#also my hands shake and I’m clumsy ❤️
sainamoonshine · 1 year
Listen guys I know I will never be much good* (or even enjoy, tbh) calligraphy, but my mother-in-law keeps giving me old “the basics of calligraphy!!” sets that she finds at goodwill that obviously someone got as a gift in the 90s and never even opened and I enjoy collecting the inks and tiny ceramic bowls and inkstones so, so much ☺️
*this isn’t poor self esteem btw this is clear eyed & serene knowledge of where my skills lay and the answer to that is in art forms that do not require steady hands and good spatial awareness. I like digital art and fiber crafts lmao.
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feyhunter78 · 1 year
Thank you!!!! 🥺🥺 I'm excited to see y'all's reactions to the newest chapterrrrr Also, I lied about the smut it's in the next chapter, but there is some suggestive type stuff unfortunately it's from Todd
Pink Pastels Pt 9
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Description: It's Saturday, and you're at a sports bar with Todd, until you find yourself on the roof with Spiderman.
Pt 10
It’s Saturday. One of your two days off, and all you want to do is relax, but here you are at a shitty sports bar, beer already spilled on your shorts by some drunk idiot, your boyfriend completely ignoring you as he pounds his fist against the bar, screaming at the TV. His team is losing, you assume, as you push away from the bar, drink in hand, and wonder back to your table.
You pull out your phone and scroll through your email, responding to a few, ignoring others, until finally you see a response from a kid in your class’s mother.
Jessica Tompson: Ms. Y/N, I will be available at six PM on Monday to meet with you regarding Tommy’s behavior. I look forward to getting to the bottom of this issue.
You smile and send her a quick response back; you’ve been trying to get Tommy’s mother in for a meeting since October. Tommy wasn’t a bad kid, he just needed extra support and attention, and potentially some ADHD testing. But you knew people were hesitant to test their kids, afraid to “label” them, even though those “labels” could really help their kids in school.
You couldn’t count how many times you’ve explained that identifying where kids are struggling can get them access to accommodations that they need to thrive. Such as extra time on assignments or a quieter, smaller room to take tests in, so they weren’t as distracted. Sure, they wouldn’t get these things forever, but if they got them now, it would help them learn how to self-regulate for the future.
You tap your fingers on the tabletop happily and bound over to Todd. “Hey, guess what, I’m finally getting that mom to come in and talk to me.”
“Who?” He asks, beer in hand, his eyes glued to the screen.
“Tommy Tompson’s mom.”
“Oh, the hot one with the nice rack?”
One of his friends high-fives him, and you put on a tight smile. “I don’t really look at my students’ parents like that, but maybe?”
He rolls his eyes. “Yeah, yeah, I’ve got eyes, sue me.” Then he slammed his beer down on the bar. “Are you fucki—that’s bullshit, Ref!”
Miguel wouldn’t say things like that, he wouldn’t ignore you for football. He’d congratulate you, slip between your legs, his full lips parted, his pink tongue finding a hom— You shake yourself out of your thoughts.
This was crazy, you shouldn’t have done that… Should have stuck to fantasizing about a celebrity, or well, you should’ve been thinking about Todd, he is your boyfriend.
“What a shitty call, Ref!” You echo him, and that earns you a smile thrown your way, and an arm around your shoulders.
You just want things to go back to how they used to be, but honestly, you’re not even sure it used to be good. Maybe you just didn’t really know any different, but now after, all those little chats at pickup, during parent teacher meetings, and then the day at the zoo? How is it that a man, who barely knows you, treats you better than your boyfriend of years?
You walk home with Todd leaning heavily on you, his lips are on your neck, sloppy and clumsy, missing that certain spot on your neck in favor of slobbering all over your skin.
“Todd, maybe we need to slow down a bit.” You say carefully, trying to pry him off you.
“Again?” He sighs heavily, annoyance clear in his tone.
Your face flushes, shame burning through you, and you bite your lip to keep the tears at bay.
When you first started dating you were so new to everything, you’d had a few boyfriends before, but they were short-lived, almost chaste. Todd on the other hand was a complete and utter manwhore.
“I thought you were over all that.” He grumbles, trudging along the sidewalk, refusing to look at you.
He wanted everything fast, fast, fast, and you were dragged along for the ride, anxious and unprepared.
“I am, I am, it’s just you’re drunk, and your head is going to hurt in the morning…” You tell him, helping him up the stairs and through your apartment door.
