#also ref for false should be up soon :]
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How we will love Krsna in Vrindavan is really up to us. It's based on our particular nature.   
Question: Is our rasa with Krsna already established?............ Prabhupada: It is already established. You have got eternal relationship. When you become liberated, you realize that your relationship is with Krsna like this. You'll develop that taste, whether in santa-rasa or dasya-rasa or madhurya-rasa or vatsalya-rasa. But that is not to be imitated at the present moment. When we are actually liberated. To come to that stage, the routine work, regulative work, should be followed: chanting, hearing, worshiping, following the regulative principles. In this way, gradually, as we are purified, we come to the pure consciousness, Krsna consciousness. Then at once we understand, "My relationship with Krsna is like this." And you are transferred to the Krsnaloka in that humor. Question: We could also have a passive relationship with Krsna, like a tree? Prabhupada: Yes. That will be revealed, how we are related with Krsna. Every relationship is as good as the other. Just like in this material world, everyone's position, he thinks it is very nice. Similarly, in the spiritual, what to speak, they are all equal, but still, one's aptitude is that "I want to love Krsna in this way."   So he's there in that way. There must be variety. If there is rasa-lila, there must be nice trees, nice field, nice cows, nice Yamuna river. Otherwise how it is, simply if the gopis and Krsnas are there, if the other things are not there? The background must be there. So everything is spiritual. Background is also spiritual. That is creation of Krsna. Just like a painter paints a picture, he makes a nice background. Similarly, Krsna wants to enjoy, so He has created us in different varieties to supply His pleasure potency. This Vedic literature says that alone He has many. Why? Just to enjoy. Why? [Vedanta-sutra 1.1.12]. [By nature, the Supreme Lord is blissful.] He's by nature joyful, sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah [Bs 5.1]. [Krsna who is known as Govinda is the Supreme Godhead. He has an eternal blissful spiritual body. He is the origin of all. He has no other origin and He is the prime cause of all causes.] So ananda does not mean that one. No. Variety. Variety is the mother of enjoyment. So that variety, they're all spiritual. Just like the same example: you paint a picture with the same brush and color, but as soon as you make it variety, variegated, it becomes very enjoyable. So we don't say that the varieties created by God is false. No. It is real. How can I say it is false? This flower, it is designed by God so nicely, it is colored so nicely. It has got its use. There is variety. There is color display, sometimes a dark red, sometimes it is light red. So nicely created by Krsna, and I shall say it is false? Why it is false? It is Krsna's creation. Let me take it and offer it to Krsna. This is called bhakti. This is called Krsna consciousness. I don't enjoy it. It is Krsna's creation; it must be offered to Krsna. And after offering to Krsna, you'll enjoy. >>> Ref. VedaBase => Lecture, Hari Hari Biphale – November 13, 1968, Los AngelesSee less
Very important article to see how you will love Krsna. https://facebook.com/photo/?fbid=190282673583546&set=a.108328618445619…
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kellysbookblog · 1 year
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RELEASE BLITZ Title: Misdeeds of a Billionaire Series: Billionaire Kings #2 Author: Eva Winners Genre: Billionaire Romance Tropes: Single Mother/Forced Marriage/Mafia Themes Release Date: June 1, 2023
My Amazon Review: https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R18M4C85D0Y18A?ref=pf_ov_at_pdctrvw_srp
My GR Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/5584138421?book_show_action=false
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BLURB My one-night stand. A ruthless bastard. A heartless billionaire. The man who ruled his empire with a cold head and an even colder heart. And most importantly, my son’s father. Except, he wasn’t aware of that little fact. To the media, Byron is the Billionaire King. To me, he’s a reminder of the hottest, most forbidden, night of my life. And my biggest mistake. I hadn’t seen him in years and hoped we’d never cross paths again. But then, my best-laid plans always seem to go astray. Now, I need his help to bail me out of trouble. He’s a billionaire and I’m just a broke, debt-riddled surgeon. Against my better judgment, I sought him out. It should have been easy, in and out. Except, nothing with Byron Ashford was ever easy. He refuses to hand out free favors. And the price for his help? My freedom. Literally. He wants to shackle me to him with a marriage I don’t want, then throw away the key. His demands are scandalous. His rules are dangerous for my heart. It was supposed to be a mutually beneficial deal but nothing about Byron is ever that simple. Once he slips the ring onto my finger, the rules change. His demands grow. He no longer just wants to own my body. He also wants my heart and soul. But I’m not that young, naive woman anymore. Too bad this billionaire forgot one thing. Nobody can own your heart unless you give it freely. GOODREADS LINK: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/62961135-misdeeds-of-a-billionaire PURCHASE LINKS US: https://amzn.to/3CoFkuW UK: https://amzn.to/3dU8kl6 CA: https://amzn.to/3fDsAHR AU: https://amzn.to/3EiUUcO Free in Kindle Unlimited ALSO AVAILABLE The Exception – a full-length series prequel US: https://amzn.to/3zsqW3A UK: https://amzn.to/3BcaeGO CA: https://amzn.to/3B8DjCS AU: https://amzn.to/3ctOHix Free in Kindle Unlimited
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#1 Contract of a Billionaire US: https://amzn.to/3IWf64M UK: https://amzn.to/3opjWhk CA: https://amzn.to/3PJH45S AU: https://amzn.to/3POJ0KA Free in Kindle Unlimited COMING SOON #3 Secrets of a Billionaire – Releasing January 19 US: https://amzn.to/3MYK9R8 UK: https://amzn.to/425S7w0 CA: https://amzn.to/43nI0ny AU: https://amzn.to/43cC4hf AUTHOR BIO Eva Winners released her first novel Second Chance At Love in 2020 and has been writing feverishly ever since. She writes about everlasting romance for every century focusing on characters emotional development and always guarantees an HEA. She loves yoga, wine and her kiddos. In her spare time, she seeks adventures either hiking through trails or exploring the beaches. Writing books has always been her passion and she brings real life to the forefront in everything she writes about. Deeply passionate characters and stories will draw you in and you'll never want to leave. Follow her on social media to stay up to date with all her new releases! AUTHOR LINKS Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/evawinners Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/581607146052327 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/evawinners BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/eva-winners Amazon: http://amazon.com/author/evawinners Goodreads: http://goodreads.com/evawinners Twitter: https://twitter.com/Evawinners
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pokemon-hermits · 3 years
Our protagonists officially start their journey!
[First Part] [Previous Part] [Next Part]
I (haworthiaace) wrote this part, it’s my first time posting fandom writing so be gentle ;-;
Grian scanned the plaza, searching the crowd for any sign of his companion’s distinct red bandana.
Of course, ‘crowd’ was a strong word, at least in comparison to his home. Despite only ever attending the event once in person, he had seen it on the news every year; the truly massive amount of people who travelled to Motostoke for the Galar opening ceremony. He had seen stories reporting fully booked hotels in and around the city, and trying to book a flying taxi on opening day was a notorious nightmare; any poor soul who needed a ride was better off walking.
In comparison to all that, this crowd was downright pitiful. Not that the crowd was small; there were still about a hundred people gathered. Children chasing each other in circles around people’s feet, vendors trying to sell food to spectators or last minute items to challengers. A small stage was set up at the north end of the square, not nearly as much production value as in Galar, but that was to be expected given the smaller turnout. It was decorated with a banner covered in sponsor logos, as well as a few colourful balloon bundles. League officials marked by red and white vests rushed about the stage area setting up a microphone stand and a large pair of speakers. A pair of them were handing out gift bags to the overexcited children, almost certainly loaded with candy that would disappear within seconds. Grian made a mental note to stop by that table on his way out, and then returned to his momentarily abandoned search.
It struck him how few kids were actually there to participate. Sure, there were a couple dozen little ones scattered around, but almost none of them wore a challenger band like his own, and certainly none under twelve. Most of the challengers consisted of young adults, within a couple years of his own age, all prepared for the long trip ahead with hiking bags and outdoorsy clothing. His eye was eventually caught by a certain bright red strip of fabric, and he squeezed his way through the audience, which was nearly filling up the plaza by now. He came across Bdubs chatting with a tall blonde woman dressed in a fancy looking blue uniform. Despite the fact that she seemed to have some sort of official presence here, Bdubs talked to her like she was a close friend.
“Bdubs! I found you, finally. I was beginning to wonder if you’d backed out after all.” It didn’t take long for the teasing to start, and he was sure it wouldn’t end anytime soon either, especially considering how fun it was.
Bdubs scoffed, “As if, I was planning on entering before you showed up, remember?” The woman he was just speaking to silently raised an eyebrow in amusement, and Bdubs seemed to remember she existed. “Oh yes! Grian, this is Officer False, she’s the one keeping everybody in line in this region.”
“I’m also here to do all the announcing and such for the opening ceremony.” She nodded her head in the direction of Grian’s challenger band. “I suppose you’re participating as well?” At Grian’s nod she continued, “Great, we needed someone to keep Bdubs in line. After all, I can’t keep my eye on him for the whole challenge.”
Bdubs squawked in protest as Grian spoke over him. “Wait, so you aren’t connected to the league at all? Then why are you the one announcing here rather than a league official, or one of the gym leaders?” He realized as soon as the words left his mouth that his question could have offended her, but False smiled in understanding and explained without a fuss.
“Well you’re right that I’m not connected to the league, but I do know every gym leader personally and they seem to trust me, so I help things run smoothly along the challenge route for them. Plus, this is the most active time of the year for-” Her brow furrowed, and she took a breath before continuing. “Nevermind that, I can keep them in line, nothing you need to worry over.”
Seeing Grian’s confused expression, Bdubs leaned over and stage whispered, “Thieves. She means thieves.” A small spark of worry ignited in Grian’s chest, but despite her strange dodginess, False didn’t really seem worried about these thieves. Perhaps a bit annoyed, given the face she had just made, but not particularly concerned.
She opened her mouth again, likely to ease his concern, but someone in a red and white vest appeared, seemingly from nowhere. The crowd had really thickened in the two minutes they were talking, now consisting of a few hundred people, filling the square and spilling out into the streets in a few places. There was a tension in the air, created by a hundred or so individuals all filled with anticipation and eager to prove themselves. Despite himself, Grian was excited. Certainly quite nervous, but excited too for whatever would come next. He turned back to the conversation to find False gone, and Bdubs watching the stage with the rest of the plaza. “So how do you-”
A crackle was heard throughout the square, the telltale sound of a microphone switching on, and Grian forgot his question in favour of watching the presentation.
“Hello everybody, and welcome back to another year of the Hoevi gym challenge!” Her enthusiastic greeting was met with the same level of excitement from the crowd, people breaking out into cheers and applause. Grian clapped politely and shuffled slightly away from Bdubs, who demonstrated his very impressive whistling abilities. “I am officer False, and you’ll all be seeing me along the route for the next little while, ensuring that everyone stays safe during the competition.” False seemed quite familiar with the crowd; Grian guessed that she had been opening the challenge for a few years now if her public speaking skill was any indication.
“First things first: for those who aren’t aware, the challenge route starts north of here in Midblossom, and goes all the way around the outer edge of the region in a circle. There are many sights to see, and we encourage you to take your time, which is why you all have three weeks to complete the challenge.” She went on to describe the rules in detail; Grian’s attention wandered a few times (it was not his fault that someone behind them started selling macarons decorated to look like pokemon, he was supporting a local business) but he got the general idea of it. Probably. If worse came to worst he would ask Bdubs. About half an hour later the crowd was becoming restless, and False started to close off her speech.
“Right then, if everyone understands what the rules are, then I suppose we’d better get this thing underway. Let the challenge…” She paused with a grin, watching the younger people in the crowd grow antsy, and quite obviously enjoying herself. After a few seconds they looked ready to go regardless of False’s words, and she waved her hand like someone signalling the start of a race, which Grian supposed was accurate. “Begin!”
It was like a dam had broken during flood season. Without the bottleneck of Motostoke stadium, about a hundred people burst out of the plaza onto the road all at once, leaving the square significantly less crowded than it had been moments before. Truth be told it wasn’t exactly a road, it was a path that had been worn into the ground after countless years of people travelling on foot throughout the region. It meandered through a flourishing, peaceful looking forest filled with white trees and bright green leaves. The trees looked inviting, light shone freely through the thin canopy, and the trees were far enough apart to see at least fifteen meters into the woods. He thought he could see pokemon further in, but at this distance it was impossible to tell what kind they were.
“Well I guess we’d better get going if we have any chances of keeping up with those guys.” Bdubs’ voice pulled Grian out of his thoughts. They half walked half jogged across the plaza, Grian snagging a gift bag on his way past the stage, which was indeed filled with candy.
Grian hesitated right before stepping off of the cobbled plaza onto the dirt road, dark, doubtful thoughts filling his head despite his repeated attempts to push them back. In a moment of conviction, he placed both feet firmly on the dirt. He took a step, and then another, following Bdubs’ confident stroll. This time will be different, he thought, willing it into existence whether his doubts liked it or not.
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I remember once that you have Talon OCs. Can you maybe tell me all about them (names, backstory, abilities, teams that are affiliated with, hobbies, some quirky things about them,etc)?
Just curious
No one:
Me when I get an ask: *absolutely buck wild*
Also it’s about the idiots (affectionate) so even better!!!
Our main is one utter fool by the name of Chase Nathaniel Whitney. (Nathaniel to honor my partner’s favorite canon Talon) Here he is:
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He (like all Talons) was taken from the circus by the Court as a kid. He was eight when he was taken. He passed his trials at eighteen, but ended up dying after the fight with his mentor, and so was brought back using the electrum then.
He’s the youngest of my OCs, at 28 as of the start of the story. (The story spans a long period, so the ages change throughout)
He’s rather impulsive, but the Court liked him for his acrobatic tendencies as a kid, and he somehow managed not to piss them off too severely before the story really kicked off.
He’s an aerialist, specifically the silks. He usually ties his hair back to keep it out of his way, but since this drawing was a ref I left it down to show the length. He gets cold really easily (which is something I headcanon for all talons- they don’t like the cold because it reminds them of the freezing chambers too much)
He’s an anxious wreck most of the time, and tends towards depression. (Spending twenty years of your life as a glorified slave to an evil organization will do that)
He’s pan, but doesn’t understand the concept of sexualities at the start of the story, because he was eight when he got taken. He just assumes everyone is looking at every hot person’s ass regardless of gender.
He is the exact opposite of well adjusted.
Next up! Love interest. His name is Matthias Lynn Carter.
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He had a SHIT childhood- grew up in an abusive, Catholic household and ran away to the circus when he was ten. He lived at the circus with a group of friends (notably including John and Mary Grayson, tho they weren’t married at that point.) That’s not super relevant to the story because they’re dead and nothing ever comes of it, I just thought it was a fun little detail.
