#also someone please help zantetsu out
snaillock · 11 months
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when i say i had the most visceral reaction to this, drowsy and groggy as fuckkkkk, just woke up and saw this. holy shit. this made me fucking ready for this packed ass saturday schedule. this woke me the fuck up
kiyora fucking jin…. break dancing…. with a fucking halloween basket hanging off his foot. ripped pants, abs peaking out, repping my all time favorite holiday. i have never felt this sort of attraction before
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maochira · 1 year
the zantetsu and five love languages thingy is so cuuuute!!! could you do the same for ness, kaiser, grim and gesner, please?
Okay bear with me, this is gonna be VERY LONG
Requests open! - masterlist
Tags: gn!reader, established relationship, fluff, reader and the character don't live together
Alexis Ness
Words of affirmation: He's very big on this one. Always reminding you of how much he loves you and repeating the many reasons why he fell in love with you over and over. He also tells pretty much everyone he meets about his love for you as well. He never really shuts up about it either, unless someone makes him. (That someone is usually Kaiser who ends up getting jealous when Ness talks about you.)
Acts of service: Definitely his main love language. To Ness, it's just natural to help you out with even the smallest tasks. Even if you invite him to your place, he does things like cooking, cleaning, etc. And most of the time, he refuses to accept your help. He either tells you to take a nap to get some rest or he tells you to sit down somewhere near him so you can talk to him while he does what's supposed to be your task. If you ever try to do the same at his place, he won't allow it. He loves doing acts of service for you, but always feels bad if you try to do them for him.
Gift-giving and -receiving: Honestly, Ness isn't as much of a gift-giver as you'd expect him to be. Sure, for special occasions like holidays, birthdays and anniversaries he gets you special gifts but there's not much in between those times. He prefers letting his actions and words speak for his love! But if you give him a present, he won't stop thanking you for it for at least two weeks. He always inserts "Thank you for giving me (present)" into random conversations.
Quality time: If he could, Ness would spend every single second of his life with you. He loves being around you and will never get tired of it, no matter if he's just sitting next to you while watching cute animal videos on your phone or talking to each other while he cleans your dishes. If you're simply in the same room together, that's all he could ask for.
Physical touch: Ness himself isn't that touchy and actually tends to get a bit shy with initiating physical touch. He still loves it a lot, though! You just have to be the one to pull him in for hugs and kisses because he gets flustered from only asking if it's okay to hold your hand.
Michael Kaiser
Words of affirmation: At the beginning of the relationship, he didn't say "I love you" that much. It definitely took him a while to get comfortable with giving verbal affection. It wasn't because he was shy or nervous about it, but just because he wasn't used to verbally expressing his love to someone who isn't himself. As soon as he got used to it he realized how good it feels to express his love and admiration for you in words. He also compliments you a lot and tells you how great you are over and over! The only issue is, he likes to talk other people down when he compliments you. For example, if you do better at something than someone else he knows, he will specifically point that out, even if that person is around.
Acts of service: He doesn't mind helping you out with whatever you need help with, but he usually doesn't initiate acts of service on his own. Well, that's what he thinks at least. When it comes to bigger things like cleaning up or needing something to be repaired, you definitely need to ask him for help. But subconsciously, Kaiser does little acts of service like making your favourite coffee/tea/any other beverage if he wakes up first in the morning and also opens doors for you all the time. But Kaiser doesn't consider those things "acts of service."
Gift-giving and -receiving: Kaiser is a massive gift-giver and it's probably his main love language. He absolutely loves to spoil you with anything you want and whenever you go shopping with him, you don't even need to take your wallet along because Kaiser insists on paying literally anything. You need new shoes? You saw a cute plushie? You're hungry and want food? Kaiser pays all of it. And besides that, he surprises you with random presents all the time. He's horrible at accepting any gifts from you, though. He loves them and appreciates everything you give to him very much, but he can't accept a present without giving you back the double amount of it the next day.
Quality time: You're the only person Kaiser can stand being around for a longer span of time without getting completely irritated at some point. Well, Ness might be an exception to some degree as well, but for him, there are other reasons. Anyways. Kaiser didn't expect himself to genuinely need you around as much as he does. He thought he can be just fine with how much time you already spent together, but almost every day he finds himself craving to be with you again, even if you already saw each other the day prior. Most of the time, he gives in to that and goes to wherever you are - even if you're busy with something - just to be around you.
Physical touch: If gift-giving isn't his main love language, then it's physical touch. Even before he was used to giving you verbal affection, he was very big on giving you as much physical affection as possible. Not only does he love holding your hand in public and cuddling you until you fall asleep in his arms, but he's extremely obsessed with kissing you. Not only on your lips, but also anywhere else on your body. Whatever body part(s) you're insecure about, Kaiser will shower you with kisses there to show you that even if you're unhappy with yourself, he adores everything about you.
Benedict Grim
Words of affirmation: His main love language by far. Even before you started dating he always expressed everything he loves about you very openly and he's always showered you with tons of compliments as well. So when you became a couple, that amount doubled or even tripled. He can't even say "I love you" without adding a reason why he loves you or a compliment. And that also drifts into complimenting you more and more all the time. The most surprising part is that he always seems to find new things to say or new ways to express his thoughts because somehow, he rarely repeats himself.
