#also srry if the twins characterization feels Off theyre supposed to be 14 but like. shrugs idk i did my darndest
lunar-lair · 2 years
Ooo I’m always a sucker for soul eater au’s, even if they aren’t that common. tell us more abt Ingo’s no good v bad day?
VERRRRY EVIL LAUGHTER OHOHO..YOU WISH TO HEAR OF IT?! then i will gladly inform you omg <3 glad youre enjoying this madness lmao (throws formal writing at the floor and it shatters. this ones go crazy go stupid super-specific stuff im going feral. also its 3 am and i do what i want)
technically its. ingos no good very bad day(s) bc it happens TWICE bc ingo is Silly and has Trauma from Bullies!!!!
tldr: elesa scrapes emmet against ingo The Wrong Way, ingo gets Fucked Up, he doesnt tell her, she does it AGAIN before he heals properly, emmet says FUCK this and tells her, she cries a lot abt it, ingo feels bad but is glad it wont be happening again, and then later on ingo n emmet teach elesa how to do it The Right Way
too long read it anyways: beneath this read more!! This Is Gonna Get Long (by the way, warning up ahead! ingos side literally gets Shredded so a minor gore warning? its described vaguely but theres some creepy skin stuff)
later ill be copy pasting a Written Out section from my doc that i couldnt do justice to again but for now ill pull from my brain instead
the beginning of all of this happens when the trio are surrounded by madmen that are too powerful for them to subdue. theyre out of options, and emmet and ingo start thinkin'
back when they lived in aniville (did i mention they still come from aniville? and still like trains? anyways ive mentioned it now), they were often accosted by bullies. they were twins who were Autistic, in a Tiny Town, and then inevitably, known to be weapons as well. this brought them a Lot of negative attention (a lot of which ingo tried to keep emmet safe from). when they were surrounded, theyd scrape a rock against the other (or emmet against a rock more like, in his case) and like. yknow OW thats an AWFUL fucking sound Goodbye
at the time, they thought it would be simple for elesa to figure out. that she could scrape the two of them together, and do it right, and not hurt them.
they were 14, and they forgot elesa didnt know emmets blade like it was her own, or ingos blade like it was her own.
(she didnt even have a blade.)
so they tell her about it, and tell her to scrape emmet against ingo.
but shes panicking, and the easiest way to scrape emmet against ingo is back to side.
emmets back is sharp.
the noise is very, very loud. loud enough for them to escape. louder than it should be, emmet thinks.
his back hurts.
when he tries to reach out to ingos soul, he gets nothing.
nothing but a hiss of pain.
when emmet transforms but simply asks for ingo, and emmet says ingos simply tired when elesa asks, she doesnt think much of it. (only 14, new to this, doesnt know that staying in weapon form takes more energy than getting out of it.)
when ingo doesnt show for a while, and emmet says ingos just tired, elesa tries not to think much of it.
emmet is seething.
on the way home, he told ingo to tell her.
he hadnt transformed back. emmet couldnt carry him otherwise.
ingo refused. refused despite the roughness of his blade, refused despite the chips taken out of his metal.
two days later, when ingo had finally woken up again, emmet pleaded with him, asked him why he didnt want to tell her.
because she might get rid of us, he said simply. and his voice was quiet, and it wasnt right. because it saved us. because it was necessary.
over and over. every excuse.
he didnt want to give her any reason to throw them away.
they were already twin weapons, already a bit too mad.
he had taken the brunt of all the bullying, over the years, for emmets sake, but it had taken its toll.
he believed in emmets worth, wholeheartedly. he believed they were strong together.
he thought, just a little, that he was the weak link.
months later, once ingo had almost healed, once elesa had forgotten about the moment entirely, they were sent with drayden as their leader along with some other teams their age to group-tackle a mission to subdue a good lot of madmen, as a learning experience.
they got separated from their group. elesa grew desperate.
she stood behind her cover, and straightened up, and held ingo a little flatter.
emmet shouted, tried to stop her-
she scraped emmet against ingo, and the sound resonated back in her soul.
is that pain?
ingo cried out, and emmet shouted, and elesa was silently terrified as she ran.
what did she just do?
and now. presenting,,the section ive copy-pasted from my doc bc im not rewriting this its already decent
(uhhh. ok including some stuff mentioned above bc its good writingtm and if im copy pasting you all should see it. and maybe doctored to be better idk well see this post is hella more freeform than the others)
of course, elesa did not mean to hurt them.
of course, she still made the mistake of scraping them incorrectly.
of course, ingo is afraid to make her feel bad for it.
and of course, emmet does not give a single shit. (well, he gives enough to not mention it the first time, because ingo is hurt, and hes a little too worried to be angry at anyone.)
