#also she has the gumi hairstyle
dailypearldoodles · 9 months
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Day 559
The end
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grizzlyofthesea · 1 year
Dumb Vocaloid Headcanons Part 1: Internet Co.
Andriods/robots of various levels of human resemblance
Voicebank upgrades correspond to hardware upgrades.
Primarily made for music, but they also have combat skills.
Each one has a unique music-related weapon/ability, which I'll elaborate on in another post. (I got this idea from the manga Megu Megu Singer Song Fighter. It's...an experience. Kinda chaotic, and the translation I found isn't always the clearest, but it's cute, harmless fun focused on the first few Internet Co. Vocaloids. If you want to see himbo Gackpo in a fundoshi, this is the manga for you.)
Generally get along well with the Cryptonloids
One huge, generally happy family
Camui Gackpo (Gackpoid)
The most robotic/android-like of the bunch in terms of physical structure, but good gosh, does he have feelings
His "bodysuit" is just what his body looks like (he can morph it into a more human-looking appearance, though), and that weird glowy spot on his chest is his power core.
Can change his eye and power core colors at will
Has a whole army of eggplant horses
A chivalrous gentleman, but he has his goofy moments
An expert in hair care
Cishet ally
Dating/in love with GUMI
GUMI (Megpoid)
Huge science and sci-fi nerd
Has a visible battery gauge on each of her designs, which takes the form of a red jewel. It blinks when her battery is running low. (another idea from Megu Megu Singer Song Fighter)
BFFs with Miku, Luka, Lily, and CUL
Owns a carrot rocket equipped with missiles
Her goggles have several functions, including night vision, tracking, and looking cool.
Lives for the aesthetics of the 1960s-1980s
A little bit scatterbrained, but she tries
Hoping that everyone else (or at least Gackpo and Una) joins her on VOCALOID6 and gets an AI voicebank
Dating/in love with Gackpo
Beta/production name was Yuripoid (not actually, but in my headcanon). This didn't stick for multiple reasons.
Her tattoo doubles as a battery meter, "draining" from top to bottom as her power depletes.
Likes lollipops (yet another idea from Megu Megu Singer Song Fighter)
The "cool older sister" of the group
Infamous for speeding on her motorcycle
Keeps a couple of beehives, from which she harvests honey
Demi/heteroromantic asexual
Exchanges makeup tips with Gackpo
Ryuto (Gachapoid)
Obsessed with dinosaurs, to the point where he has memorized every species
Basically GUMI's little brother
His arm warmers serve to make his elbow joints slightly less obvious; his shoes do the same thing for his ankles.
Favorite meal is dino nuggies with waffle fries
Friends with Yuki and Oliver
Really wants a pet puppy
Favorite holiday is Halloween
Big fan of FNAF, even if it scares him sometimes
A little bit self-conscious about his buck teeth
Always carries a notebook and markers with him in his backpack
Huge Madoka Magica fan; cried at Sayaka's death
Doesn't always get along with her sisters, but she loves them all dearly
Gets into arguments with Gackpo over who "stole" the other's hairstyle
Her eyes double as cameras
Favorite foods are Pocky and tempura shrimp
Shops exclusively at thrift stores and Hot Topic
Knows all the jokes about her name's meaning in French; not amused at all
Lesbian; has a bit of a crush on flower
Secretly collects porcelain dolls
Huge space nerd
Loves to nerd out over space with GUMI
Has always wanted to be a princess
Has jet boots; can use them to float in place or skate around
The first one to lack any visibly robotic traits
BFFs with MAYU
Loves listening to video game soundtracks
Plays a lot of TF2 in her spare time; mains Demoman
Kind of shy, especially around new people
Huge book nerd; favorite genre is fantasy
LOVES animals
Favorite food is raindrop cake
Surprisingly big fan of horror movies
Gets cold easily
Likes to do prank phone calls with GUMI; they switch places periodically, pretending to be the same person
Trans girl (pronouns are she/her); polysexual
Wants to write and illustrate her own manga series
Technically developed by We've Inc. as a collab with Internet Co., but since she's the only one from We've Inc, the Internet Co. crew includes her as one of their own.