Acts of service: He'd do literally anything you ask him to. But only if you ask him to. He totally doesn't mind helping you out, but he can't initiate acts of service on his own that often. He needs to know, usually in detail, what you'd like him to do. And it's the same the other way around! If he needs your help with anything, he simply asks you. You just don't want each other to feel as if you'd expect the other to know what to do without saying anything to them first.
Gift-giving and -receiving: He doesn't give you presents that often, but when he does it's mainly to see your reactions because he adores seeing you happy so much! Also, he puts a lot of thought into what he gives you. You'd be happy about anything and he knows that, but that's exactly why he's putting so much thought into presents for you. He doesn't only want you to be happy, he wants you to be amazed and feel extra loved when you see how much thought he put into it. Whenever he receives a present for you, no matter how small or big it is, he acts very overdramatic over them - in a positive way, of course. He always thanks you with lots of hugs and kisses!
Quality time: Whenever you spend time together, no matter what you're doing, Grim always makes sure there will be no distractions at all. Most of the time, he turns his phone off completely so there won't be any distractions and he can put his full attention on having a great time with you. He always says if he's with you, the rest of the world needs to wait.
Physical touch: He always has moments or phases when he gets really physically close, but most of the time he isn't really that touchy. He kisses you a lot and he's also very big on hugs as a greeting and goodbye, but besides that, he doesn't initiate physical affection that often. He doesn't mind if you do it, though!
Erik Gesner
Words of affirmation: Probably his main love language, but let's just say... Gesner has his own way of showing verbal affection. He doesn't say "I love you" often and he rarely says direct compliments. He expresses his love for you by giving you silly nicknames, making jokes and teasing you instead. It's always obvious that he does it in the most loving way possible and even if some things can sound insulting, it's his way of expressing love with words. Besides, you know he'd never seriously be mean and you get to insult him back anyways. But especially because he's typically not the type of guy to say "I love you" he makes sure to say it in moments he sees as most special.
Acts of service: He does acts of service all the time, but never consciously. Whenever he's at your place, he just spots something that's broken and fixes it on the side while talking to you. He doesn't realize he's doing it and you don't tell him either because it's kind of funny to see how he's picking up something, fixes it and puts it back in its place. Also, if he sees items that aren't in their usual place, he puts them where they belong. He never pays attention to the fact that he's doing it and you never really notice him doing that either. Just as soon as he's gone you see how your place looks a little less messy.
Gift-giving and -receiving: It's not his main love language, but he gives you little presents at least once a week. It's always something small and usually silly looking as well. Just tiny things that reminded him of you like "Here's a little keychain of a chicken because we walked past a farm last week." Stuff like that. And even if it isn't romantic in the usual way, you adore your little collection of silly things a lot. When it comes to receiving gifts from you, Gesner is horrible at saying "thank you." He tries to say anything else, like a little joke, to show you he appreciates your gift. But for you, that's totally okay because you know he adores whatever you give him, even if he can't verbally express it.
Quality time: He could have you around 24/7 and never get tired of you. He just wants to be with you all the time because he's never met someone who understands him so well and shares the same humour as him. Really, any time spent with Gesner is quality time because he manages to make even the smallest things fun and entertaining. Especially if he thinks something is boring, he tries to spice it up in some way so at least you don't get bored.
Physical touch: He doesn't realize it, but he's super touchy. When you're not holding hands he either wraps his arm around your shoulder or your waist. When you're sitting next to each other he also often lifts you up out of nowhere and places you on his lap. He likes to sit on your lap as well from time to time. He really doesn't have a preference, but lifting you up is just easier and quicker for him.
