#also ngl it may just turn into an oc rather than a reader
on-leatheredwings · 6 months
oh............ oh nooooooo
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harus-simp · 1 year
Surprise me
-Keita x reader-
Genre: angst (fluff ending),comfort
Warning:lots of cursing, horrible parents (just worry about your grades)
Word count: 1.6 K (aprox)
Requested: hihi! is requests open? 😶‍🌫️ i honestly found your account like only an hour ago and read a few of ur fics and i can sense that you're really good 😭 i really like that wumuti fic where he and the reader got into a argument LMFAOO moving on urm.. if requests are open i'd like to request a keita angsty (?) fic where he and the oc/reader are academic rivals.. let's say the oc/reader is competetive because she is pressured meanwhile keita only wanted to be her rival to get her attention?
prompt > “your last test grade says otherwise.” (HELP ME IDK IF THIS FITS SO PLS EDUCATE ME) (Anonymous)
Author's note: hey there anon, thank you so much for requesting this, I had a really good time writing it ngl :D
Also sorry for the long wait, but I was so busy lately:((
I hope it's similar to what you were asking, please enjoy it 😊
You and keita had been rivals for a really long time now, always fighting over who had the highest grade. However, maybe a test was precisely what would bring you both closer.
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The life of a high school student may seem simple too many, you just have to pay attention on class and then nail your tests. However, in your case that's far from the truth, I mean your life wasn't miserable but it sure was hard for you.
Specially when you have someone called Terazono Keita annoying you non-stop and being all competitive without any fucking apparent reason.
You guys had been on the same class throughout all highschool and at first he wasn't that much of a bother, in fact he seemed like a good guy.
But life can be surprising at times, and soon after he became the most irritant person on this fucking world. He didn't pay attention to be on the first place, he just wanted to be better than you.
He scored higher by one point? Boom. The first he did was to make fun of you for it.
It didn't matter how bad he did, but rather how worse YOU did.
"Alright class, you may be dismissed now. Mr/Mrs y/l/n? Could you please stay a little longer?".
Oh great! Just what you needed, your teacher talking with you privately about your grades. How nice was that?
You waited for everyone to leave till you could finally approach her desk.
"Mr/Mrs y/l/n, I am beginning to worry a little about you, your grades on my subject have been dropping recently. Is there something bothering you recently?"she asked
"No, just a rough week. I promise this was a one time thing. I'll do better next time"
"Alright, don't worry darling, just make sure that you don't fall back, you may be dismissed"
You were finally getting out of class and going to take your lunch, until you were stopped by someone's voice.
"You pissed off Mrs Kim or something?"
You rolled your eyes at his comment.
"No keita, I didn't"
Leaning on the wall looking at you with a smirk was keita, his eyes dark and piercing, his hair dark brown looking all soft and his hands holding his backpack over his shoulders.
"Then your grades pissed her off"he said laughing
"My grades are doing just fine for your information asshole"you said annoyed by him leaving him there
"Your last test says otherwise dear"
You suddenly turned around looking at him with despise.
"And how would you possibly know that huh?"you asked sarcastically crossing your arms
"Well, leaving your test on top of your desk and then going to the bathroom isn't so slick babe"
"Mind your own fucking business"
And while you hated how annoying he could get at times you couldn't help the blush that crept onto your ears and cheeks.
Despite all your bickering and your hate relationship with him you wouldn't deny that when he wasn't being a dick to you he was one of the most handsome people in the room.
The confident and charming aura he exuded could be perceived from miles away. His gummy smile could light up any dark room and his cute height always made you melt instantly.
However, you didn't want to admit that out loud and feed his ego much more than you already had.
Coming home was by far the worst part of the day. And you may be wondering why keita isn't. Well that was simple. Because the pressure and rigidity from your parents was what actually made you sick.
They wanted you to excel in everything and not by a little, they wanted you to be practically perfect. Do even if you got an amazing score or even a perfect one,they weren't satisfied. They always wanted more.