He did contortion and sleight of hand while he was with the circus, and the Court took him when he was fifteen. Took is rather a strong word, though, as he went willingly (you could even say enthusiastically) because the Court gave him a false promise of “being a hero” and “helping people.”
His exact age is kinda iffy, especially since he’s been frozen a good portion of the time, but he’s about forty-four at the start of the story. He died as a Talon when he was twenty-five, from falling off the top of a building. It should have killed him, and if it weren’t for the Court killing him as soon as they found him and bringing him back with the electrum, he would be mostly- if not completely- paralyzed from the waist down because of it.
As a Talon the Court mostly had him doing things that required more subtlety and less “scary guy in assassin costume,” such as escorting Court members to events and acting as a guard for them. He’s good at blending in, and the fact that he’s darker skinned than most Talons (by nature of having been darker skinned in the first place) makes the telltale black veins much subtler and easier to cover with makeup.
He was also a very good Talon for tracking targets over a longer term, because he was good at tracking, and blending in allowed him to do that more easily.
He has ADHD, as well as some tendencies towards anxiety, though not nearly as bad as Chase.
He’s creative, and he especially enjoys music. He plays the guitar and sings. He’s also a hopeless flirt, and he’s a little cocky, especially at the start of the story.
Impressively, he is actually pretty well adjusted.
Last, but certainly not the least of the protagonists, is Elijah Alexander Cross. His role is well summed up as “Dad man” despite the fact that he is nobody’s actual dad.
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(He gets a full illustration because I always forget to draw the veins, but I actually added them here, vs the others where I literally had to edit the refs while making this post) (also I’m pretty sure the sweater he’s wearing in this drawing and the one in Chase’s ref are the same. Chase is a clothes thief)
Honestly I could make like a three part series of posts about his backstory, but we’ll keep to brief for the sake of this. You are always welcome to send more specific asks, as these characters are my love and my obsession and I will talk my heart out about them if only given the opportunity.
Elijah’s 150 years old, give or take. He was taken by the Court at 10. His father was a strongman in the circus. He’s religious, but not the “use it to justify bigotry” variety. Unspecified, but it’s Christian of some sort. Based on his family’s values as I’ve written them, they might actually be Quaker.
He was raised to be a pacifist, and did not cope well with having to kill for the Court. He spent most of his twenties, all of his thirties, and his forties until he died as an alcoholic, because he drank to cope. After he died he was forced into sobriety, because the electrum made him unable to get drunk at all anymore.
He mentored four kids for the Court. One was while he was a drunk and one was in the forties. Those two both survived and later passed their trials. The third kid (Justin) was one he was very close with, but he accidentally killed him during his trials, when Justin had to fight him. The fourth kid is the one he’s mentoring at the start of the actual story.
He likes to read and cook and garden, and he’s a complete and utter nerd.
He’s got a lot of depression and guilt to work through, and he’s autistic.
His parents were Irish immigrants, so he was raised speaking both Irish and English.
As a thank you for reading that long post have some art. The guy Elijah’s almost kissing and is in bed with is not Chase, it’s Chase’s dad, Cody. Feel free to send more asks about these fools, I love to talk about them.
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myhockeyworld87 · 4 years
Bubble Wrapped - Part 7
Word Count: 4,131
POV: Reader
Warnings: Same as always, Language, Smut, NSFW, Please see the note in the Masterlist
Teams: Bruins, Caps, Flyers, Lightning and Pens (others)
Notes: So today was like crazy busy, but I was able to finish this tonight then do a quick edit. I’m not sure how I feel about it, but here it is anyhow...haha! Hope you guys have a great weekend! Happy Reading!
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As you followed Logan to the lobby, you thought for sure this was going to be another false alarm, just as the rest had been. Why after all this time in the bubble had these men decided to fight, you had no idea? You knew tensions were high with games starting but they all had seemed fairly cordial with each other. There were about a dozen players gathered round when you saw the first fist fly and suddenly your heart rate sped up. You wormed your way to the front, to see who the hell was fighting. You weren't surprised to see Brad Marchand mixing it up with one of the Flyers but you couldn't quite tell who it was as their back was to you.
 The two teams had just come off a round-robin game, that you had no clue as to who won as you'd been busy working the entire time and not caught any of the game, but it obviously left a bad taste in their mouths. As Marchand swung with his right hand, the two twisted and it was then that you saw Travis Konecny was the one he was fighting with. While you knew that TK was a bit of a chirper, you'd seen a completely different side to him that first night in the bubble. You'd honestly thought he'd be the least of your worries here, other than maybe calling you up again to say his bed squeaked, yet here you were watching him take a jab at Marchand. Not that Marchand probably didn't deserve it, hell you wanted to take a swing at him the other day when he'd shoved you into the pool.
 You looked around at the other players that had gathered hoping one of them would put an end to this whole mess, but they seemed more entertained than anything. Part of you wondered if this went on would more of them end up fighting? TK had a nice right hook into Marchand's jaw and you saw them stumble back knocking a vase of flowers off the entry table and shattering it. That's when you knew you had to do something. "That's enough boys," you yelled trying to use your most authoritative voice, but it was ignored as Marchand threw a punch to Konecny's abdomen. At some point, you were sure this was going to turn into a wrestling match with the two of them lying on the ground amidst shards of glass. You gave a sharp whistle hoping that you sounded like one of the refs during play and that they would at least calm a bit, which they did. It was at that moment you chose to try and break the actual fight up, apparently feeling more like a referee now that you'd got them to just circle each other, neither one letting go just yet.  Taking your arms, you moved between the two hotheads saying, "I said stop fucking fighting in my…" You weren't exactly sure what happened next but you felt a partial fist fly to your jaw. It knocked you off your feet and sent you stumbling back hitting your head against the table the vase had been on moments ago.
 "Holy fuck!" Someone yelled. You closed your eyes to stave off the pain that was now not only in your jaw but also on the back of your head. "Jesus, are you ok?"
 "I don't think she is."
 "She's bleeding."
 You had no clue who was saying what but you could feel a million pairs of eyes on you. "Someone call one of the trainers."
 "I'm fine," you managed to mumble out while opening your eyes, only to have your vision blurred by blood trickling down. "Ok, maybe not." About five players were kneeling down around you, or maybe it was four, it was hard to tell as the blood obscured your view. Finally, someone gently pressed something against your forehead to stave off the flow.
 "Fuck (Y/N), I'm so sorry, you got messed up in this." It was Travis's voice you were sure of it and not because you knew Marchand would never apologize but because you recognized it from your night with him. Only he wasn't surrounding you at the moment.
 "Next time keep it on the ice and not in my hotel." You went to sit up but felt a little woozy. A strong arm clamped around your waist. It was the same person who was holding, what you now believed to be said person's shirt, against your head.
 "I think we need to get you somewhere else then this lobby." The voice was smooth and rich, and pleasing to listen to, yet every time you tried to see who it belonged the damn t-shirt was in your way.
 "You can take her to her suite." This voice you knew, for you'd been plotting to strangle him so many times over the last several days, it was hard to forget.
 "Thanks, Logan, I was just going to say that."
 "Here hold this and I'll carry you." In one easy swoop, strong arms scooped you up, and then he was standing with you in his arms. He was shirtless and you could feel his muscles bunch as he held you. Vaguely you realized where his shirt was at, as you held it to your head.
 "Logan, can you clean this up, please? And have Carly get new flowers in here." You saw him scurry away out of the corner of your left eye.
 "I'm sure there's someone in charge here that can take care of that." The man who was now carrying you off to the elevator said.
 "Yeah, that's me," you told him catching a glimpse of soft brown curls as you again tried to get a good look at his face.
 "Oh, I didn't realize." Which seemed funny considering how everyone at the hotel seemed to know who you were.  "What floor?"
 "Well, I guess you are in charge then." He laughed and you found yourself joining in, even though your head hurt a bit. The ride on the elevator was short and soon you were in your room and he was setting you down on the sofa. "I'll grab you some ice if you steer me in the right direction."
 "Kitchen is down the hall on the left." He turned and you got a view of his well-defined ass as he walked away. God, even the muscles on his back were sexy. You heard him rummage around a bit and you wondered how bad you actually looked. You were too far away from the hallway mirror to find out, but you imagined you had blood in your hair from the cut; you just hoped your jaw wasn't sporting a nice bruise. It was then, that he walked out of the kitchen and you were finally face to...well somewhat face to face, with your rescuer, Josh Anderson. It was no wonder that he didn't know you, as he wasn't currently staying at your hotel. "Now, let's see that pretty face of yours," he said while cupping the good side of your jaw. "I don't think it'll bruise too bad. Didn't look like Marchy got you full force with that hit." Josh gingerly put the ice to the spot that had been hit.
 "I should've figured it was Marchand that hit me. He's had it out for me since he got here."
 "Marchy has it out for everyone, but I can't see why he would pick on someone as beautiful as you." The compliment caused you to blush, but thankfully between Josh's shirt and the ice, you didn't think he'd notice.
 "Not sure what I ever did to him, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't like me."
 "Well, his loss is my gain." It was Josh who was blushing a bit at his own words this time and you found it very attractive. "Now, let's have a look at that cut and see if it needs stitches." He brought his shirt down and examined your head. His lips just a hair's breadth away from yours making you ache to kiss him. "I think you'll be good with just some butterfly ones. It doesn't look that deep, though I can call our trainer and have him come over and double-check."
 "No that's ok. I'm sure your right. I have some upstairs." You went to get up and he placed a supporting arm around your waist.
 "Here why don't you just let me…" Before you could even take a step, he scooped you back up into his arms and started up the stairs, taking them two at a time. He made it seem like carrying you around was nothing, and honestly, it was sexy as hell. He set you down at the vanity stool in the bathroom. "Ok, so where are bandages?"
 "Top shelf there is a medical kit with some in." He grabbed it, shuffling through it to find what he needed. "This might sting a bit," he told you as he opened up an alcohol swab to clean the cut first. You winced as he gently stroked it over the wound. When he stepped back, you finally looked in the mirror at yourself.
 "Oh my god," the words were out of your mouth before you realized how they startled Josh.
 "Are you ok? Did I hurt you more?"
 "No, it's not that. I was just looking at my face…or maybe my hair." Dried blood covered half of your face and your hair was matted and tangled like a stray dog's. "I look like I walked out of the set of a horror movie."
 He laughed, brushing your hair back before placing the steri strip on your forehead. "It's not that bad."
 "I seriously need a shower."
 "Oh…uh…" Josh fumbled around with his words, looking very uncomfortable and you sort of chuckled to yourself. "I can leave you alone then…probably should be going anyway."
 "You don't have to," you mentioned casually, though you weren't sure that he would take you up on your silent offer with the way you looked at the moment. "I mean, I'm still a little unsteady on my feet." There wasn't a whole lot you knew about Josh Anderson but what you did know of him, was that he was the protector type; so you tried to play to that sensibility of his.
 "Well, I wouldn't want you to fall in the shower and get hurt worse." There was a cute little smirk on his face and if you weren't doused in blood you would've kissed him. Instead, you stripped off your top, yet another piece of clothing ruined, you thought vaguely. Your skirt and shoes followed till you were left in nothing but your bra and panties. Josh made quick work of getting rid of his shorts and stood there in front of you in his boxer briefs. Reaching around you unclasp your bra, letting it fall off your shoulders and to the ground, before gliding your panties down your legs. Josh bit his lip as he drank in the sight of your body; his eyes lingered a bit long at your breasts before moving down to look at your pussy. Even though he still had his boxers on, you saw his cock twitch as he took you in. You let him drink his fill and when he didn't make a move, you stepped into the shower hoping that he would follow. He did within seconds.
 The water sprayed over your head diluting the blood that had been matted to your hair and skin. When you went to grab the shampoo, Josh's hand stopped you. "Let me." He put some in his hands, then started to massage it into your scalp. His fingers were gentle and he avoided your cut as best he could, sliding through your hair all the way down to the ends. When he was done, he had you rinse then followed up with conditioner. It was only as that rinsed out of your long strands that you finally turned to face him. Droplets of water coated his body, and there was a heated stare in his gaze. Josh was tall, so you went up on your toes so that you could kiss him. His arms immediately went to your waist to press you to him. Maybe it was his caring nature or the way that he'd just simply swooped in to take care of you, but your body just completely melted into him and you moaned into him as his tongue caressed yours. Josh was a sensual kisser; his mouth and tongue just working its magic on you as he ignited a flame deep within.
 His hands roamed around your back only to slide up your sides and move to your breast. Breaking the kiss, his lips traveled southward along your neck and collarbone until he was cupping a breast and bringing it to his lips. His tongue swirled around your nipple before he took it in his mouth and sucked on it. You felt yourself grow damp though it wasn't from the water cascading down on the two of you. Josh lavished each of your breasts, and with every tweak and caress you moaned out his name. When his fingers skated down past your stomach to slip between your folds, you thought you would die from the pleasure he was giving you. It was nothing like the other night with Tom. Josh knew exactly what he was doing. Listening as you moaned out what you liked, so he could repeat the action again. "I want to taste you so bad," he whispered, before dropping to his knees. You backed up against the shower wall, and he lifted one of your legs over his shoulder. His tongue slipped out to lick a strip between your folds, and you found your hands threading into his hair to urge him on. They were small little licks at first before he actually sunk his tongue deep in your pussy. You tossed your head back forgetting about your injury, but not caring when he repeated the action. His nose nudged your clit as he licked at you furiously. Your hips started to buck and one strong arm, held you upright and secure against the wall, as his mouth suctioned on to your clit.
 "Yes Josh, fuck that feels so good." You panted out, as your hand locked around the back of his head. He slid two fingers into your pussy easily, pumping them in and out, while he continued his torturous treatment on your clit. Your orgasm hit as he made that simple come-hither movement with his fingers. Your legs shaking, body writhing as the pleasure overtook you. He dropped your leg back down when you finally came down from your high. Moving gracefully off the bathroom tile, Josh stood up and kissed you. Your essence still lingering there on his lips, as his cock pressed hard against your stomach.
 Reaching down you clasp your hand around the length of him; twisting your hand as you stroked him, in a way that had him hissing out his pleasure. "Fuck (Y/N), I just need to be in you." He moaned out. "It's been way too long." He drew your leg up again to wrap around his waist this time, allowing him easier access to the place he longed to be. His cock nudged between your folds, the head just inside you. Josh was thick and as he slowly slipped inside you; you could feel your pussy stretch to accommodate him. "Damn you're tight." You weren't sure if that was the case or if he was just so big, but you knew he felt delicious as he bottomed out. He took a minute, just looking you in the eyes as he stayed buried deep inside you.
 In the next second, his lips were on yours and he started to move. His tongue mimicking what his cock was doing, as he thrust in and out of you. You were simply two bodies sliding together as the water pelted down on you. Josh pinned you to the shower wall again, his strong arms biting into your waist and you thought you'd have bruises there but you knew he was also keeping you from falling down to the tiles. You looped your arms around his shoulders, so your hips could meet each of his thrusts. The water caused your leg to slip off his hip. "Josh…" you panted out.
