#also not me conflating two of my tragic fandoms together here
bimoonphases · 5 months
@wolfstarmicrofic May 9 - prompt 9: Star-crossed Lovers [word count 963]
[also my small tribute to the thousands of lives we the fandom have created for these two to live through]
TW: multiple deaths ahead
There had always been two moments, two split seconds in all of their lives, where they knew: the first time they laid eyes on each other, teeth of recognition gnawing at their memory with still no chance of remembering; then those last fleeting instants before death, when fate chose to hit them with the fact that the love of their lives was about to be snatched away from them. Again.
The flapping of wings got closer, and Sirius stretched out his hand, every fiber of his being trying to reach the man looking at him from the cloud below, blinking away the sweat from his forehead.
“Please, my lord Helios, please…” Sirius begged, stretching further down. “I swear he’s not trying to slight you, only to reach me. I’ll do anything, please, let him come to me.”
But the gods never listened, not even to lesser gods, and as Helios burned even brighter over him, Sirius could only scream as the wax on Remus’s wings melted and he fell.
Ancient Greece
Remus passed his sword to his other hand and cradled Sirius’s cheek, ignoring the ominous footsteps coming towards them from further down the pass.
“Let’s win this, my love,” he smiled. “Then let’s go home together.”
Sirius nodded and kissed him, their helmets clanging softly, like multiple others around them. The footsteps got closer.
Thermopylae, Greece, 480BC
Sirius moaned as Remus pushed him against the wall of the nearest house, his mouth immediately latching onto his lips, his hands grabbing his waist over the fabric of his tunic.
“I love you, I love you, I love you,” he whispered between searing kisses. “I’ve loved you for lifetimes now.”
“I love you too,” Sirius answered, his fingers curling into Remus’s hair. “You’re mine and I’m yours, for this life and others.”
The sky went dark in that moment.
Pompeii, Roman Empire, 79AD
Sirius was laughing. He was laughing hysterically, which was a strange sound coming from the cart transporting them to the square where a pile of wood and kindling was waiting for them. Remus would have worried if he hadn’t been just about to be burnt at the stake.
“What’s so funny?” he sighed.
“The fact that for once in their lives these people got it right,” Sirius went on laughing. “They’re burning witches, and here we are with our magic.”
“Which is useless now,” Remus grumbled, straining against the rope binding his wrists, as if his wand could somehow be within reach instead of already ashes in some magistrate’s fireplace.
“And they’re hanging men who sleep with other men,” Sirius went on. “And again, here we are.”
Despite all, Remus chuckled. Sirius grinned and moved closer to him.
“What do you say, my love?” he whispered. “Let’s give them what they want.”
And not even the shouts of the crowd pressing around the cart stopped Remus from kissing Sirius one last time.
Milan, Italy, 1384
The mercy of it was that they still had some instants to say goodbye. Sirius cradled Remus’s cheek in his hand.
“At least,” he murmured with a smile. “We’re already in a tomb.”
Remus smiled through the tears, shuffling even closer to Sirius on the marble slab.
“At least I get to keep you in my arms as we go,” he whispered. “I always wished to be with you until the end. I just hoped the end would come years from now.”
“I’d rather have only days with you than nothing at all,” Sirius said.
The cold was seeping into his bones. Time was running out.
“Do you think that English poet who’s been in town lately will write about us?” Remus murmured.
“If he does he’ll have to change some details,” Sirius got even closer, the cold now all over him, his mouth desperately searching for Remus’s lips one last time. “Thus, with a kiss, I die.”
Verona, Italy, 1590
They had lost, that much was clear. Remus stumbled back into the building with the others, desperately climbing over barricades of furniture. They had lost, and the National Guard was advancing on them. No one was coming to help them. Shots rang out, some people fell and Remus crashed into the back wall. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the leader run up the stairs, his flag still in his fist, a testament to a last stand already. There was a crack, and the last chairs blocking the door moved, leaving room for the guards to move inside, shotguns at the ready, eyes locking with Remus’s, who sighed and leaned back on the wall. He felt a hand slip in his and turned his head, a smile he would have recognised everywhere in front of him.
“Sirius…” he whispered. “What are you doing here?”
“Dying with you, my love,” Sirius answered.
They almost didn’t feel the bullets, lost in each other’s eyes.
Paris, France, June 6th 1832
“Should I call you ‘my lord’ then?” Remus asked, his hands slipping under the silk waistband hugging Sirius’s evening suit.
