#also not magicians but ya'll get it
lullabyalikpoptarot · 25 days
Enhypen Dynamics (Sunoo's Perspective)
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Alright, time to check on Sunoo's perspective here, so I am not surprised his cards are confusing and contradicting, as his energy tends to be this way, no shade, he is a Cancer, sorry for the Cancer's out there, but energy wise, I tend to get confusing messages from them. Let me try to decipher what this means. Anyway, this does not say all about their dynamic, just an insight to an aspect of it, and energies change, so it can be different any moment. Friendships/dynamics will always have its ups and downs.
Heeseung (Conjunction/4 of Pentacles)-Okay, so the first card of conjunction seems good, they seem like a united front right now from his perspective. They may be joining forces for something. I mean duh, they are in a group together, but specifically their energies seem to be working towards a similar goal. But man, the 4 of Pentacles is a possessive, protective energy. So many things I get from this, he protects this bond, finds it valuable, or he shuts him out, and keeps things to himself regarding the bond. It could be both, but I say the former sounds more like it, or he leans towards that more. Anyway, this dynamic is confusing at the moment, but there is a sense of possessiveness on both ends, saw it in Heeseung's perspective as well. Ya'll these two are something energy wise.
Jay (Venus/5 of Swords)-So, I see the Venus card and I am like aww, then the 5 of swords pops up and I am like wtf man lol Anway, they are close, there is a lot of love they have for another, but when you are close to someone, you will tend to have more fights and arguments. He may find Jay annoying at times, maybe a bit combative. He may have the strong need to be right that may annoy Sunoo at times, but overall, there is love here. You won't like everything about a person you are close with, especially around all the time.
Jake (Trine/Page of Pentacles)-I believe Jake also gave the trine card for Sunoo as well, so partnership wise they are cool, things are working smoothly with these two, it is a peaceful harmonious time for them. Now these cards don't really indicate a close bond. They work well together and get along. It seems they are both focusing on their work and craft right now. I never get much from these two sides, didn't get much from Jake's perspective either. It is like yeah, we cool, that's it lol Their dynamic isn't that complicated right now.
Sunghoon (Water/5 of Wands/Ace of Wands)-So, two cards decided to come out. I couldn't pick one, so went with the two, felt they both needed to come out, okay, this one seems complicated to, so the water card seemed pretty good, they are very compassionate towards each other, they understand each other intuitively, but I don't know, with the other two cards it gives me sometimes they clash and it can frustrate Sunoo at times, like sometimes he blows up at him, like he can have a short fuse with him. I can also see him as seeing Sunghoon as a very competitive and passionate person, which I do believe he likes in him. This was was a bit messy as well.
Jungwon (House 6/10 of Swords)-Okay, this is interesting. House 6 is about mundane task, tending to health and practical details, that doesn't share much about a bond. Health may be a focus for both of them, maybe they look to each other for that, or maybe he thinks Jungwon should be more health conscious. 10 of Swords in this deck is about releasing negative thoughts, moving past a difficult situation. Maybe they are both trying to work through that, or he is helping Jungwon deal with that. This was weird to decipher, tried my best here.
Ni-Ki (House 4/The Magician)-Bruh, all these members really love Ni-ki's talent and skills. Okay, I really like seeing the House 4 here, it shows there is comfort here. They feel safe with one another. They seem to be in a comfortable place right now. With the magician, I just see him seeing Ni-ki as a talented and skilled person who may be too heavily focused on achieving what he wants to kind of have time to tend to relationships with him. I just see this man looking down at what he is creating, not really focused on anything else. And this could possibly be Sunoo's energy as well. But overall, they feel like family, there is love there, but at the moment they aren't too connected with one another.
Okay, I think I made some sense of this. I thought there were interesting messages here.
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intuitively-her · 1 year
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What are they hiding? 💗trigger warning💗
Pile 1-(The Sun rx, The Hanged Man rx, Death rx, The Magician rx, King of swords, 5 of pentacles, 3 of pentacles, 9 of pentacles, Page of pentacles, 10 of pentacles) 🩷zodiac confirmations: aquarius, 5, venus
This could be an off-and-on connection. I'm gonna be honest, this person feels stuck in this connection or like they can't escape you. You could feel the same. There's something here about money that they're hiding. Were you supposed to receive a gift from them? This person hasn't been very forthcoming with their feelings, even if it seems like they have. I feel like this person can be manipulative at times, and this causes a lot of miscommunication between you two. They may be a bit more detached as of late. For some of you, this person may be planning a way to escape this connection for good. For others, they could be spending their time with someone else.
Pile 2-(King of wands rx, The Lovers rx, The Hierophant rx, The Devil rx, Knight of cups, The Moon rx, Ace of swords, Justice, The High Priestess) 🩷zodiac confirmations: gemini, 12, sun
This could be a friend that you have a crush on. This person might come off to you as a prince charming. In reality, this person doesn't want you to see through their cracks. I'm reading the justice card and the girl is literally wearing a blindfold in the picture. This person may have certain interests or hobbies that you would probably be turned off by. You wouldn't be very impressed with who they really are. I get a very obsessive energy from this person. They may have violent tendencies as well. They've definitely got some skeletons in their closet. I feel like this person likes to keep a string of partners. Like they can't settle down to save their life. Honestly, this person is nothing but trouble. They know you're not a dummy tho. So, they know it's only a matter of time before you truly figure them out.
