#but they fulfill each others needs and wants almost perfectly
grandline-fics · 17 hours
hi! could i request for mihawk and anyone else of your choice reacting to their usually modest s/o wearing something scandalous and getting a lot of attention and they feel jealous or try to hide them away from prying eyes? thanks love you
DESCRIPTION: You’re normally modest and get a lot of attention from others when you wear something scandalous
WARNINGS: a little suggestive but nothing explicit at the end
WORDS: 1,285
A/N: Thank you for this request! I had a lot of fun writing it and I hope you enjoy what I came up with for it
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“Another gala, Crocodile?” Mihawk asked dryly looking at the small decorated piece of paper in his hand. “Is my presence truly necessary for this?” His golden eyes looked at the information blankly and held back the glare to see it would be taking place on the island they were at. Any other time these events were held, Mihawk would refuse to travel so far for a measly party or would take up a bounty mission that would take him in the opposite direction so he couldn’t attend. 
“Oh humour me for once, Mihawk.” Crocodile urged, frowning around his cigar. “I can’t keep bringing that liability of a figurehead. If we want to convince those nobles and backers of our legitimacy I need someone who can actually manoeuvre in these circles. If we want to see Cross Guild succeed and be profitable you’re going. You’re not getting out of it this time.” You bit back a smile to see your lover’s eye twitch. He hated going to these kinds of things. Quickly you acted, stepping behind his seat to place a hand on his shoulder and offer him a smile. “Oh come on, might actually be fun. At least this time you’re not going under Marine orders, it’ll be different. I can go with you if that makes things easier?”
At that Crocodile let out a small scoff, making you and Mihawk look at him in annoyance. The gala invitation was an open one so he couldn’t say you weren’t allowed to go but it was clear you going had irked him in some way which was odd seeing as you and the other founder of Cross Guild were on relatively good terms. You would’t say we was a close friend but he wasn’t someone you loathed. You remained silent as Crocodile stubbed out his cigar into the ashtray on the table and slowly looked you over, his scrutinising stare showing his critical assessment. “No offence, but you’d be more out of place than the clown. Like I said, we need to make a positive impression with these people.”
Your fingers flexed against Mihawk’s shoulder in a silent way of telling him not to react to Crocodile’s remarks. You were more than aware that your appearance was vastly different from his rich fabrics and perfectly tailored style. You’d always preferred simplistic and comfortable over anything else you wore. This wasn’t the first time someone pointed out your modest and almost drab fashion and it never bothered you. At least not until you felt you’d be letting Mihawk down. You knew how important Cross Guild was to him. Quickly you placed a kiss against Mihawk’s cheek and smiled at Crocodile as you left the room, if it was a positive impression he wanted, then that’s what he’d get. “I’ll meet you both at the gala.”
Mihawk hated having to interact with people he thought nothing of, he hated having to practically parade himself around in front of rich people like something to be gawked at in order to fulfil their own boring curiosities. He would much rather be in his own quarters with you, enjoying each others company and peace. Sharply he glared at Crocodile for what felt like the hundredth time today as he stepped into the banquet hall of the mansion the gala was being held in. While you’d shown no hint of annoyance for his earlier disrespect, Mihawk was still pissed and no amount of expensive wine was going to change that. 
As he took the glass of wine offered to him, he cast his gaze across the filled room in search of you. Though it was hard to search each face properly especially with the group that had already congregated near the centre of the room, fawning voices spilling from their mouths in a strange chorus. Mihawk and Crocodile shared a look of confusion, as far as they were both aware Cross Guild were the main attraction. While Mihawk was more than happy for someone else to take the attention, Crocodile was less than impressed. Then a familiar laugh sounded from the middle of the group making both men freeze.  
The pair watched as one person moved slightly and it gave them a window to clearly see you talking to the group, allowing the host of the gala lift your hand to press an adoring kiss against your knuckles. Mihawk remained the outward image of calm but inside he was a mess, looking you over intensely. Gone were your usual clothes of comfortable layers of soft and understated fabrics, in their place was the richest material adorning your form like a second skin coloured a deep wine red. Your outfit highlighted your body’s attributes that were usually hidden and accentuated the allure and attractiveness that previous only he was worthy of seeing. 
“Well…”Crocodile managed out with a firm clearing of his throat, even he was caught by your makeover. “Seems I was very wrong.” Mihawk snapped his head away from your direction to throw the fiercest glare yet at his business partner. Oh how he wished he had Yoru with him to slash all of your admirers in one go. Moving briskly he wove himself through the sea of pests buzzing around you and snaked an arm around your waist smoothly in greeting. Upon seeing who you were attending the gala with and felt the murderous aura rolling from his frame, those that had been desperately vying for your attention in the hopes of getting more, promptly became stuttering messes as they made hurried goodbyes and dispersed, scurrying away like the rats Mihawk knew them to be. 
“Hello, love.” You greeted with a pleasant smile. “Something wrong?”
“I despise seeing lesser beings try to sully works of art.”
“Aww, as sweet as that is just say you’re jealous.” You laughed softly, smiling up at him as you let him direct you smoothly away from the centre of the room and away from the appreciative stares you were still getting. “So, have I made a positive enough impression?”
“You know you have. You could wear anything and would be the most attractive person in the room.” Mihawk told you smoothly and you smirked. 
“Then why are you trying to hide me with the edge of your coat?” You asked, looking down to see the hand around your waist also held his coat around your body in an improvised shield. Mihawk didn’t answer. He lowered his gaze down to you once more, fully taking in just how much more enticing you were to him. He thought suffering this gala would be torture enough but to be here with you, looking so ravishing and drawing so much attention was unbearable, even for his resilient will. 
Acting quickly he pulled you close for a kiss and bit back the satisfied smirk when you flinched at the sudden feeling of the wine in his other hand spilled against your shoulder. You pulled back to throw him an accusatory stare while he merely set the now half-empty glass down on the tray of a server walking by and stared at you blankly, completely unapologetic. “Oh, how clumsy of me. Looks like we’ll have to go back and change.”
“You really are childish sometimes you know that?” You muttered with a slow roll of your eyes, walking with him towards the exit. 
“We’ll have to be careful.” Mihawk continued, ignoring your comment, his hand releasing his coat so he could drop his hand to your hip and give you a quick squeeze. “With material this expensive we’d have to make sure it’s taken care of properly. Could take all night.”
Well who were you to argue with that?
TAG LIST (If I've missed anyone or if you want to be added just let me know) @3v37773, @tsaaps , @i-am-all-love-puns-and-lazy , @sanemisnonexistenteyebrow , @fiery-captain-spider-santa
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gorejo · 6 months
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▸ ▸ the longer you keep it up, the harder you’re getting fucked :p - gojo satoru
synopsis: you make a bet, but your boyfriend is the one that needs to fulfill it. catch is, if he succeeds then you'll get half a grand, but if he can manage till his birthday, then you'll get even more. and before he settles on the bet, Satoru warns you with one promise he knows he will fulfill. because the longer the bet goes on, the harder you'll be getting fucked when he succeeds.
content: 11k words (what in the world). afab!/fem!reader, she/her pronouns. minors do not interact. half of gojo's pov mixed with yours, reader calls him baby girl, explicit smut — fingering, cunnilingus, creampie, squirting, unprotected sex but only because reader allows and satoru asks for permission, pet names (sweets, princess, babe), explicit language. Satoru gets morning wood and an erection during his meeting. Megumi and Tsumiki almost catch him in the kitchen, Satoru imagines reader in a dress, mentions of masturbation, satoru has a private album of photos/videos, soft!dom satoru, he cums multiple times — inside and on readers breasts.
happy birthday to my lover boy!!!! 🎉 (i posted this on his actual bday, but it got booted from the tags.... )
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Satoru felt his vein pop. 
He should’ve known by the way you approached him, called out his name with an unusually cuter ring to his name — the one that left him usually helpless in your palm — to hear it, he’ll sacrifice the world. He should’ve known something was up your sleeves, when you pulled at the bottom of his shirt, playing with the hem as you looked up through your lashes.
Normally, he’ll never reject your advances nor your desires, especially when you were being this cute, but for this? 
Sometimes he needs to put his foot down — because you must be out of your mind.
How cruel of you to even ask him. Were the eight years of not being able to fuck each other not enough for you, that you just dared to ask him? 
“Absolutely not.” his voice was curt, short of the usual chime whenever he responded to you.
“Why? It’ll make it that much more exciting when December comes around, ‘Toru.” you hugged him tighter, looking up at him in hopes that it’ll get him to give in — it always worked. 
He had too, especially when almost half a grand was on the line. 
“It’ll perfectly align you know? since it’ll be your birthday then, as well…” you seduced while riding on your toes to have him look at you. 
“Do you want me to die?” Satoru cupped your face as he looked straight into your eyes, his large palms pushing your cheeks together, “and we’ve tried it, and guess what happened then?” 
“Well no…” your voice muffled through pouted lips, “b-but it’ll be different now! You’re older!” your grip loosened around his shirt, disappointed that he wouldn’t give in.
“If you know, then absolutely not,” he scoffed while letting go of your cheeks, his hands immediately finding your waists, pulling you closer to him, utterly offended you would even dare to pull back from him.
“and no it’s not. I failed then, I’ll fail again now. I’ll probably fail even worse than last time.”
“It’ll be so quick, the month will honestly fly by!” you quickly retorted, leaning your body onto his. 
“So you’re a liar now,” he crooked a brow, looking down at you with his jaws clenched from trying to stand his ground. Knowing he didn’t have the guts to really tell you no, especially when you looked so determined to succeed over something that had no means of any health benefits but potentially drive one insane — the experimental group? him — eight years prior when he tried the challenge.
conclusion: no nut november was unapplicable to one named Gojo Satoru.
Groaning into the crook of your neck, his breath gently ticking your skin, “I wanna be inside you all the time.” your boyfriend tended to always such perverse and ludicrous words with ease.
“D-don’t you think you’ll be so proud of yourself? We can do pilates or meditate together instead —” your voice stuttered from the sudden mesh of his lips on your skin and the gentle breeze of his breath coating your neck. 
Annoyed that you were continuing with this, Satoru lightly nibbled on your skin, smirking when he felt you jolt in his arms, “I’m perfectly content with who I am now, princess. How much more perfect can I get?” he peppered kisses up your jaws and softly kissed the edge of your lips. 
“... we can meditate together, become one soul and mind, through the art of sex. It’s good for you. You know like my cock inside you? How harmonic, how wonderful, how … much more rewarding can that get? Maybe we can finally try some new positions? Like those Kamasutra positions, Suguru sent me. He said that shit works. ”
“But ‘Toru —” you whined, the once animated chirp of your voice dissipated to nothing but disappointment and sadness at your boyfriend’s refusal to comply.
“Why are you pressing this so much?” Satoru furrowed his brows, absolutely confused as to why you would willingly be abstinent for not just one day, nor even a week, but for a goddamn month and a couple of days on top of it? 
“B-because…” you lightly bit onto your lips, hesitant to spill the truth. 
— flashback to a week prior.
“Say… have you and Satoru ever tried… you know… being abstinent for a bit?” she asked while twirling her straw around the rim of her glass cup. 
“Well,” sighing while resting your cheek on the palm of your hand, your body leaning onto the coffee table, “we did try once in college,” humming with a light gleam to your voice, “but he failed within that week.”
“I see…”
“What’s up?” You kindly smiled, questioning her motive of asking, “are you and Suguru okay?”
“Yea, we’re fine! A little too good, I would say,” she laughed, a light glimmer of her eyes sparkling just where the sun radiating above you both, shining down warmth to excite you for the words she was just about to say, “just wanted to fuck with him, a bit you know?”
“How so?” intrigued with her sudden confession, biting your lips in thoughts of maybe – just maybe – you felt the same. 
“November is falling soon, wanted to do the classic no nut challenge,” she shrugged before crossing her arms with her elbows resting on the table, “ wanted to see how far he could last…” rolling her eyes with a sigh, “he’s always so… so full of leisure. always teasing me when I know his nuts are about to bust.”
Giggling in response, “Well, if this makes you feel better, I have to get Satoru off me, or else he’ll cry.” Shaking your head, “you know, for being so similar to one another, they are weirdly so different.”
“Hey… do wanna make a bet?” her eyes gleamed, and her face contorted in excitement as she anticipatingly nibbled her lips.
“A bet?” 
“... I made a bet,” you mumbled while playing with your toes, you couldn’t help but wince at the scoff your boyfriend gave you.
“A bet? Like money? Didn’t know you had a gambling addiction.”
“Satoru, I’m being serious.”
“I am too,” clicking his tongue against his teeth while running his hand over this hair, “So you’re telling me you made a bet… and that has to do with Suguru and his girl because…?
“Well… it was to see who would last the longest,” nervously pursing your lips as you watched his vexed expression.
“...Are you serious?” your boyfriend deadpanned.
“Mhm…” you nodded, “very serious.”
“How much?”
“Five dollars, youre joking —” 
“Five hundred for the winner and an extra two hundred if you can last till your birthday…”
“And why is there an extra incentive for me?”
“Because… she didn’t think you’d be able to survive even a week, nor did Suguru when she texted him. Both thought it would be an easy win.”
"that dickhead," deeply sighing with his eyes firmly closed, “did you at least bet that I’ll win?” His fingers wrapped behind your back as he tiredly looked back at you.
“Of course!” you smiled, giggling while snaking your arms around his neck, “I know my boyfriend will win.” 
“you're lucky that you're cute,” Satoru crinkled his nose with a smile, “but, do you genuinely want to do this?”
“Mhm, Imma treat my baby girl out,” reciprocating the crinkle while lightly pinching his cheeks, giving him the softest smile as he slowly loses his resolve. 
“your baby girl, you say?” Satoru raised a brow while running his fingers against the plush of your lips.
“My own and only,” giggling while lightly prancing on your toes. 
Slowly releasing a deep breath before clicking his tongue against his teeth, Satoru accepted your proposal. “Don’t get mad at me when I push you off for being needy,” your boyfriend smirked while pinching your cheeks, “and no more special good morning wake-up calls, even if you beg, I won't give it to —"
Heat immediately radiating to your face, your heart thumping increasingly at the remembrance of Satoru’s cheeky morning relief — in between your thighs, lips kissing your inner skin as he trekked his way to your cunt that looked just so pretty for him.
“I’m the one that always pushes you off, stupid…” you softly murmured, “but yes! I just want us to succeed at least once, and plus… don’t you want to beat Suguru?”
“He’s the least of my worries, princess. Because I’m going to make you regret ever making this bet,” he softly threatened, his smile masked with a hint of depravity in his voice.
“Because the longer I hold on,” giving you a wink as he pushed you towards his room, “the harder you’re getting fucked when I win, angel.”
“W-why are we going to —” your lips were pressed upon his, your voice melting into the dichotomy of urgency but also ease as you drowned in his touch, “ ‘Toru!” moaning his name, chest huffing as you clung onto with your fingers raking his hair as your bodies dropped to the bed, “we s-still have to run errands.”
“Fuck those,” Satoru groaned into your neck, caving his face into the crevice as he pulled down his sweats, the bulge of his cock nodding in his briefs. Kneeling on the edge of his bed, his fingers fastidiously pulled your shorts off, throwing them onto the floor, urgently pulling your cute panties off to the side. Exposing your hardened bud as he placed a tender kiss on your clit, now wet with your juice,
“Your silly bet doesn’t start till tomorrow, so open up, gonna make full use of what’s mine.”
— Day one.
The morning felt oddly nice, a little too nice when the mornings were usually cold and dull. The winter breeze was just right as the leaves swayed by its lead, and Satoru was sleeping soundly following the rhythm of the wind gently blowing outside, with his limbs intertwined with his lover. Without a worry, as he slept with his breath steady, and chest rising and falling in a calm motion, from outside looking in, the view would've simply been a couple soundly sleeping during the early mornings. 
But underneath the sheets as both slept peacefully was his cock rudely poking at your inner thigh, his length pressing deeper in as he shifted in his slumber, lips murmuring what he was dreaming. 
Usually, it would be routine. Satoru would wake up first, reach over to bring you close as he wrapped his arms around your body, and then he’d take some time to admire you while you peacefully slept in his arms. Ten minutes thereafter, is when the suffocating discomfort of his dick became too unbearable, and the throbbing of his cock would prod him to anticipatingly lick his lips while making his way down the sheets. With his lips pecking small kisses down your body while his hands gently massage your curves, he’ll quickly station himself in between your legs, softly pushing your cotton panties to the side with his index finger. 
Hearing you shuffle and innocently moan out in your sleep, he’ll tenderly comfort you with a slight gruff to his morning voice, “shh baby, just sleep… it’ll feel good.” With his vacant finger spreading out your folds, the sticky sounds of your cunt slowly became more viscous the more he played with your pretty clit, the bud hardening with each stroke of his finger in and out of your pulsing hole.
His goal wasn’t to wake you, but for him to taste you just enough so that you’ll wake up in bliss, totally unaware of your boyfriend’s servicing actions. And just before he’ll dive more aggressively to taste your cunt, Satoru always placed a sweet kiss at the base of your pussy before caging your thighs around his arms, softly blowing on your exposed womanhood as he felt you stir in sleep. His voice was soothing as he eagerly licked his lips with a smirk, he cooed, “no need for preworkout if I can eat this every morning.”
But today, despite the morning feeling too nice, Satoru woke up frustrated to the core. He did his usual cuddling session with you in his arms — guess that made him feel better seeing you twitch your nose and softly snore. Cute he thought, would be nice if he could eat — 
Instead of anticipation, his cock painfully ached and his mood turned sour the moment he felt the usual nodding of his dick to have some action. 
Usually, he was excited to start the day. Not because he was enthusiastic to go to work, slave his life away to his family corporation, attend those god-awful meetings, and sign the mountains of files that his secretary ordered to finish. 
No, he woke up solely with the intent of eating you out — end of story, final discussion. If sleeping was the only avenue for him to enjoy having a taste of your morning cunt, he’ll go through mountains and sign those papers if he had to — hell, he’ll even stay overtime if he was guaranteed.
But, he couldn’t. At least for a month, he wouldn’t be able to. 
Sex the day before was good — too good. With a balance of carnal urgency as he bullied your abused cunt with his aching length, meshing with some time to wind down in pillow talk or while he sovereigns every ounce of your body with his lips, only to repeat the cycle of fucking like rabbits with the sheets damp and body sore from prolonged sexual intercourse. sex was still so fucking good. 
But today? Yea...
“Fuckkk,” Satoru groaned, throwing his head back onto the pillow with his arm thrown over his eyes, his hips mindlessly moving upward in a pensive desire to fuck you. 
“ ‘Toru?” your voice softly croaked, totally unaware of the frustration your little bet caused him, “you okay?”
“Mhm,” he immediately swallowed you with his arms, his lips pressing delicate kisses on your naked shoulders but keeping a mental note to not have his dick too close to your ass — that was dangerous territory.
“Are you leaving soon? Stay a little longer, I’m cold,” your voice was slurred, while your consciousness slowly slipped into another stage of sleep.
“I can’t sweets,” Satoru grumbled, his hands mounding your innocent breasts, “not when I’m like this,” his breath tickled the edge of your lobes, just fanning against your jaw while the control of his hips was no longer in his jurisdiction but of a mind of their own as he dry fucked your ass, “fuck baby… Are you sure you wanna do this? 
“You p-promised, ‘Toru…” you responded with your back snuggled close to his bare chest, the heat of his body making you feel safe despite the raging thoughts that were blaring in your boyfriend’s mind. 
Getting out of bed was hard, but getting himself to work out despite his cock stubbornly staying tortuously erect was even harder. The moment he pulled himself out of the sheets, he knew today’s workout wouldn’t be of his fancy as he drank his preworkout making his way down to his basement gym. 
And yes, sure as hell, today’s morning workout was a bust. 
— Day two. 
“They say starting is always the hardest, ‘Toru,” your voice, innocent yet ignorant of the turmoil he was going through, was soothing as you brushed your fingers through his hair, his face plastered on your breasts as he contemplated the existence of his life, “why don’t you join me for some pilates? A lot of couples come together!” 
No, it’s not. And whoever came up with such a quote was a complete fuck, because Satoru could rebuttal it to his grave.
First, starting wasn't always the hardest. Getting over your nerves, or mustering up the courage to start wasn't difficult. Maybe it’ll apply to life circumstances like applying for that dream job or starting out a new hobby. But for Satoru, once you’re hooked, absolutely addicted to something, that’s when it’s the hardest. 
Because like a dog conditioned to expect food after a stimulus, the same applies to sex. If he sees you blatantly walking around in those shorts that he just loved to watch you prance around the house in, he'll easily break. Where your cheeks just lightly land outside the rim of the fabric – it was adorable when you reached up the cupboard, exposing a hint of your belly and your ass jiggling when you jumped on your tippy toes. Like a starved animal, his cock would answer with its length pooled with blood, his stomach knotting in flames while his azul eyes dilated at the sight of you.
It was so easy — you made it so easy. Pushing you onto the countertop, getting you when least expected as he smashed his lips with yours while muffling your little yelp — your call of surprise but his invitation for more — was so, so easy. It was exciting, thrilling, utterly fulfilling his primal desires to just swallow you entirely as you clung onto him while crying out his name, your nails scratching against his back while his cock pistoled itself into you, nestling deep inside as he pumped out his seeds, shooting straight to your womb. 
It was glorious, so divine when he felt his cum leak outside you. The warm clumps of his ejaculation thudded against the kitchen floor while he huffed out deep breaths with his head resting on your shoulder. It sent shivers down his back when you embraced him in his arms. And when he was lucky, you’ll look at him with desperate eyes, pulling more out from him as you whisper in his ears, a voice that almost strips all air from his burning lungs as you palm his length and swirl your thumb over his leaking head,
“I think you’ve got a little more in you, right ‘Toru?” 
But instead, currently, with his head leaning against the shower wall, Satoru stood under the cold shower trying to cool off his cock. It’s almost laughable how his dick nods up and down as if it mocked his misery.
“You think it’s funny bastard,” Satoru groaned, voice spiteful that even his own body seemed to have betrayed him. 
— Day three.
Kissing shouldn’t hurt. Right?
He was at least allowed to do that, right?
Maybe not when the kids were around. But an innocent kiss to show just how much he loved you, should be good, right?
Or so, that’s what Satoru’s sex-deprived head concluded when he saw you cleaning the dishes, softly humming an unrecognizable tune.
“I was going to do this, baby…” he lowly groaned into your skin while his hands snaked up your shirt, fingers immediately going to unclasp your bra while his lips trailed up your neck, his hand placed around it for eventual better access to your lips. 
Oh how he wished to press you down onto the counter, push your cute little skirt up your waists while he measured the length of his cock to see how far he could fit himself inside you before ramming himself in — how admirable would it be to hear the synchronized moans coming out from you both simultaneously.  
But he couldn’t. Even if he didn’t agree to this stupid bet, he wouldn’t — no, you wouldn’t allow it, not even dare let him touch you when the kids were around.
Huh? But to his surprise, he could feel you reciprocating back by pushing your ass onto his cock. Soaking in every touch and affection he gave you; just maybe he wasn’t the only one craving, barely surviving through this absurd bet, despite only being the third day.
It was three days too long.
Treating him out? Fuck, that was his job, not yours — well, occasionally he did allow you to buy him some ice cream, but even in that, too, he would rather buy it for you. 
“You know we don’t have to continue —” he tempted, softly whispering into your ear, his bulge pressing against the valley of your ass — erection hard enough for you to feel over your clothes.
