#also not sure if it's OKEJ or Okej but i went with it
sakuraspoke · 4 months
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So I had a lot of Metal Hammer posters all over everywhere. OKEJ and Metal Hammer posters. One thing I noticed about bands… Not only did I see Voïvod in there, but I also saw a lot of the cooler, tougher bands had Voïvod shirts. [x]
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laurits-loke-seier · 2 years
Skamløs 🐍 Part 2 / Som en jeg kjenner
🐍This is a y/n type of story. The reader is a foreigner; the reader is a female; I will try my very best to keep physical descriptions to a complete minimum.
🐍May contain strong language. No major triggers, but if there are any - worry not, you will be warned in advance! Also, it's my first time writing fanfiction & English is not ma native language, so please be kind 😅
Part 1 / Den nye jenta
Also published on Wattpad
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Summary: The part where you get to know everyone a bit better. Also, Laurits is not making it easy for you to crack his code.
The walk wasn't very long. Probably didn't seem so because it wasn't raining for once. Magne walked by my side silently. I caught him looking at me a couple of times, smiled at him encouragingly, hoping he might say something, but he just bashfully turned away.
"You know, you can talk to me. I promise you, I'm mean only with the right provocation. The worst I might do is just poke at you in a friendly way." I informed him just in case. I saw a tiny smile play on his lips and he turned to me properly.
"Thanks." was all he said. I nodded and lo and behold, there was Edda Grillen in front of us.
It was a little hard to shake away the feeling that Laurits left out the info about this meeting on purpose. Wouldn't be the first time when I try not to judge somebody and expect better things from them, and then they just take a shit on my life. Metaphorically speaking.
Magne opened the door for me, what a sweetheart. And I saw the group sitting at a booth, laughing loudly about something. I spun on my heel, facing Magne now.
"I think I am too anxious to be here." Magne furrowed his brows.
"Do you truly believe that your brother could not behave like a complete asshole to a new student? Really think about it." I basically whispered to him. Insisting actually. He breathed in to answer, but...
"Magne, nye jenta! Hei! (Magne, new girl! Hi!) " somebody shouted happily. I winced and made myself turn around with a casual expression on my face, that did not scream 'I wish I went home'.
Everyone in the group was looking at us. I just gave them a short wave and made myself step forward.
"Good of you to bring the new girl to us, Magne." laughed one of the girls.
"Yeah..." he just laughed awkwardly and plopped next to the girl. They shared a few shy glances. Oh, I see. Cute!
"New girl, c'mon, sit with us." said Oscar, a guy who's name I at least remember.
My eyes roamed the booth and I noticed Laurits, who was looking at me with a playful smile.
"Her name is Y/N, not new girl." he said in an as-a-matter-of-fact tone. I just sighed. Laurits patted a spot next to him, so here I go, sitting next to him again.
They all introduced themselves, I sat through a lightning round of questions until Laurits cut in again.
"Okej, enough, it's starting to sound like an interrogation."
"Hey, what can I do, my mom's a cop!" Oscar laughed, throwing his hands up in defence.
Soon the topics changed, people started talking with each other. Magne was huddled with his crush, they're so cute I couldn't control my smile.
"Sickeningly adorable, isn't it?" Laurits leaned in to mutter. I raised an eyebrow. "You don't think so?"
"I think you are jealous." I said quietly. "Sure, I'd like to have that. But it doesn't mean it has to sicken me." I rolled my eyes. He examined me for a moment, again. "What's going on in that head of yours while you're scanning me? What are the results, huh?" I chuckled.
Laurits just smiled lazily.
"You think I'm scanning?"
"Most definitely."
He let out a silent laugh and finished his cola. Then looked at me.
"Why didn't you order anything?"
"On a budget." I kept it short. Truly, I don't have that much money on me to be spending it at restaurants or diners. It's quite expensive here!
Laurits stood up and asked me what I'd like. Everyone turned to us.
"Sit the shit down, Laurits, please. I'm fine." I pleaded.
"C'mon, if you don't tell me, I will get whatever. Isn't it better if I get what you want?" he smiled, talking smoothly. Why is this energy so familiar?
"Laurits. Get yourself something if you want to. Jeg er bare bra. (I'm just fine.)" I spoke in a low tone, expecting to inflict a sense of authority onto him. Tough shit. His grin widened and he went up to the counter, I heard him order two burgers, two large fries and two colas.
"That little shit." I didn't feel how it escaped my mouth and the group laughed. My cheeks turned hot instantly.
"He must like you. He's never offered us such royal treatment." Oscar laughed which made me roll my eyes.
"He literally did not listen to me. How is that royal treatment?"
"He got you food, girl." Iman leaned over the table and basically purred. "But I'd check if it isn't poisoned if I were you."
I opened my mouth to ask, but Magne said her name quite angrily. She just shrugged. Ok, put a pin in it.
