#also read loose threads and let me know your thoughts after the new ep cause I feel like things could get divisive
aralana765 · 1 year
Okay I basically said all this already in the tags of another post but it deserves to be said again. Spoilers for the most recent ep of mha.
I cannot possibly tell you how fucking excited I was to see Best Jeanist show up in the first 15 seconds of the episode. I knew he was alive from various spoilers I’d picked up. But I didn’t know how/when we found that out, and to see the denim on the screen literally sent me screeching, because Tsunagu Hakamata is my BOY! And then we lose track of him, right? We’ve got the main plot. We got the Touya reveal. We get Todoroki backstory and feelings. We get DDR: Dabi Dance Revolution. And just as you worry that Dabi is gonna take down Endeavor (if not everyone) with almost no resistance, HERE COMES MY FUCKING BOY
And not only does Jeanist show up, but he shows up controlling steel cabling (or some other metal, but the point remains). That’s not denim or some cotton thread. That is metal fiber. I have always theorized that his quirk was incredibly OP, and that he would be able to manipulate steel cabling. And, in top of that, I truly believe he can control muscle fibers as well. But that’s a whole other topic.
But to see him hovering above our villains, controlling metal with ease and binding not just Dabi but Gigantomachia as well???!!?!?? I fucking lost it. I screamed at my roommate some combination of ‘I FUCKINH KNEW IT’ and a true verbal keyboard smash. To be fair, she expected this of me.
I cannot WAIT for next week (the preview looks like he’s really gonna be going through it, but as we all know, that means he’s gonna have to push through to reach his plus ultra, etc.). And in the meantime, if anyone has any fics that feature my boy going absolutely apeshit, please send them my way!
Anyone else with my particular obsession of OP, feral Tsunagu, I will offer this self-promo of my fic Loose Threads, the first part in a series in which he gets to go villain, because he deserves it.
I will also highly recommend the Reckoning series by Cacid! He doesn’t show up for a while, but his and Bakugo’s plotline is absolutely incredible! His backstory is the best thing I’ve ever read. I won’t spoil it, but like. Yeah Midoriya is having a crazy time being a ghost and that’s absolutely a whole lot. And yet I still am so much more invested in Tsunagu (Cacid if you see this I love all your plot lines in this fic I promise I’m just obsessed w Jeanist).
I also really like Feathers, Fabric, Father Figures, and Other F-Words On Hawks’ Mind by Sif (Rosae). It’s got openly anti-HPSC Tsunagu, Hawks learning just how shitty his life is, and bonding!
Okay, recs over for now. But I am totally open to more, especially after watching the new ep today!! Send recs my way please!!
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hey, bet you've got a whole bunch of asks just floating in out of your inbox like this already, buuut do you think you'll ever finish everlasting party? or even just do writing for the fandom again? your writing pieces were all so captivating and so beautifully characterized and JUST INCREDIBLE. even if you decide not to get back into writing it mind maybe giving some hints on how you planned for the story to go BECAUSE IM LITERALLY DYING TO KNOW. binge read the whole thing in one night and can't get over it!
You know, you’ve given me a great excuse to finally write a post about this anon, ‘cause I have a surprising amount to say on the topic ^^ But first, thank you so much for your kind words! I do look back fondly at the things I wrote for the Mystic Messenger fandom and I’m really glad you’ve enjoyed reading them as well.
So, here’s a Q&A-style answer to things I get asked about Everlasting Party and what I’m doing in the MysMe fandom nowadays (after the cut):
Why did you stop writing Everlasting Party?
At the time I believe I’d gotten rather overwhelmed with school work and decided to put off writing the next chapter until I felt like I had things better under control. Weeks turned into months, and because I hadn’t played Mystic Messenger in a while I started to doubt my ability to even finish the story I’d intended to tell. It became easier to just leave it “until I felt like coming back”.
But don’t worry too much about me - I’m doing pretty great nowadays, and I’ve even done a bunch of writing again in the last couple years (just not for MysMe, sadly).
Are you still in the MysMe fandom?
Yes, I am! I don’t post on here so much, but if you’ve been following my Mysterious Messenger posts at all (see the pinned post on this blog) you’ll know that I’ve been working on a Mystic Messenger-style engine since 2018. I tended to work on it in bursts throughout 2018 and early 2019 but for most of 2020 and all of 2021 I’ve been making daily updates to it adding new features, fixing bugs, and maintaining the code. It’s even got a novel-length wiki to go with it lol. I’m also collaborating with a group of people working on a free fangame that will use the engine.
Are you going to come back to Everlasting Party?
