#rv ships
factual-fantasy · 1 year
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A stressful week calls for avoiding projects and drawing obscure tf2 AU lore 🙃
Also I’ve never really liked how my tf2 drawings look.. they never really look anything like the Mercs from the comics. They always look too soft, bleh. So for the first drawing I sat down for hours with references just trying to replicate the art style of the tf2 comics. They still don’t look quite right, but I think they’re the best looking tf2 faces I’ve ever drawn. So that’s good enough for me!
Although I suppose keeping the Mercs on model is kind’a lost when I made Casper (Medics Crones Dome hat) look more magical and stylized.. whoops-
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ithinkabouttzu · 2 months
Hey! I really enjoy your Band of Brothers and The Pacific writings so much! I wanted to ask if you could write something on Burgin (he’s my absolute fav and I feel he is greatly underrated)!!! I wanted to request something as well about him returning back home to Texas after the war and trying to impress a girl from his hometown that he comes across someday (whom he knew of before he left to go to the war but never really spoke to he before). She’s a bit hard to impress and is rather introverted but nothing I don’t think Burgin can’t handle haha. Thanks so much 💖
Cinnamon and Chocolate
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Word count: 6.2k
Warnings: Swearing, kissing, mentions of war, mentions of burn injuries, jealousy, and drinking.
a/n: Hey friend, I hope you enjoy!! This is probably the longest thing i’ve wrote in a while, so please excuse any mistakes!! I honestly got so carried up with this oneshot lol but I love it so much! Hope you all enjoy!! (Also, please note that there are a lot of historical inaccuracies and this story is in no way disrespect to any real life veterans, this one-shot is solely based off the character in the show! Everything else is fictional! :))
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(R.v. Burgin x fem reader)
Today was arguably the calmest day he’s had in years. Just him, and his best friend from back home, Chris, on the back of his pickup truck drinking two cold Coca-Colas. (which he had dearly missed the taste of.) They were downtown on a nice Saturday afternoon enjoying the nice weather. It was the most relaxed he’s felt in a while, the nice breeze patting his back made him feel at peace. A feeling he deserved after a long time from home, there weren’t any bombs blasting behind him, or heavy gunfire going off right beside his ear, instead it was quiet. He was glad to be back home.
It was only his second day back in Texas and there she was. She and a couple of her friends were walking out of a clothing store when his eyes caught a glimpse of hers. She was laughing and giggling about something that R.V. couldn’t quite catch, but he couldn’t take his eyes off of her even if he wanted to. He could have sworn she was an angel.
The sunlight was bouncing off of her skin during midday, making her bright and bubbly laughter feel radiant. It’s like he could see no one else but her, or at least until he felt his friend, Chris elbow his side hard, it was the kind of force only a friend of many years could give him.
“Like whatcha’ see, pal?” Chris said with a slight smirk that R.V. could hear in his voice. “Oh shut up. I’ve just never seen her around before.” R.V. remarked looking back at Chris. He had to know more about this girl. “Oh R.V., you’ve missed a lot while you’ve been gone”, Christopher laughed, his voice honing in on R.V. as if he told an inside joke that Burgin had no clue of. “What’s that supposed to mean?” R.V. turned back to his friend to give him a questioning glance before taking a big sip of his Coca-Cola. “Man, that’s y/n, we all went to school together?” Chris chirped enthusiastically as if he’d been waiting for Burgin to ask.
A smile now appeared on his face, one that he hadn’t shown in a while. He started to see the resemblance now, remembering your sweet smile from years ago. “She’s really grown into her looks, hasn’t she?” Chris said happily, still staring at you. R.V. rolled his eyes in response. Sure you had grown up, if that’s what Chris meant. All three of you had, but to Burgin, you hadn’t changed a bit.
He had always thought of you as beautiful, even when you yelled at him in front of the whole first grade after putting a small toad that he had found in the woods, in the classroom's dollhouse during recess. He knew how reserved and quiet you were, and to get such a heated reaction from you.. Well he was shocked, but he also felt a new feeling that he couldn’t quite grasp, one that made his heart race whenever you were near. “Do you know what she’s up to these days?” He asked Chris and quickly scolded himself for not recognizing you at first. In his defense, he had really forgotten everyone from home other than his family and Chris after a while.
Chris was an Anchor-Clanker during the war, one hell of a sailor before coming back home. It seemed like Chris had found adjusting back to civilian lifestyle very easy. It's something that R.V. couldn’t quite agree with. He knew that it would take time of course, but coming back home has been like a whole new world for him, very different from the lifestyle he’s had for these past few years.
Chris took a swig of his cola as if it were beer before replying. “I think she still lives with her ma and pa, she left to Houston to become a Gray Lady a little after you left for basic. Hell, I think she came back home only a week ago.” R.V. thought to himself after what Chris had said. Only a couple days back home, just like him.
He studied her face as she walked down the street with her friends, noticing how she used her hands exaggeratedly to explain something to the other girls with her. It was only a matter of time until she got swept up by some other soldier coming back home, or at least that’s what he thought. He didn’t realize how much he felt the void of female presence until he saw you. His heart fluttered when you glanced his way, your smile sent him butterflies all over his body. This was his chance to make a move before it was too late. He couldn’t think about anything else other than getting closer to you.
Before he could announce to Chris what he was going to do, his body was already off of the truck, setting his cola aside and walking across the street towards you and your friends, not taking the time to wait until the cars near the crosswalk were gone. It’s like his body worked faster than his mind, like he was doing only what felt right in the moment. He wasn’t exactly sure what he was going to say or do when he got to you, but he couldn’t pass up the chance to talk to you either way.
“Where are you going?!” He could hear Chris in the background, but he didn’t have time to answer. His heart was racing, and his pulse was getting quicker with each step closer towards you. A smile appeared on his face once he made it to you and your friends, and with a long breath and a questioning stare from the girls you had with you, he finally spoke up. “Can I ask you a question?” He felt nervous waiting for your response. The silence was almost deafening. All of your friends looked at you waiting for a reply. “Yes, R.V, it is, right?” You gave him a response that he was hoping for, your sweet voice filling his ears making his cheeks a small shade of red.