—Later in the week
The lady I am staying with, Liv, is such a sweet woman. She's a widow, has no children, works at Edda's hospital, so she is barely home when I am. Liv works those graveyard shifts, so I see her a bit in the early morning before I leave for school and then she goes to sleep. Then she is off to work when I get back from school. Sometimes we don't even catch each other in the evening if I decide to hang out with the group again.
I help out as much as I can around the house, with cooking. She is so hardworking and barely has time for herself, yet every morning I find breakfast on the table before I leave for school.
During the English class I started writing down what I need to buy to prepare something nice for her. Something simple, but no less comforting.
"Miss Y/L/N, did you hear me." said the teacher with a very forced British accent. I looked at her, no idea actually what she said before.
"Sorry." I smiled guilty. She just sighed before repeating.
"Glad you joined us again. We are taking turns in reading this text on page 43. The 3rd paragraph is yours. Begin."
And then I realised I haven't even opened the book, because I don't fucking have it with me! Fuck! I panicked for a moment, absolutely dreading to disappoint people with such little stupid things.
And so very discreetly a book slid under my nose, with the right page opened. I just saw a hand retreat. A hand with various rings and black painted nails.
"Tusen takk, Laurits. (Thank you very much, Laurits.)" I whispered quickly and started reading the paragraph. As an answer I got a soft nudge from his knee to mine.
Later that day, gym was my last class. Somehow only a few of us were outside, and only I and Iman were running the track.
"Where is everybody?" I asked her.
"Oh, baled, likely."
"If I knew that was an option..." I wailed, which made Iman laugh.
"Skip next time. The teacher won't mind. I show up at every second class and it's fine."
I hummed in agreement. Perfect.
Then, I saw Laurits sitting on the bench, yet not in his gym clothes.
"If he's not going to the class why the fuck is he even sitting here?" I said loudly. Iman trailed where I'm looking and scoffed.
"Because he's rude as fuck. Does what he wants, almost like those Jutuls." She really doesn't like him. "Oh wait, he is!" Iman added.
I stopped running, and she halted for me.
"What do you mean? Laurits is Magne's brother."
"Yeah, but Laurits' father was a Jutul. The father of Saxa, and Fjor, you know." she explained. I felt like the meme where there's tons of various mathematical formulas appearing around me.
"Unholy fuck." was all I could utter.
"Ja." she shrugged and nodded to me to start running again.
Once we finished the laps I stopped by the bench, completely out of breath. I hate long distance running. It can suck my metaphorical dick.
"Out of shape are we?" I heard a chuckle.
"Eat shit, fucker." I spat out catching my breath. And only upon hearing the familiar laugh looked at the person. "Oh, it's you. Why are you sitting here still?" I sat down once my heartrate calmed down a bit. Laurits shrugged.
"I like to watch others suffer." he turned to me with a cheeky smile. I swung to hit him on the arm, but he caught mine super fast. The grip didn't seem tight, but maybe upon the impact it hurt me a little.
"Ow!" I yelped. Laurits released me instantly, the smile fading very quickly.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to! Er du bra? (Are you ok?)" He scooted to me and took my arm again, but in a way that seemed like he's handling glass.
I nodded, humming in affirmation. He still held my arm, looking at it from all sides he could.
"I hope I didn't leave a bruise." he muttered softly. He seemed genuinely concerned.
"Hey, a bruise is not a scar. Relax." I tried to soothe him. "It doesn't look like you really like to see others suffer." I had to poke at him to brighten the mood.
He just raised his eyes to mine, did not laugh like I expected. Did I just make it worse?
Laurits let go of my arm and stood up. For some reason my heart sank a bit. For fuck's sake, say something.
"I don't want to hurt you. It's different, don't you think?" he ran his fingers through his dark hair, seemed to linger a bit, but eventually walked away. And that left a heavy feeling on my chest. What the fuck did I do here exactly?
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atmilliways · 3 years
I'm not sure if you are still taking these prompts (or if I sent you one already lol) but if you are maybe "I know you don't like it, but it will help you feel better" for skwistok please?
[caretaking prompt meme]
YOU GOT IT! I went with post DSR, relationship status undetermined. Involves a needle.
Am I projecting my annoyance at my husbands tiny vials of T on Toki's insulin in this? Little bit.
“Nei,” Toki whined, looking piteously up at Skwisgaar. “I don’t wants to.”
With a sigh, Skwisgaar finished drawing the insulin out of the tiny bottle. It was a pain in the fucking ass—why didn’t they make these things bigger? There was barely left and he was having a hard time getting the bubbles out while still getting enough for a full dose. “I guess that explains why you don’t tells no ones when you runs out of shots whats ams already readies for you,” he replied. “Just like you don’t likes to tells no ones when you has to praskticks befores a show but didn’ts.”
