children, shadow sect's first disciple. (nickname “Ling Ling"). She’s mostly cold and unfriendly but always respects and admires her adoptive parents, regularly force Zing to spar with her to improve his fighting technique. Ann Fung's rival.
Ann Fung: Jing and Scarent’s second adoptive daughters, as old as Mei Ling. Kind-hearted person, always a loving and caring daughter and sister in the family 
Chapter 43?
Black Wood island, on a normal day, the waves are calm, not a single heavy wind blows around the beach. The Island is not that far away from the mainland, only an hour of boat sailing. Throughout the beach, around the big island, are covered in thick trees and forest, to the point where you cannot see 5 meters into it, the trees are high with many layers of leaves hovering above, no sun will shine down to the ground as it shadowed by the leaves, only a small amount of light shine through. For any attempt to venture into this forest will only wind up exhausting themself for lack of any direction, dehydration, lack of any food ‘cause no large animal would be able to live in such conditions. If any camper happens to be in the forest at night they’ll be fully submerged in the darkness, no light will be seen inside the forest, hence the given name “Black Wood". To successfully pass through the forest, one must know the “70 Shadow Runs", a ​Qinggong/fighting technique develops by Jing Chen, the host of this island.
Right in the middle of the island lies the home of Shadow sect, unlike the forest, the middle is a large open space with a huge lake. In the open field, a tall girl with short but messy black hair training shadow fighting by herself, the girl is Mei Ling (18), she's practicing her new develop Fu Jow Pai technique (claw striking), a technique where you train all 10 of your fingertips to be like steel, form your hand into an arc, then strikeout, giving the user more option to attack while remaining as effective, there is a bit of steam on her head and she's sweating bullets, proves that she's training for quite a while, her movement is aggressive but still sharp, she seems angry at something.
In the shades, there's a young boy with long hair that has been tied to a bun sitting on the ground, whose head looking down while fidgeting his finger, looks like he did something bad and now is regretting over it. Ripped clothes with just a small splat of dried blood on his should, his name is Zing Chen (12). Mei Ling finish her training and head towards Zing, her body is covered in steam, quite unusual for any martial artist to do this but she had already developed her own way of manipulating the Qi. With less tension in her eye then she was before, she asks Zing. “Have your wound heal yet?"
“I already stop the bleed since high noon” Zing timidly said “Good” A hard row of “Smack" sound could be heard, Mei just slaps Zing in the face 4 times, it was so fast that he couldn’t react. Zing grunted painfully “Why did you have to do that? I'm already injured, you know” “I have to beat you to a pulp to make sure you learn your lesson" Mei Ling said as she gives him a cold stare.
Zing is terrified inside but quickly wipes his tears and gets into his fighting stance because he knows that she's gonna spar with him to release all of her anger on him, and she will not care about the damage he sustained after. Mei Ling throws a straight punch, it's pretty slow, not as fast as those slaps, but slow usually means more power. Zing dodge that attack and tried to create distance between him and Mei, he doesn't even want to think what would happen if the punch connects. Mei doesn’t care and advance forward, but still give no opening for him, she launches her legs up high hit him in the head. The gap had already closened up, no time to think for Zing, 70 Shadow Runs also got a technique for you to evade opponents attack, he forms his hand into the Wu shape, raises his hand up, resulting in her kick to change its directions. Mei Ling smashes it down to the ground, creating a crater with a 3-meter radius, despite Zing dodge it, his hands are tremble because the force of her kick is too powerful, with kicks like that anyone could die.
“Always quick when running away. No wonder you survive fighting with that mother dragon” Mei sarcastically said while swapping hands with him.
“I said I'm sorry. But it wasn't my fault in the beginning. Some of the villagers try capturing the dragon's cub and I save all of them" Zing explained as her screams.
“The don’t but your head in something that doesn't involve you. You run away on your own and fight a dragon. Something that’s not even father allowed me to do yet!”.
Zing kept swapping hands with Mei, with one moment of spacing out will lead to unforgettable injury.
