#also really like your d/jss take
erigold13261 · 2 years
Hello hello I'm back once again to ramble some more about Garden of Thorns in your FRAU, only this time I'm just gonna say that last time I completely forgot about DJSS when I wrote my last ask so that's why there was no mention of him (sorry DJ :( )
Now when it comes to helping out with your oc band fight DJSS (I will draw them when they're revealed mark my words-) Sylvie and Olive tag along because at this point no one is immune to free therapy from Sylvie- and Olive wants to make new friends so they go to Club Planetarium. Sylvie knows something is up and if needed stops the fighting to let DJSS talk about his problems and how he's feeling, and Olive removes her gloves and reveals her healing powers for the first time as it fixes the cracks on DJ's orb head and seals the gas inside it (or other material idk what's in there-) which I'm sure surprises everyone. I'm sure Sylvie may also host a group therapy session with all the NSR Artists, BBJ, etc, because she wants to help as many people as she can since she knows that there are people out there who don't have access to resources such as therapy so she's made it her goal to change that slowly but surely. (Also I'm currently working on my ocs designs for your au while typing this out so the gloves for Olive is a part of her design)
Speaking of Olive, I remember how you mentioned that Tatiana would definitely come at her during the final showdown since she's healing everyone else from a distance. Tatiana sees Olive just standing there and is a bit confused until she sees the glowing light emitting from her hands and just patching up whoever's fighting her of their injuries quickly and this sets her off. Everyone else realizes that Tatiana is charging at Olive and tries to warn Olive but then something happens that catches them and Tatiana off guard. Olive grabs Tatiana's arm before it can reach her, and then her eyes start glowing red. That's when Olive proceeds to just annihilate Tatiana via a flurry of throwing, punching, kicking, and slapping. Everyone else can only watch as Tatiana is smashed against the floor while Olive has her usual smile on her face, and then afterwards she throws Tatiana at the crown, which explodes just like in the original game and reveals Kul Fyra's guitar. Olive made sure not to hurt Tatiana too badly while doing all that and when she heals her of her injuries I'm sure Tatiana is very confused as to why Olive would heal her after she tried to attack her and lost. Olive just smiles and let's Sylvie take over aka giving Tatiana her therapy.
Sylvie would indeed suspect something is up with Kliff, but Artemis attempts to come to his defense (Mainly because of her *cough* feelings *cough* towards him but she's too shy to admit it) and tries to convince her friend that Kliff wouldn't do anything drastic. Obviously Sylvie is not having any of it and talks with Kliff anyway, and that's when she helps him realize that he has a very unhealthy parasocial relationship with his idol/Tatiana and works with him to solve any other problems he may have as well.
And that's about everything that's coming to my mind right now about FRAU, my OFA AU thoughts are starting to take over again so I'll head off to elaborate on them on my own blog lol. I hope you enjoyed my ramblings once again Eri :D
I had this mental image that Olive was smaller than Tatiana so all I was seeing in my head was Tatiana getting slapped and thrown by someone less than half her height lol! But glad I relooked at Olive because her being taller than Tatiana and being able to do that makes so much more sense!
But yes, she would be so confused and it makes me think of the scene from Undertale where Flowey doesn't understand why you spared him (them? I forget Flowey's pronouns, my bad). She would be more willing to listen to Sylvie and B2J at that point, but still hesitant because of thinking everything she's worked for will be stripped away from her (but she probably would come fully around after a few therapy sessions).
The Kul Fyra moment would probably be even more heartbreak. For Mayday and Cyril. The both idolized her and now they realize that she is the reason for a lot of their suffering because they tried to follow her path. I don't know, it just feels even more bitter sweet than how the original ending goes. I don't think Tatiana would give the guitar to either of them though, both can't play it (May physically and Cyril doesn't know how), so instead I see her as using it as a symbol to bridge EDM and Rock together.
But going back to Nova for a second, he would be VERY surprised at the fact that his head got healed. I still think there would at least be a scratch still, something that won't ever fully heal (like a scar) but at least now he will be able to contain his space dust and think with a clear head more easily! (he would also gladly stop playing music to just talk about himself and his woes, probably lets slip some stuff about Neon and 1010 too which would help Garden of Thorns/Ex-Jay depending on WHEN the rematch with Nova happens).
Group therapy will also have to wait at least a little bit after the NSRtists have some one-on-one therapy, because all I can see is Eve and Mama ganging up on Neon, 1010, and Nova while Yinu and Sayu's Crew try to stop the whole fight that is about to go down. Until Tatiana raises her voice telling them to all shut up and sit down which immediately makes them ALL obey (and also shows the therapist/Sylvie/whoever just how much work is going to need to be done).
And Kliff's relationship isn't ENTIRELY parasocial since he and Tatiana do have history together, however I do see a good talk between Tatiana and Kliff to be great closure for both of them. Maybe they get a little physical at first, with a punch here and there (from both ends) but Olive heals them both up and their wall of frustration is gone and they can finally have an open conversation. They can both finally close the book on their relationship, never really talking again, but the two finally being at piece with their shared past. (And it helps that Kliff now has Artemis to get his mind off of Tatiana :3).
So yeah! A lot of things would turn out quite nice if a Re-Revolution occurred with multiple bands coming together to pull it off! There would still be the initial few years of suffering everyone does, but at least by the end people are healing together instead of scarring by themselves!