Really wants to be a magical girl; has designed her own weapon and transformation device
Has a massive collection of teddy bears
Practically lives in her hoodie
Feels a bit weird about being literally 0 years old, but tries to ignore it
Sugar cookies make her life worth living
Carries a variety of glitter with her at all times
The mom friend
Has regular lunch outings with Mew and MEIKO
A talented tailor
Lives for vintage clothing
Has an entire cupboard full of various herbal teas
A little bit disappointed about her unpopularity, but she has mostly accepted it at this point
Tends a butterfly garden
Cishet ally
Really good at cooking and baking
Otomachi Una
Her hat is alive.
Views Rana as a rival; Rana doesn't really care
Looks up to GUMI
Can hold her breath for ten minutes
Tends a koi pond
Loves to experiment with different hair dyes
Sometimes wears fake glasses for the sake of fashion
Owns a swimmable mermaid tail (fades from indigo to lime green, then cotton candy pink); loves showing it off
Just beginning to question her sexuality
Will eat every piece of cheesecake in a five mile radius
A CeVIO/upcoming SynthV vocal rather than a Vocaloid, but since she was made in collaboration with Internet Co. and CUL is her older sister, she hangs out with the Internet Co. crew often
Gets along well with Gackpo for their shared love of traditional Japanese culture
Insists that she "was born in the wrong generation"
Loves rose-flavored macarons, but her favorite food is salmon nigiri
Gets picked on by some of her older sisters, so she has learned to be a bit sassy as a defense mechanism
Genderfaer (pronouns are she/her and occasionally they/them); pansexual
In the process of collecting all of the Vocaloid Nendoroids (except the Miku ones; there are way too many)
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insanelyadd · 2 years
I love your hair! The ombre in the first pic is really nice, wish I had the courage to dye my hair that bright. I love that hairstyle, too, it reminds me of the Vocaloid Gumi! I've always wanted my hair styled like that too!
I believe in you anon, you can do it one day. My hair is based on like three different things.
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Alice from the first Twilight movie, Medusa from Soul Eater, and Ramona Flowers from Scott Pilgrim. Watched all those things in like, middle school to early high school and my senior year in high school I got this hair cut, which was almost 10 years ago now. Also Legolas form lord of the rings but I feel like I'm being gaslit by reality because I could have sworn some of his long blonde hair hung down in front of his ears but after a google search it turns out I'm wrong?? Weird, I distinctly remember his hair that way.
Anyways first time I got my haircut the fucking lady didn't listen to me at all and while I was holding a chunk of hair I wanted to stay long she literally cut right through it. Thankfully since I had it done the first time, each subsequent lady has been able to follow the blueprint of the woman who actually listened to me and cut my hair how I wanted. Though recently I ran into a lady who was like "Don't you want the back to taper into the front? It's so blunt and I think it would be nicer if it blended together" and I had to keep telling her "No, not at all, that's the point of the style" like the entire time she was cutting my hair.
But ye, You Too could look like an anime goth. If anyone does want my hair cut I can make a diagram for you to show to your barber so they don't fuck it up. Just ask me. B)
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mayordeas-clone · 2 years
Gumi for the vocaloid ask!
Ah yes good ol Goom!! I love her voice quite a bit.
Favorite song(s): She has a lot of bangers to her name that I've been vibing with for a while so here's a few of my faves: "Chocolate Girl" (Utsu-P), "Ladylike" (KIRA), "Housewife Radio" (GHOST). Songs have very different vibes to them but that goes to show Gumi's great versatility!
Ships: I don't really ship Gumi with anyone to be honest. Not really much of a shipper outside of a few very basic bitch ones
Favorite part of design: I'm gonna be honest I'm so on and off about her outfit, but her hairstyle and goggles are funky fresh and fun to draw! I also like her general color scheme.