💖channeled song: in this darkness by clara la san
Pile 3-(10 of wands, 5 of wands, 4 of cups, 2 of cups, 5 of cups, 5 of pentacles rx, 2 of swords, Queen of pentacles, 3 of swords rx, 6 of cups, The Devil) 🩷zodiac confirmations: cancer, 4, saturn ⭐angel number 555
This could be a situationship. Your person views this connection as a burden. They could be starting arguments with you or flaunting other romantic connections in your face. This is all for your attention babe, especially if you've been ignoring them. Your person is disappointed in the way this connection turned out. I think they expected things to go farther between you two. There's a lot of contemplation. Like "should i stay or go?" Ultimately tho, I think you both know that nothing will really blossom from this connection. Also, this person is still heavily attached to their past. It seems like there's a specific person or even people that they're still not over. For some of you, your person is even holding out hope for their ex to return. You should also know that this person falls into temptation pretty quickly. They likely succumb to their desires with no regrets. Very much like they wanna have their cake and eat it too with you. Watch your back with this one.
💖channeled song: like a tattoo by sade
Pile 4-(6 of cups, 6 of swords, 8 of cups, 5 of cups, 2 of cups rx, 9 of cups rx, 7 of swords, 10 of swords rx, 9 of swords, Ace of Wands rx, 5 of swords rx, 6 of pentacles, The Fool rx, The Hermit) 🩷zodiac confirmations: pisces, 4, jupiter ⭐angel number 666
This is definitely someone from your past. For some, this was an off-and-on relationship. For others, this was a situationship. Ya'll could live at a distance from one another. This person really wants to repair and make things right with you. They want to come and see you. I see that they're in a lot of despair over the connection. They wish to come back and have a more balanced relationship with you. But they also know they really fucked up with you. This person could've been really sneaky with you or they put you in a lot of messed up situations. It seems like they were just very mean to you at times. This person feels guilty for how they treated you. They literally sabotaged the connection tho...repeatedly. You might've said or done something that really humbled this person. It's forced them to do a lot of self-reflection. This person feels like they've lost their mojo. They're not passionate about what they love anymore. I'm gonna be honest, this person may try to come back because they're bored and they need that spark back. They feel like they will benefit from your energy. Pls leave this person in the dust pile 4, they deserve it. 🙂
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drhenryblack · 10 months
Finally got some fucking motivation
So, finally, I'm explaining the "Human AU" cause I'm happy my post got attention. And, please, I don't wanna sound cringe or anything but seriously, thank you for the amount of attention I've gotten over my posts, I really appreciate it. Now, time to get going! This story follows our soppy wet cat, dear darling Pomni, who's on a hunt for a part-time job because her job at C&A is not getting her enough money and she can't live on ramen and tap water forever. So, she gets a job at "The Amazing Digital Circus", a circus that uses modern-day technology like holograms and sound effects in its weekly shows. She joins and meets her now co-workers. There's Gangle, your classic introverted theater kid. Zooble, the puzzle master who despite her "I am done with your shit" behavior, is surprisingly good at entertaining kids. Kinger is a magician but also helps in the accounts. Ragatha, the human pincushion, and finally, Jax and Kaufmo, the brother comedians. She, at first, joins as a temporary employee, just ment to help before performance and all that, until she meets...him. Caine, the ringmaster. But what's worse, is that she's seen him, the REAL him. That look haunts her. Those unusually perfect teeth, that cracked skin that haunting feeling of seeing his jaw open abnormally wide. But what's worse is that somehow, he wants to promote her to be a permanent employee, mostly ever since he heard that she worked for C&A...weird... But shit gets a lot worse when one day, she has to stay after hours and sees some shit she dosen't want to. There he was, Caine, surrounded by nearly 50 men, guns, armor, what not. But it didn't last long. She covered her mouth, breath hitching in her throat as he ripped of his skin. 'one...two...three' He grabbed them, and slowly, it all went down... blood...scream...yell...help...muscle...intestine...stomach...teeth...sharp...gun...monster...tears...help...help...help She couldn't move, not one bit. Her body frozen as if ice. Each one of them, each one of them...each one those men...ripped, killed, shredded, broken, yelling. Yes, her life was gonna go to shit. Now she's wondering how the hell she's ever gonna face her boss, who apparently is an AI experiment who escaped C&A, the very place she currently worked for. No wonder he wanted to make her a permanent employee! I mean she knew her jokes were so bad that people laughed at them, but not that much! She doesn't know what to do, but then it hit her... When he got to know she was a C&A employe, why didn't he fire her at that moment? ... ... shit... she's in love with her boss... her life really was going to shit... So know were left with a traumatized Human-AI who's pretending he's not a fucking monster and another traumatized little wet cat wondering how the hell she even fell for him in the first place. And that's as far as I've fucking gotten. Working on a fic and a lot of art. Just waiting to get back home so I can post them. See ya'll, and the next time you'll see me, is with food.