(besides, having your back scraped against anything doesnt feel the best either…especially when it means your blade is being dulled.)
what this all results in is emmets back being sore,
and ingos side being ripped to shreds.
it turns out raw, like a layer of skin or two has been ripped away, and a few spots where there are full chunks taken out of his side.
this reflects in a rougher surface on his blade, and few shreds of metal being torn out.
the roughness heals with time, as does the rawness on his side.
the chunks heal with time, as well, though scars are left behind.
the chunks taken out of the blade never go away. (because ingo never forgets. because ingo is admittedly terrified of the thought. because ingo hates that his brother hurt him, that elesa hurt him, that he couldnt tell her at first for fear of being blown off, or hated.
because the scars stay.)
so in the end, they dont mention it.
and in the end, a good 4 months later, once ingos wounds have healed (for the most part) and theyre in a similar situation, elesa goes to do the same thing.
emmet tries to stop her. ingo grits his teeth.
ingo cries out in pain, this time, and emmet cries out in turn, and elesa is alarmed, but still moves to get out of the area before enemies they cant handle find out they can handle them.
the moment theyve made their way to a far away forest, where the madmen (who barely have a mind of their own) surely cant find them, emmet is transforming back, and carefully snatching ingo out of her hands.
he carefully avoids the blade, instead working at her fingers to make her drop it so he can hold the hilt instead.
she stares blankly as emmet holds ingo close to himself, baring the edge elesa scraped emmet against. after a moment, his gaze turns a little darker, and he hides ingo beneath his coat.
Elesa opens and closes her mouth a few times. She's hurt him, she doesn't know how, but…"Is…is Ingo al-"
"No!" Emmet interrupts, voice louder than she'd ever heard it, frown baring teeth and gaze hard as stone. His voice was still monotone, but only almost. Anger leaked in, somehow, in a way she'd never heard.
She steps back, just a little.
"I…did I do something…?" She asks, voice weak, faltering under Emmet's stony gaze.
Emmet stares back, and she hears, faintly, Ingo pleading for Emmet not to yell at her, that she didn't mean to.
"You should not even be talking," he says quietly, and Ingo stops.
"...Emmet?" Elesa says again.
He takes a shaky breath in, and looks her in the eyes.
"What do you think happens when you scrape the sharp part of a blade against the blunt part of another?"
Her eyes widen.
Ingo…he'd screamed, earlier, hadn't he? And Emmet had yelled, too-
"I…" There's nothing she can really say. She reaches forward, just a little, and takes her hand back when Emmet steps backwards in response. "I…I'm so sorry…" She finally said, voice soft, eyes filled with tears. "I had no idea…"
Emmet paused.
Elesa finally started crying, drawing back, looking away.
She hated to cry in front of others. She'd told them that much, by now.
And much, much more.
She could be trusted, he thought.
Ingo muttered the same, still hurting, but conscious nonetheless.
"Can I…" Elesa started, pausing to sniffle. "Can I at least see what I've done?"
Emmet carefully pulled Ingo out from beneath his coat, holding out Ingo's injured side.
She sobbed.
Chunks of metal, taken out. A rougher surface, visible even to the untrained eye.
"Did this happen…"
Emmet nodded, frown softer now, but still a little angry. "Ingo forced me not to tell you." He paused. "I…I am not truly mad."
And she turned up to him, and blinked.
"It is not truly your fault. You did not know. I…I am mad you did not notice him hurting. And I am mad Ingo did not let me tell you." He pulled Ingo closer to him again. "Just please, do not do it again."
She nodded, over and over, falling to the ground.
Emmet kneeled to the ground with her.
Ingo muttered that he would be alright between them, voice quiet.
After a long while, Elesa crying and apologizing, Ingo asking her not to, Emmet simply sitting there, she looked up at Emmet.
"Are you alright?"
He smiled, but it was small. "My back is a little sore. Ingo is hurt far more."
She looked down to where Ingo had been set on the grass, injured edge face up. "Why is he still…?"
"He would be much harder to carry," Emmet said simply. "And he cannot walk. We learned that the hard way last time."
She turned away, and said quietly, "I can't believe I did that to you two twice. Without even noticing."
'It is alright,' Ingo spoke, quieter than he ever had been or ever would be. 'I am the one who chose not to tell you.'
"...can I hold him?" Elesa asked, knowing Emmet would care far more than Ingo would.
Emmet nodded, and Elesa carefully held him by the hilt, a hand supporting his uninjured side.
"I am so sorry," she said softly, yet again.