He makes a beeline for your living room and flops down on your couch. “So, what, I want you, and you’re my girlfriend, so.”
You try to hide your grimace, but he sees it and groans.
“You’re always like this, I swear, such a prude.” He throws an arm over his eyes and unzips his pants, pulling his cock out.
You blanch, there’s no way he’s just going to jerk off, drunk, in the middle of your living room, right?
“Todd, seriously?” You snap, grabbing a decorative pillow and hurling it at him.
He ignores you, pumping himself, grunts and groans spilling from his lips. You used to find him attractive, you’ve always liked when he was vocal but now? Now it feels traitorous to hear him instead of Miguel.
But you’ve never heard Miguel, your mind was just making things up, that’s what dreams and fantasies are.
“You’re such a dick.”
He sat up, still gripping his erect cock. Was it smaller than you remembered? “Maybe I wouldn’t be if you’d do your job.”
"My job?” You ask, thoroughly confused.
He points at his cock, and you bite the inside of your cheek to keep from laughing, there’s no way he means what you think he means.
“Good girls suck their boyfriend’s dick.” He says it with such certainty, that it sounds ridiculous.
You bust out laughing, doubling over, gasping for breath. “You’re so full of it.”
“I’m not, you’re just a—” then he goes quiet, and you look up to see him passed out cold, cock still in hand.
You stand there for a moment, flabbergasted. There’s no fucking way that just happened.
Throwing a blanket over Todd, you head for the fire escape a different blanket in hand, climbing up to the roof, and sitting on the edge of the roof, feet dangling, your hands behind you supporting you as you lean back.
You let out a sigh, tilting your head up towards the night sky. It feels good out here, cool breeze, the sounds of the city at night, the gentle coo of the pigeons the apartment manager cares for.
A soft thump draws your attention, and you jump scrambling away from the edge, and turning on your heel. Only to come face to chest with Spiderman.
“I wish it was that easy to get everyone off the ledge.” He says, a hint of humor in his voice.
You remember what he looks like, and his face, mask? is everywhere, but it’s different when you’re not terrified or watching some grainy news footage.
“And he’s funny too.” You joke, giving him a small smile.
He tilts his head, scanning you, then reaches out and his gloved thumb brushes across your cheek. “You were crying?”
Were you crying? You touch your face, your fingertips coming away damp. “Oh, I didn’t even notice, it’s just been a long day.”
You spread out your blanket and sit, your back against the wall, and you pat the space before you.
“Won’t your boyfriend be upset if he found out, you’re sharing a blanket with a masked hero?” He teases, sitting in the space you made for him.
“My boyfriend is currently passed out drunk with his dick in his hand.” You tell him, the low light making you braver than you’d normally be.
He goes silent, the eye parts of his mask widening, and you think that’s his version of raised eyebrows.
“He was drunk and pissed at me because I didn’t want him to slobber up my neck, so then he whips it out, and when I tell him to stop, he calls me a prude and says I should do my job , which is such an asshole thing to say.” It feels good to ramble, to just vent all your feelings onto this masked semi-stranger.
“Do your job?” Spiderman asks, his eyes narrowed.
“He said, and I quote, good girls suck their boyfriend’s dick.’ Literally so ridiculous…” You trail off as Spiderman rolls his shoulders back.
For a moment you’re hypnotized by the movement, the sheer mass of muscle.
You snap out of it. “I’m sorry?”
“Did you like your new shoes?” He asks, and you hear a smile in his voice.
Wow, y/n, rude much? You didn’t even think to thank the man who not only saved your life, but also replaced your shoes.
“Yes, thank you so much, how much do I owe you?” You go to pull out your wallet but realize you left it in your bedroom.
“No, it’s alright, consider it an apology for not getting there fast enough.” He holds his hands up in a pacifying manner.
You purse your lips but nod. “Alright, well, again, thank you.”
You’re fiddling with the necklace Gabi and Miguel got you, and it seems to catch his eye. “That’s pretty, your boyfriend get you that?”
You shake your head, dropping the pendant. “No, it was a gift from one of my kids, I’m a teacher.”
“That’s cute, do you mind if I?” He motions towards it slightly, and you lean forward, letting him catch it between two long fingers. “Very nice.”
“Yeah, I think it’s really sweet.” You smile up at him, breath catching in your throat when he releases the pendant close to your skin, his fingertip brushing the tops of your breasts.
“I’m sorry, didn’t mean to touch...” He says quickly, retracting his hand.