“I only dids that ones time!”
“That ams . . . so’s unstrue I can’ts belief you don’ts grows the long nose or am pants on fires.” Skwisgaar sighed again, and sat next to Toki on the other guitarist’s narrow twin bed. “Looks. This diabetus things amn’ts new. You does this for years, why so scaredy-meow-meows alls the suddens?”
Toki shrugged, looking away and rubbing absently at the backs of his arms in a defensive self-hug.
He hadn’t worn short sleeves since the night they’d rescued him and Abigail, and Skwisgaar remembered why with a boiling feeling of protective anger welling up like bile in the back of his throat. Whatever needles Magnus had been using to give Toki his insulin shots during captivity, the doctors had agreed that they probably hadn’t been properly sterilized.
“We can, eughh, finds a different spots,” Skwisgaarr offered. “Someswhere that gubbjävel didn’ts use.”
“Nei. . . .”
Slowly, Skwisgaar leaned into him, nosing at Toki’s hair like a wolf inspecting a wayward pack member for injuries—which, ever since the whole Dethlights thing started, seems to be purely mental. Except for, of course, the scars. “I knows you don’t likes it,” he murmured. “But you also looks like shit, and it will helps to you feels better. Okej?”
Toki hesitated before turning into him, an arm creeping around the taller man’s waist and holding on tight. “Thens whats?” he whispered back. “What comes afters that, Skwisgaar?”
Knowing he had permission now, Skwisgaar reached for an alcohol pad for the injection site. “No’s idea. But I wills be with you once we starts to finds outs, I promskis.”
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okietokiee · 5 years
Fic: Hjönk, Hjönk
Pairing: Skwisgaar Skwigelf/Toki Wartooth
Rating: M
I was really inspired by @picklespunchedme @bittebecca @sonderrbeee ‘s various fan art of clown!Skwisgaar 😳 thanks so much for letting me write a fic based on your gorgeous art!! 💕 
Skwisgaar makes some especially harsh remarks which cause Toki to start avoiding him, and the lack of contact is really starting to make the Swede’s sex drive go absolutely haywire. 
Fortunately, Skwisgaar comes up with a genius (albeit horrifyingly embarrassing) plan to make it up to his hot-tempered boyfriend lover. 
And Toki positively loves it. Perhaps a little too much. 
Skwisgaar knew he had fucked up. 
After countless years of brutally harsh, biting criticisms and demeaning insults, Toki had finally had it. Normally he was able to take Skwisgaar’s comments, admittedly not always in a stride, but with minimal bloodshed (most of the time). And he wasn’t even completely sure what was different about today, about the disparaging remarks he’d grown used to throwing out daily. 
Maybe it was the stress of having to record a whole knew album from scratch? The stress of the rising tensions becoming so goddamn obvious lately? He knows he’s not the smartest person around, but you’d have to be blind to not see the cracks forming in their band’s already fragile dynamics. He knows it’s not just affecting Nathan and Pickles.
But whatever the underlying causes were, all it took was an offhand, “That’s was fuckins dildos, dos it agains idiots,” during a slow-moving rehearsal to get Toki raging like a spoiled five-year-old kid told that no, he could not have candy for dinner. 
After screeching and using his flying-V to destroy a fair amount of their studio and sound equipment, Toki had tired himself out and retired to his bedroom. 
He’d also taken to avoiding him for the past week. And maybe the Skwisgaar from a few years ago wouldn’t have (outwardly) cared so much, but ever since they’d shared an earth-shattering, momentous night together just months before, they’d both been inhabiting the same bed for a majority of nights. 
And, though Skwisgaar would rather die a painful death by firing squad than admit it to anyone, Toki had been the only person he’d been sleeping with ever since that night. He loathed to label it as anything serious, but that didn’t change the fact that he was painfully reluctant to break this surprising streak of faithfulness, his longest one yet. 
However, regardless of how much he didn’t want to sleep with anyone that wasn’t a dopey Norwegian guitar player with a penchant for tantrums and hissy fits, that didn’t change the fact that his sex drive was going fucking haywire. 
Storming into the Mordhaus living room, he irritably asked, “Has anyones seens our dildos rhythm guitarist?”
“Eh, I think he went out drinkin’ with thet clown again,” a stoned out Pickles mumbled from the couch. 
“Whats!? I thoughts we puts a restrainings orders on dat creep!”
Nathan sighed from a nearby desk, putting down his book. “Yeah, we did. But you know that kid. He just loves those fucking clowns.”
That unfortunate string of words made an idea pop up in Skwisgaar’s head. 
“…coulds you repeats dat?”
“I said he loves those goddamn clowns.”
“Nos, de odder words!”
Nathan glared, confused. “Those fucking clowns?” 
Skwisgaar grinned manically. “Ja! Dat weirdos loves fucking clowns!”