Random HC: Gumi might be the one popular 'loid whose headcanons of mine are very underbaked. I think I wrote down somewhere I HC her to be aro for no other reason other than she has green hair (To match with Gakupo who I HC to be ace for similar reasons... also Asexual Sexyman is my favorite type of character), so I think that goes to show how little I've really thought about her 😭 But she's a cool character so I'd probably dwell on it a bit more one day.
Thank you for the ask, anon!
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ask-fraustria · 7 years
PruAus all version please
since you said all versions i’ll only mention specifics if i think something would be different!
How do much do I ship it?: Never heard of it/ Notp / Dislike / used to ship / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / IS IT CANON YET? [canon for hetalia…just them interacting in a nice way would do (which they have recently laughs)]
What non sexual activities do they like to do together?: watch each other…do stuff. mostly Prussia watching Austria, i think. cooking, playing an instrument…on Austria’s end i think they like to drag Prussia places, shopping, events. weirdly i think Austria’s interests/routine kind of dominate. Prussia likes company- they’ll whine about whatever they’re doing, but they’ll go along because they find Austria interesting. then again, Prussia also likes attention for the things they do, they get an idea into their head and insist Austria play along or watch. but i think as a couple, despite that they can bicker at the drop of a hat, they can also be really quiet and just exist together not doing anything in particular. Prussia gets bored, but they don’t get bored of what Austria is doing. (Austria is naturally easily entertained.)
Who does chores around the house?: Prussia…without exception.
Who’s the better cook?: Austria by a hefty margin. it’s not that Prussia is really bad, Austria is just really good.
Who’s the funniest drunk?: i’m guessing Prussia since Austria doesn’t seem to be able to stay conscious long enough to be that funny. but when they manage it, they are pretty funny. Prussia is more about property damage than amusing comments.
Do they have kids?: UH KINDA. KINDA. WE KINDA HAD A KID ONCE RIGHT LIKE AROUND THE 1810s HAHAAHAHAHA they sort of act like Germany’s parents basically lmao. i don’t think i’d count any others as ‘theirs’. i mean it’s tempting with Kugelmugel but given Austria’s parenting “skills” i think that kid just fends for himself LAUGHS…he really looks like Prussia’s genetics got up in there somewhere though, like damn. even the AU kid i designed for Prussia and fem!Austria has the same colouring pretty much. which tbh in my mixed Nyotalia (but otherwise canon) AU it’s really funny imagining Kugelmugel showing up and everyone is just kinda…suspicious
Do they have any traditions?: it seems like they spend Christmas together (alongside other “family” members) but i don’t know if there’d be anything else…i don’t feel like they give the same weight to annual traditions that a human couple would. they’ve just had way too long already.
What do they fight about?: uhh most things. if you can stick two opposing viewpoints on it, they’ll fight about it. i think it’s kind of a hobby. but more than anything, Austria gets riled up about Prussia’s sense of etiquette and propriety and propensity to deliberately tease or cause chaos. Prussia conversely gets annoyed by what they perceive as strict or stick-in-the-mud rules. i think in the context of a relationship, Austria’s rules tend to win out in the end, lol. they don’t really fight about anything serious, they’ve done enough of that for, well, the lifetime of a country.
What would they do if they found their pairing tag on tumblr?: i’m gonna say back away slowly and pretend it doesn’t exist because that’s what i want to do most of the time
Who cried at the end of Marley and Me?: probably Prussia…i don’t know actually. i think Austria likes animals more than Prussia does? weirdly. but who is more sentimental? it’s kinda hard to say. Prussia is the crier…but their emotions are all over the place while Austria actually grasps the subtleties of emotion more but shows them less. i really don’t know. other than the fact that they probably wouldn’t watch this trash to begin with
Who always wins at Mario Kart?: Prussia unquestionably but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re good at it, just that Austria is a severely disadvantaged opponent lmao. i think Austria might get fluke wins or even start to understand mechanics that Prussia doesn’t and that drives Prussia absolutely insane.