 "I know," he hissed and he was pulling out of you so that you both could be more comfortable. He twisted your body so that your back rested against his chest for a moment before, bending you down. You spread your legs wide giving him greater access to your cunt so he could glide back in. Using the bench seat, you placed your hands there to hold on as Josh grabbed ahold of your hips before thrusting back in. Moans echoed off the bathroom walls as your bodies slammed together. "Fuck, yeah baby," Josh groaned as you pushed your ass back against him.
 His hand on your hip, snaked down so his finger could rub circles around your clit. "Yes…Josh…yes." He had you teetering on the edge in no time. It was when his other hand drew you halfway up and his lips bit down on your neck that you completely lost it, cuming with a loud moan. Your legs shook and felt like they would give out but Josh held you close still pumping in and out of you as you came down from your high. He pounded in and out of you a few more times, before thrusting even deeper into you and spilling himself inside your pussy. A guttural moan left his mouth and his fingers dug deep into your hips holding you still as he came.
 He stayed inside you for a minute as he said, "Damn, I needed that." Dropping kisses on your shoulder, he slowly pulled out. "Thank you," he said softly, turning you around so he could once again capture your lips in a sweet kiss. "We should probably finish up." You knew he was right, though you were out of energy after two orgasms. Josh must have sensed this for he grabbed your loofah and the shower gel, and started to wash your body. His touch was gentle and he added more soap to his hands, abandoning the sponge as he washed your breasts and pussy. You couldn't help the moan that left your mouth as he touched you; your body still sensitive. "God, you are so sexy. I could…" He didn't finish the sentence.
 "You could what?"
 "You've already given me enough. Especially with this," his hand brushed the water off your forehead where your cut was. You'd completely forgotten about it. Your eyes dropped down to his cock, where you could see it coming back to life.
 "I'm fine Josh," you told him, looking him in the eye. "Though maybe we should get out of this shower."
 He chuckled lightly. "Agreed."
 He went to turn off the water and you stopped him. "Let me at least wash you a bit first." Josh eyed you funny considering he really wasn't the one that needed to shower. "Humor me." He shrugged and you grabbed the soap. The feel of his hard muscles under your soapy hands, made you tingle all over again. By the time you reached his cock, it was back to being erect. The suds made it easy to work your hand up and down the length. This time it was Josh that was moaning as you pumped him up and down.
 "Babe," his voice warned, as he gripped your wrist and you knew it was time to rinse off and continue this out from under the water. He grabbed a towel, wrapping it around his waist before taking another so that he could dry you off. His fingers were swift yet gentle as he made quick work of drying you, then did the same for himself. The two of you shared more soft kisses as you headed to the bedroom for round two, which was just as magical as it was in the shower. "I should probably head back to my hotel before I'm missed," Josh finally said as the two of you laid in bed.
 You hummed your agreement. "I forgot for a little bit that you're not staying here."
 "Well hopefully we'll get to move over here soon and maybe we could continue this." The idea of spending more time with Josh was definitely appealing and something that could be happening soon.
 "I'd like that," you told him as he kissed your lips one more time before crawling out of bed. "I'll walk you down."
 "You don't have to, but you should get some ice on that jaw." He tipped your head to the side and winced. "It's starting to bruise a bit."
 "Ugh, at least it doesn't hurt."
 "You're one tough cookie." He pulled on his boxers and shorts, while you grabbed a robe. "You know I'm not opposed to beating the shit out of Marchand for you."
 "Don't bother, he's not worth you getting into trouble."
 "Well, I'm sure he'll get his somehow," he gave you a little wink and you wondered what he was planning with that statement. "So this was fun…well except that part." He gently touched your bandaged head before kissing you. "See you soon?"
 "I sure hope so." With one last kiss, he left you alone, and you went to grab the ice he talked about earlier. Now that you were done having your fun with Josh, you realized your jaw did hurt a bit, but a couple of aspirin would help. You headed back upstairs to grab the meds, then laid back down on the bed, texting Carly to make sure everything was fine, which it was and she told you to take it easy.
 You were half asleep when your phone rang; a FaceTime call from Tyler popping up on the screen. "Hey Ty," you answered sleepily.
 "Hey…omg what happened to you?"
 In your half-asleep state, you'd forgotten about the bruise and cut on your face. "I stupidly tried to break up a fight. It didn't go well."
 "Jesus babe, are those stitches?" There was concerned laced in Tyler's voice, as well as a worried look on his face.
 "No just butterflies. I'm fine." The look he gave you said he thought you were lying. "I swear it's not that bad."
 "Who the hell was fighting? Better yet, who do I have to kill?" You winced, not really wanting to tell him. "(Y/N), I swear to god if you don't tell me…"
 You weren't sure what he was going to do if you didn't tell him, but there was also no point in hiding the truth. "It was TK and Marchand, though apparently, it was Marchy's fist that caught me."
 "That fucking son of bitch." His face was getting red with anger. "I'm gonna kill him."
 "Easy tiger," you tried to tease but you could tell he wasn't having any of it. He started to pace around the room. "What are you doing?"
 "Packing. I told you I'm going to beat the shit out of him."
 "Tyler, you're not a fighter." He finally stopped at your words.
 "I'll still beat him to within an inch of his life."
 "Oh, stop. I'm fine. And you're not coming here. You're in the damn bubble and not going anywhere on my behalf." Tyler had a tendency to overreact at times and this was one of them, though you'd never seen him this angry before. "With a little makeup, you won't even see it."
 "You can't stop me from calling him and bitching him out."
 "Well, if it gets him to settle down in my hotel, I'll gladly take the help." It would be nice not having to worry about being thrown in the pool again or him starting up fights with another player. "But enough about that, tell me about your day?" The two of you chatted for over an hour, Tyler never once hinting about anything sexual happening, which surprised you a bit. It was nice though just talking about everything and anything with him. You always had this easy banter with him, but this just felt different. "Hey, I have another call coming in. Can I call you later?"
 "You can call me anytime babe. Feel better." He kissed you over the phone and you did the same for him before hanging up.
 You didn't recognize the number, but said hello anyhow only to be met with, "Hey (Y/N), I need your help?"
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kia-kit · 4 years
Mirror Mirror (6)
The group jumped, startled, and as they turned around, they spotted a woman in the distance wearing an outfit similar to Stress', though, her jacket was tied around her waist, with the ends of her sleeves being burnt, and her fingertips were also burnt from using so much magma. She wore a white tank top, and her expression was sharp.
(I wanna make a proper ref sheet of the Mirrors of S6 and maybe S7 later on)
Cleo squinted her eyes towards the new figure "Stress?" She darted her eyes back and forth, looking at Ice Stress and Lava Stress. "There's two of you?" Cleo asks, clearly confused.
"You must be the rumored 'Others' that I heard so much about from Grian(2)" Stress2 says, walking towards them. "Others?" False asked "Oh, you haven't heard?" Stress2 looks at them, surprised at their confused faces.
"Well, a long time ago a bunch of people came through a portal with a wooden frame," Stress2 explains, stopping in her walk "and people who look like us came through it, and at first there was one, then more came. I believe it were copies of Grian, Iskall, Mumbo, Scar, Doc, and for some odd reason, a cat was there too." She continued.
As she explained the story, she invited the guests back into her castle and they discussed at the tables instead of just standing in the heat outside.
"Now that's quite remarkable I must say, who would know that this portal actually leads to a different world." Joe says, a glint of interest in his eyes as he stared at the portal. Stress nodded "Who knew that the portal Iskall was talking about was actually real, I thought he was pranking me!" She said.
"Also, I cannot actually believe you made your base in the nether, that must have been hard!" Stress says to Stress2, "Oh it's been tough making this lovely base of mine. I nearly died to lava, so many times, but it was worth it!" Stress2 grins.
"Ah, It's getting late. Should you not leave now?" Stress2 notified them, referring to the outside "You can tell the time here?" Cleo asked, interested "Ah yes, it's really simple, but it's best for you to leave now." Stress2 smiles warmly at them.
Before they can make a statement to stay, their messaging device vibrated. The girls (and Joe) opened it up, seeing a by Xisuma
<Xisuma> The end of season six ending soon! Everyone, ready your final episodes!
"Oh, it's the end already, I almost forgot." False said, before sighing and standing up straight, stretching as she does so. "Well, I should get on with my final episode, so I'll be going, bye!" False saluted before stepping through the portal.
"Well, I guess we should take our leave too." Stress sighs, before they all stood up.
"Well. I hope we meet again soon!" Stress tells Stress2 before they all left.
Stress2 smiles, before she gets her own message from Xisuma(2), with basically the same message as the others.
Suddenly, she felt a strong wind blowing her towards the portal.
She quickly digs her heels to her floorboards, trying not to be pushed through the portal, when suddenly, the portal lifted itself off the ground and disappeared without a trace, as it fixed the floor on it's way.
Stress2 stumbles back and falls on her bum, staring bewildered at the scene. "What on earth?!"
Meanwhile at the other end, after exiting the portal, they stared at it, before Stress thought 'Hey, I should bring this with me to the next season!'
Well, that would've been the plan if it didn't disappear right before their very eyes.
"What on earth?!"
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khhunniewriting · 5 years
The Others (2)
Tumblr media
[ Mafia/Gang AU ]
Thirteen years later many things have changed.
“Seems Illionaire is making much more money now.” Kylie put down the report she found on Dok2′s desk as she waited for him. In her arms, she held a small bundle of pink and white.
Dok2 dismissed the men who had followed him into the room with a nod. “I wasn’t expecting you here.”
His wife had just given birth a few days ago. It was definitely too early for her to be out and about but Kylie wanted to make a point.
“Don’t make that face Joonkyung.” She knew he was scrutinizing her for bringing a bastard child to the office. Everyone was aware this second child, the daughter in her arms, was not his. “They might not know you also had an affair, but I do.”
Dok2 was aware of his wife having met you.
She told him only a few days after giving birth to their child, a son Kylie named Ji-hoon. Having a son ensured she had produced the heir to her husband’s fortune. There was no need to worry anymore.
Once her son was old enough he would take over for Dok2 ensuring her future.
“Honestly, you should have seen how shocked she was when she found out you were Illionaire’s leader.”
Dok2 made his way around her and sat at his desk ignoring her rant. Perhaps it was hypocritical of him to treat his wife this way when he too cheated on her. The fact remained that she went too far by breeding a child from her affairs and expecting him to welcome it with open arms into his family.
“Do not bother me unless you want to discuss something about Ji-hoon.”
Kylie smirked triumphantly knowing she had gotten under his skin. That was all she desired for now.
After she walked out of his office Joonkyung released a frustrated groan. His life was certainly not going the way he planned; making him question all the decisions he made in his youth.
Most of the questions involving you.
His eyes went to a hole in the wall near the door. He hadn’t bothered to fix it the same way he never bothered to do anything about his feelings for you.
Love was the one luxury he couldn’t afford under his circumstances.
“Go Leo!” Your loud cheering received some stares but you could care less. It was too exciting to see your baby boy out there on the court scoring so many points. He was the power forward for his school’s basketball team and well on his way to becoming the ace player.
Leo turned towards the sound of your voice and smiled knowing you were there to see him. His smile disappeared the moment he turned back to the court and positioned himself under the basket once more.
“Your mom is as loud as always Leo,” one of his teammates commented. “Must be scary when you get bad grades or get into trouble.”
“He never has bad grades,” another tuned into the conversation as a timeout was called by the opposing team. The three teenage boys retired to the benches where their towels and waterbottles awaited them.
“What, so he’s athletic and smart?” The initial starter of the conversation asked. He was on the school team but did not have the same class as Leo to know how he was off the court.
Leo spaced out leaving the two to talk amongst themselves as his only worry became rehydrating. The boy always heard people saying the same things about him.
Leo is so smart.
Leo is so athletic.
Leo is so handsome.
Leo is so responsible.
Leo is so blunt.
Leo is so silent.
Their compliments were appreciated but unnecessary. All he really cared about was making sure his mother continued to smile. The truth was Leo had emotional detachment and abandonment issues.
Neither he nor his mother believed it to be so but the doctors who found his silence unbecoming amounted it to something he had no recollection of. They thought his lack of a father affected his social skills.
The truth was Leo had many friends, he socialized well. He was, however, selective about who he socialized with. It was similar to the way his mother acted.
She may never have told him to be wary of strangers but he was. He saw the way she cautiously put herself between him and a stranger before knowing who and what their intentions were.
“Leo come on.”
He broke out of his thoughts and pushed his dark hair out of his face before returning back to the court where the rest of the team awaited him.
After the game, he quickly and meticulously gathered his stuff before making his way over to you. Many people congratulated him on the win which he only responded to with a curt nod or single word of thanks.
“There’s my MVP,” you wasted no time to hug him. There were a million comments you had on how well he had played.
When he came to you asking permission to enter the team you knew nothing of the sport. But like everything involving your son, you became invested and soon were able to talk to him about strategies and stats.
“I noticed you struggled a bit when you fought for the rebound with that tall kid. Did you get hurt?” You began examining him for any bruising. “Sometimes the ref doesn’t see but-”
“I’m fine,” Leo assured.
A simple two worded response that brought the smile back to your face. One of the best sounds in the word was that of your son’s voice. It brought relief and happiness to your overprotective heart.
“Then let’s go celebrate your win!”
The corners of Leo’s lips curved into a smile seeing how happy you were. The truth was he did have minor aches and pains when he went against that other player.
He was someone he had clashed with before. The center of the rival team who on occasion gave Leo dirty looks. Neither had spoken a word yet there was a silent rivalry between them that no one else had noticed.
For a couple week now you two were being watched from afar.
“Boss that kid and his mother live in a pretty normal neighborhood.”
Jay Park, AOMG’s leader, looked through the compiled information on his desk. His eyes narrowing in on your photograph. It was a recent one that his men had taken of you at your place of employment.
You were a decently private individual with little to no social media presence that had only been in use for the past five years. It was nearly impossible for him to find the information he was looking for.
“I just feel like I’ve seen her before.”
Simon’s brow rose in question, “With Dok2?”
Jay nodded only barely recalling the time more than a decade ago when he spotted you holding onto his rival’s arm as you entered a private parking structure. Back then your long hair obstructed the view of your face but your mannerisms were the same. Most of all, he remembered your eyes as they looked over at him.
At the time he thought you had met his eyes but perhaps it was just a coincidental glance in his general direction.
“Why don’t we just go after his actual son, the one everyone knows about,” Woogie proposed.
“Because he’s the obvious choice.” Jay dropped your photo picking up Leo’s instead. “This kid could be his illegitimate child.”
Simon looked over his boss’ shoulder, “You think he looks like him?”
