xivu-arath · 1 year
a trooper thing
“You looked back,” Vik says, not looking up from where he’s reviewingthe latest orders of detonite. Technically, it’s a task he could handle on his own, but Kymet knows by now that the moment she takes her eyes off him, he’ll start testing just how far he can go before she’s caught up with him.
Better not to risk it, and guarding him isn’t nearly as aggravating as she once thought it would be. It’s refreshing to be around someone so blunt, and to be blunt right back at him without worrying about being on task.
“At the Gauntlet. You looked back when we were leaving.”
She folds her arms and leans back against the wall. “Being suddenly cryptic is Yuun’s thing, not yours.”
“Right, I forgot the question.” She can’t see his face, but by his tone she’s sure he’s rolling his eyes. “Why?”
“It was a major victory for the squad, and for the Republic. It was one of the biggest things we’d ever accomplished. It meant a lot but... you already know that.”
“That you eat, breathe and shit for the Republic? Yeah, that’s not news.” It’s the kind of apathetic condescension that would normally rile her, but this time it’s almost idle. Only Vik would manage to make insults the same as small talk. “But there’s another reason.”
“You sound pretty certain of that.” And she’s curious, but she’s not sure curiosity is worth hearing him out.
He grunts, almost a laugh. “It’s been nearly a year since you chased me down on Balmorra. I’ve seen you work, I’ve seen you fight...” He turns to her and smiles, though his expression is far from soft. “You like to see the blast, just as much as I do.”
“Given I’m not a demolitions expert whose only purpose in life is affected by how much I can blow up at any given moment, I don’t think we’re that alike.”
“Oh sure, you’ve got all those moral hangups, but there’s a reason you’re in Havoc Squad, and it’s not because you believe all those nice things about freedom and duty.” He raises a hand to forestall her. “You looked back because you wanted to see the Gauntlet blown to pieces. Just like you want to see the Imps dead and their bases blown to scrap. Not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because you want to be the one to have done it.”
“Because that’s my job,” she says, finally cutting in. “It’s what I’m good at.” Maybe if she’s curt enough, it won’t give him any ideas – not that she can fully admit he’s wrong about her. Of course she’s a good soldier, she’s worked hard at that, but... it’s not just duty pushing her forward. There’s something about the heat of cannonfire and the wreckage of a Havoc victory that feels right. Personally having had a hand in it means more to her than she can put words to.
It still doesn’t mean she’ll actually tell Vik that he’s right. Balmorra was enough of an example of what happened when people listened to him, and there’s no telling when a personal discussion will unfold into one of his scams.
Kymet can’t quite loom over him when he’s just a bit taller and even more muscled, but she steps away from the wall, allows steel to trickle back into her spine and anchor her shoulders.
“I’m just saying, if you ever feel like cutting loose... we could have a lot of fun together. Imagine it, Boss – hitting their stations, their ships, leaving nothing behind. The Gauntlet would be just the start. We could stop waiting around for Senators and the SIS and paper pushers to tell us where to go, what to do.” He spreads his arms, warming to the topic. “Don’t tell me you haven’t been itching to get out under their thumb this whole time. Or are you going to wait until the SIS or High Command covers its ass again and throws us all away like the Deadeyes?”
That hits closer to home, and she presses her lips together. Where Havoc would be once the war is over is a question she’s tried not to ask herself. The examples of the squad before hers, and how the SIS was handling the Deadeyes are things Kymet has thought long and hard about, with no easy answers. Is this how it happened for the defectors? Was what they did eventually more important, more vital, than who and what they did it for?
Or was it only until the balance between what they owed the Republic and what the Republic owed them tipped too much? “You’ve said enough, Vik. More than enough.”
He smiles again, crooked and wry. “And here I’d gotten my hopes up.”