One thing I like about this ship?: ev…ery…thi…ng…okay i love their focus on each other, like i feel like Prussia just wants Austria’s attention so much, lol. but Prussia also leaves Austria thinking about them way more than they want to. you never get the feeling they’d get bored with each other. it’s intense.
One thing I don’t like about the ship?: hmm…there’s nothing inherently about the ship that i don’t like. i don’t like how some people portray it, is all. you got your mushy zero-conflict versions, and your horribly abusive versions, etc. come on people!! other than that i don’t like how little content there is, lol…considering it used to be popular a long time ago (and STILL gets excluded from rarepair stuff despite never fucking getting anything anymore).
The song I would say fits them?: there’s quite a few, i used to keep a list (though they’re pretty gender-specific for Prussia/fem!Austria because that’s most music for you)…One More Night/Maroon 5, Howl/Florence, Power and Control/Marina, Black Coffee/All Saints…if you like Vocaloid there’s Killer Lady/GUMI for some amusing lyrics
Another headcanon about the pairing?: nyo!Austria likes doing nyo!Prussia’s hair. Prussia is usually the one who likes to mess with people’s hair, but guy!Prussia obviously doesn’t have a whole lot, though she still likes to pet him. but with nyo!Prussia she likes to properly brush and style it. so i guess nyo!Prussia sometimes runs around with way more elegant hairstyles than she would normally do herself, lmao.
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scorpio16x · 7 years
My Thoughts on Sora Gumi's “Chateau de la Reine / VIVA! FESTA!”
So this is way overdue as I intended to write it a week before senshuraku after my last show… but because I spent too much time rewatching old Sora Gumi shows to cope with Mirion’s taidan I didn’t have time to write down my thoughts until now…
Overall, I love both the musical and the revue. The musical made me laugh and cry, and the revue was one of the most exciting Takarazuka experiences I’ve ever had. However, while I love this show, I’m a little conflicted about it being Mirion’s taidan (something I’ll mention later).
“Chateau de la Reine” is Tabuchi-sensei’s first Grand Theater show. I’ve really liked some of Tabuchi-sensei’s previous works (“Victorian Jazz” has a special place in my heart, and “Sanctuary” was pretty solid), so I was fairly excited when I heard he’s finally making his Grand Theater debut. One reason I like his works is that they’re not as “romance-centric’ as other Takarazuka shows. The two protagonists still fall in love, but their romance is more of a side plot (the obvious exception is Yuki Gumi’s “Roman Holiday). Although some fans have said that he lacks the sensitivity necessary to write a Takarazuka play, I personally like it when romance isn’t the main focus.
This style is evident in “Chateau de la Reine.” Love wasn’t really ~in the air~ until the very end when Kitashirakawa and Reiko got together (which was adorable, whenever I saw Kitashirakawa held out his hand to Reiko I always squealed a bit). The main focus is the comedy. For a show that actually has a quite serious topic (an old couple attempting to commit suicide), it was hilarious. I LOVED it when Maa-sama waved her long arms and legs around because she was “possessed” by the writing angel, when Mirion pushed Maa-sama behind a sofa, and when Zun-chan tried to run away even though Akki held onto her backpack. Yes, it’s slapstick humor, BUT I COULDN’T GET ENOUGH OF IT. 
Another part of this show that I really appreciated was that a lot members of Sora Gumi got their own little plot. It’s great to see actresses who usually don’t have many lines in a Grand Theater Show to have their little moments. I specifically want to mention Ayaka Mari and Seoto Risa. Ayaka Mari finally got the Grand Theater time she deserved. She looked INCREDIBLE in a suit, and I love how evil she sounded. I was hoping that she would have a duet with Rinjo Kira, but at least she got to sing the Étoile. Seoto Risa was spectacular as the queen. At first I thought she was just a hotel attendant and was sad that she barely appeared (even though she looked adorable dancing to the song). Then BAM she appeared in an all-black dress sounding all authoritative and I was blown away. When she threw the baby off the bridge she sounded insane and evil - it was wonderful. Now I really want to see her as Sophie in “Elisabeth.”