Taglist (sign-up link): @astruosie @kaineedstherapy12 @zyuuuu @yerinsshi @luvcalico @remy-roll @thedaisy78 @truegoist @rienniey @kalinkavx @vanitasbrainrot @rrueyuo @weichspuelertrinker @acacIa @kermitslefteyeball11 @futuristicxie @bluelock4life @yueyingwrld @yuehailin @keiidaydreams @takorirei @sagejin @https-archangel @ririgards @depressed-bitchy-demon @kaiserkisser @userwithlotsoftime @yellowelectroslime @nikokii @chaosinanutshell
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m1ckeyb3rry · 2 months
I laughed so hard you did Lorenzo so dirty (facts though LMAO) hideous dog LMAOOOO I get it for sure though like ugly cute (heavy on the ugly) I really only enjoy seeing him when he interacts with Barou I truly cannot appreciate that man’s features
So real someone come save chigiri and the fact that those three say that all in the same match is WILD like can the crowd hear them talking at all when they’re broadcasted?? I’d hope not LMAO
Barcha being a two man team will never fail to make me laugh but they clearly did not get a lot of plot armor AHDGJS
Speaking of legs that reminds me of epinagi Nagi’s thighs after Zantetsu first hits him in the face like??? I need me a Barou though I want those scary dog privileges
Miratoya for life guys >>> I remember some people hoping they’d have the same va too (or Aiku and Nanami lol) but the va they chose def gives me the same vibe as Toji like…
Ok that’s why im torn LOL like the Shidou lines are so iconic but on the other hand if some of my friends try to connect the dots I gotta be ready to defend myself like I swear it’s not that deep it’s just soccer pls ignore whatever comes out of this character’s mouth
LMAOO hypebro shidou always ready to cheer you on I have no idea how Loki manages them though HAHAHA
NAH FR!! I think the generally decide characters for LN based off popularity….approximately anyways because I’m pretty certain Karasu is generally more popular than Yuki on the JP side (mainly due to shipping but I digress) but according to that sort of trend I’m praying….I definitely would not be opposed to a Nanase one either though!! Tbh I think he’s so cute and I love him too it’s just we barely see him so I don’t have much to go off of (besides him being real estate to Rin) I’d like to know how Shidou spawned into the world though LOLL
MARRIAGE FR HAHAHA like give me your hand in marriage please I’ll give you kombucha!!!! Man lied straight to our faces like the way he managed to find a Yankee’s (I think that’s the term they use) house too??? Like the odds that he didn’t stumble upon some average household too but fr like the man definitely has his own savings account and stocks portfolio like there’s no way (STOPP NO NOT THE FINANCE BRO that lowk slipped my mind but that reminds me of that tiktok audio that’s like “im looking for a man in finance” LMAOO)
Bro that panel is in like my top 10 Karasu panels LMAOAOA when he’s surveying the field and Isagi’s like lol you’re leaving yourself open dumbass and then Karasu whips out his arms shshshshs he’s so gorgeous <3(yeah he kinda looks like a penguin here now that you mention it but it’s ok pretty on brand if you ask me) always appreciate a good Karasu panel though so thank you for your service hehe
Also wait I forgot to bring this up but when I first saw the like official character design references (?? Like the visuals they release on the official website that have them looking like they’re getting their mugshots taken) I was thrown so far back by the jersey colors LMAOAOA I think it looks a lot more muted in the color pages of the manga and also (like the one in your header) shidou and rin take up so much space that you can’t see the details but Karasu and Otoya look like candy canes LMFAOOO and also Yuki/Nagi’s?? I usually like blue but something about it looks so off to me HAHAHA (also their faces but wtv ig)
-Karasu anon
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this dog is how i see lorenzo LMAOAAO…but i should refrain from insulting him too much because if he ends up the way otoya did i’m going to scream!! i agree though i feel like he’s really fun w barou and honestly helps him loosen up a bit (even though barou and aiku will always be my fav random ubers friendship)
i feel like the crowd probably can’t hear them just because they’re not shouting or anything and they don’t have mics!! realistically it’s like how irl we don’t hear the players shit talking each other in soccer games but that doesn’t mean it happens yk?? regardless though there was…quite a lot being said during the u20 match LMAOAOA i need karasu and shidou to start saying unhinged stuff again!! like let’s spice up pxg vs bm a bit w some random nonsense from those too 😭 although ig rin has got it covered this time
HELP i had to go back and look and omg??? nagi’s whole build is crazy to me because even before soccer he was so jacked but he literally did nothing all day?? i need that kinda metabolism fr
MIRATOYA CANON 😜 except he’s abt to get a taste of his own medicine when i cheat on him w his best friend 😦 LMAOAO i agree though aiku’s current va has very toji vibes!! he delivered exactly what i expected from aiku
shidou is just shidou the more you think abt it the worse it gets 😩 omg loki is fr a saint like i know he’s being selfish and doesn’t care abt the team as long as charles develops but honestly i have to commend him for keeping his sanity while coaching that crazy blend of characters like i can’t even blame him 😭
nanase was just the only character i could think of that hadn’t gotten a ln besides tabieita and shidou that was also in bllk since it seems like they’ve only done bllk players so far?? but maybe now that aiku is in bllk and he was mentioned in barou’s ln we’ll get one on him. agreed though i’d rather see one for shidou!! was he born like this or did he experience smth that changed his life into whatever it is now?? apparently he didn’t play club soccer pre-bllk so how did he even get scouted??? he’s such a mystery LMAO
FRR he managed to find some bigass mansion and everything 😭 honestly i can’t even blame him if some random kid i barely knew tried to follow me home i would also take the opportunity to mess w him because what 😟 HAHA he truly is a man in finance unfortunately…he was even telling hiori he plays like city planning and stock management simulator video games?? karasu please…let me teach you about mario kart and super smash bros…please…
I LOVE THAT PANEL my fav is def the one in epinagi where he’s introduced and he calls kiyora and nagi dunces hold on let me find it
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he just looks so smug and karasu-like in this??? LMAO idk he’s so handsome i love this panel sm
THOSE CHARACTER DESIGNS ARE SO SILLY HAHAHA did you see sae’s neon cleats?? 😰 i think they always look a little odd w the white background though…hopefully it’s a bit more muted in the anime!! it seems like they’re going for a darker color pallet this season (based on the trailer) so i am keeping my fingers crossed 🤞🏻
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