He felt even more nervous being this close to you, now he had gotten to see all of the little features on your face that he couldn’t while he was on the truck. He was too focused looking at you to think of anything else, a common reoccurrence. “I,-“ He paused, thinking about what he should say, before coming to a conclusion. “How are you so beautiful?” He said breathlessly. He felt embarrassment almost immediately. He put his hand over his mouth in regret and moved his hand down to his chin smoothly to make him look in shock. His inside thoughts had finally come out and spoke for themself. Before he knew it, there was an eruption of laughter between you and your friends. He took his hand and rubbed behind his neck in an attempt to cover his embarrassment. What came over him suddenly to make him say that? “That was a good one, R.V.!” You said with a giggle.
If making a fool out of himself made you smile, then he was more than happy to be foolish. He laughed along with you very awkwardly in an attempt to seem unfazed, like it was a joke in the first place. “I’ll see you around” You smiled softly before heading off with your friends, leaving him. He waved you a goodbye, one that you couldn’t see because your back facing him, before walking back to Chris. Who was now sitting at the end of the truck and dangling his feet off of the end, looking amused.
When R.V. made it to the truck, Chris started clapping. “I think you’re a real ace at talking to broads, pal!” Chris started breaking out into laughter before Burgin could admit to his defeat. “It’s okay, I’ll find a chance to talk to her again. Alone hopefully.” He said to Chris with confidence, although his inner feelings were quite different. He grabbed his cola and scooted himself back onto the truck so he was sitting next to Chris. He huffed in disappointment and slumped down slightly, drinking the last bit of his cola. “You’ll get ‘em next time” Chris replied a little more seriously after seeing a somber look take over R.V’s face. “Yeah, next time for sure.”
2 weeks later
“Are you ready, boys?!” R.V. heard his mother shout from downstairs, still waiting for R.V. and his father. The urgency in her voice was making him button up his coat even faster than his previous speed.
Of course his father’s workplace would have their huge yearly party right around the time that he came back home, and to be completely honest, he was dreading it. The empty conversations with little to no life in them, the awkward stares after being gone for so long, and it didn’t help that his parents were making him wear his dress blues, although it was a social cocktail party with high formality, he was worried he would stick out like a sore thumb.
He could already see his future. Having to answer questions upon questions from women and men, overwhelming him to find the right and appropriate answers. He let out a big sigh, calming his brain for the events ahead. The thought alone overwhelmed him. He already wanted this party to be over before it had even begun.
Just a slip on of his white gloves and he was done getting ready. He couldn’t delay going downstairs any longer. R.V’s father opened his door slowly, right on cue as if he somehow felt R.V.’s hesitance. “Are ya’ ready, son?” R.V. 's dad said as peered through the door. He was in his Sunday best, with a black suit and tie of course. “Yeah, I'm ready.” R.V. replied with a shake of his head. His father could tell his nervousness just by the expression on R.V.’s face. “You got this son, it’ll be nothing” His father replied, giving him a sweet smile and a pat on the back that gave him somewhat of a relief. They both walked out of his room and started down the steps. “Hey, you might even find someone there.” He said going down the steps quicker than R.V. did, putting him behind his father. He thought about what his dad said for a second, stopping right at the last step. What if you happened to be there by some chance?
“You look great, honey. I’m so proud.” His mother said, causing him to break out of his thoughts. Both his ma and pa were waiting for him by the door so that they could be on their way to the party. “Thanks ma, glad to be back.” He replied with a close lipped smile as he got stepped down from the last step. His mother hugged him tightly before he could say anything else. He quickly accepted the hug and hugged her back softly.
“You guys ready?” His pa said, opening the front door of their home. He unwrapped his arm from her before walking out of the door, his mother following quickly after with his father. It was going to be one interesting night for the Burgins indeed.
When they arrived he could see the gate wide open for its guests, revealing the house to his eyes where he could finally see how big it was. He didn’t think his father had that many co-workers. It was a great large venue in the middle of nowhere. Cars were parked out front in no specific order, in the grass or what small areas of gravel they could find.
The party was hosted at the old vineyard house that everyone in town loved because of its extravagant beauty. It was now used as some sort of banquet hall for the town's use. The sun was setting making the view look picturesque. Some people were outside, with the finest dresses and long glasses of champagne in their hands. Probably some sort of small talk about the weather, or about the party, And some were inside, most likely doing the same exact thing.
Their car was finally parked as they walked closer towards the house, the closer he got to the building, he could tell how big it really was. As they had finally made it onto the porch, He heard a somewhat familiar voice call out to him, “Romus, oh how nice you look! I’m glad to see you here!” He turned his head to his left to see who the commenter was. He smiled when he saw who it was. One of his old school teachers from primary school. If he had to pick, she would have been his favorite teacher out of all the years he’d ever learned. He shook his head to himself slightly at the use of his first name, no one ever really called him that except for his mother when she was mad at him, but he didn’t pay much mind to it. It was nice to see someone familiar to him in this unknown place.
“It’s nice to see you, Miss. How have you been?” he replied softly as she came closer to him. He could tell she had aged from the last time he had seen her, but she still kept her sweet smile that he remembered from when he was a little boy. It seemed as if R.V. hadn’t changed that much to her either, “You’re still sweet as apple pie! It is surely nice to see you!” She replied in her nice southern accent. He could smell a strong scent of liquor coming from her mouth as she got closer.
“It’s nice seeing you too ma’am” He chuckled slightly to himself when he saw the small amount of drink she had left in her cocktail. It was more than obvious she had gotten a little too happy at the bar before the party barely even started. "Now you have yourself a time, alright?” She said, loudly walking back to her friends and not giving him a chance to reply.
When he looked around for his parents, he could see that they had already left him and made their way inside of the big ballroom. It looked like he would have to find his way around here tonight alone. As he walked into the venue he looked around attentively, to look for his parents, (who were most likely swept away by other coworkers and friends), but to also take in the extravagance of the building first hand.
Old floral wallpapers adorned the wall, and there were big windows all around the huge room that overlooked the vineyard. He could tell that the place had been renovated heavily, as it once was a house and now had become one big ballroom. The ceiling stood high with multiple big crystal chandeliers that lit up the space. It was open and spacious for all, with the room mainly used for dancing and talking. There were poseur tables and chairs on the sides of the floor, where people ate and drank whatever the party had to offer. The catering service had a little station in the corner of the grand room that had canapes of all sorts. And there was no way he could have missed the built-in bar with stored glassware and drinks of all kinds.
R.V. could have imagined that this same room was used for similar parties years ago under different circumstances. Maybe large debutante balls that had groups playing loud classical music instead of the sweet jazz they had tonight, or maybe even a mysterious masquerade ball that had unique masks with people that talked very differently then what they do now. As his thoughts swarmed, he wasted no time taking himself to the bar.