“But the bet,” you whimpered when his slender finger pinched your nipples, “it’s o-only been a full two days though,” your voice radiated barely of a whisper.
“Shhh, let's fuck the bet,” Satoru’s hand inched its way down your tummy, gliding to satisfy the aroused coil blooming in between your legs, “this is all so silly, princess. We can be fucking like normal? Enjoying each other, come on, let me make you feel good, yea?” your boyfriend’s voice was laced with an amorous note.
“M-maybe we could just call it qu —” 
“What are you doing?” Megumi blankly asked, holding his finished plate of food while standing in the middle of the kitchen, staring at you both with unimpressed eyes, “are you trying to eat her or suffocate her?"
“Ooo Gojo-kun’s in loveeeeee,” Tsumiki chirped, “that’s what Papa does when he’s with his girlfriend!”
“Fuck, we’re never having kids.”
— Day 12.
“So, you still on that bet?” swirling the fizzling drink, Satoru asked before taking a sip of his sugary mocktail — a drink he confidently orders despite the odd stares he gets from the bartender. 
“The bet about not fucking?” Suguru sounded nonchalant about it. It was exactly twelve days since starting and why the hell does he look so smug about it? Fucking bastard… always so full of leisure when he was crawling, begging for scraps to simply survive.
“Yea, I guess,” the raven hair smirked, his tone taunting as he questioned Satoru, “surprised you’re even taking it this far, thought you would fail after the first hour with your horny ass.”
“What’s up with you and your girl both thinking that fucking is all I think about,” Satoru rolled his eyes, pursing his lips offended.
Suguru simply just stared back, the look of his eyes alone sending Satoru a million words as to why he knows fucking is all he thinks about. 
“Rude, it’s not always…”
Shrugging, Suguru brushed it off, “Sure, whatever you say.” 
“Okay… maybe like 90 percent of the time, no — 80 percent.”
“what an addict, I feel sorry for your girl, gotta tell her to run away when she can,” Suguru teased, pulling out his phone to text you, “like, how do you even concentrate at work?”
“It’s called multi-tasking, a trait only the elite have. clearly, its something you wouldn't know about."
“You know what Satoru?”
“it still shocks me how so many entrust their careers with you, slaving their lives away to corporate for an elitely dumbass of a boss,” looking at his bestfriend with the kindest smile while tapping his shoulder, “don’t you think?”
There was no fucking way, he was going to lose to this prick of a best friend. 
— Day 14.
Satoru wondered how he ever survived without you. Call it sentimental, call it deprivation, but one thing for sure was that he wanted you — and it very badly. 
Shaking his leg, annoyingly biting onto the edge of his pen, it frustrated him that there was nothing else that could fathom to take space in his brain besides you. He exercised a hell lot more than his usual regimen and cut off on caffeine so that he could try and knock out when he got off from work.
He even tried doing those meditative breathing techniques that he searched for on the web. Said it was to calm your mind and soul. But god fucking dammit, being in silence made him even more hyperaware of his circumstance.
He can tell you are struggling, as well. He’s felt your touch linger on his body longer, trailing down to areas that you shouldn’t be trying to touch as your voice entranced him out of his free will. 
As much as he wanted to throw in the white flag, and dump this shitty little bet over, he was two weeks in. Despite the last two weeks being an absolute shit show, it gave him an incentive to keep going. Why? Because one, you wanted it; second, because he could prove Suguru wrong that sex is, in fact, not the only thing he thinks about.
Gojo-san, hopefully everyth…
But my god, was waking up in the morning a struggle. It’s almost as if he’s forgotten the taste of your cum coating his lips, droplets dripping down his chin on days when he ate you out a little too hard. The pure ecstasy of being in your arms while your pussy fucked him dry.
The painful yet glorious tug of his hair when you screamed out, “‘Toru right there! D-don’t stop! Ngh fuck harder! Go harder!”
Reciprocating your needs, he’ll burrow his face into the crook of your neck, the weight of his body pressing your thighs down to your chest as he caved his member fully into you, the weight of his balls slamming against your puffy folds while your nails painted red along his back, “f-fucking shit… c-can I, princess? can I cum inside?”
Despite the years, Satoru always asked for permission. He would rather live dickless than know he spilled his seeds without consent. 
Your hot breath stingy his ears covered in sweat, you mewled out, “Yes! Yes! ‘Toru hurry —” 
Gojo-san… are you okay? 
“What?” quickly waking from his daydream, his pen still in his mouth as a table of his subordinates worriedly looked at him with eyes all rounded from shock. 
The infamous Gojo Satoru, the heir to Japan’s richest conglomerate, who has a keen eye for detail and business strategies looked like a deer in headlights in front of his staff. 
“They’re waiting for your executive decision, sir,” Ijichi whispered, covering his mouth with a file, “you seem awfully pale, sir. Is everything alright?”
“I’m sorry,” Gojo cleared his throat, closing the folder as he prepared himself to make his way out, “ l-let me just read through the presentation once more, and I’ll relay my decision later. Good work everyone.” 
Satoru was never one to get annoyed easily. Frustrated? Yes. Even the clicking of his dress shoes tapping against the graphite floor, a sound that he’d never noticed during his career at this office, irked the hell out of him. Hell, even the obnoxious chime of the elevator ticked him off. 
“S-should I clear out your schedule, Gojo-san?” Ijichi broke the ice while he followed behind his boss.
“No need,” Satoru’s answer was curt.
“B-but sir, you don’t seem to look —”
Raising his voice, “Don’t make me repeat myself, Ijichi —” only to catch himself with a deep sigh as he brushed his styled hair back, large palms gripping the edge of his table as he leaned forward, “sorry… didn’t mean to sound harsh, guess i’m just a little tired, that’s all.”
“My apologies sir, I’ll organize your schedule accordingly.” Ijichi stated before taking a bow and making his leave. 
“That’ll be nice, thanks.”
Sitting down on his chair, throwing his head back while closing his eyes, Satoru frustratingly moaned out with his thighs spread out, “I must be going crazy, I’m not some horndog teenager…”
But inside his pants was a bulge, a boner that hadn’t gone down ever since the start of his meeting.  
— Day 17
“Fuck,” a lowly growl resonated throughout the room — desperate and sinful — the depth of his chest expanding with each staggered breath that he took. Clenching onto his bed sheets and shoving the wad of saliva down his throat, it burned from the tension of lubricating his dry throat. 
Licking his lips, and furrowing his brows, Satoru pulled down his sweats, freeing his restrained manhood. When the tip of his head smacked against his lower abdomen, the pain of the cold air encapsulated his poor cock that lay barren on its own, Satoru’s hiss littered his skin with goosebumps when his groans soon turned into desperate whimpers while he vulnerably lay in bed with an erection. 
Before all this, it was easy for him to release. Simply envisioning you while he fucked you senseless, or looked through his private album of photos and videos he’s taken of you. It wasn’t a common occurrence for him to fuck his fist, but hey, when push comes to shove, Satoru wasn’t one to deny masturbating — especially, if he could cum to you in mind. 
Normally, he’ll rest his back against the backboard, topless and with gray sweats — that you'll argue was your favorite because it accentuates his cock and makes him look sexy. If his girl likes it, why not flaunt what he has?
Getting himself in the mood didn’t require much. When he felt his cock pooling with blood, constrained in the restraints of his brief, Satoru would pull down his sweat with a grunt while his member sprung forth. 
Sweetly palming his length, and applying just the right pressure, he’ll start by going through past photos and eventually ending up with videos. Zooming into your sweet lips, hearing your whimpers while he fucked you from behind, watching you play with his fingers on a date, to seeing your breasts giggle with every force of his cock slamming inside you — he loved it all.
Stroking his cock, while bucking his hips forward, desperately moaning while he envisioned just how adorable you would look trying to palm his member. A grip so easy for him to hold with one hand, while you struggled even with two. How soft your tongue would feel around the edge of his leaking head, while your hands carefully fondled his balls, lightly pulling on the sac as you fisted his length, looking up at him through the whisps of your lashes. 
It drove him senseless when you would call his name with a little purr, pulling him closer to you as you spread out your legs to invite him in. It drove him mad when he’ll feverishly press his lips on yours, stifling your cries as he pounded into you. The only sounds resonating from the room were erotic slaps of sweaty skin and your muffled cries.
It didn’t take long for him to cum. give and take fifteen to twenty, but it was nonetheless a euphoric expression because every session made him pulse and huff, desperately desiring more. 
If you had asked to abstain from sex, maybe that would've been easier to manage. At least he could relieve himself solo. 
But, completely stripping himself of the option to simply cum was cruelty on its own.
And no different from a prepubescent boy, Satoru lay in his bed with his cock raging with his tip a fiery red. 
But unlike a teenager, that would get boners out of simply nothing, Satoru couldn’t relieve himself of it.
— Day 19.
Surprisingly, Satoru woke up feeling refreshed. He swore he slept agitated and exhausted especially since this past week you’ve told him, “no more sleeping in one bed together, Satoru.”
But this morning, he felt rejuvenated and light. Maybe not nutting did actually work —
… Did he? No, fucking way. 
Quickly shredding off the sheets, his eyes barely adjusting to the brightness of the room, Satoru checked his groin and examined his hands for any signs that he might've masturbated in his sleep. 
Nothing — spotless. Miraculously, he didn’t even wake up with morning wood. 
With another thought springing to his head, Satoru fastidiously reached for his phone — face id unable to recognize his morning face with the white bird’s nest of hair he had on his head.
Google search history: 
Can my dick break from not cumming?
What are the symptoms of a broken dick?
Reading that there was no correlation between not nutting and its health benefits, and receiving the assurance that one’s dick cannot simply “break” from not cumming, Satoru felt reassured that he, in fact, did not have a broken dick and that maybe he was finally getting the hang of it. 
Surely, there’s always a light at the end of every tunnel.
And maybe he’s finally found his. 
— Day 19 - 11:34 pm
Wrong. So so wrong. Most utterly wrong.
Satoru was in fact very wrong of the presumption he had in the morning. Because he was not getting the hang of it. Especially not when his cock was bulging in his sweats, while he was frustratingly lying wide awake during the crack of dawn.
If he could just touch his dick, stroke its length with the perfect pressure, he knew he’ll fold. 
Only if he could. 
It was arguable that he could. 
But the look of disappointment you’ll give him, with the cute pout to your lips when he tells you he’s failed, he would rather die than come to you as a lousy prick that just wanted his dick sucked. 
So, sighing while trudging off his bed, guess it was time for another cold shower — fourth one of the week.
— Day 24.
“Sir, it seems to me that’s you’ve lost some weight.” 
“I’ve been hitting the gym more lately,” Satoru chuckled, the veins of his forearms angrily bulging, clearly visible on his pale skin. 
“There’s been talks…” Ijichi stumbled on his words, unsure how to bring it about to Satoru.
“Talks about?” Satoru questioned, barely taking the time to look at his secretary as he was focused on signing his documents.
“That maybe you’ve broken up with…" Ijichi couldn't even dare say your name in the same sentence, " or —” 
“Yea?” Satoru put his file down, a smirk growing on his face as he twirled his pen around his slender fingers — guess those flirty good mornings and looks from his staff made sense.
“I’m no expert…” clearing his throat, hoping he wouldn’t offend his boss, “but I’m here to listen if you have any trouble with your relationship.”
“I’m glad I’ve got such a trusted advisor,” the man pushed back on his seat, resting his arms on the sides of his chair, “but don’t mind me, just haven’t been able to let off some steam, that’s all.” 
“And breaking up? Ijichi you’ve been there when she broke up with me.” The man hummed, reminiscent of the days when he was heartbroken and lifeless, “We’re fine… just trying out something new, I guess.”
— Day 29.
It’s been a little over two weeks of sleeping separately. Dates have been cut to sole dinners, and going over to each other’s places was prohibited — at least til the bet, as per his lovely girlfriend. 
And weekends were the hardest for Satoru. 
Typically before this all occurred, weekends were his golden days. He was able to do whatever he wanted when he wanted it with you. Whether it be going on a shopping spree, or taking you out of the country for a short getaway, you were always involved — his common denominator. 
Surely, he was able to still enjoy those with you, but it was rather difficult for him to keep his hands off you. 
He still doesn’t quite understand why committed to this stupid bet in the first place. It wasn’t something he placed for himself, but guess… guess he just wanted to prove to not only you but also himself that sex, carnal lust, wasn’t the only thing that kept him in this relationship. That even though he’s been waking up with blue balls, and his mind driving him insane, you were worth more than that — not that you would ever get disappointed with him for failing, in the first place, but still. 
If he’s made it till now, he can survive till the end. 
But times like these... damn it was fucking hard.
“You want to come in?” you softly asked, playing with his fingers that were rested on your thighs throughout the drive home. 
“You tempting me?” Satoru glanced over at you, cheekily smiling as he pulled towards you to place a tender kiss on your lips.
His lips felt mildly chapped, unusual when normally they were soft and slightly glossy. The warmth of his mouth and the gentle strokes of his thumb rubbing against your jaw eased you into the kiss as he pulled you over to the driver’s side to saddle his lap.
But that was the extent to where his hands would be: cupping your face.
With his car parked on the streets of your apartment complex, and his windows tinted, it wasn’t an unusual rendezvous for him to shamelessly fuck you in it. And that’s what you presumed this make-out session would slowly turn into. 
Because fuck it. You’ve missed him. 
Missed the way he touched you.
Missed the way he held you in his arms.
Missed the way he just knew the parts of your body that made you squirm, right before pinning you in place with his strength. 
Missed the teases and affirmations he gave when he prepped you.
And my fucking god did you miss the way he rammed his cock into you, pistoling his cock inside as he held you down with his weight. Having him cum inside you? That was a bonus. 
“Satoru… let’s go inside,” you moaned out in the split second your lips disconnected, only for him to crash his mouth onto yours once more with a deep groan. 
Before he wouldn’t hesitate to strip you off your clothes, many times even ripping out the buttons when he was in the rush. He’ll smirk while not meaning his apologizing, “sorry, but i’ll buy you it, focus on me right now.”
It felt unusual to only be making out. You’ve craved him, utterly wanted to devour him. Wanted something more than just his tongue inside your mouth and stagnant touches of his fingers on your face. it felt suffocating to be unable to touch his bare body that was rudely still covered with his clothes. 
So without much thought, the burning knot burrowing inside, flaring in the pits of your stomach, had a mind of its own. your hands slowly made their way down his torso, gliding past his stomach. you've noticed he was much more muscularly defined than the last time you touched him. 
“H-have you’ve been working out mor — ahhh,” his hands pushed your face slightly to the side so that his tongue could easily access your neck. The padding of his tongue sliding along the valley of your neckline, and his hot breath sticking to your skin.
“Mhm, can you tell?” he whispered in between kisses, mindlessly running his lips to wherever they landed.
“Yeah, I can feel it through your shirt,” your fingers wrap around his belt, slowly unbuckling the leather, “and your chest feels more squishy,” your slight giggle was no more than a moaning mess when he immediately bucked his hips to cause friction against your throbbing cunt. 
“Gotta look hot for my baby,” Satoru breathed, “especially when it’s been so long since we’ve fuck… shit, you don’t know how much I want you right now.”
You finally got your hands to free his belt, unbuttoning his pants while unzipping his fly down, “how bad?” you taunted, your lips sneaky up to his soft spot — just under his ear. 
Your needy breaths and the sensual overload always set him off. And you were determined to let him succumb to it.
“So so fucking bad,” gulping down his spit, the viscous wad burning his dry throat, “it’s all I think about, oh fuck —” throwing his head back onto the headrest, allowing you to suck at his skin as his hands now firmly held onto your waist.
And just when you were about to feel his pulsating cock, salivating at how warm and sensitive it would be when you could finally get your hands on his member. To swirl your tongue down just under his frenulum while you lathered his length with your spit. Maybe they’ll be time to suck at his ball while you pumped his meaty cock, and run your tongue along the lines of his pretty veins.  
“W-wait baby,” his hands placed on your wrists. With his chest heaving, and hair frazzled, he looked at you with worry.
“Yes?” irritated that he would stop you — never had he stopped you.
“I don’t want you to make any decision that’ll you’ll regret tomorrow,” he confessed, softly looking into your eyes, while a small smile formed at his pretty lips, “I-i can take care of this at home,” slightly looking down at your hands just about to touch his groin, “and we have so much time to do it later,” he reassured while pulling your hands out of his pants, bringing them to your lips to kiss.
“B-but Satoru, I want —”
“I know princess, I know,” his voice mildly trembled, “you don’t know how bad I want you, it’s honestly torturous,” Satoru let out a forced chuckle. 
“Let’s just break the bet then,” you pouted, sinking into his embrace with your arms wrapped around his neck, pressing yourself deeper into his body.
“Hey,” he gently tapped your bum, teasingly playing with your mounds when he heard you whine, “didn't I say…”
“What?” you annoyingly spat out.
“that when I win this bet,” his hands pulled you away, leaving you at eye level with him as he rubbed his thumb against the heat of your cheeks, “fucking is all we’ll do,” he reminded with a slight chuckle. It was undeniable that your boyfriend did not mean what he said as a simple joke. The tone of his voice could sound comical, but the underlying incentive of his statement was nothing but that. 
It was admirable to see your boyfriend set his boundaries, doing his absolute best to honor the bet despite his pupils being dilated and cheeks rosy. The gruff in his voice when he called out your name and while he took his time to dress you up, were telltale signs that he too was at his wits. His wonton look of desperation was plastered over his face, even the slight tremor of his hands as he cupped your cheeks, one last time, to place a kiss on your forehead before leading you up to your apartment door, was nothing short of love. 
— Day 35.
Satoru woke up, took a shower, and had a cup of his pre-workout before heading down to his gym. He felt light on his feet, absolutely flying through his sets. the pebbles of sweat on his forehead felt worthwhile, and the strain of his muscles made him feel alive. 
He's been feeling good. his body was shaped just right — not too big but finely cut and carved to perfection. He's been putting more effort into his grind, and been more involved and fastidious at work with precision and strategy. while still being your dutiful boyfriend who sent thirst photos, of himself post workout, with a good morning text. 
He goes to work sharply dressed, with his shoes freshly oiled. The slight spark of his watch, peeping out of his cuffs, was the definition of the wealth he assessed. With his thin waists but defined chest, it wasn’t hard for people to know just what he had packed under his clothes. 
Satoru signed off on all his charts, attending every repetitive meeting, and joined in on important business deals with partnering companies. He made Ijichi’s life easier by working more thoroughly and leaving promptly.
The last couple of days of this newfound routine will soon come to an end. And the old will come again. Hopefully, he’ll be the victor between Suguru and him. Finally, a time when he could rub it in his best friend’s ego, that he was, in fact, the better of the duo. 
Sitting alone in his office, signing off his last document before calling it a day, Satoru felt a sense of pride and satisfaction. In only two days, he’ll be able to touch you again, make love, and comfortably be himself with limbs wrapped together under the sheets.
Soon, he’ll be able to enjoy the goodness of love — sex, being the much-added benefit. 
As he closed his final folder, leaning back on his chair, reminiscing about the past couple of weeks, it was no lie, the struggle of trying to keep his dick in his pants was no easy feat. Every morning was a mental battlefield of its own. But he’s grown to succumb to his desires and utilize that frustration in other aspects of his life — career, working out, meditating, daydreaming of his future with you and what he hopes to accomplish.
Sure, not being able to nut was tortuous – painful as his cock throbbed in his briefs every morning and with every thought of you. Not being able to even properly kiss you without being tempted to just have you face down on his whatever surface was near and fuck you good was even worse. Nothing has changed in how his dick reacted on its own, his thoughts still lingered in memories of how you would react when he would touch you at your sweet spots, how your body trembled when he inserted himself in, the warmth of your tight walls enveloping his cock. How good you tasted when you came in his mouth, body tense as he massaged your limbs. 
But he’s been good, though he wanted to throw this useless bet out the gutter and selfishly act on his own will, you were proud of him — told him every day when he dropped you off. And that to him was enough. 
Closing out his office, and walking to his car. Talking the elevator down while the clacks of his shoes echoed in the empty parking stall, where only his and a couple of other cars were present, Satoru couldn’t wait to get home.
To take a warm bath, and decompress while joining you on a Facetime call. These days, those sweet moments are what he looked forward to.
He felt the light vibration of his phone and immediately smiled when he saw the sender.
From: pumpkin <3
Babe have you by chance seen my favorite panties?  I think I’ve lost them or left them at your place ):
To: pumpkin <3
I wish I had them But we haven’t fucked at my place in a while …  … you sneaking behind my back? 😭
From: pumpkin <3
Awww I see! Those were my favorites  You’re ridiculous -_- It’s probably under your carseat or something.
To: pumpkin <3
I’ll get you the same pair (: Let me know when you get home, i’ll be home soon
From: pumpkin <3
Okie dokie sexy
Chuckling as he rolled his eyes, he mindlessly placed his phone on the dashboard and started his car. The rumble of his engine loudly echoed in the dark basement, and the lights of his dash could almost blind a person. He shifted his car to drive, and while he stepped on the gas pedal, his phone slid off the dash and fell onto the carpeted floor. 
Grunting as he reached over to grab his phone, he felt a soft fabric brush against the tip of his finger. That was odd. Satoru liked to keep his car clean. So he grabbed the dainty item and hung it on his finger as he registered what it was. 
Truly, god liked to fuck with him. Because on his finger was your missing laced panty. A memory of your last car sex with him before you slammed him with the “let’s not fuck, and you can’t cum till blah blah blah.”
“Fuck…” Satoru hissed, letting out a gluttonous rasp as he spread out his thighs in his seat.
And beneath his slacks was his bulge painfully starting to outline, the size of his cock so obvious despite the dim lighting of his car.
Clenching onto your underwear, he knew he shouldn’t but couldn’t help but unzip his pants and firmly hold his hardened cock, as he unfolded the memory of when he fucked you in his car.
Ten minutes later.
To: pumpkin <3
Ah babe, I think I’m going to get home later than expected. Heavy traffic 
traffic was fine. Satoru just has yet to leave the parking lot.
— A couple hours before D-day.
Dinner reservations were set for 7:30 pm, which meant he needed to be at your place by the latest 6:45. There were countless times when you’ve both missed the reserved time because either one, you fucked one too many rounds at home before heading out, or two, you fucked in the car en route to the restaurant. 
Satoru hoped he would stay sane tonight. All he had to do was endure a couple more hours and when the clock hit midnight, it was game over. 
But when you open your apartment door, it wasn’t a surprise his body moved before his mind could register.
Because when you open the door, giggling while innocently tilting your head to the side as you put on your earrings, the ring on your promised finger sparkling from the backlight, something snapped within him. And despite your lips moving, he couldn’t hear a word you said but the annoying, monotonous ring in his ears as his eyes sharply fixated on you while you made your way to wrap your arms around him.
No, don’t do it. Don’t come.
And in that moment, everything within him exploded.
Before you both even know it, he’s rushing inside your apartment, prying off his shoes while he pushes you onto the wall with his lips desperately smashed on yours. With your wrists caged in one of his larger palms as the other quickly stripped you of your clothes, despite knowing you were on a time crunch, you didn’t necessarily feel compelled to be on time — better, maybe not even make it at all.
“Satoru —” you yelped, only for your voice to morph into wonton moans as his lips suffocated your lungs from the air.
The sound of teeth clashing, hands hunting for more bodily warmth combined with the lewd whines that dissipated from each lips heated your core — just enough to push you onto the edge with your juices pooling in your panties.