Pickles could be heard potentially dying of laughter a few feet away. 
Nathan narrowed his eyes, a disgusted grimace on his mouth. “I know you suck at English Skwisgaar, but ugh. That’s some brutal imagery.” 
Skwisgaar, ever the trooper, did not let the revolting thoughts affect him, as his plan was coming to fruition in his mind. Yes, Toki was annoyingly fond of childish gimmicks, clowns included. Toki could never even stay mad at Dr. Rockso, an old drugged-up, strung-out rock-and-roll clown, no matter what shit that creepy asshole put him through.
Yes, he knew what he had to do. He didn’t like it one bit, and it could potentially ruin his reputation completely if word ever got out that he even considered this.
Skwisgaar bit his lip, his thoughts suddenly full of brown whiskers and childish giggles. 
It would be worth it.
Hours later, Skwisgaar was regretting every single choice he’d ever made in life that had led up to this point. He felt like a fool and looked like one too.
His only solace was that the random klokateer he’d ordered to find him this costume was no longer capable of ever blabbing his secret to anyone, at least in any way that involved a functional mouth. Or hands. 
And now he found himself pacing around Toki’s small room, waiting for the little dildo to get back home. The sound of his baggy blue and yellow pants swishing and the stomping of his large red shoes did nothing to alleviate his growing anxiety. 
Skwisgaar scratched at his neck, careful not to smudge any of the meticulously applied clown make-up he’d taken an hour to perfect. He was vaguely grateful that his experience with corpse paint made this endeavor slightly easier, but also horrified at exactly how naturally circus make-up came to him. 
As he was pondering his deteriorating mental state, he heard the door creak open and a surprised, ear-shattering, absolutely delighted squeal. 
Toki crashed face-first into his chest, holding tighter than a newborn koala to its mother. 
“Oh Odin! Yous a real cool clowns Skwisgaar!” Toki gleefully said, nuzzling the red ruffles around his neck. 
Skwisgaar was glad his red cheeks were camouflaged by the blindingly white paint. 
“Eugh… Ja, I guess I ams,” the Swede nonchalantly agreed, not meeting his lover’s eyes. 
Toki paused from his snuggling, and gazed adoringly up at Skwisgaar’s embarrassed face. 
“Skwisgaar… Dids you do dis because you know Tokis been mads at yous?”
Skwisgaar coughed awkwardly and avoided his gaze. “Maybes if a dumb dildos hadn’t beens avoidins me for sos long, it woulds not haves come to dis…”
Toki smirked. “Yous just proving Toki needs to do dat more often.” 
“Fucks you-!”
“Okej,” Toki cut him off with a contented sigh, cuddling into Skwisgaar’s colorful, silky costume even more.
This was the closest they’d been in a week, and Skwisgaar’s body was responding rather excitedly to their close proximity. 
Toki giggled, feeling the growing hardness coming from Skwisgaar’s loose trousers, and he pulled the Swede over to the bed and pushed him down, crawling right on top of him and going in for a deep, fervent kiss. With the right angle, Toki was able to avoid dislodging the bright red clown nose on his lover’s face. 
With a few well-practiced maneuvers Skwisgaar was able to bring Toki down to only his underwear, but when he made movements to remove his own ridiculous clothes he was stopped by a firm hold. 
“Nos, keeps it on.” Toki’s flushed, erotic expression was very convincing. 
“Ja, fines…” Skwisgaar groaned, canting his hips up, desperate for any kind of friction. 
Toki smiled, reaching for the lube that has been ever-present at his bedside table for the past few months. He took a moment to take in Skwisgaar’s smudged clown make-up and gorgeous, smoldering expression. The juxtaposition was disorienting. 
“Ja Tokis?” 
“Do yous maybe… I knows we havent’s dones it likes dis yet, but,” Toki mumbled, his face red and expression coquettish, “I think I wants to tries to take it.”
Skwisgaar was at a loss for words, his mind (and body) already overheating. So far Toki had been the only one topping, citing his lack of experience with men and dislike of being dominated as his main reasons for wanting to avoid switching positions. And Skwisgaar hardly cared, always being very satisfied by Toki’s eager enthusiasm.
But the thought of finally being able to become so wholly one with Toki had Skwisgaar’s head spinning and heart racing. 
“Of course älskling, as long as yous ready,” Skwisgaar said, rubbing circles on Toki’s naked hips. 
Toki’s eager nodding was answer enough and then he wiggled out of his underwear. 
Skwisgaar leaned forward to get a hold of the lube, but Toki pushed him back down. 
“Yous just watch for nows,” Toki murmured with a sweet smile, opening the lube to prepare himself. 