“But I did manage to save all of them. No one was seriously hurt. and the Dragon...". as Zing desperately trying to convince Mei Ling, but he uses too much breath and couldn't take in more air, causing his injury to ache more. He tripped and fell to his back, Mei Ling doesn't let a second go to waste and press her Palm down to his chest. The ground cracked, needless to say, Zing is in incredible pain, but he bites his teeth hard and he didn't scream, still have the focus look on his face despite knowing that this is an unmovable position, when Mei Ling throws her punches in the other hand, Zing’s body suddenly got pulled out quickly by a shadow, save him from that punch. Mei Ling still delivers the punch to the ground angrily, knowing that someone had interfered with her business, this time the ground shook a bit cause of that punch. Mei Ling looked over and sees Ann Fung (18) carrying Zing on her hand. She sternly shouted at Ann “What do you think you are doing". “Saving our brother from you," Ann said “I'm teaching him a lesson". “Lessons that involve killing my adorable little brother then I’m gonna stop you right there” Mei stared at Ann angrily “he broke the rules to have a fight with a mother Dragon!”. Mei said “I'm well aware of that. But his act remains noble as he didn’t let any villager died. Despite he could sit and watch them get slaughtered by the mother Dragon". 
Ann calmly explain to Mei Mei still furiously looking at Zing. Ann Fung smiles gently and said
“Let's leave this to mother and father to decide. For We can only agree to it afterwards”
Ann knows her place as the 2nd disciple and should always have respect towards the 1st one, but Mei’s violent outburst is so too much to be tolerant so their parents allow Ann to interrupts the situation. Mei Ling knows that can't be helped, so she angrily turns away and went to her room, Ann put Zing down, checking his face and brush the dust of his clothes.
“Poor thing. You’re not fully healed yet, aren't you? Your movement was sluggish and you didn't even try to attack her. But your reaction timing is still sharp”. Ann was watching from far, but she still able to tell his mistakes from the spar. “I'm sorry. I shouldn’t have run to save those people without telling you so sister Mei wouldn't be so mad about it" Zing said “Don't worry about that, I would have done the same and save those people too. Mei just being overprotective. She worries about you a lot, you know”
Zing has his head down, he still thinks of taking the blame. Ann smiles, pat his head and confidently said
“Why didn't you use that Qi breathing technique I taught you. If you use it then maybe spar would have gone better without you getting more injured" “But if I use it, then she might be hurt. Besides, I didn’t master it fully yet"
Ann was shocked at his response and laugh “Gee, and here I thought I'm the kindest member of the family. Come on, let's get you patched up"
Ann is the second daughter as well as the second disciples of the Shadow sect, she's a beautiful tall girl with long hair. She’s really caring and especially loves to take care of and spoil her little brother.
In the quiet evening, where the sky has already turned dark, a blue shadow flashes across the lake and into the house, standing in the main hall is a tall woman wearing a dark blue Hanfu, she got short bright red hair and she only has one left arm, this person is Scarent Gray (33), one of the two masters of Shadow sect. Ann saw her mother appear visibly out of nowhere, but bare no surprises as she knows Scarent’s Quinggong technique has reached a level where movement seems ghostly that it’s unnatural and it can't be match, unless it’s father.
“Welcome home, mother. Is father not with you?” Ann greets her.
