#also record uv levels.. global warming is catching up to us
tiny-vermin · 6 months
its the first day in a week where i dont immediately become drenched in sweat the moment i wake up . bless the lord amen he is risen
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skydriver1243 · 3 years
Pollution:                                                               Pollution is defined as the harmful material in the environment is also know as            pollution.                                                                                                                                                                  Types:                                                                    1)Noise pollution.
2)Water pollution.
3)Air pollution
4)Light pollution.
Pollution for kids:
When some dangerous chemicals and smoke are release in the environment in very large amount then it makes harmful for all the living things.
Invention of pollution:
The Quelccaya core first recorded evidence of pollution in the form of bismuth in Inca metallurgy around 1480, which may have been released into the atmosphere during the manufacture of bismuth bronze, an alloy recovered from the Inca castle of Machu Picchu.
Biggest source of pollution:
The main or biggest source of pollution in all over the world factories,transports,electricity etc….When they all the dangerous chemicals release in the environment they makes pollution.
How pollution cause:
Pollution is caused by solid or liquid particles.They both particles in air are comes from the transports and the fire in the forest.
Water pollution:
It is define as the harmful substances or microorganism contaminated the water of river,lakes,this polluted water is very harmful for all living things.
Air pollution:
It is define as the mixture of both gase or solid in the air.Ozone is the major part of pollution in air in the cities.
Problems of pollution:
It is estimated that 3.7millions premature deaths all over the world.Pollution destroy crops.
Pollution change the climate:
The main cause of climate change in the environment is air pollution.Human activities like deforestation increases of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.This impact sea level around the world.
People die annually:
1)Air pollution kill 7million people every year.
2)Water can cause many disease like typhoid fever and cholera.
3)Contaminated water can cause 485000 deaths every year.
Plastic pollution:
Plastic pollution including many single use plastic like bags and food packaging in the ocean.
In 1907 invention of bakelite revolution in material by introducing synthetic plastic into the world.In the end of 2o century plastic had been found to be polluters of many environmental problems.
Pollution is a problem:
The highest problem that the world facing today is the environmental pollution.Which is causing irreparable damage to the natural world and the society of the humans about fourty percent of death worldwide.
Highest pollutions countries:
Respiratory disease:
Inhaling air pollutants can irritate the respiratory tract and cause shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing, asthma attacks, and chest pain. Exposure to air pollution puts you at risk for lung cancer, heart attack, stroke,and in extreme cases, premature death.
Country has no pollution:
SWEDEN, The least polluted country is Sweden, with a total score of 2.8/10. Carbon dioxide emissions are 3.83 tons per capita per year.
Dirtiest country:
Bangladesh is the most dirtiest country in the world.Dhaka is also one of the most densely populated cities in the world, with an estimated population of over 8 million.
Pollution on earth:
Ground-level ozone will reduce the yields of commercial crops and forests, reduce the growth and survival of tree seedlings, and increase the susceptibility of plants to diseases, pests, and other environmental pressures.
Health effects:
When air pollution accumulates in the air in a high enough concentration, it can cause us harm.
Millions of Americans live in areas with urban smog, particulate pollution and toxic substances
Pollutants can cause serious health problems. People exposed to high enough levels
Certain air pollutants may experience:
1) Irritation of eyes, nose and throat.
2) Exacerbation of existing lung and heart.problems, such as asthma.
3) Increased risk of heart attack.
Ozone depletion:
Ozone is a gas that exists on the ground and on the earth.
The upper atmosphere is called the stratosphere.It will endanger human health. However, in the stratosphere, ozone forms a layer of protection
Life on earth comes from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV). But this "good" ozone is
Man-made chemicals called ozone depletion are gradually destroyed
Substances include chlorofluorocarbons, hydrochlorofluorocarbons and halons.
These substances have been used before, sometimes still used as refrigerants,
Foaming agents, fire extinguishing agents, solvents, pesticides and aerosol propellants.
The thinning of the protective ozone layer causes more UV radiation
Reaching the earth, this could lead to more skin cancers, cataracts and worsening cases
immune system.
Acid rain:
These substances can rise to very high atmospheres, where they mix and react with water, oxygen, and other chemicals to form more acidic pollutants called acid rain.Acid rain can damage the trees or makes the water contaminated and the living things in the water is died because this dirty water is not the suitable place for under water living things.
Stop acid rain:
We stop acid rain to not drive the bad engine cars and can not cut the trees.
Ways to reduce pollution:
1)Use public transportation.
2)Turn off lights when not in use.
3)Recycling and reuse.
4)There is no plastic bag.
5)Reduce forest fires and smoking.
6)Use fans instead of air conditioners.
7)Use a filter in the fireplace.
Planting trees:
There is no need to do everything possible to carry out reforestation campaigns and tree planting campaigns. All you need to do is fight laziness and plant trees in your own home, and encourage your friends and family to do the same. Plant trees at a convenient time and place to increase oxygen in the environment and reduce carbon dioxide, ultimately reducing pollution.
Environmental impact:
1)Use energy more efficiently. Producing electricity and natural gas and transporting them to your doorstep can generate greenhouse gas emissions.
2)Install renewable energy.
conserve water.
3)Reduce recycling and reuse.
4)Travel less.
5)Consider shopping nearby.
6)Transport goods more efficiently.
Major environmental problem:
2)global warming.
5)Garbage dump.
6)Ocean acidification.
7)Loss of biodiversity.
9)Deplete the ozone layer.
Use your feet take to street:
Walking, cycling, bus, subway, tram, boat, unicycle... I like to travel, park my car at home.and go out. In addition to reducing the amount of pollution you generate, you can also do some exercise, check out the new deli you plan to visit, and even catch up with friends on the way home.Mostly the vehicles can make pollution so we choose to walk first.                                                                For reading more articles visit:Pollution
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