However, the greatest part about this show is that despite all of its ridiculousness, IT MADE ME CRY. The message of “smiling when it’s tough” really got to me and I cried every time I watched it. Tragedies like “Konsaba” and “Hoshi ai Hitoyo” are wonderful and beautiful, but sometimes we just need a good old comedy that reminds us of how amazing life can be. Even though this isn’t a traditional taidan show – with its outrageous outfits (seriously, why?? The colors are blinding) and its hilarity – I think it really fits Mirion’s personality. As someone who’s always so cheerful and bright, I find it appropriate that her last show has a similar message.
“VIVA! FESTA!” was fun, exciting, and powerful – just not exactly what I had in mind for Mirion’s taidan. Don’t get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoyed this revue. My favorite is definitely the soran part, it was simply AMAZING. On my first day I was surprised because people in the audience actually YELLED BACK, which is weird because Takarazuka fans are usually really quiet. There was so much energy that it felt like the floor was shaking. The actresses were all super hyper and the audience was so into it. During my second show Seoto Risa was really close to me, and she was so excited that her haori fell - it was adorable. Just this segment alone captures what Maa-sama and Mirion’s Sora Gumi is all about - happy and full of energy.
Now onto the not-so-good things. To be honest if this were just any other revue I would’ve loved it. And I do really like it. But… it’s Mirion’s taidan, and she barely appeared. She had solo lines but no solo songs (unless you count the parade part), which is baffling because she’s SORA’S QUEEN AND SHE DESERVES A SOLO. She did have a little dance with the other musumeyaku during soran (which further consolidates the soran part as my favorite part of the revue), and she did dance with the other otokoyaku during the finale, yet that’s hardly enough. Maybe I expected too much. Since she had a solo for the opening of “Hot Eyes!” I was hoping that she would have something similar this time… The only part that felt like a taidan was the duet dance, which was breathtaking. From the song (“Greatest Love of All,” I see what you did there) to the dry ice/smoke to the endless lifts, everything was beautiful. I cried when I saw her walk down those stairs because it finally hit me that this is indeed her taidan. So while I love this revue, I would love it even more if Mirion had more stage time. Brief notes on individual actresses… Asaka Manato: After seducing us with her long legs in “Elisabeth” (I will never forget how she slid across that table), in “Chateau de la Reine” Maa-sama put those long arms and legs to good comedic use with all the flailing and running into doors. Comedy is a difficult genre, but I couldn’t ask for more from Maa-sama. Yes, some bits were over the top, though nothing was cringe-worthy and you don’t feel that she’s “trying too hard.” She also somehow made me think that the annoying and arrogant Kitashirakawa is… cute, particularly in the end when she touched the back of her neck because she felt embarrassed for asking Reiko out. The revue really suited her. Now I can totally understand why her fans call her “Sora Gumi’s sun,” she’s just so happy and warm that it’s infectious. Misaki Rion: Do I need to say more except for “Mirion did great”? Her first solo song (もうひとりのエトランジェ) is my favorite song of the entire show, and her version of 笑えたら made me cry. I know a lot of people would prefer her to have something similar to Elisabeth as her taidan. Nevertheless, as I said before, I don’t mind that her last show is about a strong career-minded woman who keeps trying regardless of all the obstacles in her way. I also just want to quickly mention how well she acted during the revue when Maa-sama died. She didn’t speak at all, yet from her actions and expressions you can tell she was devastated, shocked, and confused as to why there was so much hatred. When most people think of Mirion they think of her singing (rightfully so), but her acting never disappoints as well. I’m sad that she’s graduating, though I’m certain that she’ll have a fantastic career in front of her. Makaze Suzuho: Ah, Makaze… constantly wrecking my bias list. She was convincing