#also probably includes jegulus in some way dont ask me how
jfpstarchaser · 2 years
Okay. I have this ideia going on my head and it's annoying, cause i just can't get rid of it. So. I'm gonna share it.
Regulus' magic manifesting physically. It happens in a traumatic event, with Walburga and Orion present and shit. It's like so physical, he can touch it. And it repels people who try to hurt him, he doesn't have to lift a hand. It's instinct.
BUT. this is not the part that has been in my mind. It's the ways he can use it after mastering.
You know how element benders do their moves and control specific elements in atla/avatar? That's it. He can control it like that. Regulus' magic is so strong, so wild and rich, it takes time to master it, to win it, even though it's part of him. It's a part of him he needs to conquer back, after locking it away for so long. And once he does, there's nothing but him and magic. It's like, he's one with it.
And then, there's magic everywhere he looks. He can see it, he can feel, smell, taste and touch it.
It's a solid, but wavering thing, always present. It's volatile and inconsistent like the water that once tried to drown him; it's fast like a lightning that struck him with intrusive thoughts; it's destructive like the raging fire to prove himself that is inside him; solid and strong like the earth on the ground beneath his feet, that makes sure he's not falling head first into his monsters; mint fresh like the air that makes it's way back to his burning and needing lungs.
He fights like no one has ever seen. Like he's dancing with his opponent, he's one with the air, playing with prey like a hunter, or worse, a predator.
He doesn't have a wand anymore, his way of performing magic is already so much higher and refined than that. There's no need for it. His wand burned to ashes when the outburst of his power first happened.
He also has marks painting his body, like the avatar does, but thinner and not really in the middle of his brow, they are everywhere and they make him even prettier. The black marks against his skin don't hurt, but every time his magic wakes up, they awake with it.
I just. I want him performing magic and manipulating elements like an avatar. That's it.
He would also beat the shit out of voldemort. Trust me.
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