“Never,” Sirius whispered, his arms around Remus’s neck. “I want to be just Sirius tonight. I don’t want to be my family name, or my title or my fortune or anything other than yours.”
“Your wish is my command,” Remus said, leaning in to start kissing Sirius’s neck.
Outside the porthole of the small cabin, the Atlantic Ocean was gleaming under the moonlight.
RMS Titanic, April 14th 1912
This time, the first moment was stronger, almost breaking to the front of their consciousness. They were young, so much younger than every other time. They had all their lives ahead.
“Hi, I’m Remus Lupin.”
“Sirius Black.”
Yes, what could go wrong in two children’s lives after all?
“My name’s Peter Pettigrew.”
Hogwarts Express, September 1st 1971
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jr4de · 7 years
Tagged by @genderfluidintake​ (holy cow a thingy! I was practically confused when I saw something in my activity log, heh :D)
1ST RULE: Tag 9 people you would like to know better
2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true
I am 5'7" or taller
I wear glasses
I have at least one tattoo (Nope, but I’d be happy to get one, I just haven’t)
I have at least one piercing (Nope, but I’d be happy to, I just haven’t. Lots of people think I used to have an eyebrow piercing because I have a scar there)
I have blonde hair (Nope, brown!)
I have brown eyes (Nope, kinda slate-y blue)
I have short hair (Can I like... opposite-bold this one? Because it’s so long and beautiful and I love it)
My abs are at least somewhat defined (because I’m skinny af so you can just see all my muscles)
I have or have had braces (past tense)
I love meeting new people
People tell me that I’m funny
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me
I enjoy physical challenges
I enjoy mental challenges
I’m playfully rude with people I know well (uuhhhhh that’s a long story but I guess suffice to say I often forget myself and try to be? And then it all goes wrong when I cross a line I didn’t know existed to begin with, heh. With time it seems like it might be getting better? Although it always seems like it’s getting better until it suddenly runs aground again, heh)
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it
There is something I would change about my personality (Hmm. If this isn’t a question I’ve lost a lot of sleep over, I don’t know what is - but I think I’ve settled on “not”? Depending on what one counts as a personality, of course, but hey)
I can sing well (I think so, at least! I was in vocal jazz for a few years and it went pretty well :D)
I can play an instrument (Alto Saxophone! Or really basic guitar but I don’t know chords or fingering or tabs, I just pluck at it until it makes the right note and then I remember it and move on to the next note, and keep going until I know a song. Heh yeah it’s a shittily slow way to learn :D but I managed Sunshine of Your Love? So that’s cool!)
I can do over 30 pushups without stopping (thanks to my time in a paramilitary organization, yes! My record remains 107 at a stretch as far as I can recall, although those were admittedly not cadenced and called so that’s not as impressive.)
I’m a fast runner (I loves me some sprinting, and marathon stuff is fun too! Treadmills=bestmills or something)
I can draw well (Ehh? Decently, I think - I had a webcomic that was decently popular, but art was never its strong suit. Still, I think I can definitely draw *decently*, but not *well*)
I have a good memory (for useless things. Not like, birthdays - but I’ll remember that one time you said you like lavender more than lilac. Of course, I’ll also remember it even once your preferences have changed, or if you misspoke in the first place, heh >.>)
I’m good at doing math in my head (Define “good” and “math” but yeah probably. I cannot estimate a number of items for shit - if there are fewer than eight but more than two, I say five; otherwise it’s just a crapshoot - but I can math, regardless!)
I can hold my breath underwater for over  a minute (Well, I could last time I checked. I didn’t try today, so...)
I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling (yeah but I mean some of my friends have been like really tiny, folks. I’ve also lost to like fifty :D)
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch (chicken sandwich, ham sandwich, baloney sandwich, done. Heh, nah, just kidding - I make a burger I call the Nutty Jerk; it’s beef and chunky peanut butter for the patty, with Jerk spice mixed in, topped with a slice of orange and a small dollop of smooth peanut butter on top of the patty that melts over it. I really like it, it’s tasty!)
I know how to throw a proper punch (Technically, two of them - boxing through personal training, Shotokan Karate through my marvellous black-belt wife :D)
I enjoy playing sports (but don’t conflate that enjoyment with skill >.>)
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else (Past tense? I was in one)
I have learned a new song in the past week (I mean, I looked up lyrics that I didn’t know and now I sing them when the song comes on, so...?)
I work out at least once a week
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
I have drawn something in the past month
I enjoy writing (so much. So so much.)