as the “how dare you annoy me but I’ll still help you” Louis XIV, and her singing was solid. It’s beyond me how she looked so good in the revue. During the “witches’ festival” part, when she ran out in a blue outfit and danced to that electric guitar song, I felt that I needed to reconsider who my favorite sora gumi otokoyaku is. I also love how she acted like she OWNED the place when she sang the solo for soran. Aizuki Hikaru: Ai-chan proved, once again, that she can act as crazy and over the top characters (though at least this time, unlike “Top Hat,” she’s not the only one who’s over the top). Sometimes I still wonder how someone who’s so proper off stage, and whose dream role is Rudolf from “Mayerling,” is Alberto from “Top Hat.” In the revue she covered a K-Pop song with other otokoyakus. While I love Ai-chan and her voice, I personally don’t think she was the right choice for the boyband concept. Her singing is too “musical-like” for a K-Pop song thus it felt a bit unnatural. Nonetheless, I’m not complaining that much because all the winking made up for it. Sumiki Sayato: Akkii’s previous characters were more of the “gentleman” type, so Makoto is quite different for her. It was weird seeing Akkii, who has the reputation of behaving and looking like royalty, acting as a jerk. But she did well as the grumpy and clueless cop. I would love to see her challenge more roles that are different from her usual style. And, is it just me or did her singing improve? I really enjoyed her duet with Zun-chan in the finale. Sorahane Riku: Riku also broke out of her comfort zone for this musical. She was great as the flamboyant and happy Crayon, and you can tell she had a lot of fun walking around in those incredibly high heels. When Crayon and Makoto kissed in the end the whole audience went “aww”  (including me). In the revue, Riku acted as a bull who went up against a matador (Maa-sama). Props to her for making her hair VERTICAL and acting super “bull-like” (especially the way she moved her leg). Sakuragi Minato: Zun-chan was ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE as the timid Togawa. In the Takarazuka run her hairstyle was still normal, but in the Tokyo run she had terrible (or amazing, depends on how you look at it) bed hair in that the back of hair went upwards. It was too cute. She sounded like a kid and looked like an elementary student on a field trip with her backpack. Then the revue began and all of a sudden she became a handsome otokoyaku – it caught me off guard. She had a ginkyo solo after the prologue that she totally nailed. I can already see the beginning of her transformation into a more mature otokoyaku and I can’t wait for her future shows. Junya Chitose: It’s good to have funny Seko back after seeing how seriously scary she can be in “Elisabeth.” I love the way she talks, there’s like a little bounce in her voice. And her “drunken walk” was so good that I was always afraid she’s going to fall off the ginkyo. Sadly she didn’t get to sing much in neither the musical nor the revue. She did sing a bit during the “witches’ festival” part. When she started singing I was like “wow who is this? Oh, it’s Seko, that explains the powerful voice.” Kazuki Sora: Sora was her usual delightful self and the role fitted her perfectly. I found her “broken Japanese” to be very endearing. Also, during one of the shows I was sitting close to the side stage, and she was standing near me for the parade. She looked at me in the eye and that already made me really happy. Then before she left to return to the main stage, SHE WINKED AT THE PERSON IN FRONT OF ME. I freaked out even though it wasn’t meant for me because 1) it was in my general direction 2) it was VERY DESTRUCTIVE. Needless to say, I’ll pay more attention to her now. Tldr: I liked both “Chateau de la Reine and VIVA! FESTA!” Both could have had more Mirion, but both were solid shows that I highly recommend. These two shows also taught me that I should never judge a book by its cover (when I first saw the poster and the trailer I was horrified by how ugly the outfits were). I really like the current Sora Gumi, and am terribly sad that this era is coming to an end. Good luck to Mirion! And good luck to the rest of Sora Gumi! :D
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