#also naib could skin him alive in .02 seconds flat
niishi · 6 months
my fave thing about my personal nortnaib hc imagination palace is that everyone is afraid of norton except for naib and no one is afraid of naib except for norton
#they rlly see each other#all anyone would have to do is tell norton to kill himself and it would push him over the edge#hes scary and mean and they have a right to be afraid of him but naibs not#bc naib knows hes a depressed pussy living out of spite alone#also naib could skin him alive in .02 seconds flat#no ones afraid of naib bc hes a manlet who eats sweets and has stuffed animals#but they should be bc he WILL kill u if he has to#naib is a sensitive empathic baby tho and he cares about nortons depression and all that gay stuff#he has kinda a savior complex#and a caregiver complex#norton is working on being a human but he sees naib as his possession#naibs the only person norton will be vulnerable with#but hes codependent he just wants someone to baby and coddle him#and pat his head and say “there there” when hes sad#he prob feels safe doing that w naib bc naib is so small he has a fake sense of security#but also naib is so strong and a killing machine that norton feels hes the only one whos safe being that intimately close w him#bc norton has tendencies to snap and become a rlly cruel person#even to naib#naib feels security with norton bc even tho hes a skilled merc and all hardcore#inside hes rlly just a small soft lil guy and he wants a big manly man to protect him#also naib has violent ptsd and night terrors and nortons big enough to hold him down#and naib doesnt wanna inflict that on anyone else#but he doesnt feel bad w norton bc nortons a dick and even tho its not intentional#he deserves to get beaten up sometimes#naib provides everything norton codependently needs from a person so he's taken ownership of naib to fulfill that need#naib is so caring he doesnt wanna inflict his issues on good ppl but he also needs to be a caregiver to someone who needs someone#so he codependently relies on norton for that#they are completely codependent#but they fulfill each others needs and wants almost perfectly#they're so toxic i love them
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