Everyone began debating and voting on the appearance of the mysterious child. Some were undecided taking into consideration how they had yet to really get a good look of the Illionaire boss. Others straight up denied the possibility for various reasons.
“It doesn’t matter if he looks like him,” Jay interrupted their discussion. “The birth certificate is missing a name. I’m sure it was intended to protect the kid but the family name says it all.”
Gray dug through the file pulling out the copy of Leo’s birth certificate. It was clear as day to them who have been investigating the whole situation. There in black and white was your name and an empty space where Joonkyung’s should be. “The kid’s legal name is Lee Leo, we need to keep looking into this.”
They all agreed to continue following you around, convinced they would eventually get the lead they needed to act.
“Besides, “ Jay pulled them back into the conversation. “He does look like he could be the other kid’s brother.”
“How old is Ji-hoon,” Gray asked.
“Thirteen,” Woodie responded.
“Do you really think he got his side chick pregnant at the same time as his wife?”
“That’s what we’re going to find out.”
Ji-hoon watched in disgust as his mother doted on his younger sister. Not once had she even directed a word at him since she arrived. He kept telling himself this wasn’t jealousy, rather it was envy.
He was envious of his sister having everything he had been wanting. The time and attention of his parents were hard to come by when they were often occupied by business. Now he had to compete against a helpless newborn.
“You’re back,” Kylie commented as her son made his presence known. She watched him give a disinterested glance in their direction as he walked by to get to the stairs. “Where do you think you’re going?”
“Do you care or you just upset again because Dad ignored you so you’re going to take it out on me?”
Kylie gaped at her son’s response. This wasn’t the first time he had talked to her in this manner. She had become accustomed to his increasingly hostile attitude. What surprised her was the fact that he knew she had seen him.
“How did you-”
“I called and asked for a ride,” he interrupted.
Ji-hoon was an expert at running away from his bodyguards. They had to maintain a distance so normal people didn’t see them but they were always around. To the untrained eye, they were like shadows, to Ji-hoon they were unwilling participants in his game of hide-and-seek.
The young boy knew his father would drop everything to make sure he was safe so he often repeated the act when he felt like seeing him. Often calling him to pick him up from wherever he decided to chill.
“Ji-hoon you know that’s not safe!”
Kylie’s reprimand stirred her daughter’s sleep. In an instant, she began wailing asking for comfort.
“Look what you did…” she picked her up from the bassinet she had situated in the living area to begin rocking her back to sleep.
“Sure what I did,” Ji-hoon heaved a sigh of annoyance. Once again he was being falsely accused of being his mother’s inconvenience. “I got lectured by Dad already so I’m gonna go to my room.”
Kylie shook her head knowing he wouldn’t come back down no matter how many times she called for him.
“There there, Jia… go back to sleep.”
A/N: On the mood board Leo is at the bottom-right corner and Ji-hoon at the top-right. BTW I’m basing ages and school grade on the American system, meaning highschool age is 14-18 years and the grades are 9th-12th.
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Anagapesis (chapter 3)
pairing: the shield x reader
word count: 3,034
summary: Anagapesis (n.) no longer feeling any affection for something or someone you once loved. After three years, you’re officially the manager of the Shield once again. But, things aren’t quite the same as they used to be.
warnings: cursing, mentions of betrayal, violence and trust issues
a/n: I have a question for you guys. Do you like the idea of having romantic subplots or should this story be strictly platonic? 
playlist: x
chapter one / chapter two / chapter three / chapter four
Normally, when the announcer team wanted a WWE talent to be on commentary for the night, an email would be sent to them or their manager weeks prior. Yet, for some reason, a last minute request was found in your inbox Sunday afternoon. The Shield had a match against The Bar scheduled, so you assumed commentary wanted to take Roman out of the match to add more fire to the pre-existing feud Seth and Dean had with The Bar. But, to your surprise, the email was a commentary call for you during their match. You had been on commentary a number of times before, but it was always accompanying one of your clients. You were weary about being called up alone, but after you had thought about it for a few hours, it made sense you would be getting some attention with your admission back into the group.
You stepped out from behind of the black curtains and begun the descent down the ramp. The Shield’s music blasted throughout the arena, which caused fans to gawk at the three men who traveled through the crowd. You crossed paths with them briefly once they had jumped over the barriers. You had already gave them a pep talk earlier but gave them a smile of encouragement nonetheless. Before you had stepped out of reach, Roman placed a hand on your shoulder and nodded as if saying ‘good luck’.
Thankfully, Roman wasn’t mad at you for falling asleep at Finn’s hotel room. By the time he had returned from his search, you had gotten out of the shower and had a huge monologue ready that asked for his forgiveness. The concept of losing one of the only positive influences you had at the moment frightened you to no end. But Roman was very understanding and simply wrapped you up in his arms upon first sight. When you explained what had happened, he only smiled and asked for you to be more careful next time.
“Welcome, y/n.”  Michael Cole greeted as you sat down in the designated chair. You took the extra microphone that was being offered to you by Coachman, but kept your eyes on the guys as they met The Bar in the center of the ring. “Thank you for joining us.” You took your gaze off of the match and looked towards the announcer team.
You didn’t know Corey Graves, Jonathan Coachman, or Michael Cole that well. You knew Corey was close with Seth and Roman, and he was on decent terms with Dean, but you never quite befriended him yourself. Michael Cole was someone you had spoke to during events, but it was always small talk until either of you had to leave. Coachman was new to the commentary team, but you had heard a lot about him from his previous positions in the industry.
“Thank you for having me,” You said as the bell rang, symbolising the beginning of the match.
Dean was the first person to make a move. He threw himself towards Sheamus, but the Irishman was quick to counter the charge. Sheamus hooked his arm underneath of Dean’s underarm and pulled him into a backbreaker. Michael Cole made a comment about the move, which led into a whole conversation between him and Corey. This went on for quite a while until Michael Cole completely dismissed his co-worker’s banter and decided to pull you into the conversation.
“Y/n, are you happy to be working with the Shield again?” Before you could respond, Coachman decided to pipe up.
“According to Dolph Ziggler, she isn’t.”
You leaned back into the black leather conference chair with an irritated facial expression. Technically, you no longer represented Dolph nor the Smackdown brand, so you could outwardly detest his words.
“Actually,” You spoke up. “What Dolph said was false.” This statement earned various curious looks from the three men. “I never confined in him about working with The Shield again. He didn’t even know I was leaving until I had already departed for RAW. We weren’t friends like he painted us to be.”
“Why do you think Dolph lied?” Corey asked. You shrugged lightly and allowed your eyes to fall upon Dean tagging Seth into the match.
“To make himself look like the good guy, I guess. Maybe even give the locker room a reason to doubt my loyalty to the Shield? I never did understand that man’s thought process. I suppose they don’t call him The Show Off for nothing, though.”  
“So you’re saying you feel completely comfortable working with the Shield again?”
You hesitated to answer Michael’s question at first, but collected yourself after a few seconds passed.
“My relationship with the members of the Shield is a work in progress. Things aren’t quite the same as they used to be, and I feel very sad about that, but there’s nothing I wouldn’t do to ensure The Shield continues to thrive.”
This must have been a good enough answer for the three color commentators, because they began to speak about the way Seth was climbing onto the ropes to perform a high flying move. Seth managed to successfully land the frog splash on Sheamus and pull him into the pin, but the orange haired man kicked out. While Seth caught his breath, Sheamus pulled his body over to the corner of the ring and tagged in Cesaro. Cesaro went over to the recovering male and grabbed the back of his pants. He forced Seth up to his feet and uppercut him.
“Y/n,” Coachman began. “It’s been awhile since you’ve seen Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, and Roman Reigns in action besides the match last week, right?”
“Yes, that’s correct. Over the last couple of years I’ve seen them in some matches when they went up against one of my clients. But, I haven’t had the chance to actually sit down and analyze their moves until now.” This was somewhat of a lie since you had watched numerous amounts of YouTube videos to see when the reunion was beginning to form, but you didn’t want to tell them that.
“Who do you think has improved the most and the least since the old days?”
You thoughtfully watched as Seth recoiled from one of Cesaro’s attacks and did a high kick to his opponents jaw.
“I think in a way, they’ve all improved a lot. When The Shield formed they all had a strong foundation, and it’s become really apparent to me since I’ve re-joined the group that their styles have grown. Honestly, sitting here right now, I’m fairly impressed with Rollins.”
“Really?” Corey’s eyebrows arched upwards. His eyes shifted over to you to make eye contact before he looked back at the match.
“His moves look a lot cleaner than what I’m used to. He’s always been the one to calculate and plan but it seems as if puts a lot more thought in between moves. He also seems to be having a lot more…” You paused as you tried to find the correct word. “fun? During matches.”
“Is that last part necessarily a good thing?” Michael remarked, but Corey quickly followed up with another question.
“And the person who has improved the least?”
“Like I’ve stated before, they’ve all improved throughout the years. But, I’d have to say that title goes to Dean. Dean is so unpredictable when he’s fighting and he doesn’t have a set style-so it’s hard to gauge exactly if he meant to do something or if he’s just rolling with the punches.”
Back in the ring, Seth had Cesaro in a chokehold. He was slowly inching his way over to the corner where Roman and Dean stood, despite Cesaro’s efforts. Eventually, Seth’s hand made contact with Roman’s outstretched one and Roman entered the fight. Seth handed Cesaro over to Roman before climbing over the ropes. Roman pulled Cesaro above him and performed a Samoan drop. When Cesaro’s back collided against the canvas, Roman threw his body overtop of the other man and pinned him. The ref counted to three and claimed the Shield as the victors of the match.
“Thank you again for having me,” You placed down the microphone and stood up from the leather seat, slightly stretching as you did so. You gave the three announcers a kind smile before walking towards the ring to join Dean, Seth and Roman.
* * *
The bustling sounds of catering filled your ears as you sat alone at one of the circular white tables. A plate of various fruits sat in front of you, which you had been picking at since you had arrived a half hour ago. Dean, Seth, and Roman had disappeared into the locker room after you guys had arrived at the arena, and you doubted you would see them any time soon since you weren’t scheduled to accompany Roman in his match against Triple H for another twenty minutes.
“Hey, y/n.”
Or, maybe not. You looked to your left to see Seth approaching in his Shield attire, although his vest was nowhere to be seen. You couldn't quite blame him for waiting for the last minute before putting it on. The vest concept never did seem very comfortable to you. That’s why you had opted for a leather jacket overtop of a black tank top when your “ring gear” was being decided.
“Hi,” A smile came onto your face as Seth stopped so he was standing right next to your table. “What’s up?”
“Nothing much. Just looking for a way to kill time before we have to go out.” He shrugged as he picked up a blueberry from the plate in front of you and popped it into his mouth. “Wanna take a walk around the arena with me?”
“Sure, beats sitting here.”  The sound of the metal chair you were sitting in scraping against the concrete floor stopped Seth from stealing another piece of fruit, this time a grape, from your plate. You gestured towards the plate, a laugh escaping your throat as you did so. “Do you want the rest?”
“No, I’m good. Let me just take the grape before you throw it out, though.”
You picked up the plate and held it in front of Seth, who took his grape happily. As the two of you headed out of catering, you threw the plate out and exited into the hallway. You and Seth made your way through the labyrinth of corridors, talking about whatever came to mind.
“How do you think Roman’s going to do against Triple H?” You asked.
“Roman’s totally going to kick that old man’s ass. Why wouldn’t he?”
Your silence spoke volumes, causing Seth to pause in his tracks. You did the same and looked towards him with pursed lips. He looked tense for a second, but with a shake of his shoulders, the tension seemed to slip from his body.
“You’re going into your ‘worried manager’ mode, aren’t you?”
“No,” You were quick to defend yourself, but the deadpanned look on Seth’s face made you sigh. “Okay, yes. I am. Can you blame me, though? Yeah, we had a good run a Payback. No significant injuries and a win at a pay per view. Hell, it’s a manager’s wet dream. It was simultaneously one of the proudest and scariest moments in my career. But, Hunter’s going to be absolutely pissed about it. Especially after Batista quit-”
“Y/n, take a deep breath.” Seth took a step forward and placed his hands onto your shoulders firmly to stop your rambling. “Roman’s going to be fine. Dean and I are going to be fine, too. Whatever Triple H throws at us, we’re gonna hit him back with ten times the force.” Seth’s brown eyes looked deeply into yours before he pulled you into a hug. You melted into the warm embrace, the feeling of his toned arms wrapped around you made you feel safe-a feeling that you didn’t feel often in your line of work.
One moment, your arms are wrapped around Seth’s torso and the next, you’re staring at a black door. It took you a few seconds to process what exactly had just happened, but when you came to the realization that Seth had just pushed you into a custodian closet, you huffed.
“Ha, ha. Very funny Seth. Prank your stressed out manager. Gosh, you’re such a dick.” It wasn’t unusual for the members of the Shield to prank each other in over the top ways. You placed your hand onto the doorknob of the closet to open it, but the door stayed shut. “Really? You locked it? We don’t have time for this, Seth. We need to get back to the main part of the arena. C’mon.”
An eerie silence followed your words and a sinking feeling entered your stomach.
“Seth?” Again, nothing. “This isn’t funny!” You wrapped your hands around the doorknob and desperately attempted to free yourself, but it wouldn’t budge. Panic seeped into your brain and your breath quickened. The concept that Seth was no longer standing in the hallway hit you like a ton of bricks. Your eyes widened as you patted your pockets to find your phone, only to remember you had left it in your duffel bag.
Time seemed to slow down to a crawl, making a mere ten minutes seem like hours. You banged your fists against the door rapidly in hopes that someone would hear you.
“Help! Please, someone!”
Four more minutes passed before you slid down onto the floor with tear stained cheeks.  You screamed until your voice morphed into sobbed pleas. Your fists were pulsating but you still struck the door, although the rhythm was less frantic.
Your mind buzzed in your skull. It created so much noise that you almost didn’t hear the steady footsteps coming from the hallway. A rush of adrenaline entered your body, causing you to jump up to your feet and bang upon the door again.
“Please! Let me out!”
The footsteps paused and you watched in awe as the doorknob turned slightly. As the door swung open, it revealed a very concerned stagehand.
“Miss l/n? Are you okay? What happened?” She immediately took a step back and allowed you to exit the closet.
“Where’s Seth Rollins?” You breathed out, ignoring her questions. You only had one goal right now and that was to find Seth.
Her face twisted into a look of confusion, as if she was attempting to piece the puzzle together herself.
“He’s in the ring with Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns. Shouldn’t you be there as well?”
Your eyes widened and your heartbeat quickened. “I-I have to go.” You quickly dashed in the direction that you and Seth had came. Wrestlers and crew alike gave you muddled glances as you entered the gorilla for a few different reasons, but the two most common was that fact that you should have been with your clients and your frazzled appearance.