“Jing was invited by the Emporer to attend the exam test as a judge of the new ​graduate’s martial artist. I don't think they favor me enough for me to stay there, despite the presence of your father"
As Ann informs Scarent about Zing, Scarent start with a smirk then she laughs loudly and said
“Little brat got all of that from his Father. Tell him he was really lucky this time and got off alive. Dragons are not animals and he’s only allowed to act if your father and I are nearby”
“Yes, mother"
“But He manages to hold off the dragon and save villagers. I can not be angry at my boy for his improvement. Wait until his all of his wound heal and I got a mission for both of you”
“Yes, mother” A week pass, Zing’s internal had already healed fully and he back to training, Scarent summons both Zing and Ann and tell them
“in a week’s time, there will be a giant gathering of people, in the outskirts of the Hua Mountain. They’ll have a spar fighting one on one session to see who should the next grandmaster of the Hua Mountain sect. Without a doubt, something will come and disturb them whether it's an ogre or wizard. I need two of you to keep the tournament going and try to keep everything under control”
Zing is a bit confused about why Scarent wouldn't just go there herself, but he didn't question it. Ann immediately understood that despite her mother’s reputation now, people still aren't comfortable having her around, plus if other beings come to disturb, a dragon might show up and she'll take care of that from far. Both of them obey the order and start prepping to go there. They bring some money, Ann specializes in sword so she brought two swords along, Zing prepares shuriken and darts for range fight. He went to Mei Ling’s room to say goodbye to her, ever since the last spar he hadn't seen her for the whole week, she greets him with a cold stare like usual.
“I'm sorry making you worried about last time. I'm going off to mother’s order now" Jing said Mei looks at him for a bit then she sighs, her eye becomes more gentle and pats his head. “Be safe for the trip. You’re with Ann now so I'm not that worried anymore. But make the mistakes again and I'll make sure the last week spar session repeats” Mei said as she pinches his cheeks.
It stings a bit but at least it's filled with love and care, unlike last time, Zing smile and took off. They say goodbye to Scarent as they start their small journey. The got out of the forest using the 70 Shadow Runs, use a small boat on the shore to sail to the mainland, It only takes an hour to get to the mainland on boat. As they were sailing, a blue shadows flash over them from far, towards the mainland, only Ann notice it and Zing didn't, Ann knows that Scarent's doesn’t want waste time on the boat so she forces the Qi down to her foot and uses Qinggong to run on water, only a handful of great martial artist can do this, but to run fast enough that normal eyes couldn't perceive on water is truly what only the 4 strongest martial artists can do. They arrive on land and start travel to the upper north, they stay in a hostel through the night sharing the same bed cause Ann couldn't embrace her cute little brother enough. A couple of days pass, just a half a day of travel more and they’ll be arriving at the Hua Mountain, along the way Ann taught him more about the special Breathing technique. Our human body naturally has Yin and Yang Qi, different people specialize in different ones, only on rare occasions where someone can develop both of them at the same time because Yin and Yang are polar opposites like oil and fire, one will revoke if seen the other, the risk of using Qi is that it'll the user their life and mental health. Until recently, Jing Chen manages by divide the Yin and Yang Qi to each side of the body, then layer it onto each other creating a spiral of Qi inside the body, and can nullify any attack the connect physically to the body, just in case when the opponent is also a Qi user. He quickly shows it to Ann, and Ann teaches it to Zing, to help him protect himself more. Zing ask Ann why would they held such a big fight tournament on the Hua Mountain, Ann explains
“Hundreds of years ago, many great fighting events were held there, like the battle to define the Five great in the martial art community, General Guo Jing, the Condor heroes Yang Guo, the Dragon lady, all very powerful martial artists at the time made their name there”
“They're even stronger than mother and father?”
“Who knows. I once heard that the Condor hero had a foot of a mountain. That means if he steps on you, it's no different from you being crush by a mountain. Rumors said he was 18 when he did that" Ann chuckles as she said.
“But mother said the people gathering are nothing compare to the great, they do all of this is just for shows to the world, but father insists to keep the event going as it's a yearly thing for martial artists"
As their getting closer to Mount Hua, more seller and merchant could be found everywhere. More people can be seen
“It seems that the tournament already started" Ann said
They have arrived at the fighting place, it's a huge field, with about 500 hundred to 700 hundred people there. Some of the people are doing warm-ups with their fighting form, some of the normal people are just spectator that just wanted to see the fighting. The sparing Ring is in the middle of the field, any senior in the sect will be sparring one on one with each other and their master will decide their successor as the new master of the Sect.