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dusty-handyman · 1 month
I am here, to be the League of villains crazy aunt. My quirk allows me to make any food I've ever tasted. That also includes poisons. Let's be frank, all of you need to be spoiled just a little.
And hey, blood can be considered part of food. So any samples Toga gets I can make her food with the same type and texture. I can make her a chocolate blood lava cake! I wonder what color would she want the cake?
Poor sweet Spinner needs revenge on his first home. And he looks like he needs a hug and would be wonderful at giving them. And I can help him keep all his swords well sharpened!
Compress probably needs some help being the LOV's dad figure. I'm older than him so I should be able to help him. Plus I can make him all the high class sushi he wants.
And Twice! He needs more love. Wouldn't his outfit be kinda warm? I can help find fans to help him not die of heat stroke. And I've started making food designs.
I'm working on the head of Endeavor right now. Who wouldn't want to cut hisi head open so they can eat him like a meal! Plus, he can serve as target practice. Dabi needs to be taken care of. I'm sure you guys help him out with his first aide. But what's nother helping hand.
And don't think I forgot your Shigaraki. You need to eat more! You're too skinny. I also can make energy drinks. Plus, I might have access to all the video game consoles starting with the Atari and moving on forward.
So let me be ya'lls crazy aunt. Pretty Please!
If you just wanna join the League, then I mean sure. But about the whole ‘aunt’ thing… I’d have to consult the others.
@marbled-magician @spinner-the-gecko @little-sis-toga @duality-in-spandex @dabis-blueflame
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a-998h · 6 months
hi! this is my first time requesting!
can you do the Stardust Crusaders with an off-duty popstar reader whose stand ability allows anyone, including its user, to break into song as if it were a musical and it gives the affected a great singing voice? If the Crusaders need a distraction, the reader gladly offers to help! Sometimes, one of the crusaders would join and sing along with the reader. and sometimes the reader and the Crusaders would have entire performances together.
(Basically the reader is kind of like a bard.)
Thank you for this, the whole concept sounds like comedic gold to me❤️
The stand will be called Siren Song
(Going from most to least willing to participate)
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Jean Pierre Polnareff
This man is a deep tenor
He also screams band or theater kid
Begs for you to use you stand when ya'll have off time
I bet this man can only sing in French
He probably has a decent singing voice and probably sung to Sherry when they were kids
The first one to sing along with you
Has the time of his life when you go full musical
Tries to get you to use it on Jotaro all the time
He also dances like he's in musical too
Since your stand looks more mermaid/siren like, Silver Chariot likes to touch its scales
Wants to touch you stand's tail, but they tried to bite him
Makes sure to have water for you, just in case
Will definitely buy one of your albums after the kick Dio's ancient ass
He would definitely share French songs with you
Becomes your biggest fan
Calls you Rossignol
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Another deep tenor
He thought it fun when you would sing to group
Whenever you go full musical, it scares him
Also has a decent singing voice, than you Holly
Is dramatic, but not like Polnareff
Whenever he sees your stand, he wants to touch the scales
Keeps his robot hand away from your stand
Will try his best to sing along
Shares his favorite songs with you
Usually joins in singing after Polnareff
Probably can't dance well, mostly due to his age
Proud of you in the only way a grandpa can be
Will definitely buy one of your albums if they're in America or Japan
Calls you Canary
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Muhammad Avdol
He's 50/50
He is team dad so...
He'll sing along to you songs
Is happy that you make the group happy
Whenever you go full musical he plays along
He loves the dancing part of the musical part
He can definitely sing in Arabic
Tries to teach you Arabic songs and Arabic dances
Your stand and Magician Red don't get along
Will check for albums of yours
Is thankful your stand makes the group happy
Calls you altaayir almugharad
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Noriaki Kakyoin
Higher tenor
He is insecure about his singing
He has fun with the others whenever you start singing
During a full musical moment, he tries his best
Likes how your stand makes his singing voice better
He can dance well
Teaches you video game songs
When you start a sing along, he is reluctant at first
He does sing along quietly
Shares his favorite music with you
He will buy one of your albums
Is a bit proud of you
Both your stands get along
calls you furunushi or Māmeido
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Jotaro Kujo
My god
This man is a deep bass
He acts super embarrassed by your constant singing
All that smoking messed up his throat
He won't ever sing along
He will fight against your stand power so damn hard
He hums the songs, but never admits it
Will lovingly tell you to shut up
Never admits to liking your music
When things go full musical, he tries to not participate at all, but he ends up doing it at some point
Secretly likes the fun vibe you bring
Star Platinum tries to befriend your stand
Will secretly buy an album of yours
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shamrock313 · 2 months
Emma Roberts and Cody John
This reading is for entertainment purposes only. Please take everything you read with a grain of salt. Enjoy!
