#ive been afk for like three days
windblume-violet · 4 months
The boy came home in the beginners convene !! Look at the baby boy!!!!!
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Now... to slowly acquire Calcharo in the choice convene
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I still don't have Aalto (this is criminal game, how else am I going to be a dirty, dirty ranged abuser in the sekiro gacha game?)
And I'm trying to build Rover. It's... it's going about as well as you'd expect:
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It hurts me that the healer version of this echo is better than the version I wanted. This is just MEAN.
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If anyone wants to friend me! I'm on NA servers!! (My union level is nearly 15 at the moment. I am. Grinding like nobodies business. Reverse 1999's half anni patch is soon, and I NEED to be able to dedicate a day or two to that safely without worrying about progress in AFK Journey or WuWa. I will make this work. I can play these three games. I swear.)
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merklins · 1 year
Hi merky! Just know I'm going to bed now but I have ideas for the drawing prompts!!! Im considering drawing both, but ive actually never watched ToH.. im taking your ask however as the final sign that i should so i shall share my thoughts with you >:] I'm also gonna try and snap some minecraft pictures tomorrow, but I didn't cuz my brain was sooo fucking tired and I forgored [and also have to figure out how to take screenshots on my computer ;^^]
I built a huge house though!!! It's three stories but kinda narrow? It's got a kitchen, an attic (which will be my room) and a really tiny bathroom that's just for afk ^^; im also planning to make a living room! I've also got a really nice exterior going which I adore!!! #o(>♡<)o# so many plants and shrubs... there's also a really big and nice basement, but I didn't build that! I just mostly worked on the house, which started as a temporary dirt hut and kinda evolved into something more elaborate over time!
Anyway, I hope your day was well! I care for you and im here if you need anything!! ^◇^-Ollie
WAIT YOU HADN'T ALREADY?? I sent you Raine as the alternative because I was trying to pick out something from another fandom you were in and VAGUELY remembered seeing an Owl House reblog from you. OH WELL! It's a neat show and I'm sure you've heard more than enough about it already so I'll spare you from any more haha. I got a couple prompts of my own sitting in the inbox right now, so if any of those were yours, then good news! THE IDEA IS IN MOTION! ( After spending. an embarrassing amount of time deciding which card and what flowers I was using)
Also your Minecraft house sounds lovely and I can't wait to see pictures of it!! I can't promise it'll work on every kind of computer ever, but usually pressing fn and f2 at the same time will take a screenshot for you. You'll have to go fishing around in the game files to find your screenshot folder, but it gets the job done! If you have a printscreen button that'll send a screenshot right to your clipboard, but if you don't play in fullscreen it'll capture your taskbar too so be careful of that.
OK so I don't actually have much built on this one yet because I've been busy surviving BUT I have big ideas!! IMPORTANT CONTEXT BEFORE I GO OFF HERE my world has a mod on it that realigns all the Minecraft code so being underwater is GOOD that's how I'm supposed to play! It's fun and safe and I can do all the stuff I need to down there! BUT ON THE OTHER HAND being in air does the little bubble popping and eventually kills me. Context over!
First big question right off the bat. WHAT HORSES... Horses don't do water Minecraft! WELL WELL WELL One day I had Minecraft open in the background during a thunderstorm and a skeleton trap spawned right over my cave. I triggered the trap by accident while collecting kelp aaand after defeating all of the riders I now have a bunch of skeleton ponies (: Skeleton horses are cool because in Minecraft Skeletons CAN'T drown. So these guys cruise around the caverns like it's nothing! I can ride them too, which. isn't any more effective than swimming because I swim VERY WELL with this mod. But it's the thought that counts! Companionship is hard to come by down there so I LOVE these freaky little guys. They scream horrid sounds from the abyss while I work and I just <3 those are them!! I haven't given most of them names, but one is called Fibia (Fibula + Tibia. I was tired and forgot those weren't one word)
I've been working on re-shaping the caverns before I start building, because while the caves and cliffs update is EPIC there are just sooo many nooks and crannies to get lost in. THANKFULLY the caverns have so many openings to the surface that I can usually swim back around to my base of operations (first cave in the cavern that I dumped all my junk in while I build). I'm going to grab some screenshots once I'm done with all that terraforming and sketch out some ideas, but right now I'm thinking that I should hijack some kind of sunken research facility. I'm talking fallen vessels, abandoned equipment, THE FULL SHEBANG! It's going to look so cool and be the perfect use for all of this copper I keep digging up.