His hands expertly slide down your stomach and to the crevice in between your legs. His fingers shove the fabric to the side, exposing your wet cunt that’s just so ready to be played with and touched.
‘Tor —” you barely managed to call his name, his mouth overwhelming with strength as he forced his tongue into yours. With teeth clashing and his hands desperately stripping himself of both your clothes and his, he growled while tugging your lip with his teeth, “I can’t fucking do this anymore.”
“O-our reservation!” you cried out, desperately holding onto him with a leg hooked around his waist, relying on his strength to stand on one foot. With his shirt hanging off his torso, hair now messy and frazzled while he littered your skin with kisses that left you begging for more. 
“Fuck that,” he growled, his breath sounding rough as he threw his freshly pressed shirt on the floor — one probably worth more than your rent itself. 
“It’s nothing new that we’re always late, princess,” he taunted, with his palm placed at the base of your jaw, cupping your cheeks with his left hand while his right unzipped your dress, smirking when it landed on the floor with a thud.
“I told you, angel,” cocking his head to the side as he swiped his tongue upward on your lips, his eyes piercing straight into yours, “ the longer I kept this up the harder you were getting fucked.”
“It’s not over till tomo — ahhh, ” you moaned when his fingers finally played with your folds, and eventually your clit.
“Sorry, I tried, I really did, baby,” groaning as his lips dragged against your neck, his teeth hungrily nipping at your skin while he rubbed circles against your hardened bud. The erotic sound of your slick swirling against his fingers was a combination of embarrassment but also ease – you shouldn’t so readily give in, but oh you wanted to get fucked so badly.
With his vacant hand quickly unhooking your bra and groping your breasts, Satoru kissed his ways down to harshly suck at your nipples, “ but goddamn, i think you’ll actually kill me with this.”
“From not having sex?” you pulled at his hair, both legs automatically wrapping around his waists as he sloppily kissed your mounds, the slime of his saliva coating your areolas to replicate nature’s greatest gem.
“Yea, because my nut’s seriously about to explode,” unbuckling his pants while shimming them down to his ankles, pulling one of your hands down to stroke his heated member, while he pushed your panties to the side, swirling his finger around your clit.
“Gotta take good care of my future children, you know? This is very dangerous, so so dangerous.”
“You’re being r-ridiculous oh,” you moaned out when he pinched your clit, his darkened eyes watching your every expression as he opened his mouth in unison with wonton looks. 
“Shhh pumpkin, aren’t you so cute, ” nibbling on your ears as his sensual breathing made your mind fuzzy and legs wobbly, increasingly more from the soaking sounds of your cunt being played with was ludicrous and naughty, “it’s always over when I say it’s over.”
Humming as he brought his wet fingers up to examine, “god, you’re soaked,” chuckling as he murmurs, “isn’t that fuckin’ cute.” the glimmer of his middle and ring finger enticing him more. “See, you want it too, no? Isn’t my silly girl just ready to be fucked.”
“yes, I want it. want it so, so bad—need it,” you mewled, letting out a soft whimper when he suddenly kissed you, grunting into your mouth.
“but let me release one real quick, ” groaning in between the kiss, "it’s a bit painful," as he palmed at his cock, “where do you want it, sweets?”
“Me…” with cheeks heated, you admitted.
“I asked where,” his words more strained and impatient as the pacing of his palms around his member was getting increasingly faster with more vigor.
And instead of answering, you pointed at the valley of your breasts, pooling your mounds together to catch every drop of his seeds on your skin. 
“Fucking god, I love you,” Satoru cock twitches in his hand, “get on your knees for me, princess,” he ordered before slapping his hardened length on your cheek, “ what my girl wants, is what she gets,” hissing while stroking his shaft, looking down at your sweet position — just ready to take his load. It’s not a surprise that Satoru cums fast, and he comes hard.
When he catches you eyes anticipating for his seeds, to cover you with his release, the knot that’s been burning inside him finally starts to snap. The pleasurable, deep coil of his cum shooting through his slit meshed with your desperate desire to have yourself plastered with every essence of him was enough to drive him off the edge.
“Fuck ‘mma cum, gonna cum so hard baby,” Satoru made a sound between a choked whine and sharp gasp, “gonna cum baby… i —i shit shit…” 
And he does, straight on your chest, splattering bits to the floor and some to your chin, barely making its way into your mouth — a whole fucking mess. 
Panting while he pulled out every ounce of his seeds, thickly splurting out of his sensitive tip, Satoru murmured under his hitched breath, “sorry baby, i—i don’t know what just happened there, fuck.”
“you made a mess,” you chuckle, smiling with a crinkle on your nose.
“Shit… sorry, let me just,” Satoru grabbed his shirt to help clean you off, “but damn such a waste,” you pouted. Annoyed that he didn't get to cum inside you, but also grieving for the loss of his precious seeds going into the trash. 
“It’s your fault,” he murmured, concentrating on cleaning every ounce of his cum off you, “if it wasn’t for that stupid bet, we could’ve done this every day, as much as you wanted,” mimicking your voice with a shake to his head, “but nooo, you had to just bet on my demise.”
“then let me feel you,” you murmur, “let me have you,” cupping his cheeks and brushing a thumb over the skin, his soft lips that you’ve missed so much, “fuck me, ‘Toru, I want you just as bad — so so badly.”
“Fuck you feel so good,” he groaned when he felt the tightness of your hole firmly wrapping a ring around his member. Rhythmically pulsing his hips, slowly gulping down his spit while he closed his eyes, trying his hardest to concentrate so he didn’t pull another quickie and cum prematurely. 
It was a couple hours after he came on your breasts, and a few sessions of sex thereafter that. After multiple positions and fucking in different spaces of your apartment, finally, you’ve made it to the bedroom. 
Feeling your soft walls pulsing and warming his length, just so tightly embracing his cock, inviting him further inside as he settled into you — his home, a place of refuge as he’s held so carefully not only in your arms but also by your cunt. 
He’s eaten you out. Fuck, you tasted so good. His starved appetite satiated with every sucking of your folds, and slobbering of his tongue against your pussy.
He’s watched you squirm and sprinkle the couch, squirting warm liquid while he fingered your cunt. 
He’s seen just how far he can enter when he measured the length of his cock magically disappearing inside you, making you relish in his reign as you shuddered with every impact. 
And he’s felt the warm gush of your cum coating his cock, making a white ring around his length every time he pulled himself out, only to slam it back in. Bullying your wet folds while he painfully swirled his fingers around your clit, satisfied that your cum meshed in with his prior ejaculations were stuffed deeply — fully — inside you.
Your hips buck in tandem with his, matching his rhythm but barely following his pace as he slams into you. His heavy balls slap against your swollen cunt with every thrust of his hips, mildly splattering remnants of his cum off your pussy. And as he buries his cock into you, going as deep as he can, with every thrust you can feel his tip kissing against that sweet spot in the depths of your caverns. your abused cunt continuously sucking him in and hugging around him, tempting him for more, as he groans into your neck, his lips now swollen and red. 
You weren’t entirely sure if he noticed, but you sure did. The throbbing of his cock tightly wrapped by your velvet walls, with every move of his body, made your insides churn into a symphony of pleasure, making you desire more for his cock to bully your cunt — especially when his head brushed against your sweet spot.
The friction of your body meshing with his feels sickening. The thick air of the room makes him feel lightheaded as if he’s being baited in between the realms of reality and another infinite dimension, teasing between the boundaries of possibly falling into an unknown abyss or comfortably landing straight home into your arms. 
It’s always been like that for him. Through all the years he’s been with you, he’s been the one that loved more, loved harder, loved desperately. He doesn’t hold it against you nor does he find fault in what type of lover he was. He just — just, doesn’t hate the idea of letting himself fall into your palm, his soul flourishing in your sovereignty. 
Heart lasciviously yearning for more.
“Right there ‘Toru,” you sob, “right there, give me more more” — of course it’s right there. He’s studied you front and back, but it wasn’t just right there. Because as his thumb finds your clit again, pressing desperate little circles to get you over the edge, he knows it’s actually right there when you squeeze on his cock, your eyes falling to the back of your head while your breaths start to stagger.
That’s — that’s when you cum again—harder than the last time, spasming around his cock and pulling him in as you squeeze around him. “S-satoru,” you gasp, “fuck, k-keep going."
But that — that was a shocker. 
Normally he’ll ride out his orgasm after he’s seen you finish off. But, strange… when he sees the needy glint in your eyes, the tremble of your lips as you used every ounce of your strength to pull him in while you cupped his face, your legs mercilessly bouncing with every thrust of his hips while your thighs were firmly pressed into your chests. 
Murmuring under your breath while you encouraged him to keep going, the invitation has him quickly falling into his own — hot, thick ropes of cum spilling into you, shooting in waves with every twitch of his cock, with every groan pulled from his throat that soon formed into sweet whimpers that he harmonies into your neck, while fucking his load into you and as you held him in your arms, purposefully clenching to edge him off. 
But still, it’s almost embarrassing how fast he cums. Even more embarrassing is how he’s currently withering in your arms, trembling from the aftermath of pumping his hot seeds into you, desperately holding onto you with his face planted into the crook of your neck. 
The way his cum spills out of you and coats his cock, it’s perfect and feels just right. Despite your eyes about to fall shut, you can’t help but think how perfectly he fits intertwined with your body, his slowly softening cock nestled just perfectly inside you as he slumps on top of you, panting from the prior tumultuous rounds of fucking like rabbits as he cages you in his arms.
It’s warm — not only inside you, feeling the clumps spilling out, but love. 
Loving him was warm. Loving him was right. 
Groaning on top of your body, “Don’t ever ask me to do this again.” You can feel his cock slowly start to take its shape again inside you, it was quick but the viscous lumps of his fluid quickly slipped out to make more space for his cock to fill you again.
More — he wanted more. 
“B-but I could’ve treated you out —” your voice was almost gone. You’ll probably get a noise complaint from your neighbors the next morning. 
“babe, the best way you can treat out your baby girl,” Satoru rasped as he fully slipped himself inside you again, eyes rolling to the back of his head for a short moment before carnally staring into your eyes, “is letting him fuck you whenever he wants —”
“Wait wait!” you covered his lips with your hands, cheekily looking up as you then cupped his face, amused as you watched the discontent growl plastered on his expression morph into a pout.
Grumbling, Satoru huffed, “That’s all I've been doing this past month —” 
“I said wait!" stifling his whine, pulling him closer to your bosom to place a kiss on his forehead, delighted to hear the small ring of your phone jingle in tune.
“happy birthday loser,” you cooed.
“You’re the worst for making me go through this,” he chuckled while caging you in, his arms surrounding your head as he brushed his finger against your cheek, his thumb lingering against your swollen lips that were softly smudged with lipstick, “but thank you, 'm getting older, but i’ll fuck you even harder,” he proposed with a wink.
“Wow…” unbelievable that he still had energy, “even with a month of no sex, you’ll still so horny.”
“Yea, because we gotta make babies now,” Satoru chirped, his lips making its way to your swollen nipples, sucking on the tips.
“Thought you didn’t want kids?” 
“Eh, I figured… having a little gremlin like Megumi or Tsumiki-chan wouldn’t be so bad.”
“Just admit it,” running your hands through his sweaty hair, “you like them a lot more than you’ll admit.”
Suddenly propping his head up like a groundhog, with spit trailing down his chin, he corrected, “False, I like them only to an extent because I get tabs on their dad.”
“Tabs about who he’s dating? Why are you going to sell that to the tabloids?” 
“Exactly, Tsumiki-chan always spill the tea, and plus that fart needs some action.” 
“Even though you’re my boyfriend, you really are something.”
“Eh, i’ve gotten better compliments,” he shrugged, his attention going straight back to your nipples.
“ ‘Toru… d-do you think Suguru made it?” a moan slipped from your lips while you positioned yourself more comfortably under him, getting yourself ready.
Letting go of your nipples with a sharp pop, “That fucker wouldn’t lie to me — oh fuck” your boyfriend released a gluttonous moan as he furrowed his brows, hissing while clenching his stomach from absolutely losing it right then and there, “d-don’t clench so suddenly like that.”
“Gotta keep up with the pace, baby girl,” licking your lips while cocking a brow. “So… are you going to fuck me,” clenching while you tugged his hips down to your pelvis, hearing him hiss on the impact made your guts tighten while you watched him melt from the pressure surrounding his heated length pulsing inside you. 
Using all your strength to turn your bodies around, now saddling your legs against his hips as you watched his stunned expression from above, it felt nice being in control. and fully sinking onto his cock as you started rolling your hips in repeated motions, in between wanting breaths, you asked,
“or am I gonna have to fuck you, pretty?” 
— next morning.
From: Asshole
so did you succeed? 
To: Asshole
nah, fucked last night. you?
From: Asshole
nice.  but happy birthday, bro.
To: Asshole
thx so, you pulled through?
From: Asshole (5 hours later)
nah, we fucked the day after making the bet.  fucked again just now, too :P
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author's note: omg... first sooo sorry for the lack of editing on this. holy smokes, it was way too long and i didn't dare to read through all of this. but if you have, thank you! i greatly appreciate you
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jupipedia · 1 year
— mine yours. - s. gojo. playboy!gojo x reader. warnings : nsfw [ minor do not interact!! ], cunnilingus, orgasm denial, possessive!gojo, praising, lowkey angst, tbh this is pretty tame, not beta read lol, idk if i missed anything !
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gojo was infuriating to say the least.
he was beyond spoiled, born with a silver spoon in his mouth. he was used to the best. he had the best clothes, the best schools, the best friends, and even the best women. he's known for having a new girl every now and then, always just as beautiful as the last, driving them around his luxury car until he got bored of them and dropped them.
he's used to getting his way every time, not settling until things were in his favor. he hates being told no when he wants something. he's persistent in all of the wrong ways and for all of the wrong reasons.
however, you couldn't bring yourself to complain as he was knuckles deep into your core, curling his fingers perfectly as he sucked on you clit. your hands were tangled in his white hair, back arched off of your comforter as you withered in pleasure.
the arrangement between the two of you was a bit different that gojo was used to. the girls he was with usually like being shown off. they liked being spoiled with the little gifts he would give them. they would brag about him to anyone who would listen, even going as far to post pictures of the two of them kissing, not that he minded.
you, on the other hand, acted like he barely existed despite spending almost every night in his bed and almost every morning eating at his house, wearing one of his shirts. you didn't go out of your way to see him, you didn't accept any of the things he bough you aside from a necklace on your birthday, hell you didn't even speak to him when you were in the same room if other people were there. he would be lying if he said his pride wasn't hurt.
"got the sweetest pussy, pretty girl," he muttered around your clit, the vibrations adding to the stimulation as you tightened your grip on his hair. he'd spent the last half hour between your legs, having pulled three powerful orgasms from you. he would deny you your release and have the ache build up a few times which led to an earth-shattering orgasm that made your ears ring and vision blur.
"everything about you is just so cute," he released your clit and took one last swipe through your folds before he began to kiss up your torso, stopping to deliver a harsh suck at each nipple before continuing his path to your lips. "so. fucking. cute."
"toru," you whined out as he removed his fingers from your cunt, bringing them to his lips to suck clean before kissing you deeply, your heady taste present on his tongue.
"patience, beautiful. you and i need to have a little chat," he said, opening the foil of the condom with his teeth and rolling it on. as he lined himself up with your entrance, he spread your legs, offering himself a full view of your cunt.
"we have to talk right now? it can't wait—ah!" gojo ignored your words, pushing slowly into your heat and pausing when he was mostly inside.
"please move," you tried to thrust your hips, but gojo was quick to pin them back to mattress.
"here's how this is gonna go. i'll move as much as you want me to, but you don't get to cum until you say that you're mine," he groaned in your ear, unable to resist the shiver crawling up his spine as he settled deeper into your core. you tossed your head back as the tip of his cock scraped your walls deliciously.
"didn't know—fuck!" your snarky remark died on your tongue as he suddenly began to thrust his hips, setting a pace that numbed your mind.
"you can keep the sarcastic remarks. not interested in those right now," he grunted, biting down on your shoulder, hoping to ground himself. your mind grew foggy as you grew closer to your release. you couldn't form coherent words, let alone fulfill gojo's request.
you weren't totally clueless as to where this behavior came from. if anyone asked you if you even knew gojo, you would deny it without hesitation. it didn't matter how many times he fucked you or how many late night dates the two of you went on, you would not admit to dating the man.
and it wasn't even to save face, you just didn't think what you and gojo had going on was that serious. you knew his track record and thought it'd be best to skip any unnecessary future drama that would come with being "satoru's girl".
"'t-toru~ i'm gonna—n-no, please~," you whined as gojo's thrusts paused as your release approached.
"aht aht aht, you haven't said it so you don't get to cum," he said, continuing his pace when he was sure your pending orgasm subsided.
"satoru please! i just wan' cum on your cock," you whined in his ear, arching your back as he grazed your g-spot.
"and i wanna hear you say that you're mine. mine to kiss. mine to hold. mine to fuck," he emphasized his sentences with harsh thrusts. "my girl."
"why—ah! why w-would i say that when y-you aren't mine? i k-know how you work, 'toru," you pushed out, forcing yourself to focus on speaking as he fucked you dumb.
gojo paused in his thrusts to look at you, disbelief painting his face. "you think i spend my friday nights watching scooby doo movies with you just so i can fuck you? you think i wake up before you to cook you breakfast just so i can get some pussy? you think that i help you go over your proposals a thousand time as test runs because i just want to have sex with you? i must've fucked you stupid or something because that's the stupidest shit i've ever heard you say."
"'toru, you know that's not what i meant. i was just saying—fuck!" your arms shot out to hold gojo's hips, hoping to stop his resumed thrusting.
"i know you meant, pretty," he hummed as he picked up his pace. "change of plans. you can come as many times as you want, but i'm not stopping until you understand that not only are you mine, but i'm yours. got it?"
fuck, you were in for a long night.
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© JUPIPEDIA. all rights reserved.
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xinxiaogato · 5 months
— love at first thrust
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summary. as an ambassador from mondstadt, your goal was to persuade the duke of fontaine’s underwater fortress (who reportedly had a herculean physique and an absolute bakery) to agree with your plan on improving international relations. the last thing you anticipated was for him to agree to you getting his rocks off.
love interest. fem!reader x wriothesley.
warnings. unedited, 18+ content (mdni), nsfw, cursing, masturbation, voyuerism, size difference kink, cunnilingus, fingering, name calling (slut), slight orgasm denial, skin biting, almost a handjob, angst (somehow) and comfort, mentions of murder, mentions of pregnancy, porn w plot, virginity loss, unprotected sex, p in v, fondling, rough sex, impregnation, bdsm (handcuffs), soft dom!wrio.
word count. 5,303.
note. my first time dabbling in smut… to whoever is reading this that somehow knows me irl, pls turn straight around ! you are referred to as “reader” by the way.
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romance schmomance. how did anyone expect wriothesley to allocate time in his schedule for a lover while properly running the fortress of meropide? his grace was perfectly content with teasing his two tsundere subordinates, who refused to face their feelings for each other. besides, love appeared too complicated of a matter, as evidenced by the prisoners he overheard lamenting on a day-to-day basis about their marital affairs and unsuccessful endeavors in flirting.
but sigewinne thought otherwise, pestering him recommending that he seek a partner because not only would it fulfill his social needs but also satisfy his sexual urges (he scrunched up his nose every time she made that point). frankly, all the duke needed was his right hand, some lotion, and a thirty-minute break of privacy.
…so what was a pair of eyes doing from the staircase to his office, staring incredulously at him fucking his cock into his curled fist during the thirty-minute break of privacy?
keyword: privacy, meaning no one was supposed to be in his office during this time!
a few minutes earlier…
“ah, ms. reader, right this way!”
an eager guard ushered you to an imposing set of metal doors to which your house back in mondstadt paled in comparison. as the guard, who appeared to be a rookie, fumbled with the keys to the administrator’s office, you turned your attention to the rest of the surroundings that seamlessly blended together due to the lack of decor. rusting pipes ran from the bottom up in austere grandeur, and warm lights were scattered across the stronghold, illuminating the faces of the few dozen or so prisoners wandering around the open space. 
although the conditions weren’t all sunshine and rainbows (literally, since the fortress is hundreds of feet under the surface), serving time in the fortress of meropide was bearable enough to the point that some convicts continued living there even after their sentences were up. this was the piece of information that piqued your interest during extensive research into the nation of justice, as access to rehabilitative programs while incarcerated had reduced the crime rate there.
thus, there you stood, prepared to present the ultimate strategy for promoting bilateral relations to the administrator of fontaine’s correctional institution. in exchange for advice from monsieur wriothesley on how to reform mondstadt’s prison system, the two neighboring countries could collaborate on an event similar to that of the “neighboring nations congenial poetry gala” between mondstadt and liyue.
it made sense since both fontaine and mondstadt were renowned for their romanticism, and the only other thing you could offer from your hometown besides poetry and artistry was… wine, which you knew wouldn’t fly. no government wanted more drunkards bumbling down their streets than they already had.
finally, the guard pushed the doors open (not without almost popping a vein) and gestured for you to enter monsieur wriothesley’s office, and once you did, you averted your gaze to the spiraling set of stairs.
however, prior to making your presence known, strange… grunting noises from the upper floor sent a shiver down your spine and planted you firmly to the ground. rapidly, your mind swirled with a million possibilities of what the source could be. although the duke was allegedly benign, he was still a warden through and through. was he personally punishing someone for their misconduct?
it frankly sounded quite painful, and you were getting worried that you came in at a bad time. after all, you did arrive an hour earlier than scheduled.
…one peek couldn’t hurt, right?
then you’ll be able to determine whether or not he needed a minute.
curiosity killed the cat, and that cat was you. because after gingerly ascending the staircase and stopping to be able to peek just above the metal floor, you chanced upon a scene that not even your wildest dreams could conjure.
the black-haired duke’s coat was popped open, with the hem of his dress shirt stuffed between his lips to muffle groan after groan that flowed past them. for several long seconds, you couldn’t tear your eyes away from the scars running down his neck and heaving pectorals, gleaming in a slight sheen of sweat.
and when you did manage to tear your eyes away, they instantly flitted past his abdomen (which needed its own place in a museum) to the sight of wriothesley’s large—and you meant large—appendage thrusting desperately into his calloused hand between his gargantuan thighs. a bit of precum dribbled from the tip, trailing down his length only to be pushed back up by his fingers and creating a frothy ring near the head of his cock.
you had to stifle a gasp behind your clipboard, trying to process what the hell was happening. the prison administrator and his little friend definitely needed a minute, so you quickly swiveled around to give them just that—only for the sound of his chair screeching backward to freeze you in your tracks.
“who goes there?” his voice boomed throughout the office.
your heels weren’t doing you much of a favor as you bolted down the staircase, but the adrenaline coursing through your veins overrode every inconvenience to get you to the doorway as fast as possible. however, you didn’t have the strength to budge the doors open (what were they made of? tungsten!?), and before you could even blink, wriothesley had you trapped between the only way out and his bulky figure.
“you thought you could get away?” he snarled, grabbing you by the shoulder (with the hand that was just wrapped around his dick, mind you!) to twist you around and get a good look at your face. your clipboard clattered to the floor, and you nearly screamed when his cock—which was somehow more enraged than he was—prodded against your stomach, making your insides feel like they were doing backflips.
you tried your best not to look at… it… as you spoke up to defend yourself. “sir, it isn’t what it looks like—”
“i think it’s exactly what it looks like,” he interjected angrily, thick eyebrows furrowed above a pair of piercing blue eyes. “what? did one of your fellow inmates dare you to snoop on the warden for blackmail? how many coupons did they offer? hmm?”