“Did you really think you could get me to abandon the squad? Prioritize chasing thrills over my duty?” she says, fighting to keep her voice even. Raising it feels too much like a loss, like he’s succeeded in getting at her. “I fight for the Republic first. For its protection and its freedom, which is more than killing Imps or even winning this war. But that’s not something I’d expect you to understand.”
“Could’ve just saved your breath and stuck with ‘no, shut up’.”
She sucks in a breath and wishes, not for the first time, that the Beacon had a brig that she could lock him in for a few hours. “I’m getting there. You’re not going to bring this up again – with me, or with anyone else, or the next conversation we have will be much less pleasant. Are we clear?”
“Yes sir,” he snaps off, too smarmy to actually be sincere. Vik really does have a talent for making her want to punch him. “Won’t ask if you’re tired of being yanked around by generals who sit around on their ass again, sir. But really, Boss – I figured it was worth a shot.”
“Was it? Because I’m a few seconds away from kicking your ass, Vik.” As she figured, this doesn’t sway him much, and she takes a grim pleasure in the dawning fear in his eyes as she adds, “And confining you to the ship to do requisition forms for the rest of the squad for the next month. Dorne deserves a break, and she’s been going on about these new forms that make the experience thrilling.”
“Okay, I get it – keep my mouth shut or you make my life miserable. You don’t pull your punches.”
“Yeah, well, you deserve it. You’ve been at this inspection for half an hour now – get out of here before you get any other bright ideas.”
He tips her an ironic salute, but at least his expression is a good deal less satisfied. Vik’s as much of a pain in the ass as he is an asset – this is about as much of a victory as Kymet could escape.
Still, maybe she can dent his mood for a little longer.
“Dorne?” she says into her comm. “When’s your next round of requisitions for the ship?”
“They’re due in two days, Major. May I ask why?”
“Bring Vik along this time while you fill them out. Make sure to explain all of what you’re doing to him. Thoroughly.”
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newsupdated · 4 years
Bill Gates Invests $78 Million in Satellite Antenna Firm Kymeta
Bill Gates Invests $78 Million in Satellite Antenna Firm Kymeta
Bill Gates is leading satellite antenna firm Kymeta’s latest funding round with a $78 million (roughly Rs. 578 crores) investment, the company’s president told Reuters.
Redmond, Washington-based Kymeta, which sells pizza box-sized antennas for installation on cars, trains and boats, secured $85.2 million (roughly Rs. 633 crores) in capital. It plans to launch a monthly subscription service for…
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arko006-blog · 4 years
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Bill Gates Invests $78 Million in Satellite Antenna Firm Kymeta Bill Gates is leading satellite antenna firm Kymeta's latest funding round with a $78 million (roughly Rs.
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throwdownsyndicate · 7 years
http://Throwdownsyndicate.band #Atlmusic #Bars #costamesa #DCARTS #englishmetal #festival #ghettometal #hiphop #idmetalcore #jerseymetal #KyMetal #localandlive #mcfc #nyrap #oldbridgemetalmilitia #phillyhiphop #quebecmetal #ratm #scmetal #thc #vegasmusic #wvametal #kingsx #zenergyentertainment
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ferkull · 5 years
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Fasulye bile nimettendir. Sen 'nimet' değil , 'namert'sen Fasulye seni neylesin? . ferkul #edebiyat #şiir #günlük #yazı #nimet#fasulye#kadir kymet https://www.instagram.com/p/B37_d5HgWuB/?igshid=1rlj8dbpc3eh7
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samiaksoy · 5 years
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accessontv-blog · 7 years
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xivu-arath · 1 month
Tell me about your Star Wars OCs?