When Ann walks into the fields, she grabs the attention of other martial artists, not only for her look, but she’s carrying two sword means she a swordswoman and unless it's the senior of the Hua Mount Sect, not a lot of female martial artist came here to watch the fight. Ann and Zing sit under the shades of the tree in the rear of the field. Zing watches closely, it's a spar, not a training session so you’re allowed to watch them.
“Their movements are quite stiff, and they lack any intensity. Their master doesn't look like he pleases with it either. I doubt that any of the people here could compare Ling Ling or even you sis” Zing said, growing up Zing has always been an honest boy, he doesn't know how to lie and he doesn't afraid to show his true opinion.
Ann looks over to her little brother, pinch his cheeks and said
“Don’t say it like that now. Take away my sword and I can’t be much help. Everyone got their advantage and weak point too, you know”
Zing winced because of the pinch, though it didn't hurt as much when sister Ling pinch him. “So what do you think gonna come first? I betting that an Ogre gonna barged in and ruins the fight. But all of them can probably take it down tho. We might sit through the whole without doing anything" Zing said
Ann didn't respond and still quite observing the surrounding area. Ann thought to herself that if what Zing said is true then Mother doesn't need to send us here, which means another bigger threat will emerge, and we have to be prepared for the worst. It's strange that there are no signs of Ogres, demons, and other kinds of monsters when they’re arriving close to Mountain Hua.
“Could it be that the other being bares a human form thus making it hard for other martial artists to notice?" Ann thought to herself.
Demon, monster, vampires that look humanoid means they are stronger because they have better control of their power, thus they could re-shape their body to resemble a human to fit in with the crowds of people, if it comes in direct contact for martial artists then they might figure it out, if not, then it's impossible to spot a real one. Zing and Ann sit and wait until the sky slowly turns dark blue, about hundreds of people had left, but the tournaments still continue. Ann sigh, because she knows she has to deal with the vampires and demons now if they appear, they're only active during the night, the sun would give them burns that they couldn't regenerate. Zing yawned for the fifth time.
“Maybe we should just take a nap. If anything happens they are gonna scream, we'll know either way”
“No. Stay focus on all causes. Mother would not be please if we let any of these people died” Ann said as she glared at Zing.
The tournament is still going, most of the people seem a bit more tired than the other, some are sweating bullet, lying on the ground, and some even pass out from the fight, for those after the fight who still got calm and stable breathing is more likely to be candidates for the headmaster sit. After another half an hour, Ann suddenly senses something in the area, it's filled with killing intent, strange because after half a sitting there she didn't feel anything. Killing intent aura is only purposely let out by very powerful being, that only proficient Qi user who had successfully enhance all their senses feel.
“It's here!" Ann stood up and told Zold
Zing feels the exact same thing Ann felt he understood and follow his sister to help spot the hidden monster. But the people in the tournament still haven’t felt anything, Zing sees that there are only a few people in the crowd notice the strange aura, but can't pinpoint what is it like big sister. Ann stood in the crowd then infuse her Qi and press it down to her stomach for it to reach the heart, making it beat faster, increase in blood flow, thus making enhance her hearing, she could sense about 500-meter radius in the area around her, Ann focuses on the whole field and start to mumble
“512 humans, most are resting so they no one should emit such killing intent, but I sense that cover more than just this field, it mean that there are at least two of them"
“There are only two of them, one in the corner of the crowd and one hidden in the side of the field. Don't worry sis, I can tell that it's two different aura” Zing said to Ann, as he’s naturally gifted with the ability to quickly improve his senses enhancement
Ann turns over to Zing, she smirks and pats his head. “I lost to you again. Mother was right when she wants you to come along with me" But there’s no time for compliment, she ordered Zing to go to where the hidden one is, cover everyone who is in its range of attack and she'll take care of the one in the crowd. Ann rush toward the monster that's hidden in the crowd with incredible speed, she moves across all the people with them only saw a fading shadow moving. The Shadow sect specializes in speed, to train one’s movement to be so fast is like a shadow to other people, thus making it hard to sense the presence of that a Shadow sect member. Her eyes scan through the people as she held her sword tight, she’s getting closer and closer to it. She can see it, far behind the fighting ring, the presence is huge, it’s a tall man standing in the open, wears normal clothing, it has a deformed face as it tries to hide its real face, and very rough skin, the people around can't see it clearly as it’s night time, but the Shadow sect are trained to see in the dark. It’s a demon, Ann knows that to get rid of the demon, you have to destroy the brain
“I should finish this quickly without having the other people sees me"
She held her sword high, charge full speed at the demon, uses one of her forms, and slash the demon's head into 40 pieces, it was so fast that the demon only manages to turn its head halfway toward the attack, the demon drops down to the ground as Ann rushes into the crowd again. And scream could be heard, the people are panicking on why a man suddenly got his head dice, everyone moves away from the man, now the attention is on the dead body lying on the ground, no one could see what Ann did. As she retracting her swords, she stops and turns to look at its body, she can still feel a very abnormal life energy from it.