“inmates? coupons?” now your eyebrows were furrowed. “monsieur, if you could please let me explain!”
it took a second for wriothesley to regain his senses, and after noticing your foreign attire and trembling form, he retreated at once. “archons, i…” he stroked his face with his hand and covered his eyes, letting out a shaky sigh. “i’m terribly sorry. i thought you were one of them.”
he nodded dejectedly in response before dropping his hand to the side and meeting your eyes, but this time, it wasn’t with indignation. “yes, a group of ill-intentioned people recently formed in order to unmask my secrets…” he had to look away for a moment before continuing. “...one of them being what i do in my office during lunchtime.”
“as for you…” over his broad chest, he crossed his arms that could crush watermelons with one flex (okay, maybe you were overexaggerating.) “how did you gain entry into my office? it should have been locked.”
you cleared your throat. “a guard let me in.” wriothesley parted his lips to question that, but you were already one step ahead. “he seemed new.”
the warden managed to put two and two together, and a sense of dread began consuming him from head to toe. “you’re… the envoy from mondstadt,” he realized, a taste in his mouth more bitter than the tea he oversteeped this morning. “i must say: you’re a bit early.”
you replied with a light shrug, “the cavalry is expeditious.”
“right. that’s… great.” he gave you a tight-lipped smile. “could… could you give me a minute? i would like to make myself presentable so that i can give you a proper introduction, and… again, i want to apologize for having you walk in on something so vulgar. i’ll be sure to compensate for it in any way possible.”
your original plan from the beginning was to give this man a minute, but… the longer you stood in his presence, the more aroused you felt. he was really handsome, standing many heads taller than you and practically oozing with sex appeal. the tidbits about his appearance that you heard through the grapevine in mondstadt couldn’t hold a candle to the real thing. watching him jerking off earlier, there was definitely a moment when you wanted to replace his hand with your cunt.
this might be the only opportunity for you to break away from the perfect image you were constantly upholding. throughout your adolescence and young adulthood, you had trained to become a professional in your field and garnered copious experience in diplomacy so that you could obtain a high-ranking position in government. this caused you to miss out on a lot of the joys in life, including sex. that was the first time you had seen a penis in the flesh.
“did you say any way possible?” you inquired.
“of course, i’m a reasonable man. i doubt i’ll be opposed to anything during today’s negotiations.”
after a moment of hesitation, you braced yourself for an eternity’s supply of humiliation and let your last thread of sanity snap in two. you fell to your knees right in front of his throbbing member, which was still as hard as a rock.
“...then you won’t be opposed to this, right?” you murmured. in a bold move, you leaned forward to press your cheek against the side of his cock, all while maintaining eye contact with him.
wriothesley sharply inhaled through his teeth, blood rushing to his face as he took a step back. “what… what are you…!?”
but he wasn’t dumb. he knew what you were intending. however, this felt more like you were doing a favor for him when he was supposed to be doing one for you.
and do one he shall. 
in one frame, you were hunkered down on the floor in front of his grace, and in the next frame, you were being carried to the second floor of the office in his sinewy arms. you were in no danger of being dropped, but you clung onto his shirt regardless, squealing your head off and flailing your legs like a feral animal, which only added to wriothesley’s amusement.
“are you regretting your decision?” he asked, his lips curled into a smug smile. “i can always stop. just say the word.”
your heart was racing at a mile a minute as he kicked a coffee table out of the way and plopped you onto the couch. when he crouched between your legs, a sheepish you batted his greedy hands away and hurriedly shoved your thighs together. “wait, i… this is escalating way too fast!” you quavered. “are we about to…” do the devil’s tango? the pickle in the jar? the train into the tunnel!?
a gruff chuckle rumbled from his chest. “you were the one who initiated it,” wriothesley pointed out with a wolfish grin. “i’m just finishing what you started, mondstadter.”
“but i just wanted to help you with your… ‘problem’!” you shot back, cheeks rivaling the red of a tomato. “why am i suddenly on the receiving end!?”
“ah, that’s where you’re wrong, because this will help me with my problem,” the duke replied, tugging your pants down your hips to reveal your drenched undergarment. you instantly convulsed and buckled your knees as he pressed his thick fingers against your clothed pussy, and when he drew them back, a string of wetness extended from your underwear to his fingertips.
remember when wriothesley convinced himself that all he needed was self-love?
fuck that.
“your grace!” you cried out as he dove forward and, with his hands anchoring your thighs, began ravaging your clit through the fabric, his tongue swirling and swiping against it ruthlessly. you had not even a millisecond to breathe as your vision blurred from tears of unmitigated satisfaction. with little strength, you reached out to wrench at his dark locks of hair, which only spurred him on further to attack your quivering folds.
archons almighty, what would it feel like if he—
as if he was reading your mind, wriothesley peeled your panties to the side, and the roughness of his tongue along with his pointer finger sliding in sent your body into another realm of pleasure. if accidentally smacking the back of your head against the couch’s gilded crest rail wasn’t the reason you saw stars just now, then it undoubtedly had to be the duke’s skillful ministrations.
“you’re so responsive,” wriothesley murmured, his hot breath deliciously fanning your skin. you were going crazy from his nose nudging against your sensitive bud as he flattened his tongue to completely coat each and every taste bud with your essence, and his digit continued to slide in and out at an inhumane speed, coaxing more and more of your whines and moans. “fuck, and your slut pussy is taking my finger so well. how many people have gotten the chance to see this pretty view?”
pretty view? you mentally scoffed while struggling to keep your wits about. says him! not every day did a tall, dark, and handsome man lap at your arousal like it was his last meal! you questioned how he could even breathe down there.
“no, i… j-just… just you…” you managed between labored gulps of air, your cheeks flushed of color. “i… i’ve never… d-done this… before.”
in the midst of leaving a bite mark on the side of your thigh, wriothesley abruptly extricated his finger, which made your pulsating hole very unhappy. “are you saying this is your first time?” he asked in disbelief.
you nodded timidly. when he didn’t respond right away, you grew worried that he got turned off by your admission, but weirdly enough, he snickered.
“looks like we’re in the same boat,” wriothesley stated to your bafflement. having withdrawn his finger, he brought it to his mouth and sucked it clean of your fluids before returning to lightly thumb your clit using circular motions. you had to scoot away because how else were you going to speak clearly with him doing that!? 
“y-you’re a virgin!?” you spluttered, ogling down at this man like he had just grown a horn on top of his head. 
“way to rub it in,” he jeered at you in a mocking tone. “yes, i’m a virgin. what’s so surprising?”
“because… you’re you!” you stressed. “have you seen yourself in the mirror? it’s a crime for you to look like a sex god without having had sex!”
once again, wriothesley found himself enlivened by your visceral reactions. when an advisor informed him of a diplomat’s advent this week, the warden was ready to be bored to tears by another mundane businessperson. and could you blame him? a few weeks ago, an ambassador hailing from sumeru went on and on about an invention that they wanted to promote to the fortress of meropide’s inhabitants.
…that invention boasted a 41% success rate.
so imagine wriothesley’s gaping jaw when, the moment you bent your knees and voiced your offer, all of his expectations were chucked out of the window.
“‘crime’?” he echoed, followed by a husky chuckle. “i see what you did there. how does it feel to be in love with a criminal?”
a frown weighed down the corners of your lips. “hold on. i may or may not be succumbing to a criminal, but who’s saying i’m in love with one?”
“your body is telling me everything i need to know,” rizzley wriothesley crooned as he rested the side of his head against your thigh. “well, except for your name.”
“…reader,” you answered breathily. “my name is reader.”
“reader.” he nodded in approval. “well, reader, let me show you how we do it in fontaine.”
with newfound vigor, wriothesley mounted the couch so that he was now towering over you and interlocked his hands with yours, pressing them into the vermillion back cushions on either side of your head. as if he was communicating to you that you could no longer escape his advances, even if they became too much.
for some time, he gazed intensely at your blushing face, committing each detail to memory, before he bent down and connected his lips to yours. you tentatively reciprocated his tender kisses, moving your mouth in ways that were unfamiliar yet exhilarating, and shutting your eyes slipped the ground away from your feet and made you feel like you were floating. he let go of one hand to tuck a few loose strands of hair behind your ear, which grew into him absentmindedly caressing your cheek like you were made of glass. your neck tickled. your ear burned. every single touch felt like fire on your skin. every kiss was slowly melting your body into mush, melding your body with his. there was no longer a distinction between where you ended and where he began.
after you parted your lips to impart the permission wriothesley’s tongue frenziedly sought, it wasn’t long before the kiss spiraled into a battle for dominance—a battle you lost in the blink of an eye. you could taste remnants of yourself on his tongue from his previous indulgences, which successfully heightened how aroused you were tenfold. your free hand crept up and started kneading your breast through your blouse, your moans swallowed by wriothesley’s mouth.
when he noticed you began touching yourself, he pulled away to your dismay.
he really liked how you craned your neck toward him at the very end of the kiss when he disentangled from you, as though his and your pairs of lips were opposite ends of a magnet. he liked seeing you craving more.
he didn’t like that you were getting ahead of yourself.
“nuh-uh, love,” he whispered, pulling your wrist to the side. “that’s my job.”
wriothesley tugged the hem of your blouse up to expose your bra, and he whistled at the sight. “beige?” he just had to point out with a smirk, bearing a canine. “you really know how to rile me up.”
you internally facepalmed at morning you’s choice of wardrobe. “i was walking into this expecting to have a proper conversation, not to get laid.”
he cocked an eyebrow and suddenly went into business mode. “what was your proposition anyway?”
you couldn’t help but laugh out loud before grasping his large hand and placing it on your chest. “are we really about to do our meeting now?” you chided him.
“you and i are already ‘meeting’ in every sense of the word.”
an affectionate smile broke through your face, and you tugged the man forward by his red tie. “come here, you big hunk.”
wriothesley mirrored your warmth and captured your lips in a searing kiss before traveling down to pepper smooches on your neck and suckle along your collarbone, his teeth the paintbrush and your skin the canvas. he slithered his fingers into the confines of your bra and pinched your nipples to elicit more r-rated sounds from your mouth, and in the corner of your low-lidded eyes, you became very conscious of the reality that his dick would twitch every time you moaned.
anemo archon, forgive me for mine own sins.
“reader,” he gasped. he hunched forward and almost smothered you with his chest as you began to stroke his cock, a bolt out of the blue. you weren’t expecting him to display such a visceral reaction, so you halted at the base of his manhood (which your hand couldn’t even fully wrap around…)
“did i do something wrong?”
“no, not at all,” he affirmed strongly. “i think the problem…”
…was that the sensation of your touch felt astonishingly different to him greasing the pole. it was a shuddering ecstasy that sprinted along his body and unlocked the carnal desires he had kept stowed away.
the key to his dick heart was supposed to have been eternally lost at sea. that was something he was sure of. that was something every person who tried to get close to him was sure of. so he ignored sigewinne’s recommendations, he ignored the rumors of his impotence among the prisoners, and he tried to ignore the hot flashes that jolted him awake in the dead of night, reminding him again that he had always been devoid of love since the start.
but then you came prancing into his office, swinging that key around your finger.
wriothesley’s breathing became shallow, and he pressed his lips firmly into a thin, white line as he stared down at you. how were you shining so splendidly in contrast to the dull lights of his office? how did your frowning lips still look so kissable? how were you looking at him like you were seeing right through him?
he didn’t even know you.
was he deluding himself?
did sigewinne spike his tea?
should he keep going?
what if he hurt you?
a gentle tapping on his forearm hauled wriothesley out of his rumination. he realized he was sweating a lot.
“now i’m sure i did something wrong,” you said worriedly.
wriothesley swallowed harshly before shaking his head, his tufted black hair swaying from side to side. “no… the problem is that… i don’t think i can hold back.”
“then what are you waiting for?” you deadpanned. “are you into blue balling?”
wriothesley blinked. “uh, not necessarily…”
“then let’s do it on your table.”
“reader…” wriothesley covered his blushing face with the back of his hand. “has anyone told you how… forward you can be?”
a giggle bubbled from your throat. “i’m pretty sure my field requires me to be forward. is it a turn-off?”
“i couldn’t be happier,” he reassured you gladly, and you were soon swept up into another bridal carry. “i will warn you though. if you make a mess of my documents, there will be punishment.”
you smiled. “looking forward to it.” (hopefully, wriothesley didn’t notice he was already going to need new seat cushions after this.)
wriothesley set you down onto his hardwood table, your back toward him, and had you prop one leg up onto the edge, putting your pussy on full display for his enjoyment. he watched in a hypnotic trance as your fluids dripped like a leaking faucet, and he wanted nothing more than to plug you up and fill your needy cunt to the brim. the warden soaked his fingers in your juices to lather them over his shaft, but while he had one hand gripping your hip and the other lining his member up with your entrance, his muscles stiffened. you peeked at him from over your shoulder.
“blue balling bastard!” you almost shouted, but he appeared too distraught to be badgered.
“i don’t have a condom,” wriothesley moaned, falling forward and smacking his forehead against your shoulder. for the first time in a long time, he really wanted to cry. “i would have to walk over to the infirmary and grab one for us, but—”
“—i can’t wait much longer,” you two finished in tandem breathlessly, eyes fixed upon each other. in a matter of seconds, this became a pressing matter that left you and wriothesley in deep contemplation. two strangers—total virgins at that—were literally about to raw dog it. honestly, your parents would be bouncing off the walls over this since they always lamented their graying hairs yet shortage of grandchildren.
but wriothesley… you knew a man of his status was much too preoccupied with handling prison affairs as opposed to prison "affairs". although the iudex of fontaine would be anyone’s first thought at the word “justice”, the administrator of the fortress of meropide delivered his own fair share of justice to maintain order when fights broke out in corridors, to overlook the production of gardemeks, and to protect the peace he had fostered in this very structure.
these things were what made you hurriedly request an audience with wriothesley in the first place. his impressive accomplishments as the new leader of the stronghold were what brought the you from mondstadt to the him in fontaine. however, you now found yourself in a sticky situation that would burden wriothesley further if you two took this risk. a child between you and him… that hadn’t been in your agenda.
plus, the steambird would really get a hoot out of this. “breaking news: mondstadt ambassador walked into the fortress of meropide and walked out with a baby lump.”
so, you made up your mind.
“will you let me come inside of you, reader?” he whispered against the shell of your ear, making your heart drop to the pit of your stomach. your vaginal walls automatically clenched around nothingness at the thought as you gasped and gaped back at him in bewilderment.
“what…? are you sure!?”
wriothesley nodded. “i-i promise, reader, to be a loving partner to you and devoted father to our child,” he choked out, his voice thick with emotion. “i’ve dreamt of having kids with the person i cherish so that they can grow up in a household where they feel safe, but… my greatest fear in life is becoming the monster that… th-that my foster parents were to me and my adoptive siblings.” his face went white. he could feel himself on the verge of vomiting, which he swore he had rooted out long ago. the scars on his body had never felt more painful. “i know that that belief is unfounded, but… i’ve been a violent person since i was a teenager. since the day that i… i killed them.”
“so if you do not wish to bear a child with a person like me, i understand,” wriothesley avowed, his eyes turned down in shame. “i can find other means to make you feel good, and i’ll just… go to the restroom to finish my business.”
you were finally learning about the warden's haunting backstory, sealed behind his assertive exterior. immediately, tears sprung to the corners of your eyes. you twisted your torso to cup his face with shaking hands and look him square in the face.
“wriothesley… you are so much more than your past,” you insisted earnestly. “are you not aware of how incredible of a person you are? of how many lives you have changed for the better? you couldn’t change the past, so you made it your life mission to change the future of every person who’s living and breathing in this stronghold right now. you converted your suffering into something that led to the liberation of many others’.” you gave him a wobbly smile through the tears streaming down your cheeks like waterfalls. “that’s why i wanted to meet you, wrio. i wanted to meet the man behind the operations, behind the smiles on these prisoners’ faces. so please… don’t ever think badly of yourself.”
as the color returned to wriothesley’s cheeks, the duke couldn’t look away from the eyes that sparkled up at him so brilliantly. it was mesmerizing. his heart had never felt this full, and he wanted it to be as close to yours as possible. without missing a beat, his arms wrapped around your body, lightly brushing against your nipples in the process and causing them to harden on contact. he pressed his entire frontside against your back, and you could clearly feel his heart pounding wildly against his ribcage (and his dick saying hi from between your thighs).
“you’re so good to me, reader,” wriothesley mumbled. “what did i do to deserve this?”
you laughed and caressed the side of his head. “i just told you, idiot.”
his signature smirk returned in all of its glory, and he trailed his hands down to rest on your hips. “hold onto something.”
“what? agh!”
your body lurched forward once wriothesley drove his cock into your sopping heat, every inch dragging along your walls until he reached your cervix and his pelvic bone was right against your ass. a guttural moan escaped as he remained perfectly motionless, reveling in the feeling of your pussy rippling along his length, and you clamped a hand over your mouth to mask the embarrassing noises seeping through. the pain was unexpectedly minimal, but now you had to deal with this enormous object penetrating you to your very core. and not a moment passed before he started pushing in and out of you, squelching noises rebounding off the metal surroundings as your bated breath was yanked from your throat. throughout wriothesley’s grunts of exertion, a moan poured past your lips at each thrust, his balls slapping against your puffy lips and the table legs screeching in reply. his hands slid up to mercilessly flick your nipples with his thumbs at a rate that engendered tightening sensations to build up inside of your lower abdomen.
“wrio!” you exclaimed, writhing in ecstasy. you didn’t think you could handle the pert beads on your chest being fondled in unison with him pistoning your cunt from the back for another minute. “wr-wrio…! hnngh… ah! i feel so w-weird… ah! nngh…!”
“it’s a good weird, yeah?” growled wriothesley amid nibbling on your earlobe. “i can tell by the way your womb is descending to meet my cock, just begging for my seed. and that’s exactly what i’ll give you.”
“nngh, i… i’m… a-agh!” you pathetically blubbered. a stream of saliva ran from the corner of your lips as he pounded into your tight channel with savage intensity, the whites of your glazed eyes beginning to show. “i-i think i’m gonna c-come…!” 
“shit…” he rasped, noticing the telltale signs of an orgasm building up in both of you. “me, too…” he roughly grabbed your chin, fingers digging slightly into flesh, so that he could witness your expression contorting with bliss as you reached your cusp. “i want you to take every drop of my cum, reader. every fucking drop until nothing but my essence flows from your depraved hole.”
you nodded and pursed your lips, overwhelmed by the persistent and passionate onslaught on your pussy that was utterly molded into the shape of his velvet-wrapped steel. “yes, p-please…! wrio, please shoot it inside of me!”
finally, wriothesley bit down on your shoulder and slammed home into your depths, burying himself inside of your womanhood while releasing thick ropes of semen. your muscles convulsed and clamped down onto his cock with a vice, milking it until he had emptied his balls completely. the light humming of the industrial fan above commingled with the heavy panting of the two bodies that have become one, drunk on the languid atmosphere.
“you’re so obedient,” he cooed, nudging aside a lock of hair that was clinging to your sweaty forehead, whereas you were still reeling from wave after wave of endorphins. as you endeavored to muster the strength to respond, wriothesley glanced down at his files freshly marinating in your juices. “well, for the most part,” he added. “what did i say about my documents?”
“i…” you scowled and snapped back at him haughtily, “i wasn’t trying to ruin them!”
his mellow chuckle resonated in your ears, and in the ensuing seconds, the sound of clinking metal pivoted your attention.
“well, you can’t argue that they’re illegible now,” he said, effortlessly restraining your wrists in handcuffs from archons knew where. you also came to the startling realization that his member hadn’t softened one bit since he came within your spongy walls. “and as the duke of the fortress of meropide, i must carry out punishment where i see fit.”
“…lord barbatos.”
“haha, i love you, too.”
(several days later, charlotte got her big paycheck after spotting another “meeting” between you and wriothesley behind café lutece.)
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© xinxiaogato. please do not translate my work without permission or attempt to plagiarize it.
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diveinyouastro · 6 months
♡Some beautiful and wholesome observations♡
Ps: the following observations are written from a positive perspective. Each and every sign has negative and dark qualities as well but i wanted to share the good and positive side.
《 🌊💧🧊❄️ ♡ 🔥💥🌋🧨 》
◇ WATER SIGNS [cancer, scorpio & pisces] and FIRE SIGNS [aries, leo & sagittarius]‐‐‐‐
‐‐‐‐ can become the best lovers for each other. They both need adventure. They have an inbuilt passion for life. I highly recommend you all to watch ELEMENTAL movie by Disney pixar. It perfectly portrays the love between them. Its really the universal law with them: opposites attract.
But both the elements are scared to share their intensity. Both know that only the other one can make them feel alive. Fire keeps the water flowing and water keeps the fire alive. Water can calm the fiery rage in the fire. Fire can keep the water stable within their mind. Together its like a volcanic eruption. Unfortunately, either one or both are immature and runs away from commitment, responsibility and accountability. I really wish both the elements heal from their deep rooted trauma/issues/wounds. Fire signs, let water drown you in their love where you will feel safe and alive. Water signs, let fire make the steam, you will feel relaxed and warm.
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《💨🌫️🌪️🎐 ♡ 🌍🌱⛰️🗺 》
◇AIR SIGNS [gemini, libra & aquarius] and EARTH SIGNS [taurus, virgo & Capricorn]‐‐‐‐
‐‐‐‐ make very stable and beautiful couple together. They make each other grow. They fulfill their destiny together. With this, i high recommend you to watch WALL‐E, eva as the air sign and wall‐e as the earth sign. Its the case of polar opposite. Both are unique and hard working in their own ways. Air can show earth a new and different way to live life. Earth can show air the importance of stability and that how important it is to have a plan in life. Air gives out of the box solutions whereas earth is the natural problem solver. Air shows earth the new perspective of life and earth feels mesmerized by it. Earth takes pretty good care of the air and air gives earth the support and motivation they never get from anyone. Its very balancing. Very soothing. Very strategic and long lasting.
Unfortunately, either one or both of them have their guards wayyyy high up and refuses to let the other in. Due to their little to no trust in people, they put on a false facade for the world to see. Its almost impossible for them to trust anyone. They see other people as non ambitious. They don't like low life people. As a result, earth starts throwing hard tests on air just to see if they're trustworthy. Air, as a result, gets exhausted and flies away, which in turn makes the earth feel toxic and negative emotions. They feel so hurt that their mind starts seeing everyone as unworthy of their time and heart. Air on the other hand likes a slow burn. They like teasing, they want earth to earn them. They want earth to learn them because air feels deeply misunderstood. But earth is already exhausted by expecting people to act right, they shut down infront of air. They find love and friendship in each other that no one else could never give them. Unfortunately, both of them turn toxic for each other. Instead of healing, they blame each other. I really wish they both practice listening and communicating. Air signs, please don't feel terrified of earth, take their hand, you'll be safe forever. Earth signs, they won't let you down, I know you want to relax and enjoy life, let the air take you in their arms, you'll feel okay. You will feel free.
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◇ aries and scorpio makes a very redamancy couple. Both gives each other the love that no one ever gave them. They protect each other's feelings and each other also.
◇ Capricorn and cancer together are like dad and mom. You know those old couples we see, they're so affectionate and supportive of each other? Yes that, both the signs are like that for each other.
