#also sorry about the first gif but i just loved that transition XD
mikimeiko · 2 years
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Three Thousand Years of Longing | Directed by Frank Miller (2022)
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cutegirlmayra · 2 years
(Sorry for the rant. I was just angry at how people, even if they are clearly talented otherwise, tend to mischaracterise Amy and wanted to vent)
The Ask didn't quite relate to my blog, and it seemed like odd advertisement? (Which is apart of my rules that I don't do) but I agree that Americanizing Sonic was a bad idea but without it, we wouldn't have gotten our now childhood animes at all ^///^;
I am more than grateful for the failures of Americanizing Anime attempts because it led to America being exposed to Anime, and half my personality is now just the anime I grew up with XD
I researched Amy as a kid because I wanted to know more about Sonic and the characters, I'm glad I did. She really is misunderstood, but done right, she is a very compelling and inspiring character.
'Amy Rose' is often used in Fanfictions (As far as my personal opinion goes) as an insert 'comfort' chara for 'what we want to see in Sonic' being projected onto Amy.
"We want Amy to be angry"... why?
"Because we think Amy is mistreated"? But she doesn't feel that way.
"Well, she should." No... she is happy in the life she has?
"Well, I want her to be angry." And that's where we get angsty fanfictions lolol (Even I wrote them back in the day when I was first starting out writing!)
We have to remember she's not actually sad? She's lonely, yes, and that's REALLY fun to write emotional stories about xD But she's also content with her decision to follow and stay by Sonic's side, and we should respect that she feels, in her heart, that Sonic will choose her in the end. (As a Japanese Official said through twitter, he probably would if he was allowed to grow up in Canon.)
I would love to be given the chance to write for Sonic, but alas, Amy is the only female chara I feel is so targeted because everyone wants to 'fix' her situation, especially with Sonic.
Doesn't that mean... the American show 'guilt-tripped' us into thinking that way?
In Japan, everyone finds Amy's antics to be endearing... because she was WRITTEN differently, and for that culture.
It's a shame, when you see the American script, she's a joke. And we want to give her a just result for all her efforts.
It's very human.
So next time you see someone using Amy as a way to vent, know that they're being very human. It can come from anger at how 'mistreated' she is, or it can come from a genuine love or confusion about her, and the mind aimlessly trying to make it make sense.
The truth is out there, but only the worthy, with enough time and digging... can find it.
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I wonder... if she would appreciate how many people really want the best for her... would that touch her beyond belief?
We all want to defend our 'comfort charas' that we want a 'happy ending' for. Sonic X never really gave us that feeling... so we write about it.
We feel Amy is flawed enough to project our 'unfairness' in our lives onto her and let her be angry for us... Honestly, that kind of writing can be healing, but it can also be 'too much' for other readers.
For me... I just...
Don't want to forget... who Amy Rose really is.
In the hodgepodge of Sonic Fandom confusion...
And with each of us having--most likely--discovered Sonic between transitioning to teenager and then adulthood... (I believe I was 8 when I first drew my Sonic OC, and was writing pretty much in Middle-College Sonic fanfiction. So that says something about how much Sonic touched me as a kid!)
Amy just speaks to our 'tender protectiveness' of our childhood...
We are protecting her like we would want someone to protect our childhood selves...
So yeah, it can be annoying... but... it's how they're healing... and someone, somewhere, will like that story.
Me and you? Maybe not so much... but that's the power of story, the power of character, the power of being human.
Allow young or old writers to be human beings... and connect and want to give a fictional character they projected a time in their lives on... a happy or healing ending. Even if that is a disturbing result,... it's not exactly our right to say what's right and wrong for that specific writer.
Now for me? I like Amy having a nice, sweet ending.
But I also write what people request of me.
So I mean -shrug- compromise our childhood realities sometimes? Sure.
Amy is definitely a character I long to see a happy ending for... what about you?
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themusicsweetly · 5 years
Hi, how are you? I'm feeling a bit down today so I'm in need of something to warm my heart... Could you name a thing that you love/admire about Cait, Sam and Sam/Cait? Thank you
Hello there, Anon! I’m sorry you’re feeling a bit down today. I shall do what I can to help and cheer you up 💜
Something I love / admire about Caitriona:
There are just so many things I could name (we could be here for a while if I named them all xD), but the first one that came to mind is her dedication and courage. By the age of 33 she became a woman with not just one, but two internationally successful careers. During her 10 years of serious modeling, she was one of the most highly demanded models for all the top designers, but she was dedicated enough to her true passion to give that success up and change directions completely to become an actress. That sort of pivot takes some serious cahonas and is one that I don’t think I could imagine having the strength to do myself. Especially when that transition from model to actress wasn’t guaranteed to be successful, timely, or easy in the slightest. But she went for it and dedicated herself to learning the craft and it paid off, big time. (Lucky for us!)