As the time went by, the events of the party were what R.V. expected. Overwhelming. Boring. Small talk with people he barely remembered or didn’t even know, was the norm at this event for him. He didn’t expect anything different tonight. He found himself back at the bar table over and over again, hoping that there would be a new conversation each time he wandered back over there. Yet, after an hour and a half of walking around in circles and bar visits, just a small buzz later, he figured he had met just about everyone in the whole damn building.
He found himself getting more bored by the minute. That is, until his favorite song, “Pennsylvania 6-5000” Started to erupt through the room played by the lovely band.
He got up almost immediately, as if there was some magnetic force pulling him to the dance floor. Maybe it was the same force that pulled him to you on that sunny day two weeks ago.
As R.V. descended to the dance floor, he quickly noticed a familiar figure in a striking red dress across the room. His heart started to pick up speed almost immediately and he could feel his stomach jump with excitement. All he could see in that moment was you as your gaze met him in the crowd. He didn’t expect to see you here, but it changed his night almost instantaneously. You were by yourself, watching the groups of dancers in joy and swaying your body along softly with the music. He felt such a relief knowing that you were here. This was his chance to talk to you formally one-on-one and apologize for what had happened two weeks ago.
The feeling in his chest started to quicken much more when he took in detail of your dress’s design, and he would be lying if he said that looking at you in such a magnificent dress didn’t leave him a little breathless. Like the previous encounter between you two before, he didn’t waste his time making his way towards you. That is until R.V. saw him.
Him as in the guy who brought you a glass of lemonade with your coat draped over his arm, the guy who whispered something in your ear that made you giggle. He stopped his way to you abruptly. Making him accidentally displace a young couple who was dancing with quick speed. “Watch it, pal!” He heard the guy he bumped into say sharply. R.V. had heard him, but everything had started to sound distant. He looked over at you with his jaw clenched in an attempt to hide his emotions, but his eyes told no lie.
The look he gave to you was forlorn. It all made sense to him now, when you had been short with him that day. It was all because you had someone else the entire time. That feeling in his chest turned from good to sour. He needed to get away for a second, the feeling of fresh air was now becoming a need for him.
He quickly moved his way off of the dance floor and charged toward the big entry doors. Once he felt the outside air hit his face he felt relieved. R.V. hadn’t realized how much you really meant to him until he saw you swept away by someone else. He looked around and finally settled for a seat on the outside steps.
It was now dark out, and no one was outside at this point. Just him, the parked cars, and the occasional chirp of a bird. Other than that he was completely alone with his thoughts. He had made his mind up then and there. He would excuse himself from the party with a “sick stomach” and just walk home. That seemed like the best thing to do at the moment.
He wasn’t up for dancing, getting drunk at the bar, or having to act like he cared about any of the stupid stuff this party provided. He sat up from the stairs and thought about leaving without saying a word for a second. Sure his parents would worry, but if anything he could handle himself. He walked down the stairs and planted his feet on the gravel. Other thoughts rushed through his head too. They were thoughts of you, like how he felt when he heard your sweet laugh after so long, or that one time in junior high when you gave him the last answer on a science test he hadn’t studied for, even with the chance that you would have gotten in trouble too. The sound of your voice whenever you spoke, and those gentle eyes of yours…
He was now contemplating back and forth. All of these thoughts of you suddenly came rushing through his head and swamped him with the realization that he can’t let you go. His mind had made a new decision now. Instead of going home, he was going to go back inside and just try to talk to you.
R.V. took a nice long breath, making sure to steady himself before walking back into the party. The laughter and music from inside started to get closer as he walked up the small stairs to the porch and took a couple big steps towards the door. But before he could make it inside, someone bumped into him hard, making him take a step back.
He looked up to quickly realize it was you. Time seemed to stand still at that moment. It was now silent. His eyes met yours once again. Locking and not letting go. No words were spoken, just the mutual look at one another. You stared at him for what felt like an eternity. Neither of you had begun to speak or move. It’s like everything stopped for a second. R.V. 's brain started to short circuit after staring into your eyes for so long. He didn’t want to break eye contact and waited for the right time to speak up, but before he even opened his mouth, you beat him to it.
“Hey, R.V.” You sounded almost surprised to see him, especially after the way he vanished moments ago. It was obvious, you could tell he was nervous. He didn’t reply, but was silent. Maybe it was because he was waiting for you to say something else, or he just couldn’t find the right words to say. You continued before giving him a chance to speak, just as he figured out what to say. “I saw that you were walking out and just wanted to tell you that you looked nice, I also want to apologize if I hurt your feelings the last time we spoke, I meant no harm.”
He looked at you with a deep guise on his face when you apologized. He stared at you while you said it. He found it hard to read the look on your face. He spoke up, “Please don’t apologize, I didn’t mean to trouble you and your friends, but please know that I did mean what I said.” He paused before taking a leap of faith. “You’re beautiful, y/n” He could see a dark crimson creep up on your face lightly. He didn’t feel the need to take back his words like last time. His compliment to you wasn’t forced or awkward, it was soft and warm, like a hug.
“Thank you, really” You said, breaking out into a small giggle, one that he adored most. He could feel the awkward tension ease after your laughter. He now felt the time was right to take yet another leap of faith tonight. “It’s alright if you don’t want to, knowin’ you have a date and all, but would you like to dance with me?” He felt his heart pound in his chest, almost worried it would break free out of his sweaty dress blues.
He hoped that you couldn’t hear the sound of his heart beating so quickly, he didn’t want you to feel his nervousness. “I would love to.” you looked up at him with a warm smile, one that made him feel at ease. His heart slowly pumped back to its original, calmer pace.
“Just a warning though, I'm not the best dancer.” You winced, thinking of the countless times you’ve danced before. He laughed at your expression before replying, “I'm not the best dancer either.” He could remember the first time he had ever danced with a girl. He tripped over his shoe strings and felt embarrassed the entire night.
He put his left hand out as an offering, which you gladly accepted. You and him stepped back into the big room hand-in-hand. He took the lead in front of you, making way towards the dance floor. He felt butterflies in his stomach when he realized how soft your hand was, so delicate and smooth. He felt excitement take over him when he realized that you and him were finally going to share this moment together.
