#also now I really want to hear Neil say 'by Aziraphale's flaming sword...what a savings' in front of that Tesco
ingravinoveritas · 1 year
I'm not sure where this expectation of the Go 2 press tour which I see from you and some other fans is coming. Did someone say something? I mean, there definitely should be some PR action, a couple of interviews, maybe the cast appearance at a screening or something, but nothing near the promotion of the 1 season, not a 'press tour'. No one promotes 2nd seasons even half as much as 1 seasons. As a rule. Unless there's a very specific decision to do so. So I would tame expectations imo.
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I mean...good grief, Anon. It just poured for the entire weekend where I live, and yet it feels like your message is doing a far more thorough job of raining on my metaphorical parade.
So, let's break a few things down here. First, my personal philosophy is and always will be "Hope for the best, expect the worst." That is not to say that, in the case of GO 2 promotion, I expect the absolute worst, because I don't...but I am also more than adept at keeping my expectations in check thanks to many, many years of experience with disappointment.
With that in mind, you are correct, no one has said anything specifically or formally about the GO 2 press tour or what it might/will entail. Most of us have been working off of the idea--the hope, even--that because season 1 had a press tour, then logically, so should season 2. (Especially because, as I've previously mentioned, the show does still need to bring in new viewers to ensure that there will be a third season.)
As of right now, however, it looks like the only potential impediment to a press tour--or at least Neil being involved with one--is the looming Writers' Strike (well, not-so-looming, since it now seems to be actually happening). So the effects that could have on promoting GO 2/what sorts of appearances the cast and crew will make are unknown for now, and remain to be seen.
But I still feel like you're missing the larger point here, Anon. The thing that has so many of us excited isn't the breadth or level of promotion, but rather that Michael and David will be together during whatever promotion does happen. The majority of the things I mentioned in this poll were listed as mere possibilities...but the one that seems most probable (and that received the most votes, as it were) was Michael and David flirting with each other. I've also received DMs from people who, as much as they are eagerly anticipating the show, care even more about seeing Michael and David together again--playful, relaxed, and most of all, happy.
So does that mean a press tour as extensive as the first season? Maybe, maybe not. Maybe Michael and David will only get to do a handful of interviews or appearances together, but it's the substance of those that makes all the difference. It's that we can all watch Michael and David on TV, or Youtube, or listen to them on the radio, and for even the briefest of moments, feel a sense of respite from what is happening in the world. It's that even when there is so much misery and hate and unkindness running rampant, there is still something that can bring such happiness. Something to look forward to, even just for a little while. And that's what I'm optimistic about, and will continue to be optimistic about here on my blog.
Again, you may be entirely right, Anon, and the GO 2 press tour could turn out to be nothing more than Michael and David doing a ribbon-cutting at a Tesco in Milton Keynes...but I'd still want to watch it because I know no matter what happens, Michael and David will enjoy every second of it as long as they are together.
And I think that's still something worth hoping for.
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