◇ aries and Capricorn make a very powerful couple together. They protect each other from the outer world. They learn from each other alot. They both grow together. Aries gradually learn to tame down their anger and frustration and they become balanced with their emotions due to Capricorn. Capricorn on the other hand gradually learns to feel emotions that they kept buried inside, they let their inner child finally come out due to aries.
◇ taurus and sagittarius makes a very bubbly and wholesome couples. They enjoy alot with each other. Opposite attracts.
◇ cancer and pisces together makes a very emotional couple. Both learn from each other's emotions. They know each other to the core.
◇virgo and libra / aquarius and libra makes for a very happy and supportive couple. They prefer being a team and don't let anyone get between them.
◇ libra relaxes Capricorn's mind.
◇ aquarius and Capricorn= mindfully connected couple.
◇ sagittarius and aries = chaotic together.
◇ pisces and Capricorn = protecting each other at any cost.
◇ taurus and scorpio = long lasting.
◇ gemini and pisces= they understand each other. Since gemini is one of the most misunderstood sign, pisces empathise with gemini making them feel safe and understood.
◇ leo and Capricorn/ scorpio and Capricorn = can actually work together really really well. Capricorn is strategic and leo/scorpio just goes for it. Together they can attain so many things together.
That's all for now <3
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sinning-23 · 3 months
Twice the Fun (Zoro x Reader x Sanji)
Because i need them both in a way that is concern to feminism and they could literally do whatever they wanted to me (respectfully) ahem. This ones for my sick, freak, nasty, touch-starved bitches It's really just prn with A LITTLE plot yall and a little more attention to detail.
18+ DUH?!
Warnings: Tagteam, creampie, gagging, choking, biting, scratching, p in v, unprotected, degradation, teasing, praising, spanking, double penetration (holy shit this is a lot even for me lol)
Hope yall enjoy (smut is a bit of a specialty of mine)
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What were you truly meant to do? Turn down the pair to try and make yourself look like less of a slut than you really were? Well, slut was kind of harsh. We'll say, more sexually inclined.
Yeah, that sounds classier.
Anyway, when Sanji and Zoro approached you in a more physical than verbal way, you couldn't decide whether or not you should say no to try and keep up an image they already saw past, or simply let them Eiffel Tower you. How the hell did you end up in this predicament in the first place???
___3 days ago___
You sigh, rubbing the sleep from your eyes as you nudge the man beside you. You didn't quite care if he woke up or not, you'd just go to your other 'friends' room to fulfill your insatiable need for dick...and love and affection...but of course, Sanji didn't know that...and neither did Zoro and hell you'd like to keep it that way.
Perfectly balanced...sorta. Part of you feels bad though, you do love him...and Zoro too but damn it you just had to have them both. And with the way that two bicker and act like they can't stand each other, there was a fat chance you'd get your wish.
You nudge Sanji again, pressing soft kisses to his temple, and brushing his hair out of his face. He stirs, eyes slightly opening to reveal a set of lovely blues.
"Good morning. Pussy put you to sleep?" You tease, seeing him smile in recollection of the events of the night prior.
"Its not nice to tease." He groans, sitting up on his elbows and forearms to kiss your lips.
Its sweet, your heart stuttering with guilt. You know he loves you but this whole thing was supposed to be no strings attached. You pull away, noticing a brief hurt behind those eyes you just stared so lustfully into hours ago.
"Hurry up, youve got breakfast to make and I'm pretty sure someones getting a bit suspicious. You chuckle, pointing to the alarm clock.
He swears, shuffling a bit faster to find his briefs, dress pants, and shirt in a hurry. He doesnt forget to kis your temple before he leaves though.
"Come to my room again tonight, yeah?" He asks, and you nod. How could you not?
When you're sure he's long gone, you hide your face in your palms, groaning deeply before gazing into the mirror. Shit...he marked you up worse than before. You roll your eyes, that funny butterfly feeling filling up your stomach again. Damn him for making you love him. This wasn't the first time you'd have to cover up hickeys and it wouldn't be the last.
Your shoes echo down the hall a bit as you pass zoro's room now, curiosity getting the best of you. You crack the door open and there he is, pulling on that same old tan shirt over that damn gorgeous body.
"Good morning." You hum, slipping in and closing the door behind you.
He doesn't respond back, only nods in your direction. Zoro was more...blunt with these things. He thought he'd almost gotten perfect at hiding how he was feeling from you, but you had already clawed your way up and over the walls he put up. Essentially you could see right through him.
Before he can protest about you not knocking, you've got your arms around him in a hug, one he definitely needed seeing as he missed your touch far more than he would admit out loud. In his head, you were his girl. All his. He knew it wasn't true, this...whatever this was, being nothing more than a beneficial friendship. You weren't really his and it tore him up inside. He knows he loves you, but damn it if he admits it.
"Missed me? I see that look in your eyes Roro." You tease, knowing the nick name bothers him in th best way.
"I wish you would quit calling me that." He responds, letting his arms wrap around you to return the embrace, his chin resting atop your head. He needed you bad.
"Coming here tonight? Or do I have to drag you from your quarters to mine?" He smirks, making you laugh and bury your face in his chest. Gods he loved your laugh.
"How could I not?" You respond, swallowing a bit hard, knowing you were wrong for that.
Double booking a dick appointment was a big NO-NO. This leaves too much opportunity for one to find out about the other. But in hindsight, would that really be so bad? You wanted and loved them both, and being sneaky was starting to weigh on your conscience despite not being in an actual relationship with either of them.
"You alright?" He asks, cupping your face with his free hand. You drank up moments like these, it was truly a privilege to see the softer side of Zoro.
You nod, kissing him quick before making your leave.
The rest of the crew is already up and working on odds and ins of the ship. You managed your end of the chores, first mopping, then tying knots, and lastly laundry. You chatted with Nami, hoping a village is coming up soon but no luck.
Damn, the day had really gotten away from you. The sun was already setting and your heart sank to the pit of your goddamn stomach. It's sunset...which means night is right around the corner...
Oh fuck.
You scramble off the front deck and head straight to your quarters, skillfully dodging both Sanji and Zoro, who you had managed to have run into each other instead of you. Bad idea, because if you knew anything about Sanji, it's that he had a funny way of letting things slip rather sneakily. And if you knew anything about Zoro, its that he would easily catch a slick comment, and match it.
You lock your door, pacing back and forth in hopes of coming up with a plan. The truth? Yeah maybe tell the truth! You swallow your pride, taking a deep breath, only to head a kock at your door. Oh god. Your hands tremble, that sickly nervous feeling seeping into your pores. Its hot in here.
"Hey honey, um, how about we reschedule to tomorrow?" Sanji hums, something...off in his tone.
You pull the door open, that same facade over your face. You swallow, nodding at him in response.
"I see. I mean yeah we can. Something come up?" You ask, eyes shifting all over. You can bring yourself to keep direct contact with him and damn he can tell. You could've sworn that you saw someone turn the corner...was that Zoro. Nevermind that. Apparently, Sanji had said something to you but you hadn't heard it you were panicking so damn much.
"Uhh sure. You okay?" He questions, more smug than anything. He knows...
__2 days ago___
It was far too quiet for your liking. Sanji seemed to avoid you...and so did Zoro. Well, not really avoid you. In all honestly you were paranoid and reading into everything. You had FABULOUS intuition so when the energy was out of wack it went straight to your head.
They know. They have to. There's no way they don't. The two of them had gotten a lot bolder you noticed. It was all so clear to you. They were...competing almost. Zoro would leave his hand on your hip, and Sanji would roll his eyes. Sanji would pull your hair up into a ponytail to keep it out of your face when you were cleaning? Zoro would scoff and move on.
Okay, so they definitely knew. Now they were playing the "She likes me more game." That was the least of your concerns. If anything you were drinking up the attention. What you really wanted to know, was how they had found out about each other...the ship is small so that doesn't help the situation.
Today, you managed to find yourself in the kitchen while both your blonde and green-headed sneaky links were ALSO in the vicinity. You swallow hard, bidding them a good day whilst making your way to the fridge, which Sanji usually keeps locked up otherwise Luffy would get in it.
"Sanji, um, the key please." You ask, clearing your throat as the two seemed to watch your every move.
He smiles, stepping beside you, his hand trailing from your waist to the curve of your ass. He's grinning the whole time, his eyes cutting to Zoro before squatting down, using your leg as a means to steady himself to retrieve the well-hidden, key. His fingers dance over your thighs and inwards, just barely brushing over the crotch of your shorts. You yelp, tensing when Zoro gives a slight 'tch'
Sanji stands, plopping the piece of metal in your hand before returning to the stove from whence he came.
"Thanks." You rasp, fianlly feeling a pinh at ease before oepenign the fridge.
Too bad the peace only lasted for two seconds, becuse right when you had cracked it open, Zoro was already behind you, reaching for his desnated bottle of alcohol, his hand right at your waist, just where Sanji's had been.
Instead of squatting however, down to more or less 'politely' show ownership of you, Zoro opts to wind his hand back as far as possible.
You yelp louder, steadying yourself agaisn the fridge as you moan at the sting. There was no doubt there was a bit of a mark again toyu melenated skin now. Zoro only grins, all too smug at Sanji's enraged expression.
"Thats it. You just have no sense of respect do you." Sanji argues, Zoro standing a bit taller now.
If you hadn't been squeezed between the two now, they'd surely be chest to chest. Your body is beginning to betray you, heat flooding your face and between your thighs. This wasn't about them. This was about you and who you liked more...They each wanted your attention. Rightfully so, I mean not only were you a sweetheart with a smart mouth but that mouth could do a lot more than just talk shit. And either one of them would be happy to accept death between your thighs.
"If you knew anythign at all, youd kne she likes a little desrespect." Zoro shoots back, your eyes widening.
"If you knew anything you'd know she likes being treated like a princess." Sanji scoffs.
"Lets not talk about me like im not here-"
You're cut off when they shoot that same look your way. A look you'd seen one to many times, bent over, facing a conveniently placed mirror...or wit your back against the matress, one of them over you while your legs cramp up from being so close to your chest.
Damn fr two guys who seemingly didn't 'get alog' they sure had a lot in common.
In the heat fo the argument, you slide pst the pair and out of the kitchen. Unfortunetly for you, a head of orage just happened to be outside and heard part of the last three statements.
"I dont even want to knw what or how you're gonna get out of this. Youll figure it out." Nami half encourages as you groan.
Is that what good pussy did to a mf? Start wars?! It blew your mind but you had less than a few seconds process to the situation. Before you could even realize what was happening, Zoro exited the kitchen and scope you up. And right behim him was a very serious, looking Sanji....
oh you’re so screwed.
Authors note: HI YALLL ok so this one’s been sitting in the drafts for literally I wanna say a half a year now lmao uhhhhh let me know if you’d like to be tagged for pt.2 that’s where all the HOT SHIT HAPPENS! Anyway love you all! Drink water lol
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flowerandblood · 7 months
Guilt | Greed | Grace
[ modern! • Aemond x stepsister! • female ]
[ warnings: sex content, sexual tension, angst, smut, kind of incest but not really, brat taming ]
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[ description: After one night together, he and his stepsister remain amused by the whole situation and that they have taken revenge on their parents in some way. Aemond begins to wonder if his relationship with Alys makes sense when their parents decide to go away for the weekend and leave them alone at home. The power of angst, ironic, bitchy Aemond. Anon request. ]
Part 1 − Rage | Revenge | Relief Part 3 − Pride | Promise | Price Part 4 − Blame | Betray | Bliss
Series & Characters Moodboard
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
My other works: Masterlist
After what they had done, they both began to fall asleep in his bed, exhausted after their physical exertion and fulfilment. His stepsister woke up before dawn − she slipped out of his embrace and stroked his hair before she left, quietly closing the door behind her.
He surprised his mother and the rest of the family by coming down for breakfast in the morning; Criston stood up, startled, and walked over to him, extending his hand to him. He shook it, trying to hold back a grimace of satisfaction.
"Criston. It's a pleasure to finally meet you." He said with the clear hope that he had finally broken through, that there would no longer be such a tense atmosphere in the house.
He looked at him forcing himself not to smile.
I fucked your daughter yesterday, Criston.
And it felt so fucking good.
"Aemond. Me too." He said low and matter-of-factly, turning away from him even though he could see he wanted to say something more, surely to ask how his studies were going or what he was planning to do today.
He sat down at the table taking a seat opposite his daughter, who for a brief moment pretended to be extremely focused on cutting pancakes with jam. He looked at her expectantly, waiting for her to take a bite into her mouth and swallow it, and she finally lifted her gaze to him.
"Hi." He hummed and she pressed her lips together, her eyebrows arched in amusement − she was all red, her innocent embarrassment making him feel a pleasant warmth in his lower abdomen.
"Hi." She whispered, immediately leaning over her pancakes, trying not to laugh, and he reached for the toast with a smile of satisfaction.
His mother and Criston watched them with astonishment, Daeron being the only one who seemed to notice nothing and simply ate his cornflakes with milk, surely focused with his thoughts on some test that awaited him at school.
"Why are you laughing? Is something wrong?" Asked Alicent, clearly amused herself, suspecting that this was clearly not the first time they had spoken.
She and he shot each other a quick glance over the table − she didn't seem terrified and he figured she wouldn't mind if he played with the situation a bit.
"Nothing. Something funny just happened yesterday. Right, kid?" He asked indifferently, throwing her a defiant look, biting into his toast with a loud crunch.
She almost choked on the sip of tea she had just taken from her mug in the shape of a dog's head and looked at him with big eyes, hearing her pet name that he had used earlier in the night.
He thought with amusement that her mug fit her perfectly.
"Yes. Very funny." She muttered wearily, pressing her lips together and quickly taking another bite of pancakes, trying with the last of her willpower not to smile or laugh, looking at him pleadingly.
"Don't you want to tell your daddy what you did?" He asked ironically and she burst out laughing, looking at him with her eyebrows raised high, accepting his challenge.
"Maybe you should brag to your mum about what happened first." She said defiantly and lightly, taking a loud sip from her cute doggie cup, and he bit his lip, deciding that he probably needed to say enough so as not to overdo it.
"I see that whatever happened you two quickly found common ground." Said his mother with a sort of expression of contentment and relief, as if she understood from all this that something funny had happened in their absence which had made them, willy-nilly, grow closer to each other.
In a way, it was true.
In a way.
"Yeah. We got closer." He said lightly, and she just threw him a calm, happy look without saying anything else, eating the rest of her pancake contentedly.
"Okay, I'll drive Daeron to school and come back to drop you off at the university, okay?" Criston asked her, but before she could answer anything he interrupted him with a word.
"Big brother will drive his little sister to school. Get yourself together, I'm leaving in ten minutes." He hummed, putting the rest of his toast in his mouth, walking over to the machine to make himself a quick coffee. Criston wanted to protest, saying there was no need, but his daughter ran quickly to get her backpack without even listening to him.
He drank his coffee and started to put on his shoes, waiting for her when his mother came up to him, an expression of gratitude on her face.
"That's very kind of you, Aemond. Thank you for trying, you don't even know how much it means to me. I know it's hard for you, but…"
"Mhm. Ready?" He asked completely uninterested in what she was saying to him, noticing his stepsister behind her − she quickly put her trainers on her feet and nodded.
They moved to his car, which he opened remotely with his key, and settled comfortably in their seats, buckling their seatbelts. He turned on the engine and played a Guns N' Roses record, backing out of the driveway, neither of them speaking to each other as they drove.
He caught a glimpse of her out of the corner of his eye as they stood at the traffic lights − he looked at her dress, light, girly, revealing part of her thighs, on top of which she had thrown on a thick, short, light-coloured jumper fastened at the front with big buttons.
It seemed incredibly fluffy to him, from a distance he could sense that it smelled like a pleasant laundry softener.
He shuddered when a driver in the back honked at him, frustrated that he hadn't moved off despite the green light being on. He looked in the mirror, furious, driving off with a squeal of tyres.
"Fucking old prick. Where the fuck is he in such a hurry?" He growled more to himself than to her, but felt her glance back at him with a smile, twisting in her seat, hugging tighter her material backpack lying on her lap.
He felt odd about the fact that she hadn't spoken to him the whole way − for some reason he had a feeling she would flood him with questions about what had happened between them last night, or who he was, what he did for a living, if he had anyone.
He parked in front of her faculty without turning off the engine, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye; only then did she look at him, her eyes big, her gaze calm, her face gentle and full of some kind of gratitude and understanding.
"Thank you very much. Have a nice day." She said softly and he swallowed loudly, looking at her with his jaw clenched.
"… you too."
He watched with indifference as she unbuckled her seatbelt and walked out, closing the door behind her, running towards a group of people, a couple of guys and one girl, hugging them one by one.
He licked his lower lip wondering if any of these boys had fucked her before him and rolled his eyes, deciding he didn't give a shit and drove off, not wanting to be late for his own classes.
He sat in the ancient history lectures thoughtfully, unable to concentrate on what his professor was talking about despite it being his favourite class.
He had already managed to get a few messages from Alys − she was asking him when they were going to meet again, sending him a picture of herself getting ready for work, saying that last night had been wonderful.
He stared at her messages with a blank stare, thinking only of the fact that he had been dating her for several months, and was only able to think about Criston's Cole's daughter.
About her warm, tender hands holding him close to her body, stroking his hair, neck and back with her soft fingers until he fell asleep while being still deep inside her.
He felt a sort of tightening in his pit, a discomfort, an unpleasant sense that something was wrong; he ran his hand over his face, sighing quietly, putting his phone aside and closing his eyes.
He didn't know himself what he thought of this relationship.
He felt that he had got into it because it was his way of taking revenge on his mother, because it allowed him to get physically off, to feel mature, to feel desired, to have somewhere to run to.
But now that his final revenge was done, now that he felt he had his mother and Criston in his grasp, that he had mentally regained control of the situation it all lost its meaning.
He felt nothing for her.
He wasn't even sure if he really liked her.
He felt some kind of shame and embarrassment at the thought that he had devoted months of his life to someone who was so indifferent to him, fucked her for hours like some kind of animal.
Looking at his stepsister, he felt empty, because she was full of everything − warmth, peace, understanding, joy, courage, humour.
Everything he was missing.
He decided to take a break from Alys for the time being and focus more on his studies, which he had neglected in recent months; he pretended not to listen at all if and when Criston's daughter came home, if she went out in the evening or not.
He noticed with interest that she had caught a close relationship with Daeron very quickly, being able to give him what he was unable to − she listened to his childish problems at school when they ate dinner and gave him advice as if he were an adult.
She was the only person besides Daeron he spoke to when he passed her or if they were at the table together − she usually asked him to hand her something, or asked if he would pour more water in the kettle so she could make herself a cup of tea too.
He was used to dropping a bag of Earl Grey into her doggy mug; each time she looked at him gratefully when he handed it to her already poured with boiling water.
"Thank you."
He would sometimes see her sitting on the sofa in the living room watching TV, texting with someone on her phone and involuntarily wonder if she was in love with some boy.
For some reason he felt discomfort at the thought, as if he had really stepped into the role of her older brother and wanted to know who she was talking to and where she was going out.
Of course, he would never dare to ask her about it and kept his frustration to himself.
She didn't impose on him or try to talk to him by force knowing it was pointless, something his mother and Criston couldn't comprehend, barraging him with questions he didn't feel like answering.
Some part of him was curious about her, about what she had read and what she had listened to, about what she thought about it all, what she thought about him.
From that day on, he drove her to her classes every morning even when his started much later just to be alone with her for those few minutes.
He once dared to put his hand on her thigh as they stood at the traffic lights, unable to contain himself any longer, stroking her soft, smooth skin with his thumb.
He felt a shudder pass through her, felt her looking at him, but didn't dare reciprocate her gaze fearing what he would see in it.
Disgust, condemnation, mockery, sympathy.
He swallowed hard when he felt her fingers gently stroke the skin of his hand and did so until they reached the car park.
Only then did he look at her with an indifferent, cold stare hearing only the loud pounding of his heart in his ears.
She looked at him with that warm look of hers, the worry on her face coming from some kind of tenderness and affection.
He touched her cheek, her full lower lip, soft and shiny, and she parted it slightly. Driven by some strange, natural reflex, he slid his thumb deep between them, her pupils dilated, her flesh clenched on his finger, sucking it.
He felt it in his cock so hard that he flinched.
He pulled her to him by the nape of her neck in one sure movement, pressing his swollen lips to hers in a wild, loud dance of tongues, teeth and saliva − she threw her arms around his neck, his fingers sliding into her soft hair.
His hand was already sliding down her body between her thighs when they both gasped and pulled away from each other, hearing someone approach the car beside them − he involuntarily licked his lips feeling her wonderfully sweet taste.
She looked at him with wide-open eyes, her breathing sped up and uneven, making the glass on her side steam up.
"See you at home. Have a good day." She mumbled warmly unbuckling her seatbelt and walked quickly out, closing the door behind her.
He ran his hands over his face and slammed the dashboard of his car with all his might, furious at himself for being so desperate.
He kept repeating to himself that this was only supposed to be one time, a simple fun, sweet revenge, but nothing more.
She was a good kid, she wasn't to blame for the situation between Criston and his mother, he didn't want to hurt her.
However, what he felt in his trousers told him exactly what he thought of her and what he wanted.
The worst part was that it didn't look like she was going to stand up to him if he came to her to take it.
He sighed heavily, recognising that they were both fucked up, though she was certainly less so than him.
At least she wasn't a fucking sociopath.
During his lectures, he realised that his mother had texted him a few weeks ago the phone number of Criston and his daughter in case he needed something from them, had to leave them the keys to their house or just wanted to contact them.
He knew that his mother and Criston had decided to take a weekend away to relax together from all that was going on, and Daeron had taken the opportunity to spend that time with his favourite friend.
He felt throbbing in his trousers at the thought that they would be staying home alone.
That they could fuck all night long if they wanted to.
He licked his lips, wondering with a pounding heart whether to show desperation, whether to text her or not.
Since he had her number, she had his too.
After a few hours of pondering, he gave up, deciding that he couldn't take it any longer, that he needed to talk to her, to make sure she was thinking about him too.
After all, it was impossible for what they had done to be completely normal and meaningless to her, wasn't it?
Once the decision was made, he felt some kind of excitement. He wrote her into his contacts as Little Sister 🐶 with a smile of amusement and after a while sent her a message with his heart beating fast.
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He shuddered when after a few minutes he saw the new notification on his phone, unsure if he wanted to read it, feeling horrified at the thought that she might have thought he was a pathetic little boy craving her attention.
He unlocked his screen after a moment and went into the messages with his heart beating fast and his throat clenched.
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He felt relieved at the thought that her answer was perfectly normal, without a trace of mockery or discomfort − for some reason, the fact that she answered him pleasantly flushed his ego.
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He stared at his screen with his heart beating hard, tapping the side of his cheek with the tip of his tongue, feeling the heat in his lower abdomen at the thought that he might be able to spend the night with her again.
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Although he hadn't been home for dinner for weeks, this time he appeared back straight after class, startling his mother, who looked out to him from the kitchen.
"Aemond! I thought it was Criston. How good you are here, will you eat with us before we leave?" She asked softly and he shook his head, taking an apple from the bowl on the table in his hand, running up the stairs and locking himself in his room.
He didn't feel like sitting there looking at his face.
He heard the sound of the front door opening, the voices of Criston and his daughter, from which a shudder went through him − he felt excitement and some kind of anticipation.
He was browsing the internet on his phone, eating the fruit he had brought with him with a loud crunch of flesh, when suddenly Alys started calling him.
He stared at the incoming call from her chewing slowly, wondering if he should pick up and think of something quick, say he felt bad or just admit that it all made no sense.