All right so this is actually a couple of questions in one. First, do I want to come back to EP? The answer is yes. It haunts me that I’ve left it unfinished and I sometimes get messages or comments about it and I want very dearly to have it finished so I don’t have this loose thread dangling about ^^;;
Will I come back to finish EP? I don’t have a concrete answer for this one because I hate making promises I can’t keep, but I’ll give you some information on my process for this:
I keep telling myself if I remake all the chatrooms for EP with my program (mentioned above), I have to finish writing EP.
I feel like I need to replay the games to re-familiarize myself with canon to properly write the characters again, but don’t really have the same drive to go through all the chats
It’s been a while and my writing style has actually evolved quite a bit (but for the better, I hope!). If I finish EP, there are earlier chapters I’d like to expand upon and potentially modify to flow better. I do worry though that earlier readers might not like the way I change it, but also, I have no idea how many of those people would come back to read the ending, really, anyway.
The good news, though:
I actually wrote 25k on EP during Camp NaNo in July 2020
This is EP’s current word count in my drafts (unedited):
Tumblr media
EP is also no longer constrained by my ability (and patience) to make chatrooms at all anymore since I can generate them in mere minutes with my program rather than painstakingly editing them frame-by-frame in Photoshop
I would really like the satisfaction of finishing this story :P
So in summary anon: I am cautiously optimistic about the fate of Everlasting Party. And I actually adore messages like this that let me know people have enjoyed it and would be willing to come back if it was completed! ♥ The odds of me finishing it do, in fact, increase with each person who tells me this, ‘cause part of my worry is that it would be pointless anyway since it’s been several years and what if it doesn’t live up to what people imagined it would be...
Basically, even though I’ve written several additional unposted chapters of EP, I really want to have the whole story complete before uploading again so I don’t get anyone’s hopes up. That said, it’s also pointless to sit on another 25k+ of words if I don’t finish it, so... well, how’s this: if I don’t finish EP by 2022, then I’ll upload what I have written and write a note on my plans so people like you can have some closure.
Thank you again for this message! And if anyone reading this has read Everlasting Party and is also interested in the ending, I’d love if you’d send a message or comment my way with your thoughts ♥
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drink-n-watch · 5 years
Hello everyone. Isn’t it exciting!!! A brand new anime season is upon us. Why that only happens 4 to 6 times a year! And new anime mean new episodic reviews from  me. But first!:
Introductions are in order. For those of you who haven’t had the pleasure yet, this is Shania. She is walking, blogging sweetness and you should go get to know her a bit better over at Quotable Creations (https://quotablecreations.com/about/) I love cosplay blogs. I don’t follow enough but they are always so much fun.
ok not THIS much fun!
Shania: Hiya everyone! Nice to meet ya! And thank you Irina for that really sweet introduction. I do write a cosplay blog, and I love sharing my passion with everyone. It’s a fan girls dream. And one of my favorites is to cosplay anime characters. Cause, well, anime is amazing. Your blog is awesome too, your posts never fail to bring a smile to my face when I read them. Especially the gifs.
It’s an open secret that the blog is really just an excuse to store various anime gifs…
don’t tell anyone!
Anywho, because I need a lot of help with these, Shania was kind enough to volunteer as *tribute*, I mean for a collaboration on this season’s relaunch of BoogiePop.
You should know that I have a personal history with this show. I watched the original and it’s one of those shows where I knew it failed on a lot of levels, and I had no clue what was happening, but it still fascinated me. The memory has clung to me ever since so when this new series was announced I was super excited. Yup, I was the one! I don’t really even remember the original so I won’t be able to compare. Still I’m excited! Shania, did you ever watch the first one?
Sadly, no I haven’t but I have seen the remake roaming around so I gotta say Boogiepop intrigues me a lot. And I’m always on the lookout to expand my anime horizons.
oh you’ve come to the right place my friend
The first episode follows mostly Keiji, a third-year student at Shinyo Academy who after getting stood up by his girlfriend Miyashita, sees her dressed oddly and acting just as weirdly. She claims to actually be BooogiePop, some type of entity or personality that lives in Miyashita’s body and only awakens when there is danger around. Female students have been going missing from the school for some time and it seems a predator is on the loose.
Right off the bat, the OP and color palette made me think of Perfect Blue while the school setting, mysterious disappearances and slow superficial dialogue reminded me of Lain. Both are among my favourite anime. And both tend to be highly acquired tastes that could easily have been unwatchable trash if not handled properly. Did you get the same feel?
