#also no I won't stop making BB comparisons lol
katyspersonal · 5 months
Okay okay I will stop talking about it I promise, but it is hard to explain how much strain, weight, fear and stress I've been under over one particular problem for a few months, and how strange the means of my liberation from it were. I've spent the whole week, or even more, crying, and I've fallen into extreme self-doubts and guilt. This time it was too much to bear and I wondered if I was in the wrong after all.
But like.. just very specific words and attitude removed ALL of that weight in a flash. Not only I felt much easier and free, but also I saw with my very eyes that I WAS right, I WAS in the right place and DID the right thing. I can't describe this. I knew that I would feel better and move on if I open my heart, but I didn't know in which way. Like.. imagine grabbing a saint (affectionate) from the local church (derogatory) trying to speak and getting "Oh wait no you haven't sinned, we just don't want heretics walking near our pure place 👍". It is like, disappointment and loss of all self-doubts that escalated for months, but also relief from fear and perceived hatred that kept sipping my HPs like a permanent status effect. And confidence in my purpose. I feel like I just can't share about it in a way that makes sense, but I experience genuine relief from pain and self-doubts so rarely that I can't keep it inside. It was a quick hurt to heal the permanenthurt, you know, kinda like how fixing a broken shoulder requires wild pain but it's quick? This was the biggest HUMANITY RESTORED moment I've had in a long while.
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madraleen · 6 months
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The Promised Neverland - Kaiu Shirai/Posuka Demizu Vol.13-15: A complimenting commentary.
-oh yeah, that's too much kiddie reminiscence, yugo and lucas ain't making it out. they're gonna blow the place up like gilda threatened. that's my prediction
-oof i'm rooting for you guys, but it ain't looking good
-okay, not gilda's explosion, but an explosion all the same.
-one asset of this manga is that it can make the truly sad moments pack a punch. like the separation with norman, ray's intention to die, emma seeing yugo. they’re noticeably more effective than everything else. even if you don't care up to that point, they still make you sit up.
-ah yes the obligatory afterlife scene, nice
-oof, that was a lot. that was heavy.
-is it truly minerva?
-i'm sorry, mr minerva sent two kids that couldn't handle WILD demons to find us...? with no real protection...? that sounds irresponsible.
-hayato's design, i really like it
-i guess hayato is good at stealth but still, they were so powerless against wild demons, what is minerva or "minerva" teaching these kids. i guess not combat, but STILL, he sent them out there
-zazie killing the demons about to eat emma, what a great panel
-a town inside a tree, that's cool
-NORMAN?! also, lol, norman? he grew like three years more than the others. he's a young man (in appearance), and emma and ray are children.
-they've earned that hug, emma and norman, they've earned it so hard
-"oh, my left ear? i left it at the house." lmao, what a way to put it
-gosh, i remember so few names, it's such a huge cast, i'm sorry.
-yeah, i expected ray to hit norman :D
-aww bb ray crying <3
-experimenting on children? hayato a fast runner.
-dude, the babies hanging from the ceiling imagery, the experimented-on children. dark.
-is this the part where we clap for norman's exposition monologue? 'cause it was a good one. too good to be true even.
-aw ray, norman and emma falling asleep together, my heart
-ray with the questions, that's why i like ray. a voice of level-headedness, but not your typical aloofness. just more-aloof-than.
-yeah, see, that's nice, ray knowing what emma truly wants, because ray's lived with emma and grown with emma and seen emma grow for two years now, and norman hasn't
-the dynamic i'm getting is, norman and emma can cordially disagree, and norman won't back down but won't stop emma from doing her thing, and ray is emma's ride-or-die, so whatever emma says, he'll be beside her even if he doesn't quite agree, because he just can't let her face the risk alone
-this is interesting, because it's emma vs everyone and it's never been that way. it's always been emma WITH everyone.
-we stan a friend that meets you where you are, not where *he* is or where he thinks you should be (ray and emma, i'm talking about them).
-lol, not me following the 'how to draw ray' tutorial, lmao
-hm? i'm sorry, hm? barbara eats demon meat...?
-yeah, if emma hears of norman's plan, she'll blow a gasket. back-stabbing alliances. that's not emma stuff.
-hmmm, norman detaching himself from emma instead of opening up and hugging her back. hmmmmm. hm i say.
-ha, my prediction for cordial disagreement and emma and ray going on their separate mission was spot-on!
-okay, an imprisoned demon in norman's basement wasn't what i expected to see when zazie opened that door, niiice
-"that's not what the demons are like," barbara says, a panel away from transforming into a kimetsu no yaiba demon
-yeah, because no matter what, norman technically killed the mass farm kids, or let them die. even if he had no other choice, even if it was seen as merciful in comparison, their deaths are still by his actions and norman actually does have a conscience.
-i'm low-key curious to see how s2 of the anime screwed up as much as i've seen reported, bc the manga structure works really well.
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