this is a tall order... watch me forget someone
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rkorya, sith warrior - proud, self-assured, bloodthirsty and far more loyal than she is ambitious, she's extremely powerful and a talented warrior, but lacks fine control in the force due to her training being deliberately sabotaged. she was her family's only hope to maintain their precarious status as minor nobility, and succeeded in this role... and just happened to be isolated, pressured, and used as a pawn for nearly every step of the way. despite that, she's endured and survived and made herself too implacable to really be challenged. she loves the empire (and what she thinks it can become) and is blind to all the damage it's done to her, but she's also someone all the darths have to step very lightly around. My Favourite, has the bulk of my fic and several adjacent timelines of what happens with her (in one she sacrifices herself and becomes a sword ghost slowly moving through history)
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shenrihn, jedi knight - quiet, distant and superficially calm - but judgmental, fiercely aggressive in battle, and driven by fear and resentment, they're rather infamous as a jedi for having emerged from the prison planet of belsavis, where they had been in stasis for 20,000 years. once a slave of the infinite empire of the rakata, they navigated the stars and found life-rich planets for conquest, but were put into stasis for study when the rakata's force sensitivity began to wane. the jedi order took custody of them after their discovery, and they eventually became a padawan... but finding the peace promised to them proved very difficult. their story is in limbo after finishing the class story because they would rather avoid all plot forever, but I'm cultivating a very mean au where they end up in the sith inquisitor story instead
significant ocs
vitnako, twi'lek smuggler - witty, laidback, radiates Just A Guy energy, but has a ruthless streak when cornered. an expert on reinventing himself and cutting and running due to a tough past on hutta and being the only one who managed to get out of there. only loosely connected to the class story because it's either sexist or ridiculous, but he's out there dodging the law and having a good time
netethei, chiss agent - Officially The Worst. cheerful, amiable and easily entertained, she's difficult to read due to how genuine her amusement is - but it can easily come at the cost of those around her. she was recruited by the empire after selling a diplomat's scandals and secrets out, and she's currently keeping herself from stepping out of line... but all of her fellow agents hate her anyways
meyrikh, pureblood sith apprentice - secretive, jealous, an insecure mess. child of a family found to be plotting treason, she and her older siblings were sold into slavery, and all of the adults killed. she eventually managed to become an apprentice, but any advantage her lineage might have granted her is outweighed by how uncomfortable her existence makes every traditional sith. her sole talent is in going unseen, but still not as often as she would like. kept in limbo because I want to think of a good master for her still
tashram, togruta sith lord - weary, vengeful, bitter, and stubborn. an attempt on her life by an upstart rival has her crash onto an agrarian planet in the middle of nowhere. laying low slowly turns to actually making a life for herself here rather than risk returning to sith politics. has an extremely wip fic project about how she becomes a farmer, and the connections she makes
the twi'lek pirate crew - barely represented on my blog, but a collection of twi'leks (and one zabrak) created by one of my friends handing me a bunch of adoptables. I don't have much of substance on them but I think they're cool
characters in name only
kymet, mirialan trooper - a republic trooper for the class story
chotal, miraluka jedi consular - a consular for the class story! I actually really enjoy the story but cannot think of a good oc for it yet so here we are
yskra, rattataki bounty hunter - an oc I made in tandem with a friend, but he's not playing currently so she's in limbo. a survivor of rattatak's fighting arenas, trying to make a future through bounty hunting with her partner
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xivu-arath · 7 years
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my entire swtor lineup as of now! one day I’ll actually have the focus to put together outfits for all of them but to be fair, half aren’t done their class stories yet
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xivu-arath · 7 years
also if you wanna do the other half of that swtor alignment switch au i certainly would not mind...
welp here we go! I think this batch is interesting bc without the force and the specific orders picking them up the differences are a lot more fluid in places?
vit is interesting bc I think he is the most… ambivalent and neutral of my entire roster to begin with, since his main goals are being rich and staying independent of other people’s messes. here I think he’d be more set on actually having influence, enough to keep himself safe and relatively stable in the galaxy. his actual backstory wouldn’t change much - still a slave on hutta who gets a chance to escape but has to leave his family behind and join up with a smuggler’s crew
but his journey after that is… maybe a little less smooth. maybe he gets caught up in gang wars on nar shaddaa and gets tired of following after people who inevitably use and discard everyone around them, so when he does strike out on his own, he’s hardened up and less inclined to trust anyone else. he’s still charming and fun and sassy bc that opens doors and smooths pathways but he never gives second chances and it’s… harder to care, nowadays.