EMMA POV: 6 of Wands + 3 of Cups (rev) + Empress = 6oW indicates a bright future for her and Cody. Success in love. Chance to fulfill relationship goal. So, we're all aware she's engaged and she has been before, so there's a chance for her to actually go down the aisle. Very happy w/ relationship.
3oC (R) asks if she really wants to be married especially if its to him. "ensure that you are not masking your feelings w/ superficial cheer". Basically, be honest with yourself and don't put yourself in a place where you feel you're not truly happy.
Empress is of course about motherhood, so I cannot confirm if she will have a child for Cody, but she might have a chance to whether it's natural or with a surrogate/IVF. Stable, serious, committed relationship. Again, this card represents marriage / pregnancy.
CODY POV: 4 of Swords + 7 of Cups (rev) = 4oS means that he takes time away from her to reset himself. Alone time. Taking a break. Puts a lot into this relationship. Tired / burnout. Often disagreeing with one another that he has to walk away, be with his thoughts, and ask himself if this is what he wants.
7oC (R) Chaotic and confusing love life. Lacks clarity about relationship. Constantly 2nd guesses himself. I think he also may be wondering if they're really going to go down the aisle too.
Dynamic: Knight of Cups + Page of Swords (side) = KoC Romance, attraction, being in love with love, and unrealistic expectations on love. PoS (U) Emotional needs not being met. Small / petty disputes may turn into bigger conflicts. Again, they really need to see if being married is the right choice for them. (Rev) Argumentative / communication issues. Lack of honesty / there is a liar within this relationship.
Cody as a Person: The Magician (rev) - So, I don't know anything about Cody. I know he's an actor, he's with Emma, and that's it. I've never seen any of his work. Anyways, tarot says he's indecisive and insecure. "May swing from overconfidence to self-doubt". People probably don't even know about this side to him. "He's a pretty face that is insecure with himself".
Okay, pause. What you're about to read next is Emma as a person. Now, ya'll may not believe in tarot and some may read this for entertainment, but when I tell you I had to stop and laugh. OMG. This hit every nail on the head. Get your snack and drink ready.
If you are a fan of this woman, don't read this. Just go ahead and scroll pass this and find some other content.
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Emma as a Person: Knight of Swords (rev) + Death (rev) + Temperance (rev) + Queen of Wands (rev) = KoS (R) she is reckless and acts before she thinks. Impatient and aggressive. Mood swings / outburst are what makes her relationships hard to remain stable. Being around her makes people feel nervous and uneasy of what she may do or say next.
Death (R) indicates that she's living in the past. Caught in a loop of negative thoughts. I did wonder if she recreates Evan moments with Cody. Does that make sense? Like does she take Cody to places or do activities that her and Evan use to do? Most of y'all have been in the fandom longer than I have so, if you know let me know.
Temp (R) - Erratic behavior. Brings an air of chaos. "Emotions can be seen as unpredictable as a roller coaster. She's always up and down. Beware of her presence and keep your distance". Again, makes you feel uncomfortable. Things she may say, makes you feel unworthy and she only does it to better herself. If she ruins your day, that means to her she's gonna have a great day knowing she upset you.
QoW (R) she is overbearing and manipulative. Only cares about herself. Domineering, insecure, and emotionally draining.
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simvaultt · 2 years
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I posted 178 times in 2022
89 posts created (50%)
89 posts reblogged (50%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 168 of my posts in 2022
Only 6% of my posts had no tags
#ts4 - 84 posts
#sims4 - 73 posts
#s4cc - 63 posts
#s4 - 63 posts
#ts4cc - 58 posts
#sims4cc - 43 posts
#thesims4 - 42 posts
#simblr - 35 posts
#sv asks - 35 posts
#simvault answers - 35 posts
Longest Tag: 48 characters
#you’d rather call out someone who actually cares
My Top Posts in 2022:
The Magicians Double Arch
Thank you @katesimblr for these gorgeous photos!
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See the full post
120 notes - Posted January 19, 2022
Kennett Collection
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See the full post
155 notes - Posted January 20, 2022
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SIMS 3 & SIMS 4: Simblreen 2022; a few spooky gifts!
TRICK OR TREAT ON THE 21st-22nd & 28th-30th when my porch light is on!
➡️ SEND ASKS or DM with the following To receive Sims 3 Gifts, you must send a 🕸️ emoji. To receive Sims 4 Gifts, you must send a 👻 emoji. And you can also send both emojis. Custom Sims 3 Patterns will be given as well. I collabed with @wanderingsimsfinds - Thank you so much for making these come to life in Sims 3 for all of us!
See the full post
236 notes - Posted October 20, 2022
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All Mesh LODs \ Removed EA Shadow LODs & Diffuse Plane
Functional: Teiller Armchair, Pathway Light & Porch Flame Candle
Perfect Patio Stuff Pack needed for Porch Flame Candle*
Porch Flame Candle can be turned on/off with Sims Interactions
Base Game & HQ Mod compatible for most (BG compatible ^*)
All LODs
Base Game compatible
Re-color in Game options open for all
Functional: Teiller Armchair. Pathway Light & Porch Flame Candle
Notice*** You will need to also put the package file in the "fx effect" folder in your mods folder.