You and him quickly made it onto the dance floor just in time for the band to start playing a tune that R.V. recognized almost immediately, the classic, “Undecided” by Chick Webb and Ella Fitzgerald. Now this is a song he could definitely dance to.
It seemed as if R.V. couldn’t hold back his feet any longer. He took you by the hand and spun you out, only for you to dance back to him in a twist, in tune with the lively beat of the music. Look at that! You were a natural! Your footwork mixed with his almost perfectly, like cinnamon and chocolate, while you and him danced around the room. A smile erupted from his face as he watched the nervousness melt off of your body. You moved your body around at a quick pace, looking back up at him with a smile. If he wasn’t in such a groove, he probably would have tripped over his feet and made a fool of himself. He watched you dance attentively, while also still making sure to keep up with you. If only Chris had been here to watch all of this.
R.V. clapped with you as the music stopped. It was the third song you and him danced to of the night. With all of the excess movement you and him both felt tired. Good thing the band was taking a break right when the third song ended. “You were being humble when you commented on your dancing earlier” R.V. said with a laugh.
It was true that you could swing like no other. He was mesmerized watching you move. He felt a knot in his stomach when he realized how close he was to you the entire time that you and him danced. “I could say the same for you! You’re one good dancer” You exchanged a giggle in return.
Both of you moved off of the dance floor and found a poseur table with two barstools, a perfect seat for you two after a long time of dancing. “I’ll go get us something to drink, want anything?” He said to you as you placed a seat on one of the barstools. He felt content being the one to offer you a drink instead of someone else. “Just a Coke please!” You replied to his question softly.
He made his way to the bar, and upon his arrival asked for two Colas, which was a shock to the bartender considering that he had drank only beers up until now. “Hiya son! Having fun? I saw you dancing with a pretty gal!” R.V.’s father popped up behind him, patting his shoulder. He chuckled at what his father said. “Pretty indeed. Where’s ma?” R.V. replied back as the bartender handed him two cold sodas.
“Oh you know her, talking to some friends of hers. I just wanted to check up on you and see how you were doing. Me and your mother might leave soon, we’ve had one heck of a night” His father said with a smile. R.V. smiled too. He could already see his mom 50 feet away talking with some of the other moms there, she always enjoyed chirping to her friends, even if it was about nothing at all. “What’s her name?” His pa said, not really giving R.V. a chance to say anything else, even though he probably wouldn’t have said much at all. “Y/n”, As R.V. said that, he looked towards you. You were looking around the room and swinging your legs on the stool. He thought you looked adorable. “She looks like a nice girl. You be good to her.” “I will” R.V. replied to his father, still holding the two sodas in his hand. “See ya, pa!” R.V. got up from his seat and progressed towards you carefully. Making sure not to drop your drink or his.
Once he got to the table he handed you your drink before sitting on the other stool. You and him sipped your drinks in silence for a moment. The band had finally picked back up, and as expected, more couples piled onto the dancefloor. It was later into the night so the band had slowed to more softer, slow paced music compared to before, but it was still more than enjoyable. “Where is he? Your date?” R.V. asked you, taking his straw and swirling it around his drink.
You looked up at him before speaking. “Oh, Arthur? I wasn’t really his date” You shook your head in explanation. “We’re friends. Him and I met during the war. He had no one else to bring and he thought I could use a change of scenery.” You explained to him. It sort of made sense to R.V. now. He waited to say something until he was sure she was finished talking. “He’s already spoken for. As you can see over there” You pointed your finger to Arthur. Who was at the moment slow dancing with a pretty blonde on his chest. “He needed some extra encouragement.” You laughed, waving at Arthur, who also gave a wave back. Ohhh. R.V. finally understood now, just friends. She was here to help him talk to the girl he was dancing with now. He scolded himself for thinking otherwise earlier, even though they seemed pretty exclusive moments before.
“Oh, that’s real’ nice of you. R.V. said, taking a big sip of his drink, feeling the carbonation sizzle down his throat. “Is that why you left earlier?” You said, looking at him with an accusatory smirk. He had now been caught. R.V. felt like you could read right through him. He didn’t have to explain himself, because you already knew. “No way.” He said sarcastically, still holding a playful manner in hopes of sparking up a conversation full of banter between you two. The night had started slow, but became swift in the end. You and him, dancing, talking and laughing together, it felt perfect.
The moment felt right, so you spoke up. “R.V., do you maybe want to walk me home? It’s getting awful late and I would love to talk with you more.” You looked at him waiting for an answer. “Of course.” He replied with a toothy grin. You and him both finished your drinks and said goodbyes to the company that brought you and him here. “Pa, I’m walking my gal home. I’ll see you at the house” R.V. said to his Father who was most likely about to leave himself. “Alright, kiddo. You two be safe!”
His father smiled at you and R.V. before going back to his conversation with R.V.’s mother. He took your hand, making you feel butterflies when he did, and led you out of the big ballroom with him.
It was quiet outside other than the sound of crickets chirping and cars buzzing as they left the huge building. “My house isn’t far. I live practically next door.” You said walking down the steps with him. You and R.V. were now side by side, with your arm wrapped around his. “Really? I bet you got a pretty view from your place then.” R.V replied back with a chuckle. He could only imagine how the nice pastures out here looked from your home. “Well not really my house, it’s my parents. I used to come out here when I was a little girl, walk my way through the fields to the abandoned vineyard. I danced on the creaky wooden floors and dreamed of having a party here, in real life.” He could imagine, younger you dancing lively in the big building, behind you and him. “Well you got your dream tonight, didn’t you?” He turned his head to you to give you a big grin. You and him had now made it out of the gravel area and towards the fields, away from the old road. “I did. Thank you for having such a fun time with me.” You spoke softly. R.V. could hear the sleepiness in your voice. He would be lying if he said he didn’t feel a little tired himself. Before he knew it your head was tilted on his shoulder, taking refuge in the comforting warmth. It was quiet for a moment. Not an awkward silence, but a calm one. Neither of you felt the need to talk, just listening to the breath of one another was just as fine. “How’d you meet Arthur?” R.V. was the first one to break the silence, the random question had suddenly popped up into his head and made him wonder. “I met him at the hospital I volunteered at. He was injured badly during Pearl Harbor.” You continued, “ He was hospitalized for months and months, First at the Naval Hospital in Hawaii, and then sent to Houston. He had severe burns all over his body. When I first volunteered, I didn’t know what I was doing half the time, I was overwhelmed to say the least. He was always nice to me, like a big brother. He had already been there for so long, it seemed like he knew more than I did.” You exhaled when you finished. R.V. cleared his throat before speaking. “Oh…” R.V. trailed off, “that must have been real hard for him.” He grimaced to himself when he thought of how bad some of the burns must have been. He had witnessed it before, with some of his friends, he wouldn’t wish that type of pain on anyone. “It was. But he made it out alright after all. And now he’s dancing with a girl he could only dream of.” The way you said it, in such a positive way, gave him hope. Hope for lots of new beginnings, a fresh start. That the things he saw or did, couldn’t define him anymore. He wasn’t in the Pacific. He was home, with you, and he sensed that this was the best he had felt in forever. As you and him were talking, neither of you noticed how close your house was, finally in clear view, maybe 50 yards away. “R.V. Can I ask you a question?” You took your head off of his shoulder, only to look up at him. “How do you feel, after coming home?” R.V. thought about it for a moment. He hadn’t really had anyone ask him a question like that. He wasn’t sure what to say, so he gave a comical answer. “Better, now that I'm sleeping on a soft bed.” He said with a beam on his face. Once he gave his answer, you and him had both finally made it to your house. To R.V. It looked like a warm place. A cozy home that made you feel relaxed whenever you spent time in it. “Well, I guess this is it. Thank you for walking me home. “You said, taking him up the steps of your porch. He was now facing you with your hands holding his. R.V. didn’t want this night to end between you two. He wanted to keep talking to you. To ask you more questions, but he could tell you were already so tired, so he kept it short, “When will I be able to see you again?”