he mostly focuses on setting up his own space and gathering his own people and looking out for them, and he ends up as… well, maybe not a crime lord but a pretty effective pirate with a loyal powerbase and a knack for getting out of really tight situations. both sides of the war (and some completely outside factions) contract him a few times to pull off operations or help get valuable cargo to where it needs to be. he honestly doesn’t care about what’s going on, as long as he can stay out of it
it’s… kind of sad, I think he’d end up pretty much exactly like the crime lords and pirates that he’d wanted to get away from
I actually already have an alignment swap of sorts with kymet - one where she joins up with havoc earlier and ends up absorbing a lot of their anger and betrayal about the republic intending to sacrifice them, and defects alongside them
it’d be… a much harsher environment - republic defectors might be picking the “right side” according to imperials but they haven’t proven themselves and can’t be trusted, and kymet is alien, so she gets it twice as hard. but she’s upset and determined and thinks that this has to be the right option, there has to be something worth it in the end
I think to her, this was more of a sign of how far the republic had fallen, and defection was the only choice left to wake it up - she didn’t really intend to join the empire officially but the rest of the squad did and well… then she can’t think about it because there’s so many obstacles in her way, and somewhere amidst proving she deserves respect and dragging herself through battles she finds herself enjoying this
it’s harder to care so much about making a point to the republic or worrying about how to disentangle herself when she can lose herself in strategy and fighting, when she feels more alive on the battlefield than not. eventually, being stuck stops seeming like such a problem. it doesn’t even matter who wins, or if she makes it out of this alive - she just wants to chase victory until it kills her, do as much damage as possible because she’s good at it, because she can
netethei gets approached by an undercover agent of the republic sis when she first leaves the chiss ascendancy. she’s testing the limits of her skills and bouncing from planet to planet, not sure of what she wants to do yet - she’s taken a few bounties, slipped out of the reach of the white maw and idly spectated the cold war fragmenting, but that’s not enough
so when she’s contacted on alderaan for help with a distraction to let them access some imperial data… well, she wasn’t inclined to care about sides but it sounds messy and thus fun. so she does it, and the mission goes smoothly, she gets paid and… that’s that. until she’s contacted again with another request, and another after that… she only ever takes what seems most exciting and interesting - sometimes she’s helping provide cover for an operative, sometimes she’s intervening very rudely in imperial intelligence’s affairs
she ends up becoming something of an asset to them, getting contacts and information in return. it’s always messy and keeps her on her toes, and while sometimes she thinks of going to imperial intelligence and selling them everything she’s been gathering, well… why ruin a good thing? she can always wait until she’s getting bored to do that
yskra leaves rattatak with nejuna when they’re done with the gladiator arenas, and drift for a while, looking for work. for a while they’re protection for gunrunners shipping weapons on and offworld. then they get contracted by the balmorran resistance and… things change. it’s a whole planet left scarred and fucked up and broken, people still fighting in the mud and the tight corridors of factories for every scrap of land, and they always need more weapons
it’s tougher than she’d expected to have to stick around and see people with nothing left fighting anyways. she doesn’t get it and it nags at her - why don’t they just leave, like anyone smart would? even after they’ve moved on she dwells on it a little. in most cases, it doesn’t make a difference. a job’s a job, and she likes getting paid and staying afloat more than worrying about anyone else
she pays attention a little more, though. when they go into bounty hunting sometimes she takes the more merciful route, or turns down some jobs. she’s… tired of seeing people backed into corners with no way out and no way to win - maybe because she’d been there once too. at the very least she doesn’t have to take advantage of it
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xivu-arath · 7 years
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this absolutely wasn’t a mistake
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xivu-arath · 7 years
a quick list of Main Songs for all of my swtor ocs, because I can (and bc I put a lot of thought into this)
rkorya: are you coming with me - crown the empire
meyrikh: iamundernodisguise - school of seven bells
netethei: plenty - aeseaes
yskra: pretty girls put boys in cemeteries - sean leon
shenrihn: glass heart hymn - the paper route
chotal: for silence - paul hartnoll
vit: david - noah gundersen
kymet: water and power - cold war kids
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xivu-arath · 7 years
kymet: so how come when forex falls on someone, it's a victory for the republic, but when I do it it's "incredibly reckless" and a danger to the squad?