Oh yea, most definitely. When I first started watching I can most certainly say I was a bit thrown off by the back and forth of the style and story telling. But, I couldn’t help but be drawn in by it at the same time. It just had a certain feel that made me want to know exactly what was going on.
well…let’s see…
As a cosplay expert what did you think of the aesthetics?
Definitely. At first I thought most of the school uniforms were pretty plain because I watch a lot of “School-oriented” anime, or Slice of Life so to speak. So as far as the uniforms they felt pretty ‘meh’. But I really like the design of Boogiepop. And the designs for our villain and our unlikely protagonists.
that hat is pretty epic!
As a first episode, there wasn’t all that much to it. It established the universe and introduced us to way too many characters. (I had to look up all the names for this post). Even though I really don’t remember the original, it did ring a faint bell. The story of a string of gory murders happening in a high school and an urban legend called Boogiepop being blamed for them while this frail young girl tries to figure out what’s going on as pieces of her life go missing. Like I said, it has some very Perfect Blue elements.
I didn’t hate this episode at all. It was trying a bit too hard to be mysterious and atmospheric but I don’t think it entirely failed. If I could fault it with something it’s the frequent and rather clumsy exposition dumps it resorted to but this may get better with time. How about your thoughts on episode 1?
I think the exact same. They used a lot of characters which made it a bit hard to keep up with, but in time I think we’ll better know the who’s who of the show. And the expositional flashbacks did jar me and I had to resort to rewinding and going back, because I had quite a few “Wait what? Did I miss something here?” moments. But, I can appreciate what they are trying to do here with it.
who’s this girl, should I care?
If I did have one complaint though, the very first male protagonist, Keiji was it? Seemed a bit plain. When he was introduced to what was going on he hardly reacted at all. I mean, c’mon man! The girl you like is being possessed, and there is this killer on the loose. All you have to say is “Ah” and “I see”? I’m definitely hoping that they’ll put more character in him as it goes on. Otherwise I would have to write him off as another “Harem-type” MC.
I think Keiji may be our straight man but I get your point. We’ll see where it goes…
sorry dude, you are kinda boring…
In episode 2 we completely abandon both Keiji and Boogiepop to concentrate on the actual antagonist Maticore and her partner Saotome, as well as suspiciously awesome Nagi Kirima, who seems to be a high school secret agent or something. In this episode we learn of the existence of an alien being called Echoes and how Maticore is in fact a made made synthetic copy of Echoes with the power to morph into the people it meets. It seems Maticore has been praying on the female students but we don’t quite know why yet beyond… evil thing does evil.
I don’t remember any of this! How did the series just suddenly drop everything and become Parasyte? That was one quick turn!
oh wait, this explains it!
You can say that again. It gave a very “So this is happening and that is happening…oh look! Now we have a bloodthirsty killer on the loose. Surprise!”
I didn’t hate this episode either mind you. It just felt like I watched two separate first episodes rather than two consecutive episodes of the same show. Know what I mean?
and now, ninjas!
This time we really went for the bloody horror feel. The series is disjointed but there’s a few ways they could bring it all together. Obviously it’s heading towards the classic GvE confrontation and I bet Nagi and Boogiepop will have some type of friction to get through as well but it could be a decent ride. I’m being very guarded aren’t I? I have some fears about this one.
It’s way too early to pass judgement but I’m still gonna say that there’s way too many plot threads and characters for this to be properly resolve in 12 episodes. I think the run has not been announced yet so there’s hope it will be a 24 ep series.
Any overall thoughts on these first 2 episodes?
I’m building suspense by putting a picture here
All I can say, is I’m getting a very Paranormal type feel that’s trying to play into Slice of Life. I am intrigued with how this is going to go though. And if there was any anime I had to compare this too, probably Parsyte. Mainly because how Manitcore acts.
But even if this show has its flaws, I think this anime has potential. And I’m quite intrigued to see where it goes from here. Will it become this seasons hit? Or just another anime to be made into a meme…
I’m not a meme, you’re a meme
So Shania and I are cautiously optimistic or cautiously not pessimistic?.. Since this was our first collab and there was two episodes to cover, it took a bit to put it together but we’ll try to get you the future episodes in a more timely manner. I certainly hope you guys enjoyed it and don’t forget to drop by https://quotablecreations.com and say hi to Shania!
Also this was two episodes guys so here are a million screencaps. Honestly the way I’ve been going about screencaps lately, you can just switch through them quickly and it’s like a stop motion of the episode…
oh you’ve come to the right place my friend
Boogiepop and Shania and Irina ep 1&2 – It’s Boogiepop time Hello everyone. Isn’t it exciting!!! A brand new anime season is upon us. Why that only happens 4 to 6 times a year!
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