You give him a reassuring smile. “It’s okay, it was an accident.”
“What’d your boyfriend say?”
“About the gift? I don’t think he even noticed.” You scoff, brushing your hair back from your shoulders.
“No, what did he say after you turned him down?” His voice is lower, warmer, spreading across your skin and seeping into your bones.
“Oh well, he tried to argue then passed out.” You giggle, Spiderman’s masked form still inches from your own.
Spiderman lets out a low hum and tucks a stray lock of hair behind your ear. “He phrased it all wrong, good girls don’t suck dick, they take cock.”
Tag list: @nyctophilic0vitnir, @miggyoharaswife, @badbishsblog, @imisshim2much, @wanderlustingcastaway, @lynn-9703, @sleepyamaya, @erensbbg, @sweetea85, @ilovemiguelohara, @natthernandez, @stxrrielle, @ihateuguys, @jenniferdixon05207, @blep-23, @luvisaaxoxo, @minimari415, @emerald-09, @violet-19999, @kenchosaikuo, @groovycass, @youcantseem3, @lovefks, @nightshxdex, @dusstory, @aesniri, @munsonssecretblog, @kirke-is-my-name, @starbearieee, @chatoicboy, @act1839, @needsleep3000, @totally-not-georgia, @witchy-lizard, @cxmeiloorun7
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rwrbficrecs · 1 year
June Faves
It’s that time of the month again!! Here’s a few fics I read in June ✨ It’s a bit of a short list for June because I got sucked into a new ship *cough tarlos cough* – but we’re only halfway through this month and I already know July’s post is probably going to be pretty long! Hope you enjoy these as much as I did ❤️
Fall Into You by lucy_in_the_sky I’m a sucker for fics where Henry’s a nurse – combine that with hurt/comfort and I’m there. Alex is a tad clumsy and of course it’s Henry that’s having to deal with patching him up. Also a big fan of Nora’s characterization in this fic! I truly loved this fic so much – definitely one I’ll be coming back to a lot in the future. 
i'd lie by greenandmoss Wow this fic was amazing – I can’t describe how much I loved it. I really felt for Henry in this fic – at times I wanted to shake him so bad, but also I understood where he was coming from. This fic was so beautifully written and was one of those fics that had me thinking about it long after I'd finished 😌
pride is not the word i’m looking for by @livinginrhythm This fic made me realize we’re severely lacking in Leo content. I loved reading something from Leo’s POV and getting more of insight into his character! This is a lovely must read
group therapy by @stutteringpeach This one is hilarious – but it also made me want to sink deep into the ground from second-hand embarrassment. That didn’t stop me from rereading it at least 5 times though 😅
Tell Me All Your Secrets by @everwitch-magiks I have to admit I was apprehensive about reading a fic where Henry dates Liam 😂 but I love everything Evie writes so I knew I was going to love this story regardless of my initial feelings on Henry/Liam. Knowing that it’s Henry/Alex end game was reassuring though, and the progression to that point was very satisfying! (The pining!!) I loved how New York Prite was featured in this fic and seeing Henry & Alex attend was so lovely. 
The Spirit of Giving by @cha-melodius They're neighbours in this fic (which I'm always down for 😂) and I loved how Alex's competitive side really comes out in this! Also fair warning this fic will make you crave some good Mexican food 🥲
and then i was a careless fool (and i fell in love with you) by newmoonrising A canon divergence fic where Henry is still a Prince and Alex is still the First son but make it a Soulmate AU (with a touch of bed sharing)! As someone who loves soulmate fics I don't know how I hadn't discovered this gem sooner ❤️
you took the time to memorize me (my fears, my hopes, my dreams) by @coffeecatsme Alex is a tour guide and I love how their relationship develops even though there’s so much physical distance between them. I didn’t know it was possible but this fic made me hate Mary even more 😩
That's What You Get For Waking Up in Vegas by bleedingballroomfloor Exes to Lovers !! Getting back together!! (at this point I’m just shouting the tags but really this fic was great and you need to read it – also it’s set in Las Vegas c’mon as if that’s not reason enough)
let me take you in by @livinginrhythm This was such a funny story and I love when Henry gets himself into situations that are completely avoidable, but they lead him to Alex so can he really complain? Another story I loved so much I reread it many many times!
Are You Screwing With Me? by @rmd-writes Didn’t know I needed a Grindr meet-cute AU until I read this and it was perfect. While you’re at it, there’s two other stories in this series for two other fandoms !!
