#also silly Akira heh
megalomari · 2 years
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Pegoryu Week - Day 7: Free Day
The Inmate has taken a liking to visiting the Velvet Room for some reason...
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He's never gonna learn to behave like this...
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blackstarmylove · 6 months
Heartbreak (HC)
Fandom: Blackstar Theater Starless
Pairing: Menou, Maica, Ginsei, Taiga with gn!Reader
Warning: None
Requested by: @acpzywr
Prompt: oh my g I was racking my brain trying to remember some prompt I saw a while ago but I remembered it ☺️. With any cast you like, what would go down if they got the text "hey can you break up with me for half an hour so I can listen to an olivia rodrigo album with the full heart break effect?" 😼 feeling silly with it today heh. Thank you and have a nice day ✨
A/N: Haha, omg, if I could animate characters, I would go out of my way to animate a reaction for all of them. 😂
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Being a dedicated actor, Menou completely understands you want to get into the character for the real feels.
But why only half an hour? Menou suggests breaking up with him for a few days and then listening to the album. That way, your mind can fully digest the reality of him no longer dating you.
That would be true dedication on your part.
But when you give Menou sad eyes because the thought of breaking up with him for a long time is too much for you to handle, he ruffles your hair and chuckles.
"I'm joking."
Was he joking? Nope.
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"You want to break up with me?" Ginsei is surprised.
He only heard the words 'break up,' his brain tuned out all your other words.
You wanted to experience the heartbreak effect, but you ended up making him experience that effect. That, too, without needing to listen to the album.
Either you can re-explain your words to him or take this chance and experience the heartbreak effect. It will feel more authentic since Ginsei is also heartbroken.
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Would you really consider breaking up with him for a little while only to feel the effects of a song?
Maica has a side-eye moment as he waits for you to tell him you are joking.
Being a singer, he can't fathom his fans going out of their way to do something like that just to feel the full effects of his song.
Regardless, he says, "Do as you please," and walks away.
Maica doesn't want to think about what else you are willing to ask him to do just so you can get the 'full' experience.
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He doesn't know whether to stare at you with a blank face or to give you a hug for being adorable.
Although he thinks your silliness is cute, Taiga still feels uncomfortable about breaking up with you for a silly reason.
But whatever floats your boat. As you walk away, Taiga suddenly realizes something. He is free to do as he pleases for 30 minutes without you telling him he can't do it.
A cuter version of the Cheshire Cat grin tugs on his lips as he hurries away.
Has a criminal-offensive side-eye moment - Yoshino, Mokuren, Rico
Laughs his head off/chuckles at your question and then puts on the most straight face he can and says, "No" - Akira, Takami, Aogiri, Ran
Teases and tells you to break up with him permanently, so you can feel the effects of the album at the fullest - Sotetsu, Nekome, Zakuro, Hinata
Stares at you blankly and walks away - Kokuyou, Heath
Immediately says, "NO" - Kei, Hari, Mizuki
Sighs, and let's you have your fun - Yakou, Sin, Rindou, Qu, Kasumi, Kongou
On the verge of tears - Gui, Sinju, Unei
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sneakysnoo · 11 months
i guess if puppys gonna genderpost puppys gonna genderpost hehe 😖💦
idk i mean im fluid in that it feels like its always vibrating and never still, and i didnt used to think i swung between masc/femme but now ive been out long enough to see that sometimes one or the other comes and goes, on top of the usual mix of non femme non masc feelings. ok slightly masc? still havent figured out if thats actually masc leaning or if maybe itll change someday when ive put some more distance between myself and my agab… weirder stuff has happened heh
but when it comes to how im seen i just need everyone to know that im a guy who also no he is not, and also that i am a goofy silly companion who aspires to have game show host vibes in the philosophical way
how does one have game show host vibes in the philosophical way?? i mean. a show is an experience, and the host takes you through it while also making it fun and entertaining. life is also an experience and i think if you do not try to have fun along the way you die a long time before your body dies lol. but not a lot of people think about this, because its so easy to get swept out of the moment and into lifes insanity. this is why we are in desperate need of these silly little guys called hosts. i think i also like the irreverence and the sheer balls to the wall insanity attracts me. akira kogami, garfield the cat, max headroom, mister rogers, bob ross, pat sajack. and of course. kermit dee frog, all of these bold individuals did the job thats a lil bit of everything, that at the end of the day is also one with and facilitates the show. they are the glue that keeps a timeslot that would just be a pile of skits from falling flat on its ass. they shepherd the present moment so that things can be Seen. They tell the audience, welcome! everything is ok. this is where you are, and this is whats coming up. now look. listen. to host is to take a walk with someone, and to keep them company for a little while. which is what so so much art is really about at the end of the day.