He did nothing feeling his heart pounding and sighed heavily when he got a text message from her a minute later.
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He decided that keeping her in the dark was cruel even for him, so he decided to write her back.
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He sent her a reply, sighing loudly, and rolled his eyes when the message from her popped up practically immediately.
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He pressed his lips together feeling an unpleasant squeeze in his chest − he was sick to his stomach at the thought that they might be getting back together again, but it wasn't her fault.
It was him.
All he had left was shame.
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He wrote back quickly and blocked her number so that she could no longer send him any messages or call him.
He thought that only this would make her realize that he was serious.
He shuddered when he got another notification of a new message and thought she had written to him from another number, but was surprised to see that someone else wrote to him.
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He got up immediately, walking out of his room, running lightly down the stairs, seeing her searching for something on his TV with the remote, probably looking for a movie already.
She was wearing a top with characters from The Lion King and shorts, her hair loose, pretty and shiny, its dark curls falling over her shoulders.
"If we start now, we might be finished by five in the morning." She said with amusement and nodded at the table top. "If you want, unwrap the crisps and put them in the bowl. Shall I spread out the sofa so we can lie down comfortably?"
She asked, looking at him questioningly, getting up from her seat. He nodded, opening packet after packet, pouring their contents into plastic bowls, trying not to think about her naked stomach, her nice long legs and the fact that she wasn't wearing a fucking bra.
They brought a couple of glasses, bottles of drinks and bowls of crisps close to each other and spread out comfortably, covering themselves with blankets and laying their heads on the big soft pillows she had apparently brought for them from upstairs.
They watched the first fifteen minutes focusedly, paying amused attention to scenes that had become memes − he pressed his lips together when he felt her lay her head on his shoulder, her hands embracing his arm, he could smell the pleasant scent of her shampoo.
He took a loud sip from his glass, trying not to think about the fact that he had been completely hard for about half an hour, that he felt like he was about to go fucking crazy because of her.
His hand under the blanket involuntarily slid down to her bare legs, running it up her knee; he felt her flinch, but instead of moving away she pulled closer to him.
He bit his lower lip feeling his heart pounding hard as his fingers slid between her thighs, teasing her through the material of her shorts in slow, circular motions.
He felt her press her body tighter against his shoulder, her hips began to rock to the rhythm of his hand, a quiet, blissful sigh escaping her lips that told him everything.
He pressed his lips together holding back a groan of surprise as her small hand slid down to the bulge in his trousers, her fingers began to press against his erection, massaging it up and down in a calm, slow motion.
He squeezed his eyes shut, feeling that he was terribly hot, the dialogue from the film seemed to him to be just background and he had completely lost interest in it.
He looked up at her with his lips slightly parted as she rose and with a light, sure movement pulled her top off over her head − he immediately reached to the belt buckle of his trousers to undo it when she took off her shorts and underwear, no sign of shame or embarrassment on her face, only shy smile.
She sat on top of him without hesitation as soon as he slipped his boxers down a little, stroking his scarred cheek with her warm fingers, placing her other hand on his shoulder to keep her balance.
He guided his swollen cock, throbbing with impatience, to her entrance and licked his lips, dry with desire, feeling that she was already all wet. She slid it deep inside her with ease, as if it was the most natural thing in the world.
He groaned low and tilted his head back, panting along with her as she began to rise and fall on top of him, stretching her fleshy, hot walls with his fat length, feeling how wonderfully tight she was, how loudly her naked body slapped against his.
"− fuck, little one −" He gasped helplessly, desperate, with sure thrusts impaling her on himself; she mewled sweetly, her hands slid under the material of his black Tshirt and brushed across his naked chest, making him shiver.
He ran his hands over her buttocks, her back, her waist, wanting to savour the feel of her bare skin under his fingers, until finally he grasped her soft, plump breasts in his hands, teasing her hard nipples with his thumbs.
She gasped as she felt it, her walls clenching against him making them both sigh helplessly, speeding up − she slid her hand into his hair and kissed him, her lips so warm, her tongue so wonderfully moist, that he purred loudly into her mouth.
"− it seems you have missed me, big brother −" She cooed warmly, innocently, stroking his neck, hair and cheeks, looking at her so closely he could see how pink, puffy and glistening her lips were.
He felt his cock throb hard at her words and began to thrust it into her faster, clamping his hands on her waist and on the back of her neck, sitting up so that her whole body was pressed against his, his face at the level of her chin.
"− me? − you're fucking leaking, kid −" He scoffed with a grimace of amusement, moving inside her more aggressively, forcing her body to fit all of him in, deliberately sliding into her with lewd, loud click of her moisture, a pathetic whine escaping her lips.
"− look what you did to your big brother − how fucking hard he is because of you − have you no shame? −" He hissed and she sobbed with an expression on her face as if she was very sorry to have disappointed him, her lips parted slightly, a moan escaping from them each time his thighs slapped against her buttocks again, her breasts bouncing lightly.
"− I didn't mean to −" She mumbled with difficulty, embracing him with her arms − she gasped and moaned when he pressed her against him and grabbed her breast in his mouth, sucking and licking her nipple for a moment, releasing it with a loud plop.
"− you didn't mean to? − putting on that fucking slutty top without a bra? −" He growled and bit her neck − she sobbed and whined loudly, clenching her fingers painfully tight on his back and hair, letting him fuck her as fast and hard as he wanted.
"− I'm − I'm sorry −" She mewled as if she really felt guilty, cuddling her face into his temple, trailing her warm, puffy mouth over his cheek until their lips clung to each other again in a greedy, sticky kiss, his hips spreading her wide on his thick cock with quick, sure, deep thrusts.
"− you need to be taught a lesson, hm? − you need to be fucked more often so you'll behave properly −" He exhaled and she nodded her head as if she dreamt of nothing else, their lips and tongues rubbing and brushing against each other in moist, dirty kisses, he could feel her walls squeezing him faster and faster, that they were both on the edge.
"− yes − yes, yes, please, oh-fuck −" She mumbled and tilted her head back with her mouth parted wide as her body trembled in strong orgasm − she tried to push him away, moaning loudly, but he held her close, fucking her brutally through her peak until he came inside her with a loud sigh of pleasure, his warm semen filling her insides.
"− that's it − take it − take your brother's cum like a good girl −" He breathed out into her mouth, with thrusts of his hips pushing his seed deep inside her, her hands stroking his hair and back, their bodies all sweaty and hot.
He fell backwards, leaning back against his pillow, laying with her in a semi-prone position, breathing loudly as she did, their fingers trailing over their bodies as if they were blind and wanted to remember what they had done with senses other than sight.
"− fuck − oh God −" He gasped, completely relaxed and satisfied, lazily opening his eyes, looking at the screen again, noticing that by some miracle the action had moved to Rivendell.
They both inhaled loudly when the light in the driveway turned on, and after a moment they heard the sound of a key turning in the lock.
They looked at each other in horror, his stepsister quickly got up from him with a loud splat of his cock against his stomach, grabbing her underwear, shorts and top.
He stood up zipping up his trousers, wanting to give her a bit more time occupying whoever came in, fixing his hair in the mirror and suddenly Daeron walked in, all weepy. He swallowed loudly in relief, looking at him in disbelief.
"What happened?" He asked, trying to hide the tremor in his voice and the loud pounding of his heart. Daeron shrugged his shoulders.
"Nothing. Thomas is not as nice as I thought. He only gave me his worst toys to play with and we only played the games he likes." He mumbled pulling off his shoes − he licked his lips, glancing quickly over his shoulder, hearing the rustling of the fabric, looking back at him.
"And what are you doing? Watching The Lord of the Rings?" He asked curiously, apparently hearing the dialogues, going deeper − he wanted to stop him and went after him, but their stepsister was already sitting on the blanket, dressed as before, only slightly more red, scared and smiling at the same time.
"Hi. Yes, we are watching The Fellowship of the Ring. Do you want to join in?" She asked softly and he nodded wiping his cheeks, pulling his backpack off his back and laying down next to her, taking a handful of crisps in his hand.
"I'm going to go to the toilet for a while, you keep watching." She mumbled, and he led her away with an amused look, thinking only of the fact that, sure enough, his semen was just running down her thighs.
She came back after a few minutes and lay down between him and Daeron, slipping under the blanket, his hand immediately going to her thigh − he felt her flinch and swallow loudly, her fingers slid down to gently stroke his bare skin.
They gave up after watching the second part, deciding that they would finish together the next day, and covered themselves with a shared blanket, with the other enveloping Daeron, who had already fallen asleep a few hours earlier.
He embraced her from behind, deciding that he didn't give a shit if his brother woke up and saw it, or if he told their parents about it.
All he was focused on was the pleasant warmth of her body and the smell of her hair, his nose pressed into the hollow of her neck, her fingers entwined with his.
"− wanna be my girlfriend? −" He hummed softly into her ear, just thinking about how both wonderful and fucked up this vision of a relationship was.
She nodded silently, wrapping herself more tightly with his arms, pressing her back and buttocks against his body − he could feel that she was smiling. He murmured contentedly and snuggled into her closing his eyes, finally falling asleep.
Aemond Taglist:
(bold means I couldn't tag you)
@its-actually-minicika @notnormalthings-blog @nikstrange @zenka69 @bellaisasleep @k-y-r-a-1 @g-cf2020 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @chainsawsangel @iiamthehybrid @tinykryptonitewerewolf @namoreno @malfoytargaryen @qyburnsghost @aemondsdelight @persephonerinyes @fan-goddess @sweethoneyblossom1 @watercolorskyy @randomdragonfires @apollonshootafar @padfooteyes
424 notes · View notes
autumnalsteahouse · 1 year
this is so sero-coded.
thinking about how after a night out with your friends, you couldn’t get Hanta out of your head. before you left, he looked so hungry.
“baby…” it was like he couldn’t decide which part of you was calling his name the loudest, his eyes were slowly shifting down each inch of your body, “looks like you’re on a mission to get free drinks tonight.”
The blush warmed your cheeks a little too quickly, just like the smile that you were trying to push down.
It’s been a little over two years since you’ve first gotten together, but when he looks at you like that… it gives you the slightest glimpse into later tonight. The thought has you shifting, clenching yourself under his weighted gaze— something that doesn’t go unnoticed.
hanta pulls his lips in before his skilled tongue darts between them and licks his bottom lip, “or is this for me?…” he draws out, wandering gaze leading back up to your stare.
“Is this for me to peel off when you’re done with the club?” he mumbles, stepping towards you; close enough to where his fit front is against your back, the curve of your ass slots perfectly against his stiffened cock. “when you come home after being ogled at and all you wanna do is feel how full I can make you?” his lips were ghosting the shell of your ear, raising goosebumps all along your skin. His hands, spread and open-palmed, cupped the fat of your hips as he presses impossibly harder against you. “This is a little reminder for you that no matter how bad those lame asses want you, they could never fit the print of my dick that I’ve carved into that pretty pussy.”
you were close to salivating, the temptation to stay home was weighing heavily on the scale of options— you did promise your friends that you’d go out… but you didn’t specify for your long…
A couple of hours. That’s how long you could take before all thoughts led to the yearning of felling just how full your boyfriend could make you. The way his dick perfectly curves to hit the gummy spot that makes you feel like you’ve melted into a puddle of warm wax, the way his toned arms hug you close to shape each other perfectly— skin on skin, hot and sensual. In your semi intoxicated state, you needed it now more than ever.
“Hanta…” you whine uncomfortably into the phone, fiddling with your keys while trying to balance the device between your cheek and your shoulder.
“what is it, baby? Are you home?” his voice comes through the phone like velvet, warm and inviting, enticing the human equivalent of a purr out of you.
“‘Mm home but the keys are being so mean…” you trail off as the keys jingle in opposition while you sift through them.
It took no more than 3 seconds for the door to swing open with a shirtless and disheveled Sero Hanta to greet you. He was back-lit, mullet extra shaggy, his broad chest rising and falling as if to even out his breath— not to forget the grey sweatpants that hung low to expose the dark happy trail that guided your eyesight from his belly button to the fulfilling print that was teasing you with every passing second.
You felt yourself salivate.
“those clothes need to come off-“ he nearly growled before cutting himself off by pulling you in by the waist.
You could barley gasp when you were pulled in, there was no time before his lips were on yours.
Animalistic was how it felt, everything went by so fast— your shoes were scattered somewhere, bag dropped and so we’re the keys. Hanta’s hands were everywhere and feeling everything, all the while, you were reminded how hard the man before you was with every hard press against him.
“Were you stroking my pretty cock while I was gone?” you moaned, attempting to sound like honey as you watched him haphazardly kick off his sweats.
“fu… your cock?” he looked back down at you, almost rabid with his pupils so dilated, only making the thumping of your clit heavier.
taking a few steps back, his calves hit the back of one of the chairs in the living room, prompting him to fall into the seat.
“that’s my cock, just like this pretty pussy is yours.”
the look on his face was that akin to a worshiper seeing the deity he’s placed all his faith into— eyes wide and jaw slacked. he followed your movements as you slip out of the base of your fit, leaving you in only your top as you go to straddle his bare lap…
tagging: @nkogneatho
909 notes · View notes
demon-kumo · 3 months
𝕯𝖊𝖆𝖑 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕯𝖊𝖛𝖎𝖑 || 𝕴𝖁
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝔏𝔲𝔠𝔦𝔣𝔢𝔯 𝔐𝔬𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔯 𝔵 ℜ𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝔖𝔲𝔪𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔶: 𝔄 𝔤𝔦𝔯𝔩 𝔫𝔢𝔤𝔬𝔱𝔦𝔞𝔱𝔢𝔰 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔡𝔢𝔳𝔦𝔩 𝔱𝔬 𝔥𝔞𝔳𝔢 𝔞 𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔭𝔦𝔢𝔯 𝔩𝔦𝔣𝔢… 𝔴𝔬𝔲𝔩𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔰 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔶 𝔩𝔢𝔞𝔡 𝔱𝔬 𝔞 𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔭𝔶 𝔩𝔦𝔣𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔤𝔥?
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝔊𝔢𝔫𝔯𝔢: 𝔉𝔩𝔲𝔣𝔣
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝖄𝖔𝖚 held the phone up to your ear nervously, almost rocking in your bed as the number dialed. You didn't even know why you were so nervous; it's not like you're marrying this guy or anything. This is more of a mutual benefit situation. If anything, the closest thing you two will be by the end of this is friends.
You heard the call pick up by the second ring; however, a voice you didn't recognize answered. It wasn't Lucifer. His voice was a little more high-pitched and had a bit of a German accent.
You blinked, feeling a surge of uncertainty. "Um, hi? I'm sorry, but Lucifer gave me his number. He said to call him when I made my decision."
"Pardon, but who is speaking?" the voice asked politely.
"Y/n L/n."
"One moment please."
As you waited, you could hear footsteps through the phone, along with faint voices of people speaking, before the call got cut. You looked at the phone with an arched brow before seeing a golden glow out of the corner of your eye.
You looked up to see the fallen angel entering through the portal, hat off his head and a nervous smile on his face. His shark-like teeth bit the inside of his lip before he asked, "So... you've already made your decision, huh?"
With how fast the choice came, Lucifer couldn't help but think of one thing: rejection. He expected it. He was asking a perfectly normal woman to copulate with him and then leave him with a child, acting like it never happened.
"I accept."
Wait, what? Lucifer whipped his head around to face you, who was looking at him with a slightly arched brow as his jaw dropped to the floor. "Seriously!? Thank-"
"Whoa! Slow down for a second, devil boy!" You raised a hand up, though internally you screamed at what you called him. 'Devil boy?' Since when did you say such strange nicknames and act like this? You didn't like it, and it seemed that Lucifer was taken aback by your words just as much as you were.
Ignoring your previous behavior, you faced the scroll toward him, "I have conditions," you said with lidded eyes, your expression slightly unimpressed, causing him to look at you with raised brows.
"You want to negotiate?" Lucifer couldn't help the smile that, for some reason, formed on his face despite the worry about what you might ask. As you wrote the extra conditions you wanted on the paper, his curiosity and anticipation grew.
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'... In the name of the Lucifer Morningstar, this contract will be viewed under the governance of the Lord, you sign this contract, and it can not be taken back, no matter the regret you create for yourself from virtue or sin.
With the words of this contract, [ Party A ] will carry the seed and bear the child of [ Party B ] who will be the concluded father of the child by the laws of nature and god.
Union shall be recognized and only recognized within the conditions of this contract stated below...
[ Party A ] must bear the child of [ Party B ] to claim the other rights of this contract.
All expenses belonging to [ Party A ] will be fulfilled by [ Party B ] in the past, present, and future.
[ Party A ] and [ Party B ] have the right to call upon the other for help when needed as long as the other is in favor of the other.
[ Party A ] has the choice of involvement with the child after birth, and [ Party B ] has no say in [ Party A ] involvement.
[ Party A ] and [ Party B ] must have at least one month of getting to know each other before copulation
[ Party A ] gains the ability to go back and forth between Hell and Earth any time before and after pregnancy
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ "𝕺𝖍 𝖓𝖔! 𝕹𝖔, 𝖓𝖔, 𝖓𝖔, 𝖄/𝖓 𝖓𝖔, 𝖓𝖔, 𝖓𝖔!" You grimaced slightly at the repetition and contempt, "That last one is... uh... no." He drooped, causing you to raise a brow and cross your arms.
"Why not?"
"Y/n, I am fine with the other conditions, but that last... one... it's just... hell is a horrible place filled with... sinners..." He sighed, running a hand through his disheveled golden hair that still looked good, "I don't... want to see you get hurt."
You looked at Lucifer with an unreadable expression for a couple of moments before you sighed through your nose. "I know hell may be dangerous, but it can’t be any worse than here-”
“Oh, trust me, sweetheart, it uh… it can be,” Lucifer interjected as he rubbed the back of his neck, knowing full well that turf wars were extremely common alongside massive fights.
You pinched the bridge of your nose. “Look, it’s not like I’m asking you to let me live there. I’m just asking to visit out of curiosity. Besides, you would be there with me, and if I am going to… bear your child, I want to see the world that they will one day rule,” you argued before you looked at him with those big round eyes, which placed him in a daze and for once had a small shine. “Please.”
Lucifer tried to hold his wall up, but for some reason, as he looked at you, he just couldn’t muster the will to say no. The staring contest lasted for multiple minutes before Lucifer slouched with a defeated look. “Fine. But you can only go when I am with you.”
“Great,” you said with a neutral face, but your eyes looked excited, there was a small glint but it was there. Lucifer couldn’t help but find it strange that you would always keep a calm or neutral expression no matter what.
It was the first thing he noticed about you, besides your beauty, of course. When Lucifer first met you, he immediately noticed how empty you looked, like a doll. You always held a neutral face. The only other expressions he had ever seen you make were annoyed, tired, slightly sad, and angry. You rarely ever showed interest in things and kept a wall around your heart, a large stone wall that could be taller than the Great Wall of China.
He had only seen you smile once. Once! It looked more like a ghost of a smirk than it did a genuine smile.
"I wonder... what it would take to get you to smile," he thought to himself as he observed you take the golden quill. Your hand moved with a mix of confidence and hesitance as you signed the contract in smooth yet slightly stuttering cursive, underlining it all at the end with a deliberate stroke. The golden ink glimmered on the parchment, sealing the agreement between you and Lucifer.
As the final stroke was made, a shimmering golden chain materialized, linking both of your wrists together, binding both of you in the contract. The weight of the chain felt both tangible and ghostly, dispersing like smoke despite feeling solid.
This was it. You had made a deal with the Devil himself. And there was no backing down now. You glanced over at Lucifer, who was looking at his wrist with slight wonderment, which made you wonder if he had ever made a deal with someone before.
For a moment, a strange sense of camaraderie washed over you. From what you had talked to him about, Lucifer wasn't that bad. Besides, maybe this new ordeal could introduce you to some form of happiness. That was really the only reason you were doing this... you were using him to gain your own happiness.
How bad could this end up being?
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝕺𝖐𝖆𝖞, I knew that adding a clause that we would get one month to get to know each other but...
Lucifer was laying his head on your lap as you both sat on the couch, watching the musical "The Wizard of Oz".
A week had passed since the signing of the contract, and due to the clause you added, he came over every day to try to get to know each other a little better. You didn't want to have sex with someone you barely knew; you did not roll that way. So, you just thought that knowing him a tiny bit would make it easier for you.
So far, each day Lucifer would come over, and one of you would pick an activity to do together. The first day was your pick; you had chosen reading over tea, and it went surprisingly well. Lucifer had actually taken some history books and learned a bit more about life on Earth. You both had a tiny debate about the evolution of technology, and it led to a long chat about atomic bombs that made you realize how awful human weapons really were.
It went from shopping to board games, and then there was one day when Lucifer wanted to go ice skating with you. It was interesting, alright, especially how he managed to impress everyone by doing the triple axel. He claimed that he had never done ice skating before, but you didn't believe him.
Today, for some odd reason he had chosen musicals, not that it was something out of character, he was a bit old-fashioned as is. Though you were surprised to find yourself comfortable with the fact that he was laying his head on your lap.
Within just a week of knowing this fallen angel you already knew so much about him. He could be such an awkward nervous wreck, but once you got past that he was super chatty, he spoke a lot about his fellow sins and even got you to speak to him, despite not being much of a talker yourself.
As the vibrant colors of the movie danced across the screen, you found yourself enjoying the simple comfort of his presence. Despite the unusual circumstances that brought you together, there was a sense of ease between you, as if you had known each other for much longer than a mere week.
You gently ran your fingers through his hair as he hummed and snuggled closer to your hand, you felt a strange sense of contentment settle over you. Maybe, just maybe, this arrangement wasn't as daunting as you initially thought.
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A/N: Don't worry more interesting things will happen next chapter! ALSO THANK YOU FOR THE 100 FOLLOWERS!
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vixensbrainrotts · 6 months
Healing slowly — Manjiro <Mikey> Sano
Content: undefined fluff
Warnings: none
Vixen‘s two cents: This has been on my mind for a while now. If you enjoy my content, don’t be afraid to let me know and remember that my requests are open if you have an idea (im having a little bit of writers block atm).
Draken has noticed that Mikey has gotten so much better ever since you came around, how much livelier he looks and sounds and how much less he feels he has to visit to make sure Mikey’s alive. Because he has you now, and Draken knows that it’s time for him to take a step back from Mikey and let him learn to love you right.
Draken has started noticing it a while ago. How much brighter Mikey‘s skin looked, how much more genuinely he smiled, how much more enthusiastic he was about most of anything, really, hell, he even smelled better now! It took him by genuine surprise when Mikey started mentioning you, speaking shyly of how the two of you met and how Mikey seems a bit fonder of you than most. Ken thought it was just a temporary crush, nothing too important, nothing too major.
How wrong he was though, seeing that it came to the point that Mikey would come late to his own gang meetings, spend his monthly allowance on things like chocolates, flowers, cards and trinkets to gift you. It was the way that Mikey seemed to suddenly care for his appearance, ditching the overgrown hair and opting for something a little shorter, more wolffish (you mentioned you liked the cut once upon a time, he remembered). It was the way that he would care that his clothes weren’t creased, that his shoes weren’t stained, that his face was in-tact and all such casualties. It’s the way that Mikey started polishing his bike even more obsessively than before, nearly burning a hole into the rag he used with how vigorously he was rubbing it.