jorgan: sir you jumped down an elevator shaft
kymet: I jumped down an elevator shaft for the republic
vik: and it was amazing, you should do it again
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xivu-arath · 7 years
2, 3, 9, 13, 30 for the ask meme!
2. most likely to get in a fight 
so I discussed this with princet bc the answer is obvious (rkorya) but I do have lots of fighty shits so here’s a top 3
1) rkorya (who loves fights for the sake of expressing herself and her power and passion through violence, through motion, through results that are real) 
2) yskra (who is used to and steeped in violence, who’s confident enough to start fights or finish them if people challenge her and who has to chase down and fight people as her job)
and trailing in v distant third
3) kymet (who has strong ideals and is tempted to start shit with people who clearly can’t be reasoned with but who is still leagues behind the first two)
I was gonna give a non-swtor answer but my swtor ocs are also my most inclined to fight, I guess!
3. most likely to fall asleep literally anywhere
vit! he can and will fall asleep anywhere for catnaps, and has dozed while sprawled out on cargo on occasion
9. most likely to laugh at a funeral 
it depends at whose funeral and why she’s there but probably netethei? she’s irreverent, doesn’t particularly care about violating norms and is fond of laughing (imagine her doing that 90′s anime “ohohoho~” laugh)
already answered 13!
30. most likely to have had an embarrassing middle-school emo phase
not a swtor oc but m’ri is a walking middle school emo phase that was given a dragon
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xivu-arath · 7 years
give me a 3000 page essay on the topic of how great quesh is? nah but actually what are your favorite swtor planets? do any of your characters have a certain connection with a planet? also, what would you like clariel to get up to more often on denny??
I love quesh and how it squishes underfoot and how the elevators kill you and how everything is poisonous and,
oKAY THO I def adore dromund kaas and korriban the most for being edgy aesthetics and dromund kaas having like. actual different environments, while korriban was just the most imposing entry planet and made a huge impression on me when I first started playing. aesthetics-wise, voss, belsavis and tython are also faves
rkorya was born and raised on dromund kaas and loves it, even if she grumbles about the rain (when vette grumbles about the rain she’s immediately defensive bc only kaasians really get the privilege of grumping about kaas’ weather). she also has a strong attachment to korriban due to her training there, and its climate and culture… really suit her. she always visits it at the new year to hold vigil and wait for the dawn of another year on the planet which venerates and treasures the end of so many sith
shenrihn has strong connections to tython (held captive and trained there) and belsavis (imprisoned and experimented on there) but their actual fave planet is ilum because they went there to train, to learn stillness and peace and to be in a quiet, empty place to centre themselves and… it was one of the best and most peaceful times of their life
kymet and vit like coruscant well enough, and bits of nar shaddaa, but they tend to be on the move way more than they are planetside. vit hasn’t been there in-game yet but apart from the constant threat of death he’s really a fan of makeb
chotal has a connection to tython of course, but her fave planets are voss and the planet the esh-kha settle on, because she promptly moves in there for like three months
yskra… considers rattatak both the bane of her life and where she became strong enough to fend for herself, so it’s. important but she’d rather not go back now.