Effect for Porch Flame Candle only shows in Live Mode when you press Play!
Converted a Sims 4 FX Effect to Sims 3 🤩Thanks to @omedapixel for the easy to follow tutorial!
➡️ SIMS 3 CUSTOM PATTERNS COLLAB with @wanderingsimsfinds !!
HUGE shout out to these amazing simmers who have helped me with this project for Sims 3 Porch Flame Candle. I couldn't have done it without you guys!: @zoeoe-sims , @omedapixel , @twinsimming , @bietjie
Don't forget to 🏷️ me @simvaultthings when you share screenshots!
˗ˏˋ D O W N L O A D ˎˊ˗
@sssvitlanz , @sssvitlanss , @sunflower-petals , @emilyccfinds
295 notes - Posted October 31, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Kitchen Decor Stuff
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This set was so much fun to make. I went out of my comfort zone and tried bringing more realness to the Sims 4. I really hope you all enjoy this set. I took a lot of you guys's ideas and implemented them.
Mesh information, download and more below the cut.
16 New Meshes
Base Game compatible
HQ compatible
Poppy Flower (x3) can be used as outdoor plants or planted in vases
Search in-game by: Kitchen Decor Stuff
No Shadow LODs - Objects cast own shadows
Use bb.moveobjects on in-game to allow for additional slot placement
Place Dishes in Dish Rack: place dish rack on ground, place dishes in slot on dish rack, select, will pick up as set
Sink Dry Rack: select sink dry rack from catalog, select right side slot placement in sink to place
Custom Catalog Thumbnail Overlay
See the full post
661 notes - Posted March 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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bittertarot · 9 months
hey!! I would like to participate;
*followed all the rules*
my name-Jasmine :))
My zodiac-capricorn 💫
Letter from my idol to me for 2024;
Idols i choose- Jungkook, Namjoon, Hobi.
Thankyou so much for this opportunity! Take care>33 sending lots of love to you for this New year!! Have a great one-!!!! 💜💜
Hello! Thank you for participating with this Kpop tarot game, Jasmine! Jungkook's 2024/New Years Letter to you: *The Magician* "Hey, Jasmine! This year's been wild, huh? I've done my solo album and now I'm in the military! It's a really exciting time for me, I hope you've also had an exciting year filled with bundles of experiences! I put all my willpower and energy into my solo album and I'm extremely proud of the outcome, I'm very thankful for army's too! I feel like I've accomplished a lot this year and I owe that to my members, staff, producers and our army's! My message for you this year is to remember that what you want to happen will, indeed, happen. You can create and manifest all you desire as long as you have the willpower to do so! I had the desire for my solo to be a success and it sure as hell was! I hope you have a good 2024, I'll see you (and everyone else) in 2025 <3. Thank you for checking in with me, I've had both good and bad moments but I truly am thankful for all the love I have been given. It's a blessing. - JK" Namjoon's 2024/New Years Letter to you: *5 of Cups Reversed* "Hi, Jasmine! Times this year have been both bright and dark, seeing my members head off into the military, then going there myself, working on a lot of music, it's been crazy! I was dreading going through this year, but everyone has made it worth it! I'm ready to move on to 2024 and I'm trying to find my own peace with myself, trying to get better at just being me and defying what people expect from me. My message from you this year is to move onto 2024 as calmly as you possibly can. You've worked hard this year, you've done so well. Find peace within yourself, too. Take time for you and just you, focus on self-care. You got this! I've had an absolute rollercoaster of a year, it's been so stressful but so amazing all at once. I'll treasure the memories I've made and I can't wait for 2025, the long-awaited reunion is approaching slowly but surely! I love everyone and miss ya'll severely. Just wait for me, I'll be back with more extraordinary music and my members soon. Happy New Year! Good luck with 2024! Sincerely, - Namjoon." Hobi's New Years/2024 Letter to you: *2 of Pentacles Reversed* "EEE, Hello! Sorry for the sudden burst of energy, I'm just really overwhelmed right now! So much is happening soso quickly, it's crazy! I've been all over the place! Here, there, every-damn-where! I feel very disorganized, I don't have anything planned out/in mind, I'm not too sure what to do once I'm discharged from the military. I have so much to do, but don't know where to start! I feel like I've lost my centre, like I'm walking a tightrope and lost my balance. I don't know why, 2022 felt like such a solid year, I can't believe 2023 is nearly over! I miss all my members :(. One piece of advice I can give you for 2024 is to focus on finding yourself, don't let life through curve balls at you! Juggle them! Try to organise yourself and your routine a bit better, too! I don't want you to get wrinkles from stress! Take good care of yourself and have a good 2024 - From, Hobi! <3" That's all for this reading, thank you and have a wonderful 2024!!