'You have promised not to do it again,' Ingo said softly, reaching out to her soul just a little, 'and that is enough for me.'
She laughed, a little broken. "I doubt it's enough for Emmet."
She looked up to him.
He looked away.
"I…I am still very angry."
"I used you to hurt him," she said simply. "I would be, too."
And he looked back.
"But you did not mean to. And Ingo kept it from you. And he is alright."
He set a hand on Elesa's, the one holding Ingo's hilt.
"I am still very angry," he said again, and his voice was still monotone, and his eyebrows were still furrowed, but his eyes were soft, and his frown was more worried than anything else. "But not expressly at you. You are forgiven. As long as you do not do it again."
She nodded, and kept nodding, and laughed, relieved. "Ok. Ok."
Soon enough, the team they'd been separated from (and who had heard the noise, scraping and loud but wrong, the weapons of them hearing the scream from another soul like theirs) found them, and soon enough, Elesa was forced forward to explain, having already given Ingo to Emmet to keep safe.
Emmet walked forward, showing the damage, as well as the remains of the last time showing through.
Their honorary uncle, teacher of the school, and demanded leader of the mission (he wasn't letting his boys go out there on their own if there were others going, too), Drayden, gave a gasp. "Are the wounds from that time also…?"
Elesa nodded, head tilted down, eyes hidden behind her hat.
Her hiccups were still audible.
"Elesa did not know," Emmet defended.
They all turned to him, including Elesa.
"I wanted to tell her, of course. But Ingo thought she'd think us weak."
'It saved us,' Ingo added, voice weak. 'If it was necessary…'
"You would do anything if it was necessary," Emmet snapped.
Ingo quieted.
"...sorry," Emmet muttered.
'I know.'
"I didn't know," Elesa said. "But I should've noticed he was hurt regardless."
Emmet and Drayden gave a laugh.
When she turned, the latter gave another chuckle. "That boy could hide a broken arm if he wanted to."
Her eyes widened when Emmet laughed again.
"He has."
Drayden spluttered a little at that one; everyone got a good laugh, at the least.
"She has promised not to do it again," Emmet added. "It is water under the bridge."
She gave a weak laugh. "Then why'd you make me explain?"
"Because you did it," Emmet said, smile a little cold, eyes closed. "And I am still a little angry at you and Ingo."
After a moment, Drayden held a hand out. "May I hold him?"
Emmet relinquished Ingo easily to the man.
Drayden held him just as carefully, one hand on the hilt and one under the unharmed side.
The other kids (this was supposed to be rather easy, but they all ended up retreating and leaving it to stronger teams) started whispering around them.
One said something like 'what a weak weapon'.
Elesa and Emmet turned to stare coldly.
Drayden frowned, disappointed.
She shied away.
Another muttered 'won't staying like that hurt him?' and Emmet flinched.
Drayden gave a sigh. "Ana has a point." A weapon himself, one who wielded himself without a meister, knew this well.
Emmet's hand flew to his mouth. "I…it's so easy for us these days, I almost forgot…"
Elesa turned to Drayden. "Is staying in his weapon form hurting him?"
Drayden hummed, worried and deep in his chest. "It's expending a lot of energy and focus…and probably isn't the best for his wound."
'...it will bleed if I transform…' Ingo said. His voice was shaky.
Emmet made a pained noise in the back of his throat.
"I'll be here to carry you," Drayden said, voice gentle, but sure.
After a long moment, Ingo transformed.
And once the light faded, he laid in Drayden's arms, already unconscious.
Emmet walked forward, and picked up Ingo's hand, dangling over the side of Drayden's hold. "He wasn't allowing himself to pass out so he wouldn't transform."
Drayden nodded.
Everyone went quiet. Elesa walked forward and put a reassuring hand on Emmet's shoulder.
Drayden finally turned, Emmet and Elesa turning with him. "We should get back to the school. He can be treated there."
Emmet never let go of Ingo's hand, and Elesa never let go of Emmet's shoulder.
Drayden made sure his hold was firm, that he carefully avoided touching Ingo's right side (luckily the one that was facing away from Drayden, since he was holding Ingo's uninjured side in the first place).
The school nurse was able to learn what had happened this time, Elesa accompanying Emmet and Ingo as well.
She got a bit of a chewing out-'be careful with the blades of your weapons, even when it comes to each other'-but it was more about being careful than being truly bad to her weapons.
Emmet kept insisting she didn't know.
Drayden affirmed it, having come with.
The nurse dropped it rather quickly, but still made sure Elesa knew to be careful.