The sound of muffled grunts and metal bouncing repeatedly off of something made you gaze at a nearby monitor. You were already riddled with different emotions, but nothing could compare to what you saw on that screen. Seth. Beating Dean over and over again with a metal chair and Roman laying only a few feet away, face down with his hands wrapped around himself. Triple H and Randy Orton stood at the bottom of the ramp, triumphant smiles plastered across their faces.
“N-no…” Fresh tears threatened to fall from your eyes as you ran over to the black curtain that parted the WWE Universe from the gorilla. You pushed open the split fabric and stepped out onto the ramp, the situation you saw on the monitor coming to live in front of you. You had to felt the urge to look away as you barreled down the ramp. You don’t know what you exactly going to do once you got to Seth but it probably wasn’t going to be pretty.
You made it to the edge of the ramp, but before you could throw yourself into the ring to stop Seth, Randy pulled you into his arms. You tried your best to thrash around, but his grip didn’t loosen up in the slightest.
“Welcome to the party, y/n.” The tone of Hunter’s voice made your skin crawl.
The metal chair bounced off of Dean’s body once more but this time, Seth allowed the object to clash onto the floor of the ring. His head slowly looked upwards to look at the crowd as if saying ‘I did that’ before his eyes snapped over to where you, Hunter, and Randy stood. You saw a flicker of something in his eyes when he saw you behind held back by Randy, but you couldn’t tell if it was surprise or amusement.
Seth’s eyes scanned over his former brothers before he picked up the chair and made his way out of the ring and in your direction. You tried to stare him down, but he refused to make eye contact with you as he looked towards Hunter. His gaze then switched to Randy, who allowed his grip to loosen for just enough time for Hunter to grab your left shoulder firmly. Seth outstretched the arm and offered the managaled chair to Randy, who happily grabbed the weapon and climbed back into the ring. Hunter wrapped his other arm around the shoulder of Seth proudly.
You opened your mouth to snap at the two men, but the image of Randy slamming the chair right into Roman’s spine made you flinch. Your vision blurred from the tears that rushed down your face, but you could still see Randy take the vest and shirt off of Roman and the bruises that followed.
This was the point in which you tried to run over to the ring, but Seth wrapped his arms around your chest once you pulled free from Hunter. The fact that you felt safe in his arms practically a half hour before but now felt completely terrified churned your insides.
“Let go of me, you fuck!” You growled, but Seth chose to stay quiet. Hunter walked over to the apron of the ring and climbed onto it so he could get a better view of what was happening. Even with you in his arms, Seth managed to position himself next to Hunter. You watched in both horror and anger as Randy continued to beat down your brothers.
Moments passed before Randy took a step back from pummeling Roman, his chest rising and falling rapidly. Hunter turned to Seth before he nodded towards the injured Dean and Roman.
“Let her go,” He commanded to Seth. As soon as Seth’s arms dropped to his sides, you lurched forward and propelled yourself between the ropes. You dropped to your knees next to Dean and Roman, your tears now falling freely as you weeped in between them. The crowd formulated a chant for the man who had done this to your bothers. ‘You sold out!’ repeated throughout the stands.  
Dean noticed your hunched figure above him and maneuvered his body so his head rested in your lap. You ran your hands through his tangled brown hair.
“I’m okay, kiddo.” Dean cracked a smile despite the pain that shot through his body. You felt movement behind but you didn’t bother to look up until Hunter had wrapped his arms around both Randy and Seth.
“That’s Evolution…” Hunter sneered down at you before looking back up at the camera. “I win.”
You sprang upwards and looked around at your surroundings, bringing you back to reality. Eventually, your eyes landed on Dean. He was sitting on side of your bed, and even in the dark of the hotel room you could tell his face showed concern.
“I’m guessing you were having a nightmare or something? You were screaming so loud I thought someone was going to call the front desk and tell them someone’s committing a murder.”
You opened your mouth to reply, but the lump that had formed in your throat forbade them from escaping. Tears began to stream down your cheeks and land onto the white bedsheets, one after another in rapid succession. Your chest began to grow tight and your brain was foggy. Everything, all of the stress and the frustration, that had been building up in your life had finally rushed forward.
“H-hey..” He inched closer to your now heavily crying form and placed a hand onto your back in a comforting matter. When he did, you quickly latched onto his shirt and began crying into his chest. Dean’s body tensed from the sudden action, but his muscles slowly relaxed and he started rubbing circles into your back. “Shhh, you’re okay sweetheart. Everything’s okay.”
After awhile, your breathing had steadied and Dean looked down to see that the exhaustion from your breakdown had put you back to sleep. He shifted slightly and pulled your sleeping form away from his body. A light smile found its way onto his face as he went over to his own bed.
* * *
Neither you nor Dean spoke a word to each other the next day until Dean broke the uncomfortable silence. One hand was dug into the pocket of his jeans while the other fiddled with the keys of the rental car.
“Hey, I’m about to head out to grab some lunch. Want to come?”
You nodded, although you were taken back from his offer. In all honesty, you had been under the impression that the event  from last night had left him with even more of a reason to dislike you, but this action proved you wrong.
“Yeah, sure.” You closed your laptop and stood up. Dean made his way towards the door but paused when he noticed that you were rummaging through the backpack that rested upon your bed.
“What are you looking for?” He asked as he leaned back onto the wall.
“My wallet.” You answered simply as you sorted through the various items in the bag.
One of Dean’s eyebrows cocked upwards.
“I’ll pay.”
You casted him a shocked look, but decided not to question his change in character since it involved free food.
“Thank you, Dean.”
“No problem.”
With that situation solved, the two of you exited the hotel room and went down into the lobby parking lot. You climbed into the passenger seat of the rental vehicle and Dean got into the driver’s seat. The car came to life with a hum and in the span of minutes, the two of you were driving down the street on your way to eat.
When Dean pulled up to the restaurant, a large grin stretched across your face. You couldn’t help but smile at the quaintness of the small diner in front of you. A neon sign sat on the roof, accompanied by a large red arrow that pointed to the double doored entrance. The parking lot was almost empty despite a cluster of cars in the left hand corner of the blacktop.
“Thought you’d like it. You always were a weirdo when it came to diners.” He smirked when he saw your reaction.
“I would take offense to that, but you’re kind of true.” You chuckled as you unclipped your seatbelt.
Everyone who travels has a quirk. Some people collect postcards, others enjoy seeing gigantic items in which the owners claim they’re the largest in the world, and most by merchandise  to commemorate where they have been. But you? You enjoyed visiting diners.
You knew it was strange and every travel partner you have had since joining WWE have pointed out that fact as well, but you always found them fascinating. No matter what state or country you were in, every diner had a similar feel to it. Over the years, you had grown a certain distaste for change. It felt comforting to you that no matter what, you could walk into a diner and feel some familiarity.  
When you entered the diner, you were greeted by an elderly hostess.
“Table for two?”
“Yes, please.” You smiled back at the lady. She nodded and grabbed two menus. The lady guided you and Dean through the restaurant and over to a booth that was nestled away from the doorway. She laid down the two menus and shot one more friendly smile before walking off.
“So,” you tapped your fingers against the white top of the table. You were obviously very confused in Dean’s sudden change of heart.
Dean must have noticed where this conversation was going because a sigh exited his mouth.
“Look, last night made me realize a lot of things.”
“I still care about you, no matter how hard I try not to. I could have woken you up, told you to pipe down and then go back to sleep. But, I couldn’t.” Dean paused as he tried to think of what else he wanted to say. “Last week when you didn’t come back to the hotel room, I kept calling you a bitch in my mind but I couldn’t stop myself from worrying so fucking much. I miss being that big brother figure to you.”
“I appreciate you telling me this and you were completely right in what you said last week.” You tried to ignore the shocked expression Dean horribly hid. “My work life and personal life are completely separate. I should have found time to talk to you and Roman. I truly apologize.”
“Hm. Apology accepted, kid. But don’t think you’re off the hook because I’m still mad. If you buy me a few beers next pub crawl, I’ll think about forgiving you a little bit more.” A faint smile came onto his lips. “Plus, you don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to but what was all that about last night?”
“Can I put a pin in that question? We can talk about it later, I just don’t really want to talk about it now.” You admitted with a frown.
“Yeah, sure.” Dean said just as the waiter arrived.
You could tell it would take awhile to rekindle your friendship but Dean, but there was potential for things to go back to how they used to be.
tag list: @scuzmunkie / @alyj12 / @letshaveadepressingtime / @theroyalbrownbarbie / @shieldgallover / @nikora3010 / @zombiewerewolfqueen / @insaneship / @sausagefest1996 / @kingslaxerpark / @houndsofjxstice / @viperslunatic / @kenyadakblalock / @twisted1ginger / @captainfoxy22 / @calwitch / @staystrongyoureawarriorfighter
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sneezingpotatoes · 6 years
Another Cold Winter [Part 1]
Wow, hello xD I’ve returned after a long-ass break with a new fic if anyone is even interested anymore since I’ve been inactive xD But anyway, whoever reads this, I hope you enjoy it xDD
SO THIS IS ASAHI SUZUKI <3 Aka my bae, aka I love him so much! I mean I love them both but he's my bae, you know?
And this is Kaede Takahashi, Asahi’s bestest friend in the entire universe xD And probably his only friend... feels bad.
Okay so I used a random Anime Dress up website to make what my characters look like xD Sorry about the stupid pose they're in, I couldn't change it xD
Asahi hugged his arms tighter around his torso in order to stifle his violent shivering that rattled his spine. The cold winter air was already biting straight through his thin leather jacket, and he had no intentions of standing in it any longer. Damnit! Where the hell Is Kaede?! He mentally groaned, I don’t know how much longer I’ll last out here! Just the thought of staying out in the cold for a couple minutes longer made him grunt. He sniffled, softly at first, but a little rougher the second time, as he could feel the cold air loosening up his sinuses. He quickly brought up an index finger and attempted to rub away the burn that the cold winter air left behind from his rough sniffling, but cringes as he feels the cool burn turn into a prickling sensation in the back of his nose. He gives a quick twitch into his plaid scarf, releasing a firm sneeze into the soft piece of wool. “Huh-KSHht!” How damn cold is it, anyway? He grimaces, still feeling the strong sensation linger about. A shaky fist is brought up halfway, patiently waiting for the inevitable. A mumbled curse is heard through breathy hitches as he draws his fist closer to the cloth. “Hhuuhhhnn… Ikgsht-Kshht!!” Asahi aggressively jerked into his scarf once more, being overwhelmed by the pair of toppling sneezes. Always in triples… He drew in a long, wet sniffle, not wanting to get his scarf any wetter than it already was, seeing how the tiny droplets of sick on his scarf had already gone stone cold, making him cringe and shiver when his chin and lips laid up against it. “Ektsshuhh!!” Or was it quads...? No, I could’ve sworn it was triples. He blinks a few times, dazed by the force of the unexpected sneeze, and lets out a light cough, having felt the sneeze scrape the back of his throat.  He hated sneezing, seeing how his were normally pretty messy and there was never just one. There had to be multiples. Every. Single. Time. Whether he had a quick fit or maybe a fit where the last one gets lost at the airport and has a late arrival, who the hell knows! His nose can’t make up its damn mind. Asahi and cold weather never really got along, and today wasn’t going to be any different. He mainly hated it because cold weather meant that colds were going around, and that he had to wear restricting, heavier clothing. Since coats and sweaters weren’t Asahi’s idea of fashion, he always tended to under-dress around cold seasons. And today, this was going to bite him in the ass… hard. He pulls down his scarf as another shiver creeps up his spine, making him clench his teeth and squeeze his arms even tighter. He drew in another deep, liquefied sniffle, feeling his nose start to leak heavily. Damn him! Whenever I see his face, I swear, I’ll— 
“Asahi!” Kaede yelled as he rushed down the flight of stairs from his apartment room. “Sorry I’m late!” His panting breaths escaped his mouth in puffy clouds of vapor from the cold air. He gave Asahi a sheepish smile as if he were pleading for forgiveness. He really wanted to do a number on Kaede, but his warm smile and innocent nature served as a protective shield and flushed him with guilt.
“What the hell took you so long?!” His voice was grave with irritation written all over it, but of course, Kaede appeared to be immune to the wrath of Ol’ Asahi.
“I overslept again, my bad… I’ve been cramped up in my room all week studying for the AP exam today…” Asahi gave a stifled smirk at the word study. Kaede was the smartest student on school grounds that he knew of, so why would he need to study? Kaede sighs as he trails behind his best friend, waiting for the new puff of vapor to disintegrate completely before speaking once again. “I’m sorry,” He apologized again, “Can’t imagine how cold you are with that paper-thin jacket you’re wearing. If my mother were here in the mornings, she would’ve let you in.”
“It’s not that cold…” He lied right through his teeth, biting back a much-needed sniffle. The cold winter air was truly getting underneath his skin. All he wanted to do was get the hell inside, it didn’t matter where. He jammed his hand into his jacket pocket, having to force himself to leave his nose alone, unless he wanted to walk into the school looking like Rudolf.
“Are you kidding me?” Kaede yelled in disbelief, “It’s going to snow soon! I feel like I’m going to shatter into little shards of ice if another breeze hits me!”
Asahi bites his tongue in attempt to hold back a snarky remark. You weren’t the one standing out here for an hour and a half. Breaking his own rule, he brings up a curled index finger to gently brush up against the rims of his nostrils and freezes dead in his tracks. Clear phlegm had started to leak down unto his lips, since he stubbornly neglected to sniffle in front of his friend. He probably hadn’t noticed earlier since his entire face felt numb. “You wouldn’t happen to have any tissues on you by chance, would you?” He could feel his cheeks burning into a light pink as he asked that pride shattering question. He disgustedly cupped his hand to hide the leaky mess so that at least his friend didn’t have to see it.
“Is that even a question?” Humored Kaede as he reached into his jeans pocket, revealing a pack of travel tissues. “In this weather, it’s practically mandatory to carry these around, you know.” He takes a sheet of tissue for himself and hands the rest of the pack over to Asahi, who gratefully accepts them. He distantly watches as Kaede removes his glasses and gives a gentle, damp sounding blow into the tissues. My gods, everything this man does is pure perfection. The hazel eyed teen folded up the tissue and stuffed it into his jacket pocket, regretting the decision of grabbing one tissue instead of two. He brings up a gloved palm and presses it lightly underneath his nose, feeling it gently twitch against the touch of his hand. “Hiitssch!” The itchy sneeze sends Kaede whipping forward, nearly snapping at the waist. Asahi looks at his best friend with concerned eyes through his now soiled tissues before tossing his onto the ground and returning the pack of tissues to it’s rightful owner. “T-thagk you, I’b sorrhhy! I-I juhhs— Hh-hih…! Jus’… Hh’igssch’u! Hahh…” He froze for a moment, squeezing his nostrils shut, trying to kill the tickle rallying in his nose and to save himself from the embarrassing false buildup game. Even the way he sneezes are absolutely stunning. The way he tries to speak through his hitching is just breath taking. A sigh is released from Kaede as he blows his nose for the second time and tucks the other used tissue into his pocket. “Sorry about that,” Kaede chimes with a warm smile, still rubbing underneath his nose with a gloved finger, “I hope I didn't spray you or anything! It's been so long I almost forgot what a sneeze felt like... We should pick up the pace. We’ll be late.” The brown-eyed teen nods without saying a word, and instead spends the rest of the walk giving his friend a mental body check, trying to figure out any telltale signs of if he caught a cold or not, since he was too insecure to ask him about it.