And you were getting quite tired of it honestly, you couldn't take it anymore. How were you now supposed to tell your parents that you were starting to fail on a subject? You had already to cope with the daily unsatisfaction from them.
While you were having dinner with your parents you decided to just drop the bomb, what was the worst that could happen?
It actually seem like a lot.
"Um, my grades on Mrs Kim subject have been decreasing a little bit, sorry"
"Sorry you say? They weren't even perfect on the first place, and you call yourself a smart student? I'm really ashamed of you y/n y/l/n"said your father
"Yeah, how are you supposed to finish your studies in this condition, you can't let your guard down on such an easy task"
Now you were starting to get irritated because how could they say those things so easily? But what really made you incredibly furious were the next words.
"I'm embarrassed to call you my daughter"
That was the last straw.You were just gonna let it slide but you wouldn't let your parents talk to you like that.
"Excuse me? Are you being serious right now? You are telling me that I work my ass off and do my best to get good grades and make you proud, but you act like this? I'm the one who should be offended"
"You call that good grades? Those are nothing. And do your best? Please,let's be serious right now you are a complete failure for this family"
"Well then take all your perfect grades and expectations and shove it up your ass"you shouted as you stormed out of your house.
You run and run till you couldn't see practically anything due to the tears that were starting to form in your eyes, so with a blurred vision you decided to stop for a moment and take a break to cool off.
You found yourself on a park that didn't look familiar at all but you decided to seat on a bench and calm yourself a little bit.
It wasn't of any help as all the hurtful words you had just heard were starting to get to you. You swore you were a strong person, however being called a failure and a disappointment to the family wasn't something that could leave your mind quickly.
And your luck seemed to increase each minute more and more.
"Well look who's here, if it's not my dear y/n"
You decided to ignore keita's existence as it wasn't what you needed at the moment but he wouldn't stop.
"Now now, look at me honey, don't try to-"he stopped himself as he saw your puffy eyes and your reddened cheeks from the crying.
But what had actually shocked him was the look in your eyes, hurt. That was a state he had never seen on you.
"Wha- what do you want terazono?"you said as you looked at the floor
"He- hey, are you okay y/n?"he said while crouching down to get on your level and putting a hand on your shoulder for support
"Clear- clearly not"
"Sorry um- you wanna talk about it?"
He sat besides you with his hand still on your shoulder and looking at you with the softest gace you had ever seen him with.
You hated yourself for falling that easily for this different treatment he was giving you but having someone to vent all your emotions on would be a pretty good way to loose a little bit up.
"It's just i- I am tired. Really tired of my parents, they want me to be this perfect like robot that get the highest marks and that doesn't have flaws. But the truth is that I am not perfect, and being called a literal disappointment and embarrassment for them feels like all the effort I've put all these years had leaded me to nothing"
"Wow those are some harsh words, i- I didn't know your parents put so much pressure on you"
"Well now you know I guess"
He looked directly into your eyes and holding your hands in his.
"You kinda made it hard as well keita"
"I know, but i didn't mean to actually, i- i just wanted to get your attention"he said as his voice slowly became a whisper.
"My attention?"you asked curiously and slightly embarrassed
"I didn't know how else to talk to you, you seemed quite unapproachable and you didn't even spare me a glance so I figured out that picking on you would get it somehow"
"You are a complete idiot! Of course I looked at you, but not when you were looking dumbass. Wouldn't want to make a fool of myself!"
"Oh, um- wow. I- I don't know what to say now"
All the confidence he exuded was nowhere to be seen right there, he looked like a complete different person, but you found it cute.
"Well you could start off by asking me out, but at the moment I really need a hug because I still feel like shit"
And there was that smile that you so loved to admire from afar and those welcoming arms that engulfed you in a comforting hug.
"I'll definitely consider your first option when you are feeling better,babe"
"You aren't letting that go are ya?"
"Wouldn't even dream of it"
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Taglist: @terazono-keita
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