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thebardscipher · 2 months
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Next two Dreamsnaps! SOOOOOOO Guess who forgot to save the actual photo for Dreamlight Art Gallery but managed to screenshot her tags for it. THIS DUMBASS! That's right, ME! Anyways, I was going for a Botanical Garden hosting the local Art Fair. Also, I think it's fun when art festivals, art fairs, ectra have lil spots where you can do art at the activity. I just like lil hands on experiences at things. Also I trapped a lot of characters so they could wander around and look like they were looking around, but I forgot to get Anna to stop hanging out with me, but I like that it looks like she's watching me. I stuck with this one due to Ariel waving and Wall-E sitting down. Fashion week was "Timeless Magical Style" and I was inspired for The Magician Card in a regular Tarot Deck for the setting. As for the fashion, I've been on an Oracle of Delphi kick for some reason (think I might have to blame Kaz Rowe's video on youtube....that's the only thing I can think of....or my current minecraft save? IDK ya'll) so I kinda wanted to lean into an very odd and unhistorical mix of Greek, Roman, fantasy vibes. I did not get the Megara dress when it was out so I have this as my closest "Greek" toga, but the Astral boots look nice with it and the lil circlet looks nice with it...as do the earrings....the bracelet and necklace.....eh, but I needed the tags.
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beloved-calypso · 1 year
Hi, welcome back, I hope you’re doing amazing, I’d like to get a free reading
Do you like bowling?
Initials: CS
Sun sign: Libra
Question: How does A feel about me right now? ( A is a libra as well)
Thank you so much! 💗
I actually hate bowling, lol. I just find it boring. Maybe I haven't found the right people to go with, because my mood can depend a lot on the people I hang with, but it never appealed to me. If there's a physical activity I love, it would probably be skating. Rollerblades, and ice skates. Also soccer.
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Ten of Pentacles, 6 of Swords
Are you in a separation with this person? I saw the ten of swords while I was shuffling and the Magician reversed. It's like this person has closed themselves off from you, and are not communicating what they want to say, like this connection has reached an ending of sorts, or at least a stalemate. They are hurt over something. Anyway, they think your steady, dependable, someone who would be good as a long term partner. Someone that can help build themselves up and be there for them in the long run. But did you both break up or something? It could be that this person is noncommittal because I'm getting some escapist tendencies with this person, but they feel blocked off from you. I'm getting an energy of a breakup, or people that fought and are separated. I don't know what else to say with this since I'm not sure if this is ya'lls situation...This person though is currently walking away from the connection.
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Catching Up!
Hi everyone!
I know I've not been available to chat much recently, but I have been able to do some posts on the blog. I do plan on catching up with ya'll and in the meantime I really appreciate your patience!
Today was a beautiful spring day and got into the lower 80's (F)! I did get to enjoy some sunshine! My health is almost back to normal, too! I think the warmer weather and sunshine has helped a lot!
Being in a whimsical mood and I posted some different kinds of stuff I hope you enjoy and find interesting! Yes, I'm a magic geek and have done some time as an assistant and box jumper with a semi-professional magician! (Something new about me that I've not shared before! Surprise! See I told you... whimsical!) I found a way bondage can be done for and enjoyed by vanilla audiences! Escape Artists! Weeeeeee!!!
Aside: my cat felt ignored and just got in front of my screen and sneezed in my face! lol 🙀
Anyway, now I have to go feed him, but I hope you enjoyed my postings for today.
Oh, oh yeah! I also posted some bondage clips I found on youtube and some bondage-oriented hypnosis videos! Although they may be in a male voice, I understand that these types of videos can be gender-neutral. (I do enjoy those with female hypnotists as well, but the most effective ones for me were with male hypnotists.)
I think that's it for now, but I will post a few more things tonight if I can get back to the computer (which I had problems with today, especially with Google Chrome! I had to switch to MS Edge, which is usually not friendly with me!) I really need to get a new computer! Perhaps when the tax refund comes in!!
P.S. I've also posted stuff on my other blog, too! The one that is all adult and BDSM-oriented. If you don't know which one I mean, hit me with a DM and I will give you the URL.
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faersflower · 5 years
Honestly kinda wish I could just have you all be with me while I paint this cause this is the most serene I have felt in W E E K S.
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shamrock313 · 4 days
Laura Marano and Ross Lynch
This reading is for entertainment purposes only. Please take everything with a grain of salt. Enjoy!!
Just for the record, I've never watch Austin and Ally. Heard of it. Never seen it. I did watch Ross as Jeffrey Dahmer with some friends. I think he and Evan both did a good job and I would be interested to see them working together. Maybe in a comedy or in a play as brothers? I'm down with either one.
I don't know anything about Laura. I have my phone next to me and I am in shock to know that she, Ross, and Jaz Sinclair are older than me. Didn't Ross cheat on Jaz?
NOTE: Ya'll I just read up on some tea about Ross and his brother and their hookups. Smh.
Ross views on Laura: Star, Devil, 3oW, 9oW = Okay, so I think Laura definitely gives off "girl next door" or "goody two shoes" vibe ( I mean just look at her) and I'm sure it was like that on the show, but she's not all like that. She's very funny, I think she can come up with some dirty jokes, and I think she has some edge to her.