After warming up and chatting in the cafeteria awaiting the chiming of the morning bell, the resonance from the bell finally fills the school and the two teens head to their math class together. Asahi made it his mission to keep an eye on his best friend Kaede, just in case he actually did have a cold, he’d be the first to know about it. Although there was nothing he could really do, since he was never prepared for these types of situations, he’d take him to the nurses’ office if he wasn’t feeling well, or he’d wait in the restroom with him for 3 class periods like he did last year. Asahi audibly sighed as he sat down in his desk, hating how he had math of all subjects to be the first period of the day. It wasn’t so bad since Kaede was also in his class period, and they sat right next to each other. The tardy bell rang and his teacher promptly locked the classroom door, not wanting to deal with any tardy high school students on a test day.
“Wow, such amazing attendance today. We’re only missing about a third of the class today. If only I could get this amount of students to show up to my class every day.” Mr. Yamamoto stated bluntly in a monotone voice, already grabbing the stack of tests from his desk. “Alright my star pupils, as you know, today is your AP Math exam. The test should be easy, yesterday’s 8th period said it was easy-peasy and the scantron results came back with a perfect %100. So, if you fail this exam, you’re a complete nincompoop and you need serious help.”
“Really???” A petite girl in the front row questioned with pleading eyes full of hope as if her dreams had come true.
“Heck no!” He erupted, “This is AP Math. Your brains will poof to ashes due to burnt out brain cells. I’m already scheduling your funerals.” The little girl slumped deep into her chair, arms folded, with an intense scowl directed at the math instructor. “You know the drill, no talking, no phones, yada yada yada. Once I hand out the first test, your souls are mine.”
Asahi followed suit and slumped down deep into his chair as well, already feeling his head begin to pound deep inside his skull. He hadn’t studied for this exam; He never studied for any of his classes, but this was also the only AP course he was taking, and not to mention he’s already failing it with a D-. If you count playing Dragon Blazers for 9 hours straight studying, then he would be the king of studying. He only took this class so that he could at least have one class with his childhood friend. He had straight hundreds for his daily work, since he would only copy Kaede’s worksheets, but he failed every test/quiz, and today would be no different.
“Good luck, champ. You’re gonna need it.” Mr. Yamamoto whispers to Asahi after he sets down the packet. Great. Thanks. He peeks over at Asahi, whose pencil was already scribbling and jotting down equations and answers on the exam packet. He would stop writing for a moment and bite on the eraser of his pencil, only to quickly begin his writing again. The brown-eyed teen rested his head on his desk, not even knowing where to begin. He picked up the packet and flipped through the booklet glaring at each question, the next one seeming way harder than the previous questions. Derivatives? Antidifferentiations? Integrals? God himself would have to do the test for him if he were to pass that exam. Maybe if I take a nap, last week’s lessons will just come to me. He foolishly thought, knowing damn well he hardly ever paid attention in this class. If there were a test about Kaede, he would definitely pass, seeing how every day he would focus his attention only on him. He knows that Kaede prefers wooden pencils over mechanical pencils, that every Friday Kaede likes to hole punch all of his graded papers and place them neatly behind his labeled math divider that he sketches on whenever he’s bored or has free time, also that he likes to be the last student to put away his math textbook so that he can meticulously straighten up the entire shelf for the next class period, and that he—
“Suzuki, lift your head up and get to work!” The slamming of a plastic ruler against Asahi’s desk causes him to jolt upright in his seat. It slammed so close to his arm that he felt the breeze from the swift hit wiggle through his bangs.  “If you’d like to take a nap, I’m sure the principle would love to provide you with a nice warm cup of after school detention!” Muffled snickering amongst the other classmates are heard as they buried their faces into their tests, not wanting to be the next victim of Mr. Yamamoto.  Kaede gives him a brief look of concern before returning to his exam. Asahi opened his exam, trying his best to hide the flush of embarrassment from showing in his cheeks, but failed horribly. Well I guess I don’t have a choice but to start working on this stupid exam…
Every minute that passed felt like an eternity for Asahi; He could’ve sworn that he’d been staring at question number one for five days now, and to make matters worse, he had extended class periods for the exams so he had to stay in this stupid hellhole even longer. Asahi rubbed his eyes and massaged the bridge of his nose, starting to feel worse than when he first entered the school. He attempted to discretely take in a light sniffle, but even the slightest inhale gave him the spotlight of the classroom. His nose was filled up with so much phlegm that it made a gurgling sound if he even attempted to breathe out of his nose. The room was so quiet that it felt like you could hear a feather drop. Asahi pinched his nostrils shut, feeling a familiar undesired itching sensation return. He tried to make as little movements as possible, as to not attract the attention of other students trying to work on their exams, but mainly so that he didn’t disturb Kaede. Despite his pinched nostrils, the itching still decided to wiggle its’ way under his fingers; his left eye began to twitch awkwardly from the sensation, and a stifled hitch barely escaped his grasp. Sick tears welled up on his eyelids and blurred his vision to the point where he decided to just close his eyes completely. He brought up a trembling hand to cup his mouth in order to muffle his now soft hitches. “HhHngh… Iihhehh…? HhHIEH-! Nnngg…” A few of the students that sat in the desks around Asahi gave him dirty looks, but he couldn’t see them. He was in his own little bubble just trying to figure out whether he should just release the sneezes or just quench the itching back down to a tolerable place.
Kaede took a look at his suffering best friend, only to see his head tilted so far back that his chin was perpendicular to the white board, with his nose and mouth squeezed so tight he’s sure that if he squeezed any harder his face would tear off. The hazel-eyed teen reached into his pocket again and placed the pre-opened tissue pack onto his desk, giving three quick taps on his right shoulder before resuming his exam. The three gentle taps on his shoulder caused Asahi to jolt in his seat from the unexpected touch, making him lose his concentration on quenching the itch. The sensation erupted like a dam breaking, forcing Asahi to jerk into his partially cupped hands over his desk. “KSHHNXGT! Huh’kgxsht! Hekshhn-ktsshuhh! Hh-hhuhHHh-!” Asahi could feel his own cheeks turning a dark red as the class shifted their attention to him and irritably blessed him, waiting for him to finish what he’d started. He knew how awkward he must’ve looked and sounded while he was trying to relieve himself of this pestering itch, but he couldn’t help it. He knew this feeling. He still needed to sneeze even though he had already finished his quad. Why the hhheelll d-do I stil— “EGSHUH!! Hegshh-Eksshh-Keshhuh!” He took a moment to collect himself ignoring all of the blessings, still trying to wrap his aching head around what the hell just happened.
“Bless you, Asahi.” Kaede’s whisper cut through all of the embarrassment and self-pity he had to offer. Asahi couldn’t help but pry open an eye to look at the angel himself. Kaede gave him a smile so warm Asahi could’ve sworn he would’ve melted if they weren’t sitting by the cold window. “Are you feeling alright?” He mouthed the words this time, discretely, seeing how Mr. Yamamoto was already becoming restless from Asahi’s outburst. The brown-eyed teen slowly nodded, as he grabbed a handful of tissues from the pack and emptying out all of the phlegm he was storing in his nostrils, not caring about the opinions of others anymore. “Nngxt! Hh… Hngt!” He successfully stifles the double into his soaked tissues, still feeling a tickle lurking in his nostrils. He balls up the tissues and sets them at the corner of his desk and promptly grabs for the rest of the tissues that were in the travel pack, but before he can open up the tissues correctly, he violently dips forward into a cupped hand. “NNGXT’shuh!” Of course. The third. “God bless you.” The teen says, hazel eyes still locked onto his own exam. This time Kaede was the only one that blessed him; It made him feel soft inside, having a special ‘God bless you’ for all to hear. Asahi furrows a brow at his best friend. Normally he would’ve been the first one finished with his exam, but three other students had already finished ahead of him, and probably a fourth one was on the way. I wonder… Asahi blew his nose once again, still feeling a lingering tickle in the back of his sinuses.  Why the hell do I still need to goddamn sneeze for? He wondered, feeling very agitated with his ticklish nose. “10 more minutes everyone!” Announced the math instructor, “I repeat, 10 more minutes!” Asahi instantly picked up his pencil and quickly began circling random letters and filling in random bubbles all over the scantron; Anything to at least get a grade above a zero.
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Christ's Return
“Knowing this first: that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, and saying, ‘Where is the promise of His coming?
For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation’”
—2 Peter 3:3–4
Some people falsely envision God as someone who’s eagerly waiting in Heaven to bring judgment on Earth.
But the Bible teaches something different.
It tells us that God “is longsuffering toward us,
not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance”
(2 Peter 3:9).
However, there are people today who say,
“Where is the return of the Lord?
Haven’t you Christians been talking about that for some time now?
Didn’t you believe the Lord was coming back years ago?”
I’m not ashamed to admit that I did. If you were to walk up to me in 1975 when I was a young kid, and ask me if I believed that Jesus Christ was coming back soon, I would have said maybe.
So am I disappointed that He hasn’t returned?
My answer is no. I still believe that He’s coming back soon.
The Bible says that “a day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years is like a day”
(2 Peter 3:8).
I thank God that He didn’t come back almost five decades ago.
I would have enjoyed it then, of course, but there would have been significantly fewer people in the Kingdom.
So I’m rejoicing in what God is doing in my life daily, and I feel privileged to be a part of it.
But I also know there’s coming a day when the last person will come to faith in Christ.
It is my belief that God is waiting for someone, somewhere out in this world,
to believe in Him (see Romans 11:25).
And once that person comes into the Kingdom, the Lord will rapture the church.
So God is not late.
He’s right on time.
And at the appointed hour, He will return. Until that day, we should walk with Him.
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kellysbookblog · 2 years
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RELEASE BLITZ Title: Unwritten Rules Series: The Brotherhood #2 Author: Pamela O’Rourke Genre: Contemporary Romance Release Date: November 30, 2022
My GR Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/5123547983?book_show_action=false
My Amazon Review: https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/RDYYN0020EUUN?ref=pf_ov_at_pdctrvw_srp
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BLURB Tall, dark and handsome as sin. With a smile that speaks to my soul. Nathaniel Hawthorne is the epitome of the perfect man. But 12 years older and worlds wiser, my brother’s best friend doesn’t long for me the way I crave him. He made that crystal clear when I kissed him last year, spurring him to leave London. To leave me. Missing his guiding presence, I try to put aside these unrequited feelings, but I screw up. I do something I can’t take back, and from which there would be far-reaching consequences should the truth come to light. Despite our months of radio silence, I instinctively reach for the person I trust most, and true to form, Nathaniel doesn’t hesitate. He’s ready and willing to slay my demons alongside his own when he whisks me away to his childhood estate. Our bond, once vulnerable, grows stronger by the day, but the unwritten rules of friendship stand. Yet, something feels different. How his eyes caress me, how his hands touch me, how right his body feels beside mine at night—this can’t be mere friendship. Might my feelings be reciprocated? Could there be a way to break all the rules and still find a happily ever after… Together? GOODREADS LINK: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/61986149-unwritten-rules PURCHASE LINKS US: https://amzn.to/3yXS9tl UK: https://amzn.to/3RR83OY CA: https://amzn.to/3yXC6Mf AU: https://amzn.to/3B85ZvK Free in Kindle Unlimited ALSO AVAILABLE #1 Painted Truths US: https://amzn.to/3I17IVe UK: https://amzn.to/3y6a0Oc CA: https://amzn.to/3nrU5Vw AU: https://amzn.to/3ytwaeM Free in Kindle Unlimited COMING SOON #3 Broken Strings – Releasing early 2023 US: https://amzn.to/3hNRUvU UK: https://amzn.to/3tMaWWw CA: https://amzn.to/3XvM3fp AU: https://amzn.to/3VfX8iK AUTHOR BIO Pamela is an Irish author of contemporary romance. She's married to her soul-mate, with whom she shares five beautiful children. In her extremely limited spare time, she loves nothing more than planning what book boyfriend she wants to write about next. She has a serious Pepsi Max and coffee addiction, both of which fuel her hectic days with her favourite people. AUTHOR LINKS Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorpamelaorourke Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pamelaorourkeauthor TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@pamelaorourkeauthor Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/pamela-o-rourke Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/22337923.Pamela_O_Rourke Website: https://www.pamelaorourkeauthor.com
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the-christian-walk · 3 years
Can I pray for you in any way?
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In Christ, Mark
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The scriptures. May God bless the reading of His holy word.
While Gallio was proconsul of Achaia, the Jews of Corinth made a united attack on Paul and brought him to the place of judgment. “This man,” they charged, “is persuading the people to worship God in ways contrary to the law.”
Just as Paul was about to speak, Gallio said to them, “If you Jews were making a complaint about some misdemeanor or serious crime, it would be reasonable for me to listen to you. But since it involves questions about words and names and your own law—settle the matter yourselves. I will not be a judge of such things.”
So he drove them off.
Then the crowd there turned on Sosthenes, the synagogue leader, and beat him in front of the proconsul; and Gallio showed no concern whatever.
Acts 18:12-17
This ends today’s reading from God's holy word. Thanks be to God.
Some people just don’t give up when it comes to trying to wrong others. Maybe you have had this experience before. I know I have.
Plots are contrived and fail. This only leads to new attempts using different or revised tactics. It’s really the work of Satan as he uses others to do his dirty work and we know our enemy is not only a master deceiver but also never gives up in his pursuit of trying to bring people down.
Yes, plots and schemes never seem to stop but there are instances when wicked strategies end up backfiring on the instigators. I have always thought of this as the Lord trying to show conspirators that their evil plans can not only be thwarted but turned into judgment back upon them.
We see such a case in our scripture passage today as Paul continues his military work in Corinth, assured by the Lord that He was with Paul and so there was no need to be afraid. Any wickedness brought against the apostle would be unsuccessful.
The Lord’s promise was soon put to the test for we read where the Jews in Corinth decided to make “a united attack on Paul” bringing him before a Roman named Gallio who was “proconsul of Achaia”. Now Achaia was the Roman province where Corinth was located and the proconsul would hear cases regarding Roman law.
With Paul before Gallio, the scriptures tell us that the Corinthian Jews levied the following accusation:
“This man is persuading the people to worship God in ways contrary to the law.”