So if you happen to find any cool submerged architecture and technology in your travels I would LOVE to be tagged for that kind of stuff! And also. I left you hanging on the bird thing. I WILL GET YOU THAT BIRD PHOTO!! I don't have any of them yet because I haven't been taking my camera out with me, but the next chance I get I'll see if I can snap those guys!
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faersflower · 5 years
Questions Tag
I was tagged by @assuredentropy , @official-mermaid , and @the-3rd-key which whoA HI sorry I've been mostly AWOL since this tag went around
Rules : Answer the questions and tag 10 people.
How tall are you?
5 ft. I am the tiniest of hooms. (60 in. or 153 cm.)
What colour and style is your hair?
Dark brunette with a red or auburn undertone that seriously looks like it stayed from my red hair phase but that was 2009 and there is no way I could have hair from 2009 still on my head. The length is insane, last time I measured the longest was 36 inches. My hair texture is somewhere around 2b and 2c I tend to throw my hair in a bun or just wear it down honestly.
What colour are your eyes?
Short answer: hazel.
Long answer central heterochromia iridum: blue on the outside amber on the inside.
Do you wear glasses?
I do! I have 10 pairs of glasses. I use them for fashion, have I said I'm a lot like Eliot?
Do you have braces?
No, and I have never/will never need them. My teeth have always been very well-aligned.
What’s your fashion sense?
Oof, complicated question for someone like me. I actually do have a lot of...dandy style clothes and that tends to be how I lean. A nice pair of pants or skirt, a button down, a vest if it suits the look, cute heels, one of my capelets instead of a jacket to complete the look. However I also have a very lumberjack lesbian look when I do not dress like that, and then a boho look, and also a gremlin look, it truly depends my guys.
Full name?
My actual real name is Ambrosia.
When were you born?
September 15 '95
Where are you from and where do you live?
Misery Missouri.
What school(s) do you go to?
None. I went to a technical college for a few years but dropped out just before getting my Associate's. My depression was making me fail like all my classes because I just couldn't bring myself to do homework.
What kind of student are you?
Y'know that Former Gifted Kid trope in the fandom? I'm the poster child of it.
Middle school I was Vice President of the Student Council, I was in National Juniors Honor Society, I was in this Leadership class? Thing? That basically ran the behind the scenes of the school updating itself to higher standards.
High school I graduated in the top 15% of my class. I took almost any Honors class I could in freshman/sophomore years. I was the Secretary of our Thespian troupe. And I never joined National Honors Society but the teacher who ran it wanted me in it so bad they marked me as having done it.
College was a wreck. I fell into depressions every spring semester due to things always hitting me around that time. Fall semester? I made the Deans List.
Do you like school?
I have a complicated relationship with school. Like really complicated. I went to college to become a teacher, and I technically can teach in this state. That I found out through the program (there's a test lmao).
Favourite subject?
Art, Theatre, Astronomy
Favourite TV shows?
The Magicians, The Umbrella Academy, American Gods
Favourite books?
Ha, I do fit the Eliot not reading stereotype. I have several books that I reference for various things but I never like sit down and read for hours anymore.
Favourite pastimes?
Drawing, painting, playing my kalimba (also known as a thumb piano), writing, dancing around while I cook, doing eclectic makeup looks, sewing.
Do you have any regrets?
Doesn't everyone? It's part of being human.
Dream job?
Honestly probably professional stage manager or costume designer.
Would you ever like to be married?
Maybe. It'd be that outdoor, barefoot, feast with fireworks, "did you mean Bilbo's 100th birthday" type if I did though.
Would you like to have children?
My current answer is no.
If so, how many?
Do you like shopping?
Kind of? Truly it depends on where. Thrift stores, flea markets, the eclectic book store, a metaphysical shop that smells of incense and protective spells...
What countries have you visited?
Scariest nightmare you’ve ever had?
I truly have not had a nightmare in a very long time. They're is one that sticks out to me a little bit is not quite a nightmare it's just weird.
So in my early youth every year before the school year started my parents would take me and my sister to a department store and kind of just let us have at it, and like choose two outfits a piece before the school year. This dream is basically us doing exactly that. I'm like 10 and my sister is 8.