Skwisgaar couldn’t handle watching a mewling, trembling Toki Wartooth preparing himself for long without feeling like he was going to literally explode into a cloud of confetti. The Swede pushed his own baggy pants down, not fully taking it off but exposing his painfully erect manhood. He moaned, giving himself a few strokes as he continued watching his lover teasing him. 
Finally, after what felt like eternity, Toki stopped and got another generous dollop of lube for Skwisgaar Jr. before lining himself up on the Swede’s lap. 
Skwisgaar watched enraptured as Toki slowly lowered himself down with a seductive whine and several sensuous movements of his hips. 
“Ah, fuckins hell Toki,” Skwisgaar cried, thrusting up desperately. 
Toki reciprocated in kind with more moans and wet, raunchy kisses, ruining a good portion of Skwisgaar’s make-up. 
As it was getting especially intense, their movements both in sync and frantic, Toki leaned down and did something incredibly peculiar and, honestly, kind of hot, at least to Skwisgaar’s current fucked-out-of-his-mind state. 
“Hjönk, hjönk,” Toki murmured with a smile as he squeezed the large, squeaky clown nose on Skwisgaar’s face with something akin to reverence. All without once pausing his fast, unmerciful pace. 
Skwisgaar was too goddamn horny and in love to question this, and he just responded by increasing his thrusts as well as his volume. 
“Ah, for the loves of Odins, Toki I’ms gonna-” he punctuated with a shout, feeling Toki tighten around him. 
After a long moment of blissful euphoria for both of them, Toki collapsed on top of him, breathing heavily and sneaking a few affectionate kisses along his neck. 
“So ams guessings you not mads anymore?” Skwisgaar snickered, running his fingers through Toki’s now tangled, sexily-ruffled hair. 
Toki giggled and playfully gave Skwisgaar’s big red nose, which surprisingly hadn’t fallen off at all during their vigorous lovemaking, a few more squeezes, filling the small room with obnoxiously loud honking noises. 
“Nah, buts if you does something like dis every time I gets mad at yous then I gonnas make sure to be angry evens more oftens.” Toki chuckled, snuggling up to Skwisgaar’s now cum and sweat stained clown costume. 
Skwisgaar sighed, equal parts hopelessly exasperated and desperately fond. 
“Wells enjoys it while yous cans you dildo, dis ams not likelys to ever, ever happens again,” Skwisgaar said firmly. 
Toki grinned mischievously and lifted himself up.
“I thinks Toki cans change yous mind abouts dat,” he declared proudly, slipping out of bed to walk over to his nearby work desk. He leaned over it enticingly, ass up, giving Skwisgaar the most pornographic come-hither look the Swede had ever seen. 
“Comes over heres and let’s me convince yous,” Toki murmured suggestively, giving his cute butt a little shake. 
And that night was the first of many that the halls of Mordhaus were filled with the echos of passionate Scandinavian honking and lovemaking. 
I don’t think Hjönk actually translates to anything but god I love that word LOL 
Also, sorry for any weird mistakes I didn’t catch! I’ll edit it and maybe add some extra stuff soon and then post it on ao3 :D
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plushievash · 5 years
okok I was looking at Leos profile and it said his aliases were "Domenico Carlevaro" and "Nikostratos Azarola". Why does Leo have Domenico as his new identity? What happened to him? :( Secondly, isn't Nikostratos the blonde guy who works for i Serpenti? Did Leo kill him and steal his identity? I've been thinking about this for three days blease help me.
okej so leo has had it SUPER rough this yearearly on he “disappeared” on a special missionhe took the place of nikos and took down several serpenti facilities from the inside with pietros helpit went well for a while but mikolaj got paranoid and captured nikos (who is leo now) things happened and mikolaj.......accidentally infected leonardo with cheshires scratch (bc he was desperate to find leo and wasnt thinking clearly when he went to interrogate nikos (who was knocked out at the time))after all that blew over masha forced leonardo out of work and alcides took his place as head of gli occhi while leo was.......essentially grounded....she also had alexei and his people watch leo (and miko) closely to make sure neither of them tried to sneak back to work (the workaholics they are)after their work ban was lifted alexei continued to watch leoleo took notice and grew bitter and began doing questionable...and very dangerous things to get alexeis attention to show him that he Knows that he(alexei) is still watching himafter confronting him alexei admits that he wasnt watching him under mashas command anymore but for himself and leo got Big mad str8 up threatened to kill alexei and his people if he ever saw them following him againso alexei called his people off and listened to him backing offleo ended up getting paranoid and irritable abt everyone (only exceptions: stella felix and mikolaj) and decided to go on “vacation” he basically told everyone he was going on vacation for a while took pictures beforehand to send them as “proof” hes on vacation actuallybut moved down to help out the southern facilities as a lower ranking agent domenico carlevaro he made arrangements with his other friends (heads of each facility hes helping out) that his missions would not be documented and if he were accompanying a team he would be left out and anything he did he would give to a different agent on the teamcurrently he is living with his friend nadya working with her;; the only one who knows about this is mikolajleonardo allows miko to come visit him so long as he doesnt talk to anyone about himso currently leo is pretending to be a regular eye mutant named domenico and also hes blonde rn bc hes gay and hes going thru some Stuff(tm) 
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A Love Bound by Fate
It was summer and everyone is at the beach and malls. Streets are crowded by people going out on vacations . I am wearing a black suit, blue polka-dots tie and black slacks rushing towards the office I works at. The traffic are all jammed up so I decided to leave the bus and just walk fast. I wake up 9 AM in the morning running late so I needs to hurry..