With the Devil card, I wonder if Laura had her own battles like eating disorder or mental health issues. Like I said, I don't know her and these cards should be taken with a grain of salt, but there had to be an issue that Ross saw her go through. It could also be stalking/harassment or even been treated poorly. Maybe some teasing? Now am I saying Ross teased her? No. I don't know him and I wasn't in the room but if he or someone did, I'm sure Laura was upset.
With 3oW if we're talking about friendship, this would be connection. Trying to connect with others and that's how Laura is. Wanting to get to know people and including them in projects or recommending someone. 9oW tells me there were challenges on set and they supported each other. Even though I've never seen the show, I don't think Austin and Ally was big like it's not like Waverly Place or Hannah Montana. It's a small show. There's not much attention. So, there's not a lot of demand. That's just my opinion.
Laura views on Ross: Knight of Wands + World = Very adventurous and work well together. Have they ever traveled together? Maybe it's not traveling, but venturing out with new opportunities. Learning from one another. If she has more experience than him, I think he learned a lot from her, but he developed his own skill as well when it comes to acting.
Overall Dynamic: 7oS, Magician, 2oP = First word I got was "two peas in a pod". For those who aren't familiar with that quote, it just means they share similar interest, but I do think they're their own person too. So for those who aren't in tarot think of 7oS as a backstabber, someone who is cunning, always watching their back, and that happens a lot in the industry. You can't trust everyone and you can't say too much or your words will come back at you. With 7oS and Magician together, as a combo let's think peer pressure. Maybe trying to influence someone to do something risky or even charm someone for their own usage. With all three cards, its basically saying that when they work together, they can create "magic". They can balance each other, but don't let someone pressure you into something you know isn't right. Take a closer look at who you are hanging with, and protect yourself.
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faersflower · 5 years
Questions Tag
I was tagged by @assuredentropy , @official-mermaid , and @the-3rd-key which whoA HI sorry I've been mostly AWOL since this tag went around
Rules : Answer the questions and tag 10 people.
How tall are you?
5 ft. I am the tiniest of hooms. (60 in. or 153 cm.)
What colour and style is your hair?
Dark brunette with a red or auburn undertone that seriously looks like it stayed from my red hair phase but that was 2009 and there is no way I could have hair from 2009 still on my head. The length is insane, last time I measured the longest was 36 inches. My hair texture is somewhere around 2b and 2c I tend to throw my hair in a bun or just wear it down honestly.
What colour are your eyes?
Short answer: hazel.
Long answer central heterochromia iridum: blue on the outside amber on the inside.
Do you wear glasses?
I do! I have 10 pairs of glasses. I use them for fashion, have I said I'm a lot like Eliot?
Do you have braces?
No, and I have never/will never need them. My teeth have always been very well-aligned.
What’s your fashion sense?
Oof, complicated question for someone like me. I actually do have a lot of...dandy style clothes and that tends to be how I lean. A nice pair of pants or skirt, a button down, a vest if it suits the look, cute heels, one of my capelets instead of a jacket to complete the look. However I also have a very lumberjack lesbian look when I do not dress like that, and then a boho look, and also a gremlin look, it truly depends my guys.
Full name?
My actual real name is Ambrosia.
When were you born?
September 15 '95
Where are you from and where do you live?
Misery Missouri.
What school(s) do you go to?
None. I went to a technical college for a few years but dropped out just before getting my Associate's. My depression was making me fail like all my classes because I just couldn't bring myself to do homework.
What kind of student are you?
Y'know that Former Gifted Kid trope in the fandom? I'm the poster child of it.
Middle school I was Vice President of the Student Council, I was in National Juniors Honor Society, I was in this Leadership class? Thing? That basically ran the behind the scenes of the school updating itself to higher standards.
High school I graduated in the top 15% of my class. I took almost any Honors class I could in freshman/sophomore years. I was the Secretary of our Thespian troupe. And I never joined National Honors Society but the teacher who ran it wanted me in it so bad they marked me as having done it.
College was a wreck. I fell into depressions every spring semester due to things always hitting me around that time. Fall semester? I made the Deans List.
Do you like school?
I have a complicated relationship with school. Like really complicated. I went to college to become a teacher, and I technically can teach in this state. That I found out through the program (there's a test lmao).
Favourite subject?
Art, Theatre, Astronomy
Favourite TV shows?
The Magicians, The Umbrella Academy, American Gods
Favourite books?
Ha, I do fit the Eliot not reading stereotype. I have several books that I reference for various things but I never like sit down and read for hours anymore.
Favourite pastimes?
Drawing, painting, playing my kalimba (also known as a thumb piano), writing, dancing around while I cook, doing eclectic makeup looks, sewing.
Do you have any regrets?
Doesn't everyone? It's part of being human.
Dream job?
Honestly probably professional stage manager or costume designer.
Would you ever like to be married?
Maybe. It'd be that outdoor, barefoot, feast with fireworks, "did you mean Bilbo's 100th birthday" type if I did though.
Would you like to have children?
My current answer is no.
If so, how many?
Do you like shopping?
Kind of? Truly it depends on where. Thrift stores, flea markets, the eclectic book store, a metaphysical shop that smells of incense and protective spells...
What countries have you visited?
Scariest nightmare you’ve ever had?
