#also saba and panko deserve all the treats
caoimhe-from-hoenn · 1 year
Normal and psychic
( @twohandsforeevee )
Normal: Tropius are just a Thing here. Some of the more rural areas have Tropius ranches! The rural towns have Tropius transport to specific towns; some even have scheduled rides! Luntian City (where I'm at) is pretty urbanized at the center, so there isn't much need for a dedicated Tropius Transport (people have cars and their own flying Pokemon and such), but we do have people in town who train Tropius for flights. I've ridden on Saba and Panko, they're very good boys
Psychic: THIS IS A HARD ONE. uh. I can climb walls pretty well without a harness, as long as there are enough cracks and handholds. Arm and core strength let's gooooo
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