She’s also extremely courageous in that she has been willing to push back against the two industries of modeling and acting despite the fact that it could hurt her professionally. Like when she fought against two of her fashion agencies and the clothing brand BCBG for financial negligence and unpaid wages. Though it could have hurt her reputation to speak up against such entities, she did it knowing she owed it to herself to do so and hoping that it would help her peers that maybe didn’t have as much influence. She is dedicated and courageous and confident and fearless (even when maybe she’s not). And I think that’s admirable AF.
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Something I love / admire about Sam:
Can I say his love for Caitriona? No? Okay, then xD In all seriousness though, there are also so many things to love about Sam. The one thing I’d say stands out the most to me is his enthusiasm and passion. I don’t think the term half-a$$ed can even get anywhere close to his dictionary and could never be used to describe his way of life. Everything he does seems to get 110% of his energy. Whether that is applied to his exercise and training regime — I’m still amazed he ran not one but two marathons in one year — to his engagement with fans to his love of his country. He always seems to give so much of himself (when he can) to all aspects of his being and his work. The fact that he’s now considered a budding entrepreneur on top of his work as an actor speaks volumes, too. He has multiple projects going on at the moment and he puts the amount of passion into each one of them in order for them to succeed and, hopefully, thrive. This way of being is definitely something others could learn from.
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Something I love / admire about SamCait:
They share so many amazing qualities — from their sense of humor, love of animals, liberalism, and empathy, to their passion for their work and so many things in between — but one of the things I love about them both is their dedication to philanthropy and their strive to see and bring out the best in the world. They are beautifully compassionate people. We’ve seen ample evidence that they’re both charity-minded, both helping to raise incredible amounts of money for their respective charities as well as other causes they find worth in. They have both dedicated so much of themselves to their philanthropic work and use their ever-growing platform to support these important causes. To me, that says so much about who they are as people: kindhearted souls that can see beyond their own success and wealth to help those that are far less fortunate than them.
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What’s more than that is that everyone who speaks about them — from fans they’ve met to people they’ve worked with — cannot stop gushing about how amazing they are. How welcoming they are to even the “smallest” people on set. And how attentive they are when listening to their fans. A true testament to their characters 💜💜💜
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These two rarely ever fail to put a smile on my face and I hope they do the same for you, Anon. And I truly hope your day tomorrow is much brighter than it was today. Take care!
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Mafia Life Ship
@arjh97 I hope you liked your ship! I didn’t reread it so keep that in mind lol
How did you get into it: Classic case of wrong place, wrong time 🤷‍♀️ You saw something you shouldn’t have and naturally it was join or die. Turns out the person who took you was apart of the SM empire, more specifically the Red Velvet part of SM. Her name was Irene and let me tell you, she is one scary lady. It was only a act though and as you got closer with and the rest of the girls, her hard shell soon broke a little.
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Out of all the girls though, you were the closest to Joy. She was honestly your best friend and really helped you transition from living a normal life to a mafia life. You really appreciated everything she had done for you.
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You also were really close to a different branch of SM called NCT 127. Especially the leader and his right hand man, Taeyong and Jaehyun. Whenever you got the chance, the two of you would hang out. Since Taeyong was the leader of 127 and always had important business stuff to do, Jaehyun and you hung out a lot together and became very close. Honestly, you had a huge crush on Jaehyun but nobody need to know that(oh who am I kidding? Everyone knew, you didn’t even have to say anything. Well, you did tell Taeyong and Joy but everyone else didn’t need to be told to figure out that you both liked each other)
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So after a good bit of training, you finally had your first mission! So it was really simple, you all would go in to this club owned by BTS and try to catch the eye of one of the members, seduce, get some info, and leave. Simple. The only thing is, the six of you didn’t know who was going to be the one to catch the eye of a member, if any of you did. Anyway, you guys walked in and immediately spotted them sitting in the section closed off. It was raised a little higher than the rest of the club.
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Honestly they didn’t even need to be physically higher than everyone else, they just radiated power. So you guys split off into three and three. Joy, Yeri, and you went to go sit at the bar which was kind of close to where BTS sat while Seulgi, Irene, and Wendy went to go dance(you guys switched what you were doing every once in awhile). Annnnyway, the night progressed and still nothing. Well, that was until you made eye contact with one of the members. If you remembered correctly from the files you had looked over before the mission, his name was Jeon Jungkook. He had a smirk on his face as he took a sip from his drink, staring at you as if you were a piece of meat. You tore your eyes off of him and looked over at Joy and Yeri.