The first time Ken met you, he was in disbelief. Mikey, Majiro Sano, that fucking dumbass bagged YOU? How. There was no way. The disbelief led to many a questions about payment and bribery, even considering intimation and threats to be the base of your relationship. But once he talked to you, got to know you, Ken fully understood. You cared for Manjiro, made sure he was on top of his tasks, made sure that he was more aware of his own needs and fulfilled those too. Mikey cared for you too, encouraged you to take breaks, to be aware of your surroundings and making you losen up a little sometimes, making your day-to-day life just a little more exiting.
You two together were like birds of a feather. A perfectly balanced scale, your relationship was tangent to perfection. This unexpected but wonderful revelation allowed Draken to spend some of his new-found free time alone. Completely alone, nobody bothering him type of alone. There was nothing in his way, no second opinion of what he wanted to do, no nagging about the weather, and no plunderingwallet for snacks and othersuch trivial things.
Draken, whilst astounded by your dynamic, was still a little skeptic. Sure you’ve stuck with Mikey for a bit now, but how would you handle the real struggles? Mikey was a piece of work, a real lot of effort, Draken had the first hand experience to back it up. Surely you would be scared off, surely you’d try your best but eventually fall flat at the overwhelming, almost overbearing nature that Mikey surrounded occasionally. But just like in terms of the first impression, Ken was wrong. You stuck with Manjiro through the depressive episodes, through the bursts of aggression, through the phases of silent treatment, and even when he pushed you away completely, claiming that he couldn’t handle being in a relationship anymore.
Whilst the two of you had rough patches, you never broke. You bother were dedicated to each other and resilient to your relationship. It was complete mutualism with you two, no amount of strain could break the bond you two built. Ken found himself admiring your relationship, silently thankful of the security that you gave one another, and of the transformation Manjiro had gone through. He was capable of his own now. Not that he wasn’t before you, but you had encouraged him to target his weaker spots, foddering growth and comprehension of mind, emotions and expression of such.
Ken was eternally thankful of you, and has recognized that he was no longer a vital part of Mikey’s survival. Manjiro had you now.
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tadpolesonalgae · 2 months
Pretty Flower Garden
Mor x reader x Elain
Day 1: Beginnings
warnings: smut, mommy kink, fff threesome, pussy eating, general sapphic vibes 🥞
You hadn’t even really known how it had started.
There’d always been an underlying tug between you and them, a desire to be around them each that pushed slightly deeper in your chest, that had excitement tingling not in your heart but between your legs. A faint heat unspooling in the pit of your stomach, thighs pressing together tight.
Mor’s eyes would gleam whenever your breath hitched, fingers grazing the inner side of your wrist—over the pulse point—while talking with you as she pressed the lip tint over your mouth. Her hand would cup your jaw, tilting you for her to examine, carefully brushing kohl to your lashes before a night out. Her lips would curve in a slash of red when your eyes would run over her form, always selecting a dress that perfectly wraps her up, almost effortless in her appeal.
Then every so often Elain would drop by, always carrying with her some thing or another, usually flowers from her garden, but other times food and pastries she’d recently baked, and you wouldn’t miss how Elain’s fingers would brush against your lips when feeding you a new biscuit she’d made. How she’d step a little closer to brush away a make-believe crumb, or linger in her general touches. Not that you’d minded. But now knowing what you could have been having…
“Like it down there, sweets?” Mor hums, your hair wrapped neatly around her hand as she keeps you under her control. Utterly submitted. Your eyes manage to flutter open, fumbling with a response as Elain’s flavour mixes with saliva, your tongue lazily lapping at her wetness. All you can manage is a blissed out moan, nosing against her clit, shifting lethargically on the bed. Well, as much as you can. Mor’s straddling your lower back, keeping your forearms together while she winds her hips faintly, and you’re able to feel every brush of her soft, wet cunt against your bare skin.
She pulls you away lightly, and a whine slips from your lips, Elain releasing a similar noise of complaint as her pleasure is lessened. “I was speaking to you, sweetness,” she reminds, releasing your arms in favour of sliding her palm beneath your jaw, down to your collar bones, pressing between your breasts, pulling you further away from Elain’s cunt. “What do you say?”
“Sorry, mommy,” you pant breathlessly, needing to seal your mouth over her again.
Mor smiles faintly, humming from the back of her throat. “Good girl,” she soothes, gently guiding you back to Elain’s heat, and both of you release a sound of pleasure as you lips latch around her clit, suckling gently, needfully, giving long, considerate strokes of your tongue over her centre. “Mommy,” Elain cries out, hands fisting in the sheets to keep her from covering her mouth, thighs squeezing your head lightly, able to feel their tremble. “Mommy, I need…I need to cum.”
Your lids flutter at her softly confessed words, circling her clit eagerly, sloppily licking over her, quiet slurping sounds squishing between your lips and hers. Pushing her closer to the edge so you’ll be able to feel her release on your tongue.
Mor tuts lowly, but keeps your mouth sealed over Elain’s heat. “Hold on a little longer. You both want to be good for mommy, don’t you?” The two of you moan in unison, your own hips rocking against the plush mattress, trying to squirm faintly against Mor, to have her arousal dripping onto your back, but she sits heavier, pinning you down to keep your movement to a minimum. “My sweet girls,” she coos, getting off on how you work together. How perfectly you comply with her wishes, fulfilling her desires so contentedly.
“Mommy, please,” Elain whimpers, hips bucking as you circle her entrance, before making your way back up to her pretty clit, puffy from attention. “I can’t…please…” Mor hums, and you can hear the wicked smile in her voice. “Think she should come, sweets?” She asks you, using her grip in your hair to wind your face against Elain’s heat, and you tighten around nothing, thighs squeezing together. You try to nod, moaning in agreement, desperately seeking her release on your tongue, coating your mouth, gleaming on your lips.
Again Mor hums, and you can feel how hard Elain’s trying to keep herself from toppling over the edge you’ve brought her to, nails digging into the sheets viciously.
“Alright,” Mor muses at last, and relief floods the both of you. “You can come, lovely girl. But come hard.”
Elain’s lips part wide, eyes opening fully as her back bows from the bed, hips weighing into the mattress as the orgasm crushes through her, stomach and cunt fluttering as she gasps wildly, panting, moaning, mumbling incoherently as her eyes take on a glassy gleam, your tongue working her with a familiarity she can’t stand being weaponised against her. And yet it’s so good, she’s torn between trying to squirm away, and open her legs wider—to grind harder against your mouth as you drag her through the turmoil of intensive pleasure.
“Good girl,” Mor admires, releasing your hair to lean forward, her slender fingers brushing Elain’s bare nipples, round and perky against the pleasantly-temperatured room that’s now filled with the heavenly fragrance of arousal. “So obedient, aren’t you?” She muses, breathless from the show.
“My perfect girls.”
general taglist: @myheartfollower @tcris2020 @mali22 @slut4acotar @sfhsgrad-blog @needylilgal022 @hannzoaks @hnyclover @skyesayshi @nyotamalfoy @decomposing-writer @soph1644 @lilah-asteria
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number1mingyustan · 7 months
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insp. pillowtalk-zayn
(a/n: again just something short while i work on real content)
It’s part of his love language and his way of reaffirming you. You don’t like the way you look in that dress? He’s gonna prove to you that he does. You don’t have your hair and makeup done? He couldn’t care less and he’s gonna show you. He’ll pull you into the bed with him and prove it. He talks you through everything and his words make the experience all the more intense every time. Definitely the type to piss off the neighbors because he's intentional about making you loud for him. Can be gentle, but can also be rough. A bit of a tease, but never fails to satisfy.
His sex drive isn’t insane, but after a long day or a boring day he finds comfort in you. Sometimes he’ll work is way up, teasing touches and subtle hints. But other times, he’ll just tell you straight up and you’re laid up in bed with him almost immediately. He’s still a giver, so he’ll make sure to make you cum at least once before he actually fucks you. It’s always super intense and intimate. Can go all night or even all day because he get obsessed with the intimacy he feels. It's nothing but you and him together, loving on one another in your most vulnerable states.
Rarely even gets horny, just gets affectionate. Once he feels affectionate, he needs to have you. Starts off with needy kisses and then he’s leading you into the bedroom because he wants to do things with you properly. Lots and lots of kisses and marking, he’s so obsessed. Worships you and your body the entire time and makes you cum as many times as possible because he loves knowing he can make you feel good. He is always extremely gentle and loving with you. He's big on praise, telling you how pretty you look and he's never shy about letting you know how good you're making him feel.
Also doesn't have a very high sex drive. But he likes to end the night perfectly after he takes you out for dinner on an expensive date. He'll drive you back home and help you remove your coat before he leads you into the bedroom. He'll leave a lot of marks but won't realize it until he wakes up next to you when the sun is glistening onto your skin. He'll get handsy, running his fingers over every inch of your body and take his time with you. He never rushes or forces anything, it all comes naturally and you're sure as hell gonna be cumming. He doesn't realize the impact he has on you. He's so nonchalant and gentle but you'll still find yourself losing count of how many times he makes you cum throughout the night.
Sex is usually initiated by you in the relationship. You'll come onto him, leading him into the bedroom and he's quick to follow your lead. He rarely asks for anything and you find it sweet until you're in the bedroom. You just want to repay him for taking such good care of you all the time and fulfill his every desire. You'll take the lead, riding him all night until you're both exhausted and satisfied. He's incredibly vocal, especially when you're the one in control. He'll watch you in awe with love in his eyes as you express your love for him. You'll end the night sweaty with messy hair, laid up in each other's arms until you fall asleep.
© number1mingyustan - Do not repost without permission.
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roosterforme · 1 year
A Love You Don't Find Everyday Part 19 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Your wedding week is here, and you decide to give Bradley another one of his gifts early. In return, he fulfills a fantasy for you. When you host your parents and all of those closest to you for Thanksgiving dinner, it really sets in for Bradley that this is what the rest of his life is going to be like.
Warnings: Smut, angst, fluff, and swearing
Length: 4400 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
Check out my masterlist for more!
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When Maverick cornered him at the end of the day on Monday, Bradley eyed him warily. "Don't tell me you're bringing me more papers."
Maverick shook his head and laughed. "No. Not papers. But I need everyone to complete their flight evaluation paperwork during the first week of December."
Bradley's eyes went wide. He would be in Hawaii with you. Without completed paperwork, he could end up being grounded. "Shit. Can you push it later into the month for me?"
"No. But I set you up in one of the classrooms now to take care of it."
Bradley groaned. He promised you that he would be home to help you finalize everything on the wedding checklist tonight, but this issue could literally prevent him from getting a paycheck later.
"Fuck. Okay, fine," Bradley told Mav. "Thanks for making sure I got it done in time." Bradley texted you a quick explanation while he strolled to Classroom 1 so he could get started, because this would take him about two hours. 
Baby Girl Bradshaw: Take your time, Roo. But let me know before you head home, okay? I might need you to stop at the store.
At least you weren't upset. You probably didn't really need his help with the checklist, but he wanted to be there with you anyway. 
He settled in and got to work, needing to log into various sites on his phone to pull up his credentials for verification. After two hours, he was finally done, but his phone battery was almost dead. 
He sent you a quick text saying he was leaving shortly to find out what you needed from the store, and you wrote back immediately.
Baby Girl Bradshaw: Remember where we first met? Meet me there.
Bradley would remember until his dying day that he first set eyes on you last year on August 14th just before 9 o'clock in the morning. In Classroom 8. That was where you first spoke to each other. That was where he got to hear you lecturing them on software protocols. That was where he started to fall for you. 
He was immediately rushing out of Classroom 1 and heading down the long corridor. The building was mostly deserted now that it was after dinnertime, and most of the lights had been dimmed. But when he pushed the last door open, you were perched on the edge of the desk, and Bradley could still perfectly picture how you'd looked up at the podium in your khaki uniform last summer. 
But right now, you were wearing the red dress that you wore on your first date, when he had taken you to the hot sauce restaurant and silent disco in Del Mar. You had on matching red lipstick, and you had selected red polish when you got your nails done the other day.
Bradley was frozen in the doorway, looking at you as you smiled at him. "Close the door and take a seat, Lieutenant Commander Bradshaw," you instructed with a grin. 
He closed the door and headed for the seat in the first row, right in front of you. "I thought you were at home, Sweetheart."
"I was," you informed him, sliding off the desk and taking the three steps until you were in Bradley's lap. "Then I thought I would come back to base and give you one of your remaining wedding gifts here." You kissed him softly, your lips barely brushing his. He let one hand come up to the back of your neck to get a deeper kiss, not caring about getting your lipstick on his mouth. 
"What's my wedding gift?" he asked before dipping his lips down to your neck. "Getting to look at you in the dress you wore on our first date?"
You laughed at that and started to slide out of his grasp. Bradley tried to keep you on his lap, but you managed to slide down so you were kneeling on the floor between his legs with your hands resting on his khaki covered thighs. He was sure his eyes were bugging out.
"No. I'd let you look at me in this dress anytime, Roo. When I asked some of the guys what they would most like to get as a wedding gift from their soon to be wife, they seemed to universally agree that a blowjob was the way to go."
He briefly tipped his head back and groaned at the ceiling when your hands started to slide up his uniform pants. When you popped open his button and eased the zipper down, Bradley kept his eyes on yours. His hard dick sprang free when you pulled his pants and underwear down a little bit, and you squealed in delight. A small part of Bradley really loved that the guys all knew you were going to suck his dick for him, that you did it all the time.
"You want it sloppy, Roo?" you asked sweetly, licking your bright red lips. 
"God, yes," he groaned, his eyes drifting closed as you wrapped your small hand around him and grazed his tip with your lips. "Please."
You just moaned in response, and now Bradley was wishing he'd taken a second to lock the door. "Anyone could walk in, Sweetheart," he told you, stroking your perfect cheek with his thumb while you kissed along his length. 
"I know," you told him before swirling your tongue around his head and making him groan. "That's why I wanted to do it here."
You were filthy in the best way, and you were going to be his wife. "Everything you do turns me on. You know that? Everything."
You smiled up at him like he was single handedly responsible for all of the happiness in this world, and then you took the tip of his cock between your perfect, red lips.
Every inch of him was treated the the feel of your lips and your tongue as you sucked on him and took him deep. Bradley watched you take him until you were gagging, squeezing him with your throat until your eyes started to water. 
"Fuck, Baby Girl," he growled, eyeing the red lipstick smears along the base of his cock as you pulled him out of your mouth. He watched you open your mouth wide and run his tip along your lips before letting him rest on your velvety tongue. "You're perfect," he praised, running his fingers along your neck. You licked and sucked just the tip of him while you played with his balls. He could already feel the pressure building, and he knew what you were capable of. 
"You like that, Daddy?" you asked softly, stroking your fingers along his balls and nuzzling him with your face.
"You fucking know I do." And then his head tipped back again as you took his length deep again, and he felt the sensation through his entire body. You were sucking on him so well, as he palmed the back of your head, encouraging you to keep him in your heavenly mouth. 
Bradley watched your half lidded eyes drift closed briefly as you gagged on him. And then you were sucking along his length before taking him deep again. Every time he bottomed out, he could feel the pressure of his orgasm building. You bobbed on his cock, humming and gasping as you picked up speed, and Bradley watched your saliva drip onto his khaki pants. 
When you pulled him out with a loud pop, he growled your name, and your wide eyes met his. Then Bradley watched you lick along his balls and suck on him there while stroking his cock with your hands. 
"Baby Girl," he groaned. You had lipstick smeared on your face, and Bradley had never seen anything prettier than you cradling his balls and sucking on his dick. 
The wet sounds as you hollowed your cheeks and bobbed faster on his length had him thrusting into you. You moaned, eyes wide as he hit the back of your throat. You popped him out again, strands of saliva falling from those red lips as you took a deep breath before taking him to the hilt again.
Bradley swiped away the tears from your cheeks before digging his fingers into your scalp a little rough. "I'm close, Sweetheart," he murmured, teeth gritted in pleasure. 
You just grinned around his cock and hollowed your cheeks, sucking on him until he was moaning way too loud. His balls were tense, ready to spill into your mouth, and then you pulled him out one last time. Bradley watched his cum paint your lips and tongue as you gasped and squeaked in delight. You swallowed him down in gulps, and his cum ran down your chin, mixing with your saliva. Your eyes were needy as you delicately licked and sucked every drop as it beaded out of him until Bradley watched you just kissing along his sensitive tip again.
"I love you," he promised, swiping his fingers through his cum on your chin and feeding it to you. As you licked his fingers clean, Bradley caught his breath. The front of his uniform pants was adorned with cum, saliva, and red lipstick smudges. It was almost enough to make him hard again. 
After you tucked him back into his boxer briefs, you climbed back onto his lap. Bradley kissed you and licked your lips clean. "Mmm," you moaned. "Let's go home so I can feed you dinner." 
"Do you still need me to stop at the store?" he asked as you pulled him to his feet and zipped his pants. 
"No, I took care of it. Just wanted to get ice cream to go with the chocolate chip cookies I made."
Bradley laced his fingers through yours and kissed your ring. "For ice cream sandwiches? Are you purposely reminding me of all the things you did when we were dating that made me crazy for you?"
"Maybe," you said with a smirk.
"We're gonna be late," Bradley called for the third time. You just rolled your eyes in the bathroom mirror. 
"Their flight doesn't even land for two more hours."
Then he appeared in the bathroom doorway with Tramp in his arms. "If you want to have time to go to the Hard Deck for a beer first, we need to leave. You look beautiful. You look perfect. Let's go."
You capped your mascara. "Fine." You had been subtly trying to make sure nobody was making plans for Friday afternoon without actually giving away any wedding information. You were getting really antsy that one of them wouldn't be there, so giving them one final reminder today would be a good idea. "I can't believe tomorrow is Thanksgiving. And then our wedding. Are we out of our minds? Planning it the way we did?"
"Nah," Bradley replied with a crooked grin. "The only thing that's bothering me is that I know for a fact that the caterers won't make the Marry Me Rooster as good as you do."
You started laughing as you grabbed a denim jacket to wear over your dress and followed him out to the driveway. "Well if that's your biggest concern, then I'm sure Friday will be a lovely day for you."
Bradley opened the passenger door of the Bronco and buckled you in. "It's going to be the best day of my life," he promised with a kiss.
When you got to the Hard Deck, you could tell you were annoying all of the aviators at this point. And when you mentioned one more time that you were hoping everyone could make it 'to hang out on Friday', they all groaned.
"Angel, yes. For the millionth time, we will be there," Jake drawled as he took a shot at the pool table. You examined his forehead where he had a scar from his deployment. He must have had the stitches removed today. 
"I'm not even talking to you. I don't trust you anymore after how much you let me drink at the club."
"Here," Bradley mumbled, nudging a beer into your hand when he returned from the bar. He kissed your cheek before taking the pool cue Phoenix held out for him. You heard him double and triple checking with her that she was going to stick to the plans for Friday. You didn't even want to think about how shitty Bradley would feel if his best friend wasn't at his wedding. 
"Hey, Jake?" you asked quietly.
"Can I borrow your keychain? The one with the Super Hornet?"
He dug his keys out of his pocket and unclipped the beat up metal keychain that you always thought was so cool. "You thinking about getting one for Rooster?"
"Yeah," you lied smoothly. "I'm going to look for one online. I'll give it back in a few days."
You sat quietly with Bob and talked about plans for Christmas while Bradley played pool. He kept stealing little glances in your direction, and it made you smile every time. And then he started grinning, too. Then it struck you; this would be your very last time hanging out at the Hard Deck before you were married. 
So much had happened here. You remembered which stool you were sitting on when Bradley initiated that first, flirtatious conversation with you by knocking your beer all over your lap. And you kept a little mental catalog of all the songs he had ever played for you on that old, out of tune piano. 
"I love you," he whispered against your lips while he waited for Phoenix to take her turn. 
You grabbed him by the front of his shirt and pulled him close. "Next time we hang out at the Hard Deck with everyone, we will be married."
He rested his forehead to yours and smiled against your lips. "Less than two days," he whispered, running his hands along your hips and waist. "Then I'm yours, for real. Like actually a family."
You glanced at everyone playing pool and Bob eating his peanuts. "We have a huge family, Roo."
"You're right," he said with a chuckle, kissing your nose.
Then you licked his bottom lip gently, and Bradley's demeanor immediately changed. You felt his hands tighten on your waist, drawing you closer to his warm body as he hummed. When his hands found their way to your lower back you nibbled on his lip before licking him again. 
"Sweetheart." His voice had a tone of warning behind it, and you'd be lying if you said it didn't go right to your core. 
"Yes, Daddy?" you replied, not even trying to be quiet. The fabric of your dress was bunched up in his hands, and his brown eyes dipped down to look at your lips. 
"If you want Daddy, just say the words."
You licked your lips and said, "I want my Daddy."
Bradley took your half empty bottle of beer and set it down along with his empty one. With one hand pressed firmly to your lower back, he ushered you past the pool table. "Gotta get to the airport. See some of you tomorrow and all of you on Friday!" he called out, not even giving you a chance to say anything at all. 
You turned to look at him over your shoulder. "Where are we going?"
"The Bronco." His voice was commanding. He was in Daddy mode now, but you loved to give him an attitude. 
"No. Meet me in the sand. In our spot." You wove through the crowd ahead of him and out into the cool night air. There were some people out on the deck, talking and smoking, but you breezed right past them and ran down the side steps and into the darkness. 
A moment later, Bradley's heavy footfalls could be heard on the steps as well, and then he found you in the dim light filtering down from the deck, your back pressed to the wooden pillar. 
"Hi, Daddy," you whispered, and he reached right for the hem of your dress, pulling it up and yanking your underwear lower until the lace slipped down your legs and onto the tops of your boat shoes. 
"Hi, Baby Girl." His words were soft and raspy as his fingertips teased along your wet slit. 
"This is our spot." Your head tipped back against the pillar as he dipped his middle finger inside you. "But you've never fucked me here before." The voices and laughter above you on the deck had you more turned on than you'd like to admit. 
"I'm about to change that," he promised. "I'll fill you up all the way. Put a baby in you."
You groaned as he withdrew his finger and spun you around so you were facing the deck post, palms planted against it. You had a visceral reaction to the sound of him unzipping his jeans, and you were instantly panting and pushing your butt back toward him. 
"You're so fucking needy, Baby Girl. I love it." And then his big hands were up your dress, teasing along your ass before he guided himself inside you with a hiss. 
"Quiet," he commanded, pumping into you. "I know you like this. Being out in the open. Listening to people up on the deck."
The noise that escaped you was something filthy that lived in the back of your throat. But he was driving you wild, because he was right. You loved that someone could look over the side of the deck and see Bradley fucking you. The idea that someone could hear your little whines or Bradley's grunts and come to investigate made your pussy wetter. 
"That's what Daddys do, Baby Girl," his voice was low and next to your ear. "They give you exactly what you want, fuck you in public when you need it. As long as you're so sweet to Daddy the rest of the time."
"Oh my god," you groaned. Bradley's words, and the feel of his fingers on your clit, and the slapping of his thighs against yours... it was all too much. "I'm so close," you whimpered. 
"I'll get you there, and then I'll take my share, too," he promised, and almost instantly you felt yourself clenching his cock with your pussy from the release of pleasure he caused with his fingers. You bucked your hips back against him, riding out your orgasm. 
And then, just like he promised, he took you by both hips, his fingers digging into you, and absolutely railed you. All you could do was grip the wooden post and hang on as he rocked into you, letting you feel every inch of him in your overstimulated pussy. 
You were whimpering as he growled your name, filling you up with cum. You could already feel the mess leaking out of you as he pushed your hair away from your neck and pressed his lips there. "I love you, Roo," you whispered, and he gently pulled you away from the deck post. 