Finn: Oh good lord, I can’t be late I have a presentation later and my boss is going to kill me. Why is this even happening to me!!!
I am really running late but when I was already at the outside of the office building I heard a loud horn from the cars behind, which leads me to bumped accidentally a fine sexy woman wearing a red dress.
Stranger: Sorry I didn’t mean to. Aww my knee. Finn: Are you alright, I’m sorry too I am rushing and didn’t noticed you. Oh no your knee is dislocated. Don’t move I will fix it, I studied chiropractic for 2 years so trust me. Stranger: Okay but just be careful because I always have problems with my knee. Finn: Sure don’t worry just breath slowly and.... CRACK..... Stranger: Ohhh aww!  Finn: Don’t worry you’re okay now the pain will be gone in 3, 2, 1. Stranger: Wow I don’t feel anything at all it’s gone now. Thank you and and I’m sorry again. Finn: Sure no problem I apologize to for not seeing you, anyway I need to go.
I managed to arrived at the office on time and everything went fine at that day. It was already past afternoon when I finished work. I’m on my way back home but as soon as I leave the building something happened. I saw a woman in red dress sitting on the floor that looks so drowsy. and she seem to be holding something. 
Finn: Hey miss are you alright? Why are you here? Stranger: Oh finally you’re out, I’ve been waiting for you because you dropped this earlier (Gently gives the phone). Yes I’m okay (Suddenly her stomach growls of hunger). Finn: Oh yeah I totally forgot about my phone because I was so busy the whole day. Thank you for waiting for me just to give this. Come with me, I’ll treat you a dinner. Stranger: No it’s okay, (Her stomach continues growling). Finn: Come on don’t be shy it’s alright my treat and it is like my way of saying thanks to you. Stranger: Okay if you insist.
While we were walking I can’t stop looking at her eyes, even though it’s starting to get dark her green colored eyes sparkling as the moonlight shine upon her, her smooth silky hair and her face like an angel truly attracts me . I’m gonna get my salary this week so I take her into a fine dining restaurant, While we were on our way, we have a little chit chat.
Finn: You’re so kind to wait for me for hours. I really can’t imagine that some people would do that. Stranger: My parents taught me to always do good things with other people if you want to be treated nicely too. I used to believed on that but not anymore. I guess I just did that out of my unconsciousness. Finn: Why you don’t believe in that anymore? Did I do something bad to you or someone else?  Stranger: No you didn’t it’s just that... Finn: Oh we’re here let’s continue this on our table.
The restaurant is not far from my office so they arrived there quickly. Both of us seems to be going along well but there’s something different to this woman an it’s starting to pique my interest.
Finn: A table for two please. Receptionist: You are walk-ins sir? Finn: Yes Receptionist: Sure let go over here and follow me. Finn: Thank you. We will have chicken and mango salad for appetizer. What do you want to eat aside from that? Stranger: I’ll just have a Carbonara pasta. Finn: Okay I’ll have the same and also give us wine  Receptionist: Okay sure do sir,(left after he gets there order) Finn:: Okay by the way we’ve been talking since earlier and I still don’t know your name. My name is Finn and yours? Rose: My name is Rose, Samantha Rose. Finn: Oh nice to meet you Rose. Oh you have something to tell me earlier right? What is it again? Rose: Ah I was telling that you didn’t do anything wrong to me, actually I’m grateful for what you did. It’s just that I had a bad day yesterday. Finn: If you don’t mind me asking, may I know why? Rose: Yeah it’s okay, I think you’re a trustworthy person so it’s fine. My boyfriend for 5 months broke up with me yesterday and we were at the party that time. I’ve been living with him ever since my parents died now I don’t have place to go and I haven’t showered since yesterday. Finn: I’m sorry to hear that if you want you can stay in my house while you’re still looking for a place to stay. Rose: Oh you don’t have to I’m fine. Finn: But where are you going to stay for the night? Rose: In the streets? I don’t know but I’m gonna be fine. Finn: No it’s dangerous, you can stay in the house until you find a place. I have separate rooms if your worried about that. Rose, Okay you’re right thank you so much for everything so far. I promise you I will find a place to go Finn: Yeah sure, you can stay as long as you like I’m just alone in the house anyway Rose: thank you so much!