You gave him a grin that showed your teeth. “Soon, hopefully.” It was just you and him now, again facing one another in complete silence. It seemed like R.V. ran out of words, and all he could do was look at those soft lips of yours, how nice they looked… R.V. brought his hands up to you, cupping your face. He wanted to kiss you so badly, but felt hesitance. “Can I?” He said in a soft whisper. “Yes”, you replied. If he hadn’t been listening, he wouldn’t have heard you. Before you knew it, you felt his lips melt into yours slowly. He felt goosebumps as he closed the gap between you two. He wanted to savor the moment with you as best as he could. When your lips parted his, his lips moved up to your forehead, giving you a soft kiss there. The gentle gesture made you visibly blush, which made his heart beat even fast. “Goodnight.” He said, retracting his hands from your face, and placing them by his side. “Goodnight” You replied quietly, before opening the door of your home, and walking inside. When he heard the door shut fully, he started to make his way down your steps in victory. He had one hell of a night. A night he wouldn’t forget, because it was a night brought him, you.
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Hope you enjoyed this again!! If you enjoyed, please like or reblog! 💗💗
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whatudottu · 9 months
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My first thought when i saw this: TFP Ben 10
Given how this 👇 is Ben's canonical car:
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You aren't too far off lmao (mostly on the colour at least).
You might not be particularly a fan of CNA from your sphere of headcanons, but considering that Ben can access another biomechanical species in the galvanic mechamorph, I'm sure there's enough of an Omnitrix work around to sample cybertronian data. Seeing as it's a Camaro you could probably have a TFP x Ben 10 crossover equivalent to TFA Waspinator maybe, a green Bumblebee (or a green hornet if you of/remember that) but it's Ben. Considering how the biomechanical Upgrade has a few biological translation issues to the point of not quite technically being a fully integrated transformation, maybe Ben would speak with his own voice like Upgrade does or maybe even through radio depending on how physically different cybertronians are to human anatomy.
I mean that specific line of thinking would only be possible if Ben snagged a sample of Bumblebee's CNA (or whatever you'd prefer) which could either be convoluted or unclimactic, though I guess if street racing in some part of the globe with a desert (aka somewhat nearby Bellwood which already exists cross universe between Ben 10 and Generator Rex) there could be some plot about his shenaniganery nearly running Team Ben off the road and messing with Kevin's own heavily modified yet fresh from 1979 Dodge Challenger to the irritation and anger of Kevin himself. Something something Bee got the attention of the wrong (mostly) humans(ish).
#ask#ben 10#transformers#tfp#maccadam#nukeli#i certainly rambled with this one- i can't recall if you know of ben 10 beyond just being a mutual dealing with my ben 10 posts#the mark 10 (the name for ben's car because it can't just be named ben's car or the doofus mobile)#came from the movie as a mazda rx-8 and was in the show modeled after the concept car acura dn-x#which a) both have x in them for roman numeral 10 and b) the acura is one letter away from dna lmao#anyway i'm a sucker for ben 10 crossovers- mostly the kind that introduces ben to more alien species#a plot like that may be too goofy for tfp wants to be even if it's ultra seriousness can lead to goofiness lmao#but hey given the historically present 'plot of the week' style of ben 10 in any series#it would be a fitting little minor story that ends up in a new transformation episode (or an unlock for later)#i only really put bumblebee on the spotlight here because ben 10 has a tendency to make transformations look like the sample#it's especially evident in the uaf artstyle but diamondhead and tetrax from os certainly don't differ much visually#if ben samples bee it's probably more like he samples his frametype and present alt mode#given his own alt he'd probably scan his own car lmao#and being a four wheeled grounder he can't sample any of the rustbuckets (the rvs AND the jet shaped space ship)#or his omniverse bike or the proto-truk#i think this post has a lot of rambling that reveals how much i like a transformers (in general) crossover with ben 10#i mean i'm already neck deep in cf8wrk4u-us' tfa x ben 10 crossover these thoughts aren't new#i guess you could say in a tfp setting this is before ua because of the whole fame thing#might be a little loud on alien activity if a large majority of sightings have been narrowed down to one shapeshifting person
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ferrouswheel11 · 4 months
I think the steve harrington stans ought to consider brenton thwaites’s dick grayson. yes because of the rv scene. the young-adult-with-teenaged-children dynamic. the big brown eyes, the moles, the fancy hair —
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giuliettacapeta · 7 months
jacob arrow is my most hated character and here is why!
of course there are worse people than jacob, like horatio, malcolm, etc. but they’re the villains and we get to arrest them, they’re portrayed as bad people, we have the joy of bringing them to justice. while jacob is incredibly immature, non professional, rude. the way he treated luke was never okay, he was totally disrespectful to priya, he forced gwen to work during case 18 and he fucking threatened to kill hope. and at the end? we are forced to accept him back to the team!!!!! and forgive him!!!!! like no omg he should’ve died in case 30 instead of arthur!!!!!! i am never ever forgiving jacob arrow, from the moment he got a teaser but hope didn’t, i knew he was going to be my biggest enemy!