Of course, the Jews were talking about their own law and up in arms over Paul’s preaching and teaching about Jesus as Messiah and that salvation was only found through Him. In other words, the only way to God the Father was through Jesus, His Son.
Well, Paul heard the charge and was about to respond when he was cut off by Gallio who had this to say to the Corinthian Jews present:
“If you Jews were making a complaint about some misdemeanor or serious crime, it would be reasonable for me to listen to you. But since it involves questions about words and names and your own law—settle the matter yourselves. I will not be a judge of such things.”
And with that, Gallio drove them off but note how there ended up being consequences for the Jews as “the crowd there turned on Sosthenes, the synagogue leader, and beat him in front of the proconsul”. It seems those gathered didn’t take kindly to the Jews dragging their affairs before the proconsul, who “showed no concern whatever” over the beating.
So the plot of the Jewish Corinthians had backfired on them but they should have known in advance that their efforts would bear no fruit. This is because their predecessors in the Jewish faith had tried before to stop the Gospel but to no avail.
They tried to stop the work of Jesus by falsely accusing Him and dragging Him before the Roman authorities but they weren’t able to get rid of Him. Actually, they unknowingly played a role in God’s overall salvation plan. They only thought they killed Jesus but on the third day, God raised His Son back to life by way of His resurrection power and this ushered in the advent of the new covenant God would establish with His people, whether Jew or Gentile.
Later, the Jews in Jerusalem would stone Stephen to death and launch a widespread persecution campaign against all Christ-believers. But again, their actions only ended up dispersing Christians into Judea and Samaria before the Gospel would move even beyond those regions to the ends of the earth.
And now, Paul was free to continue going about his work while the Corinthian Jews were left to lick their wounds and come up with a new plan to try and stop the advancing of Christianity. Their efforts had backfired again and the Lord’s unstoppable work of the Gospel would continue. As we’ll see tomorrow, Paul was ready to move to a new location.
In Christ,
PS: Feel free to leave a comment and please share this with anyone you feel might be blessed by it. Send any prayer requests to [email protected]
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The Clone Wars    Senate Murders
          (Season 2 Episode 15)
Ack      ....  So     are     we    going     to    address     the     guy      that    got     killed?      . .      Oh      This   is a new one       . . .         Oh       No       . . .        The        Bab        ies        -      Will       Only    Pro     Long
  Oh good
 [I was worried      I was going to have to pull out  The old   “Amidala kills children,”      Thing,]
   Any way,      That’s            Good        I like        babies not getting         hurt,         [Cute things in      general]    
      Oof           That’s           Not-
     [pretty sure       that’s the            point]
Well I have teased       Amidala pretty       unmercifully,      Regarding       That        Episode,        I do    still give her       a bit of slack          (Age    appropriate)       Because she still    has a chance to        un-feck the situation      [In the       story]
 Least we know    it      isn’t her getting   poison      ed this time,
 Oh,   never     mind,
That actually    did   apparently   help     (slightly)     (in the   unaccountable)        (Slightly           less       toxicity          in         air)
      Hold             Up           Wait,          Wasn’t              Ready           (Sus             Pect-           Ing-       Animation           That       smooth,
      I          think that was      Sa-        tine          -            Good         ref      (erence)          Picking       up        right       where       he      left        off  
-Windows        -
   Okay,        Minor        Issue?
  Oh it’s a whole bunch of them
   That’s nice-
      Senator            Stonk
“what will the public think   if I don’t want to make child soldiers,?”
   “But he wants to know    how very sorry he is,”
      That   is the correct tone
   Sorry doesn’t get you anything
   It’s an attempt to control the     narr-     ative
And    nothing else
 (If you screw up just      fix the problem     don’t keep dragging the tox,”
  That’s nice
This is a very non-toxic         healthy tea
  (I know he’s kind of assuming authority          here
    But they   seem to be pretty close friends-
   Who are covered under the friend-      ship rules
“ A.k.a. not doing it to a random stranger who doesn’t like it,”
 Good rule
Oh God      It’s        
With the line about   convincing     other people of good?
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Note; this isn’t an official X
 It’s just a show my venomous   hatred of this guy..
And the episode he   Spawned    from
 Which was the first one to     earn a strike from me...
For normalizing    abuse...
With that in mind I give this episode the benefit of the     doubt...
  Even with that     concerning opening line
  So I will acknowledge I am slightly doubtful
 [not quite   putting on the   SWAT gear,    maybe just     a bat]
With that-     in mind- let’s continue...
... .
Mistakes       ...     
Em-     That at least counts as   one tox
Bring up the previous   things you did wrong     does not fix it
It’s guilt tripping
And an attempt to get the other party to validate   your toxicity
Dude’s      Towing..
Just after a joke   about how sorry doesn’t do anything
I hope the writers can see the irony in that
(Utilize          It)
  Peace         -         Dick
[Repeat generations/friends can be friends with older     members,      just      Weird,]         -        Any       ,Way-
  Ni’     gh    t’
 Ah- did they skip over to it or they   going?
“exciting isn’t quite the word   I would use,”
Toxic,     authority assuming,     enabling,
Authority assume     is not ok  regardless of what generation you   are
[Dude’s going to be a Traitor,        Isn’t he?
  They focused on him
  Might be actually a good bit of tension    if he didn’t      (Former   Separatist)
Yeah surrounded by a bunch of toxic boomers   who will   feel free.    To be as doubting       distrustful.    negative     and overall unhelpful
As you allow
And they feel like pushing the   boundary...
Or-     gana
Dick move
It’s her     personal opinion       -      and it ain’t   tox?
People can have   dislikes
Not like she called you an   Overinvolved boomer       —        or held you to any   accountability       (Yet)          ...    
 Who order-
[This is getting really     tox
and I don’t trust the   writers           ✖️ Just   putting      it     over        there         in       case      I need it           .....
 ..  [Grooming        isn’t cool
 Self deprecation       isn’t either]
 Also there’s a process you need to go to to speak?
Money doesn’t   matter -
Killing    -      and     hatred      but       the   pacifistic        bitch        vilified
*Spoken   in  complement
She kicked     ASS   last episode
*sorry   for the vulgarity       I’m excited      . .       Also,    so is this     Padme’s episode.
 Cause        Neat.
 But are votes   casted by     clapping?
(I’m not sure)
That’s     either a bad guy       or damn good red   herring
I’m intrigued
Also, whatever happened to     Clovis?
Like,      he still a        senator?
He get   kicked?
 False   appreciation
Also yeah     what was with that dude       earlier?
[Uncle what’s his name apologize to him for Padme’s comment despite Uncle what’s his name being the one who made it, implying dude took a serious issue with it,]
Also,   Oo, is this working of the previous quote about the line between friends and foes being blurred.
              [I like                  consistency]
So it has to be one of those guys,
The ones in the   room with her,
I’m putting a guess on   Senator-
 The one uncle       what’s- his-name         apologized to
      That guy
[Or it could be that guy that]
No actually he’s probably   abstain        ed for that reason
Sorry      I’m getting ahead          -     But it does say     “Murder,”
   And        I      am    curious        .     Really   going   over       -         Also    why   is that guy   bowing?
Right        .        obvious     villain       .
 Also   light bullshit..
There’s no-   way guy could’ve made it over there
The thing is still in session
We saw him less than a    minute ago
 And she just came in directly
[He’d be         halfway down the hallway]
For likely scope
Yeah, this dude is totally a     Red     Herring       -        He’s    way    too    over     the     top       ...    I’m putting my bets      On that human Senator          Guy           .       CHILD SOLDIERS      ARE BAD!       [sorry I just   felt the need to say that,]
  Okay,    Uncle-what’s his name-
Other person
 That guy-
  Drink      -ing!
   Oh, this looks like a problem
    Child groomers          In-       corporate-
Second Red herring!
(It’s that guy   and I’m sticking with        it)
  Yeah,  like how did he even get into the room without a key card?
  I know Amidala’s a senator and      by that,               A public      servant,         But you figure if they’re bringing out the    alcohol, they’d shut the door
   -Declare      off hours
  -For the celeb     ration-
 Separatist      Con        Spiracy-
   She has a     point-
   You did a     hundred percent enable his behavior
    (No argument            there)
      Pro- separatist
Ah, uncle back stabber there would contradict you
   Not sure if you’re the same species
But,       you do know about his bullshit,
Don’t assume accountability       free snarking             Territory           (They’re all enablers so I’m not even going to bother with the math,      About who screwed up more,          All the   elders   here are held to the same standard,       About,
 Uncle Backstabber a little more
   *Since I know what he did,
From the most bastard,       of the group,
Who’s the next Red herring?
It’s that dude     I swear      Soon
Yeah child soldiering is a bitch
As is enabling
But she has no idea what’s going to happen     being the past.
Dick,    whelp,
Poor       Frita       (I think)
He’s going       he’s going to get roped into this too     isn’t he?
      “ We you must be doing something right,”
Nah,  enabling abusers  never a good idea
   But then again there’s no rules for dealing with trauma individuals because they aren’t supposed to be any
   How long that takes and what it entails
   Is down to who ever is        asserting accountability     (Excluding      the actual accountability, cutting      Them off)
That’s unnegotiable
(And it can’t involve   death)
Too.     harsh-
No you haven’t-
Well, yeah
But that’s     accessory at best     ... Ono you’ve done a wonderful job
No he hasn’t
Don’t coddle   the abuser
 He’s screwed up pretty consistently
 Pretty sure       it’s more than five
And was leading to let the future get     hecked         ...
 Very       Likely
He wasn’t hurt
The other lady   spent a lot more time defending
She should get the ‘don’t listen to them’
If anything just    ‘reflect the bitch’          (Neutral)          Aight    
     Too          Late!
      Can someone stop      playing the sad music?
      This isn’t sad
     And you can’t make me       sympathize for the abuser
   (I- don’t trust this     writer)
    That Dude sus
He’s dying you        dumb ass
(Having a      heart attack       probably
  All the stress            of denial)
 -Oh wait      bitch is dead?
 (I know that seems really harsh-            But dude- deserved it
And I never have to deal with that character        anymore!
 Al-      right       the      funeral;
 (I’m sorry I really hated that      character-)
* In reality      the loss of life is a very serious thing and      I don’t mean to make light of it
 But no one is required      to feel sad about their abusers-         Nor toxic individuals        Nor anyone else        Yes the loss of life is a     serious thing           But it should not             And could not         control a person’s life
I’ve always played accountability    over death          Or death   penalty           ...
“...was is a flawed man,”
  He tried to sell someone into   slavery...
  The fact that Amidala was an adult           and could get out of the situation           Doesn’t forgive        how terrible that situation was.
    Un-healthy           And        Wrong
   “Own    mistakes”
 And he tried to guilt trip everyone       into giving him validation
    Specifically           Amidala
      Every        occasion
    [Also      flawed          Some          one        breaking            the           code           once             or           twice,           (Under            five)            Is        flawed,
       This         dude          tox,  
       He should’ve been sentenced     to      accountability along time ago
    For trying to make the world      a generally terrible place for someone
    Multiple times-
  That’s not okay
   [and he clearly         didn’t learn his lesson]
    [Note; whether a person “learned their lesson” or not,            Is irrelevant
   [They already    knew the rules before]
But he never compromised his principles-
That’s because   dude didn’t have any principles
He broke them long before,
Also why the frick does Master Yoda care?
Dude    was          a      politic,
 The     Fuck,
He engaging this propaganda?
Why does he care about any of this.
Why does   ANY     one
[Satine, alright, hermen got murdered and she might be looking for evidence on who-done-it   That’s fair
Oh says it’s an everyone event
That makes sense
Guessing the Jedi are required   to come or else the branded as that asshole
What-      ever-
Why the guard?
Like cultural customs
Aren’t honor guards          for veterans      (And possibly extremely         high positions,      Like         Chancellor?
As technical commander of the army?
Like,      Explain?
That guy-
 Very       Sus-
   Pas-         sed
    I’d say      to find his killer
     But yeah I can’t really   blame anyone for not    caring that much     about that dude
   Specifically      Amidala
(Though     accountability law..
   Frita is honestly my favorite        character
   I don’t know       why.
     Possibly his relation to the           chancellor and how      he still a good natured guy,
     Yeah     he was a dick,
Hope those aren’t memories     [also        totally the        Kamooin               B-            Right?
                    [Like                         I’m totally still after                          Dude, ]
But she’s   the only one that     touched the bottle]
That we saw?
Dude did suggest it
      Still        heavily          sussing              him                .          No           Face               .              Also       is that his wife?
     (Don’t think it was         ever established)
   How old is this person?
I’m gonna assume     adult
He toxically asserted   authority over me.
Or wrong choice of words and they meant like     “best friend”
 Cause that’s kind of     tox,
  - -
  This is     getting       Hella          tox
    You’re       a      person
    Yeah you might miss him   and that’s totally fine
You’re still a person completely able to   self determine.
   ‘ take his place,’
   Oh no
   Oh no
   Just what she needs         overinvolvement 
   Not        threatening at all    
    Oh         Red           .         We        never       see      them      enter            .         Right            .            Well this turned from a private party     to a    Conference
   I thought he was just calling    to offer condolences.
Oh,    Did you not tell the loud ones what happened to their loved one?
  (Like normally I’m all for no one should      witness anyone else’s death          Or that news be public
   But this is assumed authority.         And that stuff is pretty normal
     Regardless       of how terrible.       Senator Fa
This guy seems like a drip
[Guessing that’s the reason why       Amidala is going to end up taking charge,]
Because      the Chancellor     hired a sham detector    Whelp
   Dick way to put it
  True, the protocol for murder          isn’t cutting and clear
   Dragging random people into it, isn’t
   You see it          you’re        immediately accountable,
      (Only by view of the body,          Not by word of mouth)
Because this kind of approach is super          in-effective,
  Whelp        Great
  Also there were thousands of       senators in that building that could screw up the thing
Only five
(I’ll give the        murder        mystery            It’s             Dues,           And           let it          continue,             But       (im-probabilit-           ies is not a good thing)
        Might              Want                    To                  Avoid
(Also     if that’s the     qualification;       I’m sussing         Amidala,          Dude      was                 a           dick           to          her)
    THOUGH              I’M STILL-         SUSS      -ING           DUDE       IN           Blue?     dude with the    beard
   That      one.
   Build-ing    <—-    He          Sus
Hey   that was almost emotion,      Nice
(also, dang how frequent are   murders?
  He          Sus
   He didn’t take a seat         like everyone else
   [Also, it was purple    Dude wearing purple     that’s who I’m talking about]
Also are you going to introduce him as the     detective ?
‘cause you’re kind of   screwing with these people
Not   telling them what’s going on
Answering in vague Snark
Him.    ...