After that conversation our food arrived. We eat together and the food was great, there’s even musicians playing a jazz music. The aura on that place is so relaxing.
Było lato i wszyscy są na plaży i w centrach handlowych. Ulice są zatłoczone przez ludzi wyjeżdżających na wakacje. Mam na sobie czarny garnitur, niebieski krawat w kropki i czarne spodnie pędzące do biura, w którym pracuję. Cały ruch jest zakorkowany, więc postanowiłem wyjść z autobusu i po prostu iść szybko. Budzę się o 9 rano i spóźniam się, więc muszę się spieszyć..
Finn: O dobry Boże, nie mogę się spóźnić, mam później prezentację i mój szef mnie zabije. Dlaczego tak się dzieje ze mną!!!
Naprawdę spóźniam się, ale kiedy byłam już na zewnątrz budynku biurowego, usłyszałam głośny klakson z samochodów z tyłu, co doprowadziło mnie do przypadkowego zderzenia z piękną seksowną kobietą w czerwonej sukience.
Stranger:: Przepraszam, że nie chciałem. Och moje kolano. Finn: Wszystko w porządku, też przepraszam, śpieszę się i cię nie zauważyłem. O nie, twoje kolano jest zwichnięte. Nie ruszaj się, naprawię to, studiowałem chiropraktykę przez 2 lata, więc zaufaj mi. Stranger: Dobra, ale bądź ostrożny, ponieważ zawsze mam problemy z kolanem. Finn: Jasne, nie martw się, po prostu oddychaj powoli i... PĘKAĆ..... Stranger:: Ohhh aww! Finn: Nie martw się, wszystko w porządku, teraz ból zniknie za 3, 2, 1. Stranger: Wow, w ogóle nic nie czuję, teraz zniknęło. Dziękuję i jeszcze raz przepraszam. Finn: Jasne, nie ma problemu, przepraszam, że cię nie widziałem, w każdym razie muszę iść.
Udało mi się dotrzeć do biura na czas i tego dnia wszystko poszło dobrze. Było już po południu, kiedy skończyłem pracę. Wracam do domu, ale jak tylko wychodzę z budynku, coś się stało. Widziałem kobietę w czerwonej sukience siedzącą na podłodze, która wygląda tak sennie. i wydaje się, że coś trzyma.
Finn: Hej panienko, wszystko w porządku? Dlaczego tu jesteś? Stranger: Och w końcu wyszedłeś, czekałem na ciebie, ponieważ wcześniej to upuściłeś (delikatnie podaje telefon). Tak, wszystko w porządku (Nagle jej brzuch burczy z głodu). Finn: O tak, zupełnie zapomniałem o telefonie, ponieważ byłem tak zajęty przez cały dzień. Dziękuję za czekanie, aż to dam. Chodź ze mną, poczęstuję cię obiadem. Stranger: Nie, w porządku, (Jej żołądek nadal burczy). Finn: Daj spokój, nie wstydź się, to w porządku, moja uczta i to tak, jakbym ci podziękował. Stranger: W porządku, jeśli nalegasz.
Podczas spaceru nie mogę przestać patrzeć w jej oczy, chociaż robi się ciemno, jej zielone oczy błyszczą w blasku księżyca, jej gładkie, jedwabiste włosy i jej anielska twarz naprawdę mnie przyciągają. W tym tygodniu dostanę pensję, więc zabieram ją do eleganckiej restauracji. W drodze pogadamy sobie.
Finn: Jesteś taki miły, że czekasz na mnie godzinami. Naprawdę nie wyobrażam sobie, żeby niektórzy ludzie to zrobili. Stranger: Moi rodzice nauczyli mnie zawsze robić dobre rzeczy z innymi ludźmi, jeśli ty też chcesz być dobrze traktowany. Kiedyś w to wierzyłem, ale już nie. Myślę, że zrobiłem to z nieświadomości. Finn: Dlaczego już w to nie wierzysz? Czy zrobiłem coś złego Tobie lub komuś innemu? Stranger: Nie, nie, po prostu... Finn: Och, jesteśmy tutaj, kontynuujmy to na naszym stole.
Restauracja znajduje się niedaleko mojego biura, więc dotarli tam szybko. Wydaje się, że oboje mamy się dobrze, ale jest coś innego w tej kobiecie i zaczyna budzić moje zainteresowanie.