“This mission may not have been a fail,” Joy yelled over the music as she caught the exchange between Jungkook and you.
“What?” Yeri asked, completely oblivious. 
Joy gave her a blank look as she hit the back of her head (like how a sibling would/a friend...not really hard).
“How did you miss that?”
So the night continue you Jungkook staring at you and you staring back. That was until you had to use the bathroom. You excused and left, feeling a burning gaze on you the entire way. After you did what you had to do, you exited the bathroom, only to knock into a hard chest.
“Oh I’m so sorry,” You apologized before looking up, locking eyes with the devil himself.
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“That’s alright sweetheart,” he purred out, taking a strand of your hair and twirling it with his fingers. You stood frozen, not knowing what to do.
“If you really are sorry though, you could make it up to me,” he suggested, pulling you closer.
“Okay,” you whispered out, not really knowing what to do. Jungkook pulled you in for a heated kiss. After a few seconds, you pulled away breathless.
“Why don’t we go somewhere more private baby girl?” He asked but it wasn’t really a question. 
As he pulled you a way, you secretly put on this type of “lip gloss” that if someone where to kiss you, they would pass out in a few seconds(I hope this makes sense) So he pulled you into this one room and you started making out and then he was out like a light. After carefully pulling off the lip crap you sent text a Joy and began to snoop around for any important info. After about a minuet the rest of Red Velvet showed up and you all began to look around the room(you tied up Jungkook btw). So that was that and then you guys left, you found some good info woohoo! But you got out of these hella quick XD
So.....it’s been a couple of weeks since your first mission. Good news, you’ve gone on a few more and they were successful. Bad news, Jungkook is obsessed with you (:( Somehow, BTS knows where you’re going to be before you even knew. It was almost as if there was a rat in SM....SoOoO since you thought it was weird, you decided to talk to Jaehyun about everything. He didn’t really know what was going on with Jungkook but when you told him.....let me just say, home boi was mad. Legit was about to go find Jungkook and kill him. Of course, you didn’t let that happen. If his rage though he might have accidentally told you that he loved you and you might have accidentally told him you loved him too. Idk though, the world may never know 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ Just joking, you both confessed blah blah sappy stuff blah blah kiss blah blah. So you and Jaehyun made it official 🤪🤙
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Surprise, surprise Jungkook found out 🤡 And let me tell you, he was pissed. He shouldn’t have been,,,,,,but he was. In his mind you were his and no one else was allowed to have you. So that leads us to now. Currently a “war” was going on. It was BTS, TXT, Twice and GOT7(JYP mafia was on there side for some reason. Something about Namjoon being friends with Jackson who was apart of GOT7 or something) against NCT 127, NCT Dream, Red Velvet, and EXO. It was crazy. Lots of action. Honestly, it would have been a great movie.
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(I think you know what NCT, EXO, and Red Velvet look like so let’s move on because that’s going to take up a lot of space)
Currently you were with Jaehyun trying to get through the craziness and get to safety but that didn’t seem like that was going to happen anytime soon since Jungkook found the two of you.
“Hello sweetie,” he said with smirk.
You could feel Jaehyun start to shake next to you and honestly you were terrified. Not of jungkook or anything but because of what Jaehyun was going to do to him. You do NOT want to fuck with him and that’s exactly what Jungkook was doing.
“Baby you’re going to have to get to Baekhyun by yourself. Once you get to him, he’ll take you somewhere safe, okay?” He whispered to you. Once you nodded he pulled you in for a kiss(which was a little unnecessary but you know, he had to prove a point) and then you were off.
So.....remember how you said it seemed as if there was a rat in the group? Well, it turns out you were right! Baekhyun was the right 🙃 His cousin was Kim Taehyung and he was secretly working for bighit. So now you sat in some gross building with Baekhyun infront of you while some music softly played.
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“I can’t believe you’re a rat,” you mumbled out.
“Yeah, I don’t think anyone would have guessed it was me,” he stared with a small shrug, “It’s not like I did anything extreme anyway.”
He wasn’t wrong. He really didn’t do anything other than tell BTS where you would be 24 fucking 7 so that they could kidnapp you also so Jungkook has his play toy that he wasn’t even in love with, just obsessed with....big difference. Anyway, long story short SM demolished the other Mafias and Jungkook wasn’t as hard as he played off and cracked as soon as his life was threatened. Spilled the beans on Baekhyun and him taking you....that didn’t save him though 🤷‍♀️ So they found you really easily, Baekhyun wasn’t prepared and surrendered real quick. After that night everything went back to normal, well as normal as the mafia life can get. You and Jaehyun continued dating and you continued to go on missions with Red Velvet. Honestly, you were thriving 🤪🤙
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