#also no meyrikh bc she's a bit too new and currently loves not dying and being dead
xivu-arath · 7 years
give me a 3000 page essay on the topic of how great quesh is? nah but actually what are your favorite swtor planets? do any of your characters have a certain connection with a planet? also, what would you like clariel to get up to more often on denny??
I love quesh and how it squishes underfoot and how the elevators kill you and how everything is poisonous and,
oKAY THO I def adore dromund kaas and korriban the most for being edgy aesthetics and dromund kaas having like. actual different environments, while korriban was just the most imposing entry planet and made a huge impression on me when I first started playing. aesthetics-wise, voss, belsavis and tython are also faves
rkorya was born and raised on dromund kaas and loves it, even if she grumbles about the rain (when vette grumbles about the rain she’s immediately defensive bc only kaasians really get the privilege of grumping about kaas’ weather). she also has a strong attachment to korriban due to her training there, and its climate and culture… really suit her. she always visits it at the new year to hold vigil and wait for the dawn of another year on the planet which venerates and treasures the end of so many sith
shenrihn has strong connections to tython (held captive and trained there) and belsavis (imprisoned and experimented on there) but their actual fave planet is ilum because they went there to train, to learn stillness and peace and to be in a quiet, empty place to centre themselves and… it was one of the best and most peaceful times of their life
kymet and vit like coruscant well enough, and bits of nar shaddaa, but they tend to be on the move way more than they are planetside. vit hasn’t been there in-game yet but apart from the constant threat of death he’s really a fan of makeb
chotal has a connection to tython of course, but her fave planets are voss and the planet the esh-kha settle on, because she promptly moves in there for like three months
yskra… considers rattatak both the bane of her life and where she became strong enough to fend for herself, so it’s. important but she’d rather not go back now.
as for what I’d like to do with clariel… explore her actual trauma and what happened before she got to denny bc it’s a big thing and she’s sort of been avoiding both her actions and the losses she’s suffered for months now. but my biggest wish would be to get her to actually be threatened or pushed into a rage on-screen and to have that have consequences bc it’s… def a scary, unpredictable thing
or better yet, do some free magic stuff bc that also hasn’t come up yet and that’s a Disaster waiting to happen
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