hikaaa-bi · 1 day
What went down at the Mystery Twins’ 25th birthday party 🌈💖✨
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hikaaa-bi · 1 day
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hikaaa-bi · 1 day
do you think sam knew he wasn't getting out of there? if she was going to throw him in the hole, it has been brought up countless times that it would have been easy for her. sam is small and scrawny and weak. he wouldn't be able to stop her if she was really going to.
do you think in that moment when he realized the archivist was doing its thing, that he made a quick assessment? celia has a kid to look after, that's the whole point of this. this kid has a life ahead of him and sam's already lived a while. and it was so awful remembering everything from his childhood when the archivist picked his brain, and he didn't even do it in front of anyone else. he didn't want celia to go through all that. and well, she was going to throw him in anyway. if he falls in while attempting to stop that thing, it would've happened at some point that night regardless. might as well do something good before then.
so it's fine if he falls in. he said he'd help her any way he could with jack, didn't he? and he even saved her the experience of having a statement taken. it's fine.
it's not like she wanted him anyway
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hikaaa-bi · 3 days
mabel: has had first-hand experience with a toxic partner who tried to control and own her
some of y'all: omg mabel would definitely try to get ford back with bill! she ships billford!! 😍
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hikaaa-bi · 3 days
had a realization. remember in tma s5 when jon talks about how it would've been nice for he and martin to have been together without the entities, and martin basically says "but we wouldn't have gotten together because without the entities we never would've bonded the way we did"??
well. sam and celia are the opposite of that. if they were just normal coworkers in a boring normal job they could've had a regular normal relationship from the start ("I really did like you") except because of the Horrors that possibility was precluded.
the existence of the eldritch horrors are what caused jon and martin's relationship to develop, and the existence of the eldritch horrors are also what caused sam and celia's relationship to be doomed to fall apart.
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hikaaa-bi · 4 days
thinking about Jonathan Sims and Samama Khalid.
Thinking about how, by all laws of Horror Story Trope, Jon should not be the protagonist. If I'd never heard of tma and you showed me a lineup of the archives crew and asked me to guess who died first I would have pointed to Jon. He's the paranoid professor archetype. The one who dies discovering some crucial bit of information at the beginning to push the plot forward. He's unfriendly, cowardly, insecure, and makes other people do his investigation for him for all of season 1. He doesn't do anything even remotely heroic until the second half of the show. He has no interest in romance for the first half of the show. The audience wasn't even aware Jon had a dark past until he starts telling us about A Guest for Mr. Spider. But he is *Chosen.* Despite the fact that he has no actual qualities of a hero, he's chosen as the eyes special boy. Over the course of the show he starts to become more and more like an actual protagonist. He starts trying to save the world, resist the eye, all that jazz. For one reason or another, being the Archivist turns Jonathan "definition of a side character" Sims into the main character.
Then we have Sam. Sam starts acting like a horror/mystery protagonist almost immediately. He is young, charming, has a mysterious past (that we are made aware of pretty much right away) and a curiosity that causes him to frequently put himself personally in the path of The Horrors. He pokes around where he doesn't belong and looks for clues. He's the center of an office love triangle for goodness sake. He has a strong sense of duty to others and will put himself in harms way to protect those he loves. He exudes main character energy. He has everything a horror protagonist needs to push the plot along. But Sam wasn't *Chosen.* Despite being exactly the person you'd expect the plot to follow. And I can't help but wonder if, in the same way that the narrative made Jon important, it's going to make Sam unimportant. Irrelevant. If, with his rejection from The Magnus Institute, Sam is going to disappear completely. Become a mystery.
Because at the end of the day, so much of your life, your impact on the world, your relevance, has absolutely nothing to do with you. So much of it has everything to do with those in power, and whether they decide you're important.
It all comes down to your own rotten luck.
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hikaaa-bi · 5 days
colin is actually the tallest out of all of them, but he’s perpetually stooping like a senior citizen on the verge of getting sent to a retirement home, so everyone just thinks he’s short.
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hikaaa-bi · 5 days
i was kinda right, wasn’t i? i mean at this point, both sam and colin could very well be dead.
people keep saying that colin would be the first one to die but i refuse to believe this. as far as we know, the entities in this universe feeds on desire and obsession, not on fear. colin's paranoia may be the death of him in tma universe, but not here. i have a feeling that he's going to be spared, in a twist of fate, and sam would be the one to die first.
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hikaaa-bi · 6 days
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This is such a good video
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hikaaa-bi · 7 days
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Reblog for sample size and also tell me why in the tags. I want violence. I want discourse. I want bloodshed
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hikaaa-bi · 7 days
The part that really gets me is that in absolutely any situation, Alice would have been a guilty mess. If she ignored Sam’s call and listened to Teddy, she would be wracked with guilt when she found out Sam was missing. If she turned back when Colin called for help then she’d feel guilty for the same reason because she wasn’t there to save Sam. If she finds out that Colin is dead because of whatever she didn’t help him with, she’s guilty for that since she was too late for Sam anyway and she knew something was wrong. And obviously she’s still gonna feel guilty for Sam because she didn’t get there sooner!!!!!! Talk about doomed by the fkn narrative
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hikaaa-bi · 7 days
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some screencap redraws of wendy! i had such a huge crush on her when i was younger
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hikaaa-bi · 7 days
there was no audio glitch when celia said she did like sam... samcelia is still real guys
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hikaaa-bi · 7 days
all i can say is this finale has made my interest in samcelia as a ship skyrocket. you’re telling me i get to relisten to the season knowing she’s planning to sacrifice him pretty much the entire time? at which point does that plan start to take shape? when is she fully sure she’s planning to tear him right out of his life, away from his friends, everyone he knows, his entire world? to send him to a world which she might still think is a literal torture apocalypse? she watched him play with jack knowing that she was going to trade sam’s whole life and world for staying with jack and sam had no idea? and she still fell in love with sam despite her plan! and despite actually liking him she still kept going with that plan to sacrifice him because she was so desperate not to be dragged back to her world!! and despite so desperately wanting to stay she still told him the truth at the end and couldn’t bring herself to just push him immediately and get it over with!!! and despite finding out about all of it sam still sacrificed himself for her anyway like FUCK!!!!!
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hikaaa-bi · 8 days
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warm up
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hikaaa-bi · 8 days
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the queen of the disco or whatever
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hikaaa-bi · 8 days
I'm so happy for Lena and I cannot wait for Gwen to be on her knees at Lena's front door begging for help, and I can't decide if I want Lena to take her in and give her some tough love or just kick her in the fucking face
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