He whispered in your ear how much he loved you and wanted to marry you while he eased himself out of your pussy, and you could feel the wetness on your legs. 
"Shit," he mumbled as he zipped up his pants. "We need to get to the airport to get your parents."
You giggled. "I'm a mess now, Roo."
"Yeah," he agreed, taking you by the hand. "And that's your fault. You always pull this Daddy stunt right before we have to go pick your parents up from the airport." He sounded firm, but when he led you into the lit up parking lot, you could see the satisfied smirk on his face.
Bradley and you had dropped your parents off at their expensive hotel last night, and he didn't regret a single penny he was spending. It had afforded him the ability to take a very leisurely bath with you, during which you and he sipped some beers and talked about the wedding. 
Then on Thanksgiving morning, you and he were up early, drinking coffee and starting to get the kitchen organized for dinner preparations. The parade was playing on the TV, and Bradley occasionally wandered away to play along to a song on the piano. 
But the best part was, you and he were in your underwear the whole time. And you agreed to take a break and ride his dick on one of the dining room chairs after he helped you peel potatoes. He was seriously hoping one of these times it did the trick, because he couldn't wait until you were pregnant. 
"Mm," you hummed, kissing his lips and running your fingers through his hair. "You need to go pick them up at the hotel, and I need to take another shower. I don't think I have gone more than six hours without your cum dripping out of me since I told you I stopped using birth control."
Bradley groaned and helped you stand up. "I told you I was gonna keep you full, Baby Girl. Just wait until we're on our honeymoon."
"Oh, I have plans for you, Roo," you told him over your shoulder as you strolled naked toward the bathroom. He watched you spread the mess on your thighs with each step you took, but when he tried to follow you, he was met with your palm on his chest. "Go pick them up so my mom and I can make dinner," you said with a laugh before you disappeared into the bathroom and closed the door. 
So he got dressed and went to the hotel to pick up your mom and dad. He took the scenic drive on the way back, letting them get a good look at the ocean and all the beach trails. It was a perfectly clear, sunny day, and Bradley hoped tomorrow would be just as good. 
"How many are coming for dinner tonight?" your mom wondered out loud, already worried about the amount of food as Bradley pulled into the driveway. 
"Should be eleven of us," Bradley replied before jumping out to open both passenger side doors for your parents. "It'll be okay. Your daughter is a kitchen wizard. She's got it all under control."
"Hi!" you called out when he led them inside. "Mom, I need help with this stuffing!" 
And after that, Bradley was relegated to the couch with your dad to watch football and drink beer. The Baltimore Ravens were playing, and your dad was invested. And soon Payback arrived with some bottles of wine. And after that Coyote was there along with Jake. Pretty soon, Bradley was smashed into a spot on the couch between Nat and your dad, and everyone was talking and laughing at the same time. 
Jake made his way into the kitchen with the offer to be the official taste tester. Mav, Penny and Amelia arrived with four different kinds of pies. The house was full and noisy, and Bradley knew it was all because of you. The only reason he was here and healthy and happy was because you loved him. You were the main reason he did anything now. 
Bradley found you in the kitchen, laughing at Jake when he burned his tongue on some macaroni and cheese. As soon as Bradley smiled at you, there you were, in his arms. He just held you and rested his chin on your head. 
Your mom turned away from the gravy she was making to look at you in his arms. "Please tell me you've decided on a wedding date."
Bradley opened his mouth to try to distract your mom, but you were already saying, "I think we should have a lot more information by tomorrow, mom. Can you help me set the table, Roo?"
"Sure, Sweetheart," he replied, reaching to gather plates and glasses for you. 
You squealed at him as he followed you around the table, setting down plate after plate. "I don't think any of them know about tomorrow," you whispered with wide eyes.
"Just Mav. Just what we wanted."
"It's perfect! Seriously, Bradley. It's going to be so perfect!"
Then you were in his arms again, and Bradley's tongue was in your mouth. He was about to suggest a detour to the laundry room when your mom walked in, and Bradley tried to back away from you as he blushed. 
But your mom was just laughing. "Maybe you two should just get married tomorrow. I'm surprised I don't have a grandchild already."
"Mom," you groaned, stepping out of Bradley's arms and finishing setting the table. 
"What? With how beautiful you are and how handsome he is, I'll have the most adorable grandkids!"
Bradley just blushed more and mumbled, "I'm trying," before heading back to the living room. 
But pretty soon dinner was ready, and you had everyone sitting at the table which was filled with food that you and your mom had made with minimal help from Jake. Bradley brought in your bottle of hot sauce, just knowing you'd probably want to dump it all over your turkey. The way your eyes lit up when he remembered to do silly little things like that, made him even more excited for tomorrow. 
It was a tight fight for eleven people, and Bradley was sitting in a folding chair at the head of the table next to you. But it was actually kind of perfect. So he stood up for a beat to simply say, "We're both so happy to have all of you here. I hated holidays for a really long time, but now I like them again. So thank you."
Nat raised her wine glass and said, "To family." Everyone else raised a drink as well, and Bradley watched as your parents shared a kiss. He eased himself back into his chair and sipped his wine before setting the glass down. He reached for your hand and laced his fingers gently with yours. 
"Thank you," he whispered, and your eyes met his, a puzzled look on your face. 
"For what?"
He shrugged, searching for the right words as tears pricked behind his eyes. "Everything. You've made everything better."
WEDDING CHAPTER IS NEXT! I want to thank all of you so much, especially everyone who has been reading along with Roo and Baby Girl for a long time now. I have so much fun creating this little world that they live it, and you all make it even better! They have come so far together!
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koostarcandy · 2 years
Hiii I would like to request #40 from hands with #26, 28 from Kisses and #42 from touching. Thank you 😊
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pairing: idol!jungkook x reader
summary: jungkook spends a long night with his favourite person.
genre: mentions of alcohol intake, fluff :D
wc: 1.1k
summary: dw anonie i got your ask saying you wanted this with koo 😊 the prompts are "giggling while kissing" and "neck kisses" and "braiding the other’s hair" and "letting go when there is an obstacle in their way and immediately grabbing each other’s hand again when they pass it" pls follow the guidelines if you're requesting ^^ i spiraled idk what this is, my bad. pretty is said too many times, tell me another adjective for koo pls >.<
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"shhh, you'll wake bamie!"
"bamie is at my mummy's!"
you both laugh at the sudden realisation, intertwined fingers swinging back and forth.
"need to lock the door, koo."
jungkook whines from the loss of contact and hugs you from the back, sniffing your neck and praising you about your choice of perfume for the night. your hands are almost immediately back together, helping each other out of your coats and shoes.
giddy from the alcohol and the vibes of the young night, jungkook reminsces of the perfectly grilled meat he had a few hours back.
"let's invest in a home grill, bro. we can have chicken galbi everyday and also get our protein in."
"sure thing, bro." you have absolutely no intentions of getting your protein intake but you'll take anything your pretty boyfriend makes. he's one of the best cooks you know, after all.
your hazy mind somehow remembers the small note you made in the taxi while coming back home, getting yourselves a tall glass of chill water.
jungkook's sat on his new couch (the mattress has gone into a spare room, much to the chagrin of you), spaced out and doe eyes focusing on a random spot on the wall.
"i want ramen, baby," he mumbles and his eyes are immediately on you, like he knew you were next to him, "hello, you!"
you shake your head, upset you can't fulfill one of his midnight cravings. "hello, you! you can't have gluten anything, remember what the doc said?" he pulls you closer to him, silently grateful to you keeping him check always.
"thank," peck "you," peck "for, hey let me finish!"
you start giggling at his sudden numerous kisses, cheeks turning a dusty pink. "hehe," you laugh gleefully and squish his cheeks, "thank you for everything, roundie" you say sincerely, glass of water long abandoned on the teak side table. (don't ask, jungkook 3.0 gives you whiplash every 5 seconds)
"roundie? that's new. what happened to koo? i liked koo, baby."
"you're koo and roundie and baby and boba ball and so much more, i love you."
"i love you more and no, i love you mostest."
you scrunch your nose at his wrong superlative, letting it slide for once. he considers you his strict english teacher, mentally shaking his head at the memory of you trying to teach the difference between your and you're to him and taehyung.
"oooh, water. let's have water!" you giggle at his americanized accent while pronouncing water, courtesy of the countless sitcoms and pass him the cold glass. he chugs half the glass, urging you to have the rest.
jungkook buries his face in your neck while you choose a random show to watch, to simply serve as background noise.
"how about how i met your mother?"
"my brain too slow now, choose something simpler,"
"i can't break my head over rachel and ross now, gimme something else!"
"brooklyn nine-nine? the office?"
"i finished both last week, hehe."
you glance at jungkook, slight glare directed his way. it melts when you meet his crescent eyes and you comply when he says, "let's watch something to do with cake!" you put on a show with an over-enthusiastic host, both of you wincing at the increase in volume.
you snuggle into your human heater, arms wrapped tightly around him. you can feel his slow and content breaths on your neck, absentmindedly giving you tiny pecks. you twist and squirm at the ticklish feeling, alas, the strong arms around you would never let you go.
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"there we go, all clean!"
jungkook throws the cotton pad which he had put toner on, patting your cheeks.
"aigoo, so cute."
"i want to sleep, roundie."
"sleep with a side of cuddles, coming right up but we forget something."
you looks at him, sleepy eyes blinking at him, what could you have possibly forgotten now? you brushed your teeth, drank another glass of water and removed your makeup.
"i can't have you complaining about knots in your hair tomorrow baby, let's tie that up!"
you nod, agreeing with him, "pass me a scrunchie, the black one matches with pjs," long, tattooed fingers reach for the silky scrunchie but he hesitates to give it to you.
"what's wrong? did it tear again?" you ask, lips turning downwards at another fallen soldier. he shakes his head, "i want to do it, teach me?"
"of course!" you turn around and part your in 3 bunches, carefully explaining to plait it neatly. "honestly, it doesn't matter if it's neat or messy. i just want-" "your bangs out of your face, got it."
you smile up at him, which prompts him to sneak a small spiderman kiss, smiling at your adorable, sleepy self. "here we go," jungkook mumbles to himself, deft fingers plaiting your hair and humming a random melody.
"all done," he turns you around and fixes your hair, kneeling infront of you to be face-to-face. you swear you can see your reflection in his ever sparkly eyes. "you look pretty," jungkook cups your face, pecking your lips in the most adorable way ever.
"you look prettier, koo," you assure him, long strands slipping through your fingers when you comb through his hair.
"did you put serum?"
"on our faces? yes. on our hair? no..." jungkook pouts, slightly bummed at missing a step in your night routine.
"its okay, my love, let's get to the sleeping part, now please?" jungkook effortlessly carries you to your side of the bed, leaning over you to switch off the yellow light which had been adorning your faces.
the moonlight does justice to your lover, decorating his tan skin, making him seem more ethereal than ever. he settles on your chest, sighing in content at the sound of your beating heart.
"your hair's long enough to make a dutch braid," you mumble, fingers combing through his silky hair. "what was that, my love?" jungkook asks, fingers under your t-shirt and tracing lovesick patterns into your skin.
"a dutch braid, for your hair koo."
"do it then, squishy," his tattooed hand reaches out for your cheeks, squishing them and leaning up to kiss your pouting lips. you push his head back on your chest and play around with his hair, suddenly concentrated to make the prettiest braid for the prettiest boy you know.
"koo, look, i-" you're cut off by a sudden snore, his large hands still on your waist. you don't mind the dead weight, akin to a weighted blanket except it's your own boyfriend.
you let go of the braid, trusting your roundie would demand to see one in the morning. you take this as a cue to follow his footsteps, slowly slipping to dreamland.
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pt time: @armys-dna ; @joondiary ; @soobhyun ; @shatzkrinslinzki ; @highly-functioning-mitochondria ; @taegisms ; @cherishoshi
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levia-chan · 4 months
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A/N: Well, for some reason Tumblr doesn't have many works with demon!MC, so I decided to try to write my own, I hope you like it :3
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- No.
- MC, please think again. I assure you, this pact will benefit both of us! - that annoying sorcerer won't leave you alone.
He's been trying to get you to make a pact with him for quite some time. You don't want that. Which, in fact, led to your current situation. You're desperately trying to get away from the sorcerer somewhere far away, and he's still following you.
- I said no. Look for some other demon to make a pact with them.
It seems suspicious to you that such a powerful sorcerer is persistently trying to make a pact with you. You don't have such a high rank and you barely match the level of the fallen brothers, so why would he do that?
Solomon already has 72 demons under his control, so what would change if you joined this list? If he wants a pact with you just because you're closely related to the seven brothers, then he won't get it.
- MC, listen, I don't just want to make a pact with you. I see great potential in you! If we combine our knowledge and abilities, we can achieve a lot! Besides, we will certainly be able to learn something new from each other! - he was hoping to convince you with that sweet talk and friendly smile.
Oh, Diavolo, this man is really testing your patience.
That's it, you've had enough.
You stop abruptly and turn to face him. "Listen, I'm flattered by your desire to make a pact with me, but I doubt we'll be able to learn anything from each other. Besides, you overestimate me. I'm not that strong, and I don't want to be overshadowed by a human."
Now that he finally had your attention, he took your hand in his and gently ran his thumb over your knuckles.
- You're being too hard on yourself. You have your strengths, and I have my weaknesses. If you're still not sure, then how about showing off our skills to each other?
You wanted to object, but first you decided to weigh the pros and cons. In the end, you decided that a show of force wouldn't hurt and would perfectly show who you'd be connected to if you did decide to make a pact.
- Okay, I'm interested. But after this show, my decision will be final. Either we make a pact or not, it's up to me. Is that clear? - you took your hands out of his hands.
Solomon nods his head. He understands your conditions perfectly and will be ready to fulfill them, even if everything turns out not in his favor.
- Great! Now it remains to decide exactly where we would like to do this.
Both of you turned your heads at the same time towards the old dark forest not far from you. There is almost no one there, except for some rarely passing animals, plus it is far from the busy city.
Just perfect.
- Huh, I think great minds think the same way, - you laugh and start moving towards the forest first.
Solomon didn't mind that you were leading him. It didn't take you long to get to the middle of the forest, where you are surrounded only by earth, rocks and some sticks. You are accompanied by a light cool wind that makes the hairs on your skin stand on end, because you were not wearing enough warm clothes.
He noticed that you were shaking a little, so he immediately took his coat and draped it over your shoulders.
- Are you cold? - he was smiling as he put his coat on your shoulders. "I wouldn't want you to freeze. You still need to demonstrate your abilities, MC."
You fell into a stupor for a while. You didn't expect such gentlemanly behavior, especially from him.
- What about you? You people are more fragile. A little breeze won't kill me. Take care of yourself, wizard - you tried to give him back his coat.
The last thing you need is for him to poke you in the face what a sissy you are for the rest of the day.
The sorcerer, also stubborn, forced you to keep his coat with you. "I want you to know that I'm not like other people. Besides, the turtleneck suits me fine," he fiddled with the fabric around his neck.
Well, if he insists, then who are you to refuse?
Now that you have reached the perfect location, you have a large empty space at your disposal.
You turned your head towards him and tilted it slightly. "So, are you starting or am I?" you're flexing your fingers in preparation for the demonstration.
Solomon laughed and rolled up his sleeves to his elbows. "Come on, please, demons go ahead."
- Wow, look at the gentleman, - you smirked.
At first, you stretched your hand out and felt the breeze passing through your fingers. You put your middle finger and thumb together and started concentrating. Magic began to crackle in the air. When a ball of magical energy formed in your hand, you turned all your attention to one object.
You looked at a large boulder and sharply reduced the sphere, after which you sent this small ball to the boulder. In just a second, a rather powerful explosion occurred. Strong air currents formed, as well as debris of different sizes, which began to fly in different directions. Some even flew in your direction.
- MC! - Solomon grabbed your arm and tried to pull you away, but you didn't even move.
You looked at the wreckage and clenched your hand into a fist. The stones stopped abruptly in the air and began to fall to the ground under the influence of gravity, forming small craters.
Since the danger has passed, the sorcerer has released your hand. He breathed out a sigh of relief and looked at you worriedly. "You could have been hurt, you know? It's good that you have a great reaction."
- I know my abilities and I wouldn't do this if I wasn't sure of my own safety. But it's nice that you're worried about me when you should be thinking about yourself.
He chuckled as it was his turn to show his strength. He will prove that he is worthy to make a pact with you.
- Let's see if you'll keep thinking I'm weak. Oh, and by the way, you're not getting seasick in the air, are you? - he asked with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.
- No. Why-
You didn't have time to finish and understand what was going on, because you suddenly flew into the sky. The only thing that could soften your fall is the edges of the trees.
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Solomon was next to you in a second, but he was much better at floating in the air than you were. Watching you awkwardly hanging in the air, he covered his mouth, trying to hide a chuckle. - Well? Are you having fun?
You stared at him, kicking your legs in the air. "What do you think? You just shot me like a projectile from a catapult! And without any warning!"
- You'll get used to it soon, but for now let me help you, - he flew up to you and took your hands. He began to guide you, and now your flight has stopped being so erratic.
It took your breath away to realize that you were so high above the ground. "You don't send everyone you meet flying, do you? Because it's a great way to make enemies."
- Don't worry, I'm not that reckless, - he smiled and gently lowered you both down. "I only do this with those who are really interesting to me and with whom I want to become closer."
You fell silent, feeling his gaze on you. "Solomon, - you haven't called him that for quite a while, - if you want to make a pact with me just because I know my brothers well, then you don't have to continue. I don't like being used."
He seemed to be taken aback by this response. "Is that why you've been rejecting the pact all this time?"
-... Well.. Why else would you sign a contract with me?..
Solomon gently took your hand. "MC.. Pacts are not something you will make with someone for no reason. What I want from you means more to me than strength or power."
Your feet finally touched the ground, and you were speechless after such a subtle confession. You can't even look at him.
- It looks like I'm making things too complicated, - he noticed your stunned state. "According to our agreement, I will accept any decision you make. Pact or not," he lowered his head and looked away, preparing to face rejection.
Before he left, you grabbed his arm and stopped him.
- The pact. I want to make a pact with you.
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yandereorg · 1 year
Yandere Dick Grayson headcannons
Warnings-yandere behaviour, brief smut, riding, kidnapping sexual abuse, physical abuse
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Dick Grayson is manipulative, controlling and possessive yandere.
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Dick is devoted in the bedroom and out of it. Before the two of you had even gone out together, he always found a way to touch you, always under the guise of a helpful hand while you at the gym whether your stretching and he’s helping your posture or lifting weights, he’s always right behind you, offering to fill up your bottle, maybe taking a swig for himself or maybe spitting in to it if no ones around, none he gets a taste of you and you get a taste of him. He’ll even borrow Lian, so he could visit you at work, under the guise of her moving to a new pre-school. He loved seeing you with kids, he liked to imagine you swell with his child, your plump breasts, how you’d need more help, and he was more than willing to provide it. (He also liked the idea of you having something, a child, that tied you to each other.).
He could’ve kissed you, your checks morphed into an unknown shade of red, close to carmine, all he did was invite you out to coffee, but you knew it was more, he knew it was. He’s affectionate from the start, stating physical touch as his love language, and that is true, but he also did put a tracker on to your coat, and car. It is too early even for him to check up on you every hour. The first night the two of you spend together, he is insatiable, drunk on lust, finally he gets to boast his expertise. He’s longed for this moment and seeing you amazes him, he’s taken aback by your beauty.
His arms secured themself around your waist, holding you against him, holding you steady as his cock thrusts into you, his lips constantly luring you into kisses. The harmonies of your shared moans echo throughout his apartment, almost drowning out the bed creaking out. Your lips migrate to the soft skin covering his nape, you’re so close, crying out for him to go harder, and your pleads are answered, he becomes more undone each time your sweet cunt clenches around him. You take him so perfectly, he makes his praise clear, although his words come out slurred but you understand them. your hips slam down once again, and the two of you climaxing together, he holding you in place as your shared essence drips down.
In the morning you’re sent back to bed, a breakfast is on its way, he looks like a prince, you had no idea what was to come. Dick would keep you in bed all day if he could, some days the two of you do. Spending endless hours engulfed in eachother’s warmth, Dick often mentions how he feels complete, and when you leave you take his joy along with you. He is also always mentioning how much he wants a baby, a family, and although Nightwing isn't currently active doesn't mean Bruce won’t call on him, luring him back to gotham, he’ll need a plan for when that happens, but he’s fulfilled for a moment.
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Dick is desperate to be important, you have consumed his every thought and he wishes to return the favour. He moves fast, at first he’s your gym crush, then a coffee date, then you've moved in and he blowing your back out every night. Dick felt really refreshing every time you pulled out your phone he never looked, he never complained when you went out, he always put his pleasure before his. He was so trusting, so perfect. Or so you thought, Dick had your phone cloned so he knew everything already and if he if didn't like someone? they get muted, deleted, blocked or threatened depending on his mood, and he also limits the invites you receive, intercepting the ones he wont allow and letting you go to approved one, often sending Barbara with you as a spy.
Dick is relatively normal compared to his family, a lot of his actions will go unseen, the majority of his manipulations, that you see, can be explained away or Dick just starts lying, insulating that your paranoid or so scarred by past relationships that you spit in the face of a good man, and any mistakes he can’t get out of through gaslighting he’ll buy his way out. Anything and everything, he’d buy you an entire shop’s stock, then guilting you into forgiveness. Dick wants to live in the honeymoon phase forever but theres only so much forgiveness in your heart and you can only be so guidable, either way Dick’s masquerade will soon be revealed. He’ll begin to breakdown when you stand your ground, insults are thrown, then objects, then fists. The thought of you leaving is boiling his blood and he’s been repressing his anger for so long, in hopes of giving you the dream boyfriend fantasies, all now fruitless. Once his brain clears he’ll beg for your forgiveness, but the purple stain on your cheek acts as an undeniable reminder of what he did.
He watched you leave, in that moment it was like a thread was cut severing his connection to reality, another breakdown presiding, he destroyed his apartment, snot and tears obscured his face. The next day, he is composed no longer the broken, pathetic man he was last night, with his plans you’ll fall back into his arms by the end of the week. He uses your greatest insecurities, darkest secrets, most intimate moments against you. He’s above nothing. You wake to an unknown number sending you videos, you see yourself drunk on pleasure begging Dick to cum, calling yourself his personal cum dump, videos of you touching yourself, Dick fondling your body as he shows it off to the camera, your slurred words go ignored by him. Some screenshots followed, you say unpleasant things about coworkers, friends and family. If those videos got out you’d lose your job. Text came through a little later, telling you to come home and talk. Dick greeted you with open arms, kissing your purple stained cheek, you wondered when his charming smile turned into a nightmarish smirk.
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Dick isn’t one to shy away from punishments, he doesn't get that much enjoyment from them but it is a necessary evil, something that you have to go through to be better, and he wants better for you. His punishments range from beatings to solitary, locking you in a safe house with nothing, no food, no clothes, just a blanket and and some cameras, you’ll stay in there till you beg, cry out his name to come and save you and he’ll be there. The way you run into his arms, warms his heart, he hopes now you know that he’s your provider, he can give you the world, but he’s also the one to take it away. He never plans to beat you, but when you mention his flaws it enrages him completely and he loses all control. Damian often lectures him, pulling him off of you. Damian is probably the closest thing you have to a friend while in the manor, other than ace. While at the Wayne manor you wallow in self-pity, afraid dick will turn into his father, that he’s capable of getting worse.ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ・・・・☆・・・・
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