So me and my sister are both kind of off on our own; in the different sections where clothing of our style/size is and my parents are just kind of watching us from afar. At one point I find my dad to like ask him about whatever article of clothing I'm holding in my hands. However, I get very distracted by the fact that my dad is wearing what looks to be the Pink Panther diamond on his finger. Because none of the family really watched The Pink Panther much less would have that sort of replica ring on their finger.
However your girl was 10 years old so she just kind of brushed it off and went on about shopping. Which goes on but then by the time that we were pulling into the driveway of our house me and my sister both jumped out of the vehicle to like run inside because we're like "Yay, home!" However our parents don't leave our vehicle.
And then our champagne coloured Ford Taurus 90-something station wagon transforms into a UFO and flies away. Yup. That's the dream.
Any enemies?
There's a girl in some my friends circles definitely trying to be.
Do you have a significant other?
Not technically no.
Do you get along with your family?
A hard yes for my sister a soft eh for my parents. A soft yes for my grandparents.
Do you believe in miracles?
How are you?
Tired, I think I've taken on too many things at once and I'm feeling overwhelmed.
I’m tagging: god idk who has and who hasn't done this. So if you've already done this or do not want to just ignore me. @sunoficarus , @imaliveinhcre , @mcmerica , @allthathard-glossyarmor , @fuckyeahthemagicians , @softeliot , @kickassfu , @merlinss
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f2pain · 3 years
bc i am Special and i like flaunting my 3 archons and 5 5 stars
venti, baal, zhongli and childe
sometimes i switch baal with xiao just to have the xiaoven and zhongchi pairing though you absolutely do not have to include this
good for you anon its important to feel special sometimes
anyways one day venti is getting very bored just wandering around the woods and zhongli just cant keep his nose out of archon business even though hes retired
they both end up in inazuma and agree to go see raiden together, because shes less likely to go berserk on them if theres two. hopefully, anyway
but while theyre making their way to inazuma city, they see stirrings of the fatui and since theyre both not really in the mood for a war to start right after one ended, they track down the base and childe who got stationed in inazuma to help clean up signoras and scaramouches mess
and now theyre all ei’s problem
venti makes sure hes the one to give ei a drink in the centuries shes been afk for like the past 600 years
childe is really annoyed that he has to clean up signora and scaramouches mess, to which ei always goes ‘its not your nation being decimated now get back to work’
the archons try and grill childe as to why the tsaritsa wants the gnoses so bad but he doesnt say anything which makes them verrryyy angry but they cant really do anything about it
any time venti goes ‘wouldnt gliding be faster?’ everyone is ready to commit murder. i cannot blame them
ive said it before and i will say it again: venti and zhongli having some osmanthus wine together
childe pays for everything any of the three beed because gods dont know how to handle money apparently
sometimes ei and zhongli will go to the peaks of mountains and just sit their for hours. whenever they end up on the same mountain they dont say anything, just sit together
the archons reminisce about the good old days before the war together
venti and childe get along amazingly well. they are besties your honor
whenever hes on the team, xiao spends 99% of the time glaring at childe. hates him (for good reasons lmao) and whenever he cooks he makes sure to add a ton pf spice to childes food to fry his tastebuds
venti always tries to get xiao to drink, at least a little. it usually doesnt work, but whenever zhongli asks he always takes a sip. venti is very butthurt by this
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moss-sauce · 5 years
bro with this nidus build i Can Not Die. ive been doing arbitrations almost 10 times a day for the past three days for no godly reason. i cannot die. there have been 3 instances where my other 3 squadmates died and i just hacked and whacked with plague of kirby until i could get em. the defense operative dies faster than i can because they won't FUCKINGG stand on ravenous. i legit will not afk, but stand up to let kaycee out and i might lose like..half health. lotta energy. i am god. with this power i have helped 2 people get adaptation via just doing the mission normally and giving them a spare if it doesn't drop. teddy lasts fairly long but moa tar is his downfall. nidus and this plague of kirby are the epidemic the system needs
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homuncolossus-a · 7 years
@Homuncolossus’ Forever Follow !