there is significant overlap here with the more evil counterpart of the game show host, the used car salesman. both the host and the salesman project the confidence of those who have seen beyond the firmament. they have Figured It Out. a good shepherd must instill calmness in the flock. but unlike the game show host which is a capitalistically originated entity but still with a little breath of soul, of art, the salesman has seen through to the simple, ugly truth, and he is not interested in distractions or happiness like art. the salesman sees that the only one who can possibly succeed in this system must be hollow, and hollow he becomes. but still the truth shines in him, shines out from his desperate hungry eyes like light through cathedral windows. hes happy. as happy as he can be. hes “successful.” as successful as he can be. he can imitate, but he can never quite truly be a good host, because being a good host requires some amount of care for your audience. the audience will, if theyre lucky, sense this deep dissonance in him and trust themselves instead of his words.
idk why all that got mixed in with my gender brain wires crosses who knows lmao 😜
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shsltrashgirl-blog · 5 years
Akira Journal | Day 1 | Entry 1
If one were to snoop on Akira’s tablet, they would find an audio log. Huh, seems she’s been using it to record what’s going on...
“Star Date, I don’t even fucking know, I’m at the bottom of the ocean. It’s pretty fucking weird down here, man. Well, maybe weird is the wrong word for it. Unnerving, creepy, horrifying. Look, a lot of shit happened, but I should probably start from the top.
Today, I was supposed to start my vacation. I managed to get away with it by claiming it was a work trip. I mean, this luxury sub was supposed to be doing research. I figured I could put in like one hour then enjoy the buffets and nap by the pool. Maybe make out with some cuties or some shit like that. I thought I was going to have fun when I won this spot. But, I guess life has some other fucking idea. For fucks sake… Anyway, when we showed up, we kinda all passed out and woke up in this big, waterlogged room. It fucking sucked. There was this square robot telling us all about our trip, but it was like glitched to fucking hell.
We found an underground area, but it looked like this place had seen hell. Like, there’s no way that could have happened in the time we were passed out, right? It’s fucking wild, future me. Fucking wild. Anyway, me and a couple of other students went down there and checked it out. It was covered in these weird metal spider webs, that- Shit! Fuck, it was that spider bastard. Wow, super glad we left there when we did. Also, I cut my hand open. Totally fucking forgot about that. Little turtle cried like she thought I was gonna die from blood loss. Like, chill out girl.
Anyway, we played truth or dare after that, which was clearly a distraction, when a fucking frog showed up. I think the frog has the hots for me, by the way. Either than or really fucking likes puns. But, moving on. The frog showed up and said they were doing repairs or some shit. But then things god fucking wild then a spider robot bastard showed up out of nowhere and fucking stabbed a fucker through a fucker. It was Evander or something, and the square robot. Fucking scary as shit. I was so sure I was gonna get stabbed too, and the the frog came out of nowhere said this was a murder game? Like, what the fuck.
Now, a murder game sound like something you can figure out from just the name, but no, it’s more complicated than that. So, to start out with, a murder game is where we apparently are forced to murder one another to leave. And if we get it wrong, the person we picked gets murdered? It’s so fucked up. I ended up carrying little turtle around for a while cause she was so scared she was hiding in my jacket. It’s a bit silly, but it made me think of Jean and how she’d get overwhelmed when we’d go out in public. I guess I got a little protective.
