#also she has her *own* arc in p1 sorry that u missed it but it’s there idk what to tell u
‘do you want ellie to just be a prop for joel’s story’ you say, as though she isn’t treated as literally that in tlou2, the game ur defending lmao. ellie is nothing BUT a prop in that narrative. a prop for abby’s story which neil was so desperate to tell but knew not as many ppl would buy if joel and ellie weren’t there so he shoved them in without care or regard for their journey in part 1 or their development. a prop for neil’s torture porn narrative he was determined to do at the detriment of ellie’s character and development, her choices are used not in service of her arc/growth or bcus they’re in the best interest of her and who she is, but to increase her/our suffering and for shock value. her not speaking to joel for 2 years isn’t some great character choice for ellie ‘id be more scared without you’ williams, it’s to make her torment and regret when he dies worse that is literally why he dies the day after they agree to try instead of being given time to get their relationship in a better place before he dies. ellie ‘im scared to end up alone’ williams leaving dina and jj to carry on her absurd revenge plot isn’t a choice in the interest of giving her the character arc she deserves, it’s a choice designed to literally leave her broken and alone with nothing so the revenge bad message can be ham fisted at us as though we wouldn’t have known if they hadn’t told us lol. ellie has no arc. she has no development. the game isn’t about her immunity which was so important to her, it barely mentions it, ironic bcus that’s what she’s so mad at joel about and then it’s so irrelevant to the plot, hence why I’ve always said it would have made more sense for her anger to be about him lying but they never make her bring that up when it was a far bigger betrayal. it’s not about her realising her life always mattered. she doesn’t grow whatsoever from the trauma based martyrdom mindset she has in part 1. she’s the same at 19 as she was at 14. she’s stagnant. and that’s literally bcus she’s nothing more than a fucking prop in a story that let the plot lead the characters instead of the characters leading the plot like what arc is there to defend here? the whole game even has this running theme that ellie is on this rampage cus she’s a mirror of joel he taught her anger and violence (which is wrong! but that’s another post) and now look at her she’s just like him! the narrative doesn’t even let her be a fully realised person she’s just what joel’s *made her* even after his death but sure she’s not just a prop and she gets her own arc in part 2 lmao give me a fucking break.
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