OH OH and the way he STOLE case 20 from felix???? dmpo, felix should’ve been the partner for that case, who tf invited jacob??????
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bittwitchy · 2 months
cw anti st*ggy and st*cky joke:
its funny how much i hate st*ggy considering i also dont like st*cky romantically
#but funnily enough i AM a steve/sam and b*cky/sam girl#but thats the one poly i wont approve of#for me u do u friends#how many tags do i have to do before it no longer shows up in tags brw#bc the fandoms for both of those ships are vile#esp when u admit to preferring sam w both of them they just get plain r*cist sometimes#i know its 20 to stay out of the tags but#will 20 also stop the flaggings from picking it up bc i dont wanna do that either#i wanna make sure your tag blocks work yknow#wtf even is sam and b/uckys pairing name#like im a b/uckyn/at aka w/interwi/dow girlie as well and they have both#is it like… w/interfa/lcon????#why is b/uckys name first it should be sams#honestly that fandom is wild if you talk abt ships nnur ships arent the popular ones like#i woll dully admit i ship wild stuff too#not rly wild if m*rv*l cared enough to actually build the rels peoperly but like#as a comic reader im a st*ron fan and im forever mad at how they#royally fucked up sh/arons story just bc they wanted to fuck w h/ayley a/twell a known woman hater posing as a f/eminist#i do like st*ny but only when done right bc lbr… they couldnt even do theirn#friendship right enough to make cw actually impactful#and i dont understand why ‘literally was earning almost a billion per movie at the time even before they all were’ m*rv*l#chose to fuck w what cap 3 was to ‘compete w b/atman v s/uperman’ like#they had zero to worry abt ppl wont even pay attention to zacks films and pick apart anything to hate they can#ppl hate subtle storytelling which is how he storytells he hates shoving the plot in your face he wants you to overthink it#and they were launching the universe then like it was NEVER going to be a competition they just freaked tf out for no reason#losers#ima tag them now hopefully i dont end up int he tags if u have those antis blacklisted lmk if it works#anti steggy#anti stucky
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lovingsr · 1 year
hello, welcome to my blog! :) my pronouns are she/her, and i am a filo. i stan red velvet, but this blog is dedicated for seulrene! it’s my first time writing here, and i mostly write for fun. feel free to send in prompts if you have any, i can’t promise that i will be able to write them all. i also don’t have a posting schedule as i only write whenever i can.
with that being said, i will list down a few rules for those who are going to send in anonymous messages:
no nsfw! not that i’m uncomfortable with the topic, i just don’t write it.
i answer asks regardless of what order they come in so please be patient.
please be kind to others.
cishet men dni.
no reader x idol.
as mentioned before, it’s my first time writing here so i’m not sure what more to add in my rules, but that’s about it for now, likes and reblogs are also appreciated ♡ lastly, keep in mind that all of these are fictional! any similarities with other works are pure coincidence as i get my prompts mostly from the songs i listen to. do not post my works in any other platform whatsoever without permission, also applies to translating :)
masterlist + wip
— xoxo (06.22.23)
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ralofofriverwoods · 2 years
I love them :) they are the best ever actually
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No context or lore for this one, just the boys being gay
I promise the actual lore is next post lol
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thenarrativefoil · 6 months
it's that kinda dark at 5pm that has me lost and convinced i need to turn my whole life upside down
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widowshill · 7 months
B, D, J, K, M, T (doesn't have to be just DS if you don't want it to be!)
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
it feels like cheating to say any ships that came from rp because 90% of the time there's no way you'd consider them otherwise, but the one that stands out to me is willie and esme (ft. @retrograderesemblance) cherish them, would never have put them together on my own lol.
beyond that, and this doesn't really count for not ever considering it, but I was a w.illabeth disliker until this year, I read several persuasive defenses, and writing lizzie swayed me. so elizabeth herself changed my mind kinda.
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
ok listen. it's s.parrington. i get it intellectually and i see the vision but i just don't like it and i have tried for years it is just not. idk. can't do it.
J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr.
i hope this is dark shadows to all my treasured mutuals whom i single-handedly inundate with ds content all over their dashes. my answer would be e.lisabeth das musical or honestly like ? robespierre of french history kinda has a stan army on here.
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
ohhh who would i say for ds. maybe roger because he gets domesticated, and makes truly wild strides in his relationship with his son. ( go white boy break that patrilineal curse ). weirdly i also kinda wanna say joe is up there ? he has an interesting journey from Carolyn's Rejected Puppy All American Fish Boy to like ... helping vic investigate laura, being ang's chew toy, having a mental breakdown. and also deeply caring about david! maybe i just like it when people start caring about the kid.
elsewhere it's jimothy norrington. easy. character arc of all time.
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
not many people on this show because that's a death sentence but lowkey.. natalie dupres (josette's "spinster aunt") bc i think we would really get along. fancy french brunches with the gay aunt and we can talk shit about barnabas. even though she would bully me for my french, and rightfully so.
elsewhereeee hmm. alice k.ingsleigh would make a wonderful friend. sybil c.rawley. max b.lack sails.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? 
most of my headcanons about vicki tbh dan curtis can piss off. namely that girl has autism. she dislikes the task of setting her hair / sleeping on rollers and rarely feels like doing it, but her and carolyn will sometimes set hair for each other for some girl time. roger fencing and liz ice skating. i also know i'm right about specifically vic's and carolyn's music taste (monkees/mamas & the papas/paul revere & the raiders/herman's hermits, and jan&dean/the ventures/elvis/beach boys, respectively). vic is also added in the collins family history. david draws her in after she dies/disappears, and elizabeth has her formally added after she discovers his handiwork.
you can also pry my "elizabeth swann's burgundy dress was esme's" from my cold dead hands ! like. that's such an important one to me sdfgfd.
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ithinkabouttzu · 4 months
Hello! I love your writing and was wondering if you could do TP reunion headcanons? Like how they would be once you reunite after the war?
Have a nice day :)
The Pacific reunion with you after the war!