Anyway, turns out my roommate was the dead guys, which is like, super unnerving, but whatever. He never got to use the room. Right now I’m wearing his clothes. They are much nicer than mine. I wonder if we get out, will I have to hand them over to this family, or will I get to keep them. I bet Hiro would like them. They might be a little big on him though. Heh, short stuff. Anyway, I’m about to head out to go check on little turtle, and then maybe I’ll meet up with icecream boy and Madame President and go explore this place.”
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andythelemon · 7 years
if you could only watch 5 anime series/movies for the rest of your life, what would they be?
Omg the fact you narrowed this down to movies AND seriesmade this super hard lmao but ok here goes:
1.      Castle in the Sky – I’d have to include at leastONE Ghibli, right? This is an old favourite, it’s really charming andbeautiful. Every Ghibli film is iconic in its own right but this one isspecial to me because it’s also my dad’s favourite, and I love the soundtrack(Carrying You…aaaa). The depiction of genuine platonic love/affection betweenthe two leads is SO GOOD like that shit is my jam I s2g. More guys and girlsbeing good friends without any annoying romantic subplot please and thank you! (Also, Sheeta’s high-waisted floaty pants outfit is my favourite thing ever)
2.      Kids on the Slope – this series is SO timeless Iwill watch it again and again and fall in love with these children all over? Myfavourite stories are actually those with no fantastical or dramatic element tothem, that don’t try to do too much or be anything more than they need to be,you know? It’s about a small cast of highschoolers in 60’s Kyushu trying tonavigate their way through school, friendship, romance and figuring out whatthey want to do in life. It’s so moving and heartfelt but not overdone andreminds you to cherish the times you spend quietly in your youth with peopleyou love. :’)
3.      Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans – lmfaook I just said my favourite stories are quiet, small-cast, low-key andundramatic but this is THE TOTAL OPPOSITE. It really surprised me! I didn’tthink it’d be my thing at all but DAMN LOL I GOT SO SUCKED IN for some reason. Technicallyit’s amazing (the character/mecha/background design is WOWOWOW) but thecharacters themselves are SO GOOD. They’re filthy, despicable and socorrupted because of war, but you see their human sides and realise they’veturned out that way through no real fault of their own. Legit everyone has blood on their hands omfg…it does a great job ofportraying people believably despite the fantasy setting, particularly thechildren? They’ve had to grow up far too fast, being child soldiers, but thereare moments that remind you they’re still kids. It also impressed me w/ the way it addresses polyamory/bisexuality/queerness without being fanservicey? The relationships are soincredibly fucked up and make me bite my nails hahaAnyway this series is a godless hellride but reminds me that well-done design, soundtrack, (and most of all) characters and worldbuilding will win me over regardless of premise. It also made me realise some veryimportant things when I was considering giving up drawing and wondering whetherI even liked anime/animation anymore, so it’s special for deeply personalreasons too.
4.      Kuroko no Basuke – DON’T LOOK AT ME LOL I had tothrow at least ONE sports series in here and I pick one of the trashiest, butdamn I love Basuke?! SO MUCH?! It’s hugely self-indulgent but you know what,fuck it I LOVE SELF INDULGENT STUFF life is too short to be serious all thetime! It’s so silly but makes me laugh and root so hard for my boys, plus um??ALL THE LADIES IN IT COULD PUNCH ME IN THE FACE AND I’D THANK THEM.
The soundtrack is amazing and honestly…it’sridiculous on the surface but also a Very Good Time and my favourite life mottoever is a quote from one of the characters during a tough training arc.
5.      God I should probably put a Makoto Shinkai filmor an old classic like Akira in here but you know what. SAINT YOUNG MEN LOL it’sjust so unbelievably pure and funny and feel-good I watch it every Christmasseason and laugh out loud without fail each time. Jesus and Buddha beingroomies in Japan for a year whilst they take a break from heavenly duties,being mistaken for Yakuza in the hot springs, shopping for their flat andtrying to convince the landlady that they’re not actually NEETs…please watchit it’s SO FUNNYAnyway there you go! I love so many series though that are wildly different so it was hard to choose but I think I picked a good variety were I stranded on a desert island…you probably didn’t want a small essay but I actually like when people explain a little bit about why they like things heh (also so I could procrastinate on freelance lol)
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