I do or have done martial arts (for like a year and then they wouldn’t let me break the boards because I was too little and that was sad. I learned way more from my wife)
I have had my first kiss (and my second! And third, and fourth, etc.)
I have had alcohol (Heck, I had some today! If you ever see a white Reisling from Germany, imported, in a black bottle shaped like a cat? Give it a shot - it was delicious; light and fruity and surprisingly sweet, but not quite to icewine levels)
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game (my sportsball matches were rarely winning ones, be it soccer or lacrosse. It’s likely I have, but I can’t recall for certain.)
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting (I mean, it’s not hard with Firefly, it only takes like three hours >.>)
I have been at an overnight event (what, like a sleepover? I think, no matter what, the answer’s yes)
I have been in a taxi
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year (Thankfully, no! Maybe I’ve broken my streak! For a while there I was averaging out to once every two years, which some people might suggest is pretty frequent.)
I have beaten a video game in one day (Uh...don’t think so? Maybe.)
I have visited another country (Several!)
I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts (Arrogant Worms, Barenaked Ladies, Blue Man Group, Tragically Hip - not in that order, per se, but I loved and love them absolutely.)
I’m in a relationship
I have a crush on a celebrity (Uhhh... define crush I guess? I think there are lots who seem like really cool folks, and pretty, but I don’t know if that counts. Sorry, attraction’s always been an odd one for me to discuss, heh)
I have a crush on someone I know (again as above? But I think I’m safe in saying there’s a yes here. Pretty sure if you and your wife have discussed stuff like that it probably counts as a crush, eh?”
I have been in at least 3 relationships (not unless the definition of “relationship” is very different to what I expect)
I have never been in a relationship
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them (I’ve done both! It’s gone multiple ways :D)
I get crushes easily (???? I don’t know? Crushes? I think people are great and cute easily. Or maybe I love them? I don’t know!)
I have had a crush on someone for over a year (crushes?? Ahhh it’s all about crushes and I don’t know, but I’ve liked someone for more than a year? So I’d say it counts. Probably just overthinking it as per normal, heh >.>)
I have been in a relationship for at least a year
I have had feelings for a friend
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” (more than one, even if we haven’t talked recently - but that’s indicative, to me. Sometimes we won’t talk for a year but then when we do, it’s comfortable and wonderful all over again. That’s how I know :D)
I live close to my school (I live close to the empty lot where my school used to be when I went there and it still existed? Also near my old Elementary school. I don’t live near my post-secondary stuff, that’s on the mainland)
My parents are still together
I have at least one sibling
I live in the United States
There is snow right now where I live
I have hung out with a friend in the past month (we went bicycling!)
I have a smartphone (now, although it took me a long time. My dad literally bought one for me while I was at work, heh >.>)
I have at least 15 CDs
I share my room with someone (I share everything with her! She’s great!)
I have breakdanced (took Ukrainian dancing when I was a kid, and there’s a move called “the Coffee Grinder” [or at least that’s what they called it for us heh] that’s pretty much a breakdancing move, and I’ve pulled it out on a few occasions. It’s like, eighties breakdancing, but hey I think it counts)
I know a person named Jamie
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce
I have dyed my hair
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now (nope, a whole playlist on repeat! Fad Gadget, A1 people, Art Vs Science, Shiny Toy Guns, Pendulum, Barenaked Ladies, Arctic Monkey, Kristin Andreassen, MIKA, Maximo Park, and uh... I think another one or two but I can’t remember. Heh.)
I have punched someone in the past week
I know someone who has gone to jail
I have broken a bone (really big! Broke a few, actually - hairline fracture, three bones in my right foot; spiral fracture of the left femur that nearly took my life, but I made it through! And now I have some metal rods that used to be in my bones, so that’s cool :D)
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what I want to do with my life (I know about a million things I want to do with it, heh >.> That’s not the hard part <.<)
I speak at least 2 languages (I think my conversational decency in French would count? I’m not nearly fluent, but I’d say I speak it - more than enough to get around town, certainly. Enough to talk over letters or in a slow conversation, but not enough to watch an action flick, heh)
I have made a new friend in the past year 
Uh... tagging people. Yeah, that’s a little bit anxiety-inducing, so I’m just gonna pass on that? Sorry, I know it’s not playing by the rules and that kinda sucks but I honestly wouldn’t know where to start, heh, but anybody can do it if they want and say I tagged them! Thanks, it was fun!
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