I truly have not had a nightmare in a very long time. They're is one that sticks out to me a little bit is not quite a nightmare it's just weird.
So in my early youth every year before the school year started my parents would take me and my sister to a department store and kind of just let us have at it, and like choose two outfits a piece before the school year. This dream is basically us doing exactly that. I'm like 10 and my sister is 8.
So me and my sister are both kind of off on our own; in the different sections where clothing of our style/size is and my parents are just kind of watching us from afar. At one point I find my dad to like ask him about whatever article of clothing I'm holding in my hands. However, I get very distracted by the fact that my dad is wearing what looks to be the Pink Panther diamond on his finger. Because none of the family really watched The Pink Panther much less would have that sort of replica ring on their finger.
However your girl was 10 years old so she just kind of brushed it off and went on about shopping. Which goes on but then by the time that we were pulling into the driveway of our house me and my sister both jumped out of the vehicle to like run inside because we're like "Yay, home!" However our parents don't leave our vehicle.
And then our champagne coloured Ford Taurus 90-something station wagon transforms into a UFO and flies away. Yup. That's the dream.
Any enemies?
There's a girl in some my friends circles definitely trying to be.
Do you have a significant other?
Not technically no.
Do you get along with your family?
A hard yes for my sister a soft eh for my parents. A soft yes for my grandparents.
Do you believe in miracles?
How are you?
Tired, I think I've taken on too many things at once and I'm feeling overwhelmed.
I’m tagging: god idk who has and who hasn't done this. So if you've already done this or do not want to just ignore me. @sunoficarus , @imaliveinhcre , @mcmerica , @allthathard-glossyarmor , @fuckyeahthemagicians , @softeliot , @kickassfu , @merlinss
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faersflower · 5 years
Anyway, on that note. Ya girl is far more covered in gold glitter than she expected. (It's all over my chest?? That'll be great for the cosplay but??) And she needs to sleep before work.
I love you all.
You all are valid.
You all deserve a hug, if you want one.
You can message me to redeem a Key Hug.
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faersflower · 5 years
Red Thread (a Theory for 4-1-1 of The Magicians)
I got more feedback on The Red Thread thing than I thought I would so here it goes. Plus from what I could tell no one else had brought it up which to me is baffling.
Like seriously I cannot be the only one to have a weeb background and found Vocaloid or any other media bringing this up, but here I am. So ya'll don't have to suffer through Japanese Singing Robots.
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So, in these pictures we see Alice and Quentin working on what seems to be a pretty extravagant cooperative spell together. I do not think it is at all a coincidence that it is these two working on this spell. 
The spell itself is very large it spans both the table and the floor. There are ingredients everywhere: all over the table and on certain points on the floor. I see salt, feathers, a singing bowl, lots of bottles of alcohol, 6-7 white candles, unidentifiable cans of things, and something on the floor that kind of looks like a kettle or figurine. On the table specifically however there is a mortar and pestle with red thread wrapped around the pestle. The threads split into seven separate ones and connect to what appears to be seven severed fish heads. [Don’t worry I will get to the fish heads.]  
[Also, side note from the Witch: white candles are sort of the catch-all colour for candle magick. However their own meanings span peace, purity, healing, innocence, divination, and most importantly exorcism.]
Red Thread
Also known as The Red String of Fate, The Red Thread of Fate, The Red Thread of Marriage, etc.
So in Chinese mythology there is a legend where the gods tie an invisible red cord around the ankles or pinkie fingers of those who are destined to meet one another in a certain situation or help each other in a certain way. This mythology has crossed over to Korea and Japan as well but these ones almost always are connected to a matchmaking deity tying the thread around those destined to fall in love. Kind of like soul mates but with this thread as a tether. 
Which is why I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Alice and Quentin are the ones working on this spell. However I’m also fairly certain this spell has to do with Eliot.
Quentin’s primary objective is Eliot. Penny has been following whatever Julia tell’s him to do and she’s been helping Quentin with the Eliot objective, and Alice has mostly been working with the fight against the Library. However it is very obvious that Alice still cares about Quentin even if he really doesn’t care about her very much right now. So I feel like if she is needed specifically for this spell she would be more than willing to help even if Quentin is not keen on the idea. Which from all of these promo pics it appears he is not. I believe it requires her and Quentin to work together because of their connection to one another. 
However, the fish heads. Now I have two ideas for them. One is just that they are magical fish and they’re using the heads as some conductive magical energy? My stronger theory is revolved around the number seven. Which seven is already a very weighted number for magick (seven chakras, seven layers to the rainbow, the seventh son of the seventh son, etc.) usually spells are chanted in sevens because of this power that seven has. So there’s that...but there’s also the 40 timelines. 
Which ultimately effected seven of our main characters: Quentin, Alice, Eliot, Julia, Penny, Margo, and Henry. Arguably we could put Kady there but I feel like Fogg was more effected by the timelines than she was. Really either one would work but the idea is still there. 
Whatever this spell is it’s big and might have to do with exorcising Eliot or finding out how to exorcise him or who knows? Guess we’ll find out Wednesday!
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