“don't tell me this thing has...”
Knowing her job is not done yet, she pulls her sword out again and continues to charge at the demon’s body. Suddenly tentacles coming from the body’s belly sprung out towards Ann and many other people there, the tip of each one is dripping out acid, that's also a poison, extremely lethal to any human if comes in contact with it. As of now, the demon is well aware that it has been spotted and is more than prepared to fight, making it more difficult to break through its defend. The acid will melt through iron, so Ann infused her Qi in this time to her arm and from the arm spread out to the sword, the blade turns a bright yellow color just like sunlight, the sword is now coated fully with Qi, which both protects and increases the power of the weapon. help the sword handle in the middle in increase her ranged attack, she jumps high over the tentacles, she uses the Shadow sect sword technique, slashing her sword in the form of the word Wu, creating several spirals and cut most of the tentacles, that both deflect the attack coming towards her and protect all the people around, everyone starts to panic, even though their also martial artist, not everyone is mentally prepared when it comes to fighting with such supernatural being. Despite the tentacles that have been cut doesn't regenerate because of her Qi infused sword, Ann still has to keep on cutting down the tentacles as they keep coming out of the body. after cutting down a dozen of them, she notices that the head that she cut into pieces is slowly regenerating.
“you're really annoying when you have more than one brain, you know” Ann said
This demon is not only strong since it can regenerate fast, with a normal blade cutting it, but it has two brain cores, and you have to cut all of them at the same time to kill it fully. But just one touch from the bright yellow blade, it will ​disintegrate. Ann is angry because she thought she was being careless for not using the Yellow Blade in the beginning. She has to finish this quickly since it's already a handful dealing one of the brain core, now the first one is almost done regenerating, and with all these people around she can't push her attack range more. It's difficult for any human to take down a monster, but getting hit once by their attack mean instant death Ann still continues fighting with the tentacles as she also protecting the surrounding people, she’s slowly moving her position to where the two brain and her stands form a straight line. Suddenly a man one her opposite side someone got hit with the acid on the fingers, the men scream in pain, as he's about to fall down, Ann waste no time, holding her sword high, she swings her sword upwards from the ground, the slash cuts two of the brain in half, then it goes on to cut the man’s finger off. The slash is powerful with range but also condense as the man felt no pain after having his finger cut off, the two brains have been destroyed as it has been sliced with Qi, the tentacles drop down to the ground, now the demon is completely dead (the event of Ann killing this demon happens in 8.66 seconds). Everyone around was so shocked about the there’s a demon in the crowd, and the girl fighting the demon, everything just flashes over their eyes and the screaming from before caught the attention of a lot more people. After finishing the one there's still one more monster on the other end, so Ann rush over there with full speed, she's worried about Zing, not sure if the opponent over there is stronger than this one, or did he got injured. As she got over to the other side, Zing is out in the field fighting bare-handed to the other demons, this one still got its humanoid form, Zing manages to lure it out since fighting in the forest would restrict his and the demon's range. To the other resing martial artists at the tournament, Zing and the demon's movement are out of this world, they can react fast enough for either one’s attack or to help Zing. This demon’s face has already melted and slowly disintegrating, shows that he had already injured the demon, Zing still didn't have a scratch on him. Zing notice Ann, and he shouted
“Please let me finish this by myself, sis!”