For no reason
Considering he was an uncountable toxic frick who allowed it lots of people to get hurt-
  I’m       mad,
 A ight
Okay, He’s got a point
Immediate accountability     is the case murder     for good reason
Surprised they didn’t start       this right after the     murder
When it happened
Dude- [i’m not going to criticize       the spatial awareness]
 Right         there
A good point since     they really haven’t explained anything?
   Okay,         Right
Or anyone     stealthy
  Though yeah I guess    politicians
  [just don’t like the        generalization]
   Someone good        With he rbs..
Poor.   Frita
  He didn’t deserve     this,
(Well yeah he’s an enabler,)
But       He’s the least toxic..
[Also poor Frita,       Always       getting sucked into these mysteries
   He’s the shaggy        of this damn group
   [Likes food          and hanging out with people,          Gets dragged into      bullshit,
Insulting     the whole damn room             .....            This character is                 obnoxious
            But in a fun way
             The narr              -atives-            clearly having fun
Ono        yeah       he   was    an   open   dick
  [Seriously they’re treating him    like-]
 No it couldn’t possibly be because he was an       ex separatist,
Open book         Case,
 Politicians      arguing over basic human decency
   And common sense
    ‘Do we really.. Ok        that’s enough politic jokes
   The movie started it         so I had to finish it.
  Now on with.
      Dude drunk
  “ I’m        totally-”
 Um, this is     delicious corruption
How long until     Amidala figures what’s going on?
He just     left?
   He really is a       quack
    Did you find him         on       fakedetectives.com?
    That guy,
Also it’s that guy     Authority ass-     umer sus,
  No       No,
Good plan
  Good      plan
   Yes-       Good
    Let’s           Do           It           ...
    It’s that guy
He     -a dick
Also not to claim authority over   him
Not, not to be     cu-     rious-    -
Authority   figures     don’t 
 He was an ass
Also yeah just     put   all the possible suspects in the room      -         That       Guy
  That       fricker
   Onu          looked         at him         before         his death                 -             He came back last       to the party-
       He was the first             to suggest opening the drinks             -              Also the thing with the detective       and him just trying to get over as quickly as possible
        He sus,  
Right,       -       Don’t - get stabbed
 Ha, such a red         herring-
Oh, Red herring        Co-nference
  Didn’t notice the     snake lady          (Kamoin)     Empty     Chair       -        Also     they know each other?
  Good,        evil for them,
Also yeah the         boomers here didn’t do it       -         More     likely someone from the Present     Gen.. . 
That      Guy..
Guy’s like damn
Like just give her your time and your place and       your alibi.
Whelp,       Aight
So I’m pretty sure if I had paid attention to the     bottles,        That wouldn’t have   matched up       ...
Yeah he was a separatist
    Like I saw the hand on the dock            But I thought it was an assassin        or team up
                               I feel                                   verified
              Until it played music                       victory music                         Over the arrest                       of a distressed                        and less toxic                            person
*While   painting      the      toxic     person           as a        saint
                  Which I cannot                          condone
         As such;
                  it earns my most                             regretful                              strike;
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   For attempting to     excuse a toxic       person’s          actions
* I want to emphasize that this is not ok, a person does not get off for un- accountable actions, simply by apologizing, never mind the fact          - that it is an attempt    to guilt-trip       Invalidate          And      Gas-    light               The       Recipient,       But also should not apply to someone that has repeatedly attempt to Gaslight, guilt trip and sell a person into slavery;         (Crossing more than five accounts)
[never mind the selectivi       ty of what it is applied        “Ano” getting away         With slavery, be        -cause he        Was “So-      rry,” gun        held to      (-near)        his       Back      While      Lolo       doesn’t     just   mummer      sorry)
         That once you commit harm              against another person.. it can                not be taken back, the victim       owes you no sympathy, no    right to their emotions, and        certainly, no un      accountability-       Forgive      Ness-      From what you have done.
   You must live with what you have        commit
   Regard        Less
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43. Optimist
Hello and welcome to Episode 43 of Letters from Paradise. We’re in the middle of a set talking about our Worldview, and I’ve called this episode, Optimist.
The lens that determines what I see and don’t see is positive and progressive. I am not pessimistic about the world or it’s future, I am hopeful and optimistic. By using the word ‘progressive’ I’m saying, I don’t believe things will get worse before they get better - rather, the world is advancing positively - progressing mankind forward, as has been the case through all history.
I absolutely love the Bible, because over the 4 to 5 thousand years of history it is spread, the Bible shows us this progressive movement. From civilisation that was steeped in barbaric inter-tribal conflict; treating women as property; enslaving whole nations; and valuing vengeance - all in the name of God … then through an arc of change that centuries later brings us to spiritual leaders speaking of loving our enemies, the equality of the sexes, and the unity of the human race. (1)
In the prophets, we have a the peaceable kingdom of God as a rock that becomes a mountain that fills the whole earth (2). A picture echoed by Jesus speaking in parables of a tiny seed becoming a vast tree, and a small teaspoon of yeast permeating a large loaf of bread (3).
There is no backward movement in any of these stories, they are of a loving God who is ahead of us with a more inspiring vision for our future than we could ever imagine, pulling us forward - not for a moment trying to get us to return to how it used to be.
In his book, Heavy Rain, Kris Vallotton describes the time he came to change his view of the world … all whilst listening to Louis Armstrong singing ‘It’s a Wonderful World’. Kris writes:
“It felt like Louis’ words were reinforcements in my war for reality. As the hours passed, I came to understand that a foreboding spirit had somehow lodged itself in my soul and was dictating my worldview.” (4)
Soon Kris is sharing from a book titled, ‘It’s Getting Better All the Time: 100 Greatest Trends of the Last 100 Years” (5). Kris details a few of these, all telling us … ‘It’s a Wonderful World’.
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It was an important step for me during my own journey to see that the New Testament’s most dramatic and terrifying prophecies - like Matthew 24 and the Book of Revelation - were in the most part fulfilled in the lifetime of the generation to whom they were given. The destruction of Jerusalem in AD70 make most of these predictions, history - ancient history - not something in our future to be feared by any of earth’s citizens. (6)
I have a considerable aversion to conspiracy theories - over the few decades of life I’ve clocked up there’s always been a conspiracy theory making the rounds, only to be replaced by another. Today my CT friends can’t make up their minds whether I should be afraid of a communist take over of our beautiful free-land, or if it’s Sharia law being imposed here that I should be rallying against.
Conspiracy theories are a form of Gnosticism. They claim that only an enlightened few know what is actually going on in the world, and that the knowledge available to the average person on the street is unreliable or false. 
They’re an invitation to be fearful and anxious. Quite simply, they are contrary to a life of freedom that is grounded in Jesus’ radical grace and universal love. They also require that I sit beneath the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil - and I decided some time ago not to sit there any more.Have deeds of evil been eliminated? Of course not, and if you’re the victim of hatred or evil it’s extraordinarily difficult to see the good anywhere.
Can things be better? ‘Yes they can’.
My worldview is not of a perfect world, it’s of a positively progressing world where the kingdom of a good God is advancing on every front and in every field.  
With a lens like this I can see places where I can be part of that advance, rather than being stalled by a sense of hopelessness. The qualities of curiosity, exploration and discovery are all promoted by this optimistic worldview.
I just love this rosy eyewear through which I see a world in which we’re all joined as one human race, loved and being called forward by God for the good of all. Shalom.
Matthew 5:44, Galatians 3:28, Colossians 1:19-20
Daniel 2:34-35 (44)
Matthew 13:31-33
Heavy Rain - https://www.bookdepository.com/Heavy-Rain-Kris-Vallotton/9780830756643?ref=grid-view&qid=1564820677285&sr=1-2
It’s Getting Better All the Time - https://www.amazon.com/Its-Getting-Better-All-Time/dp/1882577973/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=It’s+Getting+Better+All+the+Time%3A+100+Greatest+Trends+of+the+Last+100+Years&qid=1564820873&s=gateway&sr=8-1
Recommended Reading
Victorious Eschatology - https://www.bookdepository.com/Victorious-Eschatology-Martin-Trench/9781882523337?ref=grid-view&qid=1564821005869&sr=1-4
Raptureless - https://www.amazon.com/Raptureless-Third-Jonathan-Welton-ebook/dp/B019E7TB86/ref=sr_1_1?crid=16LRBQT5HGI93&keywords=raptureless+by+jonathan+welton&qid=1564821129&s=gateway&sprefix=Raptureless%2Caps%2C308&sr=8-1
The Art of Revelation https://www.amazon.com/Art-Revelation-Jonathan-Welton-ebook/dp/B06XJKHL6Y/ref=pd_sim_351_1/130-9690646-5307828?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B06XJKHL6Y&pd_rd_r=ec418748-e299-43ee-a348-9107dfddc5fa&pd_rd_w=JCHm6&pd_rd_wg=r7CtO&pf_rd_p=90485860-83e9-4fd9-b838-b28a9b7fda30&pf_rd_r=AXBV44NZV9DM65G5N22K&psc=1&refRID=AXBV44NZV9DM65G5N22K
AD70 and the End of the World - https://www.bookdepository.com/Ad70-End-World-Paul-D-Ellis/9781927230411?ref=grid-view&qid=1564821227762&sr=1-12
One: What advances toward a better world stand out to you from your lifetime?
Two: “With a lens like this I can see places where I can be part of that advance, rather than being stalled by a sense of hopelessness” … please share how you see this being outworked in your neighbourhood or “world”.
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toldnews-blog · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://toldnews.com/world/united-states-of-america/happening-today-barr-cyclone-fani-chicken-peter-mayhew/
Happening Today: Barr, Cyclone Fani, Chicken, Peter Mayhew
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What to Know
AG William Barr has now emerged as arguably the most divisive figure in Trump’s administration; Nancy Pelosi accused him of lying
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is getting some strong reaction on social media after advising people to not wash raw chicken
Peter Mayhew, the actor best known for his role as Chewbacca in Star Wars, died April 30 at his Texas home, according to a family statement
Get the top headlines of the day in your morning briefing from NBC 4 New York, Monday through Friday. Sign up for our newsletter here.
William Barr Besieged by Allegations of Being President’s Protector
Attorney General William Barr portrayed himself as an apolitical elder statesman at his confirmation hearing. He declared he’d rather resign than be asked to fire special counsel Robert Mueller without cause and insisted the prosecutor he’d known for decades would never involve himself in a witch hunt as the president claimed. But now Barr has emerged as arguably the most divisive figure in Donald Trump’s administration. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi accused him of lying — a charge the Justice Department called reckless and false — and House Democrats are poised to hold him in contempt. His appearance this week before the Senate Judiciary Committee accelerated calls for his resignation after he said Trump had been falsely accused and he spun politically damning episodes in Mueller’s report in the president’s favor. Barr might have seemed an unlikely lightning rod given his long government career, his distance from Trump’s inner circle and his age, 68, that he said made him unconcerned with political advancement.
Cyclone Hits India’s East Coast; 1.2 Million Evacuated
Cyclone Fani tore through India’s eastern coast on Friday as a grade 5 storm, lashing beaches with rain and wind gusting up to 127 miles per hour and affecting weather as far away as Mount Everest. The India Meteorological Department said the “extremely severe” cyclone in the Bay of Bengal hit the coastal state of Odisha around 8 a.m., with weather impacted across the Asian subcontinent. Dust storms were forecast in the desert state of Rajasthan bordering Pakistan; heat waves in the coastal state of Maharashtra on the Arabian Sea; heavy rain in the northeastern states bordering China; and snowfall in the Himalayas. Around 1.2 million people were evacuated from low-lying areas of Odisha and moved to nearly 4,000 shelters, according to India’s National Disaster Response Force. Indian officials put the navy, air force, army and coast guard on high alert. Odisha Special Relief Commissioner Bishnupada Sethi said the evacuation effort was unprecedented in India.
‘Don’t Wash Your Raw Chicken’: CDC Warning Sparks Online Debate
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is getting some strong reaction on social media after advising people to not wash raw chicken. In a recent tweet, the CDC urged consumers to avoid washing raw chicken saying that “During washing, chicken juices can spread in the kitchen and contaminate other foods, utensils, and countertops.” According to the CDC, raw poultry is often contaminated with potentially harmful bacteria like Campylobacter, and, less frequently, Salmonella and Clostridium perfringens. Eating undercooked chicken, or anything contaminated by raw chicken and its juices can lead to food poisoning, the CDC warns. The USDA, which has for years advised against rinsing or soaking chicken prior to cooking, says any bacteria on the raw chicken, like salmonella, ride misting water droplets out from the sink in a process known as “aerosolization,” splattering the food-prep area in a 2-3 foot radius.
Breast Implants Tied to Rare Cancer to Remain on US Market
U.S. health authorities will allow a type of breast implant linked to a rare form of cancer to stay on the market. But the Food and Drug Administration said women should receive more information about potential risks when considering the implants. The announcement follows a March public meeting where dozens of women called for bolder steps on breast implant safety. Regulators said it is too soon to ban one type of textured implant recently linked to a rare form of lymphoma. They noted that these kinds of implants account for less than 10% of the U.S. market. The FDA is weighing new warnings and checklists for patients on potential complications and illnesses associated with the implants.
Peter Mayhew, Chewbacca of ‘Star Wars’ Films, Dies at 74
Peter Mayhew, the actor best known for his role as Chewbacca in the Star Wars series of science fiction films, died April 30 at his North Texas home, according to a statement from his family. Mayhew, who was born in London on May 19, 1944, died with his family by his side. He was 74. Mayhew, who stood 7 feet 2 inches tall, was the giant man inside the furry suit portraying the Wookiee Chewbacca in five Star Wars films beginning with the original trilogy released from 1977 to 1983. Mayhew put on the suit again for 2005’s Revenge of the Sith and then again most recently for 2015’s The Force Awakens, when he was reunited with Harrison Ford and their iconic spaceship the Millennium Falcon. In addition to films, Mayhew voiced the character in a number of cartoons and video games. Mayhew, who lived in Boyd northwest of Fort Worth, is survived by his wife Angie and three children. There will be a memorial service for friends and family on June 29.
Blake Lively, Ryan Reynolds Expecting Baby No. 3
Blake Lively turned heads for all the right reasons at the New York City premiere of “Pokémon Detective Pikachu.” As it turns out, the Hollywood actress debuted her baby bump. In other words, the former “Gossip Girl” star and Ryan Reynolds are expecting their third child together. Blake was all smiles when she revealed her bump in Retrofête’s Rebecca Dress in metallic yellow. As for Ryan, he also looked more than excited as he posed for photos with his leading lady. The notoriously private couple are already proud parents to two kids. And while they try their best to give their children a private life, both parents have been able to gush about parenthood in rare interviews. And as so many moms and dads know, those first few months of parenthood can be filled with learning curves. Ultimately, both stars embraced every twist and turn with love, humor and patience.
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