as for what I’d like to do with clariel… explore her actual trauma and what happened before she got to denny bc it’s a big thing and she’s sort of been avoiding both her actions and the losses she’s suffered for months now. but my biggest wish would be to get her to actually be threatened or pushed into a rage on-screen and to have that have consequences bc it’s… def a scary, unpredictable thing
or better yet, do some free magic stuff bc that also hasn’t come up yet and that’s a Disaster waiting to happen
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xivu-arath · 7 years
rkorya, shenrihn, meyrikh, and kymet! /sends u too many,
full name: rkorya kaliyan
gender: agender
sexuality: demiromantic asexual
pronouns: she/her
family: large extended family, mostly still living, no siblings but several cousins
birthplace: dromund kaas
job: empire’s wrath
phobias: hurting her loved ones, losing her emotions
guilty pleasures: using her rank to terrorize bigots
morality alignment?: lawful evil
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: introvert
organized/disorganized: organized
close minded/open-minded: close-minded
calm/anxious: calm
disagreeable/agreeable: disagreeable
cautious/reckless: reckless
patient/impatient: impatient
outspoken/reserved: reserved
leader/follower: leader
empathetic/unemphatic: empathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: optimistic
traditional/modern: modern
hard-working/lazy: hardworking
otp: rkorya/lana
ot3: rkorya/lana/a lack of vitiate in the universe
brotp: rkorya/vette and rkorya/rolayn
notp: literally anyone who isn’t lana
full name: shenrihn
gender: agender
sexuality: aromantic asexual
pronouns: they/them
family: none living
birthplace: tatooine
job: jedi knight
phobias: loss of control, losing their sense of self, being touched
guilty pleasures: napping in blanket nests
morality alignment?: neutral good with an emphasis on the neutral
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: introvert
organized/disorganized: disorganized
close minded/open-minded: openminded
calm/anxious: anxious
disagreeable/agreeable: agreeable
cautious/reckless: cautious
patient/impatient: patient
outspoken/reserved: reserved
leader/follower: follower
empathetic/unemphatic: unempathetic which is p funny considering they have good force empathy
optimistic/pessimistic: pessimistic
traditional/modern: traditional???
hard-working/lazy: hardworking
otp: shenrihn/peace
ot3: shenrihn/peace/friendship
brotp: shenrihn/kira, shenrihn/rolayn? and shenrihn/vantys???
notp: shenrihn/romance
full name: meyrikh
gender: female
sexuality: aromantic asexual
pronouns: she/her
family: no living family that she knows of, but she has a twin sibling somewhere out there
birthplace: ziost
job: sith apprentice
phobias: dying
guilty pleasures: sweets, sleeping in, little luxuries
morality alignment?: chaotic neutral
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: introvert
organized/disorganized: disorganized
close minded/open-minded: openminded
calm/anxious: anxious
disagreeable/agreeable: disagreeable
cautious/reckless: cautious
patient/impatient: impatient
outspoken/reserved: reserved
leader/follower: follower
empathetic/unemphatic: unempathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: pessimistic
traditional/modern: modern
hard-working/lazy: lazy
otp: --
ot3: --
brotp: she doesn’t even have one of these yet rip
notp: idk meyrikh/khem
full name: kymet vistral
gender: female
sexuality: gay
pronouns: she/her
family: a large family - notably she has two mothers, an uncle who’s a jedi and an adopted younger brother who’s a cathar
birthplace: mirial
job: republic soldier
phobias: losing her loved ones
guilty pleasures: sappy and sweet date games
morality alignment?: chaotic good
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: extrovert
organized/disorganized: organized
close minded/open-minded: closeminded
calm/anxious: calm
disagreeable/agreeable: agreeable
cautious/reckless: reckless
patient/impatient: impatient
outspoken/reserved: outspoken
leader/follower: leader
empathetic/unemphatic: empathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: optimistic
traditional/modern: modern
hard-working/lazy: hardworking
otp: kymet/jaxo, bioware can fight me
ot3: --
brotp: kymet/elara
notp: --
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