Once she was gone, and it was just Drayden, Elesa, and Emmet, Elesa stared, with hollow eyes, at Ingo's unconscious form.
And she asked again, "How didn't I notice?"
Emmet gave a quiet laugh. "We are verrrry good at lying when we need to."
Ingo hadn't woken up by the time they left. (Emmet stayed, the nurse having given up trying to drive either of them away at this rate.)
After a 30 minute wait the next day, though, Ingo opened his eyes.
Elesa apologized, over and over and over, and Ingo simply smiled, tiny but real.
"It's not your fault," he said, again and again. "I kept it from you. You are an excellent meister. I could never blame you."
Years later, after a few too many run ins with situations where it would save them a lot of trouble, and with the knowledge that it could be done right, Ingo convinced Emmet to have them teach Elesa how to do it right.
Luckily, Drayden had gifted them replicas of their weapon form for their most recent birthday, on the grounds of 'never forgetting who they were'.
(The chips in Ingo's sword were built in, perfect replicas that they were.
He laughed when he first saw it.
They were like prizes now, reminders of Elesa's care for them, reminders that he still had his own mind, even as a weapon.
He had always taken the brunt of bullying for Emmet.
He had always wondered about his worth just a little more.
After all of that, he could be just a little more sure of it, instead.)
They were a perfect way to show her how it was done.
Once they'd figured it out themselves, they booked an open Saturday for all three, and set out to Elesa's apartment to invite her to the training ground in DWMA.
Their first lesson: side against side.
This was the hardest.
Emmet's side is rather small, and unless you know his blade very very well, it's hard to remember where it is without looking for quite a while.
Inevitably, though, she could do that.
The second lesson, and pleaded for by Emmet: for the love of Arceus, lower your pressure.
Part of what made both incidents so damaging was the sheer pressure Elesa used when pressing down.
This was the easiest part to get down.
The third, and final, lesson: be sure, but not hasty. If you stutter, it doesn't make the right noise. If you're too fast, though, you risk damaging the blades in the process.
After a few weeks, Elesa training in her own time, she asked to try again.
When they paused in return, she promised to be gentle at first, promised she knew what she was doing now.
They agreed.
She did it gently, at first, for the first 50 rounds.
On the 51st, she did it the way she had been.
An awful noise rang through the clearing.
Both weapons cheered, Ingo giving a loud 'Bravo!!'
Neither had been harmed.
After some more training, and once they weren't afraid of it, Emmet and Ingo got talking, once they'd gotten home.
The next time the three trained together, they asked Elesa to try again, saying they wanted to try something.
She simply shrugged and held her hands out for them as they transformed.
When she scraped Emmet against Ingo, the awful noise echoed throughout the clearing in a way it hadn't before, bouncing roughly off of her soul.
They apologized for that, admitting they didn't mean for it to affect her, as well; she just shook her head, saying she was used to the sound by now, asking them how they'd done it.
They transformed back, explaining the process of bouncing the sound between each other and out into other souls in the area.
She was very impressed.
Drayden was cheering them on for it within the hour, having been called over to see by his excited nephews (and honorary niece).
you have made it to the realm of non copy pasted stuff! i added the part where they train her how to do it right instead of writing that part again bc its 3 am and it was already good
okok. more fun non copy-paste stuff (that i discarded and had to rewrite UGHHHHH)
once ingo has healed and been sent home, and once drayden has the time, he comes over to visit.
He asks Emmet to leave the two of them alone (just for a small while, he promises, when the boy hesitates-caring as ever, the both of them, same as they've always been), and sits down on the twins' couch, ignoring the creak when he sits down (but revelling in the snort Ingo makes as he does).
And, after a moment, he asks Ingo to look at him, turning as he does.
Grey eyes stare up into his, focusing intently.
"If your meister dismisses you when you tell them they have harmed you," he begins, slow and methodic, words to live by being spoken, words to respect, "they should not be your meister. And if your fellow weapon dismisses you when you tell them you are harmed, they should not be your fellow weapon."
Grey eyes stare up back at him, glassy.
He pauses for a long moment.
These are words to let sink in, words to remember.
They are a lesson he learned the hard way, words he should've lived by.
There is more than one reason he now wields himself, this among the many.
They are words he taught himself, words he teaches many, whenever he has the chance.
Ingo nods, firm and sure, after a moment.
He recognizes that, that they are words to live by.
He figures he won't need them, with people like Emmet and Elesa around.
But they will stay safe in his heart regardless.
n e ways. its 3:50 am PASKSKD and i had to rewrite it so srry if it looks fucky ^^' however that's it for our midnight-4 am soul eater au post bonanza!! gn everybody lmao
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