Ann didn't see any sign of other monsters and it looks like he’s also trying to perfecting the Yin Yang breathing technique.
“Alright. Finish it in 10 more seconds or else I’ll do it my self. And be careful, these types of demons got more than one brain core inside them” Ann said
“10 seconds is plenty!” Zing confidently said
The demon sees Zing talking back to Ann and took its chance to launch its full attack with its giant arm at him. Little does it know, Zing already suppressed his Yin Yang Qi inside his belly with his breathing throughout the fight. He pushes the Qi to his arm, held his fist toward the attack, prepared to counter it. The other people there see it and thought he might lose his whole arm, but when the punch of the demons comes in contact with his hand, the demon's hand just crumbles to piece. Ann looked at it and smiles as her little brother just successfully mastered the father’s Yin Yang breathing technique, as when in contact with other objects infuse with normal Qi or demons, it crumbles instead of melt. The demon panics and pulls its arm back, but Zing is quicker, he grabs on to the demon's arm, thus pulled him with it, this time he pushes normal Qi out to two of his arm, raise it to the demon's head, he punches the demon, making its head melt, then he quickly launch his other arm into the Abdomen melting its belly to destroy the other brain. The demon squeals in pain, Zing press his fist deeper, the demon slowly stops moving as it starts to disintegrate more, the demon is dead, Zing has defeated it on his own. Ann gives a bright smile on her face, she's happy to see her brother improve this much, she gives him 10 seconds but he finished it in 6.34 second. Zing went over to Ann, she pats his head
“You did a really good job this time, mother and father would definitely be proud’
“Thanks, sis. But I can't keep it up for long though" Zing smile and take in his head petting rewards.
But now they caught the attention of everyone in the field, all the seniors, the elders had the tournament stop because of the screaming. But to Zing and Ann, everything happens so fast that everyone is still speechless, can't believe they just witness a fight between humans and demon.
“I already scan the rest of the area. I don't think that there are any more demons though" Zing said
Since the other monsters, vampires and demons don’t hang well with each other. If there's already a demon here the other being wouldn't come. Ann and Zing don’t want to answer any question, so they looked at each other and nod their heads. They use their Quinggong to run off the field and visually disappear out of thin in front of everyone. Leaving the crowd and the Hua Sect tumultuous calling for them to come back.
Now their job is finished and they’re returning to the Black Wood Island. “I wonder how’s mother doing on her side?” Ann said “Huh?”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
2 days ago, in the further north of the land, where you can start to see the ocean from far, a Dragon is flying across the sky, the trees, rocks and everything under it are blown away as it flaps its wings, it's length is nearly 100 meters long and it's eye scans through the area with a fearless look. It knows that there is no other creature dares to challenge it, the dragon flew with pride in the sky. It's heading south, which means it'll fly through the human's territory, but it doesn't care as the dragon think that every other being is inferior to it.
“Lady Tyrant" Scarent Gray is on the ground, looking up to the sky and sees the dragon approaching her direction.
“So this is the cute little lizard huh”
As it's getting closer, Scarent jumps up high, higher than the height the dragon is flying. The dragon notices the sound but didn' care about it. Scarent is now above the dragon, she spins her body dozens of time than uses the long right arm sleeves (Scarent only has one left arm, her right side is a long sleeve that her can use to whip) whip it straight down to the dragon’s head. A loud bang could be heard even from far, the whip that hits the dragon’s head, pins it down to the ground, despite it was flying high up, the whip was so hard that a wide area of ground shatters as the dragon drops down, it couldn't react with any magic power before got beaten to the unconscious. Scarent landed on the back of the dragon, she just effortlessly defeat a flying dragon.
“That should be enough. I should head back before the kids so there's still time to make dinner"
End of chapter
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