(all of me changed like) midnight rain by @coffeecatsme This fic really makes you feel for Alex – it deals with his parents divorce and just wow 🥺
The Sky is Open by @cha-melodius I am often in awe at some of the AU’s authors come up with to dump Henry & Alex in and this was one of them. Unexpected and a very delightful read!
midnight train going anywhere by greenandmoss Loved this fic – Henry & Alex meet on a midnight train and I don’t know what else to say about this fic without spoiling it, so just go read it!  
Every Star That's Ever Fallen Knows the Way to Where We're Going by @dracowillhearaboutthis I love Henry & Alex as childhood friends, so following this WIP was a no brainer. Having Arthur alive is also a lovely bonus ❤️
Little Matters by @pridepages I’m loving reading along as this fic gets updated! Henry is the guardian of his niece and it’s such a beautiful story so far 🥺
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foli-vora · 3 years
Can I get 20 with Dave pls??? F!reader, fluff or smut, whichever you want! Also congrats on 1k you totally deserve it love, your writing is immaculate and you seem like such a nice person as well! Lots of love ❤️❤️❤️
Hi sweet angel! You are the sweetest, and your beautiful words have slapped the biggest smile on my face! Sending lots and lots of love right back atcha! I’ve picked fluff—hope that’s okay! Thank you for your request, I hope you enjoy! x
#20—bandaging/stitching up an injury
Pairing: Dave York x f!reader
Warnings: fluff, description of injury, blood, needles
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“Ow ow, mother fu—”
You dance on the tips of your toes, frown deepening between your brows as the blood pools in the cut across your palm and drips onto the counter. Those damn avocados—
Darting to the sink, you turn the water on and wince as the cool stream hits your cut, the clear water swirling into red as it runs down the drain. It’s deep, you realise when the blood continues to run from the wound.
Leave it to you to potentially ruin date night with a trip to the ER.
You feel his presence before you see him, his familiar air seeping into the space and curling around you. His chest presses into your back and he makes a low noise at your cut, hands coming up to gently cup your own under the water.
“This needs stitches.”
“I thought so.” You sigh, “I’ll get my bag—”
“No, just come to the bathroom. I’ve got everything.” He flicks the water off and reaches for the hand towel, wrapping it tightly around your hand.
“For stitches? I love you, Dave, but you’re no doctor—”
He chuckles against your ear, kissing your cheek softly. “Trust me. It’s not my first time.”
He really did have everything. Most would have a small first aid kit—a couple of bandages, some saline maybe… but Dave? He had a damn pharmacy in his bathroom cupboard. Vials of whatever concoction the little labels read organised in a container, a variety of gauze and wound coverings, bandages and syringes and needles—
His eyes flash to yours, his brow quirking in question. He’s gentle as he cleans the wound, incredibly clinical in his movements and care.
“Why do you have all of this?”
“I hate hospitals. Sometimes things happen, and I like to be prepared.”
“Are you that clumsy?” You struggle to believe it—though you had only been dating six months, he just didn’t seem like the type. He was always so sure of everything, including his footing and surroundings. He never trips or anything, unlike you and your inability to walk safely across a flat surface.
He shrugs lightly, lips twitching at the corners as he snaps gloves onto his hands. “Something like that.”
You shift uneasily when he reaches for a vial, holding it to the light as he pulls the clear liquid into a syringe with narrowed eyes, lips pursed in focus. This is a bad idea...
“I don’t know about this—”
“Look at me.”
You do instantly, eyes wide with your nerves swimming clearly through them meeting his determined dark ones. Were you shaking? Is it cold? Shock, you realise numbly.
“I would never do anything that could cause you harm, do you understand?”
You swallow, tongue running along your suddenly dry lips before nodding hurriedly.
“I’ve had training, and I know what I’m doing. Now close your eyes, baby—I’ve got you. I promise.”
And he did. He worked quicker than you expected, fingers moving efficiently and fixing up the slice on your palm in seemingly no time at all. His few stitches were clean, and incredibly neat—damn near professional. You blink in surprise, reaching to poke at the tender flesh before his hand slaps your curious one away, shooting you a playful scowl.
“Not bad, Doctor.” You smile, keeping your hand still as he tightly wraps a clean white bandage around it. He grins, pressing a soft kiss to where the cut was covered, thumbs soft as they brush over your fingers.
“You’ve been an excellent patient. How about ice cream for dinner?”
“Chocolate chip?”
He snorts, helping you stand. “Like I’d have any other kind.”
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