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genre: Romance; fluff
warnings: Crying, sad themes, reader is called beautiful, but reader is gn!
description: The pacific boys’ meeting with you (their s/o) for the first time after the war
a/n: Thank you for this request! I hope I got it right!! Enjoy my beloved!! 💗💗
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Eugene Sledge
• for him it’s a whole bunch of emotions when he sees you waiting for him at the train station
• he wants to cry, but also kinda just wants to laugh because of how happy he is to see you
•Looking at you out of the window, you look so beautiful. His chest pounds thinking at how lonely it must of been for you while he was gone
• When he finally gets off the train and makes his way to you, It’s like meeting you for the first time all over again.
• He’s nervous, because it’s been so long since he’s actually seen you, What if you don’t like him anymore? what if something happened while he was gone and you don’t see a future with him?
• All of those worries in his head immediately vanish when he succumbs to your warm embrace, it’s like time had never really passed at all.
• “I missed you, don’t ever want to leave you like that again”
Sidney Phillips:
• Wow, he can’t wait to kiss those soft lips of yours. When he sees you he’s ready to jump off the train while it’s still going because he just can’t wait any longer
• When he does get off, he’s running towards you, dropping all of his luggage as soon as he gets to you, and picking you and swinging you around with joy
• He causes quite a scene but it makes you overjoyed to know he missed you just as much. Seeing that bright smile on his face makes you almost forget how long you guys were apart.
• He’s honestly just so happy, you’re his home, someone he feels safe with, someone that’s always there for him when he needs you, he’s finally back with his person after so long
• He has so much to ask you once he’s set you down, some stuff that he couldn’t fit into letters, all he wants to do is get home and talk to you about everything and catch up fully.
• Oh, and except a million kisses from there and on the way home too
• “Oh honey, I missed you like crazy”
Robert Leckie
• Once he’s made his way home, said hello to his parents and put his luggage down, he’s immediately on his way to your place.
• He can’t wait to see you any longer, he’s not even sure what he’s gonna do when he sees you, all he can feel is excitement bubbling in his stomach
• When gets there, he stops, scared to knock, he’s nervous to see you in so long, before the door swings opens and it’s you who’s on the other side.
• Wow, you look amazing, that sweet smile on your face is everything to him, he suddenly feels self conscious under your gaze, his appearance changed with time.
• It’s silent, both of you are admiring one another like a breakable antique, afraid to touch but still in awe of each other. He can’t wait to say anything anymore, “You’re still as beautiful as before” He smiles at you, waiting for a reply.
• “You haven’t changed at bit either, i’ve missed you” You reply back, following it with a big hug, wrapping him up in your arms.
• “I almost forgot how amazing your hugs were”
Lew ‘Chuckler’ Juergens:
• He’s ecstatic to see you, a big smile is on his face and he couldn’t hide his excitement even if he wanted to.
• Similar to Sidney, he’s picking you up off the ground and spinning you around, but he’s also planting bunches of small kisses all over your face in joy. He knows exactly how to make you feel like the only person in the room.
• He doesn’t even know what to say, or what to think, other then an overwhelming amount of happiness inside of him, he’s just so happy to be with you, he feels complete again.
• When he sets you down he just looks at you in shock, you’re actually here with him, he never thought the day would come when he would get to hold you in his arms again
• “God, i’ve missed you, more than you’ll ever know”
• He’ll probably continue to kiss and hug on you for the rest of the week, not letting you out for his sight at all, with continuous confessions of his love for you.
• “I’ll spend my whole life loving you doll, I mean that.”
Merriell ‘Snafu’ Shelton:
• When gets off the train, he immediately makes his way to your home, he can’t wait any longer to see you, even if it’s later in the night.
• When he gets there and sees you he’s in shock, all he can you is hug you at the moment.
• He feels so many emotions at once, he’s lost so many people to the war, and you’re the first bit of warmth he’s felt in years, he doesn’t want to lose you, he can’t lose you.
• As he’s hugging you he snugs his face into your hair, breathing you in, he’s close to letting his tears fall but he holds them, he’s missed you so much.
• “You been gettin’ along alright without me?” He asks you, raising up from the kiss. You can tell he’s still a little nervous.
• “Barely” You whisper back softly, you can’t say anything more because his lips are connected to yours almost immediately.
• “Let me make up the lost time, dolly. Let me make it up to you. ”
John Basilone:
• Boy is he happy to see you, you’re still fine as ever to him, so good-looking it almost takes his breath away.
• He picks you up and kisses you passionately before you can even say welcome home.
• He’s just glad he’s back to you in one piece, he loves you so much and is so ready to enjoy some alone time with you. All he can do is kiss you over and over again
• “How are you, honey?” Is the first thing he says to you. His voice as smooth and deep as rich chocolate.
• “Good, and you?” “Better now that i’m here with you” He replies back with that familiar smirk on his face
• He can’t feel much more love then what he feels right now, he’s so excited and happy to be with you again, after so long he can finally say everything is back to normal.
• “I love you honey, I hope you always know that”
R.V. Burgin
• Just imagine the smile on the sweet boy’s face when he sees you for the first time in years, he’s so happy and joyous to be around you.
• He feels shy but also not really? It’s just because he hasn’t seen you since forever so it’s kinda all knew to him again, but he doesn’t make it awkward at all, he just reminds you how much he missed you.
• “You know, when it was rough at night out there, I thought of you and then I could finally get some sleep” He immediately starts telling you stories and more about the people he met
• But still he asks you how you are and if anything had changed while he was gone, “I’m glad you didn’t run off with some rich guy while I was gone” 😭
• He probably carries you bridal style in to your guys’ home together and if you guys weren’t already married then he would probably propose soon.
• In general he’s just so enlightened to see you, it just takes so much stress off of his chest.
• “I love you darling, forever and ever”
Wilbur ‘Runner’ Conley
• When he sees you waiting for him at the train stop his heart picks up so much speed and he feels like he could vomit.
• The waiting almost became unbearable for him, he’d have his luggage ready to set out to you
• When he does get to you he can’t hold back his emotions, he’s so happy all he can do it take you into a big bear hug and laugh
• “Long time no see, right, stranger?” He just looks at you with so much love in his eyes, he’s never felt better then when he’s with you
• He’s just ready for a future with you now, ready to take the next step with you and make you his partner forever
• “I missed you too much, I love you sweetheart.”
Bill ‘Hoosier’ Smith
• It’s like he falls in love with you all over again when he sees you waiting up for him.
• He turns so soft when he feels you in his arms, all he can do is hold you tightly in hopes that you won’t let go
• “I missed you a lot, I don’t ever want to feel that way again”
• He saves the tears for later when you guys are alone, but for now all he can do is kiss you over and over again.