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Author’s Note: Ayyyeeeee. We’ve done it, folks! Well, I’ve done it but at the end it’s a shared success, isn’t it? That’s suprising since I did abandoned this blog several times. It was mostly dead and I had no determination to write it for .. 5 months? 1 year? I honestly don’t know how long. This blog was created about 3 years ago, then the URL had changed and eventually it died due to lack of interactions. Soon after I started to really miss the Beast as my Muse and decided to look for fandoms myself. AAAAAAND here I am. You probably won’t believe how hard it is to actually roleplay within the fandom. I got dumped by other Beast blog (can you believe?), and all the character’s I’ve been roleplaying went afk about month after interacting with me. A dang curse, ain’t it? But long story short, during maintaining my beloved Muse I’ve met A LOT of interesting people and I just MUST call you out here! :D
@elemental-bartender/@twisted-wanderer We’ve get to know each other in the most weird possible - through a stupid meme and kinda fell for each other?? WTF. WHat  we gonna tell our kids?? “YOU KNOW, THAT ONE TIME ME AND YOUR MOM HAD ROLEPLAYING BLOGS ON TUMBLR AND IT ALL STARTED THROUGH A YAOI BETWEEN US. SHE DREW OUR TREE CHARACTERS SHARING AN AWKWARD KISS AND IT JUST MADE MY BONER FLY” THING? But srsly, you are sweetheart and the best boyfriend. Mwah! Thank you for motivating and supporting me and my awful ideas!
@daughterofthewoodsman /@hishap I love your Anna? And I still luv her? Shame you are not roleplaying her anymore. Roleplaying with you helped me with most of my headcanons and kinda miss ya? ;;
@tantibus-aeternam Oh boi, here we go. Here I gotta say u really helped me out too with interactions. You were a good senpai. Quite a shame we’ve stopped talking. Alright, I have been annoying and such, I get it. That’s why I’m taking my distance and avoid pissing you more? Kinda? Still, wanted to thank you 4 dealing with my immature attitude, bad quality drawings and being nice to me!
@doctor-flugg / @byt3-and-barq CAN YOU BELIEVE YOU ON MY PHONE YOU ARE MOST POPULAR TAG? I have more posts with you than IC posts?? That’s a madness, I know! But honestly, we both can believe it. Without our interactions I kinda had nothing to make me stay on this blog ya know? ;; It was not the same without U. Maybe one pretty day you shall think about this post. YES, YES, THIS POST RIGHT HERE, and bother my Beast again? NO PRESSURE THO. Just saying, I’m still considering you one of my precious rp partners.
@curioosity/ @snackiies WELL, WELL, WELL. WELL.. WELL. WELL, WELL, WELL! Here we are, Zuzu! It’s you well deserved place in my follow forever. I’ve been stalking you from 2 blogs (mostly from the other when I had abandoned this one) and I’d be dumb to not include you here. Reading your posts really gets to me, and I know you are struggling with lots of shit but I’d like to tell you - You are great. You are doing great and each time I see you posting a piece of artwork I stare at it and I’m glad to call you my friend. I hope some of my posts or interactions are cheering you up a bit, because you deserve to be happy and have a happy life. <3
@blxndspxctcr / @toon-artist AAAAAND HERE’S MY ABBY. You’re tagged here because our Muses are big dorks and each shenanigans we write the gayness GROWS STRONGER. For reals now, you are a great and funny and sunny person to have around. Please, don’t take personally some things I say, I am a human and sometimes have a bad mood too. ;; If ive ever sounded mean, I am very sorry to cause you worry or sadness.
@akunoakuma / @unspeakablyevil / @aku-blogs TRiple thanks to the three of you for dealing with my tree boi and for all the shenanigans wrote. Our roleplays really did make me enjoy this blog and honestly, for you I am always open for more interactions!
Can’t really abuse this post for long so here’s my list of awesome people whom I love and never kick off my swamp. 
@evilpersonified @txtaldomination @goldendorito @florallyfurious @the-gods-of-metal @starryeyedself @eldritchwreckage @drangcd @demoncia @the-one-and-only-aku @doctor-flxg @lrper @hinkwerks @drewgod (u r here because i stalk you) @thetrueends @vermilion-bloom @kangi97 @samuraiprince @sonxflight @recdrflxg @earlxfphantomhive @pine-dexter @showmedeath @hornedheathen @possessedmaiden @the-everchild @bolotiesandjournals @akusmostfavoritesexmachine @trefoliium @inkcrowned @huntressthewizard @ofomniiscience @candle-hair @whiteswxrm @hook-and-chains @maybeicanfixit @lanternslowlight @ask-frozen-nocturne @ask-fran-bow @chaotic--purity @overworkedscientist
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