Finn: Poproszę stolik dla dwojga. Recepcjonistka: Pan wchodzi, proszę pana? Finn: Tak Recepcjonistka: Jasne, chodź tutaj i chodź za mną. Finn: Dziękuję. Na przystawkę zjemy sałatkę z kurczaka i mango. Co poza tym chcesz zjeść? Stranger: Po prostu zjem makaron Carbonara. Finn: Dobra, zjem to samo, a także dam nam wino us Recepcjonistka: W porządku, proszę pana, (został po tym, jak dostanie tam zamówienie) Finn: Okej, tak jak rozmawialiśmy już wcześniej i nadal nie znam twojego imienia. Mam na imię Finn, a twoje? Rose: Nazywam się Rose, Samantha Rose. Finn: Och, miło cię poznać Rose. Och, masz mi coś do powiedzenia wcześniej, prawda? Co to jest znowu? Rose: Ach, mówiłem, że nie zrobiłaś mi nic złego, właściwie jestem wdzięczna za to, co zrobiłeś. Po prostu wczoraj miałem zły dzień. Finn: Jeśli nie masz nic przeciwko, żebym zapytał, czy mogę wiedzieć dlaczego? Rose: Tak, w porządku, myślę, że jesteś osobą godną zaufania, więc w porządku. Mój chłopak na 5 miesięcy zerwał ze mną wczoraj i wtedy byliśmy na imprezie. Mieszkam z nim odkąd zmarli moi rodzice, teraz nie mam dokąd pójść i nie brałem prysznica od wczoraj. Finn: Przykro mi słyszeć, że jeśli chcesz, możesz zostać w moim domu, podczas gdy nadal szukasz miejsca na nocleg. Rose: Och, nie musisz, nic mi nie jest. Finn: Ale gdzie zamierzasz zostać na noc? Rose: Na ulicach? Nie wiem, ale będzie dobrze. Finn: Nie, to niebezpieczne, możesz zostać w domu, dopóki nie znajdziesz miejsca. Mam oddzielne pokoje, jeśli się o to martwisz. Rose, w porządku, masz rację, bardzo dziękuję za wszystko do tej pory. Obiecuję, że znajdę miejsce, do którego się udam Finn: Jasne, możesz zostać tak długo, jak chcesz, i tak jestem sam w domu Rose: bardzo ci dziękuję!
Po tej rozmowie przyszło nam jedzenie. Jedliśmy razem i jedzenie było super, są nawet muzycy grający muzykę jazzową. Aura tego miejsca jest bardzo relaksująca.
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hockeyflicka · 7 years
William Nylander - Swedish
You could not understand a word you were hearing right now. Your boyfriend William was talking to his younger brother Alex in your living room and you were also there.
“Ja, Jag ska!” William said to Alex which made him wiggle his eyebrows.
“I kväll?” Alex said to William looking mysterious.
“Kanske.. Du tänker jag skall göra det i kväll?” William asked Alex looking very serious about whatever it is.
“Säkert.” Alex said dead serious.
“Okej, jag ska.” William said sighing a little.
“Bra. Jag är stolt av dig bror.” Alex said smiling a wide smile that made Willy smile too.
“Tack. Jag älskar hon bror.” He said, which you knew part of that sentence meant ‘Thank You’ in swedish.
“Jag vet.” Alex said as he got up from the sofa and whispered something to Willy, leaving your apartment right after that.
“Sooo.. What was that about?” you asked William who just shuggered his shoulders to say it wasn’t important. Usually when Willy and Alex spoke swedish when you were there, it meant that they didn’t want you to understand what they’re talking about.
“William!” you said louder and looked at him with raised eyebrow.
“Babe, you’ll see. You just have to wait a little.” William said laughing and giving you a peck on the lips. You pouted to your boyfriend of five years. You couldn’t understand you and Willy had been together for so long. Time flies for sure. —————————————————————— It was 7pm and William had been up to something since Alex left. You have been of course overthinking their conversation a lot. Maybe William had enough of you and wants to breakup or he cheated on you. Your thoughts were interruped by William coming back to your apartment from somewhere.
“Baby.. Could you come here” he yelled from your lobby. You went to your lobby and saw the cutest puppy ever.
“Oh my god! Is it ours?” you asked William as you petted the puppy, being excited like a five year old. William smiled and nodded. You saw a little box on the puppy’s collar. You took the box confused and stood up. You opened it and saw the most beautiful ring inside of it. You looked at William who was on his knee in front of you.
“Would you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?” he asked. You felt tears streaming down your cheeks as you were nodding like crazy. William got up from the floor to hug you and put the ring on your finger.
“I love you baby.” he said kissing you on the lips.
“And I love you” you said to him with shaky voice and tears still streaming down your face. He was the man of your life for sure. —————————————————–——–—— Ja, Jag ska = Yes, I will I kväll? = Tonight? Kanske… Du tänker jag skall göra det i kväll? = Maybe… You think I should do it tonight? Säkert = Sure Okej, Jag ska = Okay, I will Bra. Jag är stolt av dig bror = Good. I’m proud of you brother Tack. Jag älskar hon bror = Thanks. I love her bro Jag vet = I know
Let me know what you think about this one!😊
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