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How would Miu, Amami, Kokichi, Saihara and Nagito react to their usually shy crush kissing them out of the blue and confessing afterwards with a big blush?
i ha d to claim this ask shs,, i hope i did it okay !!- Mod NagitoMiu Iruma:•You weren’t really listening to what she was saying•You were pretty sure it was something vulgar, due to the streams of cackles erupting from her throat.•”Oi, were you listening? You better have heard my fucking joke because i’m not saying it again.”•You gulped, standing up and spinning on your heel lightly, making her face scrunch up in confusion. •Before she could question you, she noticed how red your face was, before feeling your lips on hers.•It was over as soon as it started, you pulled away out of shyness and Miu simply sat there, in silence (for once)•”M-Miu I... I really like you.” •SHES ALMOST CHOKING BLESS HER•You have to give Miu a little time to calm down, but you soon discover she feels the same. Rantaro Amami:•You had always been afraid of confessing to Mr Cool Boy™•He had girls confessing to him left right and centre,, so what if he just brushes you off?•But nonetheless, you were going to do it !!•It was a little after school, you were at your desk searching through your things before heading home•You noticed Amami enter the room and call your name, making you bolt up and squeak•You quietly asked him to come over to you, which he did.•He wasn’t skeptics at all, which was good•”Am-Amami I-“•You cut yourself off, deciding to just lean in and get it over with•After Amami felt you pull away from his lips, he was a little shocked, before gazing down at you and smiling •”I-I like you Amami, l-like as in i l-“•”I wasn’t expecting you to confess to me.” •You blushes more and looked to the ground, silently thanking him from saving you from being a stuttering mess•Avocado walked you home afterwards, holding your hand Kokichi Ouma:•You didn’t know why you caught feelings for the short delinquent•But you did, which is why you were currently on the hunt for a flash of purple anywhere •You stopped in your tracks when you heard a faint “nishishi” down the corridor and headed towards it•”My precious S/O-chan!” He grinned, waving at you from outside his door.•You looked down to the floor and waved back, looking back in his direction to see him gazing down at you•”Oh~? Were you looking for me?” His eyes sparkled a little, and you couldn’t tell if it was genuine or not.•When you replied yes, he hopped down the stairs and stood in front of you•”What do you need, S/O-chan?”•Your fingers traced over the letter you had previously written, before scrapping that idea and approaching his lips.•He must’ve anticipated your actions; the second you tried to move away he had started kissing you back.•Once you both finally pulled away, you started stuttering a string of words which Kokichi took as “i like you”•To which he chuckled, and hugged you •”Nishishi, i was wondering how long it’d take before you’d confess your undying love for me~!” •”But, i feel the same. And i’m not lying to you.”Shuichi Saihara:•You were both in his allocated study •He had noticed, by his exquisite deduction skills, that you were a little more closed in than usual•Your replies weren’t very long, your face was all red, and you kept gazing at the floor•”H-Hey S/O, are you alright?”•You snapped yourself out of your daze and nodded, smiling and assuring him that you were feeling okay•When really your heart felt like it was going to fly out of your chest.•You had to do it, it’s now or never•”Hey, Saihara-kun, could you come look at this please?” •He peered over at you before starting to make his way over•You in turn started to walk towards him, making him stop •You slightly leaned in, your face reaching its maximum redness as you connected your lips to saihara’s in a short, sweet kiss•Once you pulled away, you avoided his gaze•”I-I’m sorry b-but i.. like you, Saihara-kun...”•You noticed he wasn’t responding, so you looked up to see his face was almost as red as yours•”I-I had a hunch... But there’s no need to apologise, I... feel the same?”•The fact that he was nervously confessing back to you made you start to giggle, making you feel a whole lot better about the situationNagito Komaeda:•You and Nagito had decided to spend your free time together at the library•This was also the same time that you had planned on confessing to him•On the way there, the two of you made basic small talk, before slowly feeling yourself go into silence as you entered•You noticed Nagito head to a specific section of the library, where the mystery novels are - you cleared your throat.•”H-Hey, Komaeda-kun,” You inhaled a deep breath as you tried to sound as confident as you could. “Do you have any recommendations?” •His eyes lit up and he beckoned you over, holding two books in his hands, a joyous smile on his face as you spoke you through what each one was like.•”Is something the matter? Ah, you probably didn’t want to hear me speak for that long. I’m sorry, please ex-“•He was stunned when you stood on your tiptoes to shyly give him a small kiss on the lips •Even he wasnt expecting that•He brought his fingers to his lips, looking between them and you every now and again.•”D-don’t say that about yourself, i-i love to hear you speak, your voice is one of the main things i like about you.”•You looked up to see he was just staring at you.•”I-I mean... I didn’t mean that rudely! I like all of you, I mean I do like you, but you just have some things that stand out more, like your hair or your voice or-“•You were cut off by a small chuckle, you looked over to Komaeda to see a light flush on his face, nothing compared to yours, and a small smile on his face as he gazed into your eyes.•”I sure am lucky, right? To have a being as beautiful as you to confess to me..” •Ends up kissing you again I HOPE THESE WEREE OKAY IM SORRY IF THEYRE SHORT JSS
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