• He’ll probably save a little gift for you to and give it to you then, like I said he really missed you.
• He’ll probably be super close to you for the rest of the day, trying to catch up and see how different it’s changed back home.
• “I love you so much, I promise i’ll never leave again”
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I loved this request!! If you enjoyed, make sure to like or reblog! <333
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kafka-ohdear · 7 months
are there still people who ship hamm with our beloved rv burgin here 🥹 i'm so lonely but still i love them too much it mentally pains me to see how few people actually notice them 🥹🥹
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kingoftieland · 1 year
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As much as I love LEGO, the family-friendly brand isn’t going to “break bad” anytime soon. That’s no problem though, as this off-brand model of the Krystal Ship is the most accurate one to date! 🚍
Constructed with 691 pieces, this replica of Walt and Jesse’s 1986 Fleetwood Bounder is a super fun build and even features a removable roof to showcase the RV as an elaborate mobile laboratory! ⚗️
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lordgolden · 1 year
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Hey babe <3 I know I asked for a Band of Brothers ship before (Dick Winters), but I didn't ask for a Pacific ship, so I thought I'd cover all my bases <3
About Me: – your gender/pronouns: Female, She/Her, but really sort of indifferent.
– your sexuality/gender preference: Also indifferent, but for the purposes of the ship, men.
– your main flaws and most defining traits:
My friend said it was my stubbornness, but my most defining traits based on her assessment are my hardworking behaviour, my hyper-independence, and my intelligence. I also like to think I have a pretty good sense of humour (wry/observant/playful) and am secretly quite giving and warm. For example, if someone does something for me, I'm old school and will usually write them a physical thank you note, or make them cookies.
I also am pretty solid at shooting down anyone who tries to go toe-to-toe with me, and I can usually read people pretty well. I easily cut off people who I mistrust or who think they're pulling one over me- I pretty much live by "If I cut you off, chances are you handed me the scissors." I don't sweat the small things and small slights. But if someone thinks because I don't sweat the small stuff they can walk all over me, they're sorely mistaken (I'm not a serial killer, I promise).
– your hobbies and pastimes: I like culture, so anything surrounding literature, history, architecture, you name it. I also like long walks in nature and sports/weight lifting (I used to play elite-level volleyball before my knees/ankles gave out (cause I'm old, wahay), but I like to just get outside in fresh air now and listen to music/make playlists on long walks. I like good coffee shops and places where it's just quiet and civilized.
•Optional: – your appearance: 6'0, athletic, just past shoulder-length ash brown hair with some face framing blonde highlights/money pieces. People say the prettiest part of my face are my eyes, which are pale green.
Some people who don't know me well see me as "aloof" or "intimidating"- probably just based on the fact that my Dad is Eastern European and I have natural RBF, but you get to know me, I'm sensitive and described at work as a "positive" person who's a "delight" to have around (their words in my quarterly review- not mine lol).
– your personality type (example: ENFP; Enneagram 7 or 7w6): I'm an INTJ , and an Enneagram 5. I forget what my wing "officially" is, but I feel Enneagram 5w6 is more fitting. I used to be more of the "philosopher" type in the past, but I feel life has forced me to bring practical solutions to the forefront.
I'm also a Virgo, but with a Leo Moon and a Leo Rising sign. Which basically means I like things organized and neat and plan ahead, but people assume I'm gregarious and probably more a "Leo" than I actually am. I can fake being an extrovert, while needing time on my own to decompress.
I've also always been between a Slytherin and a Ravenclaw. I like learning for my own sake, just like the only person I'd be in competition with is myself. I'm never the type of person to step over someone else in order to accomplish my own goals- I work hard and let my work speak for itself, and let others who might be jealous or try to take me down fail on their own merits. I'm not a game player and I think it's honestly petty and stupid when people are, because I'm a good judge of character and 99.9 percent of the time I can see through someone's behaviour.
– any pet peeves: People who mistake kindness for weakness, people who don't smile at people when they make the effort, people who don't respect basic manners. Basically, people who are unnecessarily cruel for no reason.
– your love language: I just took this- acts of service, followed by works of affirmation. But I'm going to be honest- my heart swells when even coworkers or someone who's a friend does something to take something off my plate, or pays me back in some way by getting me a coffee or tea. (I'm a cheap date, what can I say).
Anyhow, work your magic, sweetheart, and thanks again <3
Hi again @currahee :)) I would love to give you a TP ship! I hope you like this one :)
I ship you with:
R.V. Burgin from The Pacific!
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Ship theme song: The Woman in Me by Shania Twain
this man admires you sm and has the most respect for you <3
you have no idea
you are the love of his life
but also just like a really good role model in work and life
and Burgie really likes that in a person
for Burgie, work and family are of equal importance
so he completely understands your inner drive to do well at work
and he doesn't mind taking on more of the domestic side of life while you go out and conquer the world
the first time that you take down some sexist prick in an argument
you can bet that Burgie totally had a hard on haha
"I literally married the hottest, most smart lawyer lady in the world!!"
is what he's screaming in his head the whole time
he also just loves when you start unraveling y'all's kids' arguments
y'know lol once they get to that precocious little goblin-mode age
this man will literally make some popcorn and just sit at the dinner table and watch it happen
basically, anytime that you're using your intellect or being objective in an argument is when Burgie realizes that he's so in love with you
he's the kinda guy who memorizes your coffee order
and then goes home and makes it for you exactly to your liking the next day
he also loves taking you to scenic places to go hike around Texas
he would 100% agree with your co-workers:
you are a total delight and the most positive person he's ever met
and the most beautiful ;)
your pale green eyes captivated him the first time you met
I'm pretty sure that our sweet Burgie is also an INTJ :)
you're both pretty good at hiding behind your "extrovert mask"
but at the end of the day, you both enjoy just staying in and reading to each other on the couch
Burgie isn't much of a game player either tbh
his mama taught him from a very young age to be intentional in his actions
and he is very much intentional with you
Burgie's mama also taught him that "please" and "thank you" are the bare minimum
he's a Texas Gentleman after all!
Burgie is also an acts of service kinda guy
he's incredibly handy
so any kind of household item that needs repairing
he's your guy to do it
or car stuff
he's all over that
his heart swells 3x when you write him a sweet thank you note
or make him his favorite dessert
Burgie considers himself the luckiest lad in the world to have you!
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faemytho · 2 years
Happy borthday!
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