#also shoutout to cal for feeding me some lines and ideas
mushiewrites · 2 years
I've got two for ya :)
4 and 47 with lee!George and ler!Sapnap maybe during the London meet-up, Sap either jittery or upset about his double ear infection at the time (poor baby :()
from this post!
4: "You could tickle me if it will make you feel better"
47: "I wasn't even touching you"
“I hate London.” 
George rolled his eyes and let out an overexaggerated sigh, closing the fridge and carrying the two water bottles back over to the couch that a very grumpy Sapnap currently occupied. He held his arm out towards the smaller boy, handing him the water and sitting down next to him. 
“You don’t mean that! You’re just mad because you have a double ear infection,” The brunette opened the lid of his water bottle, waving the cap in the air at Sapnap as he spoke. “That’s definitely not London’s fault.” 
Sapnap let out a whine from beside him, wincing when he took a sip of the water. He quickly twisted the lid back onto the bottle before dropping it onto the cushion next to him. George was watching the younger boy, expecting to hear a rebuttal but receiving nothing instead. He could tell that Sapnap actually wasn’t feeling good and was trying to brainstorm ways to make him feel better; or at the very least, something that could provide him a much needed distraction. A small blush filled George’s cheeks as a passing thought caught his attention, knowing that if he offered this to Sapnap he would definitely take him up on his offer.
“Hey Sapnap?” George spoke softer than normal, immediately gaining Sapnap’s attention at the new tone in his voice. He looked down into his lap, fidgeting with his fingers.
“You could…uhm,” He brought his hands up to his face, pressing his palms against his cheeks for a moment before running his right hand nervously through his hand. “You could tickle me..if that would make you feel better.” 
George could feel Sapnap staring at him, but he refused to look up from his pants. He couldn’t. He had just offered himself up to be tickled! How could anyone look someone in the eye after that? He dropped his hands back down into his lap, about to lace his fingers together when he was pushed over, landing on his right side on the couch. 
“Wh-What the hell?!” He looked up at the younger boy with wide eyes, not expecting to be manhandled and maneuvered like he weighed nothing. Sapnap smirked down at him, climbing up to take his place on George’s waist while he adjusted the elder to lay on his back. George let out a whine, covering his face with his hands again while it grew impossibly warmer. 
“What do you mean ‘what the hell’? You offered!” 
George moved his hands from his face and opened his mouth to reply when he stopped himself, closing his mouth and biting on his bottom lip when he realized he had nothing to argue. He watched as Sapnap formed his hands into claw shapes, making him break out into nervous giggles and bring his arms down to cross them over his stomach. 
“Y-Yes but I-” 
“What? Didn’t expect me to agree?” Sapnap snickered from above him, beginning to wiggle his fingers as they began their descent towards the older boy’s torso. “I wasn’t even touching you yet, George. How are you gonna survive this?” 
“Don’t answer that - you won’t.” 
Sapnap dropped his hands against George’s ribs, kneading quickly and causing the older boy to break out into a bright cackle, squirming and trying to grab at Sapnap’s hands to stop him. One of the tickling hands had suddenly disappeared, Sapnap bringing it to his left ear and cupping his palm over it.
“Fuck, George, be quieter! I have two ear infections, you can’t be screaming like that!” Sapnap was speaking as if he was angry but wore a huge grin stretching from ear to ear, clearly enjoying his suffering. 
“I cahahan’t help it! You’re tihihickling me!” George whined through his laughter, giving up on trying to block the sensitive spot and instead opting to cover his face instead. 
“Oh is that what I’m doing? I had no idea!” The younger boy was heavy on the sarcasm, acting as if he just learned brand new information on the boy below him. “No shit, George. But I’m sick! And you need to be quiet if you don’t wanna hurt me.” 
George moved his hands to glare at Sapnap through his giggles, knowing he was playing dirty so that George would give in to what he was telling him to do. And as much as George didn’t want to, Sapnap was right - he didn’t want to hurt his best friend. So despite Sapnap adding his second hand back down against his ribs, he did his best to cover his mouth with both hands, hoping to keep any squeals or shrieks in. 
He squirmed when Sapnap sat back slightly, reaching his left hand behind him to squeeze the top of George’s thigh twice. This sent a ticklish wave through his body, causing him to buck up with a squeal. Judging by Sapnap’s smile, he could tell that his hands were indeed doing their job of keeping the louder laughs from escaping. 
“See! Look at you, you can do it, kitten!” 
“D-Dohohon’t push it!” 
“Wouldn’t dream of it…kitten.” 
George considered lifting his hands slightly to let his squeaks and cackles reach the younger boy’s ears, knowing it would cause him to stop, but changed his mind; Sapnap looked so happy, and George didn’t have the heart to take this moment away from him. 
Even as sapnap found the sensitive spot on the back of his ribs, ripping a scream from the back of his throat that was so loud he was sure it would have deafened even those with fully working, healthy eardrums.
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